Luis puente portfolio

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Perspectives: My English

Journey Luis Puente English Language Program Level 6 Yachay Tech, Ecuador

Perspectives: My English Journal By Luis Puente English Language Program Yachay Tech L6 - 001 Professor: Matthew Mackey January 9, 2017 Imbabura - Ecuador

Table of Contents 1. Portfolio Letter 2. Literary Analysis Essay 3. Response Essay 4. Interpretation Essay 5. Research Project 6. Thank you letter

Luis Germán Puente Yachay Tech University Imbabura, Ecuador December 10, 2016

Dear Portofolio Reader:

My name is Luis Puente and I am from Quito. Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio. This portfolio shows all my essays and research written works throughout Level 6, and it demonstrates my skills and progress as an English language learner at Yachay Tech University. My portfolio consists of three essays about different topics and a final research project based in an ethical analysis about animal testing, in this paper it be showed alternative methods to this controversial issue that produce optimal results and avoid animal suffering. I have spent much time writing essays, but has been worth the effort because I have seen better results in my works.My portfolio reflects my opinions, thoughts, my interests, emotions, feelings and my growth as English student.

As English student, I learned of my mistakes in my essays. For me, my main difficulty in an essay is to establish a strong thesis statement, well in the first essay I didn’t emphasize my thesis statement, but in my other essays I was able to write a coherent thesis. Moreover, in my last essay I didn't have a lot of grammatical mistakes, and I improve my organization in sentences, in addition I have learned the correct use of prepositions, adverbs and, adjectives.

My favorite group work was interpretation essay it based in a short film called “The Present”, where it shows how humans should learn from pets’ attitude because, they do not know about prejudices and they are a great proof of unconditional love. Moreover, group projects are important because help us develop a host of skills for example plan and manage time and develop strong communication skills and share comments and opinions.

At last, I am proud with my progress during my academic career in English, especially in Level 06, I enjoyed all activities and projects. So that, the finish this English program is an important part in my education and I hope that my classmates continue their careers in Yachay Tech. I want to make a special mention to my professor Mathew Mackey, there really are no words to express my gratitude for him. I want to commend him for your patience to teach. All students in your class are proud to have you as our English professor.

Thanks for reading my portfolio; I hope you enjoy my essays and opinions.

Sincerely, Luis Puente

Literary Analysis Essay: Why Don't You Dance? Luis Germรกn Puente Lapuerta Yachay Tech October 13, 2016

Literary Analysis Essay: “Why Don’t You Dance?” In this short story written by Raymond Carver, the setting is a yard in front a house, in this place, a yard sale takes place. The main characters are a man who is the owner of the house, a girl and a boy. Furniture, TV, utensils, tools, cookware, and objects wrapped in newspaper and lot things located on the grass play a very important role. All the stuff was out of the home and things worked correctly. The boy and girl enjoy seeing the things they in same time could see the stars and the sky. They feeling free to make any activity included to dance under the stars, this part is refers to arguably the decisive moment in the story, when the older man gets super interested in watching the young couple dance.

When the boy and girl arrived to the yard sale, they began to examine the things. They were very curious. It is not frequent that we find a sofa or a bed outside of a house. The boy sat down on the sofa and the girl sat on the bed, they were very relaxed (like at home). This yard was dark and they played a moment on the bed, the girl wanted to kiss the boy, was a perfect setting and occasion for love, they were very relaxed because there was no one there. In addition, the boy and the girl were thinking in buy some things for your little apartment. They thought that the person property at garage sale must be desperate because was selling beautiful things and at a good price, moreover, reflected that it's pretty weird that a person puts all his things in exactly the same place no different from how it was when they were inside They were feeling as children, they bounced on the bed, watching the TV. The garage sale was an ideal atmosphere to express their emotions.

As the night went by, a man came down of the house he had sandwiches, beer, and whiskey. The boy and the girl said: we are interested in buying some things. At this point, they thought that their fun and privacy had been interrupted by this man, however the man offered them whiskey and proposed them sit down on the sofa. Man likes whiskey very much, but they were too young to drink. All the same, they were very comfortable in this place and they agreed to drink with the man. The atmosphere could not be better when the man put a disc, all was very nice. They drank a lot, suddenly the man said: "Why don't you kids dance?” (Carver, 1981). They accepted this mischievous proposal, they danced together.

In conclusion, there is a setting that transforms into a boring place to a fun place when an older man puts all of his furniture out on the lawn and arranges it exactly as it was in the house. Hence, a very interesting question arises, if the man need to sell his furniture, why set it up exactly like it was when you were living with it? The garage sale play role fundamental in this story, there are a lot of different possible answers and interpretations, but one possibility is that the man felt defrauded perhaps by a woman and his empty house symbolizes his empty heart. Finally, the yard, grass, sofa, bed are wonderful elements to feeling great well and dancing, watching TV and relax.

References: Carver, R. (1981). What we talk about when we talk about love. In R. Carver, Why Don't You Dance? (p. 176). United States: Knopf.

Response Essay: Changing School Paradigms Luis Germรกn Puente Lapuerta Yachay Tech September 30, 2016

Changing Education Paradigms The education is one of the most important issues to social development for human beings and it is important that each country encourage and promotes about education. In third world countries a comprehensive education is a main goal to reach the development, but in many cases children do not have enough support to cultivate their aptitudes and for the reason like the lack of economic influences students to work. Ken Robinson is the author of the video that tells about education, specifically "Changing Education Paradigms". In this video Ken Robinson addresses the issue of how schools kill creativity, for this reason the education system needs a change in its structure and in its vision because it alienates children from things they think are important, like a true selection of their happiness.

The author argues correctly that the current education system was designed to satisfy the needs of industrialism (Robinson, 2010), in other words only think about economic interests, this problem dates back to the Industrial Revolution until our present. According to Robinson “academic ability it has come to dominate our view ofintelligence because the universities designed the system in its image” (2010). An obstacle with the present education system is that many highly talented, brilliant, creative, smart people thinking they are not because their talent is not valued or currently is stigmatized. Therefore, talents as art and music are left aside by the exact sciences as mathematics, chemistry and physics. In addition, in the conventional system at the top are literacy and sciences, then the humanities, and in the bottom are talent, creativity and skills of many people; consequently, social chaos occurs because the creativity isn’t considered as

a mathematic or biology, this disparagement for creativity derives from the thought that exact Sciences are much more important. Although a lot of universities include innovation like a subject of their careers, this help to creativity of students and in development of their minds

In the video, a matter of much debate is that many people suffer ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) that is modern epidemic and is the result of that many children are being saturated with trash information, but others claim it is by excess medication supplied to them. In consequence, these disorders as ADHD come from a life of stress, children today are exposed to continuous stress and this affects their school and social performance. Despite technological advances, the current education system does not provide tools or applications for effective learning in schools; although the use of technology in children should be controlled and moderate by parents, so they will avoid to put in dangerous to children's development and their creativity.

In contrast, there are many controversial points in the video. For example, the author argues that we spend a lot of time in school; however, all the time spent in school is well availed in learning new things. In addition, the time spent in schools is not only for the study also serves good socialization of our children, this is an important aspect of their personalities. School attendance allows students to be involved in different productive activities, such as, cultural and scientific activities, also allows children to gain valuable social skills because they interact with other students.

After watching and listening this video arises me two important point: If our government wants a country of equality and opportunities, as well; it should begin in schools as a key role to promote creativity and development, the most of governments inverts in education in hard sciences like mathematic, chemistry or biology, but not in an integral education with values. On the other hand, schools should be integral places where the children develop their talents without prejudice or discrimination. Although, these aims are very difficult to do is possible if all the parents and professors help to children in their talents, also the promotion of other sciences.

In conclusion, the main aim of the author is to inform about the inefficiency of the current education system and how it must encourage creativity and imagination. I think that scientists in their research needs creativity, singer to write song lyrics needs creativity, students in schools need creativity, so the education system should be based on creativity. In addition, education promotes opportunities to learn, improve the options for getting a job and is a way out of poverty.

References Robinson, K. (14 de 10 de 2010). RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms. Obtained from Youtube: v=zDZFcDGpL4U

Interpretation of the Short Film “The Present” Marcelo Barba, Jocelyne Estrella & Luis Puente Yachay Tech November 17, 2016

Interpretation of the Short Film “The Present” Just seeing a pet, he had the capacity of transmit us a lot of emotions and feelings, which could influence in our behavior. All pets live in different circumstances, there are pets with home or there are a great number of pets in streets, with multiple problems however a majority of them always are the major example of acceptance and self­love. Humans, on the other hand, have largely lost their humanity. Actually, physical and mental disabilities, gender differences, religious and politician elections, among other; there are just some prejudices in which our society are involved. Before you give us that very specific thesis, don’t you think you should introduce the film first? Let the reader know that such a thing exists before you interpret it? In the short film “The Present”, Jacob Frey shows how humans should learn from pets attitude because, they do not know about prejudices, they do not care about time, and they are a great proof of unconditional love.

There are a great difference between a human’s and animal’s attitude, principally in base of prejudices from society. Humans are really complicated we create barriers with false ideas about differences within society. These prejudices affect to people in different ways, and these can cause us to forget about self­love and acceptance of who are around us. In many cases, people stagnate in fake ideas, and close their minds to a change or maybe to a solution to keep going. It is the circumstance of the kid in the film, who lost one leg. In based of this problem we can see how he has a bad attitude and he is focus on just in videogames.

However, actually an incapacity is not enough reason to not achieve and meet her goals. There are multiple tools and ways to progress (progress what?), but the most important for whom? is attitude and desire to continue with his life. The child needs to love himself and accept his strengths and weaknesses, to broke the barriers of inequality on society. Moreover, the film shows how his mother love her son and she wants to make the necessary (the necessary what) for her child to be happy. She accept how her son is and try to help his (his what?).

On the other hand analyzing the previous works of the author, in other short films, he was focus in the same way about animals. Base on, we can see how the author give importance to the animal behavior and how humans could learn a lot of them. The name of the film tell us a lot of things to interpretation. This short film of three minutes was directed and animated by Jacob Frey it took him around a year to finish the video. He used Pixar Renderman a technology that creates stunning visual effects, the video has highest quality illumination, interactive shading, high definition image, also presents very realistic scenes with much details, shapes, volumes, and sound with world­class efficiency.

The title of the video “The present” can be referring to time, and the image of the kid locked in their videogames show us as he wastes time because of the lack of his leg. Time is really valuable, and humans most of the time wasted it by stagnating in their problems, without seeking any solution or the way to go forward. We also waste time, which we could spend with our family or friends.

Normally, human friends remember some of the times you’ve wronged or have betrayed them, in other words, humans are in certain way rancorous and our love is conditioned to the antecedents and remembrance. In contrast, the love of the pets is unconditional, the well­known phrase "dogs are a man's best friend" means they love without prior conditions, that is, the human can to hassle them nevertheless, they do not have bad memories and treat human like their best friend, despite of many adversities. The dogs share with people their moods. For example, the puppy from short film "The Present" gives the child happiness and vitality, also shows that any disability is no reason to be depressed

Finally, in the short film “The Present”, Jacob Frey shows how humans should learn from pets attitude because, they transmit us a lot of emotions and feelings, and this influences our behavior and feelings. As human beings we are full of prejudices, and many times we are not accepted within a society, such as when a person suffer some physical and mental disabilities, but certain pets do not know about prejudices, and they are a great proof of unconditional love.

Reference: Frey, J. (Director). (2014). The Present [Motion Picture].

Research Project: Alternative Methods to Animal Testing that Avoid Animal Suffering Luis Germรกn Puente Lapuerta Yachay Tech December 04, 2016

Abstract Keywords: physiology, genetic, anatomy, testing Animal Testing is one of today's most controversial issues. Animal experiments are used in the field of medicine, cosmetology, and food industry, also in areas of biological research and in safety testing of particular products. It is a controversial topic because many people think that it isn’t ethical to manipulate animals for human benefit. In addition, there are organizations for protection of animals used in experiments to research. Technology has contributed too much in advances, promoting the reduction of normal animals used in experimentation because now humans create genetically modified animals with the purpose that these have human genes. Currently, many human diseases such as cancer, diabetes among others are investigated in animals for these reasons the use of certain animals in experiments aim to speed up research and most of these animals such as pigs, mouse and monkey have a similar physiology to humans. For this reason they are widely used in scientific research. The disadvantages are the cruelty and suffering that humans treat animals.

In this paper it will be shown that there are alternative methods to animal testing that produce optimal results and avoid animal slaughter. And that proper use of technology, such as, computerized human simulators replacing animals in the laboratory to study human diseases, having great possibility to improve treatments and medications. This research also focuses on the pros and cons of using animals in laboratories, suggestions for preserving animal life, some solutions and strategies for this controversial topic; emphasizing in an ethical analysis regarding different methods to experimentation without using animals or to prevent these suffer in this cruel process.

Alternative Methods to Animal Testing that Avoid Animal Suffering According to medical Sharpe (1988) more than 115 million animals are used in animal testing every year in the world. Animal experimentation is a very old practice and through history it has generated much debate. The main investigations are in the field of medicine proponents of animal testing affirm that it has enabled the development of numerous life­saving treatments for humans, that animals are the best test to perform experiments, and that possible mistreatment of the animals in laboratories is justified by the thousands of human lives saved. Contrariwise, opponents to animal testing argue that it is cruel and merciless to test on animals, they argue that animals are different from human beings and that experimentation on animals often yields wrong results. But nowadays, there are several alternative research methods (for example advanced computer­modeling techniques) to use in fields of science instead of animal testing, however people are not aware of them or they ignore other methods. Currently, the technology has contributed too in many advances, to find more information instead animals in experimentation. For this reason will be shown that there are alternative methods in research that avoid animal suffering.

At present, the traditional experiments on animals are cruel, barbaric, and many times not compatible to humans because animals and humans are two very different species that make applying animal test results to humans difficult or impossible. Animal rights must be respected. Proponents of animal testing admit that human beings have absolute priority to life and products of optimum quality for their use and argue that “safety tests should be carried out on animals before human trials of new medicines or cosmetic" (Sharpe, 1988).

Researchers argue that "it is unlikely that any single animal test will be replaced by a single alternative test" (Ashton & Bart, 2014), and various trials will need to be realized to achieve the same results, spending a lot of time and financial resources.

But, there are also modern methods serves to fully replace an animal test, to reduce the number of animals needed in a test, or to refine an animal testing procedure in order to reduce pain and suffering, instead use advanced computer simulations, although these techniques continue to be relegated by researchers. Knowledge and use of these simulations will provide significant information on important aspects from the organism that can be applied to finding toxicity of certain products. However, there are too many contradictions of the same defenders of animals testing. But nevertheless, many researchers who advocate animal research also argue animal testing data can be deceitful. There is a lot of incoherence among researchers, but thousands of animals are sacrificed in their failed tests.

The objective of substituting animal testing by alternative testing methods is an imperative necessity to save the lives of millions of animals. Investigations of the new methods emerge from 1980, although these alternative methods have produced many successful results, a great deal still needs to be done before it will be possible to eliminate animal testing totally. At present, there are many possible options, the most important are computer technologies. According to Hill (2015) "computer models, such as virtual reconstructions of human tissue structures, skin, sensory organs can predict the toxicity of substances without cruelty experiments on animals" (p. 5).

Researchers at Harvard University have developed "organs on chips" that contain human cells that simulate vital functions of tissues and human organs. Another effective procedure is in­vitro methods or colloquially named test tube experiments are a strong alternative to animal testing, this consists in a series of tests that can show the effectiveness of a drug and how a specific medicine or treatment can influence in the function of cells y tissues. In addition, test in­vitro are used to test medicaments, skin cream, syrups as well as for possible irritant effects on eyes, hair and skin, the results of this method are very reliable. (PETA, 2016) Development on computer simulated diseases has been in constant progress for decades. According to a recognized doctor “Computer models can also predict which patients may respond to chemotherapy" (Sharpe, 1988). The use of nanotechnology in medicine offers the opportunity to explore the internal organism. Nowadays, there are applications of nanoparticles, as well as nano­ robots to make repairs of organs affected by an illness, this nanoparticles are used to deliver drugs or other substances to precise kind of cells. Nanomedicine is also used to test the effectiveness of a drug, nanoparticles or nano­robots inject a very small amount of drug into the cells. “Studies show that these models can accurately predict the ways that new drugs will react in the human body and replace the use of animals in exploratory research and many standard drug tests.” (PETA, 2016). Different debates over animal testing centers also in an ethical problem, for example, animal protection foundations show how some baby monkeys were separated from their mothers to that researchers could study conditions like depression.

Animal rights activists believe that all species of animals merit the same rights as humans, so that, they do not deserve to endure pain or torture. According to organization Humane Society of the United States “human organs and animal organs are similar in structure, but that doesn't mean they perform the same functions.” (2016). Simulators computerized can be used instead of animals in disease research and have been shown to replicate human physiology, diseases, and drug responses more preciseness than animal testing. Researchers manipulate at will the feelings of animals, moreover there are useless research, they talk about love for life, but they definitely don't care about animal life. Researchers used animals, specifically primates to ensure that they also have feelings and that primates have much in common with humans. The essential defect the research of human diseases is that researchers can only artificially recreate the symptoms of human diseases in animals this is highly questioned because studying a naturally occurring disease is very different from the studying of a forced disease.

Proponents of animal testing affirm that the high risk is one of the factors which is chosen experimentation in animals and not humans for this reason many human diseases such as cancer, diabetes among others are investigated in animals. Nevertheless, there are few exceptions where animal testing provides optimal results. For example, according to World Health Organization (WHO) in a recent survey scientists, researchers, medical doctors support the role of animal testing by contributing to important medical advances, but in an investigation, the same WHO affirm that animals are poor models to study human characteristics. All deserve respect, including animals, at the time of animal testing should be a concerned the welfare of animals.

Currently, in this world exist alternative methods to animal testing should be used in science that they simulate human being very well. These alternatives experimentations that not involve animals prevent that many animals suffer or they can be sacrificed. This research project is an ethical concern about animal use is the belief that humans may use animals in any way they desire, without regard for the suffering animals in this procedure. These arguments are based on the idea that human beings have special value and thus may use animals, for purposes that will enhance the quality of human life. Yet this my purpose with this research is to suggest that because animals are intelligent and sentient beings, they should be treated with respect.

In contrast, around 100 million animals are used in experiments annually for science, medicine, and cosmetology. But currently, the technology has contributed too in many advances, to find more information that replace animals. Various methods have emerged in research that may ease suffering animal, for example advanced computer modeling techniques to use in fields of science instead of animal testing, however people are not aware of them or they ignore. Because of enormous anatomical differences between humans and animals, results from testing on animals are usually irrelevant and insignificant to human health. Also researchers claim that a medicine can be misleading when applied to humans. Replace animal in research are increasingly available, furthermore it will be avoided failed animal research. On the other hand, will be developed and will arise better research methods. The technology has contributed too in many advances. Human simulators that mimic the structure and function of human organs. Also, computer models that simulate human biology and they replace the use of animals in the laboratory.

Conclusion In conclusion, all living things deserve respect, including animals, at the time of animal testing should be a concerned the welfare of animals. Currently exist alternative methods should be used that they simulate to human being very well. Moreover, there are Human simulators that mimic the structure and function of human organs. Simulators computerized can be used instead of animals in disease research and have been shown to replicate human physiology, diseases, and drug responses more preciseness than animal testing. Model computer are becoming increasingly powerful and can be used effectively to predict the toxicity of a chemical from its basic properties. This alternatives experimentations that not involve animals prevent that many animals suffer or they can be sacrificed.

References Ashton, R., & Bart, D. W. (2014). State of the art on alternative methods to animal testing from an industrial point of view: ready for regulation. Monaco: ALTEXA Development. Hill, E. (2015). Problems Associated with Animal Experimentation. Physicians committee for responsible medicine, 30­31. Humane Society of the United States. (2016, December 4). The Humane Society. Retrieved from shows_americans PETA. (2016, December 10). PETA. Retrieved from Animals are not ours:­peta/why­peta/why­animal­rights/ Sharpe, R. (1988). The Cruel Deception: Use the Animals in Medical Research. New York: Harper Collins. .




Luis Puente Lapuerta

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