Leduin cuenca level 6 portfolio

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ORION NEBULA: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/9705/OrionMos_hst_big.jpg




NGC 1433 GALAXY: http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/hubble-sees-a-galaxy-with-a-glowing-heart


THE FLAME NEBULA: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_2317.html

Leduin José Cuenca Macas Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Hacienda San Jose s/n Y Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador July 25th, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader,

My name is Leduin Cuenca. Thank you for reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a collection of my main written works in the English Language Program Level 6 at Yachay Tech. My portfolio contains principally four essays and a research project. Also, it reflects my effort during the last semester within the Level 6. As a student, my interest of learning English has increased in this semester. At the beginning, I was not enthusiastic about the course. This perspective changed with the time since I started participating in class with my classmates. For example: on the second class day, my classmates and I were challenged to make a plan to keep our lives safe on a deserted island. I shared ideas in English and of course, I enjoyed the activity. Also, smaller activities in class like: conversations, watch videos, and listening to music, helped me to practice and understand a bit more of the English language. There was a lot of homework, and they demanded considerable time. However, they were valuable to my learning process. All the essay‟s topics were very interesting, especially education. This topic allowed me to see the true reality of the global education system and to consider many social and economic facts in order to contribute to the change of some imperfections. My first essay was the perfect opportunity to express my point of view about moral rules and ethics in the current world. Next, I wrote enthusiastically in my second essay

because the topic was education in Ecuador. However, my grammar and spelling problems were visible. I took them as advice, and I tried to pay attention in writing of the following essays.

I enjoyed interpreting the poem “The Red Wheelbarrow” with my classmates:

Domenica and Michelle. This opportunity was perfect to express ideas and discuss our interpretations of the simplest things of the life. Later, a class debate and my argumentation essay were the ways to develop new skills to speak and to write more fluently. And finally, my research project was focused in the most interesting topic of the Level 6: Education. The writing process was helpful to increase my interest to English language. My goal is practice English, no matter if I will move out of the English Language Program or not. I want to speak and write more fluid and I hope to achieve those purposes. Thank you again for reading my portfolio. I hope you enjoy it.


Leduin José Cuenca Macas



CARINA NEBULA: http://www.nbcnews.com/slideshow/technologyandscience/hubbles-new-vision-32758727/

The Origin of Our Behavior Leduin JosĂŠ Cuenca Macas Yachay Tech April 29, 2016

The Origin of Our Behavior Imagine a highway accident, where a motorcyclist is impacted by a truck. After the collision, he bleeds and tries to recover himself. At that moment, many people that are near the accident come to the crash site in order to help the motorcyclist. Disregarding the pain and the violent scene, what are the true motives that people have to make this action? Human beings have their own reasons to perform any act during their life. Their reasons are the result of mental activity. This activity is divided in two parts: one conscious and another unconscious; the second one has more influence than the first one. Instinct, a fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli, is related with the unconscious part of the human being and is the main shaper of our behavior and the primitive base of ethics. It is important to know simple events that happen in reality affect the behavior of human beings unconsciously. Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez (1989) mention that “many psychologists explain when we see someone in distress, we ourselves experience feelings of distress, such as shock, alarm, worry, or fear” (p. 1). These feelings appear if we have profound knowledge about the suffering, sometimes unseen. In addition, according to the seventeenth century philosopher Tomas Hobbes “we will act for interest” (Andre & Velasquez, 1989). This is interpreted as an instinctive way of protection independent from our help to the victim. This vision of self-interest differs exceedingly with the meaning of ethics. However, what are the known meaning and the deep meaning of ethics? Always ethics has been described as the set of moral rules which govern the human behavior in any scope of life. Andre and Velasquez (1989) explain: “ethics assumes that self-interest is not the basis for all human behavior” (p. 2). Its practice is considered as a conscious act; but,

nevertheless, ethics is founded in the instinctive experience: when people understand risks and avoid the implicated problems. After taking a decision, the consequences of it are recorded in the subject's brain and are remembered in an upcoming occasion. The set of moral rules has been making rational to human beings through all time in order to avoid issues. Additionally, humans are not simply individuals living out their lives, but are connected with other humans and live together. This fact converts human beings in social beings, who are capable of developing feelings and sensations with others and sharing them. Moreover, Andre and Velasquez establish “an altruistic motivation to help is not derived from self-interest� (p. 2). But, what is behind an altruistic motivation? The answer is related again with the nature of human beings, which consists in the survival of the species. This means that human groups act unconsciously in order to favor the unities that form them. This is the root of everything about human activity.

All these concepts shape human

behavior. Thereby, the motorcyclist of the highway accident could be assisted by people, whose purposes are moving by unconscious reasons principally. Instinct is found in this group, which is one of the most primitive bases of ethics. Instinct is focused in the subsistence and permanence of all species, including of course the human species. Meanwhile, individualist thoughts and altruism are different ways to express same thing: survival, albeit individualist or collective.

But at the end, humans are nothing more than complex matter, whose

foundations are in the simplest things.

References Andre, C., & Velasquez, M. (1989). Unmasking the motives of the good Samaritan. Issues in Ethics, 2(1). Retrieved April 27, 2016, from https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/unmaskingthemotives-of-the-good-samaritan/



ROSSETA NEBULA: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140311.html

Economy and Education: Their relationship in Ecuadorian Society Leduin JosĂŠ Cuenca Macas Yachay Tech May 20, 2016

Economy and Education: Their relationship in Ecuadorian Society. The Ecuadorian economy has not been the best in the world. Throughout history, Ecuador has been recognized as a third world country. Its economy has been supported by raw material and agricultural products. Industrial and technological developments are scarce. The reason of national economic backwardness is the low level of education of Ecuadorians. Ecuadorians with little educational background are economically poor. Only through a union between the government, the private occupational sector, and the individual is a restructuring of the educational system possible, leading to a better socio-economic climate in Ecuador A good economic situation of a person is a determinant for inclusion in a quality education system. This fact is reflected in differences between public and private education in Latin American countries. In this case, people with economic possibilities prefer to invest in quality education. On the other hand, public education has been known for its deficiencies in infrastructure and human talent. Consequently, students prefer to help their familiesâ€&#x; immediate needs and start working (Council on Hemispheric Affairs, 2011). However, these students usually are misemployed or in underpaid work. The academic model of mind is an obstacle to the economic growing of people. According to The RSA (2010) people are divided into two groups: smart people, characterized by having academic awards, and unintelligent people, who do not have these recognitions. In this case, companies simply see a skill in humans, who are very different in the way of thinking and acting. Of course, the academic development relates closely to economic growth. So, people are destined to be poor due to their way to think Another fact is that poor families inherit their economic and educational status to their offspring, which becomes a problem if society does not act. The government has a strong commitment to those families, because it can generate jobs and implement qualified public

education. In Ecuador, the policy was only intended to favor the rich and forget the other people. As a result, the number of poor people increases over the years (World Bank, 2004). Moreover, parents help to construct the perspective of life in each family member. In the case of poor families, education is the principal method to redefine the perspective of life. In order to solve the educational and economic problem in Ecuador, Ecuadorian government should reform the national education system and build a new infrastructure. Reconsidering the academic model of mind is required to break social-economical differences. Through these actions, increasing the educational quality in public and private sector equally could be possible. Also, lack of money would not be a problem for poor people. But, to reach this goal it is necessary to rise to the interest of Ecuadorian society. In this case, the efforts should be destined to strengthen the social awareness and culture. Both the Ecuadorian government and each person should acquire responsibilities in order to reach a common agreement. In addition, the private sector would be affected by the social dynamics. For this reason, this sector is obligated to participate in these possible changes. This action is very difficult for all people, but worth the effort. Ecuador has been considered as a third world country due to its poverty and insufficient technological development.

The little social and governmental interest in

education is the main reason for this situation. Neglect in education provokes principally: differences between public and private services, exclusion of poor people from quality education, family trauma due to these facts and the generation of a model of mind (sometimes wrong). The active participation of society, government and private sector is fundamental to improve education and thereby, economy. First, a consciousness-raising campaign could work with social traumas and culture. Next, the government should reform the education system using ideas extracted from this campaign. And finally, the government and private

sector should celebrate agreements, build new infrastructure and put in practice the reforms. In a few words and using a famous phrase, union makes force and can solve many problems.

References Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2011, November). Child Poverty and Access to Education: Adding Up the Hidden Costs on the U.S.-Hispanic Community. Retrieved May 15, 2016, from: http://www.coha.org/child-poverty-and-access-to-education-adding-up-the-hiddencosts-on-the-u-s-hispanic-community/ The RSA. (2010, October 14). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms high quality video/sound widescreen 16:9 [Video file]. Retrieved May 15, 2016, from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U The World Bank. (2004). Ecuador: Evaluaciรณn de la Pobreza (TWB Publication No. 38532). Retrieved May 15, 2016, from: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTECUADORINSPANISH/Resources/ECUADO R_Evaluacion_de_la_Pobreza.pdf


THE EAGLE NEBULA: http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic1501/

The Greatness of Simplicity Michelle Chicaiza, Leduin Cuenca, DomĂŠnica Encalada Yachay Tech June 17, 2016

The Greatness of Simplicity When was last time that you enjoyed a meal? Or have you ever realized that moments like having a drink with your friends, can be the most incredible moments that you might spent with people? The Red Wheelbarrow is a very good example, where you can find great things behind simple words. This poem was written by William Carlos Williams (18831963). He is an American doctor and writer. One of his most important works is in The Collected Poems, Volume I (Poetry Foundation, 2016). “The Red Wheelbarrow”, a poem with simple words and structure, reflects that we can find the pleasures of life in the simplicity of things. The structure of the poem is basic and concise. The poem has 16 words, divided in four stanzas, each stanza with two lines. The main idea of this is to show us that using less words, but very accurate, the poem allows us to make an extensive interpretation. This poem opens your mind to think in different ways to see the world and as people usually say: “less is better”. In spite of having only a few words, the poem gives a really deeper analysis. When the author opens the poem with “so much depends upon” the first thing, we thought was the idea of dependency. So, it is a way to think that simple objects or situations are very important to complement a bigger phenomenon. For example, if we take this fragment to compare with life, we realized the importance of simple things. Most of the time, we find those things irrelevant and we let them go. But, if we take the time to analyze them and get that those simple things, perhaps have the real meaning of life and how great and happy the life could be. Moreover, the words used in the second stanza are associated with little details and simplicity of life. In this case, the poem in the second stanza and in the first line mentions „A red wheel‟ and the second line „barrow‟. The context of these words does not give a clear

idea of the poem. However, if the words „wheel‟ and „barrow‟ are joined, a compound word will give a new meaning to the poem. Similarly, in life when you are sharing little details with people, this experience makes a life more complete like when the words are joined. Life has a new meaning when you realize the little things can give a new direction to life. What about the „red‟? This color makes a contrast with the color white. It can be interpreted to stand out the main object of the poem which is a „wheelbarrow‟. Consequently, it makes more important to take the real meaning of life. In the third verse, the rainwater emphasizes the presence and the location of the wheelbarrow.

If the reader reads this stanza, he will notice the splendor of the red

wheelbarrow thanks to rainwater, which is on its surface. Furthermore, the presence of rainwater is a sign of externality, and it is represented by the red wheelbarrow outside the house. After rain, if the sun appears in the sky, the brightness of rainwater could be possible. For the reader of this poem, rainwater is the agent that gives beauty to the main object. The interpretation of rainwater depends on the subjectivity of the reader and their likes. For example, if the wheelbarrow is considered as a work tool, rainwater could be the reason for its use. Or, if the reader is a realistic person and enjoys watching rainwater as a result of a natural phenomenon, he will take the poem literally and rainwater will not be metaphorized. In the fourth stanza, living beings will interact with the simple objects and establish an interesting relationship.

In this part, the white chickens appear complementing the

presence of the red wheelbarrow. Both experience the contrast of their colors: white and red, and so the leading role of the wheelbarrow is increased. The reader could differentiate the behavior of chickens in the presence of the wheelbarrow and find subtle, beauty and peace. Also, the differences between the wheelbarrow and the chickens provide equilibrium to the

poem, because the small details does not only consist of lifeless objects, but also involve the presence of living beings. As we see, the poem is very simple and it can keep valuable emotions and feelings about the most common and simplest things. All these complex relationships happen in our daily lives when we are in comfortable situations and enjoying the moment. Thus, Williams achieved to say many things with few and simple words. The interpretation reflects the importance of the little things, that perhaps right now are less important but in the future, people will realize how big they were.

References Poetry Foundation. (2016). The Red Wheelbarrow. Retrieved June 16, 2016, from: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/resources/learning/core-poems/detail/45502



MONKEY HEAD NEBULA: http://www.nasa.gov/content/hubble-celebrates-24th-anniversary-with-image-of-nearby-star-factory

Should censorship be practiced in schools? Leduin Cuenca Yachay Tech June 23, 2016

Should censorship be practiced in schools? What does it really mean to censor in educative institutions? Many people could think censorship is done in order to discipline students. Other people could say censorship is doing in order to discipline students. Other people could say censorship is done to keep calm teachers. However, censorship follows the silence or non-practice of many things considered as bad.

The information of these taboo things should be known for all the educative

community members. Many taboos could harm people physically or psychologically. If people know the risks of these dangerous taboos and yet they practice them, it will be a serious problem. Thus, censorship should be practiced in schools only when it avoids or mitigates danger and harm between educative community members. In one hand, censorship that presents offense helps the educative community. Racism in schools is a problem that should be censored. According to Petress: “Racial slurs are one issue that frequently suggest some level of censorship in order to not offend anyone negatively focused upon and to toward off potential lawsuit” (p. 249, 2005). Schools are sites where students are forming or developing their moral values. The spreading of bad actions between students and teachers does not accomplish the purpose of these institutions. Racism should not be confused with ideological diversity, because ideological diversity is a human characteristic fulfill with different moral values. On the other hand, ideological diversity could not be censored by school authorities because it is a human right. This diversity is expressed in many media, for example: in books. If school censors a book because the book‟s content has opposite ideas to beliefs of the schools, this censorship will imply a big problem. A real problem is analyzing by Petress, who establishes: “There have been various means and rationales employed to these ends which the courts have found to violate student‟s constitutional rights” (p. 249, 2005).

But many students‟ parents consider censorship does not have to exist in any form. They say censorship forbid and deny the knowledge about taboos. Also they say that any person search real solutions against the bad actions.

Consequently, students continue

practicing bad habits and maintaining their harmful behavior. Student‟s parents consider censorship is totally an inefficient regulation. Many of the parents that are against censorship are not informed strongly of the true reality of censorship. The censorship process is not static: it analyzes the reasons to block some actions and the actors‟ situation. Next, the censorship process should search and find real solutions in order to correct bad habits and behaviors of people who do not take the rules. Also, the active participation of student‟s parents is needed to complement all the censorship process. Censorship in schools should maintain good relationships between teachers, students, authorities and parents principally. This action might appear only when it avoids or mitigate harmful. The searching of solutions against harmful things should be accomplished by the participation of students‟ parents and grow-conscious programs to get information about considered bad things. All those things should be do in order to be more humans.

References Petress, K. (2005). The Role of Censorship in Schools. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32(3), 248 – 252.


HORSE HEAD NEBULA: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap081126.html

Problems of the Ecuadorian Education System Leduin JosĂŠ Cuenca Macas Yachay Tech July 7, 2016

Problems of the Ecuadorian Education System “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela Education should be one of the most important concerns of a national government and society. In Ecuador, the quality of education between private and public institution and between an institution in an urban area and another in a rural area is very different. Knowing these facts, some inhabitants of the country could begin to criticize the national education system. For example: when an outstanding student moves from the rural zone to the urban area to study in university. At this time, the student‟s curiosity to know the reasons of the education difference between those two sectors is born, asking: What the national education system aims? Is the social welfare achieved through education? The methods and knowledge used and imparted by the Ecuadorian education system have been precarious and outdated throughout the republic‟s history. This delay is intimately related to the current socio-economic underdevelopment of the country. In the last years, the national government has attempted to overpass this obstacle through educational policies that mainly favor the poorest.

However, the precarious educational situation still persists.

Ecuadorian education system does not strengthen academic skills of students appropriately, so it is impossible to reach international standards. The lack of financial resources to invest in the educational system has always been one of the main triggers of their definitive failure. According to data from the Organization American States, 20% of the state budget was destined to education during the decade of the nineties, nefarious for Ecuador‟s social and economic situation. However, 90% of these revenues were directed to current expenditures and only 10% was directed to investments. In

addition, expenditures exceeded revenues, creating debts with the public fund (Organizaciรณn de Estados Iberoamericanos, 1994). As a result, most of the money went only to pay wages and very little money was invested in the creation of new schools, projects, scholarships, etc. These facts make notice mismanagement of public funds, questioning the position of the educational process actors in this situation. The conduct of the educational authorities, students and teachers has not made sense whatsoever. The true meaning of education was unknown by most of society. Students were the most affected, since who were educated in a more conservative and closed society to new ideas. Teachers and authorities have been affected by the archaic stereotypes of Third World society, which has prevented promote true human and critical values to students.


ineffectiveness of the authorities greatly has affected students and society from educational institutions. On a national scale, the problem was the ineffectiveness of the government. The educational laws established before 2008 were not the reasons that generated the terrible situation of the country. Instead they represented a great advance on legal matters for the country. The constitution of 1998 is a clear example of projection to a new destiny in education, but for the next ten years the practice of the statutes was scarce and this greatly affected the education system. The lack of a common curriculum for institutions of primary and secondary instruction is in this sad situation of the national education system. Currently, our national educational status has been well below the countries with the best education systems in the world, which saw an opportunity for social change in education. High-level education is characterized by having a profound impact on the social reality of a country. At present, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Finland are the four countries with the best high-level education (Chatin, 2016). To accomplish this task it is

necessary to take into account the socio-historical context the nation. This means that the same strategies cannot be applied to all countries. Despite this, the external contribution that this group of developed countries can offer in education motivates to reflect and to act for the transformation towards social welfare. All these countries had to start from the lowest educational conditions, demonstrating that achieving the evolution of educational quality and thus the quality of life is possible. South Korea left its low educational status thanks to its demanding culture. For its part, Japan exceeded its educational deficit thanks to the discipline. Singapore is also on the list thanks to the cooperation of the entire society and Finland is ranked among the best countries thanks to their organizational capacity. In addition to the mentioned national values, in some cases the assistance from other more industrialized nations such as China and United States influenced in educational change. These international relationships are characteristic of globalization, which is currently happening and may even affect Ecuador in some way or another. The collaboration of international experts in education, society and politics is suitable for the country's development, but their contribution has been invisible in Ecuador. The exchange of experiences and perspectives can facilitate the sprouting of new proposals aimed to solving problems of national education.

Currently, Ecuador has chosen to import

knowledge in science and technology through various projects, the best known is PROMETEO. However, external support for new and visionary public policies that lead to the efficient use of knowledge in Ecuador continues to be required. The grades obtained by Ecuador in international evaluations are not pleasurable and in other cases, there is not a score for Ecuadorian education system. In the TERCE evaluation program from UNESCO to Latin America, Ecuador was evaluated with a score very similar

with the average of other Latin American countries. The problem is that Latin American countries have bad punctuations related with the major part of the world (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2013). On the other hand, the tests PISA have not taken in account the Ecuadorian education system for its evaluations. The reason of the exclusion is the known bad educational situation of the country, characterized by: the lack of interest of students, the lack of technological tools and outdated curriculums. All those characteristics not allowed the development of society and education. Along the time, divergent thinking was not activated in students, but it is a necessary requirement to perform the practice of 21st century education.

If Ecuador, as others

countries, does not chance its old objectives, it will be enslaved by people from Ecuador and foreigners. The divergent thinking questions the ideological bases of the current society. Those bases may be harmful for the destiny of the country (The RSA, 2010).


criticizing the anaesthetic environment in educational institutions is necessary to reach the excellence in social relationships and thus involve the participation of society in change. But nevertheless, some Ecuadorians could say the national educative system should not be changed, because it strengthens academic skills of students appropriately reaching international standards. They could try to support their idea talking about current Ecuadorian scientists and the notable contributions of these scientists to solve some national and international issues. Also, these people may compare the reality of Ecuador with others countries that are less developed socially and economically. Furthermore, opposing people are able to say that all professionals are working now in Ecuador. All these arguments might be discussed. The presence and work of Ecuadorian scientists, the social and economic superiority of Ecuador over some underdeveloped countries and the low unemployment rate could be

analyzed from another side. In Ecuador, the presence of national scientists is not enough to solve important issues (also, they are very few). The solving of problems is made by the interaction of different professionals, each one contributing with his academic preparation and knowledge in his area.

About the social and economic superiority of Ecuador,

overcoming most developed countries is more practical than staying quietly and considering us as „a top countryâ€&#x; in relationship with others less developed socially and economically. Finally, the low unemployment rate is not necessarily signals of all professionals working in their areas. Many Ecuadorian professionals labor in basic jobs due to the lack of job diversity and the lack of social and economic vision. Throughout history, Ecuador has presented academic, infrastructural and legislative shortcomings in education, accentuated in rural areas and public institutions. This fact has denied the reach of international educative standards by the country. Furthermore, within Ecuador, the populationâ€&#x;s basic needs related with education have not come to be satisfied. As we can see, the national government has had big part of responsibility. The national education deficiency should be aware to each Ecuadorian. In this way, we will search possible solutions to achieve both international education standards. Those are the first steps to get a real state of welfare, for ourselves and for others.

References Chatin, J. (2016). Best Education Systems in the World. Retrieved May 11, 2016, from: http://www.mbctimes.com/english/20-best-education-systems-world

Organizaciรณn de Estados Iberoamericanos. (1994).

Financiamiento de la educaciรณn. In

C.Poveda (Ed.), Informe OEI-Ministerio 1994. (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6). Madrid: Organizaciรณn de Estados Iberoamericanos. Retrieved from: http://www.oei.es/quipu/ecuador/ecu06.pdf

The RSA. (2010, October 14). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms high quality video/sound widescreen 16:9 [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2013). Tercer estudio regional comparativo y explicativo. Santiago: UNESCO. Retrieved from: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002275/227501s.pdf

MEMORIES Some photos from class



UNIVERSE:: http://www.nasa.gov/content/most-colorful-view-of-universe-captured-by-hubble-space-telescope

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