MY ENGLISH LEARNING HISTORY Keila Gómez English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6 – 001 Instructors: Mark A. Poese – Josie Javens February 23, 2017 Yachay, Ecuador
Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Opinion essay 3. Response essay 4. Argumentative essay. 5. Final research project essay 6. Thank you letter
Keila Gómez Yachay Campus Imbabura, Ecuador
February 23, 2017
Dear Portfolio Reader,
My name is Keila and I am a Yachay Tech student. I'm really excited to have you read my English Language Portfolio which is a compilation of my efforts and learning in this last level of the English program. Thanks to the joint work of the teachers and my classmates. I have achieved another goal of my life. Through various learning methods that my teachers have used in this English program, they have helped me to improve my speaking, writing, reading and listening skills in this language. In this portfolio, you will find four essays that I have done during this level. These essays show my development and progress in learning English. First, I would like to start with a phrase which I have motivate me day after day. This phrase is from a scientist whom I greatly admire because he was a perseverating person and an excellent human being. This person is Albert Einstein and his phrase is “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. For this reason, when I cannot get results how I want it, I try to do everything in the different way. Second, I would like to discuss some of my experiences during this English program. In the first levels, we learned basic structures to form simple sentences. While I was advancing through levels, I was gaining more skills. Step by step I got better in all learning areas such writing and speaking. Then, I learned to write essays and they were becoming more and more complicated. However, I knew that it was necessary to learn to write in English because in the future I want to be a scientist, and I know that in order to publish my research, it must be in the English language. Moreover, I want to compare my learning in the level 6 with past levels. Then, I would like with my weaknesses. When, I was writing an essay I made mistake like excessive use of commas, I forgot subject in the sentences and I forgot to cite when I was referring to a source. But, in this level my achievements have been satisfactory. Now, when I am writing an essay I use point in a sentence. I don’t use comma in a long sentence. Also,
I remember this structure: Subject+ verb+ complement to avoid missing subject. Finally, I include an in-text citation when I refer to the summarizing, paraphrasing and citation in a source. Thus, I believe that I have made great progress in this level because I have compared all my tasks and developments to past levels and I have obtained excellent results. For example, Comparing the response essay of level 5 with response essay of level 6, I can observe that I have learned to make an essay structure. Now, I know that an essay has an introduction which contains an interesting hook, background information, a thesis statement (it is very important because it is main idea.) and transition words. Then, the body paragraph contains three paragraph. Each paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting details for topic sentence which can be experiences, quotation, investigations, etc. and a transition word. Finally, the conclusion has the same information as the introduction but it is paraphrased; in the other words, it restates thesis statement and adds a recommendation. To end, I would like to thank you because you are going to take some time to read all my development in this level of English. On the other hand, I think that is important to learn English because is a global language and it is necessary to exchange information with other people. Therefore, I recommend working hard every day. Also, we must follow suggestions made by the teachers and students. Furthermore, my learning English was a beautiful and useful experiences. Additionality, I want to say to you that I feel more confident, but, I should continue practicing my speaking because I want to speak more fluently. Finally, I am very happy because now I can exchange information, knowledge, ideas and opinions with other people in this new language. So, I hope that you can enjoy of my portfolio.
Keila Franchesca Gรณmez Acosta
How Morality Changes In a Foreign Language Keila Gรณmez Yachay Tech University
Author Note February 01, 2017 L6-001
“Language is a dress of thoughts” Samuel Johnson. This phrase express that our thoughts can be interpreted in different ways and even more if we are transmitting idea or opinion using a foreign language. According to the article “How morality changes in foreign language”, Julie Sedivy (2016) shows through different experiments that there are two ways of thinking when we must make a decision based on morality and we must express it in a foreign language. In other words, this article indicates how the moral judgments of people with a foreign language are related. I agree with the author on three points: Information processing, Native tongue and its emotionality and the importance of understanding a foreign language. First, when we are thinking in a foreign tongue we process that information carefully. Therefore, the cognitive system makes an extra effort to understand the information that we are acquiring. As a consequence, the information process is more exhausting because our brain works differently. In other words, the brain organizes certain specific networks which create a more effective basis for control and attention (Mayte Ruis,2012). I think that when we use a foreign language we make a great effort cognitive because we try to think of the same way than when we answer in our native language. The second point is the analysis of native language and its emotionalism. The Daniel Kahnerman (2011) explains that our brain has System 1, which focuses on intuitive, faster and more effective responses. On the other hand, Daniel says that our brain also has System 2, which deals with the answers that need to be more reasoned. As a result, people can express more feelings and emotions if it is used with native language. I agree that people are more rational when they use a second language because their thoughts are less
expressive, direct and concrete. Thus, native language makes us express ourselves in more detail based on feelings. Finally, the importance of understanding a foreign language is relevant. In the article, Janet Geipel and her colleagues’ experiment show that people who read stories in a foreign language concluded that those actions were not so bad. Therefore, I think that it is of great importance to understand a foreign language because in this manner we avoid misunderstandings and so we could take better decisions. To sum up, morality is influenced by foreign language. The next points: information processing, native tongue and its emotionalism and importance of understanding a foreign language, prove the relationship between moral judgment and foreign tongue. To conclude, I agree that there are two ways of thinking; rational when people use a foreign language and emotional when people use their native language.
References Sedivy, J. (2016, September 14). How Morality Changes In a Foreign Language. Rius, M. (2012, April 20). Bilingual brain, La Vanguardia. Retrieved from Kahnerman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow.
Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short Keila Gรณmez Yachay Tech University
Author Note L6-001 Crash Course February 7, 2017
In the article “Why Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short� (Young, 2010) Young mentions some aspects and points of view about self-education. Some people who self-educate want to get a degree with this kind of education. Scott thinks that selfeducation is good and useful but this is converted into a problem when people want to replace formal learning. The author says that if we want to have a general idea or a basic knowledge, self-education is a good alternative. However, if our goal is to gain a deeper and detailed knowledge it is really necessary to have a formal education. Therefore, this is one of the main problems that self-education has. On the other hand, Young talks about the importance of a curriculum because it is a guide to prioritize knowledge. Another relevant point is high level of discipline that must come with self-education. I agree with these three points deep about detailed knowledge, plan of study and discipline. Nevertheless, I think that if we attempt to combine self-education with formal learning and even more if we can include these three important points then we could improve actual education and have a better level of learning. First of all, to gain a deeper and detailed knowledge it is very important to acquire the technical details and analysis of data in the field (Young,2010). I think that selfeducation allows us to have a general idea in the area that we are studying. Some fields of study such as chemistry, biology or physics need to include laboratory practices to develop critical thinking. Laboratory practices help us understand how knowledge is built within a scientific community, how scientists work, how they come to agreements, how they recognize disagreements, what values move science, how science relates to society (Lunetta, 1998). For this reason, I believe that self-education is not enough to provide deep
knowledge. As a consequence, traditional education allows us to face the reality and put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired with laboratory practices and field trips. Secondly, self-education must have a well-structured curriculum which serves as a guide to prioritize knowledge. Young mentions that self-education needs to find a curriculum early on because it is like a map which ensures that we do not stay lost permanently (Young, 2012). Students who have a formal education, that is to say, those who attend schools or university have the advantage of following a curriculum. In the other words, these students have aims, goals, and activities mapped out due to the curriculum. I think that a curriculum is indispensable for teacher because it is a strategy for assessing student progress and also for students because it gives a structure in the pursuit of academic success. Therefore, self-education helps us to strengthen knowledge but if a curriculum is implemented we will have better results. Finally, another relevant point is the high level of discipline that must come with self-education. In the article, Scotts indicates that when we have an external incentive such us grades, exams, assignments, etc. students work with more discipline because this keeps them focused on their studies (Young, 2012). I agree with this point because discipline makes you able to demand extra effort to achieve a goal. In contrast, a characteristic that is found in formal schooling is discipline which is a set of rules aimed at a specific objective. In addition, Blanca Cรณrdova (2013) says that discipline is to assume an attitude of good behavior that stimulates personal growth, developing creativity and allowing free thinking in an environment of solidarity, equity and respect. This definition shows that discipline is important because it develops many positive factors for the students. Also, I agree with Scott when he mentions that self-education needs more discipline that formal training.
While, the university forces us to comply with certain obligations which are helpful to have in disciplined learning, in self-education we are the ones who decide our own obligations. To sum up, Young explains that self-education is significant application of knowledge because in this manner learning is preserved. Moreover, the author concludes that the goal of self-education is to learn everything. For this reason, I consider that to be able to fulfill the objective of the author it is important to combine self-education with formal schooling. In other words, self-education carries along three relevant points which are applied in traditional education. I think that deep and detailed knowledge, curriculum and discipline are important points to develop high learning. That is to say, deep and detailed knowledge is necessary because it allows us to have a more complete and elaborate knowledge. Furthermore, it prepares us to face reality and help us to gain scientific thought. On the other hand, the implementation of a curriculum serves as an orientation to take into account what is the necessary knowledge that must be acquired to be successful. Finally, discipline is another necessary point because it develops several abilities to reach a goal. To conclude, I think that if we join certain characteristics of self-education with traditional education we can have an education of excellence.
References Lunetta, V.N. (1998). “The School Science Laboratory: Historical Perspectives and Context forContemporary Teaching”. En: Frase, B.J. y Tobin, K.G. (eds.). International Handbook of Science Education. London: Kluber Young, S.H (2010). “Why Self-Educated Learners Often Come Up Short”. Retrieved from Córdova, B (2013). “La Disciplina Escolar y Su Relación Con El Aprendizaje”. Retrieved ?sequence=1
Should Science Have a Common Language Keila Gรณmez Yachay Tech University
Author Note February 16, 2017 L6-001 Crash Course
“Knowledge of Language is the door of wisdom” Roger Bacon. Language is not only a way communication. It allows people to exchange knowledge, ideas, and opinions. Also, language allows to know and to learn different traditions, cultures and ways of thinking. However, science is taking an important role because it cans allow us to find answers for many questions. For example, science is helping to look for the war against several diseases. For this reason, I consider that is very important to have a common language for science. Therefore, I think that the English language is the better option for the next three reasons: English is the global language, knowledge is produced via English could preserve other languages. First, English is a dominant language because it has converted. In the global language. Many countries have adopted. This language as their second tongue because it the languages of international business. As a consequence, it is great importance to learn English. The best business is in the countries where their commerce moves through English. Thus if we want to travel around the word and we know and learn different cultures and traditions, it is if great help to have a little knowledge about the English language In this way we can communicate with other people to exchange thougths. Second, science is evolving through time and it is contributed to the humanity. In the article, “The Hidden Bias of Science´s Universal Language” (2015) Huttner – koros said “Scientists who want to produce influential, global recognized work. Most likely need to publish in English”. In the other words, the best research and investigations are being published in English. For this reason, all scientist, researchers and people are contributing to the science should make little efforts to learn English and that way they can. Transmit their knowledge to all the world.
Finally, English could be useful tool to preserve other languages. There are many languages in each country which is losing their valve. It could lead to extinction for traditions, cultures and ethnics. However, if these people could learn English then they could save their traditions and knowledge about different things also, they could transmit their ideas to the world. To sum up, science should have a common language because is a good way to exchange information, to create new business and to conserve all cultures and diversity traditions around world Also, it is a common language that allows us to contribute to the scientific revolution. Maybe, the war against some disease is in some downtown where people don´t speak a common language, but they want to learn this language. Science carries out new knowledge and very wisdom.
References Hutter-Koros, A. (2015). “The Hidden Bias of Science´s Universal Language”. Retrieved from
Grand Unified Theory Keila Gรณmez Yachay Tech University
Author Note February 21, 2017 L6-001 Crash Course
Abstract This research is about the Grand Unified Theory which was Einstein’s dream. This theory try to find a single mathematical equation which unite the four forces of physics. The fundamental forces are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear and strong nuclear force. Scientists thought that before those four forces were united. Therefore, they have made an unstoppable search to find the unification of these forces. In this research, I want to discuss about the history of universe, its first theories and hypothesis. Then, I will explain the four fundamental forces of nature. Also, I will talk about importance of theory of everything. Thus, I will discuss religious beliefs and how it has influenced scientific progress. Many people believe that universe was originated by an intelligent creator but other people only believe in what science says. Finally, I want to show that science and religion can coexist. It is not necessary to separate the one from the other since both give us answers to our questions.
Will human intelligence be able to discover the origin of the universe? Human beings have always questioned the reason for their existence and therefore have wondered about the origin of the universe. Scientists and philosophers have tried to find answers about the creation of the universe for several centuries. Several theories have been created that are not yet totally accepted. However, a series of hypotheses has been generated which try to explain the existence of the universe. According to Hawking in his book “The Grand Design� in the history of science, we have discovered the sequence of better and better theories or models, from Plato to the classical theory of Newton to modern quantum theories. It is natural to ask: Will this sequence eventually reach an end point, an ultimate theory of the universe, that will include all forces and predict every observation we can make, or will we continue forever finding better theories, but never one that cannot be improved upon? (Hawking & Mlodinow, 2010, p. 5). As a consequence of these questions, Einstein spent much of his life trying to find a single mathematical equation which unite the concepts of relativity with quantum mechanics. In other words, the Theory of Everything is the unification of all the laws of nature. This theory will explain how the universe arose, the existence of everything we observe and what will happen in the future (Barrow, 2004). In this research, I will try to explain what the Grand Unified Theory is about, through knowledge of the history of the universe. Also, this investigation shows what are the forces of nature that want to unite the scientists to prove this theory. Additionality, it tries to show the importance to discover the Grand Unified Theory. Finally, I want to show a contrast of ideas between religious beliefs and scientific contributions. First of all, it is important to know the history of the universe and its first hypotheses and theories. To explain the events, theories and hypotheses about the universe
I will take as reference some statements from the book "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking (1988) One of the earliest theories weas Aristotle's arguments which mentioned that the Earth was a round sphere rather than a flat platform. Then, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed a simpler model which showed that sun was stationary in the center and that the Earth and the planets moved in circular orbits around it. A century later, Kepler and Galileo Galilei suggested that the planets did not move in circles, but in ellipses. In 1687, Isaac Newton published a theory which showed how bodies move in space and time. Also, Newton developed a series of mathematical equations to analyze these movements. In addition, he postulated the famous Law of Gravity that causes the Moon to move in an elliptical orbit around the Earth and the Earth and the planets to follow elliptical paths around the Sun. Otherwise, it began to appear theories in function of the religion. St. Augustine, according to the book of Genesis, agreed that the creation of the universe was 5000 years before Christ. Nevertheless, in 1929 Edwin Hubble noted that distant galaxies are moving away from us. For this reason, he concluded that the universe is expanding. These observations suggested that there was a time called big bang or also known as the big explosion. In 1865, The physicist James Clerk Maxwell successfully unified the partial theories which had previously been used to define the forces of electricity and magnetism, a discovery called the Light Propagation Theory. After several investigations, appears the Relativity Theory by Einstein which describes that science laws are the same for all observers in free movement, regardless of their speed (Hawking, 1988, p. 9-18). Einstein (1922) in his book “The Meaning of Relativity” mentioned there is a close connection between the theory of relativity and the theory of space and time. Similarly, in the book “Relativity: The Special and General Theory” Einstein (1916) showed that according to the
theory of general relativity, the geometrical properties of space are not independent, but are conditioned by matter. Nowadays, scientists describe the universe through two fundamental partial theories: the theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics. The gravity force and the large-scale structure of the universe are described relativity Theory. In contrast, quantum mechanics studies phenomena at extremely small scales. Nonetheless, scientists have tried to unify these two theories. That is to say, they want to create a Quantum Theory of Gravity. This theory should describe all the phenomena of the universe and will be called Unified Theory or Theory of the Everything (Hawking, 1988, p. 9-18). Finally, after knowing a little about the theories and hypotheses of the history of the universe, it can be inferred that the universe is governed by laws of nature. Also, a main theory that is implicated in the origin of universe is the famous theory of relativity. Second of all, in order to achieve understanding the Theory of Everything is necessary to know the fundamental nature forces. These laws are four; Gravitational force, Electromagnetic force, Weak Nuclear force and Strong Nuclear force. Hawking (2010) stated in his book “The Grand Design� every nature forces. The first force is that of gravity which was published in 1687. It describes that every object in the universe attracts any other object with a force proportional to its mass and inversely proportional to the square of its distance. Subsequently, the following forces that behave more strongly than gravity are the electric and magnetic forces. The difference of these forces with the gravitational force is that two electric charges of the same type repel each other while the opposite electric charges are attracted. In the 1860s, Maxwell described the relationship between electricity, magnetism, and light and he gave rise to the unification of these two theories. In other words, Maxwell discovered that light is an electromagnetic wave. The third force is weak
nuclear force is responsible for the interaction of neutrinos with matter and also some nuclear interactions. This force produces reactivity and also it takes care of elements formation in the stars and the primitive universe. Whereas, the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force are infinities the weak nuclear force is short-range. The last fundamental force is strong nuclear force which maintains together within the atomic nuclei the protons and neutrons. This force is the energy source of the sun and nuclear power. Due to positive charge of protons, it is necessary to be a stronger force than electromagnetic for them to be stable in the nucleus and they are retained. (Hawking, 2010, p. 60-73). As was previously stated, the unification of the fundamental forces of nature will constitute the grand unified theory resulting in the explanation of the origin of the universe and its consequences. Briefly summarizing, Einstein improved the concept of force of gravity with his theory of relativity. This force attracts two bodies with mass independent distance and time. Then, there is the electromagnetic force discovered by Maxwell which indicates that the particles are electrically charged and that there is a force of attraction and repulsion. The next force is weak nuclear which acts at atomic level. Finally, strong nuclear force that as its name indicates it is the strongest force of all which allows to hold united to the protons and neutrals in spite of its force of a repulsion. Third of all, it is important to know what would happen if the Einstein's dream is fulfilled, that is, if we can find the Theory of Everything. Einstein mentioned “It would be a great step forward to unify in a simple scheme the gravitational fields and electromagnetic. It would be a satisfactory ending of the era of physics theory started by Faraday and Maxwell�. Thus, the discovery of the great unified theory can help the survival of our species. Because it can help find mechanisms to improve our way of life. We still have to
find the reason why we are here and where we come from. The deep desire for knowledge of humanity is sufficient justification to continue our search. And it will only end when we find the explanation of the universe in which we live and everything around us. On the other hand, since ancient times there have been some differences between religion and science. Questions like; What is the Origin of the Universe, where do we come from and how were we created or if the Universe has a beginning and an end, question whether it is possible to create the whole world and the existence of all beings in only seven days? In the past, the church condemned as heresy all those people who showed thoughts and investigations that try to deny the existence of a God. However, there are some scientists who absolutely believe that the creation of the universe is thanks to a god. Therefore, there is evidence that religion is not against science. For example, the writer John Lennox (1992) said, "As a Christian believer, the scientific law of beauty is strengthened for my faith, an intelligent, creative and divine force." The more I understand science, the more I believe in God because of the astonishment It leaves its amplitude, sophistication and His creation ". Therefore, religion also gives us answers like science. So, there is enough evidence that religion is also a favor of science. Other evidence that the church is not against scientific theories in the current is a biblical passage. This passage is found in Isaiah 40:22 and said "He is sitting on the circle of the earth, whose inhabitants are like locusts; He stretched out the heavens like a curtain, he exposes them out as a tent to dwell�. Therefore, Religious and scientific beliefs can be held together without the need to separate one under the other. To sum up, perhaps the intelligence of the human being shows someday how the universe and life originated. Due to the constant work of several scientists, research has
already been made to find a grand unified theory. It is important to emphasize that in finding this theory we can know from the beginning of the universe why we are on this planet. In other words, the unification of the nature laws must demonstrate with scientific reasons all the things that can be seen. We need to know more about the grand unified theory especially in the following points; The history of the universe and how it has progressed to the present, to know the forces of nature that scientists believe that someday they were together and finally, the importance of discovering this great theory.
References Barrow, J. (2004). “Theories Of Everything: The Quest For Ultimate Explanation”. Oxford University Press. p. 14 Einstein, A. (1922). “The Meaning of Relativity”. Princeton University Press. p. 1-2 Einstein, A. (1916). “Relativity: The Special And General Theory”. Methuen & Co Ltd. p. 58. Hawking, S., Mlodinow, L. (2005). “A Briefer History of Time”. Bantam Books. W.W. Norton, Nueva York. p. 10-11 Hawking, S. Mlodinow, L. (2010). “The Grand Design”. Bantam Books. Nueva York. p. 10 Hawking, S. (1988). “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes”. Bantam Books. p. 9-18. López, E. (2013). Georges Lemaître and the Big Bang theory. Retrieved from