EVA LOZADA FLORES University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
English Language Program L6-009 Urcuquí, Ecuador
EVA LOZADA FLORES University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
L6-009 Josephine Javens
January 1st, 2017 Urcuquí, Ecuador
TABLA DE CONTENIDO Front Cover--------------------------------------------------i Formal title page-------------------------------------------ii Portfolio Letter---------------------------------------------4
Class Essays Response Essay--------------------------------------6 Literary Analysis-------------------------------------11 Argumentation Essay-------------------------------15 Argumentation Essay-------------------------------19 Final Research Paper: -------------------------------------25
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: Persistence of Memory Style: Surrealism Year: 1931
Eva Lozada Yachay Tech University UrcuquĂ, Imbabura, Ecuador December 8, 2016
Dear Portfolio Reader, My name is Eva Lozada and I am 20 years old. Ambato, known as "City of flowers and fruits". Now, I'm in the fourth semester Common Core at Yachay Tech University. The degree that I've decided to study starting fifth semester is Chemistry. I'm at the end of level 6, the last of the Official English Program of Yachay Tech. Thank you for reading my English Language Portfolio.
This portfolio is a compendium of the hard work done during this level, and which shows progress, skills and abilities acquired during these months. In this way, the portfolio is composed by 4 documents: 3 essays and research paper. Research paper was designed and developed with the final purpose of establishing different points of view of different authors about the issue: the value of a university degree and their influence in the unemployment in Ecuador, in this way, readers can create critical thinking on it. My portfolio is a result of hard work made in this semester. Level 6 has been one of the most difficult semesters for me, because I have had many challenges or situations where I didn't feel comfortable, but I've been able to overcome much of the nerves that had at the beginning of semester, with which I have learned many techniques that will be very useful in my career. Now, I feel that the English is an important language because is used in the debates around the world, and for this reason, I feel very proud of advances that I have noticed in refutation of arguments. Josie, my teacher, has been a great mentor and inspired us to learn and participate in class. 4
I have always shown more strengths for writing than for speaking; for many years, parts of grammar have remained as a giant doubt, however, during this semester, I polished these deficiencies through quizzes and didactic presentations that my classmates have done in class. Also I have learned to use properly the standards APA, because I've never been sure how to quote sentences from the author. I have also developed skills in regards to the punctuation, grammatical connectors and modal verbs. I remember that, when we had the first presentation of this level, I felt extremely nervous, but I improved this problem in a gradual way. So, due to the learning of all the techniques learned during the semester, when I will carry out the end presentation I will have full confidence of make it of excellent way.
The environment of Yachay Tech is governed based on the language English, and the same thing happens around the world; for this reason, there is a clear evidence of the importance of English in our lives now and course in our future work. Thus, if a person not dominates the language English has not many opportunities to overcome. This way I can note that Level 6 has given me a very clear boost to my university degree in a world of labor competence. I plan to continue learning English by myself, I think the best way to improve the pronunciation and speech is listening to music in English and watch series or movies with the purpose of improve my English.
My sincere thanks again for reading my portfolio; I hope that you enjoy reading it as well as I enjoyed making it.
Sincerely, Eva Lozada F. 5
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: The Burning Giraffe Style: Surrealism Year: 1937 6
Response Essay “How language transformed humanity” by Mark Pagel
Eva Lozada
University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
October 3rd, 2016 Urcuquí, Ecuador
How language transformed humanity by Mark Pagel shows that language has evolved and has become a subversive power generating conflicts when knowledge expands, why? These conflicts occur because in many occasions language is used of way automatic and unconscious. For this reason, in many occasions people do not think in consequences that can generate a simple word. Most of the people not trying to meditate that the language is a powerful tool which can destabilize both the mind of the people and the stability of a country. Mark Pagel's claim that language have power is convincing, but ultimately generate a problem: the diversification of language set barriers to communication of the people.
The language can transform people's mind and humanity; every day we are surrounded by many opinions, which can be persuasive and over time can be reached to change our way of thinking in any field whether it's personal or professional. Language has both power that words could imprison us or even kill us if not the know use correctly. Thus, many countries have censored certain web sites in where people express their thoughts or feelings, while the authorities of most important countries of the world when speak or give interviews to media have a booklet of what is should say because a word could alter to all the population.
Humanity has been transformed by the accumulation of ideas that have generated a technological evolution. He visual theft is one of the most ancient technical of learning, is so until the day of today can learn observing, copying or imitating to other people to 8
improve. Since the beginning of humanity share ideas and collaborate with others has been one of the achievements for which our species has excelled. Working together has generated a greater amount of knowledge and wisdom. However, the theft visual generated problems when do not exists a formal base and information of the consequences of do plagiarism. Thus, the language solves this problem by this technological tool to improve the benefits of cooperation in order to have agreements or close deals.
The power of the language has created barriers, we usually see these barriers in academic, political, and social area. For example: when the NN. UU. tries to that all them countries arrive to an agreement in specific is very difficult, because there is a barrier that prevents that a same idea reaches of the same form to the public, by which is need of many people that translate these ideas; but if this barrier not existed, arrangements would be made easily.
The power of the language generate a diversification, for this reason we can see that exist thousands of languages in the world. Thus, it is difficult to take the decisions more important to level world. This has generated conflict in many cases, thinking about the idea of adopting a just language. However, this idea is controversial because most people think that the identity of every nation will be lost through the years. But it is important to take into account that existing languages generate a noticeable in decisionmaking barrier, as it is very difficult to reach agreements when the native language is not known, it is here where we can notice the power that has the language in the mass media, without which our species had not evolved.
The language is synonymous of power when observed that those countries more important of the world speak English, noticing that can exchange ideas of a way more fast and simple, already is in the field political, scientist u others. Books sacred as the Bible sacred show clear examples of the power of the language, this explains that from thousands of years back has existed that power, and that few words have destroyed buildings whole, what us leads to think that the power of the language this related with the power of thought.
Humanity has developed as the language acquired power, when a person represents a people in a meeting of different authorities, shows the power that the people granted him through language. While more know other languages, more near the knowledge can be. So if there were a single language barriers would be eliminated. The diversification of the language in many cases has been beneficial and other disastrous, but this has made that mankind development, because having a different language also think different.
REFERENCES Thompson, C. (2005). The power of languaje. Experience l!fe. Retrieved from
Pagel, M. (2011, August 3). How language transformed humanity. Retrieved from
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: Spider of the Evening Style: Surrealism Year: 1940
Literary Analysis THE LAST NIGHT OF THE WORLD by Ray Bradbury
Eva Lozada
University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
October 25th, 2016 Urcuquí, Ecuador
LITERARY ANALYSIS OF THE LAST NIGHT OF THE WORLD by Ray Bradbury In Ray Bradbury’s (1951)”The Last night of the World”, he tells the story with an interesting perspective about the death, or the last minutes of life that a person experiments in an announced end of the world. The theme is based in the real meaning of the life, think about correct actions that a person does during his lifetime. Ray Bradbury writes about the thoughts of the people in this moment, the chaotic moment. “I don’t know – I hadn’t thought” (1951), it is a clear example of the answers that people comment in any situation. Nevertheless, despair is the first idea that we have when family or friends start to talk about this topic. The conflict of feelings that many people have when we talk about the end of the world have a relation with the actions that we realize during the life.
The story starts with the question: “What would you do if you knew this was last night of the world?” (Bradbury, 1951, pp.1). After the husband talks about his dream and how many people have the same dream, he knows that his wife also have this dream. They are sure that children don’t know about the Last Night of the World, drink coffee, they aren’t desperate, they only want to go to bed, and they aren’t worried about this, they are quiet and have patience (Bradbury, 1951).
It is interesting how the plot shows people with peace because the first thinking that many people have is chaos. Also, the symbolism of the story is very strong, for example: “The sat a moment and then he poured more coffee” (Bradbury, 1951), the moment that they take to drink coffee, and also the coffee show the peaceful in this home because, they prefer to drink a coffee and sit to talk, when many people search for a place to pass the Last Night of the World.
The story presents many literary sources like imagery, for example: “He glanced in at the girls and their yellow hair shining in the bright lamplight, and lowered his voice” (Bradbury, 1951), show a little details in the story, this represent the author’s ideas that want to transmit to audience, because it is necessary that the public gets involved in the story. Other literary sources used by the author in the story are metaphor and irony, for example: “But just the closing of a book, let’s say” (Bradbury, 1951), show the life as a book, and at the end of the book, we looked the Last Night of the World, the same Last Night that we write all the nights of the life, because we don’t know when occur, the difference is that we don’t have the hope of wake up and write another page. On the other hand we can find the irony, because it is interesting to take into account the peaceful of all of the people of the story, when in this moment in the world only could imagine chaos and turbulence.
The analysis of the story show that the mood of the author when he wrote the story is peace and happy, because it shows one of the most chaotic days in the world like a simple day of the life: one more day. The conflict is based in the life with her husband 13
and show that they do not have problems during their marriage and how do not have problems to go to bed, and show peace. The point of view of the story is that pretend to be an example of what we do when occur the last night.
The story show the peaceful in the home of this family, because the actions realized during their lifes do not represent a problems in this moment, for this reason the conflict of feelings do not generate or promote to cry or do think that pretend realize during the life. This family all of the time know what is the real meaning of the life and for this reason they do not have problems and only stay in peace with themselves. REFERENCES Bradbury, R. (1951). The Last Night of the World.
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: Metamorphosis of Narcissus Style: Surrealism Year: 1937
Argumentative Essay The influence of technology in the development of the brain
Eva Lozada
University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
November 25th, 2016 Urcuquí, Ecuador
In the last 20 years, the most important tool in the different areas of science is the Internet. So, many people daily use these devices to search for information and increase their level of knowledge, because through computers or smartphones that have access to the Internet you can see millions of pages that contain high-quality information. Then, many people consider that technology has created machines that permit the reduction of the different difficult of life; but also this makes people dumber, because it reduce of those tasks are solve by technology(2016). The affirmation of the author have 2 perspectives to the different readers: YES/NO.
On the one hand technologies makes people dumber when they found the way to reduce steps in things that only needs a few small effort. On the other hand the technology is used to resolve big problems like accelerated the process in specific areas of science to improve tools of calculus, programation, and statistics, others. Also, Coopersmith claims that internet, computers and smartphones make people smarter when is used to create more efficient and productive tasks. So, “we outsource more skills to technological tools, like a movie- making app on a smartphone, that relieve us of the challenge of learning large amounts of technical knowledge”(2016). All of that show the benefits for society. “Blackboxing” is an important tool that explains how technology makes people smarter and dumber at the same time because into a machine exist knowledge in big scale, but normally when people buy a machine to have easy life. It’s important to notice that people that create circuits and devices and also makes the operations invisible to the user, have used the technology and knowledge in a better way, to improve, develop
and reduce the problems that many people have; for example, take a blood pressure measurement without investing time(Coopersmith, 2016).
Also, It is important to talk about specialized knowledge where in theory, everyone benefits, because exist more efficient and productive tasks. But, for example one reason the U.S won World War II is that scientist create guns and other devices to fight , killing millions of people; in this case for example I consider that technology make people dumber, because the authorities should talk for do not loss humans in this war. Then for this specific cases do not think in the damage that cause the technology when is used in a bad way. The smartness of people in this context, is use the technology to solve the real problems in the society, improve tools, learning new ways to develop the knowledge and applied in devices.
So, technology make people “individually dumber”, because only think in their life style and the purpose of technology is help to society in the most important problems that exist; and make people “collectively smarter”, because the technology is used to solve the problems of humanity. But it is important to repeat that technology used in a bad way is the clearer examples about technology make people dumber. Then, when technology permits improve the society we can show the smartness of people.
REFERENCES Coopersmith, J. (June 17, 2016). Is technology making us dumber or smarter? Yes. The Converst
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man 1943
Style: Surrealism Year: 1983
Interpretation Essay Interpretation of The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí
Eva Lozada Mishell Concha University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
December 9th, 2016 Urcuquí, Ecuador
Surrealism as known for his shocking images, shows in this painting that the mortal, consumable, substantially, ends when the time factor acts. “A surrealist painter, the Spanish Salvador Dali, is one of the most enigmatic artists of the twentieth century. The author known for his weird and outlandish style, Dali's most famous work of art is probably The Persistence of Memory (1931), often called just "Clocks" and widely regarded as a Surrealist masterpiece” (Shabi, 2013). “Probably in this time of Dali's life he read a book about how memory works and was fascinated by the concept so much that he decided to use it as one of the subjects when this idea suddenly occurred in his imagination” (Society, 2012). The picture shows psychological aspects that people carries in their subconscious: the concern by the time factor. The author uses elements of everyday life, but the lines and figures that used in the painting, show a non-real perspective. Surely, the clocks call the attention of the audience, because are bent out of shape and appearing to be in the act of melting away.
The clocks play an important role in the picture, shows the audience in an indirect way: the dreams (state of drowsiness). When you are in a dream you can’t control the events that you see or the time it takes, and for this reason the time (clocks) lose power, the power that exist in real life. “If Persistence of Memory depicts a dream state, the melting and distorted clocks symbolize the erratic passage of time that we experience while dreaming. In Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali illustrates how useless, irrelevant, and arbitrary normal concept of time is inside the dream state. The Surrealists laughed at most things middle-class society takes seriously, and that includes the importance we place on things like pocket watches that mark passage of time.” (Shabi, 2013). If you think in daily days during our lives, we will notice a pattern of busy and hurried lives, trying to control our dreams that are where surrealism enters the clocks
melting in time and mixing different contexts uncontrollable and perhaps meaningless in a real world.
On one side clocks represent that the time is traveling without a fixed course, in the majority of cases when we are in a drowsiness state. On the otherhand, ants located in the face of the clocks, symbolizes the insignificance of the time, because while people are aware of the cycle of the life, which makes them prone to falling into the factor time and see affected by watches; the ants not be aware of the reality, are not affected by them watches and his life does not collapse as human life. In the painting the ants and the clocks(the time) have a very important connection, this means that the effects of nature and the physical (material) things will not be affected by the course taken by our life, since if a person dies, material things will persist over time and life will continue, not it will stop.
The persistence of memory shows infertile place would be the expression that the audience sees in the painting, and not only by it vacuum of the place, but by the different comparisons that the author performs as put a fetus in borders of the beach, showing a place in where there was life, but now do not exists. Prenatal life plays an important role and also has a connection with the time. Also, if we put a little attention in the landscape, we will notice that the landscape is desolate; we could even say that it is an infertile place, without any life. The fetus abandoned on the beach with the melting clock, refers to the memory of the intrauterine life, and the trauma of birth. In this interpretation the melting clock located on the fetus evokes the feeling of timelessness of prenatal life. “Some art scholars notice the resemblance that this and other Salvador Dali landscapes have to his own beachfront hometown of Port Lligat. The possibly
autobiographical meaning of the painting's title Persistence of Memory could very well refer to Dali's own memory of his own childhood surroundings. An autobiographical reading could account for the abandoned and uninhabited quality of the landscape in the painting, not visited since Dali's childhood� (Shabi, 2013).
Many people on the first time do not understand the elements of the Salvador Dali’s picture when this analyzed separated, but all see more clear when the elements are connected, because you can understand the mind of the author.
REFERENCES Shabi, K. (29 de May de 2013). LEGOMENON. Obtenido de Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory: Meaning of the Melting Clocks: Society, A. (2012). Authentic Society. Obtenido de Meaning and interpretative analysis of a surrealist oil-painted artwork "The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali from
Author: Salvador DalĂ Title: The Swallow's Tail Style: Surrealism Year: 1983 25
Research Paper The value of a university degree and their influence in the unemployment in Ecuador.
Eva Lozada University of Investigation and Experimental Technology “YACHAY TECH”
December 05th, 2016 Urcuquí, Ecuador
One of the most controversial problems in Ecuador is to obtain a university degree due to economic factors, 3 of every 10 students have to leave their studies and thus fail to fulfill their dreams. Many people when they leave university in the middle of the career, have not the capacity of resolve certain problems, for example: designers, through tools of design as Adobe Illustrator can animate objects, but without this type of studies, the work performed is more simple and have less value, and it is enough to cover with high charges as President or Director in a specific Department of a company. It is necessary have a total knowledge of these tools, in the case of Adobe Illustrator, not only is necessary to know how use Adobe Illustrator superficially, also it is necessary to know this tool and many others related in a profound way, in which you can solve any problem of the community in an efficient way. Although, many people consider that obtain a university degree is a waste of time, when in fact, an analysis of unemployment realized by expert statisticians around the world, suggests that when students have finished high school, they need a university degree to decrease the unemployment rate in native country. So, university degree can evolve our society by helping us to get access to new opportunities to reach bigger things in a personal and social way.
The value of a university degree is related to the ease of obtaining the dream job. Many entrepreneurs claim that the skills of new graduates as their emotion with as to what they want to achieve in a few years are fundamental axes to enhance a company. You can notice at the end of the university career that students has more opportunities of get a work, because them graduates know many tools that companies seek to develop. This is something that anyone can see commonly, for example: programming tools advance 27
constantly, and newly graduates have easy access to use them, whereas people who are not in a university environment have obsolete tools that do not generate efficiency in work. This is one of the most common evidences, because education has a constant progress and recent graduates are people who can compete in a very simple way in the working world, but one of the biggest problems that newly graduates have presented is the level of experience required to enter to companies.
Furthermore, Smith illustrates with very precise and shocking statistics that the studies realized in the university is a part of a big box that called university degree, the most important part is that students have a spirit of leadership that normally reach at the end of their university studies(2015). If we realize a feedback to the author's words, we can see that her thinking is correct, because many people only work until the end of their degree but after, they do not exert their profession because they do not have a true spirit of leadership that allows them to innovate in the world. There, we can confirm that a university degree is related with the future dreams of people and not just with knowledge. Similarly, spirit of leadership has sense, not only at the time of getting a job after ended the university degree, but also when it comes to a rise at the company.
According to Catcheside the value of a university degree is important in the working world, however according to the author majority of young accept any work with such of win money, and they do not do what they prefer or passionate (2012). Despite it, it is true that with a university degree, students can obtain a good job, but sometimes is not the job of your dreams, however it is a great help to achieve the goals because it generates experience. For example, if a student of laws works in a Law Firm, this person
can learn to organize personnel, which is important because during the career there is not a subject that shows how to control a group; and for your own Law Firm in the future this is very important. The fact of getting a job in the area that you study is a big step to reach your dream job. However, it is important take into account that in this case in specific the spirit of leadership plays a very important role what concerns to personal growth and also when we want find the dream work. So, the absence of spirit of leadership leads to a period of monotony in which person complies with a simple life and forgets their expectations of life when started their university studies.
Analysis of unemployment realized by expert statisticians, suggests that students need a university degree to decrease the unemployment rate in native country. However, Jacquelyne Smith in her article claims that you don't need a college degree to get a highpaying job, rather it is showing skills in a specific area that will improve the company that will help you get a job (2015). In addition, she explains that because their youth young people can learn in a more easily through practice, leaving aside the years of theory that entails obtaining a university degree, so which would gain time in any company. In the same way, the author argues that they can play charges involving share new and fresh ideas to the current problems of society from a youth perspective, which is one of the fundamental ideals of a company, for this reason they claim that you don't need a university degree. In this way, we can see the two faces of the currency, on the one hand, people think that a university degree is a loss of time when could be gaining years of experience in the work, while others people ensure that is an opportunity of personal improvement with a successful future insured. People who claim this are using the anecdotal logical fallacy, because they are basing their arguments on the experiences of people who have not needed from a university degree to survive, for example the author 29
through the public opinion, considers that there are jobs where not needed theoretical knowledge for example: manage databases, there only need basic computer skills (Smith, 2015). But through the arguments discussed, this goes beyond, it has to do with the vision of life that people want to have in the near future.
Anyway, the study realized by expert statisticians showing that university degrees decrease unemployment is based in jobs of great impact for the society, in which is used tools of analysis provided by years of study, i.e. that is necessary know the theory, to solve a problem of it life real and not simply performing a mechanical procedure. Kim Catcheside says that a university degree goes beyond work for a company and infuse ideas; a university degree entails acquired leadership skills, i.e. generated a wide-ranging vision of the future, and that is what many entrepreneurs seek in recent graduates (2012). But, many people claim that the theory and innovative ideas is not necessary in the working world. Do you think young people really learn more easily through doing rather than learning theory? So, people that have successful entrepreneurs explain that a university degree it is important because you can applied your knowledge for improve your work, and while more knowledge you have, you can compete with other companies and generate employment and decreasing the unemployment rate in your hometown.
Therefore, knowing the different points of view of different authors, we can conclude that the value of a university degree to reduce unemployment in Ecuador is of great importance, because companies seek support staff with leadership and innovative ideas. Many authors agree with the idea that university degree provides tools to the graduates in order to be able to compete the working world. Thus, vacancies of high 30
category jobs are resolved by the recent graduates, because they have a spirit of leadership when they know that have a promising future in every area of knowledge in which they specialize. Then, the statistics presented in the body of the essay are correct, because many authors coincide that a university degree is important to lower the unemployment rate in the Ecuador, generate employment, and improve the lifestyle of the newly graduated.
-Catcheside, K. (2012, March 5). The benefits of a university educacion. Theguardian. Retrieved
-Smith, J. (2015, October 23). 35 High-Paying Jobs That Don’t Require a Bachelor’s Degree.
Retrieved from
- The benefits of a college degree. (2014, June 24). Retrieved from
- ANDES. (2016, July 15)Tasa de desempleo en Ecuador en junio de 2016 fue de 5,3% y se mantiene estadística. Agencia Pública de Noticias del Ecuador y Sudamérica. Retrieved