JANUARY 10, 2016 Ibarra Ecuador
Portfolio letter
Alex Jamett Yachay Tech University Imbabura, Ecuador
December 12, 2016
Dear all:
My name is Alex Jamett and I am going to write about the English course that I am finishing. I am going to show you a set of essay that I had worked in classes. Those essays represent what I had learned from the course, specific in level 6. This portfolio has a summary about all my knowledge acquired, and is the results of the 6 English levels that I had coursed. I started with a very basic level of English; it was very hard to me to write a paragraph, or to talk with somebody. At the beginning it was almost impossible to me to think in English, I always had to traduce every single word that I wanted to say. According I was approving the courses, I was getting new skills in writing, speaking and also listening. I was learning to understand different kind of accents when teachers speak. The time was running and I was better communicating my own ideas; I started to get almost everything that teachers said without traducing in my mind. I begin to think in English. Before reach level 5 I was able to speak and to maintain a fluid conversation with somebody in English. In level 5 I learned how to write, compose, and edit an essay. I wrote a lot in this level allowing me to perfect my skills in writing.
When I reach level 6 I was able to talk with somebody and to transmit ideas very good, I also was very good listening and understanding what people talk me, and I was able to transmit my ideas in a paper. I had to combine all in this level, because if we didn’t do we probably fail the course. My teacher was Alyssa Wolfe, and every class she wrote a question on the board. She pushed our improvisation skills making students to answer the question in front of everyone. The best thing about that was that there was not a correct or incorrect answer, because all those questions were about what we rather. This is another skills that I want to emphasize in this letter, the ability of speak in from of other people. In every level of the course students had to do minimum one exposition. According I was in higher levels, exposition became easier than before. Level 6 was not an exception because we had to prepare several expositions and debates in which we had to share our own ideas in the best way. I had an advantage in this level, because according I was coursing level 6 I had my science classes in English. My sciences classes allowed me to practice all that I was learning and I had learned in English classes. I started to become more confident at the moment to talk, and at the moment to write. The English course, specific level 6, helped me a lot to organize mi ideas in a new language, helping me to do better works on my science classes. I enjoyed very much this course and it makes me feel nostalgic because I am finishing. Now I am ready to continue with my academic life with the advantage that I can speak, listen and write in a new language, English.
Best wishes,
Alex Jamett
How ethics influences an investigation. Alex Jamett. Level 6 – 002 Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research September 30, 2016
How ethics influences researches.
Ethics is involved in everything we do. According the time has been passing, people were evolving their way to think to the social well-being. Now days ethics must be a style of life and not a rule that we are forced to follow. Sarah Boseley in “Andrew Wakefield Case highlights the importance of ethics in science� talks about how a scientist broke the Ethical rules that people follow now days. The most common problem on ethics is related with the use of humans for researches, also the financier interests of researches, changing the final results. Using humans for investigations are normally one of the most common problems on researches. There are many strict rules for researches done on people. According to Boseley, Wakefield used children as Guinea pigs. It means that he started to experiments on children in a wrong way, without the permission. Wakefield made painful procedures on children and he lied saying that were normal procedures. This is not ethical, because he is using human life as he wants just to obtain his results. Another important thing is about what the parents of the children though, probably they will not allow to Wakefield to do the procedures he did in their children. When a scientist wants to use somebody for investigation, the treatment should be the best way, because they are people who can feel and can suffer a lot of consequences if something goes wrong. In the case of children is more delicate, because they are depended of their parents, sometimes there are cases about parents that allow researchers to use their children even when the child don’t want.
Financiers interested are also not ethical now days. When scientists start to do their investigation by financial interests they tend to not complete their investigations. A researcher with financial interest normally starts to do wrong things, just because they want to their results been accepted and I consequence earn a lot of money. According the interest of researchers, they construct their careers, all those scientist that thing in first place with the money normally fail. Sarah said that when Wakefield did not take care about ethics, his career was destroyed. Succeed is measured according their objectives, the ones who are for the advances of technology, for the well-being of the society are the ones which reach the top. In the case of Wakefield he do the wrong things and he fail as a professional because of his interests. There are many examples of how people because of their financier interests and finish their researchers, change the results to their convenience. “He had taken money to prepare evidence for solicitors who hoped to bring cases against vaccine manufacturers, alleging MMR triggered autism in children.�(Boseley, 2010). Preparing results is seem not ethical from the society. It is supposed that all the results in researches have to been shown to the scientist community, even if those results are not the expected. Most of times other scientist take the mistakes of other people and they change some things and got the expected experiment, this is how a research must work according to ethics. Researchers should not expect the glory or the fame, they must expected the contribution to the science. The article shows how men destroy his career when he didn’t take care about ethics. The author did not shows any position about the topic, but she made her understood the not ethical things that Wakefield did. She present the case of wakefield
as a not ethical case, it mean that she is showing the not ethical things that can occur in researches. In conclusion the scientist must seem the ethics as a part of their life to succeed in their careers. When they start to do this, scientist will not worry about if their investigation is doing in a good way or not. They will be allowed to continue their researches with any problem. On the other hand, when people start to follow the ethics as something imposed, they will tend to make mistakes. The scientist that follow ethics as a rule will not be fully agree with all those statements, in consequence they will tend to break it and will follow the same path of Wakefield. It is necessary that all the people who make researches follow the ethics as a life style, to succeed in their field and make a better society.
References: Boseley, S. (2010, May 24). Andrew Wakefield case highlights the importance of ethics in science. The Guardian. Retrived from https://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/may/24/andrew-wakefield-analysisethics-science
Interpretation Essay Level 6 – 002 Alex Jamett Kevin Landazuri Danny Jerez Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research November 19, 2016
Interpretation essay The music is the universal language of the countries. O Fortuna is a song, which is part of collection called “Carmina Burana”. “Carmina Burana” is a collection of Latin profane poems creates at ends of the 13th century. The most of those songs are blasphemous, and sometimes they are obscene. This collection was written in several languages such as Medieval Latin, antique German, French and English. The collection was commissioned by a bishop or by a rich person. It was composed in a monastery in Benediktbeuern where it remained until its discovery in 1803 and published in 1847 with the name of “Carmina Burana”. In the case of O Fortuna was written in Medieval Latin. In 1937, a German musician, Carl Orff, recreated the original manuscript, among them the song O Fortuna. O Fortuna is a song inspired in tradition and costumes of the 13th century. Orff’s rearrangement was presented with soloists, choir and orchestra. This song is dedicated to Fortune who is a Roman goddess of luck. The version of Carl Orff opens with a strong sound of drums and trumpets, then the choir drops quickly into a whisper, also it is building slowly with drums while choir begin to sing. This song was writing a lot time ago, and is referring to the fortune, making some comparison with life, and complains about the author life. As the poem was dedicated to the fortune and how it works on life, the song is called O fortuna. The song has a lot of different sounds. It is intensive, trying to catch the attention in the first second. It starts with a lot of percussion instrument. Those instruments and their sounds give the impact that the music need. The poem was written in signal of call the attention to the people and this is why the music has to produce the same impact. The song is played in an Orchestra, because it cannot be expressed by a single person. All the singers of the Orchestra are important because those variations in tone
are the key to this art. Other instruments used were violin, some flutes, etc. harmonic instruments in general. Those instrument were used to make the listener to enter in a relax mode, it means, to let flow the music, and focus on the letter. After the song finish with the harmonic part that is the stanza, it came again with strong to the chorus. The impact of this art is only achieved when they do in the way that they are doing, it means in the orchestra way. The song sound like a terror song and it is not too far of reality. According to the poem was dedicated to how the fortune manages author’s life, it involves to the people who listen in the same situation, making them to remember all the things that happened in their life, which according to the letter, they are not the happiest one. The song is played like this because they try to represent the time in which the song was written. It does sing in Latin to preserve the originality meaning of the poem and making sure that there is not mistake on translation. With respect to the interpretation, we have wondered about what is the message that the creator tried to transmit; to consider this question we need to climb to the past, specifically at XIII century when the wars taken place. Is necessary to consider the lyrics of the poem and next the sounds that accompany the poem. Concerning to the lyrics, the poem express a frustration with our life, because there wasn’t stability in the world, the days were gray and the feelings make people behave different. “Hateful Life” says the author to express his feelings and criterion about the things happened at this time; there isn’t a certain explanation for these words, one reason is because we don’t know anything about the author, another reason is because the origin of the poem could be different because of the group of poems called “Carmina Burana”. In spite of we don’t know with precision the correct events; we can assume some topics that probably the author could represent through the poem. Some of
those topics are innumerable amount of wars, the injustice imparted by politicians, religion vs science, and so on. These points could be an incentive to write a poem that shows a frustration with life. Finally, in 1936 the poem joined with very good sounds and this new classical music started to be one of the most important symphonies around the world, when we hear this music we can feel the perfection link between the lyrics and sound. O fortuna, is today used in horror movies or clips where the effects show a tension and desperation feelings. Reference: I. (2010). Carmina Burana ~ O Fortuna | Carl Orff ~ AndrĂŠ Rieu. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD3VsesSBsw
Argumentative essay Alex Jamett. Level 6 – 002 Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research September 30, 2016
Argumentative essay Everything that surrounds us affects our way of thinking. According the time is passing, ethics and moral have suffer bigger changes. Along time ago was considering that sacrifices of human life were good, but now is a crime. A lot of things that were good before are bad now. Most of time this happen because the culture are changing too. Those two factor point that culture has a big effect on ethics and morality. Morality is changing according culture is changing. Ethics and morality had suffered several changes. The most relevant is that time ago people focused just in their selves, only in their benefits. Now, ethics and morality are looking for a common benefit, which includes every people who is affected by a problem. Before, religion had the control about what is good or not, best known as morality when that ends, a group of people, philosophers, generate a lot of points of view to judge if something is good or not. All of this occurs because time was changing. Morality and Ethics is also changing between countries. It is not a complete change, but there are some topics that are accepted for some countries and negated by others. This happen, because there are a lot of change in culture between one country and other. As an example, we can see the gay marriage. This topic has a lot of different opinions. According some countries gay marriage is accepted, but it is negated by other countries. Things like that conduct just to one answer, something is accepted or negated by a country because of their culture. As it is mentioned before, according each culture exist a different way to decide if something is good or bad.
People say that culture is not the only thing that affects ethics and morality. They say that language affects ethics and morality too, but in a higher way. Sedivy in 2016 tell us that morality is affected when people speak in a foreign language. That is not true, because a foreign language does not limit or control the way of thinking of a person. If something is bad for somebody, it will be bad in any language. This is because something is bad or not for somebody according to their experiences, according to every part of their life. Experience are strongly related with the culture, because according each culture, people will live a different experience. Language only affects the way of expression of a person. It will be easier to express ideas in the native language than in a foreign one. In conclusion morality and ethics are affected strongly by culture. As was wrote, according the culture change morality also change. Language can affect the way of expression, but it cannot affect the decision if something is bad or good. References Sedivy, J. (2016). How morality change in a foreign language. Scientific American.
Ethics behind cloning Alex Jamett Level 6 – 002 Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research December 6, 2016
Abstract In this essay I will talk about cloning and it relation with ethics. Cloning is a controversial idea, and there are people who are against this. They believe that cloning is a bad practice, and should be avoid because don’t follow ethics rules. I will show that cloning is not a bad practice and follow ethics rules. Also is included some examples of successful cloning and how those experiments conducted us to achieve new technology. In this paper I will talk about also people who don’t follow ethics rules at the moment of cloning. Focusing on animal cloning I will write about how ethics is directly involved.
Ethics behind cloning Cloning is the process of taking stem cells and reproduces them in a laboratory to form a new life. This creature has the same appearance of the one from which the stem cell was taken, because it has the same genetic code. This process has a lot of risk, because according the scientist make the stem cell reproduce, the cells can take some damage. Scientist know when the creature is formed if the cell took some damage. This damage can be presented as congenic diseases, malformation of some parts of the creature. All this consequences normally take to the creature to the dead. This is the main reason because exist a lot of comment that are against cloning. One of the most controversial comments is that cloning does not follow ethics rules. In this paper this argument is going to be discussed, because cloning is not against ethics rules. Cloning is following ethics rule instead of break it. There are several rules at the moment of cloning. Focusing on the idea of cloning animals, there are some rules that are established for this kind of procedures. Most of these rules are based in morality, and a specific branch of ethics that is called bioethics. There are many different procedures at the moment of cloning an animal, but according to Fiester (2005) “if those traditional practices are morality acceptable, and animal cloning represent no significant increase in suffering over the benchmark set by them, then animal cloning would indeed be morally acceptable� This is one of the principle points of discussion for people, because a lot of them are against cloning because of the suffering of the animal. Using the argument of the suffering of an animal, people try to convince the rest of the people that cloning is illegal. We cannot avoid that in this process of cloning animal, suffering is deeply involved, but we can also take in consideration that most of this cloning is for research and improvement of life, and not only human life. According cloning follow ethics rules, it gets better results with the less damage. Experiments results are better,
and also new discovering can be done. This statement proves that cloning are not against ethics rules, in fact, cloning follow this rules to harm the less possible animal, or any specie. No all cloning are following ethics rule, there are many people who don’t care about the welfare of animals. They experiment the times that they consider necessary without taking the respective importance of the damage that they are realizing. They use animal life as a tool just to reach a result. As this people are just interested on the results, they don’t care about the methods that they use. Most of these methods are insane, making animals to live in terrible conditions. This is why people think that cloning is something bad in a general way. All these people are not just breaking ethics rules; they are inflicting seriously their rules as researches. Scientist community has some rules about researches with life. These rules are much related with ethics and moral. If researches break those rules, and the community discovers them, they will not be able to continue their researches. Of course the rules use to change in different countries, some actions that are illegal in one country, are legal in others. Another important thing to consider is the purpose behind the cloning. There are people who want to clone because they are looking for a commercial purpose. This commercial purpose are like selling new pets or taking to the life again pets that are died. This is not the real purpose of cloning. The real one is to discover new things in DNA, if there is a possibility to find the cure for some illness, or advancing in technology. This facts cause a lot of discussion between people who are against cloning. One big argument is that people says that researchers are playing with life, because exist a lot of deaths in those experiments. Not all species survives and some of the ones that survive normally have some anomalies. In this kind of experiments exist too much possibilities, and sometimes the minimum change of conditions or
environment, makes that those species suffer some bad formations and in other cases the death. Only in researches that aren’t following ethics rules exist this though. In other words only for illegal researches the welfare is throwing away. Cloning is focused in obtain new discoveries, but it does not mean that researches do whatever they want with animal life. They normally are looking for the less painful method before applies in an animal. Researchers cannot be playing with life, because they cannot been using animals as they want. Normally they have a limit at the moment of investigation, in consequences they have to be very carefully about the life of each animal. Another argument against cloning is that scientist thinks that they are god, creating and destroying life. “It was big news some year ago when scientist in Scotland announced the cloning of Dolly the sheep. This new technology marked a decisive moment in our ability to manipulate the natural world to suit our designs.” (Pacelle, 2005). Scientist are not playing to be God. They cannot select the one which is going to live and the one that is going to die, they do not take this decision. They make a group of possible births and they focus their attention in the ones that birth. If there is some anomaly, scientists do not kill them. Conversely, scientist try to keep all the birds alive, and they try to heal any disease that they have. In other words, scientists do not choose an specific animal to conserve alive, they try to conserve as much as they can. Not everything is a fail, there are some successful cloning that allow advancing technology. “Just as stem cell research, the heart of the cloning effort, can be used to explore human disease, so can it be applied to veterinarian medicine”. (Britt, 2005). Each successful cloning is another step to a new world. According to results, scientist can investigate a new world. They can find cures for different kind of diseases, and help to human raze. Cloning animals is not just to play and to copy an animal. According time is running, cloning becomes more effectives, and in consequence there is less
damage to animals species used in cloning. Methods improve a lot, making it faster and more effective. Before cloning an animal was something exceptional, but now days are several cloning of different species of animals. According to Robert Britt, Snuppy- a cloned dog- joins a brotherhood of cloned animals including mice, cows, goats, pigs, rabbits, mule and sheep (2005). DNA is analyzed in every cloning and scientist can extract a lot of information from there. Before the birth researches are able to verify DNA and in some cases modify it. It helps to the animals in the way of birth with less possibilities of get a disease, or an anomaly. These results can be used in first instance to fight against animals’ diseases, but in a few time they can relate with human life and also fight against human diseases. If people start to think about the consequences of cloning, are not too bad. Of course there are some animals who died and suffer, but form this scientist are able to find cure that allow animals and people live with worries of some diseases. In conclusion there are many ways of cloning, different methods, and not all of them conduct to the researchers on the same way. Some methods are not allowed for some people or country because those cause a lot of negative consequences. The others methods, the ones that are approved by ethical rules conduct the people to a new generation of technology. Cloning animals is not something bad as a lot of people think. This is a way to preserve human raze, preventing some mortal diseases. According cloning is development, suffer produced on animals will decrease and also the death that occurs in laboratories will decrease too. Scientist should keep in mind the real purpose of cloning and stop thinking is commercial purpose. We have to remember that the real purpose of investigation is the contribution to the society, according those contributions an investigation is good or not. It means that the purpose of the investigation is the one that decides if something is seriously good. For this case if researches focus in a big
contribution to society, bringing new methods, new results, and new cures; their researcher will be consider something exceptional. Cloning is something that is just beginning; there are a lot of things to discover. If people let cloning without exploring it will be a loss of knowledge, a loss of new technology; technology that every day is more necessary. Cloning will not only help to some part of humanity, their results will bring help to every people, because cloning has an effect that involves the entire world.
References Britt, R. R. (2005, August 03). First Cloned Dog Raises Issues of Science, Ethics and Policy. Retrieved December 5, 2016, from http://www.bing.com/cr?IG=3C37A3DD10834E9CB0601724DC06C0B5&CID =0324591FDBD26C620F1650FDDAE36D14&rd=1&h=P7tzIaZk9Mxjutgxfm2 Kdnr8W1MjBVAdo4Lb9RLs38U&v=1&r=http://www.livescience.com/359cloned-dog-raises-issues-science-ethics-policy.html&p=DevEx,5087.1 Fiester, A. (2005). Ethical Issues in Animal Cloning. Retrieved from http://repository.upenn.edu/bioethics_papers/35 Pacelle, W. (2005, January 21). Is animal cloning ethical? Retrieved December 05, 2016, from http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/openforum/article/Is-animal-cloningethical-2737093.php
Alex Jamett Yachay Tech University Imbabura, Ecuador
January 10, 2017
Dear reader:
I would like to thanks for your attention and for the time that you took to read this portfolio. I wish that you had had a great time reading it and had enjoyed each part of this document. It was a great moment for me writing this. I hope that you could continue improving your English every moment in your life.
Sincerely, Alex Jamett