October 2019 / Issue 10 / Volume 2
Yachay tech university
English Language Program
José Andrés Tacuri Pineda
Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary Analysis 4. Interpretation essay 5. Thank you letter 6. Final research project
José Andrés Tacuri Pineda Hacienda San José s/n y Proyecto Yachay Urcuqui, Ecuador.
January 9th of 2017
Dear Portfolio Reader,
I hope you have a good time reading my portfolio. It is a brief summary of my progress in English through the years until I finished the English Program at Yachay Tech University. I have been studying English since I was a child. I remembered when I was 9 years old and my mom signed me up on a Language academy because I had problems in school in English subject. At the beginning I hated to go classes because they were after the school and I was very tired, almost in all the classes I fell asleep. After few months I started to go to classes, I discovered that English was not difficult as everyone said to me. Then I approved the levels and when I was 14 years old I graduated of the Language Academy and I received my English proficiency diploma. After I studied in the Language Academy, I did not practice too much my English until I started to study in Yachay Tech. I had several teachers during the English Program with different personalities that taught me new things and help me to improve as a student and as a human being. I remembered a very funny anecdote when I was in fifth level. I had a presentation and I was so nervous that I forgot everything that I studied so I started to improvise and I repeated for almost ten minutes the same idea. Everything in the English program it is not grammar classes and speaking, I really enjoyed the activities that we did in the lab classes such as: watching movies, singing songs, playing games, etc. Also I think that the multimodal presentations taught me different ways to
express my ideas in an interactive way that can make that my classmates pay me more attention and really get interested in the topic that I investigated. Before I began to study in the English program I taught that I had a good style of writing but the peer assessment of the essays helped me to correct some mistakes that I had in the organization of my ideas. This help me to get better grades on my essays. For instance in my first essay I wrote this thesis statement “Although the author does not show statistics of how ineffective is the method of education is in different countries, I agree with his point of view that our current system of education was structured, designed and conceived for a different age, thus we cannot change the future doing the same things that we did in the past”, in this thesis of my first essay you can see that had I only critique the author but I do not present my own ideas. Also, the thesis was a little bit widespread and that I did not show “how ineffective is the method of education”. However with the experience and the advices that my teacher and classmates made to my work, I improved for my next essay. I learned that a thesis have to be more specific and it was like the heart of the essay because if it was not clear readers would not pay attention in our essay. I had several struggles while I was learning English, specifically writing essays. It was not an easy deal to make that the information that contains my paragraphs have relationship with the thesis statement. I wanted to include a lot of details that were not related or make the reader lost their attention in the main goal of the essay. Besides at the time to do my assignments I procrastinated a lot and I finished doing my essays the last days before the deadline. For this reason my essays were full of basic mistakes such as: verb tenses, signs of punctuation and redundancy. But experience makes a master so I learned from my mistakes and I realized that if you want to do a quality work you have to check it several times in order to perfect it and make it more solid. I know that English it is really a helpful tool nowadays, hence I think that all the time we spend to perfect our language skills are an investment that will help us in the future. English help me
as a student to access to several databases of information around the world to make my projects. On the other hand I can study abroad without difficulties. English make me more competitive in the labor market in order to have the same opportunities with students around the world. Thank you for reading my portfolio, I invest time and dedication to make a good quality work in order to convince you that I accomplish all the requirements to finish the English Program. I have presented all the proofs that validate that I am proficient in English and I am ready to pursuit my academic and personal goals.
JosĂŠ AndrĂŠs Tacuri Pineda
Response essay: Changing Education Paradigms
Changing Education Paradigms Jose Tacuri Pineda Yachay Tech University September 30, 2016
Response essay: Changing Education Paradigms
Changing Education Paradigms Albert Einstein said “Never consider study as an obligation, consider it as an opportunity to enter to the wonderful world of knowledge”. Education is a tool that helps you to get enough and necessary knowledge to have the same chances to compete in the labor market with people around the world. “Changing paradigms” is a video created by Ken Robinson stating an argument on how effective is the actual education system to form future professionals based on a method of education that is outdated. Although the author does not show statistics of how infective is the method of education in different countries, I agree with his point of view that our current system of education was structured, designed and conceived for a different age, thus we cannot change the future doing the same things that we did in the past. “Changing paradigms” by Ken Robinson talks about the chaos that the system of public education had caused based on two pillars the economic aspect and the intellectual aspect because there had been some people benefited of it but most of them not. The way the author provided information it is easy to see that the author is biased. For instance: he said that current system of public education is modeled by the interest of industrialism. Besides, he said that Schools are pretty much organized on Factory lines. He showed his displeasure talking about how the economic situations of the countries is involved with education, but he did not said that if countries does not have an stable economy are forced to do that because they need to form students that become in efficient workers that can help to this country to have better days in lower time.
Response essay: Changing Education Paradigms
“Changing paradigms” is a video were the author presented arguments that support that that the education system decrease your skill of divergent thinking that is innate in all of us since we were children. I totally agree with this idea because he showed us that our education system is anaesthetic that shut off our senses and transform us in zombies. Moreover, he state that our education system only help us to develop our linear thinking, this is reflected in tests that confirm that while we are more involved in education system our divergent thinking decreases progressively. The video “Changing Paradigms” shows a very crude reality that nowadays is affecting a lot of children in the United States. This issue is scientifically called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that basically is the inability to get focused or pay attention in class, this is serious because doctors are medicating with drugs that are strong. But the fact that scientist do not consider before diagnosing a child with ADHD is how they want that a child put all his effort trying to understand boring things that he does not like. Besides in the technological era with several distractions such as: internet, cartoons, video games, advertisement, it is really difficult to accomplish this goal. I agree with this argument because the tone that Ken Robinson uses to refer about this issue is objective and attacks the problem from the root. He does not try to hide the truth in order to benefit the scientists or the big enterprises that sell the drugs against ADHD, he said that companies are trying to enslave children in classes for only doing one thing pay attention to their subjects.
Response essay: Changing Education Paradigms
In the video “Changing Paradigms� the author affirm that exists two main objectives whereby governments are investing in the public education. The first objective is that governments want to educate their children to take place in the economy of the 21st century. The second objective is that governments want to educate their children to have a sense of identity in order to teach them to be proud of being a citizen of their country of origin. This means that governments are putting all their confidence in education because it is the only way that can help the country to develop and have better opportunities in the future to compete with the same chances with all countries around world. Overall, the effectiveness of the education system it is a very controversial issue insomuch as the author does not present points that support the education system, it only shows it is disadvantages and we cannot take an I impartial decision just watching this video. However based in the video we can said we cannot change the future using the same education system for a long period of time because it cannot prepare us for the problems of the society of 21st century.
Response essay: Changing Education Paradigms
References Robinson, K. [The RSA]. (2016, September, 30). RSA Animate: Changing Education Paradigms [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U
Running head: BEYOND REALISM
Beyond Realism Kevin Chamorro, Sandra Cachiguango, JosĂŠ Tacuri, Ariana Rivera Yachay Tech University November 18th, 2016
Beyond Realism Beyond realism
The painting Acrobatic Engineering by Rob Gonsalves is a combination of shapes, colours and sensations, that are distributed in correct proportions and cause different interpretations depending on the point of view of the spectator. The painting is rich in details. In a global way, we can appreciate a landscape formed by lots of natural elements, such as a crescent moon, blue sky, trees, rocks, and a river. We can also recognize artificial elements, like a bridge, a circus, a train and bleachers. Moreover, from left to right, we can notice the transition of a bridge over the river finally composed by acrobats acting on a green scenario. If we focus deeply in the design of the bridge, we can start to notice human forms in its long columns, and as it gets closer, the acrobats’ shapes are more notorious. This allows us to distinguish characteristics such as yellow, red and blue clothes and their gender. There are little, undetailed spectators watching the acrobatic show. However, if we look deeper into Gonsalves’ work, we begin to find more than just a description. The painter is a Canadian artist inspired by famous old surrealists such as Salvador Dalí, René Magritte and Joan Miró (Pinpple, 2014). He is known as a magical realist because he uses realistic elements from life without deforming it (Pinpple, 2014). Also, he attaches to his artworks symbolic illusions or optical illusions. Even though what you see is not probable to happen, the more you see, the more possibilities you are about to find. According to Gonsalves’ description of his artwork “Acrobatic Engineering”, he defines it as a similitude of balance and precision between the bridge’s stone columns and the acrobats of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus (Gonsalves, 2016). Maybe, Gonsalves saw one of the real final acts of those acrobats, and he related that to the architecture of a bridge. Therefore, he tries to represent the architectural form of a bridge accompanied by the acrobats. It may mean only a physical similitude, but we can go further in meaning. For us, this painting
Beyond Realism
means that all of us are important to build big things such as the bridge; hence, if we work together like the acrobats, it could be easier to reach a hard to accomplish dream. The painting causes two main sensations: panic and confusion. The acrobats must have enough balance to be able to maintain the stability of the high columns without staggering, so if someone does something wrong, the columns probably collapse. Consciously, the person who watches the painting feels that panic because failing a goal because of others is sometimes frustrating. In the left side of the painting, there is a circus stage with people observing an act of acrobats, but as the painting moves away to the right, a change can be observed between the acrobats. In the right side, we can see the bridge stage. Acrobats act mimicking the form of a bridge, and then melting with the original structure can cause some confusion when people are looking at this painting, which is a big effect of the optical illusions that Gonsalves uses. Rob Gonsalves' painting titled "Acrobatic Engineering" could be seen as an unbreakable pillar to any big engineering constructions (Gonsalves, 2016). While we are reading the title, the relationship between the engineering design and acrobatics perfectionism comes immediately to our minds, for this reason, it is not strange to relate it with balance and precision as Gonsalves talks in his description. Large constructions like bridges need to be designed with great precision and balance, therefore, the construction is unbreakable. This idea establishes the relationship previously discussed between acrobats and engineering because they also need precision and balance so the act can succeed. In addition, this painting shows coordination and strength so that these (both the construction and the show of the acrobats) cannot collapse. Therefore, the coordination, strength, balance, precision of the acrobats, the same as the bridge has, allow holding greater things while they are working together.
Beyond Realism
In “Acrobatic Engineering” the stability from the acrobats is interpreted as a good group work that takes place to accomplish a goal. At the moment of analysing the bridge, we note that it is solid, stable, and that each one of its parts is essential to its balance. However, what would happen if one of these components is missing? Will the bridge be capable of supporting the weight of the train, or external factors such as wind or water force? The union of each of the acrobats help out with building the bridge, and working as a team drive them to support efficiently the bridge. The acrobats rely on the work done by the partners around them. This allows the passage of the train above them, which is the goal that the acrobats try to achieve working in a disciplined way. That goal would be impossible to do without the acrobats’ organization, since the minimum problem would crumble the structure. All of us are important in a group work! Therefore, if we want to reach a goal, we must unite with people who have the same vision, let go of selfishness and be willing to cooperate, so that this goal transforms an illusion into a reality. The concept of “Acrobatic Engineering” by Gonsalves relates the precision and balance of the bridge structure with the acrobats’ coordination; however, we think that this relationship goes deeper because it includes sensations and the importance of the group work, which allows accomplishing goals. In other words, analysing the painting, the group work helps to create great things and reach any goals that we propose to ourselves, which can cause panic and confusion in the viewers.
Beyond Realism References Gonsalves, R. (2016). Marcus Ashley Gallery: Acrobatic Engineering. Retrieved from http://marcusashley.com/artwork/acrobatic-engineering [14-11-16]
Pinpple. (2014). An amazing selection of the paintings by Rob Gonsalves: Surrealism in the 21st century. Retrieved by pinpple.com/post/4170 [14-11-16]
Running head: THE GARAGE SALE
The Garage sale: freedom or desperation Jose Andres Tacuri Pineda Yachay Tech University October 13, 2016
Running head: THE GARAGE SALE
The garage sale: freedom or desperation The story “Why don’t you dance� by Raymond Carver is a story with a very well structured plot and well defined characters. It talks about a middle aged man that decided to sell all this furniture and a young couple interested of buying this stuff. But what does it really mean that the middle aged man is sealing all his things, is he trying to erase or forget a part of his life. We did not know too much about the man, but we can think that he wants to be released from memories. Maybe it could pain, disappointments, sadness or loneliness. The garage sale shows that the man is desperate or it just a common action that cannot influence our comprehension of the story. It is important how the story is related, the environment that is around this middle aged man and this young couple. The garage sale can have many connotations while we are reading the story. But, if we analyze deeply paragraph per paragraph, in the first part we can realize that middle aged man is living a stage of his life full of memories of his lover. She represents a lot to him and everything make him remember her. It is kind of a chronicle of loneliness and routine. The objects that man have make her lover lives again and occupy a space in his daily activities and caused him to regret and felt guilty about everything that happened. So we can said that this garage sale represents freedom, new challenges, new beginning. He is taking away all that negative stuff that damaged his inner peace, he wants to create a new scenario, a new life and new opportunities. He knows that is risking all because, he wants to recover the life that he had before he fell in love. The young couple represents a different stage of love a different point of view of things. This couple is full of dreams and goals they want to achieve
Running head: THE GARAGE SALE
together, they have a lot of hope, love and joy to be sharing their love story. When they saw the garage sale they saw the opportunities to stablish a daily life together, they saw in this objects a way to give the next step in their relationship. They believe in each other and have a lot of expectations that think that the other can fill. They see the life as an adventure that they can survive because if they support each other everything will be right and nothing can stop them. The young couple at the moment that they bought these stuff to the middle aged man discovered that this man was not entirely happy, that these things had more value than common objects. They realized that they are buying his love story, his pain, and his memories. That is the reason that after he sold everything to them he offered them a drink, he is celebrating his freedom or saying the last bye that represents an important part of his life. After all these events happened the lady started to tell everyone about this, but after a period of time she stopped. But does it really means, we can assume that unconsciously at the moment that the young couple bought these things were amazed and transmitted by the bad experience that the middle aged man lived. The young couple in summary tragically at the moment that they bought the objects also bought the story of the man, that with the pass of the time they repeat. This story is really interesting because it shows how a relationship can leave marks in our life that are difficult to erase. In one side they leave us a lot of memories, pain and remorse that made us feel depressed and sad. But on the other side, exists the possibility to change to make things better, but anything of this we cannot achieve if we are joined to the memories of the bad
Running head: THE GARAGE SALE
things we did, of our errors. Also it give us a lesson that if something it is damaging our peace we have to erase it, because if we keep it will make us remember and we cannot recover our life. If things does not happen as we want, we cannot get stacked, we have to discover new challenges and opportunities.
Education: The key to create a society competent and competitive for the challenges of the 21st century. José Andrés Tacuri Pineda Yachay Tech University December 01, 2016
ABSTRACT Education is a tool which help the population of a country to earn knowledge and the ability to question the things that form the environment, hence do not only follow instructions given from the society. However if the system of education that we follow it is outdated and do not incorporate all the fields of the science, it will limit our possibilities of develop our skills. The deficiencies that a system of education present are due problems in its structure. This problems cause that the students that were formed by this system of education have problems to find a job, because they do not accomplish the requirements of the labor market. The method of learning that is used in the current system of education does not boost all the types of intelligences that exists. For this reason children have problem to focus in classes, this had caused that several children every day are diagnosed with ADHD.
Education: The key to create a society competent and competitive for the challenges of the 21st century Most governments worldwide bet for education as the best weapon to refloat economy so they can increase their economic incomes. This is the reason that a big push to public education is been given, but what happens when the teaching method you use is outdated and cannot develop all the skills of students in order to take advantage of all the fields of science. Why instead of invest unconsciously in the same public education system during decades, governments do not try to improve it in order to reach the major goal that it is produce more money for country. Education is a tool that contributes to the development of the society in order to improve the lifestyle of a country. However if our education system have deficiencies in its structure, it prejudice to the goals that population have, for this reason government before impose a system of education they have to ensure that education system work and form students capable to deal with the requirements of the 21st century. First, a system of education should have a balance between theory, practice and modern knowledges, all of these parts are essential to have a good quality of education in society. Several studies did by Dr. Howard Gardner, discovered that exists 9 different kind of intelligences such as: Naturalist, Musical, Logical-Mathematical, Existential, Interpersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Linguistic, Intra-personal and spatial intelligence (De Luca, 2004). Almost in all the schools from South America the method that teachers use to give their classes is really outdated. Teachers educate their students that the best way to learn is memorizing things and do not teach applications of the theory in real life. This do not allow the development of different kind of intelligences that exits and it is only boosted the logical mathematical intelligence. The current system does not allow students boosting all their skills and are forced to follow a path. For this reason students
do not have success because in some cases subjects that are taught in school do not really motivate all the students and the students that are not good in this subjects believe that they are fools or have problems. The problem that education has goes deeper of its organization, if we want to get results we have to analyze the bases and change in order to the next generations do not suffer the same problems. The level of unemployment is high around the world, however the current education system every day is producing millions of graduates, but they do not have enough abilities to compete in the labor market (Leef, 2013). It means that the education system it is archaic. The current education system was conceived, designed for a different age specifically for the enlightenment during the industrial revolution. An era when Education was only for people who have money because exists the idea that investing in public education was a mad thing. The intellectual model of the mind was based on having knowledge on deductive reasoning and classic culture (Robinson, 2010). This academic ability classifies people in smart people and non-smart people. The teachers are the main authority and students cannot question anything that teachers said. The education was only focused for people who belonged to the high levels of the society, for these reason parents of the students expect the best results from their children because they invest a lot of money in education. Besides in that era teachers have the power to castigate students if they don’t did good things. The main authorities of the countries invest in education without any criterion because the only thing that they want is to improve the economic situation of the country with the less effort. Therefore they mark that students nowadays don’t give the importance to the school because they are not focused in order to reform the education system. One of the most serious deficiencies of the current educational system is that in the early years of education the creativity and freedom of thought of children are not
stimulated. The method used by teachers is not didactic and does not encourage children to participate actively, so children did not achieve the expected results at school. This lack of attention of the children in the classes makes believe parents that their children have some problem, for that reason the parents in the eagerness that their children improve take them to the psychologist where they are diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Statistics showed that in class of 25 or 30 students, al list one children will suffer of ADHD in United States (National Institute of Mental Health, 2007). In other words we are trying to transform our children in zombies to only focus in the school in things that they do not really like. Children are living in the most intensive stimulating period in the history of the Earth, children are pressed to focus on the school, when they have a lot of channels in TV, videogames and advertisement. The number of cases of ADHD grew when the standardized test started. Surveys had shown that almost the 95% of children in first levels of education have good grades in test of divergent thinking, but when the same children are retested five years later the average of students that get a good grade decrease alarmingly (Robinson, 2010). This means with the years our thinking deteriorates, because teachers told to us that only exists one answer for problems, in other words the education system stop our creativity. On the other hand, However in the world exists some countries that motivate their students to develop all their skills and for this reason countries should implement their hits in education Education can change people's lives, this is possible if governments invest their time and money to create a quality education system. This requires the creation of new laws that allocate a fixed fund of money for education, also it requires the creation of new standards that education must be able to achieve in order to compete with the same opportunities in the labor market with all the countries around the world. The education system in Finland is one of the best in the world for several reasons such as:
teachers are well paid and have great prestige; the learning rhythm of each child is respected and the standardized tests and activities are ignored; education is promoted, where creativity, experimentation and collaboration are valued above memorization and master lessons; and students have only 3 or 4 classes per day, with 15-minute breaks between each of them, plus lunch breaks (Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, 2012). This is a clear example that if we dare to change of the traditional system of education we can get good results. The countries that have problems in their education system and that want to improve their economic situation have to take the Finland education as a model to emulate. If countries want to get results they have to reformulate their bases of their system of education, taking the strength points of countries that have developed a good system of education and trying to implement this changes as soon as possible. If we are trying to implement the educational system of Finland, we should realize that the possible results are not going to be shown in two or three years, the results will be a long term goal. Especially we have to remember that it is a process that will take generations to be applied in a successful way and it needs time and investment. Everything it is not perfect because if we want to emulate the Finnish education system we have to think that the environment of Finland, because Finland have a solid and stable economic system; the population is smaller than almost all the countries and Finland have stability in politics (wars, health, law). Education it is not guarantee to have success in the future, nowadays it is common to see a lot of graduates working on jobs were an academic preparation it is not required or simply they do not have job. The society have stablished the path that if we go to college it is a proof to have success in the life but this is not 100% true. If a college degree were a regulated investment opportunity, it would have to bear the standard warning that past performance is no guarantee of future performance (Leef, 2013). The factories nowadays claim that graduates does not have the enough skills to
develop in the best way in the labor market, because they are lack of leadership, coworking and support of pressure. For this reason companies do not want to invest in paying the salary of several professionals because all of them do the same thing. Education does not work by itself we have to consider if we want to make a change we are not to achieve this goal doing the same things that everyone does. In this case let consider 2 students A and B: student A always was focused in the school and after that in high school he struggled to get a scholarship in college. Now student A has a good job but he knows that everything that he reaches was the result of his effort and the power that knowledge give to him. On the other we have student B, he does not like to go to classes and he passes the school and high school with the minimum effort and cheating in the exams. Then he go to college because his parents enforced him to study. Now he works in a market as a cashier because he was conformist and do anything to improve. Education it is just a tool that help you to develop your skills, but everyone is responsible to take advantage of it, because it is not necessary to go to college to have success in life. Nowadays exists several options to learn for instance, we can self-educate with the great variety of information on the internet; we can take courses or seminars in the things that we want to learn, this means that are different ways to raise our knowledge in order to demonstrate that we are profitable for our society. Education helps people to have the power to take their own decisions in order to not only follow the things that society establish. However education needs to be organized in a well education system that boost all the skills of the students and that promote the development of all the types of intelligences. This education system have to have the balance between theory, applications and modern knowledge, be cannot get good results if we use an antiquated system of education. This lack of good results
of education have created an illness called ADHD, for this reason millions of children are medicated and transformed in zombies in order to pay more attention in their classes. Education is very important if we want that a country improve their economic, social and political situation, for this reason it is important to analyze deeply in the things that we are doing bad and change it as soon as possible in order that the next generations do not suffer the same problems of us.
REFERENCES Leef, G. (2013). Forbes Magazine. Don't Buy The Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment. Luca, S. L. (2004). Ibero.American Journal of Education. The teacher and the multiple intelligences. Retrieved from http://rieoei.org/psi_edu12.htm Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. (2012). Opetushallitus. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Finnish Education in a Nutshell. Retrieved from http://www.oph.fi/download/146428_Finnish_Education_in_a_Nutshell.pdf National Institute of Mental Health. (2007). Instituto Superiore di Sanità . Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved from http://www.iss.it/binary/wpop/cont/ADHD%20NIMH%202007.1195029608.pdf Robinson, K. (2010). Changing Education Paradigms [Video].