Jaime sotamba level 6 portfolio

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By Jaime Javier Sotamba Jimenez

English Level 6_008 Professor: Dennys Montaño


July 12, 2016. Urcuqui-Imbabura

Dear Portfolio reader,

My name is Jaime Sotamba. I am very grateful that you can read this work. In this portfolio I included different essays written over the semester. I tried to show the development and growth of my English sufficiency through essays with different styles of writing. My portfolio shows my learning in English writing throughout this semester. I started the sixth level of English with some concern, believing that my English was not good enough to be at that level. However, I accepted the challenge. Basically at this level I learned to develop and improve my writing, doing essays of different types, including: Argumentative, Response, Descriptive, and especially the final test of a research paper. These essays often stole my sleep time, however I'm sure they paid off, not only for the grade, but I could get everything I needed to learn by doing them. This portfolio also shows the goals and objectives achieved during this process. Each essay in this portfolio taught me something new, for example, to be responsible and not leave it for the last minute. In addition, to be aware of what I wrote and give the correct task. One day I delivered the wrong task instead of the correct and my score was not good. These essays show that I have definitely developed my critical thinking skills, and also developed my communication skills and personal responsibility. They also show the academic growth I've had, however one must understand that my writing process is not yet perfect.

Another thing was to improve my teamwork, which was developed in the descriptive essay where I worked together with a classmate to show the best way to describe our photography. Having a debate to defend a position was really exciting. In this work, we delivered all our power to defend and sustain our position. Definitely, writing each essay represented a challenge which, with determination, I was able to overcome. I can say that all the sacrifice was worth it. And I am improving my English level every day. Thanks for reading my portfolio, I hope that you like my work.


Jaime Sotamba


The Language Influence the Way We Think

Jaime Sotamba ELP Level 6-008 Yachay Tech April 25, 2016

The Language Influence the Way We Think Does the Language I Speak influence the way I think? by Benjamin Lee Whorf, is an interesting article that let us to consider if the different languages we speak shapes our thoughts. The article starts with a question: is it true that the language I speak shape my thoughts? It is not an easy question, but it can be answered if we could remember the situations when we have to speak another language. I am in favor with the author when he says “if the new language is very different from your own, it may give you some insight into another culture and another way of life” (Whorf) In effect, we can see the world differently when we speak different languages because the culture, traditions, lifestyles and habits shape the way we think and talk. So, I will explain the circumstances that allow us to think differently with a different language that we speak. Circumstances where our personality changes, language encourage discrimination, and when another language become us in more analytic people. Surprising ways our language affect how we think Speaking a different language allow us to meditate in what we are going to say. Based on studies, Benjamin Lee Whorf, determines that the personality changes by the idiom. Certainly, if in our native idiom we think in everything we want to say and later we say it, with another language we must to think a lot because in some cultures the way of speaking influences a lot. To explain that, there are cultures where some words or jargons are seen badly or misinterpreted. In essence, the language that we speak affects the way we think. “Speakers of English are often confounded by gender markers in foreign languages, In German, for example, there are three different words for "the" depending on whether the object in

question is masculine ("der"), feminine ("die"), or neutral ("das"). For instance, in Germany all dogs are masculine and all cats are feminine.� (Floorwalker, 2014) Societies where the language is dominant and employs a sex-based system of gender identification, the female participation or male participation depends of the place that the people are located. Also, the author mentions that in North Queensland, Australia, there does not have words like left or back; that people use the words like north, west, south, and east for describing the locations. Therefore, you will know that everything is possible if the speakers are focusing more on the source of the information, and on more of the time or sense of the event. After all, gendered markers encourage discrimination and the way to say the thing can change the perception of the other people. Thinking in a second language force us to make better decisions. The reason for this approach is thinking for speak in another language make us to be more analytics. Also, with a second language our cognition become colder and in our thoughts, there is not a lack of to emotional things. This can be seen like when we translate our thoughts in foreign language that forces you to trust and answer in a different way. In conclusion, speaking a foreign language changes us for a few moments. We will find with cases of discrimination depending on the place where we are, and depending on the culture or lifestyles, the people can misinterpret the idea that people say. Also, another thing to remember is that we will become more analytic, thinking and answering differently in a situation but different language. So, I am sure that the language I speak influences the way I think.


Floorwalker, M. (2014, January 13). Cracked. Retrieved from http://www.cracked.com/article_20744_5-surprising-ways-your-language-affects-howyou-think.html Whorf, B. L. (n.d.). Does the language I speak influence the way I think.


The world is burning, but remember our sympathy goes only so far

Jaime Sotamba ELP Level 6-008 Yachay Tech May 19, 2016

The world is burning, but remember our sympathy goes only so far Today, we face harsh realities. Realities that make us doubt the goodness of people. Wars in countries like Iraq, the killing of many civilians in Gaza, sexual abuse of children in religious institutions; corruption in many sectors of the government. It is like humans have taken out all of their evil inside. But how people react to this? Many take the post and talk about this, others start awareness campaigns, others resort to prayer, and others expand through social networks. However the vast majority continues their life as if nothing happened. What is wrong with us? Why we do not feel the pain like if it was hurting ourselves? This article tries to explain why this happens. We are not bad people, all people show some sympathy with others. The empathy shown is the difference between one person and another, maybe a person have empathy but do not know how to express it. When somebody witness events, their natural sympathy for fellow human beings prompts a sentimental and fast response. Good actions create sentiments of approval; bad actions generate disapproval. Once another person’s experience is known, interpret it as being beneficial or harmful. The sympathetic person is pleased by the beneficial experiences of others and feels unease at harmful ones. On the other hand, those who feel no sorrow in response to tragic news demonstrate little sympathy. They do not feel the pain of others. However, sympathy will never give us a perfect impression of another person’s experiences. We cannot know with perfect accuracy how such a complex interaction might feel until it happens to us. When people witness another human being suffering, or worse, being directly harmed by the wrongful actions of another, we tend to respond in two different ways. The first response is

to empathize: in witnessing the suffering of another person, we feel a sense of uneasiness, sorrow, or anger. The second response is to "fix": we seek to identify the causal source of the problem and rectify it, thereby ending the suffering. Although we often want to do something to change all this, we are limited to our actions. We are powerless to make a real change, we do not have the power of political or religious leaders. While political leaders only seek their own good, the church believes solemnly in the power of prayer, being the unique contribution to make a change. People have different ways to contribute: Participate and actively engage in civic life at all levels and try to transform reality. Being aware of our rights, but also of our obligations and take responsibility for our actions. Be interested in learning about and think critically about global issues and how they interact in our lives and that of others. The reality is different and we can change all thing, we can be a fundamental factor. People have more power than they imagine: the voting power, decision power, consumer choice, action; we can choose how we live our lives.

REFERENCE: Beard, M. (2014). The world is burning, but remember our sympathy goes only so far | Matthew Beard. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/22/the-world-isburning-but-remember-our-sympathy-goes-only-so-far


Self Portrait along the Borderline between Mexico and the United States

Jaime Sotamba ELP Level 6-008 Yachay Tech June 16, 2016

Self Portrait along the Borderline between Mexico and the United States by Frida Kahlo (1932) Frida Kahlo painted about her experiences and her life with symbols and other ways of represent the circumstances like colors, a great demonstration of Frida Kahlo’s feelings to Mexico (her birth country) is the painting “Self Portrait along the Borderline between Mexico and the United States”. This painting was created in 1932, and it was painted when Frida lived in USA with her husband Diego Rivera. Kahlo showed in this the differences between Mexico and the United State; farming vs. industry, culture vs. technology and more examples of this significant differences. For us, these dissimilarities are main argument of her painting. Kahlo embodied her experience of living in foreign. Her painting help to understand what were her emotions in this situation, through it, she showed her emotional state, specially, she felt homesickness because all things were different to her customs. Frida used traditional and modern symbols to differentiate between Mexican and American culture, so she decided to represent clearly the differences between her dear Mexico and the United State and these were highlighted. Another important aspect in this painting is how she is represent herself, she was Mexican and represent her culture was the most important thing in her life. In the painting, she wears a traditional dress and in her hand have a Mexico's flag symbolizing that her love, life and heart were in Mexico. The last symbol, in the side of Mexico, there are the sun and moon with expression of pain, depression and sadness. We think that in the epoch of 1930 Mexico was in economy crisis and with a lot of politic problems, for this reason Kahlo painted like heaven cry by Mexico. Also, the use of many colors express different feelings about both countries, In Mexico’s side the colors are

more vibrant and colorful, but in other side the color palette is dark and monotonous, you understand evidently the feelings for both countries. The Kahlo’s style is really great, the emotions in each painting is unique. Also, the simplicity and good imagination make this painting easy to understand. We can see the differences between United States and Mexico at first glance. All details in her work can us translate to live that time, and feel the feelings that she lived.

Self Portrait along the Borderline between Mexico and the United States Frida Kahlo (1932)


Should censorship be practiced in school?

Jaime Sotamba ELP Level 6-008 Yachay Tech June 27, 2016

Should censorship be practiced in school? Censorship in the school is a topic that generates many discussions. There are many variables involved that can impact the way children learn and the way schools serve to educate. This practice is justified in having a control over school thus ensuring order and maintenance guidelines. However this creates many shortcomings, censorship does not allow students to learn everything they need and to express themselves freely or teachers to teach something beyond the provisions. “Censorship is an extremely sensitive, value-laden, and little understood phenomenon that needs better exposure for the public, students, teachers, parents, school boards and school administrators.� (Petress,K. Pg,248)While the attempt to keep students pure for as long as possible is admirable, it takes the form of leaving gaping holes in their education, if not academically, then about life. A concern on the issue of censorship, is the right that is denied to students to read any particular literature. Many educational institutions, manage one kind of book and although they do not want to hurt, they take away students the opportunity to develop and to expand their knowledge with new teachings. Even the threat of censorship works to exacerbate the fears of teachers and to undermine their attempts to introduce a broad range of texts that will help diverse groups of students enter a discourse that "defines them as members of an intellectual community.

While many people believe that certain things should be censured after a fair evaluation process, others believe that censure to someone's work is totally unacceptable. A great example of the negative power of censorship is to silence the teachers. However, some teachers face it and speak against censorship risking his job. Others keep quiet and just act only if their freedoms are overly censored.

“For school censorship to be valid, some inevitable, unavoidable, and egregious damage to students, teachers or school property must be clearly shown to exist.�(Petress,K. Pg,251) Censorship often is used to maintain order and prevent further damage or problems within the school. However it is an easy route, which allows students and teachers with little material for teaching and learning.

References: Petress,K. The Role of Censorship in School. Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol.32, No.3. University of Maine.


Using Nanobots to Cure Diseases

Jaime Sotamba ELP Level 6-008 Yachay Tech July 7, 2016

Using Nanobots to Cure Diseases

Abstract Technology and medicine have evolved in different ways, but today these have come together for the good of humanity. Nanomedicine is the combination of these two sciences, a combination that has made significant leaps medicine in the field of treatment and cure of diseases. The use of nanobots to combat disease or for the treatment of chronic diseases is now possible and is producing excellent results. But, being very recent the nanomedicine, this needs more time to ensure proper application and study all the behavior of nanomaterials in the body. It should also be thinking about the possible risks that can bring the use of technology in our body. However, a good study and proper use would finish many diseases considered terminal.

Keywords: Nanomedicine, Nanobots, Diseases, Nanomaterials.

Introduction Nowadays technology and medicine are developing to big steps. These two disciplines are connecting to combat many diseases. Nano medicine can offer impressive solutions for various life threatening diseases. The use of nanobots in medicine is a new topic, but it is essential that we have true of this information. Research and experiments on l use of nanobots in medicine continues to rise. And proper use would suppose true advancements in medicine. However, we must stress that this use should be linked to a true knowledge and not just to miss selling a new product then played with the lives of patients. This investigation is to show the many uses of the nanobots in the medicine. How the technology can be useful and types of treatments. This gives just a question: to what extent should introduce electronic devices inside the human body? This project aims to analyze the benefits and harms that have the use of nanobots in medical treatment. Show the extent of use of technology in medicine and safety study that this has had. Thus, people will have better knowledge about this controversial issue and can make better decisions when faced even if these.

Nanomedicine Nanomedicine it is the application of nanotechnology (engineering small machines) for the prevention and treatment of disease in human bodies. More specifically, it is the use of engineering nanodevices and nanostructures for monitoring, repair build and control human biological system at a molecular level. (Vargas Parra, October 2014)

Nanotechnology a decade ago, it was nothing but a utopia or a dream of many scientists. However, their apparition from the 90's and early 2000 marked a before and after in the area of science especially in Medicine. It was in this area then, when scientists began creating the first applications of a nanoscale devices for application in medicine. Thus it begins, a time of great change and innovative methods to fight disease.

What are Nanobots? Nanobots are devices with nanometer size scale (10 ^ -9) with a complex technology. These devices can be programmed to perform specific tasks and because of their small size they can reach areas unreachable for people, which is why it’s increasing use in various areas. An important area in the use of nanobots, is in medicine as these nanodevices can target specific areas of the human body to attack the affected areas directly. Medical treatment with nanobots would have much advantage over conventional treatment methods.

Use of Nanobots An important use of nanobots today is the treatment of cancer because these devices can be programmed to attack only diseased cells, leaving healthy cells alive; which does not happen with chemotherapy because this does not distinguish between healthy and diseased cells, destroying all in its path. In addition, due to its high malleability they are suitable to reach places where traditional medicine does not arrive or arrive with less efficiency. Disease areas which can be expected to benefit most from nanotechnology within the next few years are cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the lungs, blood, neurological

(especially neurodegenerative) diseases, diabetes, inflammatory/ infectious diseases, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease and orthopedic problems.( Preston,2005)

Benefits of using nanobots There are many benefits there by using nanobots in medicine. When these machines operate with greater accuracy than any conventional method. For example, an operation to make the incisions to be made are large and damage the tissue it takes to recover, with nanobots these incisions are small. Another example is the precision of the delicate surgeries such as eye in which a nanobot could have a precision 100%. Another benefit of using nanobots is that in any invasive method of operating life or the success of the operation is in the hands of doctor which is dangerous because a mistake could end in tragedy, what would happen with no nanodevice.

RISK TO USE NANOBOTS Production increase / decrease cost “Recent years have seen an increasing in the number of studies showing the variety of medical applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterial. However, across the range, there exist considerable challenges, the greatest of which appear to be how to scale up production of materials and tools, and how to bring down costs and timescales”. (Paddock, 2012). The application of nanobots in medical procedures is still a major challenge due to their high costs. Nanomaterials ideal for the manufacture of medical nanobots are rather expensive, because of their special features and in addition to its operation in the human body. One of the

biggest in the manufacture of these nanodevices challenges is how to deliver the greatest amount of energy / fuel without increasing its size. Another challenge is to find a way to spread the energy released by these nanobots as this is generated in the form of heat.

Encourage to the people Another challenge is to ensure that people can trust and believe in this technology. Teach people the nanobots are a quick and safe means for the treatment of diseases. This can be a somewhat difficult challenge to overcome, because people are not used to these innovative treatments and need time to assimilate this strong change. Knowing that within them is operating a machine, a small device to conduct their work and have to leave rather than a drug that breaks down in the body. “There are those who suggest concerns about nanotechnology may be over-exaggerated. They point to the fact that just because a material is nanosized, it does not mean it is dangerous; indeed nanoparticles have been around since the Earth was born�. (Paddock, May 2012)

Behavior of Nanomaterials in the body There are several concerns about nanomaterials and human health impacts of nanomaterials in the body to be digested. Due to the complexity posed by nanobots they must be designed and built under strict quality control. The behavior of these within the body is a subject that is still in discussion and research, deliver safe nanodevices is one of the priorities of the committee of the House of Lords of the British Parliament.

“For example, an area referred to committee is the size and exceptional mobility of the nanoparticles: are small enough, if ingested, to penetrate cell membranes of the intestinal mucosa, with the potential to enter the brain and other body parts, and even within the nuclei of cells�. (Paddock, May 2012)

Conclusion Nanobots use in medical applications remains a controversial issue. Because of the little knowledge we have of the behavior of nanomaterials and how the body reacts to them it is what has delayed the various medical applications that are planned to perform. However, a complete research about behaviors and make proper use of medicine and medical treatments positively change being included into the age of technology. Treatments of diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and even HIV can be attacked with nanobots, assuming the beginning of the end of these diseases classified as incurable. When a technology is advancing rapidly, research about it and sufficient communication about their safety should go hand in order to benefit people, besides providing Restraint and confidence. The various institutions control should be in the care of this, as many times quickly bring a product to market certain quality standards are ignored. Proper use of nanobots in medicine must assume some aspects. One of them is guaranteed to have studied and reviewed the possible risks that can lead the application of nanobots in the human body. In addition, generate the necessary confidence in patients since being a new topic they'll be a little wary of accepting an unconventional treatment. We cannot forget that when these programmable devices are not free from programming errors. So the nanobot may behave differently than expected.


Works Cited Varon, Rene and Vargas, Parra."Nanobots en la Medicina".Octubre 2014. s.l. : Academia, Octubre 2014. Paddock, Catharine. "Nanotechnology In Medicine: Huge Potential, But What Are The Risks?." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 4 May. 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/244972.php> Preston, Christopher J. "Special Issue on "Nanotech Challenges", Part II." HYLE 11-1 (2005): The Promise and Threat of Nanotechnology: Can Environmental Ethics Guide Us? 2005. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <http://www.hyle.org/journal/issues/11-1/preston.htm>

Figure 1: Nanobot targeting tumour site Source: Image courtesy http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/154352/enlarge

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