Winter 2016
Yachay Teach University English Language Program Teacher Mark Poese
My Portfolio Geanella Flores Yachay, Imbabura, Ecuador
Geanella Flores student
Dear Portfolio Reader,
My name is Geanella Flores, I am in the final level of the English Language Program of Yachay University. I am too much thankful for the time that you are spending to read my English Language Portfolio because this work is representing my best effort on this semester. Also, I would like to share with you about all my learnings during this final level. When I started this semester, I was nervous. For the reason that the last semester was too difficult especially for the essays. On this semester, I learned too much about different skills of writing and grammar, as a consequence, I could improve my writing. The time semester was too much useful because I need to learn well the English Language to continue and finish my career. Although I had good learnings about skills on the language I had personal experiences too. Most of these experiences were about group works, but some of them were bad experiences. The principal reason was that I had to collaborate with people who do not want to work together. However, the worst experience for me was about a work that got zero grade for all the plagiarism on the writing, as well as, the bad communication among partners. I feel too bad when happened this. This lesson does not only teach me about choice a good group but also visualize the group for the following work. As it is a universal truth that togetherness make the force.
Geanella Flores student
I think that some of these experiences were chaotic for the main reason that I do not want some results. I learned something more not only about English language but also about me and people who are around me. Which means that is not necessary that they should have the same ideas like you, but it important that have the same motivation of doing something. So, after this experience I do not like too much that this happens again; and the main learning is this teach me to be more responsible with me and my group. To finish, I would like to say that this letter is not considered as a task, due to I could express my feeling about this works. In spite of, I do not like too much write essays I will continue practicing my skills. I hope this portfolio is enjoying to you, and give you a small example of my experience on this semester.
Best, Geanella
y a s s E e s n o p Res
Running head: Less influence of language on the WT
Less Influence of Language on the Way of Thinking Geanella Flores YachayTech University
Author Note ELP L6-018 Winter 2016
Less influence of language on the WT Less Influence of Language on the Way of Thinking What does mean exactly "the way to think"? Does way can change depending on the language spoken? Or does culture, habits or perception can influence more that language? Many of this question are made all of the time for people. However, these inquiries were treated by Betty Birner in her article. It is based on the theory of Benjamin Lee Whorf who studied different languages and said that the world change depending on languages spoken. Her main object is to demonstrate that languages do not have an extreme influence in the way to think about things. So, this object is current because the way of thinking is influenced by more things than language. In the article "Does the language I speak influence the way I think?" edited by Betty Birner tell about the influence in the point of view of people is not just of language. She exposed it because she assumed that habits, culture, the meaning of words, and the way to feel present had a little more impact on thoughts of people than language. Many times habits and culture had more control on way to think as the society had rules or a way to tell something such as the case of people from North Queensland in Australia. They had a different language called Guugu Yimithirr; it uses words like north, south, east, and west instead of the front, back, left, and right to describe a place. In spite of this is related to language, the main idea is that this changing are teaching to children as their culture. Added point is the feelings or emotions that are received by our senses, and how people describe them. This means all objects around them shall have a label. As Birner explained with the example of the baby. When babies learn to recognized dogs, they used to call to any animal with four legs as a dog. She describes this situation as labeling a group of objects amidst the same characteristics, but in this situation the point of view of reality turned by the necessity of having a word to describe anything. The last point is about the meaning of a word. To
Less influence of language on the WT explain it, Birner takes the case of Eskimos; she says that they have a lot of words to refer to snow even though English speakers had a limited range of words. The example tells that many words can be not considered as a word for many languages, but this does not have a real impact on point of view. This is just used different words to refer to the same object. Hence, the languages do not have an extreme influence on the way people think about them surrounding. Still, this little power had importance to can communicate too well. A way of thinking is building for different influences such as culture, environment, and things did. As the author explains in one of her examples, a mindset is a continuous growing within culture and habits because these elements depend on geography. Considering, there are a lot of places on the world and each place have its identity that is transmitted to generation to next. On the other hand, the second example tells about the labeling. In this case, the author wanted to emphasize the necessity of people for getting knowing. By way of explanation is knowing means that people want to define something subsequently they can recognize them. Finally, the third example is interpreted as the existence of the word by Birner. The word especially can exist for a language and have a meaning or description, but the same word cannot have sense in another language. Consequently, these examples give a real support for the main idea of the author. Taking the different elements, the article had a clear purpose. This purpose was supported with all the contents as Birner gives to people many examples. Grouping all the elements the article was too efficient on its goal because it is easy to read and understand. Also, the evidence, present as examples, gives more credibility to this information. Organization as questions and answers further makes the article more interested. Thus, the article is performing by its intention.
Less influence of language on the WT Lastly, throughout her work the author’s attempts to establish the less influence of language on the way of thinking. Moreover, Birner analyses the relation among mindset with environment, culture, or situation. The analyses help people not only to know the influences on the mindset, but they ease people to communicate between them.
Less influence of language on the WT References The Linguistic Society of America. (n.d.). Does the language I speak influence the way think? Washinton, DC.
Literary Essay
Running head: The Two Stories
The Two Stories Geanella Flores YachayTech University
Author Note ELP L6-018 Winter 2016
The Two Stories
2 The Two Stories
Folktales make a different way to learn about night thing in life. In this case “Stone soup” and “the lottery” transmit good messages because they had a similar setting. Also the mood used by the authors make readers feel as a sweet story or an ugly story. The next paragraphs win tell about a summary of the stories and a contrast, on the moods and theme. So the following text is showing the importance of learning to think for ourselves. The folktales called “stone soup” is a great way to teach friendliness. This story speaks about three travelers who arrived in a town. They were asking for food at each house but no one wanted to help them. So, they decided to make their soup. They made a fire, and put a pound over the fire. While one person had been seeing them. That person asked them what they were doing; and they answered “a delicious stone soup”. The surprise of that person made the town’s people went to see them. While they were cooking; they ask for something like vegetables or salt, and most of the people gives it. Finally, everybody had helped the travelers with food, and take a delicious soup. The second story is about people and a town too, but they got in groups to kill one of them. This story is called “The Lottery”. In this story; one every in the town participated in the lottery each year. However that lottery was not to win a good prize but instead it was to die. To make the lottery, they had a black box with the names of each person. From the box they took a name, and whoever’s name was called had to stand up in the center of the central park while the rest of the people threw rocks. Both of the stories made the reader feel different. For the reason that “Stone Soup” is a happy story while “The Lottery” is a sad and confused story. The firs story speaks about values that are important to live by because it is not a completely imaginary situation, and the idea of helping makes feeling satisfactory and happy.
The Two Stories However, the second story talks about customs that are not too satisfactory for them. Fore theme, each story had a different way to teach its theme. As each folktale, these stories had a message for the readers. The first one gives the message of collaboration. That means that it was focused on helping to get better results. Inside of the second story were against. The principal theme of this story is that sometimes people make things just for custom, but they do not think about if that is good. Hence, these stories can be applied to a group of people, but they had a different theme. In conclusion, both stories have a strong message because both try to teach something. However, “The Lottery� makes the reader think about what they are doing, that means that anyone can see all the right things such as helping or bad thinks like not helping. For this reason, it is better to learn to think in spite of values.
Interpretation Essay
Running head: The Garden of Delights
The Garden of Earthly Delights Geanella Flores YachayTech University
Author Note ELP L6-018 Winter 2016
The Garden of Delights
The Garden of Earthly Delights One of Hieronymus Bosch's most famous paintings consists of four scenes depicting the gradual fall of man into sin. The triptych to be closed shows us the Creation and then inside reveal the Paradise, Imaginary Paradise, and Hell. Through all these images is illustrated how the man passes from enjoying earthly and physical pleasures to eternal suffering and total loss of control over what he once ruled. With this painting the author wants to convey to the viewer the fact that evil is always present, and that without the rational thought that humans possess, no one would be able to find salvation and forgiveness, so humans would not give in to their temptations ruining themselves. The Creation The first scene offered by this triptych is not made in vivid colors and striking like the other scenes, its predominance is warm gray and slightly pale white. The lack of color can represent the same creation, where a large globe is observed where the earth is beginning to form and a God observes the world and modifies it to his taste with a book in hand. The dark colors represent a cloud of storms and the light colors are hopes for this new world, in the formation of the world there is a balance between good and bad so that everything can work correctly. It is necessary to emphasize that in this scene humanity does not yet exist, so the world has not yet been mistreated by the man.
The Garden of Delights
The Paradise In this panel, the main scene we find in the foreground is the creation of Adam and Eve by God. In this scene, we can already see bright and vivid colors with a heavenly Eden landscape together with a lot of animals and plants of all kinds. Being the creation of humanity can be deduced that the human being is free from sin and everything is perfect, for that reason the existence of fantastic animals and total harmony. Despite all the perfection, there is an obscure pool from which all the evil comes out, and the inequity of the world begins. It is clear how the evil of the world is born of the very creation of the same, of the same nature and not of the creation of humans as such. In a central pink structure, you can see how an owl observes in a mysterious way everything that happens around it and how evil advances in its path. In these instances, man must resist the temptation to sin. The Imaginary Paradise In this scene chaos begins, the man begins to succumb to the temptations of the world and evils of all kinds. Something to denote is how the human being begins to lose control over the earthly world, by changing the size of human beings and the elements of nature, this is how the elements of
The Garden of Delights
nature begin to gain power. In the center of this panel, a great number of men mount all kinds of animals around beauties. It seems that they turn endlessly locked in their sin, they have yielded to the evil living of their passions. Throughout the garden of Eden, all sin is falling, observing how humans yield to their carnal desires and ambitions and express it in unnatural ways. In the background, you can see how human beings want to reach the status of God by climbing structures until they reach the heavens. The exuberant amount of animals and plants that are seen in this image represent chaotic and bestial life instead of a quiet and civilized life. The lack of order and self-control of the animal world has reached man ignoring the existence of a moral code among all. In this panel there is more evil than in any other, in the foreground, there are figures talking between them and remembering what was the Paradise in the previous panel; the artist seems to mean that despite living in between so much sin, man can still remember and repent to return to a virtuous life. Hell In this last panel we observe hell, it is not any kind of underworld, but hell in the same world, recreated in the Garden of Eden that in the hands of humanity has succumbed to sin. In this panel, the evil is clearly dominant and the dark colors fill all the painting. All the figures that before the man dominated now dominate over the human being. Instruments previously used for pleasure as musical instruments are now used for suffering and torture. In this hell are represented all the sins, the gluttons are eaten and
The Garden of Delights
defecated by terrible monsters, the greedy vomit coins in the same well where the gluttons are. The objects have taken extremely large sizes, you see how large ears are pierced by a large knife while crushing people who were blasphemous and lying. The animals torture naked humans who committed various sins under the name of the good. The things that humans so much coveted now torture them, oversized objects dwarf the man obsessed by earthly vices. The global image of this triptych is essential to understand the total meaning that the author wants to express. In Creation, we can observe the calm before the storm, where the viewer is in a safe place watching. In Paradise there is still a sense of calm, there are not so many objects that accumulate in the panel and is far from chaotic. In the Imaginary Paradise, there are too many details to be observed all, is the panel in which there are more objects, one above the other. As the details are observed the situation becomes uncomfortable to find all the unusual acts that are done between humans and animals. It is a scene of apparent happiness, where man is locked in an overwhelming routine where a man falls into sin. Finally, in Hell we can find individualized punishments in the foreground and the viewer takes his gaze to the darkest parts of this panel. There is no moment of innocence, all the details portray the punishment that man obtained for his sins without the option to repentance. The Garden of Delights takes the time to be admired and truly understood, revealing to viewers the thin line between happiness and sin.
The Garden of Delights
References Bosch H. (1500). The Garden of Earthly Delights.
Madrid, Spain. Hickson S. (2014). Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights. Khan Academy. The United States.
ate today;
h c r a e s e R l Fina y a s s E : t c e j Pro To-do list:
Running head: Impact of GE on Environment
Impact of Generation of Energy in the Environment Geanella Flores YachayTech University
Author Note ELP L6-018 Winter 2016
Impact of GE on Environment
2 Abstract
Energy is a vital part of humans. So on this essay, the idea is to talk about the different impacts that have the energy not only in the human life but also the environment, animals, and plants. This essay is describing the different ways to generate energy and how they are hurting the planet. Also, here is writing about the renewables energies and non-renewable energies and their combination to save the planet because people should not just agree with a kind of energy. Key words: renewable energies, technology, carbon dioxide, electricity.
Impact of GE on Environment Impact of Generation of Energy in the Environment The industrial revolution had an enormous effect on the world, especially on energy. Since they found the carbon as a material to generate energy; carbon was wronged by society to become a non-renewable energy. Actually, the carbon is used yet, but it has brought bad consequences for the environment. Thus, for people is necessary to invest in the new way to generate energy. The renewable energies are too called as the future of the world since many years ago, and the reason is many people tried to use all the energies around them. However, they did not have too much luck such as the case of windmills. This type of renewable energies was used to grinding grain, tanning, washing, create pigments for paint, pressing olives, and many other tasks. Additionally, the first windmill was built in Yorkshire-England at 1185. So, most people is focused on building renewable energy sources, but they shall be more focused on reducing the impact of actual and new renewable energies sources for the following reasons. First, all the electricity we use every day comes from Earth, not directly as electricity but we transform it to produce it. Some fossil sources are natural gas and coal, the problem with these sources is that they cannot be replaced, on the other hand, there are renewable sources and hence there are renewable energies. Renewable energies are energies that can be obtained from natural processes that are continually happening in a natural cycle and are always being renewed, in such a way that the cycle never ends. The key to a renewable energy is its source, which must be of natural origins such as rain, ocean power, water movement, geothermal sources, wind movement, biomass or the power of the sun. Renewable energies are a great source of efficiency compared to other types of non-renewable energies. In contrast, the production of carbon dioxide from an electric plant based on renewable sources is much smaller with respect to an electric plant based
Impact of GE on Environment on coal or natural gas. Therefore, renewable energy sources have almost zero emission production to global warming. The efficiency of renewable energy depends on the source of the same, there is renewable energy based on the wind, solar energy, geothermal energy, water energy and biomass, it can be said that the first 5 sources have a CO2 / kWh emission 1: 20 compared to coal-based energies. With regard to biomass, it has a wide range of emissions depending on its origin, whether sustainable or not. Renewable energies are as efficient and even more powerful than fossil fuel sources, but with a great advantage, to the point that if 80% of fossil fuel power plants are replaced by renewable energy plants, CO2 reductions would fall by 81% by 2050. The technical potential of renewable energies is much greater than any other, subject to technical and climatological limitations that are not the same for all, therefore, we would have at least two renewables in Continuous operation that would be the wind and solar working in a modular way, so that if you suffer a malfunction in one module the others will not be affected, this way we have at our disposal immense and inexhaustible sources of energy. Second, renewable energy has had a big published on benefits of them; but they have some against to nature. Although this could reduce the impact on global warming some of this disadvantages impact more to flora and fauna of the place where are situated this generator of energy. To talk about this disadvantages of each generator, they will be divided on impacts on flora and impacts of fauna. The impacts on flora can be several depending on power generation. A hydroelectric power does not have directs effects on vegetation, but this could apport to deforestation of a forest. Due to building a power need too much space; according to the Union of Concerned Scientists “The size of the reservoir created by a hydroelectric project can vary widely, depending largely on the size of the hydroelectric generators and the topography of the land. Hydroelectric plants in flat areas tend to require much more land than those in hilly areas or canyons
Impact of GE on Environment where deeper reservoirs can hold more volume of water in a smaller space.� Consequently, of this buildings many land space is destroyed by a large amount of water. These consequences come similar to solar power. This kind of power could become lands on desertic places, and the main reason is that to build this power, it is necessary a flat area. This means that this will not can use on mountains in spite of most of the trees died. Also, solar powers need the sunlight as plants too, but the using of them must give shade to soil. So this cause that most of the plants under the panel could not live to clean air. So this kind of powers not only becomes to desertic place but also they could increase greenhouses gasses. Alike this two powers people shall see the reality behind renewable energies. At least example, it is necessary to talk about biofuel. ‘Biomass resources will need more space than a country have’ (Mackay, 2012) This professor of Cambridge University made some calculus for his TEDx talk that calculus help him expect how many kilometers of land need for transport on a road, and he calculated that he need around eight kilometers of width for the same long of road. So, this will be not easy of getting because some countries do not have enough space for this plantations. Renewable energies, therefore, are a difficult way to get clean energy. By another hand, the impacts on the wildlife are large. Wildlife is costumed to be freedom of the jungle, but this powers limited animals to be far of the power. So, the main consequence is the reducing of wildlife. To clear this idea, some of the powers hurts animals because they evicted animals of their natural home. There are two evident cases that are the hydroelectric power and the biofuel power. Hydroelectric powers destroy the life of water for the reason than the reserve of them do not need animals inside of the reserve. As this case, biomass needs to be cultivated and cared for different animals than want to destroy it. Also, to could cultivate this biomass to many animals
Impact of GE on Environment will lose their place and will be obligated to move. So, most of the animals moved are more expose to dangers which can mean its extinction. At least, Renewable energies have become an industry that could develop or not a country. Well, some people say that this technology could save a planet of the global warming because they use free energy from the planet. Some benefits, also, most known are the reducing of carbon dioxide, the improving of environment and health, and the establish price for energy, but as I said in the last paragraph this technology has many strong consequences. Renewable energy technology needs more than a free source because this technology is based on stored energy. Storing energy, therefore, has more necessities such as the energy to store the energy from the renewable source and maintaining. Furth, the main point is the combination of different powers. The combination of different powers will be useful for the reason that this could decrease the effect of each power. For example, the consequences of solar power could reduce by two things like getting materials for solar panel more efficient to get the sunlight and place the panels enough separated to allow small plants grow. This power could be combined with hydroelectric powers because this power could be placed on mountains where this is more productive and less hurt with nature. As well as these two powers combined with the non-renewable power. The reason is that this could get generated enough energy to a country and the emissions of greenhouse gasses will reduce. Energy is essential for human life, but nature is vital too. Considering that nature is the big home for all the lived thing on the earth. Thus, the reducing of emissions of gasses is crucial to prolong the life. People should be more aware that all energy wasted is not just to pay more is to threaten with died of this world. Actually, it is a common knowledge that there are extremely quantities of carbon dioxide on air, but it is people’s mission to reduce this gas.
Impact of GE on Environment To sum up, energies have their history, but they have more consequences on the environment now. The generation of energy has come since the industrial revolution, and most of them want to development more. However, most of the developments have no reduced the impact of carbon dioxide on the planet. Although this evolution of technology is changing the way of obtaining energy the principal problem is solved yet. Maybe the problem should be solved partially by the union of different powers. For a healthy planet, people must get all the technology to reduce the effects that have the generation of energy because it is not important what kind of generator a country use. The principal idea is to get off this emission caused by them.
Impact of GE on Environment References Deign, J. (2014). Why energy storage is a dead-end industry. Retrieved from Estévez, R. (2015). Ecointeligencia. Retrieved from Las energías renovables tienen mucha historia: Lovins, A. (2012). A 40-year plan for energy . Retrieved from MacKay, D. (2012). A reality on renewables. Retrieved from Mena, A. (n.d.). La investigación y desarrollo de energías renovables en el Ecuador. Análisis crítico. Retrieved from Oviedo, J. (2015). History and Use of Renewable Energies. Retrieved from Sadoway, D. (2012). The missing link to renewable energy. Retrieved from Union of Conccerned Scientists. (2013, april 08). Union of Conccerned Scientists Sicience for a healty planet and safer world. Retrieved from Union of Concerned Scientists. (2013, march 05). Union of Concerned Scientists Science for a healty planet and safer world. Retrieved from
Impact of GE on Environment Union of Concerned Scientists. (2013, march 05). Union of Concerned Scientists Science for a healty planet and safer world. Retrieved from Union of Concerned Scientists. (n.d.). Union of Concerned Scientists Science for a healty planet and safer world. Retrieved from
Dear reader, I hope you have enjoyed as me. I am very thankful for your time. Sincerly, Geanella
Made by G. Flores