Ivette chicaiza level 6 portfolio

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Ivette Chicaiza Yachay Tech University Imbabura, Ecuador

Dear Portfolio Reader, Thank you for reading my portfolio; I will tell about my experience at Level 6. When I finished high school, while I was doing my paperwork for my graduation I heard about Yachay Tech University located in Imbabura. It was a new project, so I did not have idea about how my life will be there; at beginning it sounded crazy because I had to leave my house and live alone, but I decided to go and do it. When I arrived to Yachay Tech, my English level was not advanced because in my high school it was not an essential subject, so I was worried because English is an important subject in my university, so I must learn this language. However, my English level was improved with time and with the knowledge of my teachers, who were an essential key for my learning. Now, I am very happy because I have accomplished each level since I started to study here, I am finishing the third semester and I am in the last English level. My experience in this level has been awesome because I have learned several things in the academic aspect, such as, how to improve my essays and my presentations, and also I have reinforced many values such as, responsibility, punctually and teamwork. Although the first day in this level was not enjoyable for me because I did not know any of my partners and I felt alone, the rest of the days have been great, each day happened something that make us to laugh, also I have gotten many friends too.

Our teacher told us that the best way to improve our vocabulary and fluency was practicing English daily, so she made us to choose series, movies and one book to practice in our home; it sounded good because it was a funny way to learn English. However, the hardest job would come after, we had to write a lot and, with good arguments! Each task assigned for the teacher was as a challenge for me because it implied to investigate, loo for reliable sources and a lot of synonyms, but the main thing that we could not forget is the APA format. It was my “headache� during this semester because in many cases I forgot references and quotes, so it lowered my grades and it frustrated me, like when we must make our presentation for the midterm and I was very nervous because of we must present our topic in approximately 10 minutes, so that scared me and I thought that I would forget my presentation because I was nervous, despite of this I could do it and my grade was satisfactory. Nevertheless, I forgot referencing the images that I had used and I got a low score in that section of the rubric, probably it was the happiest moment due to my grade, but it was frustrating at the same time. There are many things that I learned about writing essays: there are many ways to transmit information in a paper and essays. They can include a cover page with a running head in each page which allows us to follow the topic. We wrote about bilingualism, education, art, the role of censorship in school through information, argumentative, interpretative and collaborative essays. I liked to write collaborative essay because it was an amazing experience, we chose a painting and described it, each member provided an idea and together we perfected it. I learned that each person has its perspective, but when we were writing the essay all of my partners were in agreement about meaning of the painting, so teamwork was important to write it and getting a good grade.

Also, I learned to be more patience and respectful with others because we are a team. Although, at the beginning of this semester I did not like to write much, I really have enjoyed this level because I developed my critical thinking and I learned that if I have a position about any topic there will be counterarguments which could be refuted too, so it could change my point of view. I think that it made me a critical person because I learned more about education, science and politics. Additionally, I improved the ability to speak with more fluency because we had many discussions about controversial topics, such as resurrection of extinct animals, presentations about essays and a debate about a global language, so we must practice, practice and practice to defend our position. Finishing level 6, for me, has been a short goal since I began to study in this university, also because completing English levels is a request for future semesters, but it is not the end because still there are more English levels to practice the language. This level meant effort and perseverance; all of my partners and teacher were a team who worked to accomplish our objectives and each one is a piece to complete the puzzle of level 6-001.


Ivette Chicaiza


Ivette Chicaiza

Yachay Tech University

Level 6-001

April 25, 2016


More languages, more cultures. All of humans have the necessity to communicate and express their feelings, so oral, written and sign language are tools which allow us interact with people who speak different languages. Speaking two or more languages could be beneficial because we could develop greater communication skills; it is bilingualism. A skill that few people possess to be able to communicate in different languages with others. Studies have shown that this ability could improve the potential of the brain but this depended on how old they are individuals who were chosen to perform these studies. Hence, bilingual people may have difficulty communicating with those who only speak one language but also they have more opportunities to interact with people of another countries. However it could be a problem because they could confuse grammar or spelling between languages; so there are many advantages and disadvantages that bilingual people have in their life and depend on them to make the most of this ability. A study demonstrated that bilingual children are more able to solve nonverbal problems than monolingual children because of their brain and their mind have had many changes which could be positive or negative consequences. One of these is the development of cognitive skills, such as perception, attention, and understanding, among others. (Michelon, P., 2006). However many studies about brain structure and brain function have been realized to try to explain the way how bilingualism affects cognitive abilities and the result was: adulthood have been able to developed specific skills. Although it has long been assumed that bilingualism had affected developing minds where the consequences for children were negative because to learn two languages would be confusing for they, but

actually it has been discarded, and is demonstrated that bilingual children can perform specific tasks. (Bialystok, E., Craik, F., and Luk, G., 2012). Being bilingual seems very good but, also it could have many disadvantages because have this skill implies that many parts of brain should work one hundred percent, so you should to pay attention in many tasks at the same time; it sounds impossible and for this reason “Most studies before the 1960s indicated that bilingualism had a negative effect on the child's intellectual, educational and emotional; only a few found no effect or a positive effect.� Torri, M., (2016). One of the more obvious disadvantages is that bilingual children could have a delayed educational progress in different subjects, such as, vocabulary, spelling, history and geography. Also, it could cause a negative effect on language skills, it consists of knowing a language restricts the possibilities of learning other languages because of you should be concentrate in one thing once to take advantage of knowledge. (Torri, M., 2016). Having a great skill is awesome because it is that it makes us to be different; being a bilingual person, the brain is constantly changing, so in the process of development and improvement of the brain many aspects of daily life could be affected, such as the perception of colors, since not all languages there are words like dark blue or light blue, blue is just blue, not different shades of color are distinguished. (Boroditsky, L., 2009). For this reason is important be clear and careful when we want express something because it could create confusion or misunderstandings even if we do not use the right words in another language, even in children this would not be a big problem because their brain is developing and adapting this knowledge that the child receives in their education. Also they will develop good listening skills and improved communication skills. (Torri, M., 2016).

Develop a new skill is beneficial to those seeking to improve the performance of your brain as being able to focus our in mind several things at the same time the brain tends to work to reach its peak, however this could have negative effects because of each person is different. One of these skills is to be bilingual because having command of two or more languages your brain is developing its full potential, but also could create confusion in the grammar or spelling since according to several scientists, to learn a language you need to be totally focused on learning that language, to avoid problems both perception and reasoning. Bilingual people always will be between advantages and disadvantages until in the most countries to learn another idiom to be a priority, so in my opinion to know more languages opens doors of knowledge because the best education in the world is located in countries where its idiom is English. It is important to master at least one language other than the native language.

References Bialystok, E., Craik, F., and Luk, G., (2012). Bilingualism: Consequences for Mind and Brain.







http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3322418/# Boroditsky, L., (2009). HOW DOES OUR LANGUAGE SHAPE THE WAY WE THINK? Edge. Retrieved from https://www.edge.org/conversation/how-does-our-languageshape-the-way-we-think Michelon, P., (2006). What are Cognitive Abilities and Skills, and How to Boost Them? SHARPBRAINS. Retrieved from http://sharpbrains.com/blog/2006/12/18/what-arecognitive-abilities/ Torri, M., (2016). Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Bilingual. Omniglot. Retrieved from http://www.omniglot.com/language/articles/bilingualadvantages.htm


Thalía Chicaiza

Yachay Tech University

Level 6-001

May 19, 2016

POOR EDUCATION IS KILLING ECUADOR Poverty and lack of education form a vicious cycle. Several years ago education was a privilege that only men could have, meanwhile women should only take over the care of their children and work in household chores. In the search for a space to be recognized, they formed independence movements which allowed their inclusion in society and education with the same rights as men had. Despite progress for gender equality, education was still a right to which few people could access since only the upper class could study. Poor governance, corruption, poor distribution of wealth and irresponsible to have children are many causes that have generated poverty, hardship, and necessity in Ecuadorians. However it has changed with actual government which is looking for ways to stop poverty by improvement public education and bigger investment in education quality. Being a person of low income means that even though you have the right to education, the quality of this will not be the same with people with more economic possibilities because of a socioeconomic inequality. It is a fact that poverty in our country is the biggest problem that affects to population, because not having the financial resources necessary for a good education, could become us to mediocre people with a stagnant thinking. In some cases, poverty could create a problem of ignorance in education, health and politics too, so these people just will looking for the way to survive. According to several studies from 3 to 7 of every 10 Ecuadorians are in poverty (Torres, 2005). Also, in 2005 INEC (Instituto Nacional de EstadĂ­tica y Censos) realized a measuring poverty and extreme poverty in Ecuador and result was an alarming poverty index where the income per capita was between 82.11 and 46.27 dollars a month per person respectively. This amount was compared with the poverty and extreme poverty line;

it means that while the less per capita income, the poorest person. â€œâ€Śat national level the incidence of poverty is 24.12% and extreme poverty 8.97%. In urban areas the incidence of poverty is 15.07% and extreme poverty of 3.90%, while in rural areas the poverty is 43.35% and 19.74% extreme poverty.â€? (INEC, 2005). Poverty will stop being a problem if just we are willing to change this situation, because it depends on us, the current generation make the most of the opportunity to study to be useful and productive professionals for our country and direct it to success in scientific, social, political and economic field. However, this problem is a governmental problem too, because if it invest a lot of money in education but it not invest in education quality, poverty will grow. The "Enhancing Learning" project was launched by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in March 2007 after finding that in many schools were not adequately responding to the needs of their students, despite the efforts that governments have made to give them opportunities. However, the reasons for this poor performance and low learning achievements could be due to lack in training of teachers, the poverty and marginalization of students, for this reason this initiative seeks promote the improvement of education quality and outcomes from early childhood to secondary education. (UNESCO, 2007). In this way students not only will have a free education, they will have a better education with great instructors who will educate them to be professionals without a stagnant thinking. It is the duty of the government worry about the education quality of population because it is the only way to form future professionals to be able to solve many economic, social and political problems that Ecuador has and that do not allows the progress of country, so population and government should work together to do it. One of these problems is poverty

which will be stopped through education, for this reason government has implemented some strategies to promote it. At the present, many educational institutions offer scholarships to the best students, these are good incentives to not drop out studies and help them if they do not have a lot of economic resources to finance their studies too. Also, the best students have the opportunity to travel to other countries, such as, U.S, Germany, Canada through their grades, it is a good idea because they can specialize in different branches of a career to apply the knowledge of these countries in Ecuador. Our country has a lot of natural resources that can be exploited in order to export final products produced in Ecuador with help of knowledge and technology obtained from world powers. Country could compete in world markets for an independent development from world powers; in this way more jobs will be created and a fight against hunger, poverty and exclusion will begin in Ecuador. Poverty is the biggest problem that is affecting to Ecuadorian population because still there is an unequal distribution of wealth by previous governments, so there are many people that not have the same rights than others. However, it is changing because current government has invested in education, especially for people with less economic resources who had not access to this right and there are many proposals to improve the education quality too. To stop poverty is necessary a team work between government and population because depended on them lead the country to success in scientific, social, political and economic field. If government continues investing in education is our duty as citizens take this opportunity and study to be productive professionals through knowledge and technology obtained from world powers and natural resources to improve our country. Import human technology is the best way to combat poverty, it only is in our hands.

References INEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadítica y Censos), (2015). Reporte de Pobreza por Ingresos Marzo 2015. Incidencia de la pobreza y pobreza extrema. Retrieved at http://www.ecuadorencifras.gob.ec/documentos/webinec/POBREZA/2015/Marzo/Reporte_pobreza_desigualdad_marzo15.pdf Torres, R., (2015). ILLITERACY AND LITERACY EDUCATION IN ECUADOR: OPTIONS FOR POLICY AND PRACTICE. Case study prepared at the request of UNESCO for inclusion in the 2006 Education for All Global Monitoring Report. Fronesis Institute. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), (2007). ENHANCING LEARNING. From Access to success. Report of the first experts’ meeting: Defining areas of action. Printed in France. ED.2007/WS/50. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001556/155642E.pdf

Running Head: THE SCREAM

Interpretation of a painting: The Scream

Yamileth J. MuĂąoz, Kevin A. Ruiz, Ivette T. Chicaiza

Yachay Tech University


June 19, 2016


1 Interpretation of a painting: The Scream

"Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and followed me all my life". (Munch, n.d). This was one of the most important phrase that Edvard Munch used to justify the psychological-themed style in his work. There was several events which had powerful effects on the life of Munch, but one of the most significant was the death of his mother, who died when he was a child. (Biography.com Editors, n.d). His paintings always have shown a strong conviction toward to the tragedy, so the vast majority of his work have been represented through the expressionist movement. The most important painting was "The Scream", which was painted in 1893 and represents a strong feeling of fear and desperation, so we consider it is due to the author had a difficult life and it is expressed through this character with a silent scream. (Shabi, 2013). In general to define this painting we have to consider three relevant aspects such as the color, the shape and the meaning interpretation. These features make Munch paintings peculiar and unique representations of disaster and misfortune. Wording here let you know about important features about The Scream painting and how the color, shape and meaning make relevant this famous work. The work of Munch, as is characteristic of expressionism, shows strong and intense feeling, which are in perfect contrast with the colors. Munch seems to use contrasting elements to achieve a balanced composition. The straight lines seem to balance the curved lines, and, at the same time, the cold colors appear to balance the warm reds and yellows� (MVLP, 2001). According to this and as is common, in the artistic field, feeling like desperation, preoccupation and fear are represented through dark or cold colors. This painting also shows warm colors, which in this case, give support to the intention of the work, because



colors like orange and red represent passion and conviction for something or someone, so for an adequate interpretation of this painting must be taken into account that warm colors give emphasis, it means greater strength, to feeling which are represented by cold colors, such as depression and anxiety. Definitely the author is extremely sagacious to create a harmonic contrast to improve the expressivity level of the painting, making it a peculiar combination of opposite colors. This is a painting which has just curvaceous and linear shape. It is simply a figures combination but with a deep meaning. It is in two dimensions with width and long. The main figure that the paint has is a person who is giving a scream of despair, which is in the center of the picture. It is a painting which have a curvaceous geometric lines with two figures behind the screamer, those figures looks like two people with hat walking in the screamer direction. The screamer is next to the pier, figure that is aligned with the paint and is the one which doesn’t have curvaceous shape. Shabi, K., (2013). “The Scream” painting is mainly about misfortune as many of his paintings where personal tragedies, illnesses and failures were the principal ingredients that make up his creative work. Looking at this painting we can considerer it as a visual autobiography because as Munch said (n.d): “My sufferings are part of myself and my art.”, for these reason when he painted it, he based on a daily situation that he lived when he was young. The twisted character of unknown sex on this painting has mouth and eyes open that express a horror scream due to the recreation of a vision that he had when he was walking with two friends at melancholic sunset. This situation allowed him to create a new piece of art where the main character was set of elements of this day, such as "air turned to blood", "faces of my comrades



became a garish yellow-white.", and "a huge endless scream through nature", wrote Munch in his diary. Vickers, H., (2013). Clearly the most important thing for artists is the message that they try to communicate to their spectators. About “The Scream”, is one of the most famous pieces of art around the world due to it was the pioneer of expressionism movement. The painting tries to show the deepest and darkest feelings circling in Edvard Munch’s mind and what troubled him during his life, through of a silent cry of despair. It makes especial reference to color, shape that create a harmonic combination, which establishes the perfect point between tragedy and misfortune. Finally, there are many ways to interpret a piece of art because of different objective and subjective points of view, but the meaning of this will be the same if we understand what the authors want to express.



References Biography.com Editors, (n.d). Edvard Munch Biography. The Biography.com website. Retrieved from: http://www.biography.com/people/edvard-munch-9418033 Media and Visual Literacy Project. (2011). The Scream by Edvard Munch. Retrieved from: https://screamforcoke.wordpress.com/scream/ Shabi, K., (2013). Meaning of The Scream (1893) Painting by Edvard Munch: Art Analysis. Retrieved from: http://legomenon.com/meaning-of-the-scream-1893-painting-byedvard-munch.html Vickers, H., (2013). The Scream was inspired by a Peruvian mummy. Archaeology. Retrieved from: http://www.peruthisweek.com/news-the-scream-was-inspired-byperuvian-mummy-101707


Stress in Human Body

Ivette T. Chicaiza Yachay Tech University Level 6-001 July 7, 2016



2 Stress in Human Body Abstract

Through the years, all of humans have looked for ways to improve their life style and in some cases they have done it through some sacrifices: it is their instinct. In recent years, people fight between themselves for having more comforts, so the most of people decided to work the double or in bad conditions to earn more money and having a higher social economic status. The accelerated pace of life in today’s society has an influence on human health because living with a lot of worries causes that the brain always be in alert, so it means that people live in stressful situations all the time. Also, be a student implicates have a stressful life, because of homework, exams, friends, relationships, home, among others, all happening at the same time. However, there are more events that change our life, such as, divorce and change in residence, which can have a direct effect on health, either good or bad. Brain is the organ that is more affected when people are in a stressful situation because of stress kills cells in the brain, so its performance is affected. Stress allows us be in alert to avoid danger, but in some cases it could damage our body, so many techniques have been developed by humans to control stress and have an equilibrium in our life.

Key words: stress, hormones, damage, life style, diseases


3 Dilemma in practice

Is stress killing us? Humans have developed many skills to survive and having a better life style because in today’s society there is a battle between ambitious people who look for having more social economic power than other, so the most of these people works in two places or more at the same time or studying more than one career to get more money, although it means to do anything for accomplish it, including overtime and being at constant pressure. It could be the solution to have a life more comfortable and buying everything that we want, but living with an accelerated pace of life is one of the reasons for that human body suffers many discomforts because of bad nutrition, many concerns and lack of physical activity, among others. Stress is one of these discomforts which is defined as a process where human body generates an automatic answer to external conditions that are threatening or challenging for someone, so stress could be good in human body too, because it could be a stimulate to motivate us to a goal. However, the excessive stress in our body can cause health problems, for these reasons is important to ask what happens in our body when brain perceive a stressful situation and how we can control stress to avoid damage in our brain and our body. Literature review All living beings by the fact of being alive experience stress in different daily situations as an adaptation process and survival, but stress levels could increase or decrease according to our life style and the way in which we solve difficulties that there are when we want to achieve a goal. Stress is a word that have existed many years ago, it was used by Hippocrates from the 14th century to refer to negative experiences, hardships, difficulties, suffering, grief, among others.



Years later, the stress is associated with physical phenomena such as pressure, force or distortion. In the 20th century stress is defined as a set of physiological reactions to any form of noxious stimulation. Finally, in 1929 stress is defined as an automatic answer emitted by organisms in defense to any kind of demand. “This response involves activation of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as the release of Catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) by the adrenal Medulla.” Historias y Biografias (2011). Despite the time this word has not changed its mean because according to Segal, J., Smith, M., Segal, M.A., and Robinson, L. (2016): “Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action.” Adrenaline and cortisol are hormones that are secreted by the central nervous system as neurotransmitters which allow the movement of information from one nerve cell to another; both are released by organism as answer to stressful situation. (Ranabir, S., & Reetu, K., 2011). Causes to be in a stressful situation There are many causes to be in a stressful situation, it depends on each person and its way to lead difficulties, life changings events and personal problems because it could be related with many diseases or depression; the most common are: death of a spouse or partner, divorce, marital separation, loss of a job, pregnancy, sexual problems, starting or leaving school, which have good and bad effects in our body. (SkillsYouNeed, 2016). However, there are others causes that could create us stress and it does not depend ourselves because we cannot control it.



These are: noise, crowds, poor lighting, pollution or other external factors that can cause us to feel anxious and irritable. Effects on human body Being in a stressful situation means that our body will suffer many changes which generate discomfort, such as: blood pressure rises, breathing becomes more rapid, digestive system slows down, heart rate rises, immune system goes down, and muscles become tense. However, stress affect each part of human body in different way. Central Nervous System. Central nervous system (CNS) leads the body when we want to do any activity, so it is the responsible of “fight or flight” response, and hypothalamus is in charge of telling adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol when a stressful situation is perceived by the brain. “When the perceived fear is gone, the CNS should tell all systems to go back to normal. It has done its job. If the CNS fails to return to normal, or if the stressor doesn’t go away, it takes a toll on your body.” Pietrangelo, (2014). However, an increase in the stress level in our body could lead to chronic stress which has a close relationship with depression, so symptoms such as, headache and insomnia appear in the body causing discomfort. (Pietrangelo, 2014). Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems. When we are in a stressful situation, the breathing is faster because is necessary to do an effort to distribute oxygen and blood quickly to body core, so it could cause difficulties to breathing if a person has preexisting respiratory problems, such as asthma. (Pietrangelo, 2014). Also, heart could be affected in the velocity that pumps because according to Pietrangelo (2014). “Stress hormones cause your blood vessels to constrict and raise your blood pressure.



All that helps get oxygen to your brain and heart so you’ll have more strength and energy to take action.” Stress is something that makes us to be awake to avoid a tragedy or something that pushes us to do a task that has been assigned us, but we have difficulties to do it for constant pressure that we have, so it make us to work faster and we could be more efficient. Also, stress is related with the way you respond to a challenge because “…a part of your response to a challenge is physiological and affects your physical state. When faced with a challenge or a threat, your body activates resources to protect you - to either get away as fast as you can, or fight.” Nordqvist (2015). It indicates that having stress in small quantity could improve our performance. However, according to Spencer, L. (personal communication) stress is not good for us because it is the main cause to having health problems because of it many diseases are developed for stress, such as cardiovascular diseases. Also, as Spencer said: “Stress could affect our performance, but it depends on each person because there are people that prefer work when they are pressured”, it happens especially in students who studying last night for an exam, so their performance will not be the same that a person who has study habits and be prepared for exam because if studying every day is an habit for you, you will not be feel stressed before exam.



Application Stress is an essential part of modern living because in recent years people have increased their levels of stress because of the way that we live and situations that we have no control, but is important that we know how stress affect our body when the brain perceived it to avoid diseases and live in harmony with our body. First, was necessary to collect some numerical data to know the amount of people that know definition of stress to determine if these people have lived a stressful situation. We are in a stressful situation since we are outside and we want to cross the street because we are in alert avoid an accident. A survey was applied to Yachay Tech University students, because these people are more vulnerable to be stressed. Also is important to know the main causes to be stress out and if these people know how to control stress since their home. Second, an interview was applied to Lilian Spencer who has a Ph.D in Parasitology and nowadays is Biology’s teacher of first semester students in Yachay Tech University. She was chosen because she has a strong relation with students of this university who live in the campus. This interview allows us to know what happens in the brain when we are in a stressful situation and how we can control it.



Tool Schedule This activities were planned with help of a tool schedule which allows us to be more organized to know the activity which was made in each day to accomplish with objectives. Tool


Respondents/Interviewed people


May 16

Leveling students


June 14

Second semester students


June 21

Third semester students


June 29

Ph.D Lilian Spencer

Results The first data gathering tool used was a survive in which fifteen people were surveyed, the results are shown in Table 1 which indicates that the most of these people (93.33%) have a basic knowledge about definition of stress, so it means that people know about this topic and it could help to avoid diseases. Table 1. First question of survey Answer


Percent (%)







Total respondents





Being a living organism means being in a stressfull at least once at week, so Figure 1 support it because it shows that all of respondents people have been in a stressful situation.

Figure 1. Third question of survive Table 2. Fourth question of survey



Percent (%)




Personal Problems



Lack of money



Health problems



Total respondents:


There are many causes to create us stress in our body mainly because of our life style, so Table 2 shows that the most common causes to be in a stresful situation. Studies is the main cause for students to be higer stress level.



Figure 2. Five question of survey Is important to avoid that stress become chronic stress because it damages our body, so the most of people who did survive know many techniques to control stress.

Reflection Stress is a normal part of our life and the human body is designed to experience stress and react to it, so stress can be positive because it keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger, but stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person becomes overworked and stressrelated tension builds, so definitely, there is a relationship between stress and damage to human body. In my opinion, stress could be beneficial because it keeps us alert to threatening anything, so it could improve our skills to avoid any danger that around us, so it is important that people know the risks that implicates have a stressful life because their



health could be in danger. In recent years many techniques have been developed to control stress in our body, such as, yoga. However, is not necessary to practice a specific technique because to avoid having stress, you should move away from everything that damages you. Also, we should not have a sedentary life, is important to do any activity such as, walking, cooking, listening to music, breathing slow or only changing the activity that generates you stress and resting to continue with it. Stress levels in our body depend on the way to solve a problem and the decisions that we take to improve the life quality, so we should have habits to avoid accumulate us of tasks and do it efficiently. Taking a break and just do it!



References Historia y Biografias. (2011). El estrés causas y consecuencias y tratamiento stress síntomas. Salud y Medicina. Retrieved from http://historiaybiografias.com/estres/ Nordqvist, C. (2015). What Is Stress? How to Deal With Stress? Medical News Today since 2003 (MNT). Mental Health. Anxiety/Stress. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/145855.php Pietrangelo, A. (2014). Health line. Stress Management. THE EFFECTS OF STRESS ON THE BODY. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/stress/effects-onbody Ranabir, S., & Reetu, K. (2011). Stress and hormones. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 15(1), 18–22. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.4103/2230-8210.77573 Segal, J., Smith, M., Segal, M.A., and Robinson, L. (2016). Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes. HELPGUIDE.ORG. Trusted guide to mental, emotional & social health. Retrieved from http://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-symptoms-causesand-effects.htm SkillsYouNeed. (2016). What is Stress? Symptoms and Triggers. Helping You Developed Life Skills. PERSONAL SKILLS. Retrieved from http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/stress.html

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