My diary work: A list of works made in English level 6 By: Jorge Ivรกn Cรกrdenas
Jorge IvĂĄn CĂĄrdenas Universidad Yachay Tech UrcuquĂ, Ecuador 4 Challenges Learning English English is a universal language which is spoken for the most countries around the world, learning English we can enjoy travel around the world or sharing knowledge or even making new friends in each part of world. During my time in the University I have had many challenges to learn English that were divided in 4 abilities with awesome teachers who with many patience and dedication could make me learn this varied language to continue with my professional career during the next years in the University and the world. First of all, writing was the most challenges in comparison with the other 3 abilities. Before my level 6 I had to learn all the grammar behind the sentences, I thought that it was like when I had 9 years and studied the grammatical sentences in the school, something like that could be the writing. Although I could have many weakness in the writing like forget some rules to write or do not have the enough vocabulary to develop with this last level I have learned many tips to make a good essay with different topics improving my writing each day more. Pronunciation was the second ability in difficult because is so funny hear me say some words wrongly. During my time in the level 6 I have had many class hours pronouncing differe nt words, something that I learned was that exist rules to say some words and this rules make a great difference when you talk with someone, maybe in our mother language could be easy but learn this rules to other languages like the English was a challenge that cost me many time.
Listening is an ability that could be learned in many different ways. Before my level 6 I had many troubles speaking with someone, because I knew the grammar but when someone was speaking me I had problems to understand him. This level 6 have taught me to understand to the people making each daily activity with English, change my music, series only in English, among other. It have helped me to understand to the people when they speak. Speaking is my last ability that to me was the most interesting ability. Before my level 6 and during my level 6 I have made many friendship for speak English like teachers or music ia ns or people who speak English. Learn this language have helped me to understand many field in this University where the English is the center language of the knowledge and learning. Finally, English have been a challenge but with the help of my teachers I have could develop my abilities and try to dominate my language. I know that this is not the end because I still have many things more to develop with the English, many experiences and persons for met and the English will be an ally which allow me enjoy the wonderful of the life. Sincerely.
Jorge Ivรกn Cรกrdenas Gamboa.
How do you define the beauty? What is your idea about woman or man perfect? Nowadays the idea of the beauty have been modified for all the stereotypes that around us as the public ity, TV, magazines each day show us how to try “define to the persons�, but, we do not what is the absolutely beauty and with this ideas sometimes we take the decision to define to someone for their appearance and in some case those person who is judged could take that ideas as trues and create some problems to define by yourself. Lizzie Velasquez is a speaker in the show TED and she have a rare syndrome, which she has lived for all her life, suffering bullying for the differe nt person who are around her and she said us about her history and how we can use those negatives opinions to help us to improve in our characteristics and attributes in the moment of define us (Velasquez, 2014). We should someday go to a mirror and try define by our self, maybe say our positives and negatives things and create a big idea about our self-stem. I agree with Lizzie Velasquez and I believe that we are the only persons who can take the decision to define us and to be the person who we want to be. First of all, I agree with Lizzie in the idea that the publicity of the television each day define the beauty through woman with a perfect body and expensive dress and all the society believe that those stereotypes of woman can be the idealization of a distorted reality. We must know that the beauty is not only parameter to believe that a person is beautiful, many persons can have more attributes that a pretty face o perfect body, the intelligence, charism, ideas, studies, among others could be things more important that the idealization of the beauty that the publicity each day are selling us. This publicity affect too people and create psychological problems and generate that
many teenagers take decision very strong to get have that body o face perfect. Our next generation should know that the beauty is not those that is in magazine with perfect persons, the beauty is inside of each person y we must assess those great attributes. Second of all, the idea of the beauty that I have spoken recently can affect to other persons who believe that can take the decision to define us and in some case this ideas could affect and believe that this could be true. Many persons, like Lizzie during their childhood have suffered bullying for their appearance in some case this person suffer of some disease or rare syndrome and the other children for do not know about the case can bother them or isolate them of the group of friends. This problems during the childhood can be very prejudicial in the future because although person grow and to mature still have the idea of the beauty idealized and continue whit the bullying to this persons. Some case persons could be fear to see a different person and could define like a “monster” like we can see in the experience of Lizzie who in many case, she was defined like a mini monster or other nicknames that affect her during many time and during that time she could not see the special of her. Although we teach to the society to do not judge to other persons furthermore we must teach to those persons who have been judged that those ideas that they believe about beauty are wrongs. To understand more about this idea we can cite an immortals phrase from Marquis de Sade who said that: “Beauty belongs to the sphere of the simple, the ordinary, whilst ugliness is something extraordinary, and there is no question but that every ardent imagination prefers in lubricity, the extraordinary to the commonplace” (Sade, 1976). Lizzie in the video according her experiences have had many problems whit herself because she does not how to define herself and in some case she believed in the things that her friends could say of her, but, she learned that those negatives things are the best way to improve each day, she teach us that to fulfill our goals must
take those negative ideas and creating a challenge to each day improve in important aspects as to be a good friend, son, student and person who have not the right to judge to no one and only can accept to each person whit their appearance and see those important things that make to each person special. We are the only person who can define us and no one more have the right to say some commentary about our appearance. We must teach to the children about the problems or disease that some person could suffer and mainly teach them about accept to all the person without care if persons are beauty or ugly, have diseases or not, black or white skin, that ideas are very primitives due to we could see other aspects as the intelligence and the feelings, those great qualities must be who define to the persons. So what she show us the reality of many persons who are judged for their exterior beauty and they hope someday can teach to the world what the real beauty are in those little and amazing things that each person have. I agree whit Lizzie in all the aspect of their speech and believe that the beauty are inside of each person.
REFERENCE PAGE Velasquez, L. (2014). How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen [Video File] [Retrieved from] Marquis, S. (1976). 120 days of sodom. Retrieved from
Jorge Iván Cárdenas Universidad Yachay Tech Urcuquí, Ecuador THE RAVEN: AN ANALYSIS “And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted— nevermore!” Poe (2016/1845). This is a fragment of the poem The Raven of the writer Edgar Allan Poe. He was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts, writer, poet, critic, and editor. Edgar Allan Poe's tales of mystery and horror. “"The Raven," which he published in 1845, is considered among the best-known poems in American literature.” Biography Editors (2016). The poem is made up of 18 stanzas of six lines each. The raven is a poem with literary richness and expresses several hidden feelings. An anguished man sleeps on a few books, unable to remove from his thoughts the image of his beloved Leonora, wishing that the night disappears and the new day calms his pain. Some blows wake him up. He does not know who knocks at his door, and when he opens it, he discovers a raven, almost out of nowhere. The raven perches on the lintel of the door, and answers all the questions with a single answer: "Nevermore". The narrator places his chair right in front of the crow, to know more about him. he remains silent thinking about the loss of her Leonor. He thinks that the air becomes more and more dense and he feels the presence of angels, the narrator becomes furious, calling the crow "thing of the devil" and "prophet". Finally the narrator admits that his soul is under the shadow of the crow and that he will not be released "nevermore".
When we read “The Raven” we find feelings such as anguish, sadness and a feeling of abandonment. The sadness of the poem is established from the beginning, when the narrator reads in order to get his mind off of Lenore. For example:” Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary” Poe (2016/1845) The poem starts with this, which gives us an idea of how the whole text will be. Poe shows how he remembers a sad day wishing to see his beloved that he will not return, in the following verse: “I had sought to borrow. From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore” Poe (2016/1845)
The Raven being a work where the richness literary is shown in each stanza allow us match many pieces of a puzzle to interpret the ideas and feelings that the author hides in each analogy during develop of poem. Many ingredients literary are hidden, for example, allitera tio n shown in the dialogue that said: “Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before” , simile: “Suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping.”, metaphor: “And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor”, onomatopeia: “…and so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door” and assonance: “rusting of each purple curtain, thrilled me-filled me”, among others. People who are experts on the literature agree in that The Raven is a literary work where the use of literary terms help to understand the meaning of some ideas a little confuse and the feelings hidden by the author for that the readers can enjoy mystery of the literature.
In the literature the objective is to show feelings, ideas, and histories to the readers and so, try to share theses emotions through a pencil and paper for what different persons can understand what kind of feelings the author want to transmit. Our feels while we are reading The Raven are sadness and nostalgic because we can see that the history is centered in Leonora, a dead women, and his eternal lover who those night was thinking on her, other feelings that the history show us is the melancholic due to in several times while the raven was in the door and finally the madness is a feeling that the raven could let us show, because, each time that the raven said his words “Nevermore� the author try to scape of his remember and scream for salvation and sanity. Although the feelings that a history or poem can transmit depend of the reader, because, not all the people feel the same, but, in some case could agree in the sadness and nostalgic which are for us the most important feelings that the author want to transmit. Finally, Edgar Allan Poe is a writer very recognized in the literature for his works in which the literary terms, feelings and histories are mixed to give to the reader a great experience. The Raven being one of his most recognized works has a richness literary abundant which can take examples and try to discover what the ideas that authors want to transmit are. The use of the literary terms are very important because are the hook to a great history and a very hard interpretation for each reader interested on the literature, art and language. References Edgar Allan Poe (1845). The Raven. Poetry Foundation. Retrieved 17 November 2016, from Biography Editors (2016). Edgar Allan Poe Biography. Retrieved 17 November 2016, from
Jorge Iván Cárdenas Universidad Yachay Tech Urcuquí, Ecuador Do you believe that the use of technologies like the internet, computers, smartphones, make people smarter or less smarter overall? Be sure to define “smarter” We are living in a technological era where we are being constantly attacked with information which could be useful or only trash. Technology has changed our lives in differe nt ways making our daily tasks easier than in other times, but, when we speak about knowledge technology is making us smarter due to the reality that today we can find information of any topic, problem or event faster than in other times and only with a “click” opening new frontiers to the human knowledge. First of all, we define smartness as a person who has of it through deduction. Smart people, nowadays, could be those who believe in an information, which could come of different ways like TV or mainly internet, investigating or searching other sources to check or find the truth with a correct deduction over the topic and using different points of view and the technology is a toll which we can check this fact mentioned. Second of all, technology is a constantly helping us with our tasks. According to Jonathan Coopersmith in his article “ Is technology making us smarter or dumber? Yes” he claims that: “As Adam Smith noted in his 1776 “ Wealth of nations”, specialization enables people to become more efficient and productive at one set of tasks, but with a trade-off increased dependence on others for additional needs. In theory, everyone benefits.”(Coopersmith, 2016). Technology is making us
smarter because it give us information in an easy way, and the information is universal for any person who wants know of it. Furthermore, technology is making us smarter due to its applications in the field of education helping us to learn faster and easier. We know that the technology is changing and constantly creating more machines that not only could be to improve our life else to teach us new ways with its apps that in many cases have helped to learn different language or math problems, among others. To support this idea Jonathan Coppersmith in his article said that: “Specializa tio n enable us to become very good at some activities but that investme nt in learning for example, how to be an ER nurse or computer codes come at the expense of other skills like how to grow you own food or build your own starters”. (Coopersmith, 2016). We must accept that the use of the technology is making us smarter and our lives easier in education, daily life, among others. Although many people could say that the technology is making us dumber as Genevieve Roberts on her article when she claims that: “If we spend all our time online, or experiencing our lives through a smartphone camera long, we might miss important experiences, and not commit them to long-term memory.” (Roberts,2015). However, how useful is the technology depend of ourselves due to the fact that we must teach our generations the benefits that technology in the field of the knowledge mean and that waste their time in other things like social media or things that are only how distraction for short time, and the correct use of technology is searching information and richness us in our minds. Finally, technology us in all the places, giving us demonstration about capacity of the humanity. This tool can be useful and depend of us how we are going to use technology demonstration to all the people who do not believe in the technology that it is a great tool which is
making us smarter and each day humans are going to improve it for the benefits of all who use these tools. REFERENCE PAGE Coppersmith,J. 2016 Is technology making us dumber or smarter? Yes. Retrieved from: Htttp://the makig-us-smarter-or-dumber58219 Genevieve, R. 2015 Google effects: is technology making us stupid. Retrieved from:
Politicians, Money and Corruption in Ecuador Jorge Ivรกn Cรกrdenas Gamboa Yachay Tech
Politicians, money and Corruption in Ecuador How many persons agree with the current politicians? And how many ideas we can take to change this reality? Nowadays, politicians who are in the government, are politicians who have been accused for corruption or simply they are there for get salary each months forgetting what are their objectives and for what the society choose them to be in politics charges, according to the newspaper El Universo (2016) claims that: “La presentación de proyectos legislativos es parte de las funciones de un asambleísta. Sin embargo, hay algunos que buscan la reelección y que no han presentado ni uno solo en lo que va del periodo legislativo 2013-2016 (hasta el 25 de noviembre pasado). De los 52 asambleístas principales que quieren reelegirse, 18 no han presentado proyectos.” (El Universo, 2016). Examples like these show us the other face of the politicians who have politics charges only as way to get money and even they think come back to the elections and repeat the history. We should change the salaries of the politicians to avoid that the people who only want to get a salary secure have charges politics and that the corruption in Ecuador continues to increase, so, persons who have a social consciousness will take politics charges like a work voluntary for the society.
The idea about politicians begin since the childhood because the children adopt a bad idea about the money and its relationship with the work on the society. Many parents wrongly have had the idea about social scales which always have been divided for the money or work that they could have, in many cases, parents teach to their children about get a good work (inside of the acceptable for the society) and try to get the most quantity of money possible to show to our around the success that they have in their life. The teachings that children adopt are constantly supported for the communicative means, mainly for the politics. Children during all their childhood have listened so many cases in which politicians have great charges politics and they get even huge quantities
of money each month, due to this, many children prefer to opt for the politic like a way to get easy money. Parents have never taught to their children about the morality to get money having a work honored and serving constantly to the society, they are focused on the money and the acceptation of the society inside of their circles of friends due to persons prefer even do not study and opt for to be a politicians even without have a degree or have studied on the field of the politics, in this way, we are choosing only pretty faces for the charges instead choose to persons who are correctly prepared to develop their work on the politics and for the society. To support this idea with other opinion according to the web The Guardian (2015) said that: “So many parents keep their kids financially in the dark, either out of a desire to avoid boasting and pride or to protect the kids from financial worries,” Ron Lieber, a New York Times money columnist, writes in his book. “But we need to have far more conversations with our children about money, because there is a direct connection between talking about money and teaching kids all the good values we want to impla nt into their brains before we shove them out into the world.” (The Guardian, 2015).
The corruption in Ecuador is a repetitive fact during its history and the main cause of this fact is the interest for the money. We have seen and listened so many facts that during all the politic life in Ecuador the most quantity of politicians have stolen money of the town and finally they have run away with that money to other countries to spend it on their vanities. When we talk about the corruption not only is the cause when the politicians try to get money for easy way, it also could be abusing of power to make decisions that it get worse constantly to our country. This interests are financed for private industries who promise to the politicians great quantities of money and they must only make decisions that benefit to some social circle and letting in other side the poor or defects of working class who have affected for these decisions. To support these ideas about the politicians and their interest we can take one among many cases in Ecuador where
the corruption, interests and money are the main center of attention, according to the El Ciudadano have made a little summary of one of the worst economic moments in the history of Ecuador in which said that: “El denominado “Feriado Bancario” ocurrió el 8 de marzo de 1999, uno de los capítulos de la peor crisis financiera del país, que tuvo como protagonistas al poder político y a la banca. Masivo congelamiento de depósitos y salvataje bancario se daban a finales del siglo pasado, cuando el neoliberalismo tocaba fondo y se abría paso el camino a la dolarización. El más grande atraco del siglo y el mayor subsidio que gobierno ecuatoriano alguno haya entregado, fue a parar en las manos de banqueros cuyo poder de decisión política era muy determinante incluso años antes. Los banqueros no sólo formaban parte de los gabinetes gubernamentales sino que, en el caso del ex presidente Jamil Mahuad, la banca fue la financista de su campaña”(El Ciudadano, 2015). The main cause for that the persons make these decisions is because the society have not impla nted a consciousness social about of help to the working class or the morality that the politicians should have at take a politics charges they only have fed the need of get money and think on their wellness putting sideways the society and its great problems that are affecting to the socials scales who have not had the opportunity to get ahead due to the corruption constantly stops them and it make them lost the hope in a better future. The utopic idea which could solve these problems could be pay less the salary of all the politicians in all the charges politics, so, persons who have a consciousness social will take the power and the will opt for making good decisions for the future of the country. We should diminis h drastically the salaries of the politicians, maybe, they should be paid less of 2000$ in any politics charges, so, the money will not be a problem when someone want to take a politic charges due to the only benefit will be serve to the town with honor and responsibility making the best decisions and improving the future of our country. Through of this change, when we are going to elect to the
next assemblyman, councilor or president we would see a list of candidates who are not interested in the salary per month, other consequence of this will be that they will improve their work due to this work will be voluntary and for the serve of the society, so, we will avoid that many persons only are sitting on their seating waiting for the end of the day and getting a great salary per month without any help for the society who with their task are constantly paying them for that they make a good job for our the society. Although many person said that paying better to the politicians their work will improve and they will not want cheat or stole money. Persons like Gagliarducci and Nannicidini support this idea on their article which said that: “It is important to stress that our empirical exercise which is local in nature as any RDD cannot help determining the optimal wage level, that is, it cannot identify the upper limit over which the welfare benefit from paying politicians more is completely offset by the wage increase itself. Yet, it makes clear that the monetary remuneration is a relevant motivation for citizens willing to run for elective offices. While the obvious recommendatio n would be to increase the salary paid to politicians, our exercise also suggests that, in addition to population size, the salary could be linked to the private sector compensation for similar occupations�.( Gagliarducci & Tommaso, 2009), in most of the cases this could attract to more persons who only are interested in the salary per month, they even would not have any interest on the politics or in making good decisions, they could be like the current politicians in Ecuador they are only persons who are waiting the end of the day to get out and to forget their objective. The money have always been the problematic in the politics and even to world level continues generating conflicts due to is the cause for that many countries have corruption for part of their politicians. The remuneration could be great if the politicians could be persons who have studies on the field, like economist, lawyers, among other, that is to say, who have studied constantly and
get a university degree, they know how to help to the government to make the best decisions for the benefit of the country, for this they have studied hard on their universities. Finally, in us is the decision of choose to the correct candidate who will guide us for a better country that year after year must improve on all its ambits social, legal and politic. The idea of change the politic must star from the childhood to the great students who are getting ready to take this charges political. The politicians and their defects is a problem that we must be attentive due to that they are who can helping us to improve or worsen in our daily lives, so, politicia ns, money and corruption will not be a problem in the politic in future times and we and the politic ia ns will work for a country free and sovereign. REFERENCE PAGE El Universo. (2016). 18 no presentaron proyectos de ley, pero buscan reelegirse. Retrieved from. The Guardian. (2015). Teach 5-year-olds about money ethics and management, new book advises. Retrieved from. five- year-olds- moneymanagement-ethics El Ciudadano. (2015). Hace 16 años ocurrió el feriado bancario, el atraco más grande de la historia del país. Retrieved from. masgrande-de-la-historia-del-pais/ Gagliarducci & Tommaso. (2009). Do better paid politicians perform better? Disentangling incentives from selection. Retrieved from.