Hugo chancay digital portfolio

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Digital Portfolio

Desires, sometimes it is better if they do not come true

Hugo Chancay Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

Credits: Digital portfolio Hugo Chancay English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6 – 010 Teacher: Ercilia Delancer January 10th, 2017 Urcuquí, Imbabura, Ecuador

Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Exploration essay 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentative essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials 8. Thank you letter

Portfolio letter

Hugo Kenneth Chancay Ortega H2-5 Yachay Tech University UrcuquĂ­, Imbabura, Ecuador December 08, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader:

My name is Hugo Chancay. I truly have learned from my English class this semester at Yachay Tech. My digital portfolio is a compilation of all my work done during this semester. My portfolio consist of four essays and a final research project developed the last level of the English program. Thereby, it helped to be able to take all class in English here since fifth semester, in Yachay Tech University. As a student, I had many opportunities to improve my skills on English, especially in writing and speaking, which were my major problems since I started to learn at this university. I do not regret the time I had to dedicate to English because I did my best each time, and I learned something new in all the moments that involved my learning.

First of all, I started to learn English in school because it was mandatory in Ecuador. Thus, I attend to English classes each year until I finished high school without problems. However, because of English teachers were not prepared, my understanding on this language improved very little, creating an imbalance in my abilities. As consequence of this, my speaking and writing were committed, leaving as my only strength my reading. This is because, although I started at level four in this university, I was insecure if my skills were good enough. Even so, with the guide of my English teachers and Smite (an online game), I could overcome the majority of my weaknesses in English and I now am ready to show you my growth.

For me, my understanding of English is very important because the majority of knowledge is given in English. My teacher always corrected me when I used wrong words or had failures with tense, even when I talked in what I can say a mixture of English with

Spanish accent and my speaking was unclear. Right now, I am able to read scientific books with little difficulty, what has helped me when I need to study subjects like chemistry or biology. In addition, my listening is a valuable resource to attend to conferences given into the university and for my own self-learning. Not to mention, navigating on Internet and my understanding of English I could find a new world where I can improve myself every day to reach my goal to be an IT engineer.

At the beginning of the semester, I noticed that I had too many lacks about this language. I did not have any idea of how unclear my speaking was when I talked, especially in front of the public, due to the fact I was not used to making presentations in front of an audience. Now, it is easier for me because I should have done presentations, many times, explaining my points of view and teaching people why my topics are important. Thereby, each essay served me to improve my ability to get stronger points to support my ideas and to determine the best way to take advantage of the sources that I used.


Hugo Chancay

Response Essay


Is College Education All We Need? Hugo Chancay Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research


Is College Education All We Need?

Have you ever thought deeply what a college education means? Our society is telling us every time that a college degree should solve our lives but current, a college education does not show enough evidence to trust that this could be a fact. George Leef was born February 4, 1951; he is the Director of Research at the John W Pope Center for Higher Education policy. Leef holds a B.A. from Carroll College (Waukesha, Wis.) and a J.D. from Duke University School of Law. I believe college education does not allow students to develop in the labor area, so a college degree is no guarantee of future. If a labor market is saturated, college education is a waste of time, so college education generates debts and even it does not ensure human capital.

According to Leef (2013) college education is not an investment and we cannot recognize it as something beneficial. We are listening embellishments about what a college education is, and it give us a misconception about its importance. People usually spent a lot of money at college education and nobody will help them with this expenses. Thereby, a college degree could not ensure financial stability or to be successful in the labor life. The purpose of the article is to show a different point of view to know about cons of college education, waiting that people could not take an incorrect decision without understand all about factors that involve colleges. “More than a third of recent college graduates had coasted through without adding anything to their human capital� (Arum. R, Roksa J., 2011).


Firstly, Leef (2013) argues that young people want to study at college because they were told that it is the best investment but it information is unreliable and imprudent. Everything is subject to change and a college degree is not an exception. Jobs that are indispensable today could not be necessary in the future or maybe could be that there are too many people wanting to work in a specific job. Sometimes a person is studying a career with a labor market limit that has been overexploited; it stop him or her be enthusiastic in getting a job that matches his or her career (Leef, 2013). Then, there are only two options: be unemployed or work in some job that does not require academic preparation.

Secondly, Leef (2013) considers that there are many people getting debts to attend at college. Thus, they think that when they finish college there will be a reward waiting for them. Several people have problems when they finish college because there are loans and a college degree it is not enough to ensure a job, what in many cases do not cover college expenses made in the way. There are many unemployed or minimum wage employees in jobs like fast food restaurants or a store, and a person with this characteristic is destroying any opportunity for progress since they are tied to loans and his or her knowledge is useless.

Finnaly, Leef (2013) infers that college education should not improve the human capital of students, and this is because college education is not necessary. Attend to the college sometimes limit your creativity and your capacity of adaptability to get better


results and productivity when you get any job. College shows you steps to do your work fine, but it does not show you when something does not work as it should. Then, there is a big trouble and you could not know how to fix the problem by cause that college pretends to solve ideal troubles. When you get a job, your boss is only interesting in your development, your knowledge and understanding of your job (Leef, 2013).

Have a college education is only a step and there is always uncertainty when people talk about future. A college degree is not all to survive in the labor world, what means that nobody should trust when others say that college education is the best investment. And, if somebody join to college for this reason, he or she could be committing one of the worst mistake of his or her life. The author of the article showed us a portion of reality with reliable information to understand how it works and to take a good decision. Later these facts, I can conclude that a college education is unnecessary and everything depend on the person and his or her desire to self-improvement and creativity. If you show good results and productivity, it could be enough, that is the only thing that an employer wants from his or her employees.



Leef, G. (2013, June 12). Don´t Buy The Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment.





from Arum, R. and Roksa, J. (2011). Academically adrift. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Exploration Essay

Hugo Chancay L6-010 11/10/2016 Madness: A Way Without Return

What madness could do over people is incredible but when there is a man who can stand it madness while he continuous sane, it is at that time where we even cannot predict what will happen. Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who was focused particularly in his tales of mystery and macabre. Poe was an alcoholic and went to the army and, maybe it was what inspired him to create this kind of dark stories. Poe´s story, The Tell-Tale Heart shows how the mind of a mad man works while he was aware of himself from a first person perspective. The main characters of this story are the mad man and the old man. Poe reveals the narrator´s insanity, and it madness should be expresses in terms of how he tried to make everyone believe that he is not crazy.

First, the narrator was focused telling us that he is not a madman. He tries to show some points that a mad man would not do and he did but it only reveal his true intentions while his madness appears each time that he do it. According to the narrator: “A madman cannot plan as perfect as he did. During all that week I was as friendly to the old man as I could be, and warm, and loving.” (Poe, 1843). It hard intention only proves his determination for what others to think that he is fine, trying to take his own actions as normal as a simple event in the daily life. In fact, his obsession do not end here because actually he was trying to convince to himself about this illusion.

Secondly, the narrator was scared of the vulture eye; it evil eye was reflecting that madness that the narrator was hiding from himself. The old man´s vulture eye made the narrator feels angry, and it detonated an idea to destroy it feeling. In this short story, the narrator denoted how this vulture eye affected him; “when the old man looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up and down my back; even my blood became cold.” (Poe, 1843). The vulture eye brought with death, it eye created the decision of kill the old man into the mind of the narrator. Although the narrator liked the old man, this though governed his mind and he committed the murder in a cruel way. Nevertheless, the narrator forgot something so simple, even after that act so sadist, he was still a being human.

Finally, the narrator had a big trouble with the old man´s beating heart; he could not stand it because this beating resounded throughout his body. The narrator saw that he was very sensitive, in special his sense of hearing. The narrator said: “I could hear sounds I had never heard before. I heard sounds from heaven; and I sounds from hell.” (Poe, 1843). It demonstrate the madness in pure state of the narrator, and when he heard the old man´s beating heart anyone should notice the anger and fear remaining in his mind. As an example of how it affected him, he continued hearing that heart beating even when the old man was dead. Someone should think that this is consequence of his madness but for me it was his mirror, his conscious trying to recover him from that darkness called madness from where he had been swallowed.

A man plunged into madness is a perfect character to show what he can do and even what could happen, when he cannot distinguish what is correct or not. The narrator tried to convince he was not a mad man but his actions destroyed this argument, and it allows answer the question of why was he hiding it madness from himself and the reasons for what this short story be shown from the narrator´s perspective . Thoughts are powerful and here there is one of the best examples to understand why; the narrator´s feelings and his insanity made a scenario that even he could not expect before he took that fateful decision.


Poe, E. (1903). The Tell-Tale Heart. Retrieved October 11, 2016.

Interpretation Essay


The Persistence of Memory

Ascencio Lino Tanya Katiuska Chancay Ortega Hugo Kenneth Pilicita Guanochanga Luis Estalin

Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research


The Persistence of Memory “Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.” -Salvador Dalí. The Persistence of Memory was born in a world where the surrealism was opening its own road. Also known as 'Soft Watches', this painting is a famous masterpiece created in 1931 by the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí. It has only 24.1 by 33cm; and currently it is in the MoMA, Museum of Modern Art, of New York. Dalí expressed his personality through his art. In fact, The Persistence of Memory is one of the most controversial works of art because of the surrealist style used by Dalí. This is visible in three ways: The way the author related the surrealism to all areas of his life, an evident influence of Sigmund Freud in the method of paranoiac-critical that Dalí used, and symbolism behind this painting about time and space influenced by Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Salvador Dalí is the most recognized representative of European surrealism born on May 11, 1904, in Figueres, Spain. He was extraordinary precocious artist; he would entered the world of to the world of painting Impressionism with only 12 years. Then he said “I will be a genius, and the world will admire me. I may be despised and misunderstood, but I’ll be a genius...” (C Jutge, 2005). In 1929, he meets Gala, his wife and muse; then painted his most important works where develops his obsessions: sex, soft and putrid state of matter. This works were: The Great Masturbator, The Enigma of Desire and The Persistence of Memory. Some art critics say The Persistence of Memory depicts a dream state, where "the distorted clocks don't have any power in the dream world and are melting away because of


that."(Shabi, 2013). Another peculiar detail is the way Dali uses light to communicate ideas. Dalí reflected his own life and thoughts in The Persistence of Memory as part of the surrealism. Dalí´s autobiographical material and childhood memories represent many times as ready interpreted symbolism that he used in his paintings to give to them a deeper meaning. In this case, his obsession about death, decomposition, and decay permeate enhances his closeness to psychoanalytic theories, and mixing it with his extravagant personality, he made his masterpiece: The persistence of memory (The Art Story, n.d.). Because of the understanding about the human mind Dalí was ready to release to the world his own soul in his paintings, in special in his masterpiece. Even, the name of his masterpiece was only sarcasm from Dalí to give to it painting a darker meaning, and it painting gave him the privilege of being recognized around the world. In addition, Dalí was the pioneer of the paranoid-critical method to represent his way of perceiving reality. It method have a huge influence of Freud's psychoanalysis, who developed in deeply the unconscious world what it is easily denoted in The persistence of memory. The whole ambition in the pictorial domain of Dalí is to materialize the images of his concrete irrationality with the most imperialist fury of precision (Dali, Salvador, and David Gascoyne, 1935). According to Martin Ries (2008), the deep perspective in this picture suggests time past, with the viewer deserted and lost in infinity. Thereby, this picture makes overcome the subconscious of viewers questioning what reality is, achieving countless interpretations for each one. For example, the time is the key to establish a relationship between the real


world and the irrational world through of the symbolic language of the subconscious, and it has been achieved as consequence of the paranoid-critical method.

Finally, the theory of the relativity of Einstein was a new form to see the world for Dali. The painting has a deep relationship with this theory because there is a constant symbolism on soft and melting watches in the painting. “The soft clocks are an unconscious symbol of the relativity of the time and of the space, that is to say, a surrealist meditation on the collapse of our concept of an established cosmic order.” (Ades, 1974). The theory of relativity states that there is no time that has universal validity. In this way, each of these three soft clocks indicates a different hour, between 6 and 7 o'clock in the afternoon, insinuating the relativity of the concept time. In addition, the clocks, such as memory, as his memory, is have softened by the passage of the time. Thus, everything is ephemeral and fleeting except the landscape and rocks of the cliff.

In conclusion, The Persistence of Memory is a very controversial painting due to various aspects such as the obsessions pursuing to Dalí because he reproduce his life and the way in which he perceives the life in his art. Another point taken is the influence of Sigmund Freud in the paranoiac-critical method; that makes to spectators overcome and explore their subconscious. The last point is that Dali has a perspective different about the time that agrees to the theory of the relativity, which says that the time not is a measure universal. Based on all those points before mentioned it is possible to have several interpretations from the painting. In this way, interpretation is relative by the landscape, the method paranoiac-critical, the perception of the reality, the step of the time and the immortality. Surely what Dali


wanted is that each one did his own interpretation according to his experiences and obsessions of his world inside through shapes and silhouettes unimaginable and with an informative content unmatched in The Persistence of Memory.



Ades, D. (1974). Dada and surrealism. London: Thames and Hudson. Retrieved .


Jutge, C. (2005) Portrait of the adolescent artist. El Punt. Retrieved from

Ries, M. (2008, October 8). Salvador DalĂ­, Paranoia and Dissolution of Time. Retrieved November 13, 2016, from

Salvador DalĂ­ Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2016, from

Shabi, K. (2013) Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory: Meaning of the Melting Clocks. Retrieved from memory-melting-clocks-meaning.html

Argumentative Essay

Hugo Chancay December 1st, 2016 L6-010

Drugs and Freedom If prohibition does not work, what else can be done? Americans were against whatever psychoactive substance since San Francisco´s antiopium law in 1875, although the real war on drugs began with Richard Nixon. The war on drugs began only like a weapon to justify discrimination on hippies and blacks. Drugs are not the problem. If people do drugs with responsibility, it would be fine because most of hate and fear about drug derives from their prohibition (Baum, 2016). Drugs should be legalized in order to remove the collective fear about them, to create a drug regulation on people and, governments should use it to get benefits.

People´s fear about drugs is in the wrong way. The violence overdoses and criminality is created by the prohibition on drugs. This problem came from society and it is a something that involves everyone. Fear and hate are represented as discord and criminalization on others, Mencken referred to this saying: “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy” (Baum, 2016). In fact, with enough information about drugs and people feeling empathy on others is what society needs to pass to a new phase of dialogue and peace, and the first step to commit it is legalize all drugs.

Legalizing all drugs does not mean that everyone is going to be an addict. In Portugal, the problem of drug use declined after decriminalization drugs, from 7,6 to 6,8 per 1000 people. Therefore, it is known that in countries where drugs are criminalized, the percent of addicts is increasing, as an example: Italy (Baum, 2016). Then, this information should be useful to make people understand the importance of legalizing drugs, putting the citizens overall and making a new law to control it.

Human beings tend to be forced to think as the majority thinks and in case like this, collective thinking is does not allow the mutual understanding without discrimination.

Governments could get a monopoly over drugs to get benefits and end with waste of money combating its commercialization. Governments monopolizing drugs would be the least expensive and most flexible way to legalize them in an easy way, and it would protect public health since they should control all the drug traffic and its origin. Actually, if governments approach it, they can get more money from taxes and control of how drugs are used, to care citizens. In addition, the black market will lose power due to people could get drugs from a legal system (Baum, 2016).

In conclusion, legalization of drugs carry many benefits for citizens; even it could save money for governments. If it is implemented, people should not discriminate others without reason, there will be laws about the use of drug, and governments should improve their incomes and adversely affect the illegal market at the same time.


Baum, D. (2016). Legalize it all. Harper´s Magazine.

Final Research Project Essay



Euthanasia: From Despair of Suffering to Freedom and Dignity Chancay Hugo Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research


Abstract The euthanasia and its issues have been a taboo topic in the whole world; this is because everyone must know its pros and cons. Legalization of euthanasia has been hardly taken into account due to its nature and consequences. Euthanasia practically means a mercy killing, then, different arguments are exposed from different point of views. Thereby, the debate of if this should be properly implemented or should be rejected because it is an abomination against life itself continues. This essay examines some points about euthanasia, explains its importance and shows the reality of terminally ill people.

Key words: taboo, killing, life, terminally ill people


Euthanasia: From Despair of Suffering to Freedom and Dignity “Voluntary euthanasia occurs only when, a person is suffering from an incurable and painful. In these circumstances one cannot say that to choose to die quickly is obviously irrational.” (Singer Peter). According to the Cambridge Dictionary (n.d.), euthanasia means: “the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer anymore”. People with terminal diseases do not have options when doctors and science itself abandon them. In the majority of cases, the wait is a painful experience that ends in an inevitable loss of a human being. Euthanasia is only legal in five countries and in few states of United States. Euthanasia should be allowed because it could become in an alternative way for terminally ill people to end a battle where nothing beneficial is going to happen. For this, we should respect other people’s wishes to end their lives; terminally ill people should break free from their suffering and poor quality of life, and spare their relatives medical expenses and unnecessary emotional suffering. Firstly, terminally ill people have autonomy to decide over their own lives. The right to die emphasizes the terminally ill people´s liberty to make a choice where he or she is trying to preserve his or her dignity (Cohen-Almagor, 2014). According to Inmanuel Kant (1785), the respect for someone else is to recognize him or her as an autonomous human being in accordance with moral rules. Those who cannot appreciate life or happiness because of his or her terminal disease, must be able to choose when to die and to get a worthy death. When there is not hope about finding a cure, the wish to be in peace is more


powerful and, death is the best solution. Then, euthanasia is the alternative to respect the desires of those people when their life no longer have meaning. Nevertheless, allowing euthanasia could means violation of human equality. Euthanasia interfere with human dignity and equality because freedom to choose who is qualified to die because his/her illness would create human beings without feelings that should disrupt rules that allows society development (Anderson, 2015). If euthanasia was approved, the absence of a clear line between those who might justifiably be killed and those who might not would pose a real danger (Singer, 1993). The problems that euthanasia may bring are too dangerous because it would cause legal voids in any government. Euthanasia would not be implemented around the world since humans want to protect life over anything else; this is why people shall wait for nature does her job. If someone feels that his or her life does not have value, he or she should be able to end his or her life with his or her loved ones around (Argumentative Euthanasia Essay, 2010). The people´s rights to live are too the rights to die. Hence, while this desire from terminally ill people are not violating the rights of others, it must be legal. People try to erase even the mention of euthanasia but, almost always who are behind of this do not understand that they should not have power over others to decide what is fine and what is not. Secondly, the life of someone in agony, where no medicine could erase his or her pain, it cannot be called life. For normal people without bias, a dignified life demonstrate respect for life and this is the key that allow euthanasia in an acceptable moral resource (A


humanist discussion about Euthanasia, 2007). When those who are terminally ill will not be benefited in any way and will not be able to keep a decent life, they want to end this painful way and here is when others must show empathy to them. Trying to understand their impotence is the best way to understand what euthanasia means and its importance in our world to reduce both psychological and physical damage. On the contrary, access to euthanasia would means that society was accepting that some lives have more value than others. Palliative care is a countermeasure of Euthanasia and it is able to control physical, psychological, social, spiritual and existential suffering; it is not only already legal, but effective (Arguments against euthanasia, n.d.). An example of why euthanasia should not be allowed is that the neurologist Lord Walton of Detchant said in the United Kingdom´s parliament: 'We concluded that it was virtually impossible to ensure that all acts of euthanasia were truly voluntary” (“Euthanasia and assisted suicide,” n.d). Normally, terminally ill people are not able to think what is better for them, after all, they have fear about what is going to happen, because of fear is the oldest emotion on humans. Thus, if euthanasia becomes legal while they are mentally weak, this solution only will become a worse problem where people lose their loved ones for no reason, earlier than expected. Perhaps one day it will be possible to treat all terminal illnesses; in contrast, this is now just a utopian ideal, and no reason at all to deny euthanasia to those who must live and die in far less comfortable conditions (Stafforini, n.d.). The process to commit euthanasia has several request to avoid that a simple change of mood due to pain lead a death;


euthanasia is not a toy, it means reduce the time of life of someone else considerably. In addition, when medicine is not able to eliminate pain, it is useless to think if the patient have a true quality of life. Thirdly, although illness generates depression, it not only involves the ill person, but also their loved ones in deeply. In many cases, terminally ill patients who go on living face the prospect of not being able to leave their family enough to live on decently (Maxwell, 2000). In this world, where money means power over others, people with insufficient money are the more affected. When someone is about to die, inside of his or her thoughts is know how his or her loved ones are; because of this slow death and full of pain creates an emptiness in the heart of his or her loved ones, which makes those ill people suffer more. Thereby, if somebody ends up with the pain caused by terminal illness committing euthanasia, it may mean peace on him or her because euthanasia would allow him or her to avoid leaving any debt for his or her loved ones. However, euthanasia occurs in greater quantity in poor people than in rich people. Financial problems are one of the principal reasons that make people with terminal diseases to think in euthanasia to avoid being a burden to them loved ones. Analysis of data from Oregon reflects that there are cut back of money and medicine to help poor people and here is where this problem arises (Economic Aspects of Euthanasia, nd.). Then, if governments may help with money and equipment to hospitals, terminally ill people might not choose euthanasia as the first option. People want to live the most they can and share with their


loved ones but because of all the problems that terminally illness carry, they want to commit euthanasia. For governments, improving hospitals for terminally ill people is a difficult decision. There is no benefits to help to people that could not be saved by any means. In financial terms, dying patients have consistently negative value, namely, it is a waste of income (Paul, 2016). Terminally ill people must fight against sadness and sorrow every day, and the loved ones of them are affected by these negative feelings and thoughts due to that atmosphere of closeness to death. People want to save his loved ones, even if it could cause many debts in the case of terminally ill people but usually it is the reason that make to those people want to end their life. In conclusion, euthanasia is a difficult but important decision, which must be allowed for those with terminal illnesses. Each person is different, but the research of happiness is what make us human beings; in the case of terminally ill people, euthanasia returns to them value to their lives. Terminally illnesses destroy people from inside, starting with pain in the body until it also begins to destroy the mind; also, relatives and friends of the terminally ill person are affected because they want to help to those people. Euthanasia is necessary to restore dignity to terminally ill people and release them from a way full of sadness, which is each time heavier.



A humanist discussion about Euthanasia [PDF]. (2007, July). London: British Humanist Association. Anderson, R., Ph.D. (2015, March 24). Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality. Retrieved October 19, 2016, from Argumentative Euthanasia Essay. (2010, August 12). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Arguments








from Cohen-Almagor, R. (2014). Right to Die. Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, 1-14. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_386-1 Economic Aspects of Euthanasia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2016, from Euthanasia and assisted suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved December 03, 2016, from


Euthanasia Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Kant, Inmanuel, 1785. Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals Maxwell, M. (2000, February 1). Economic Motives for Physician-Assisted Suicide. Retrieved




from Paul, R. (2016). ‘We Have Lost Our Respect for Life’ on Euthanasia. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from Stafforini, P. (n.d.). Taking Life: Humans, by Peter Singer. Retrieved November 23, 2016, from

Additional materials

Diamante Poem Template

Title: Nox Author: Hugo Chancay

Darkness Noun

Lightlessness, nightfall Synonym


powerful, scrutinized, influenced Action Verb

Action Verb

Action Verb

sublime, beautiful, unavoidable, paramount Adjective




interesting, overwhelming, frightening Participial



naturally, proficiently Adverb


light Noun

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