Finishing the six chapter
Digital Portafolio
José Revelo
Yachay Tech – Urcuquí - Ecuador
Finishing the six chapter Digital Portafolio
By Jose Revelo
English Languaje Program Level 6 - Class 009
Teacher: Josephine Javens
San Miguel de Urcuquí – Ecuador
Portfolio Letter...........................................................................................
Class Essays..............................................................................................
Response Essay.......................................................................
Argumentative Essay................................................................................
Final Research Project..............................................................................
Thank you letter...........................................................................
Jose Revelo Yachay tech University Imbabura, Ecuador December, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader:
The person who had write this have been in the level six trough the semester of September-2016 to January-2017, since I came to Yachay I had pass through the english program with difficulties in the language that helped me to mature as student and as person. I do not only growed up in knowledge also in responsibility that helped me to take more serious my degree in the rest of days studying in the university. My progress is a result of my effort but most important is thanks to my professors that helped me with their knowledge, I will mention a they influenced me and the first is my teacher of level 4 was Rebekah, she was one of my three teachers in this english course, this teacher don not help me to improve myself as an English user because she will not putt effort teaching all the class also I do not put effort too. This period I do not feel that have a progress after this level but after all I pass to the next level where I meet a great teacher called Stalin Avila, was not to well to meet this professor because it was strict an demanding when he was grading essays, presentations and everybody, but after all he helped me to taking more seriously all the english lessons, after this great but also annoying professor I think he helped me to put more effort not only in my homeworks, like I mentioned before, as well in my duties as student.
Finally I am finalizing the level 6 with a great teacher and her name is Josephine Javens that from the beginning she was very gorgeous and had an excellent attitude with us, teaching me and my partners the language with wisdom and patience, also when she was answering our questions, she did a great to job clearing our doubts, also helping us to improve our skills in writing with the essays wrote in class, she help our skills in listening, in many class she taught us to differentiate similar words and how the pronunciation was in words that are useful in essays and exposition them well. I think now I am better writing essays and research papers this semester I think I finally outdated myself, I improve my works in the aspect of organization because back in time when I was new I cannot write a well-designed essay even when I was the person who wrote it, I just lose the sequence and finally my essays were not good because they caused confusion on the person who read it. Now my works are more efficient to read thanks to they have a better thesis and quotes that support it avoiding plagiarism. Thank you for read my portfolio I would like to say that I have to improve and training my english skills a higher level, I should put more effort to be better than I am now, but still I think I am better than before and would like to thank my partners who help in this program.
Jose Revelo
Response essay
Response essay
Language standardization: a bad thing that won’t happen Jose Luis Revelo Yachay Tech University
Humans would copy actions of other since they appear, but the problem originate when due this actions can´t progress farther than we could. The problem was that humans can’t understand each other, they need a way to express themselves to the rest of the population, and also many intelligent species cannot produce a progress. For this progress was need a way to teach someone what you have learned, and then step by step reach the progress for the future, like Pagel (2011) established for some reason our ancestors get a implement from nature. The most powerful and main quality that human possess thanks to the development of evolution was the language. A precious way to transmit our ideas in the memory of another person the most and effective way in someone else mind, or in the same way transmit to us their idea. Thanks to this new tool we were able to reach the future with giant steps, so clans appear and grow up and formed villages. These were the origins of society of human kind thanks to the language we break the problems of being stuck in no progress. Science is the clearest product of language we have learned and still learning concepts of our ancestor’s knowledge. World is in movement, many things were created like bicycles at the beginning existed a lot of different models with different sizes of wheels, but now with the trough of time the model of bicycle is just almost the same now is unified, also like Pagel (2011) says the format for playing music are CD and DVD, and one is used for play music and another for playing videos. But in the old times existed many ways to reproduce audio existed a lot of formats and displays for reproduce them. But they are being standardized in this format and also exist many examples of how human are simplifying aspects for an easy life.
Pagel thoughts are some languages are disappearing they are called dead languages. Also we need a way to express ourselves in an easy way to the rest of people that doesn’t understand us. Multinational companies spends a huge amounts of money to translate important information and coordinate plans, business and help to other countries in case of emergency. That is why for Pagel language will be ruled by one, because is needed to create an easiest way to coordinate a lot of aspects in an international ambits. The range that idioms exist in actuality will be closer for necessities, of taking preferences between idioms that will be more commercials and effective to realize objectives. In the next paragraphs I will approach in this topic and will give my point of view with some little example. In our actual world we can see how many languages are extinct for causes like wars, colonization and replaced for more effective or essays ways our, also due the majority talk some specific language, for example commercial cities that have persons with different tongues, this place will tends to prioritize some of them and omit others for the importance of business. In cases like this Pagel thesis will be right, and I am agree with their thesis but not at all. Pagel is not right at all talking about this future of one language, I think that it is true that his theory will be closer that the upcoming future will not exist as many that are existing right now, but the true is that languages are disparaging but some of them will not because humanity also need to encode information from others, so if it is necessary exist specialists in encode information and that is how a new language is created for the needs of humans to also protect relevant facts or process of others who want to read it. For this motive is why I think it is impossible that the thesis of Pagel will realize in some near or far future.
Native languages are essential parts of some countries, for identity and accept our roots, for governments like the Ecuadorian don’t lose this languages is crucial part, because eradicate this expression of a country multicultural. As the UNESCO(2008) established: "In the heart of the Amazon, they have developed an oral culture particularly rich in knowledge of the natural environment, as demonstrated by the abundance of their vocabulary... this cultural heritage is expressed through myths, rituals, artistic practices and language".If we move to the amazons are around six different languages that are being used in these days, also the oral and culture of zapara community, located in Ecuador, was declarated world heritage(Unesco, 2008). Also I meet persons and cultural groups that learning quichua is a serious an important matter in the Andean region.
Pagel, M. (2001, August 3). How language transformed humanity [Video file]. Retrieved from:
Reading Evolutional Biology Group, (n/d). Mark Pagel .Retrieved from:
UNESCO, (2008). El patrimonio oral y las manifestaciones culturales del pueblo zápara. Recovered:
Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis “Story of an hour” by Ray Blandury.
Literary Analysis
Jose Luis Revelo Orellana
Yachay Tech University
“Story of an hour” by Kate Chopin Chopin, K. (1894).
Literary Analysis
Many things can happen in one day even in an hour, many ways to react for different situations, “story of an hour” shows many events that happen in a classic dramatic story but composed with different elements of the literary that create this entertained and narration. In the next paragraphs we are going to analyze some of this elements. Summarizing the story relates the reaction of a women reacts to the new that her husband has died in a railroad disaster and what are going to be the ultimate decision that she makes with unexpected end. The mood of this tale is around of the attitude of the Mrs. Mallard against this bad new manipulated with a little suspend and a serious way to distingue if is a good feeling or a bad feeling her answer to the coming future. The reader can feel the energy of Mrs. Mallard in the next sentence “Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of hear” Chopin, K. (1894). The story was written in third person, who describes how each character develops their parts. Another good part to analyze are the symbols and what they mean for example the friend of the husband represents the calm and the control to face the critical situations as we can appreciate in this part. He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message Chopin, K. (1894). The sister of Mrs Mallard represent the fragile and the sadness of losing something of the wife, also the emotional side when she is constantly crying like a normal wife will do if her husband have died. We can look it when she is screaming to the door to her sister “Josephine was kneeling before
the closed door with her lips to the keyhold, imploring for admission.”Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door--you will make yourself ill. What are you doing, Louise? For heaven's sake open the door." Chopin, K. (1894). The wife represents a cruel but
a correct way to surpass the difficulties of losing a loved person in your life, is normal to continue your life but Mrs. Mallard was very crazy because their first thoughts of pain are very quickly beaten for the emotion of not depending more in someone else her soul is literally screaming freedom like you can see in the next phrase the narrator express the feelings of “Mrs.Mallard Free! Body and soul free!" she kept whispering” Chopin, K. (1894). To end this analysis we can appreciate the role of each character represents a different way to react to a specific event, in this special case this event is the death of a close person which is a very interesting and interesting conflict to read ant the plot conform a great combination way to express many feelings of a human. Story of an hour is a very immersive story without talking about the end of it that you need to read if you want to know how much happiness can a person feel, from cry to die, about the freedom.
Carlosama, M. (2000). Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas. Movimiento
Interpretation Essay
Interpretation Essay The fighting of indigenous sudamerican people is proclaimed in Guayasamin´s paintings.
Patricia Janeth Rengel CalvopiĂąa Jose Luis Revelo Orellana
Yachay Tech University
The fighting of Indigenous sudamerican people proclaim in Guayasamin´s paintings. The work of Oswaldo Guayasamin reflects the suffering of South American indigenous people. Guayasamin was born in 1919 in Quito and he worked as a painter and sculptor. “Hands of protest” is part of the collection “Hands”. This set of artworks represents the rupture of silence and the visibilization of indigenous problems in an era of repression. Ecuador´s story is full of regrettable events about indigenous dignity and rights. The artwork collection, which was created until 1999 by Guayasamin, tells stories of violence, misery, and anguish but this pain feeling do not interfere with the exquisite harmony in the painting (Museo Capilla del Hombre, 2016). This essay pretend make an analysis of Hands of Protest taking care about symbols and context the pain to demonstrate how Guayasamin use artworks to protest in front of abuse of indigenous fighting. The Ecuadorian indigenous battle was extended for more than 500 years, and just in 90´s begin to be respected and consider important part of the country. (Carlosama, 2000). Hand of Protest is component by two parts: hands and face. The whole painting in position of them shows anguish and impotence. Long ago in 1492 began the mistreatment to the owner of Abya Yala, when a group of Europeans “discovered” America. The Europe´s People bring with them a new social organization system and a new social dynamics, where the natives represent almost free force work. This practices were maintained until 1990, but in this time indigenous people never stop to fight. In this way when
someone look at Hand of Protest he look in the past and front facing the suffer to achieve basic rights. In this paragraph different components are going to be analyzed. We will understand what the symbols and colors that conform the picture mean. The picture is composed by hands and a face. In the face and from the eyes we can appreciate a type liquid falling down. Those tears represents the pain and the desperation of being nonconform. The shattered teeth in the mouth are showing an unhealthy state of the person. Also the mouth is open just like when somebody is screaming. This expression is transmitting a feeling of sadness and also sending a message of “why”, “please”. At the same time is saying “It is enough of this”, however he do not possess the force to continue in the fight. The second major symbol are the hands. Those contains many aspects to be discussed like the face. To begin for example, the fingers shows that the person have worked for many years on the crop field as a farmer. He spent his whole life cultivating and harvesting. He had put his effort until to lose all the vigor and force. Also the hands have a peculiar style. We can guess that have some diseases, maybe arthritis as the result of being worked to many time without pause. Finally some blood are present around the finger. All this elements are the result of a hard and bad remunerated work in the entire life. And this reality just finish when he ending of the life. In 60´s Guayasamin develop a set of artworks that respond to the social struggles that indigenous protagonist during hundred years. Hands of protest is part of a set of paints that reflects the problems for sudamerican indigenous people. The strong expression of desperation of Ecuadorian people around history is reflected in the painting Hand of Protest. It is important emphasize that
even when the expression is full of distressing feelings the paint in whole achieve the harmony and beauty. Social problems are evidence in the paint of this artist, who made story for himself in the defense of the most vulnerable groups in society.
Carlosama, M. (2000). Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas. Movimiento indigena ecuatoriano. Retrieved from: Instituto Científico de Culturas Indígenas.:
Museo Capilla del Hombre. (2016). Guayasamin. Capilla del hombre. Retrieved from: Guayasamin. Capilla del hombre.:
Guayasamin, O. (1960). Manos de protesta [Painting]. Quito, Capilla del Hombre.
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
The decreasing efficient of human as a result of technology
JosĂŠ Luis Revelo
Yachay Tech University
The decreasing efficient of human as a result of technology
Humans are characterized by creating things that often facilitate their lives and make things easier to do for anyone with a basic knowledge. Our dependency is so ingrained that the minimum lack of internet would mean less things to achieve because of the absence of sources telling us what to do step by step or simply telling us the answer. This is just a way to say that Technology is making us dumber and dumber every time that something new is released.
A clearly example of how technology is affecting us is that we only prepare ourself to do the necessary steps, but using the correct gadget. We do not prepare to do the things without the apparat, or at least understand how machines are doing the work. Our high-dependency for something else doing our work is obvious in the daily life, people searching for information, people telling their virtual assistant to do tasks or to remember special dates are always common. This is why some entities are trying to avoid this practice. Coopersmith (2016) presents an example of this: “the U.S. Naval Academy just resumed training officer to navigate by sextants. Historically the only way to determine a ship´s location at sea, this technique is being taught again both as a backup in case cyberattackers interefer with GPS signals�.
Another reason of how technology make us stupids is that make us lazy, even in a clinical way because we do not exercise our minds as before.
Nowadays, we do not need even to remember things, such as birthdays or appointments because our cellphones can do this for us. Clinically prove “the average human attention span fell from 12 seconds in 2000 to eight seconds today… there is a superficiality to a lot of our thinking” Roberts(2005) we need to pay more attention to our events we are losing our analytic sense. In contrast to the opinions that technology affect our productivity is the thought of the “specialized knowledge” that express that we improve us to be better in a specific ambit Coopersmith (2016). But you are acting almost like a machine you do not need only to do the right things in a normal way you need to check all the components in a work to reach the “succes” and technology is killing imagination, this piece is essential sometimes to find the solution to a problem that many people cannot find.
Robets, G. (2005). Google Effect is technology making us stupid? The Independent. Retrieved from:
Coopersmith, J. (2016). Is technology making us dumber or smarter? Yes. The
conversation. Retrieved from:
DECEMBER 05th , 2016
Josephine Javens
Imagine that someday your baby will born with a lethal disease, without hope of living. You will probably try everything to save him. Nowadays, this kind of dilemmas are possible to fix and avoid. What scientists do is to modify and delete DNA problems to have a healthy baby. However, scientists around the world are not excited about all these new forms to improve humans health and life before they born. You may ask yourself why? Well, editing DNA is easier than you think, the problems come when we cannot control other areas of the DNA, so we do not have the complete control modifying it. This practice will affect another aspects in the following offspring, maybe with malformations.
Summarizing, modify a gene will affect another like a domino effect also exists some laboratories which do not have strict laws to regulate this biological practice. Therefore, an ethic code is necessary for the development of genetic engineering because it is a new practice that need limits, also is important to know they are manipulating a future person without his consent, and finally there are an important aspect generating a big discussion that is says that we are pretending to be god altering the original plan of god or nature impulse by catholically groups.
What is CRSPRs and what is his trouble
There is a new technique recently implemented for genomic edition called CRISPRs, which permit scientists to improve their efforts to alter long sequences of DNA, before edit the DNA of a mice. Now, the main reason why people do not talk about this great new technique? The reason was established by Crossley in 2014 that “genomic editing was already possible in simple organisms and it was feasible but expensive to make … but it was slow and laborious. Now it is easier”. Concluding, CRSPR do not allow us to control the effects of genetic modification, only accelerate and simplify the process. However, we need is a new way that resolve the problem of unwished changes after the process of manipulation. Other countries in this practice Another big issue of this new practice to improve humans, are that can be happen in different countries, just is necessary an empress to impulse a laboratory which can realize experiments, this could be great for science because normally more people experimenting with DNA will discover new advantages, but the logical way do not apply with the editing of DNA cause many countries does not have strict laws like others also according to Lanphier Many “countries do not have explicit legislation in place permitting or forbidding genetic engineering in humans — considering such research experimental and not therapeutic”(2015). So how will be the offspring in the coming years, maybe will be appearing a lot of newborns without illnesses or maybe ten generations later could be affected with lethal malformations, syndromes or serious illness, also for Koepsell (2007), genetic engineering can provide immense benefits if it is used prudently and carefully regulate.
Practitioners will have to report his discovers without omit any detail and how they modified some aspect, to a superior common organism. Cause this scientist are affecting our DNA, no the DNA of a bacteria (even modifying a bacteria could be very risk). However, this especially point was not too much important to discuss a few years ago since in china a geneticist, Xingxu Huang, who works at Model Animal Research Center of Nanjing University in China, and his group successfully engineered twin monkeys, with two targeted mutations using the CRISPR system(Shen, 2014). The success of the experiment of twin monkeys modified with CRISPR achieve a recognition in science world, also was very critiqued by many other scientist for go on with his project without thinking in the polemic and risks of the practice. Finally, a universal code is needed to regulate all these experiments because will be appearing more laboratories who will be starting to modify DNA, ignoring the risks and the polemic around this practice. The Integrity of the newborn Well a point that does not generate a big controversy, but if you give attention to the fact that maybe you modify an aspect of the future child, it could be possible that this person do not want this change on him, so the modification without the assumption of this person affecting his integrity and eliminating his right to make decisions. According to UNESCO, in his work “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights�, the ethical issues in bioengineering raised by the exponential development of this biological science, and the technological applications should be examined to avoid any fact that affect the dignity of human. The biotechnological methods must be examined to avoid any invasive and harmful practice that could be applied in medicine (2005). Alter how a person will be it is unnecessary and we do not
want to become in new style to be in fashion, just because a rich person want to have a son with green eyes or another “special aspect” , it do not mean that will have to do it. Edit DNA have to be a therapeutic way helping to save lives of newborns improving their futures lives, edit will have to be allowed when we can save a baby to be born with a malformation or a lethal disease, finally alter the DNA of a person even if this person has not born yet, just need to be apply in specific instance like example avoiding him or her to have color blindness. Theological Perspective A big group again techniques like CRISPR have his principal beliefs in his religious values which are we are not god we should not attempt to be god, but this opinions are again to the all practice not only a few aspects. As Jagadish and Annervaz established, in their work “Ethics in Genetic Engineering”, when we use the genetic manipulation in humans, we are interfering with the creation by a natural process and thus are violating the omnipotence of God (n.d) this is one of the theological main points to stop modifying DNA these opinions are biased by an outdated point of view, and many times these type of thoughts impede the progress of science since the beginning of science. Another argument against the genetic manipulation established by Jagadish and Annervaz “The other argument against genetic engineering is that it changes the fundamental nature of an organism in a way that would never occur in nature and hence it is immoral to do so” (Jagadish y Annervaz, n.d). But also god´s plan in almost all religions advise us that we have to help other persons if we can, and we can save lives whit these new inventions we do not have to stop, we are fulfilling the will of god and not challenging him, seeing in the perspective of many religious groups.
Conclusion Should we stop all investigations around the world for the last points of view, the answer is an absolutely no. You may ask you why? It is simply, we recently discover this way to improve humanity and that is, we recently started this new journey of future discovers is not necessary to do crazy experiments only to be the first like the case of the group that created the twin monkeys with the CRIPR technique, he captured the attention of important scientist but it was risky, that monkeys could have a negative aspect and died instantly after they born. We need a universal code that include all the countries and take this practice like therapeutic and just not only like researches, we are making our first steps modifying DNA is not necessary to run yet. for this is very serious a code that regulates this practice, thanks for his therapeutics possibilities, until we can have a hundred percent of control without affect the human progress. Finally a according to Lanpier that give us a great opinion to conclude this research “legitimate concerns regarding the safety and ethical impacts of germline editing must not impede the significant progress being made in the clinical development of approaches to potentially cure serious debilitating diseases�. (Lanpier,2015)
Crossley, M. (2014). Explainer: what is genome editing?. Recovered from:
Koepsell, D. (2007). The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. Recovered from:
Lamphier, E.; Urnov, F.; Haecker, S.; Werner, M.; Smolenski, J. (2015). Don’t the
Shen, H. (2014). First monkeys with customized mutations born. Nature. Recovered
UNESCO. (2005). Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Recovered from:
Jagadish. M & Annervaz. (n.d). Ethics in Genetic Engineering. Recovered from:
It was a great experience to pass through this program and express my works that hide my effort, thanks for reading my portfolio.
JosĂŠ Revelo Orellana