Jordan montenegro level 6 portfolio

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My English Level 6 Memories Jordan Montenegro Yachay Tech aaaaa

My English Level 6 Memories Jordan Montenegro Cรกrdenas English Languaje Program Yachay Tech Level 6 - 004 Teacher: Matthew Mackey July 25 , 2016 Imbabura, Ecuador Aaaaa



Jordan Rodrigo Montenegro Cárdenas

Universidad de Investigación De Tecnología ExperimentalYachay Tech

Hacienda San Jose s/n Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador

July 13rd, 2015 Dear Portfolio Reader, Welcome to my portfolio. In this letter you will be able to found information about my academic growth as an English user in Level 6. Enjoy it. I would like begin this letter by telling you about my experiences during this semester. I had developed four essays: response, research, interpretation and argumentation essay, each one was accompanied with a public presentation. In addition, there is included my final research project which is the largest essay from the semester. In the process of developing those assignments I had improved considerably my skills as an English user in several aspects. An important aspect is integrating transitions between paragraphs or ideas. Before, I just finished the idea of one paragraph and then I continue with the next paragraph. Now, in contrast, I use transitions in my essays. For example,in my final research paper I included some transitions between paragraphs to relate the different ideas of each paragraph. This feature provides more quality to my papers and, also, it makes the reading easier and entertaining for the reader.


Now, that I am in the final stage of the Yachay English Program I believe that an element important to achieving this goal is the previous knowledge that I had acquired before, especially in the last level. It provides me enough resources for my success at this level. For example, an important knowledge was how to make good conclusions and how to make paragraphs focused only one idea as you can see in my argumentation essay. In the beginning of semester, I had some projections about how my progress would be in this English level. I could tell you, dear reader, I have accomplished almost all those expectations. I had improved the structure and the order of my paragraphs. I had acquired a lot of knowledge about many areas of this interesting language. I had expanded my vocabulary, especially academic. I had learned some techniques to catch the attention of reader, for example in my exploration essay I could relate my essay with a current topic: attempts of control by mass media. All this knowledge will be really useful for my future academic and professional life; not only here in Yachay Tech when I begin to receive my classes totally in English, but also to communicate my ideas with people from other countries. However, the learning does not stop there. An important characteristic of a human being is that it never stops the learning process. I would like to become an excellent English user and I trust in my capacity to do that. I understand my success will depends of effort and dedication, so I am ready to face it, always with a positive attitude. I hope you enjoy my portfolio. Thanks again for read it.

Sincerely. Jordan Montenegro.




Martin Shkreli on drug price hikes and playing the world’s villain.

Jordan Montenegro Yachay Tech University April 29, 2016



Imagine that you are a sick person with HIV and for your treatment, you must pay 13.50 USD per pill. Now, imagine that the price of this pill increased to 750 USD and that decision was taken by only one man: Martin Shkreli. What will you think? Will you hate this guy? Will you be able to pay that amount of money? Nowadays, there are many people infected with HIV. During the last years, Martin Shkreli´s Company sells a pill, called Daraprim, which helps the treatment of these patients. The coast of this pill was 13.50 USD. However, overnight Martin Shkreli, CEO of his company, increased the price of the pill to 750 USD. In addition,Martin Shkreli´s Company is the only one which sells this pill. Martin Shkreli is a bad person because he increased the price of the pill, and he is getting rich, causing the pain and suffering of many people who cannot pay this elevated amount of money. A lot of people cannot pay this amount of money.A Few years ago, the pill cost only 13.50 USD; this price was accessible to HIV patients. Today, the cost of the pill is 750 USD, which is 5.000 percent more than before. This price is extremely inaccessible for thousands of HIV patients. I agree that Martin Skhreli should haveincreased the price of the pill, but I disagree with the amount of money; he increased the price of the pill too much for a pill. I know, he needs to pay forthe research, scientists and people who are involved in the development of this pill. He also he needs to get a gain. However, he must be more charitable. He must understand the true purpose of the drug: help people. The Research made by Rabkin et all indicates that up to 45 percent of people living with HIV are unemployed (Rabkin,


McElhiney, Ferrando, Van Gorp, &Lin, 2004). What is going to happen with those people? Do they alive without that pill? Know, maybe you are thinking: Easy, just buy the pill in another company. Pitifully, there is a problem with that: there is not another company which sells this pill. This enterprise is the only one which sells this medicine so the HIV patients that do not have 750 per pill will not get this pill. The company acquired the US marketing rights to Daraprim in August 2015. This action gives it the right to be only one enterprise to offer this pill to the market. Martin Shkreli has a capitalist sense. He knows the value of the marketing rights and the importance of the supply and demand´s law for the market. However, if he was not an evil person he would not take too much advantage of that situation. If he really was a good person or a good Samaritan, he would care about the people who are affected by his decisions (especially the HIV patients, who will be directly affected) and he would not increase the price so much. Now, with the increased cost, the people who cannot pay 750 USD will not get the pill. According to the WHO (2016) “the estimated 1.5 million [1.4 – 1.7 million] people dying from HIV globally in 2013 were 22% fewer than in 2009 and 35% fewer than when the number peaked in 2005. Children in 2013 had 31% fewer deaths from HIV compared with 2009 and 40% fewer deaths compared with 2005”. This statistics could change, increasing the number of people dying with HIV, if the pill maintained at that price. In conclusion, Martin Shkreli is, indeed, an evil person. He is really a greedy person. He does not matter to get rich taking advantage of suffering and pain of HIV patients. He must put attention in the statistics and facts about HIV patients, so he could meet the reality of those people. Thus, he could sensitize with those patients, and he would decrease the price of the pill. Consequently, he will not be considering a bad person.



Corrales, G. (2016). Martin Shkreli: The history of the new public enemy. Recovered of[27/04/2016]. Rabkin, J., McElhiney, M., Ferrando, S. J., Van Gorp, W. & Lin, S. H. (2004). Predictors of employment of men with HIV/AIDS: A longitudinal study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 72–78. Vice, [Vice] (2017,January 26).Martin Shkreli on Drug Price Hikes and Playing the World’s






World Helath Organization. (2011). Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS. Recovered of[21/04/2016].




Brainwashing collective Jordan Montenegro Yachay Tech 20 May, 2016


Brainwashing collective Have you ever compared the information that is presented in private mass media with the information that is presented in the mass media of the government? Have you ever question in some mass media the information is, totally, in favor of the government? Maybe you realize the differences between both kinds of mass media, specially, in topics which are related with the politics of the current government. In the frame of the LOC fulfillment and the regulations of the SUPERCOM, there have been a lot of violations of the freedom of expression, and, also, there have been a lot of control and censorship to mass media by the SUPERCOM in our country.The draft Communications Law, along its approval process has been observed by international agencies and organizations such as the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists, among others, by do not accomplish with some international standards of freedom of expression (Human Rights Watch, 2015). Also, this law allow the creation of the Superintendence of Information and Comunication (SUPERCOM).This present job aims to show the reader a current issue: Mass media tries to manipulate the way Ecuadorians think about the government because, ultimately, some mass media are controlled by the government. The National Assembly of Ecuador passed, on the day of June 14, 2013, the creation of the Organic Communications Law (LOC), the creation of the superintendence of information and communication (SUPERCOM). This last institution is in charge of controlling the information that the mass media in Ecuador presents to the public. According to the SUPERCOM web page, its mission is: “The mission of Ensuring access to and exercis the


rights of people to receive accurate, objective, timely, plural, contextualized information without prior censorship; and a free, intercultural, inclusive, diverse and participatory communication in all areas, through monitoring, audit, control intervention and enforcement, as sustenance for Good Living”. (2015).

State mass media omits relevant information about the dark side of the government. The government is not perfect. There are many things that it wants to hide from us, but one principal aspect is: money. The government has a lot expenses; the majority of them are necessary, others are not really urgent and others are simply unnecessary. It is unfair that meanwhile the country is living in an time of economic crisis the government spends money in activities, which are not dedicated to producing something positive or, simply, they are unnecessary. For example, an unnecessary expense is, in which the government spends 1600 USD, the lunch that the Ecuador´s president Rafael Correa shared with “tuiteros” (persons who uses twitter)on 4 April of 2016 in the Carondelet Palace (El Ciudadano, 2016). Actually, mass media in our country are strictly controlled by SUPERCOM and LOC.Consequently,








organizations, about the freedom of expression in Ecuador. According to Human rights watch “Communications Law gives the government broad powers to limit free speech. The law requires that all information disseminated by media be “verified” and “precise,” opening the door to censorship by allowing the government to decide what information meets these vague criteria” (2015).One of many examples of control is the case of El Universojournal. On June 2015, this journal was forced to change the title of the note: “State debt by $ 1.7 billion


affects the health system of IESS (Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security)”. The SUPERCOM forced El Universo to change that title for this other one: “The IESS has progressed and will further improve in the coming years”. The journal refused to make that change, so it was fined to pay USD $ 350,000 (Fundamedios, 2015). This is just one of a lot of censorship and control that the government, through the LOC and SUPERCOM, tries to control the opinion of the population respect its policy. However, this is not the only way in which the government attempts to manipulate our thought. State mass media makes reports with too much emphasis in the good works that the government is making. There are many reports, made by state mass media, which present the information about the works that the government is doing, in a very subjective way. State mass media wants make think us that it is a very effective government. In the state, mass media abounds the “good news” about the great job of the government. Those mass media show only the best side of the works that the government is doing, but they do not shows the another side of these works. In conclusion, the freedom of expression in Ecuador is, indeed, very reduced because, ultimately,the government,through LOC, has the control of many mass media. Thus, the government can change the opinion of many Ecuadorians across their reports or news. It is necessary for the population to be critical with the information they get. It is necessary for the populationdo not believe in all the information that the mass media shows us, and it is necessary, of course, claim for the injustice of the system.


References Human rights watch. (2015). World Report 2015: Ecuador. Retrieved from [15/05/2016]. Supercom. (2015). Mision, Vision y Valores. Retrieved from . [19/05/2016]. Fundamedios. (2015). El Universo is fined 10% of turnover for failing to publish reply with







from [20/05/2016]. El ciudadano. (2016).Tuieteros share luch with Correa president. Retrieved from .[20/05/2016].




Interpretation Essay The Scream by Edvard Munch Jordan Montenegro, Ray Romero y Daniela Tene Level 6 - 004 June,17 2016


The Scream By Edvard Munch

"Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye... it also includes the inner pictures of the soul. " -

Edvard Munch

The Scream is a work painted by Edvard Munch (1863-1944),it is a work that originated through the traumas remained in the author's head for all the misfortunes that had to suffer. After having created the best work of his career, Munch, himself, said "Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and followed me throughout my life." The Scream is a painting which reflects the feelings of the author involve distress, despair and sadness such as the moment experienced by the author. To get a better understanding of this painting, we will divide it in two parts: the path with the vallas and the lake with the land and the red sky. In the first part, there is an almost human being in a path, with fence; in the background of the path there are two silhouettes which are walking away from the person who is screaming. The person screaming with his hands supporting his heads, represents the moment in which the author felt anguish and despair and caused by that moment and the memory of the sadness life that he had. The two silhouettes who are in the background are


their friends. They were walking on the path, when Edvard Munch stopped to appreciate the landscape, especially the intense and red sky. Suddenly, he felt despair , anguish and sadness. After that, he wanted to express that feeling but without use words, so he decide to make this famous painting (Sooke,2016).

"I was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear. Then I heard the enormous infinite scream of nature." (Edward Munch, 1893)

Edward Munch was so inspirited by this scene that he wants to reflect those feelings on a canvas. The scene of The Scream was based on a real, actual place located in Norway. In the background of the painting we can see the landscape where the scene of the scream unfolded. A landscape that contains the landscape of Oslo at that time, where it is possible to distinguish: the sky, the lake and the mountains.


The colors used in the background of the painting are a combination of warm and cool colors. Some soft touches of colors: orange, red and yellow to portray the sky and lake. These colors were used to show the sunset that the author of the painting witnessed at that time. These colors can have different perspectives, in the painting the color red can be interpreted as “blood”, which could mean “the blood of the nature”. The author wanted to paint with these colors to represent the anguish and despair that he felt upon hearing the infinite scream of nature. The cool colors were used to represent the frivolity and the enormous void that can exist in the author's soul for a memory of the sadness life that he had. In the background of the panting are minimum and simple forms in order to represent maximum expressiveness. In conclusion, “the scream” is one of the most important artistic works of all human history. This work changed the perception of painting and opened a new path to later painters of his time. Before coming to light this work of Edvard Munch, listen to a painting seemed only a fairy tale, but his work changed all standards embodied in painting art. This mix of colors and shapes meaning a breakthrough in seeking artistic works evoke feelings in the depths of the soul of his audience and awakens a range of fantastic feelings that only a work of this kind can awaken in humans.



Edvard (2011). Edvard Munch. Retrieved from Edvard Munch, paintngs, biography and quotes : Sooke, A. (2016). What is the meaning of the scream. Retrieved from scream.[17,06,2016]




Should censorship be practiced in schools? Jordan Montenegro Yachay Tech 30 June, 2016


Should censorship be practiced in schools?

What do you thing if your son is forbidden to read some books about real and polemics facts such as sex or discrimination? Do you get mad with the schools that do that? Probably, you say yes because they are censoring important information to your son. According to Petress “Censorship is defined as the forbidding, blacking, limiting or obstructing access to information for whatever reason” (2005). Censorship should not be practiced in schools because it does not help student to develop skills such as think critically and, also, some schools can perform some mistakes when they censor information. The diversity of information in schools helps students to develop their critically thought. An important skill for all students is the critical thinking. Critical thinking includes the student capacity to difference information in “good and bad information”. Good information is that information which help to improve the integral formation of student, and bad information is that information that is not useful in the integral formation of the student or even in dangerous for him. Now, censorship pretends forbid to the student of bad information, but if that happens the student will not have necessity to difference both kinds of information because he knows that information is correct. Consequently, student will assume that information gave by school is valid, and he will not make an analysis of information; thus he will not develop critical thinking which is very important for students and, also, it is very useful for his life as students, parent and citizen. Schools can performs mistakes in the censorship of information. Sometimes the information that schools pretend to censor is not chosen correctly. For example, the Boulder Vallery schools district board in Colorado, USA supported a local school fair. School


authorities declined to allow to a young girl to present her project titled: “Does skin color make a difference? ”in the fair because they consider that this project would be offensive to

some minority students and, also, was inappropriate (Petress,2005). Another example is when in 1971, an autobiographical book of a puerto Rico´s resident was removed formt three junior high school librarires by community School Borar in New York. The reason was that the book involves “detailed description of sexual activity and drug addiction”. However,, the School Broad does not have the authorization to remove books of libraries. The books was checked by two groups; one of them approved the book and the other disapproved it (Petress,2005). As we can see, the information that schools censors not always is chosen correctly. Thus, schools are depriving students to meet information that can be important for them. Many people could think that if censorship is not practiced in schools, the students could get information which affects their integral information such as nudity, obscene, bad words, ideologies of extreme right, so on. This information will be dangerous, and can motivate them to practice those bad actions. That is true, the students could get that kind of information and, also, it could be dangerous. However, that information will be really dangerous if student do not have a guide that explain and teach them the bad side of that information. Here is when schools, teachers and parents play the most important role. Students must be guided by them to know the danger of that information. Moreover, student will learn critical thinking, and they will be able to discriminate bad and good information. In conclusion censorship should not be practices in schools. Apparently, it is fine to censor bad information but we forget that students need to learn to discriminate between good and bad information. Also, we must not forget that students need a guide in that process, so schools, teachers and parents will be very important to the wellbeing of students.


References Petress, K. (2005). The role of censorship in school. Retrieved from [28/06/2016].




Promoting the benefits of science and technology education Jordan Montenegro Yachay Tech July 8, 2016


Promoting the benefits of science and technology education Ecuador´s economy will decrease 4.5 % during 2016 revealed by the report published by FMI. This report also predicts a decreasing of 4.2% in the economy of Ecuador for 2017 year (El universo, 2016). Ecuador will face a complicated situation in these coming years because it will depend of availability external resource, and, also, it will be affected by lose of competitive that dollar´s down provoked. Ecuador is a country knew around and around by its amazing biodiversity, including its natural resources that attract international investors to exploit them. These natural resources had been the base of our economy, either exploiting or allocating them for tourism. Meanwhile, we take advantage of these natural resources we must remember these do not last forever; also, we must noticed with the falling of the price of petroleum’s barrel, our country need to face a serious crisis. So what action could take us to get a best economy? The answer is simple: we must invest in education, but not any kind of education. We must invest in a new kind of education. In order to improve Ecuador’s economy, sciences and technologies need to be a focus in education. Throughout history, innovation in science and technology has influenced the economy of countries. Innovation has played a very important role during history. It has been the responsible of many inventions which change our world, and it served to the development of countries. Those ideas were not possible without the intervention of brilliant men in science and technology. The educational system that shape the mind of those brilliant men was created in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment in 18th century (RSA,2010).Some examples of the brilliant gadgets are inventions such as: radio,

television, etc. Thanks to these amazing advances, industry of the countries was developed, and this resulted in economic wellness for countries, job opportunities for population, and


stimulation to develop new science and technology.These activities allowed some countries to change them into the super powers that they are nowadays. However, as almost everything, science and technology evolve over time. Science and technology education is the boom for economy, based in knowledge, in the 21th century. Throughout history, technological revolutions have been based in different aspects such as means of transport, constructions, even exploitation of natural resources. Recently, the technological revolutions of this century are emerging from new sectors, based on






(Chetty,2012). While, science and technology advances, there are other natural resources which are decreasing over time and through exploitation. Natural resources do not last forever, so we need to use them correctly to improve the economy of a country. There are two kinds of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable resources. In a part, renewable resources are them which can be generated in a short period of time. In the other part, nonrenewable resources are them which cannot be generated as easier as renewable resources because it takes much more time in be generated. Taking advantage of natural resources can supportmany jobs. For example in the United States, in 2011, the wind energy industry employed 75.000 persons full time in a lot of capacities , including manufacturing, construction and turbine installation, maintenance, transportation logistics and so on (AWEA, 2013). However, natural resources are limited, but there is another resource which is unlimited.

Knowledge is an unlimited resource, and it could be the base of the economy of Ecuador. During year the richness of countries had been built in base of natural exploitation resources, but as these do not last forever countries need another unlimited resource for take


advantage. Knowledge is an unlimited resource and its promises to be the best generator of money for sub developed countries. Knowledge is intimately related with science, technology and innovation; they are parts of a whole. Science and technology are relevant elements in society. Nowadays, science and technology are involved in diary life; science and, especially, technology are involved in all the aspects of our lives. It is indubitable that science and, especially, technology have been helpful in life; not only for helping have us in almost impossible activities for humans, but also for helping us to make our live’s more comfortable. For example, some important applications and relevant function of science and technology in diary life are: allow global communication providing us resources (satellite TVs, smart phones, computers, internet, radio, etc) for notice of all events that happen nowadays; allow automate many difficult jobs such as handling of heavy loads in factory; allow to get information easier that a few years ago.All these advantages among others demonstrate the importance of science and technology in the current world. Economy based in science and technology will start with the integration of technology in classrooms. Science and technology are important elements to get a good economy, so we must give them a priority role in our education. Innovation is an important element for developing science and technology, and the way that we will develop science and technology is through stimulation and involvement of innovation in classrooms.

Meanwhile, if we apply correctly science and technology in schools, students will notice the important of these elements for wellness of societies. They, also, will acquire important cognitive skills such as creativity, comprehension, analysis capacity and so on; thus those


students could be scientists. Countries around the world have already successfully used science and technology in the classrooms. Finland is the country with the best education system in the world. Finland is a small country located at northeast of Europe. It is in the top of the list of countries with the best educational system in the world. However, 50 years ago this little country was no the power that is nowadays. So how do they change in the country with the highest rates of researchers per capita in the world? Finland came out of world war two an economically crippled agrarian society. In 1960, labor growth stopped making economic growth depend on knowledge, skill and productivity increases. Consequently, the government of that country was obligated to make some changes in its educational system. This educational system is considered as the best in the world, according with Newswek. This system differs of traditional education in some aspects, for example: students spend fewer hours at school per day, students enter to the school when they have certain late age and studentshave the same teacher during primaries levels (Compton, 2012). Some people may argue that to improve sciences and technologies in Ecuador, it is necessary to invest a lot of money in education, but, perhaps, Ecuador does not have enough money to invest in something that may take 30 years to pay off. They think that that money could have a better impact if it is invested now in more practical solutions, such as

investment in public works, investment in the exploitation of natural resources, which give more immediate results. True, maybe Ecuador does not have enough money to make that investment. Also, this investment will not be profitable during the next 20 to 30 years. However, Ecuador could get


a credit of international institutions such as Mundial Bank or International Monetary Fund. In the present paper, there is a clear example. Finland is a country which has provedthat this kind of investment will generate the best results in the long term.It will positively change the economy of our country. In conclusion, science and technology has been proved to be the best way to improve the economy of a sub developed country such as in the example Finlandand for countries, such as Ecuador. Throughout history, innovation in science and technology has been the key for the development of countries. Meanwhile, Ecuador consumes indiscriminately itsnatural resources to satisfy its necessities, but we must remember those do not last forever. However, knowledge is an unlimited resource and it could be exploited in order to improve our economy. It is possible for countries to positively change their economies thanks to the correct application of science and technology education. If Ecuador changesits educational system to one based on science and technology we shall improve our economy and, also, we will not depend so much of limited natural resources such as petroleum, wood, water and so on. Moreover, science and technology are really involved in our dairy live and the benefits that it brings us are indispensable for mankind. Thus, Ecuador must invest in this area, which wills tremendouslyimprove its economy in the future.


References American Wind Energy Association(AWEA). (2012). AWEA U.S. Wind Industry Annual Market Report: Year Ending 2011. Washington D.C., USA: American Wind Energy Association. Chetty, L. (2012). The role of science and technology in the developing world in the 21 st Century.




[13/06/2016]. Compton, R. (2012,May 6). The Finland Phenomenon: The best educative system in the world.[Video



from[06/07/2016] El Universo. (2016). Economía de Ecuador caerá 4,5% este 2016, según el FMI. Retrieved from

ecuador-caera-45-este-2016-segun-fmi . [13/06/2016]. RSA. (2010, October 14). The RSA. RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms. [Video tape]. Retrieved from






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