My Last Level of English
Kendra K. Reyes Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research L6-001 Yachay, Ecuador
My Last Level of English Kendra K. Reyes Language Program Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research L6-001 Teacher: LucĂa Gabriela Villavicencio Gordon July 25th, 2016 Yachay, Ecuador
Content Portfolio Letter Response Essay Investigation Essay Interpretation Essay Argumentation Essay Final Research Project Essay Additional Materials Thank you Letter
Kendra K. Reyes L6-001 July 25th, 2016 To the Reader: I am glad you are reading this portfolio because it contains all the assignments I have worked during this level of English and how my performance has improved over the time. This portfolio is compound by a response essay, an investigation essay, an interpretation essay, an argumentation essay, the final research project essay and this portfolio letter. This information is also a prove of all the effort I have put to improve English language skills making it something important for me. When I started the level 6 course I already was more responsible than when I was in level 5, but it does not mean that I have not changed during this course. Leaving my essays for the last time has not changed enough but at least I am getting better. Right now I am faster than before while having ideas and writing them clearly; thus making it easier to procrastinate and have good grades at the same time. Doing lots of outlines has improved a lot the way I organize my work. And the best thing is that I have improved my speaking skills because I had and still have a lot of problems speaking in public. On the first essay I wrote, my development was not that bad because I followed the guidelines to the letter. However, when I wrote the second essay I had trouble with the organization and the ideas. I tried to make it faster and without using the guidelines trusting myself of having it completely memorized. I noticed that I was wrong and tried to tie myself to the guidelines on the third essay. It was hard for me to do it because it was a group essay. I used
to be good for teamwork, but when I started university it turned out not to be that easy. I had many problems at first, but in the end I discovered that I could do it on my own way without having any problem and being unified with all my group. Finally, the research paper was a real challenge because I had to use all my tools again against the time. In the end all the work I have made has been for good, making me able to improve not just my skills but myself too. One never stops learning and since my platonic love is to learn languages I will never stop doing everything that is in my hands in order to improve my communication skills. This course has been an important part of this effort letting me get deep into the English language. Of course, I did not do it all alone because if that would have been the case, maybe, I would have never gotten to my objective. With the support of my teacher, Gabriela, I have made it well. She has been patient, also she had endured my nonsense questions when I have not payed enough attention. Also she explained the topics as many times as needed. The help of my classmates was essential too. We worked in groups many times and we did our best to help each other. Thanks to that help I have learned that when we are together everything works better. I want to thank you again for reading my portfolio. I hope you enjoy the way you can notice how things get better over time while reading this portfolio.
Respectfully yours with sincere gratitude,
Kendra K. Reyes
Response Essay
Learning a Foreign Language: Benefits of Multilingualism Kendra K. Reyes Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research April 25, 2016
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Benefits of Multilingualism Have you ever asked yourselves if it really worth to learn a new language? Nowadays most of schools and high schools teach at least one language different from the native in a country. It has become an important factor since traveling became so easy. Moreover, the difficulties finding information in certain languages are a matter of concern especially for those who search for specific scientific information. However, the intention of this essay is not to talk about learning language just as an obligation. The main idea is finding learning a foreign language as something not just useful but essential. Here you will find that learning a new language is the best decision you can make. Learning a language is healthy because it is a good exercise for the brain. Linguistic skills make work the hole brain because of the relation of language with rational and emotional processes. The flexibility of children’s brain makes learning a new language a simple task. Meanwhile an adult could have some trouble with this matter. Additionally, the density of the gray mass increases and new connections between neurons are formed (Nacamulli, 2015). The brain as the most important organ because it controls every process on us. Due to this the brain needs to be exercised like the entire body and studying a new language is a good way to do it. A new language gives you a different perception of the world. It can open your mind and develop your ability of understanding because of languages arrangements. It means that even insignificant transitions between languages will gradually affect your thinking. For example: English is ordered as SVO (Subject, object and verb) while Japanese is ordered like SOV. Even when this difference seems minor it could have considerable consequences in your mind. In this case shifting between languages can induce to error. With respect to languages as Russian, they
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE have different expressions for light blue and dark blue, having a distinctive manner to group visible spectrum (Linguistic Society of America). It does not mean that people who does not speak Russian cannot make a difference between those colors, but it means Russians will be able to communicate easily the difference between them. Guugu Yimithirr is another example of how a language can change the way we observe environment, in this case, by giving directions. This language uses words like: North, East, West and South to indicate a location. As a consequence, this people tends to stay oriented almost always (Levinson, 1997). In other words, learning a new language can involve the development of abilities influenced by our communication patterns. Studying a different language expands your horizons in many aspects. One of those aspects is that you will have access to particular information that is not translated to your native language or maybe the translations found on internet are deficient. Movies and series are part of this; and you have the opportunity to listen to the original voices of characters and avoiding uncomfortable subtitles at the same time. Other aspect is that traveling to a country knowing its native language will improve your experience there. Starting a conversation with locals will be enjoying; and getting lost will not be a problem because asking for directions will be uncomplicated. All these elements tell us that learning a foreign language reduce your limits; and it can also be enjoying. As shown above, the benefits of adding a foreign language in our set of skills is essential for our minds, hence it worth to learn an additional language. As the main organ of our system, the brain needs exercise. Of course improving our communication skills gives brain abundant work. The knowledge we get will provide us indirectly of more abilities; and those abilities are attached to the different point of view we can get. Moreover, it will be an enjoyable activity. To summarize,
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE the advantages mentioned are adequate to affirm that language learning is a fundamental part in people’s lives.
LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE References Levinson, S. C. (1997). Language and Cognition: The Cognitive Consequences of Spatial Description in Guugu Yimithirr. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 7: 98–131. doi: 10.1525/jlin.1997.7.1.98 Linguistic Society of America. Does the language I speak influence the way I think. Washington, DC. Nacamulli, M. (2015). The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain. TED-Ed.
Investigation Essay
Gender Inequality Affecting Education: Why are Obsolete Traditions Indirectly Affecting Education Today? Kendra K. Reyes Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research May 19, 2016
GENDER INEQUALITY AFFECTING EDUCATION Why are Obsolete Traditions Indirectly Affecting Education Today? Male chauvinism controlled society for centuries. Women rights were limited. For instance, they were not allowed to study or vote. Women fight to vote started in the end of 18th century, but it did not have enough success until 20th century (Historiana). Additionally, it was not until middle 19th century that women began studying in some countries such as Sweden or Finland (Wikipedia, 2016). According to this information women opinion and intelligence was undervalued for centuries. Discrimination like this has decreased with the years, but it does not mean it is over. If it would had been over, then why it is not equal the amount of men and women with scientific roles in the world or working as authorities in a country. This demonstrate that male chauvinism still has influence over the world, but how is this affecting society today? 1 Timothy 2:11,12 says “Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but she is to remain silent.� Then according to that words men have authority over women and not the opposite, and people who have the want of discriminating woman use to adopt Bible passages in order to be excused of their inappropriate behavior. Even though, Bible passages about women talk about men treating women with respect as Jesus Christ showed with his acts. Some Jewish religion leaders considered women a dangerous origin of temptation and lust, so they were not able to talk to men in public. However, Jesus Christ established the opposite when he said men have to control themselves and treat women with respect (The Watchtower, 2012). Hence it is just men selfishness and egocentrism which have made women be taken as inferior beings without any deserve of respect. It is evident that women are different from men physiologically. Firstly, women are not as strong as Men being 50% weaker in terms of physical strength (Dobson, 2015); as a consequence,
GENDER INEQUALITY AFFECTING EDUCATION women have not been usually considered for jobs which require great physical effort such as builders, firefighters or police officers. It does not mean that there are no women working in that roles, but they are not commonly in this charges. Women can be as strong as men, however, they will need more preparation and effort to get that. The difference between strengths between men and women is related to the percentage of body fat. Because of the reproductive function of women, they tend to accumulate more fatty than men in certain parts of the body preventing it from getting as strength improvement as men body (Lewis et Al, 1986). Only with this information differences between genders are proved to exist. Even when this circumstances condition the possible settings of a desired job, it does not make it impossible to accomplish. In terms of psychological difference between genders there is not significant distinction of the intelligence. After some researches compared brains of more than 1400 individuals the final result was that just 0.1% of the individuals showed the complete stereotypical characteristics of what they analyzed as brains of men and women (Wheeling, 2015). In this way is certainly proved that neither men are the most intelligent nor women are; it is almost equal and non-depending on the gender. With respect to emotions it is totally different. Women have more inclination to react to emotional changes, crying and laughing effortlessly (Dobson, 2015). To summarize, there is not a considerable difference of intelligence between genders, so restricting education for women for any reason does not have sense. Of course emotional changes could affect decision making but it does not affect the capacity of learn or develop. There are differences between genders which affect our being. Since physiological configuration to psychological behavior are elements that influence the way we act and if we are able to. Nevertheless, every person in the world has the same rights because we are all human
GENDER INEQUALITY AFFECTING EDUCATION beings. It should be noted that from all the aspects mentioned in this article none of them is a reason to deprive women from their right to study and fully develop in an important position. Therefore, it is certain to affirm that the only reason women have been treated like inferiors has been because of men desire of power and control over others.
GENDER INEQUALITY AFFECTING EDUCATION References Dobson, J. (2015). Physical Differences between Men and Women. Dr. James Dobson’s family Talk. <> Griffin, A. (April 21, 2014). Manhood Marred: Is Male Supremacy Biblical? The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. < > Historiana. (N.d.). Suffragettes and suffragists: the campaign for women’s voting rights: Britain and the wider world. Historiana your portal to the past. <> Lewis, D.A. Kamon, E. Hodgson, J.L. (October, 1986). Physiological differences between genders. Implications for sports conditioning. Pub Med. <> New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. (2013). Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. The Watchtower. (September, 2012). Respect and Dignity under God’s Care. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. <> Wheeling, K. (November 13, 2015). The Brains of Men and Women aren’t really that different, study finds. Science. <>
Interpretation Essay
Running Head: THE DREAM
The Dream: The duality of life expressed in a paintwork of Frida Kahlo Cristian E. ProaĂąo Kendra K. Reyes Daniela G. Rochina Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research June 16, 2016
THE DREAM The duality of life expressed in a paintwork of Frida Kahlo Artist expresses her feelings through pictures. All types of art have a meaning and it can relate different topics such as world issues or more personal feelings. The Frida Kahlo’s painting is not an exception; it has a deep-thinking meaning. The painting expression is attached to how she uses her tools. Even when the meaning could vary from person to person, the explanation can be given what she wanted to say with her painting. Although the painting “The Dream” can be interpreted in different ways; the painter wants to transmit a message: There are always two forces that are in the universe it means duality of life. Frida Kahlo’s painting, ‘The Dream” is an amazing abstract style art, and it takes many forms, the expressionism is one of them. This painting style is closely related to emotions and feelings of human heart; the emotional human heart overflow is illustrated from a subject’s perspective. The expressionist painting represents the emotional artist state introducing some kind of emotional echo within the viewer. Furthermore, Frida was one of the biggest names in expressionist art painting; Pouring paint onto the canvas was her painting style, she could capture the natural movement of paint and the emotions she lived at that time. At first glance, Frida’s painting shows the human life as a short time; the symbols used in the painting presents a plant growing also the plant means when Frida disappeared in this world and a new life appear, so the life is a cycle for her. There are two parts in Frida’s paintwork: the bed means life and the ceiling over the bed signifies the death. Besides, the painting results dramatic because the most important aspect is to teach that nothing is eternal and the colors in the painting are subtle and pale suggesting that the artist did not feel comfortable with the human mortality idea. Furthermore, the artist is trying to say that
THE DREAM everybody need to remember human being is fragile: the body ages, the mind weakens and the end of a life is the beginning of another, nevertheless, while the life leaves our body people can do all they need or want. Additionally, after life come the death and Frida explains it in her painting the best form, she represents the dead by a skeleton it remembers the mortality of humans. The skeleton is over the canopy of Fridaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bed holding a bunch of flowers and having bombs attached it, the idea of death is something normal and nothing to be afraid. At first it may look confusing, but it undoubtedly represents how unpredictable and inescapable is death. In other words, the painting results an explanation of the final human's destiny. Finally, she represented herself in this perspective way and we must assume that Frida was certainly trying to evoke and express sadness feeling. Perhaps she has painted the reality of her life; she tries to express several important points in the relationship between life and death and both are intrinsically intertwined. Life is an essential component in the dynamic world but all life eventually dies. The main meaning for her feelings is personal but it can be applied for all. Humans were created from inert materials thus life and death has alternate forever.
Argumentation Essay
Kendra Reyes Pérez L6-001 June 30th, 2016 As an important way to protect youth, censorship should be allowed in schools. According to the association of school administrators and the American library association censorship is “the removal, suppression or restricted circulation of literacy, artistic or educational materials on the idea that they are morally or in any way harmful to audience” (People for the American way). Censorship is essential in many ways starting from the fact that parents care about the access to information their children have when parents are not there and also the lack of knowledge in children when they are young; knowledge they have to get slowly in order to comprehend it correctly and completely. So, censorship is completely necessary in schools when it is one of the places where children spend more time in their lives (National Center for Education Statistics, 2008). Parents who really care about their children will be aware about the information children can have access from TV programs, people, other children and also school. The idea of this is being sure that their children are in a good influencing environment. Moreover, as educators are also an important part of the development of children mind, they are in the obligation of limiting disadvantageous material in schools. For instance, The Yellow Medicine East School District in Minnesota took out a book because a single parent claimed that it was “racially offensive” (Ken Petress). In order to satisfy parents worries censorship is important. Children need time to get some knowledge in the adequate moment. Because of this their classes are spread in many years of schooling. They are not capable of getting and
comprehending all the information at one. They start from the basics to get after more difficult information. For example, they have science classes for seven years in the case of Ecuadorian schools (Ministerio de Educacion). These seven years are preparing children to know about sexuality and the importance to be responsible about it. If they get that information too early the curiosity that characterize children would lead them to get problems in the future; so, limiting some information to them would give them the time to internalize it too. In order to form a society of responsible adults the children have to be controlled first and taught carefully; being aware that they cannot comprehend all the things at once. Children need to learn everything in its time. Parents also care about it and they will take part of it if it is necessary in order to have their children safe.
Final Research Project Essay
Mental Illnesses and Psychosis: How is the everyday of people with mental disorders? Kendra K. Reyes Yachay University of Experimental Technological Research July 7th, 2016
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Abstract This research has gone through a definition of what a mental illness is in order to know more about how a person affected with a mental illness lives, as well as encouraging people to learn more about these matters. Because of this there are many characteristics about mental disorders described in the article. The first part is about the causes of many of these mental illnesses with their respective examples; and it is divided in three different aspects. These are the genetic factors, the stress exposure and the overuse of drugs. Then it is given an example which shows the symptoms of a mental disease, in this case the schizophrenia and eating disorders, in people. With these examples was also showed how difficult it is to diagnose some mental illnesses since they have some similarities between their symptoms. It is also presented a positive effect of having a mental illness, which is after discussed in order to know how beneficial it is for people affected by a mental disorder. There are two examples about how much people know about mental illnesses and also how people react toward these situations. Finally, with all these issues discussed, they join in a conclusion about the importance of being well-informed about these problems and the difficulties passed through people with this kind of diseases.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Dilemma in Practice This article focuses on what a mental illness is, in order to understand how people with this kind of problems deal with. The principal problem is that people does not know enough about mental illnesses. This issue could lead people to take bad decisions if they are related to someone with this problem. Not being aware that the environment and the stress can affect people with mental disorders can be a bad experience for the patient and his or her relatives; aggravating their condition or even making it difficult to treat it. I selected this issue because I am deeply interested in having more knowledge of mental illnesses and their treatments. These problems can affect anyone no matter if they are sick or they are related to the sick person. As far as I am concerned after experiencing the lack of knowledge about these issues I want people to be aware of what a mental illness is; and reading this article about mental diseases could help it.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Literature Review How is the everyday of people with mental disorders? Can you imagine how living with a mental illness is? First, it is needed to know what a mental illness is. The National Alliance on Mental Illness defines it as â&#x20AC;&#x153;a condition that affects personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thinking, feeling or moodâ&#x20AC;? (NAMI). It can be difficult to describe how it feels since mental illnesses affect normal behavior in general; and as a sensitive problem that can also be chronical, it affects the way the sick person is seen by society. According the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in 17 live with a severe mental disorder such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder in the United States (NAMI, 2013). So, it is not a rare problem around the world. Some mental disorders are characterized to be affected for the environment where the patient lives; and the behavioral changes in children can be confused with just misbehavior leading parents with sick child to correct them without knowing this could aggravate the situation. Having any knowledge about this kind of diseases can be essential for families in order to prevent worsen the conditions. The origin of mental disorders in people is sometimes hard to clear because there is not just one factor causing mental diseases; there are some aspects that could develop the disease. One of this aspects is the genetics because in some problems, such as bipolar disorder, autism, borderline personality disorder, eating disorder and schizoaffective disorder, there are more chances for people to be sick if they have a relative sick too (NAMI). Therefore, parents have to be aware that if they have a child with a mental disease their other child may have a percentage of develop the problem too, depending also on the disorder the child has. Other cause is stress, because the first episode of some mental diseases (For instance: Bipolar disorder, depression,
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS dissociative disorder, and others) can be triggered by stressful evets like a death in a family, difficult relationship, or an illness (NAMI). However, not every person who has been through stressful events will develop an illness because it also depends on the way they handle it. The use of drugs has also been linked to the development of mental disorders like depression or even a schizoaffective disorder (NAMI). Even when mental disorders share some behavioral patterns, all the disorders have different symptoms. These symptoms are necessary to diagnose the problem, but sometimes they could be hard to link with a mental disease. For instance, in the case of teens, some of their behavior changes could be confused with normal patterns of this stage of their life. For the diagnosis of schizophrenia, it is necessary that the patient shows problems like hallucinations, delusions, negative symptoms and disorganized thinking for at least 6 months (NAMI). Negative symptoms can also be associated with depression, so a veridic diagnosis can be made just with a correct examination of all the symptoms presented by the patient. Problems like eating disorders have more unique symptoms that separate them from other mental illnesses. For example, anorexia is a mental disease that makes people feel scared of being fat leading them to the point of doing exercise until being exhausted or even starving in order to avoid calories in their body (NAMI). To summarize, mental illnesses can share some behavioral patterns, but they are not the same, hence, there are different treatment for each of them. After mentioning many issues related with mental illnesses a simple conclusion could be that a mental illness is one of the worst problems a person could suffer. However, not all the people will agree with this idea. Fredrik UllĂŠn is one of these people. In his studies UllĂŠn related some mental disorders, specially schizophrenia, with a high creativity. But how is it explained?
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS The thalamus is a filter of the information that reaches the cortex and since schizophrenic patients are known to have a low degree of information filtered, this could be an explanation of the free information and then more creativity (Live Science, 2010). High creativity is what according to people like Fredrik UllĂŠn may be seen as a positive result of having a mental illness. Even though, the characteristic problems of someone mentally ill involving personality and development in society weight more than what a high creativity can give to life. As mentioned before, mental illnesses affect the behavior of people in many ways. Therefore, it will affect people around, or in other words, it will affect society. So we need to know how society perceives a person with a mental illness. It depends on the population and their customs. As you will see how a study in Pakistani population leads to an incredible conclusion. Even when the studies were made in a majority of well-educated people, the results were that only a few recognized schizophrenia as a mental illness while a large number attributed it to superstitious ideas (Zafaar et al, 2008). These superstitious ideas could lead to wrong methods of trying to solve the problem; and as a consequence the illness can worsen. A survey made in order to know the general attitude of society toward schizophrenic people got important results. Greater knowledge in people was associated to less distancing behavior, but when people were asked about more personal relations with schizophrenic people they tend to increase distance between them (H. Stuart, 2001). Of course, well-informed people would not have any problem accepting and understanding mental issues in people. As a result of this review it is a fact that there are many negative effects of having a mental illness; and the causes of some of them are just a start since these problems can be triggered by stressful situations. Even when UllĂŠn described the way schizophrenic patients tend
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS to be more creative than common people, it is not a reason to minimize the consequences of having this illness such as having hallucinations or delusions. Finally, it should be noted that these behavioral problems also affect the way the patients interact with society, making people with a mental disorder being unaccepted or even feared by others.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Application Many different tools were used in order to get the necessary information to develop the topic of the research. The first one was an interview made to an expert in psychology, Jenny Rivadeneira, who gave essential basic information about the mental illnesses and the role that a psychologist plays in this situations. The second tool used was a survey made in a community of students. This survey had the objective to get some information about how informed people is about mental illnesses. It was important to ask students to fill the survey because they must be informed people. It was important to corroborate if they have a lack of essential information about these disorders such as people in towns. The questions asked in the short interview to the Psychologist Jenny Rivera were the following:
What is the role of the psychologist in the diagnose of a mental disorder?
What are the principal causes that trigger a mental disorder?
Do these problems have a cure?
This information given by the psychologist Jenny Rivadeneira was used to have a basis knowledge about the topic that was developed; and some of the information obtained was about the sequential steps when someone with this kind of problems arrives. The psychologist analyzes the symptoms presented by the patient and gives support to identify the problem (a psychologist does not prescribe medicine). Then the psychologists have to work depending on the problems presented, but the principal part they took is about the acceptation of the disease. As the mental disorders affect thinking, it could be difficult to the patient to accept he or she has a mental
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS disease. The social stereotypical behavior toward people with a mental illness, such as they are mad or something else, make it more difficult to patients to accept their problem. With the help of the psychologist, the psychiatrist and the medicines prescribed by the psychiatrist, the patient can accept the problem and even return to his or her normal activities. The psychologist said that the causes of a mental disorder are divided in two parts. The first part englobes the physiological causes. They can be related to genetic predisposition to have the disorder, or other problems referring to a ramp of neurotransmitters caused by a selforganism problem. With respect the other part it englobes something completely different, the psychological causes. They refer to more personal issues that triggered the disorder. It is called posttraumatic stress; and depending on how a person leads with negative emotions, they could take people to have depression. Issues related to this are participation in wars, problems in relationship, family traumas, etc. Even though, if a mental disorder like depression is diagnosed in time and necessary measures are taken to control the problem, it can be cured; but it is not taken for granted that all the depressions are going to cure. In general, mental disorders are chronical and they have to be treated with medicines to control the symptoms. The survey was asked to be answered with the person’s knowledge; and it was made by a survey sent by email. The questions asked in the survey were the following:
Do you know what is a mental disorder?
What are the causes of mental disorders?
How can people who suffer mental disorders can be helped? In which ways?
What would you do if someone you know is diagnosed with mental disorders?
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS The survey was sent to people directly in a simple schedule from 20H00 to 00H00 because it is the best time to find the students free from their labors in the university. The results were positive because almost all the participants had sufficient knowledge about the topic, mental illnesses. When it was about the causes of mental disorders people had more trouble answering. Most of them said that it was a genetic problem or that they did not know. Almost all the participants were also aware that this is a medical condition that must be diagnosed and treated correctly. According the survey all of the participants agreed with the idea of helping a patient to solve the problem no matter how difficult it would be.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Results As a result of this research it has been proved how negative are the mental illnesses and the way they terribly affect people and society in general. No matter how the positive effects of having a mental disorder are, there are more feelings involved when it refers to the consequences of having a mental disorder; and general information supported by a psychologist is a sample of it. The complicated diagnosis is made through an examination of the symptoms; symptoms that deeply affect the individual. Additionally, causes are not just genetic, they can also involve traumatic situations in patientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. Even when some of them if detected in time could be cured, most of them are chronical and require constant consumption of medicines. Some people cannot accept the illness they have, making it more difficult for them and their relatives to treat the problem. Society is also involved in the way a person with a mental disorder is accepted. Stereotypes of this illness could lead sick people to feel discriminated. And thanks to the survey made to students it is a fact that while there is more knowledge in people about mental disorders, there are less possibilities to have discrimination in the society. This results in the conclusion of the great importance that has being well-informed about mental illnesses, their symptoms, causes, ways to treat them, etc.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS Reflection Personally, this project has given me the chance to get deeper in the information about what a mental illness is. After going through many articles I have a better idea about the investigation processes and how studies must be made in order to get good results. Additionally, this research will be constructive to inform others in my professional field. Biotechnology can be seen far from this topic, but more studies about mental illnesses could lead to find a possible definitive solution to these problems. My personal desire about it would be the idea of creating a technology able to suppress permanently the brain activity that causes some of these illnesses. This research was made to inform people about mental illnesses and the importance of having some knowledge about illnesses in general. The knowledge is the most important weapon we have to prevent damage; the damage that we could cause taking bad decisions because of lack of information.
MENTAL ILLNESSES AND PSYCOSIS References H, Stuart. J, Arboleda. (2001). Community Attitudes Toward People with Schizophrenia. <> Live Science. (May 19th, 2010). Link between Creativity and Mental Illnesses revealed. <> National Alliance on Mental Illnesses. (2013). Mental Illness Facts and Numbers. <> National Alliance on Mental Illnesses. (n.d.). <> S, Zafar. R, Syed. S, Tehseen. S, Gowani. S, Waqar. A, Zubair. W, Yousaf. A, Zubairi. H, Naqvi. (July 17th,2008). Perceptions about the cause of Schizophrenia and the subsequent help seeking behavior in a Pakistani population -results of a cross-sectional survey. BMC Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1186/1471-244X-8-56. <>
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