Joselyn Benalcazar Level 6 Portfolio

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MyReflections Joselyn Benalcรกzar Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador


MyReflections Joselyn Benalcázar English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-003 Teacher: Matthew Mackey July 25, 2016


CONTENTS 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Exploration/Investigation essay 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentation essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Thank you letter

Portfolio letter

Joselyn Benalcázar Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Hda. San José s/n Y Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador July 13th, 2016

Dear Portfolio Reader, This letter show how I have become a better English language user through the sixth level, what skills I have acquired and what are my expectations knowing the English language. At the beginning of the sixth level, my expectations were improving my grammar and lose fear of speaking in English. Through the activities of this last level, I have acquired many skills that helped me to accomplish my expectations and see beyond. Among the activities in which I participated, the most beneficial activities for me are group works, writing and presentations. An important group work for me was when my instructor told us that we had to bring our draft essay to the next class, because we would interchange it with a partner. I never like to show others my essays, because I knew I had many mistakes and it would be shameful for me, but I had to do that. After I do the activity, my partner told me what changes I had to do and it was not so shameful as I thought, on the contrary, my partner shows me where I was falling. Consequently, I learned that show my work to others would help me to correct my grammar. Other group work was the interpretation essay, the essay consisted in an interpretation of art, either poem, painting or music. It looked like difficult because this work implied makes a personal interpretation, so we had to enjoy all the perspectives that we had in an essay. It taught me to respect others´ viewpoints and open my mind to others´ perspectives.

About writing, the essays were headaches for me, because my grammar was terrible and my instructor told me that I had to improve it, so my grades were not high. Another problem was that I could not focus and organize well my ideas. Through this course, the recommendations of my instructor and friends and the constant review, I improve my writing and now I write better than before (trust me). Respect to presentations, the most useful was the midterm presentation when we had to use multimodal visuals. It was beneficial for me because I had to search a lot of kinds of visual modals to make understandable the presentation. So, I learned to search the best way to take advantage of the today´s technologies to give a good presentation and express my ideas. Thus, the skills that I learned with these activities are loose fear of making mistakes, respect others´ perspectives, open my mind to different viewpoints, focus and organize my ideas to writing and look for the best way to take advantage of today´s technologies. With these skills, now I feel safer when I´m writing or talking, and I think that English language is not only an another language to express my ideas, it is a good experience to learn of others and grow collectively, because we cannot do this alone, always you are going to need someone next to you to improve your English language. As an English language user I think now that I´m better prepared to take subjects in English at university and I will can continue studying here. Also I think now I had the facility to travel and communicate easily, something that open me doors to study or work. Now I want to continue improving my English language reading books, seeing movies and writing articles about my interests.

Gratefully, Joselyn Benalcázar

Response essay


We Should Help Altruistically Joselyn Benalcรกzar Experimental Technology Research University April 28th, 2016

WE SHOULD HELP ALTRUISTICALLY One of the biggest challenges of human being is to understand our behavior. In one of the many aspects when we show our behavior, is when someone is at a difficult situation and we have to react. The article Unmasking the Motives of the Good Samaritan by Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez, present the motivations that humans has to help each other; basing in the idea of Thomas Hobbes, in what ethics means and in the studies of Dr. Daniel Bateson. Human beings act by self-interests, but we should act altruistically. Everything we do, we do for our own self-interests, either to be seen publically or receive praise. We must ask us this question, why we would help to other person? Obviously, we are gonna to say that is to decrease the distress that the other person has, but there is more background. The psychologists think that we do it in order to decrease our distress, is that to say, to increase our own well-being. Now, our way of acting seems to be altruistic, but it has self-interests in disguise. This is the dominant view of psychology (Andre & Velasquez, 2015). Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher of seventeenth century, believed that we act from our selfinterests and tried to base ethics on self-interests, but he had problems with ethics. Ethics goes beyond self-interests, encouraging us to act contrary to self-interests having an impartial consideration of other´s interests and it assumes that we are capable to act from concern to each other. Therefore, Hobbesian view was not widely accepted (Andre & Velasquez, 2015). However, this challenge was taken by Dr. Daniel Bateson who did an experiment and proposed two kind of people; the people who are motived from self-interest and people who are motivated from concern to other person. He proposed two hypotheses; the first type of people would take the easiest way, help or escape, to accomplish their goal (reducing personal distress), the second type of people would reduce the distress of each other, accomplishing their goal. He studied the reactions and got surprising results. For example, the people who are motived from self-interest felt personal distress, while the people who are


WE SHOULD HELP ALTRUISTICALLY motived from concern felt empathy. Consequently, the help was different; the majority of “people self-interest” escaped, and fortunately, the majority of “people concern” stayed to help. Finally, he concluded that the feeling of empathy comes of an altruistic motivation (Andre & Velasquez, 2015). As we can see, in this synthesis of the article, at the beginning it says that humans act from and by self-interests, and gives the credit of this thought to psychology. Then, appointment a philosopher that believe in this thought and tried to base ethics in self-interests, and here is an important point, ethics does not accept widely his idea. Ethics play a significant role presenting a different alternative of the most common human behavior and determining the best conduct; starting from their significance until what gives to human being. Ethics give us the capable to act from concern to each other, in other words, act altruistically. Along with this, the article shows an another explanation of human motivations based in the studies of Dr. Daniel Bateson, who principally, allow us to understand the important difference of goals and motivations. His studies were made basing on an experiment, which gives credibility. He concludes that the root of the goal is motivation, motivation depends of what we feel, and the result of help is the accomplishment of goal. These differences are primordial, because present why people help and give an alternative contrary to the dominant view of psychologists; we could say “revealing the human” of human beings. We know now that the reaction that we will have, depends of what type of motivations we have and what is our goal to help people. Even, now we are conscious that we are capable to act from concern to other person, namely act altruistically, and according ethics is what we should have to do.

Martin Luther King Jr. said “Each man must decide if he going to walk in the light of creative altruism or in the dark of destructive egoism”


WE SHOULD HELP ALTRUISTICALLY References Andre, C., & Velasquez, M. (November 16, 2015). Santa Clara University. Retrieved April 24,2016, from Markkula Center for Applied Ethics:


Exploration essay


The Problem with the Persuasion of Market Joselyn Benalcรกzar Experimental Technology Research University May 20th, 2016

THE PROBLEM OF THE PERSUASION OF MARKET The publicity advertisements are based on manipulative tactics, having the objective to influence in people to buy their product. Apparently, these advertisements not seem to affect to the own criterion, but yes, they do. This is due to the use of persuasion techniques. These techniques are focused on convincing consumers to buy the product, either with statistics, testimonies, among others. Persuasion is defined as “the act of causing people to do or believe something: the act or activity of persuading people” (Merriam-Webster, 2015). The techniques of persuasion are not bad; the way that these are using by enterprises, yes. To understand better of which techniques this essay is talking, here is a summarize of them: the persuasion techniques are reciprocity (obligation if give when receive), scarcity (when it presents a unique product), authority (when it uses the experience of the best or the opinion of an expert), consistency (based in the experiences), liking (based on likes and feelings) and consensus (based on the behavior of others) (Cialdini, R., 2012). Let’s see the real problem of using these techniques. I. What exactly is the problem? These techniques are using by big enterprises, one of them is Coca Cola and have the best campaigns, but why? Is because their campaigns try to create the feeling of happiness using persuasion techniques, specifically the technique of liking (Asir, 2015). Liking are based on feelings and likes, so is used when a propaganda shows a family drinking and sharing Coca Cola among them and are happy. All of these with the objective to persuade people buy their product, don’t care if it is good or bad, or if a person need or not. The World Health Organization (WHO) determined that Coca Cola have high levels of sugar that can cause , diabetes and obesity, also have high glycemic index and a low rate of satiety (, 2014). If we see from this perspective the product is not the best for human health, but we buy thanks to the campaigns that Coca Cola are making, playing with our feelings and outshine own criteria and reasoning.


THE PROBLEM OF THE PERSUASION OF MARKET II. Why is it a problem? Is a real problem because the people are loosing their own criteria and practically are supporting to the monopolization of market, something that do not benefits to the development of society, in a perspective of economy. Respect to health is more worrying because, in spite of that product is bad, people continue to consuming for the good campaign of Coca Cola. Another consequence is that this kind of enterprises are creating persons easily impressionable, is that to say, a kind of robots directed by persuasion techniques. III. How did it become a problem? It becomes in a problem when persons responding well to the persuasion techniques and the marketing adopted them as base but with a bad objective, because are making consumerist people. Also, it should be noted that it becomes a problem by the lack of own criteria in persons, this can be related with the trends of society, “what is of moda�. IV. What is being done to resolve the problem? A good strategy to create awareness in people is food labeling. This consist in put an information about grease, sugar and salt, the levels of them that the product contain, so people now can know what are they consuming. As this essay have used an example referred to a food product, this would be a preventive measure that Ecuador have took. For other products solution is personal, because really these manipulative tactics are in the market and is something that benefits to business, thus it is not about make reacting people. So that the solution for this problem could be forming own criteria and having own reasoning at moment to take decisions. For strength own criteria you should have an open mind to the different perspectives of each situation, in this case to the publicity advertisements to put test them in own criteria.


THE PROBLEM OF THE PERSUASION OF MARKET The use of these techniques to make publicity is bad, is a kind of persuasion that them use, a problem is when you leave aside your own criteria and taking unreasoning decisions. Is very important to identify the truth of the things and what you need. Also, a good thinking is when you take decisions considering necessities and facts. Learn to identify the kinds of persuasion is difficult, but forming own criteria is vital for all of the things of life. So now pay more attention of what are you buying and why, because you are surrounded of all kind of persuasion.


THE PROBLEM OF THE PERSUASION OF MARKET References Cialdini, R. (Producer). (2012, November 26). Influence at Work. Science of persuasion. Retrieved from: Merriam-Webster. (2015). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved May 14, 2016, from: Asir, M. Ă . (2015, February 2015). AulaEmpresa. Retrieved May 16, 2016, from: (2014, October 14). Retrieved May 16, 2016, from:


Interpretation essay


Despite of all the Misery, Agony and Frustration, There is a Hope After all. O Me! O Life! By Walt Whitman Joselyn Synei Benalcazar Jaramillo Henrry Patricio Secaira Morocho Marlon Steven Zambrano Mila Universidad de InvestigaciĂłn de TecnologĂ­a Experimental Yachay. 17th June, 2016




Despite of all the Misery, Agony and Frustration, There is a Hope After all. O Me! O Life! By Walt Whitman “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you” Walt Whitman Walt Whitman was one of the most important American poets during the nineteenth century, along with Emily Dickinson. He was born in Long Island, United States of America in 1819 where he worked as teacher. Whitman was influenced by the artworks of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and even the Bible. In 1885, Whitman published the first edition of Leaves of Grass which consists a set of twelve poems and a preface. In addition, this literature artwork contained a total of twelve editions published during Whitman’s lifetime. The poem “O me! O life!” (Poetry Foundation, nd), which appeared in the last edition of Leaves of Grass in 1892, remember us that despite of all the misery, agony and frustration, there is a hope after all and we must continue living because life goes on. O me! O life! Is a literary work, which consists of two stanzas written in prose, does not follow any pattern structure. In five lines of the first stanza, Whitman uses a literary technique known as anaphora which is the repetition of one or more words. Furthermore in the last line, the author concludes through a question “What good amid these”. The second stanza has two lines, a couplet, that are written in prose too. The words “Oh my! Oh life!” are the questions that reflect the suffering and frustration of Whitman. The employing of anaphora helps the reader to get inside the head of the author and be involved with the author’s feelings. Besides, the use of anaphora makes the poem more personally for the reader. The second stanza is an answer that the author gives to the questions of the first stanza, and it contains the message of the poem. In



general, the poem has a descriptive form because it describes the reality and sensations of the world that surrounds Whitman. (Grade saver, n.d), (Lexiconic Resources , 2015). Finally, The poem involves an endless cycle of doubts and successes expressed through set of feelings that reflects the reality, living experiences and thinking of the author. In the first verse of the poem, a sentimental frame expressed through agony, misery, reproach, frustration and even culpability, allows Whitman to build expressionist environment that provokes pain and pity into readers. Phrases such as “forever reproaching myself” and “for who more foolish than I” reflect profound blame and remorse to his existence, Moreover, phrases such as “endless trains of the faithless” and “of the plodding and sordid crowds” are strong critics about behavior and development of his

society. The nineteenth century American society was

characterized by fast industrialization, social problems as slavery and civil war (John M. Murrin, Paul E. Johnson, James M. McPherson, & Alice Fahs, 1863), so Wittman makes closely relationship between them. Where he argues that although there was a huge economic boom, great part of the American population still remains otherwiseminded and unattended. Finally, the author through the question “What good amid these, O me, O life?” leaves open the plot of the poem to possible solutions or more problems. At the final part, Walt Whitman directly answers to the raised question “What good amid these, O me, O life?” Through two polemics points for the understanding of the human existence. As first point the phrase “That you are here”, the author remembers us that we are alive in this world which implicates we can change ourselves and so change the painful progress of humanity (HOKKU, 2012). Besides, in the next section “that life exists and identity”, the author refers to “life” as the existence of more people like us,



who share the same frustration due to the current human society. In addition, he express the existence of identity as a physical existence or own essence that is unique for each person giving a touch of authenticity to lifetime. The next line “That the powerful play goes on” , Walt Whitman refers to that life goes on along with the drama caused by human evil along with eternal suffering that society reflects. In this part he tries to say us that life is not going to change, and we have to live with that. Finally at the second point “you may contribute a verse”, it is important because it transforms us in action entities who have opportunity and responsibility of changing the society. Therefore, the message of author is that we are alive, despite how hard is the world and how hard the life is, we must continue living with all of our essence writing our destination, being the best version of ourselves and contributing to build a better society.

O me! O life! is an American artwork written by Walt Whitman during the nineteenth century. This poems was included in the last publication of Leaves of Grass, but first publication of Leaves of Grass was done in 1855. The poem contains two stanzas written in prose. Whitman, also, uses a literary technique known as anaphora in order to make personally the poem for the reader. At the first indirectly

expresses a set


verse, Whitman

feelings and emotions which



reflection of the lacks and necessities of the nineteenth century American society. On the other hand, the author conclude with a question “What good amid these?” Finally he answers to the question, directly and concisely through these two phrases “That you are here” and “you may contribute a verse” that mean, we must continue living with all of our essence writing each step of our future , being the best version from ourselves and contributing to do a better society.



References HOKKU. (22 de September de 2012). O ME! O LIFE!: WALT WHITMAN’S ANSWER. Obtenido de John M. Murrin, Paul E. Johnson, James M. McPherson, & Alice Fahs. (1863). Liberty Equality Power. Obtenido de iety+in+the+19+century&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiggKSBxa_NAhVXKFIKHTs5CyUQ6 AEIMjAB#v=onepage&q=american%20society%20in%20the%2019%20century&f=false Poetry Foundation. (nd). Walt Whitman. Poetry Foundation. Retrieved from Poetry Foundation

Argumentation essay


Should censorship be practiced in schools? Joselyn Benalcรกzar Experimental Technology Research University June 30, 2016

SHOULD CENSORSHIP BE PRACTICED IN SCHOOLS? Should censorship be practiced un schools? Censorship is practiced by many people that have a legitimate position to do it. This “power” have the parents and education entities, but exits a controversial thinking about the censorship that schools practice. Censorship is defined as “the forbidding, blocking, limiting or obstructing access to information for whatever reason” (Petress, K., 2005). Censorship should be practiced by schools in a wise, prudent and careful way with a clear meaning of what is censorship and so applicate it for the kid´s information. Censorship is bad interpreted by parents and authorities in schools. There exist two cases of schools that represent the bad interpretation of censorship meaning. The first case is about the parents´ claims about the book Little House on the Prairie. Parents said that the book contains “racially offensive material about Native Americans” (Petress, K., 2005). The intents of educators were the use of this book to discuss about racism, but parents take this book´s contain as offensive. Here censorship play an important role to define what is offensive and what is an opportunity to form criterion of kids. Educators tries to form criteria of kids teaching some contents, in this case in a book, that have relevance social importance. Racism is a controversial topic, but is not a prohibited topic for people. So in this example censorship should be used as a tool that allows kids to understand what really is censorship. The second case is about the negation to a student´s project by authorities. This student made a project about racism using dolls with different skin´s color, but her project was not prove by authorities, because they thought that it would be offensive for other students or student´s parents. In this case the bad interpretation of authorities didn´t allow the opportunity of kids to increase the students´ interesting on this topic. They delete the opportunity to forming kids´criteria.

SHOULD CENSORSHIP BE PRACTICED IN SCHOOLS? Authorities and parents thinks that censorhip is something that discomfort and unpleasantness their feelings or ideas. They think that their kids and students can´t receive these ideas. Also they think that racism, should be included in censorship and they claims these thoughts in schools. Respect to authorities they think all that make fell discomfort someone is censorship. These is worried because parents are the models´ life of kids and have a lot of influence in their formation. Parents are wrong because censorship is not about distant their kids of real world, real topics like racism, censorship goes more than it. Respect to authorities, is more bad because they have the power to decide what is censorship and what non censorship. They thought is wrong, as I said censorship is more than make discomfort others. Censorship is more than something that make discomfort or embarrassment to others. Censorship is a way to forming kids in schools. Educators should use censorship as a tool that allows kids to understand what is it and applicate this cases to teaching the importance of having a clear interpretation of censorship. So censorship should be practiced by schools in a wise, prudent and careful to others view way.

Final research project essay


Younger Generations and the Trappings of Living Online Joselyn Synei Benalcรกzar Jaramillo Experimental Technology Research University Yachay Tech July 7th, 2016

2 Younger Generations and the Trappings of Living Online

“The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life”. Andrew Brown Today internet has become a useful tool of youths to communicate, entertain and find information. These new generations have grown with internet and new technological devices, acquiring new facilities and the new lifestyle “Living Online”. Internet not only give them facilities, as we know internet is free for any information and for anyone, so it can give them problems, more for who doesn´t know about internet threats or for who could become internet addict. For these reasons is very important to inform youngers about the internet things that can affect their life, also how can they be affected. “Living online” is dangerous for youths because it creates addiction and causes threats, which both affect the social development of youth´s ethics and morals. I. Generations changed by the Internet. Internet has changed the lifestyle of humans, since 1992 until now. Basically, the areas that conform the human´s lifestyle are: job, education and social life; so these areas have been influenced by internet's invention. Is important to check how life have changed in each area to know in what internet has become nowadays ( Staff, 2010). Before internet, the majority of jobs were based on the quality of interpersonal relationships, for example business, politics, sales, advocacy, personalized services, tourism, educators, among others. These interpersonal relationships needed the presence of both parts and that includes a good management of body language and emotions. Internet's invention innovates the labor camps and creates others of them, freeing them of interpersonal relationships' dependence. Some examples are sales pages (as Amazon), bloggers, youtubers, online customer support, counters, all the jobs that can be exercised at home or orders or shared by the Internet.

3 Respect to education, before 1992, people as students, scientists, educators in general, had

to go to libraries and read to find information. When they had to know about history, the places most visited were museums, churches and cultural heritages, thus they had to search information in a book, object, picture or place, all real. Internet allows them to find information instantaneously, consequently they have the comfort to search a lot of information from their home, saving time. Also the Internet offers a global library, so we have all kinds of information at our reach with just a click. Finally, and the most important area that conform our lifestyle is the social life. Principally, this area depends totally of communication. Without internet, people had to meet personally, had to talk with a friend face-to-face or if they could not meet, the communication medias were letters or telephones (houses´ telephones). Before internet, the pretenders had to call to the girl's house and who answered was the father, something very risky today. Thus, internet becomes in a tool to facilitate the communication, for example if you could not meet, now you can call by skype, WhatsApp, Facebook and others social networks, and if you want to meet someone you can find that person on social networks or meet someone new on websites. Summarizing, internet becomes in a tool to work, to find information, to entertainment and to communicate. The most influenced by the Internet are younger generations, because they have embraced it as a vital tool to live and they have adopted a new lifestyle; “living onlineâ€?. II. Younger generations living online. Young generations have growth with the benefits that internet and technology give. Actually, everyone has a smartphone, tablet or personal computer, technologies that without internet would not have great utility. Young people use internet, through these devices, principally to communicate to others, entertain themselves and find information. According


to Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr in 2010, 93% of teens ages 12-17 go online, as do 93% of young adults ages 18-29. One quarter (74%) of all adults ages 18 and older go online. So more than 90% of young people are online. Now, teenagers have many ways to communicate, entertain themselves and find information with internet acquiring the “living online” lifestyle. About communication, young generations have a lot of social networks that allows them to meet, talk, see someone and share personal life through fotos, videos and states. Among the social networks worldwide, the most famous is Facebook, actually has 1.590 billions of active users, followed by WhatsApp with 1.0 billion and by last Facebook Messenger with 0.9 billions (Statista, 2016). Other important fact is that the 71% of teens use Facebook than others social networks (Lenhart, 2015). Respect to entertainment, the new social trends are focuses on series, videos and online games. Some examples of series are the big bang theory, game of thrones and how I met your mother that are seen on netflix or in websites. To watch videos, generally, youths use netflix or youtube, places that offers different kind of videos. Respect to online games the most famous games in 2015 were League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Fallout 4, Dota 2, World of Warcraft and others (Amos, 2015). Finally, to find information there are a lot of websites, it depends of the kind of information that you are looking. For students, the famous website is Wikipedia that offers useful information for escolar works. Youths spend 27 hours per week navigating on internet and they use it to reflect their life, be actualized and know about of others' life, spend time watching something or playing online and find information for studies or interests (Anderson, 2015). III. The trappings of living online. The lifestyle “living online” of younger generations not only has facilities and benefits, also implies risks in their ethical and moral social development. There are two things that can


affect their social development: internet addiction and internet threats. Is important to know how this occur, what are the effects and how this can affect. a) Internet addiction. According to Net Addiction in 2013, the most vulnerable young people who will become addicted to internet are those who have had previous addictions, principally drugs, acohol, sex or smoking. Their surveys show that the majority of internet addicts suffer emotional problems as depression, sudden mood swings, ansiety, and they use internet to escape of unpleasant feelings or stressful situations. Also, they have relationship problems in 75% of the cases, so they use applications on internet like social media, virtual communities, video games or online gaming to stablish relationships through the virtual world. In this case, addicts seek refuge in what internet offers and this affect the social development of youth´s ethics and morals. This kind of behavior is not ethic and moral correct, because internet is only a distraction to problems, is like a medicine that makes you feel good but does not cure. Internet addiction makes them lock themselves in a non-real world, until the point of preferring chat than talk, play online games than share time with friends or family, having virtual friends than real, in summary prefers virtual world than the real. This directly affect the learning of relate to people and manage their emotions, also it causes them the loss of life lessons and experiences, affecting their forming of personality, something that then is going to be reflected on the social development. b) Internet threats. The most dangerous internet threats for young people are privacy, cyberstalking and inappropriate websites. The privacy on internet becomes a threat, because when youths navigate on internet, they leave a trail in network either their IP address or even worse their personal information. Internet has free access for anyone, so the information that they leave is free too, and the problem is when someone use their information to find them or in a bad way


for example kidnapping, vigilance, stealing photos and others. This is a problem because teens are not aware of the threats that exist on internet and this make youths think that internet is totally safe. Besides, if they have a problem with they privacy for example profile plagiarism or find their photos in an inappropriate website they are going to have a not good experience and it can cause low self-esteem. Respect to cyberstalking, it is a “crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication, such as e-mail or instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a Web site or a discussion group. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected” (Rouse, 2016). This threat can cause psychological traumas in youths affecting their ethical a moral social development, because youths can be victims or can be cyberstalkers, and in both cases they are being affected by this threat. Unfortunelly, nowadays the majority of youngs does not have someone who control what they are doing or who say if they are acting good or bad. This freedom is what makes young people likely to be victims or taking this threat as a hobby. So, this affect the social development of young people because they could not development normally in a society. Finally, there are inappropiate websites related with sexual material that are accessible by youths thanks to internet. Some examples of websites related with sexual material are pornhub, redtube,, and others (Brobible Staff, 2016). These can affect to youths´ thought, because these material practically, shows the women as a sexual object and they can acquire these bad ideas and act bad in the society preventing a good social development. What do youth think about internet? “a new study by Cisco Systems reveals that one in three college students and young professionals under 30 believe the Internet is as important as air, water, food, and shelter” (Spector, 2011). Also, these studiers show that 30% of youths


think that internet is totally safe. According to the report of Alexandra McGill the 89% of youth and the 71% of their parents online say that the internet and other devices in their life as cellphones, iPods, camera make life easier. This report says that the majority of parents still believe that internet is a beneficial factor for their children. If internet becomes the most important thing in life implicates an influence in youth´s thought and a constant update of their information and personal life, something that becomes in an internet threat, as loss of privacy. Besides, the fact that it is a fundamental part of their life, basically means that they use internet daily, it causes that youth explore websites unfit (porn websites) for their forming and social development. Respect to the report of Alexandra McGill, youths and parents are accepting this virtual world, the most worrying is that parents adopt a neutral position about the internet influence to their children. This is dangerous to the molding of youths, because the society needs teenagers that have criteria and well formed morals, and this is a work that concerns to young and their parents. In conclusion, younger generations have been changed by the internet´s invention and new technological devices. The new generations have grown with new facilities adopting the “living online” lifestyle. This lifestyle is determined by the way that young people use the Internet to communicate, entertainment and find information. As this text said, youths spend a majority of their free time navigating on internet and this is causing problems. Youths are forming their ethics and moral, so they are more prone to fall in the internet addiction. Also, we know that internet offers a lot of websites, but there are inappropriate pages for youths, because have hard content that affects the good social development. Besides, they are constant update their life on internet and exist people who use bad the personal information, so they are exposed to suffer cyberstalking. For these reasons “living online” is dangerous for youths because it creates addiction and causes threats, which both affect the social development of youth´s ethics and morals.


References Amos, E. (2015). NUMBERS, FACTS AND TRENDS SHAPING YOUR WORLD. Retrieved from Pew Research CenterInternet, Science & Tech:

Anderson, E. (2015). The Telegraph. Retrieved from: l-media/11597743/Teenagers-spend-27-hours-a-week-online-how-internet-use-hasballooned-in-the-last-decade.html

Brobible Staff. (2016). Brobible. Retrieved from: Staff (2010). The Invention of the Internet. Retrieved from:

Lenhart, A. (2015). NUMBERS, FACTS AND TRENDS SHAPING YOUR WORLD. Retrieved from Pew Research CenterInternet, Science & Tech:

Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., & Zickuhr, K. (2010). NUMBERS, FACTS AND TRENDS SHAPING YOUR WORLD. Retrieved from Pew Research CenterInternet, Science & Tech:


Macgill, A. (October 24, 2007). Pew Research CenterInternet, Science & Tech . Retrieved from:

Rouse, M. (2016). SearchSecurity. Retrieved from TechTarget:

Spector, D. (November 3, 2011). Business Insider. Retrieved from:

statista. (2016). Statistics and facts about Social Networks. Retrieved from The Statistics Portal Statistics and Studies from more than 18,000 Sources:

Young, K. (2013). Net Addiction. Retrieved from FAQs:

It´s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that define us. -Rachel Wolchin

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