Yachay Tech ELP L06-18 Teacher: Mark Poese
January 10, 2017
Imbabura, ECUADOR
Table of contents
Portfolio Letter Response Essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay Thank you letter
Domenica Monteverde Universidad Yachay Tech Imbabura, Ecuador
Dear Portfolio Reader:
For me it is very pleasant to present this portfolio before you, as it is a very detailed compilation of all the works that I have done throughout the 6 level of English, in addition, shows the progress throughout this course. The topics covered in this portfolio have contributed a lot to my development, not only in the field of English, since they are much related to science.
This is why I share my English work here, because they helped me a lot to develop and overcome some obstacles with the language, which have allowed me to feel safer and accept new opportunities and challenges. Throughout this course I have practiced writing a lot, I have done a series of essays, and I have done written works in classes. In addition, I have learned a lot about the formats of presentation of works, and this experience has allowed me to improve a lot in the organization of my ideas and to be able to shape them in better way when carrying out these works. In addition I have had much improvement in what it is to speak, since this for me has always been a great challenge, since it is very difficult for me to speak in public and this semester has given me the opportunity to expose about my work. Not only did this help me a lot in writing and pronunciation, it has also helped me a lot as far as understanding the ideas is concerned. That is why I share my
experience, since level 6 has been the level where I have had more challenges and better experiences in my student development. I want to thank again, because here is a part of me and my ideas. This university has given me rewarding experiences and this is one of them. English will not only help me in the development of my career here at this university, it will also contribute a lot to my professional life from now on and also that will allow me to develop better professionally. Now English for me is not a problem and I can use it much better than several months ago.
Domenica Monteverde
Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I think? Domenica Monteverde Yachay Tech 29-09-2016
Introduction Language, from times past has been a big question for humans. This has been a great power which has allowed them to communicate with their peers. Human beings haves been able to have an articulate language, which has allowed them to maintain communication with the same species and separate them from the "irrational" beings. That is why there have been several studies about language, because it also includes a variety of languages, dialects and jargons that can change the context as their translations. Thus, research has been conducted since language in not only affected by the change in language, you can also influence factors such as: thinking different people, their interpretation and several others that will be detailing in this article. Research Questions The research questions that will be examined is: 1. Can we express our ideas with language? Literature Review Language is an action that is not yet clear when and how it was born. This human ability, which permits people to communicate with others through a well-ordered system of signs and meanings, has enabled them to convey their messages. That is why people have made several inquiries about this. As a linguist named Benjamin Lee Whorf in the 1940s. What he did was study a native language called Hopi. Through this study we could realize that people have a very different way of seeing the world due to their different languages. A small example we have in the Hopi language is that there are no words to express "the past, present and future". The Hopi see life as a "continuum" and that is why they do not need to describe the sense of time of our way. That is why according
Whorf (1940) Hopi language speakers and many others, think of the events differently, whether it is the source of information or the time at which the event occurred. On the other hand, we also have sounds when we express something through our language. According to the text: "You can easily conjure up mental images and sensations that would be difficult to describe in words"(Birner, 2012). Which it is totally true, so our language works so complex, but doing a daily activity, as if it were the simplest. Accordingly, Noam Chomsky said the language is a kind of computer that works automatically, and the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget argues that language is the product of the development of action and thought (1936). Sometimes we can have an idea, but we do not know how to express it, or what the appropriate word to describe it is. In the same way you can express the same ideas in any language, and even without the words exact translation may use different words to capture the same concept. Behind this productivity are certain fundamental characteristics that all languages possess, Roger Brown (1965) notes that all languages use a limited number of sounds called phonemes and also; all languages combine words to form sentences systematically. Results Research Question Analysis 1. Can we express our ideas with the language? 
It is correct, we can express our ideas and feelings through words. From birth, our first lesson by our parents, is to speak the same language as them, and they are determined to teach certain words and their meanings. As time passes, we acquire more knowledge and our thinking matures. This allows us to communicate in the same language with other people who also speak it.
Conclusion Humans from birth, have a capacity to learn language, but the development and training of language, however, is dependent on the social environment in which we evolved during our childhood. This allows us to gradually build our language.
Montoya, V. (2004). Lenguaje y pensamiento. Razón y palabra [Revista electrónica], (32).
Nunberg, G. (1996). Snowblind. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 205-213.
Betty Birner (2011). The linguistic society of America. Does the language I speak influence the way I think?
Pullum, G. K. (1991). The great Eskimo vocabulary hoax and other irreverent essays on the study of language. University of Chicago Press.
Interpretation essay
"The purpose of art is to give body to the secret essence of things" (Aristotle). Each type of art expresses different meanings or feelings, be it music, painting, architecture, etc. This time we will focus on what expresses the art of painting. Painting is the art of graphic representation using pigments mixed with other organic or synthetic substances. The origin of this art is in prehistory with cave paintings. Over time paintings have been classified according to the trends, fashions or styles of the times. However, all paintings have a great significance. It is not necessary to be a great critic to describe the art we see, which is why we will describe our reflection on the following paintings: "Pariendo UtopĂas" and "Women with head of flowers finding on the beach the remains of a piano." In this picture we can see the technique and school of the author "The Magic Realismâ€?. This movement or school that was created in Latin America consist on a description of absolutely wonderful things, from fantastic animals to hidden cities, passing through sources of eternal youth and trees whose fruits were able to provide everything men needed for their livelihood. The work that we are presenting has the name of "Pariendo utopias" by the author Alejandro Costas. The theme is magical thinking because a new world can’t come out of a landscape of the Earth. The painting is made with oil on canvas, made in the 21st century under the contemporary style. Utopia is closely related to the desire to give meaning to life and happiness, are the need and the search for a better world, more solidarity and more just. There is a close relationship between justice and utopias. On the one hand, the need to imagine better worlds is exclusive to the human species and, on the other hand, this necessity inevitably
arises. The fact of being free, of being able to dream of places better than that which surrounds us and of being able to act in the direction of these desires is intimately connected with our utopian nature. The author basically treats to describe an utopia a change of the world and society to a perfect harmony. When we see this picture we think that our world is somber, but we can change that with a light towards a new world. The new world coming out of the shell means the change that the artist wants to be made to the planet towards a more utopian where peace and equality reigns. The light we think that represents the hope of Alejandro and the people to get a world with more happiness and zero violence. Trees accompanied by colorful mountains and houses signify the harmony and rebirth of society with nature, because not only must we seek peace as humanity we need to think like a living beings surrounded by a great gift to live. This paint transmits a big feelings of hope that Alejandro have on their dream of change the world and link all of humans. This work is intimately related to the fashion of the 30's, which was very light, because by the world crisis that was lived, had to leave aside some ostentatious garments to adapt to the economy of the moment, but despite this Crisis was also a very glamorous era. During the second half of that decade, DalĂ was in charge of designing models of headdresses (hat-chop, hat-ink, and hat-shoe) suits and other clothing in the women's wardrobe, in collaboration with high fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli.
Some of these models were published in fashion magazines as "Harper's Bazaar". At that time, the image of the female figure is crowned by a head entirely made up of flowers, as can be seen in this composition.
The origin of this idea was disclosed in the International Surrealist Exhibition of 1936, held from June 11 to July 4 at the New Galleries Burlington. Nowadays, the photos of the inauguration of the exhibition of his work are remembered with true interest, where Salvador Dalí had been in charge of hiring a model that he dressed in a unique way. The model was decorated entirely her head with flowers and also made her stroll through the gardens near the exhibition. Some other works of this same series are necrophilous Spring or Surrealistic Flowers. The flower par excellence of Dalí was the narcissus that occupied a prominent place in a decisive moment of its life and its artistic race. One of the keys to the composition, as in the work Metamorphosis of Daffodil, are the last verses of the poem that Dalí dedicates to this last painting: "When the head cleaves, when this head cracks, when this head explodes, it will appear The new flower, the new Daffodil: Gala, my daffodil. " In these works we can see how Dalí replaces human heads with different objects. This was because he disliked the lack of intelligence, frivolity and exaggerated perfumes of the rich who frequented the surrealist group. This work is in Kunsthaus, Zurich.
In conclusion, the first painting presented called "Pariendo Utopías" is magical realism consisting of the description of absolutely wonderful things. While in the second painting called "Women with head of flowers finding on the beach the remains of a piano" we can see a realism by the world crisis that was lived in that time, mixed with a little narcissism of the author. Finally, we believe that art has great meanings that we must revise with great caution to find them. We can all describe art as we feel it.
Sandra Murillo,. (2016). Moda de la ĂŠpoca y tendencias de los aĂąos 30. Es.slideshare.net. Retrieved 10 November 2016, from http://es.slideshare.net/holamellamosandramurillo/moda-de-la-poca-y-tendenciasde-los-aos-30 Mujeres con cabeza de flores encontrando en la playa los despojos de un piano - Obra ARTEHISTORIA V2. (2016). ARTEHISTORIA. Retrieved 10 November 2016, from http://www.artehistoria.com/v2/obras/9562.htm
Domenica Monteverde L06-018 20-09-2016
THE GLOBAL WARMING The weather despite being so variable, we have learned how to live with it, besides is very important in our life. In addition to these transitions depends our future and future generations because it cause changes in the whole planet it is important to the climate issue, because we need to take care and awareness. We are facing a serious problem that is global warming, which is threatening not only our lives but of all species on the planet in general. The issue of global warming is something that several years ago there was no mention ago. According to some critics, global warming refers to the trend of global temperature of the planet increase during the last 150 years, a phenomenon attributed to the effect of human contamination, in particular the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil and clearing forests (Caballero, Lozano & Ortega 2007). However, this day is a very common issue, which continues to generate controversy and scares people, by the great damage it can cause. Global warming also affects the planet Earth as it produces irremediable changes, not only in our environment, but also in places like the poles. Climate changes have occurred have brought with variations in atmospheric concentration rate of change in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 since the first industrial revolution, around 1850, until recently (2000) .If emissions are not reduced, it will affect so similar to the whole Earth, unlike what happens with temperature and water availability, showing
marked differences between ecosystems. (Ward and Strain, 1999). That is why we must find a solution to this serious problem and thus combat global warming. In order to save the planet, besides being an own change, there should also be an agreement between countries and also from industries that affect it. According to European Council (2016). The Conference on Climate Change in Paris it was held between 30 November and 11 December 2015. The parties reached a new global agreement on climate change. The agreement presents a balanced outcome with an action plan to limit global warming "well below" 2 ° C. In conclusion, global warming is a problem that concerns all of us so it is important that we begin to do good things, to be aware and be careful. We must begin to take action and make a change in lives, because this will depend on our future life and the planet. This should be everyone's responsibility, since in these cases the smallest change for it represented his greatness in the future of humanity and all species that inhabit our planet.
Caballero, M., Lozano, S., & Ortega, B. (2007). Greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change: a perspective from the geosciences Volume 8. http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.8/num10/art78/int78.htm
WARD J.K., STRAIN B.R., 1999. Elevated CO2 studies: past, present and future. Tree Physiol. 19, 211-220.
Pardos, J. A. (2010). Los ecosistemas forestales y el secuestro de carbono ante el calentamiento global (Vol. 20). INIA.
European Council, Council of the European Union (2016) http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/climate-change/internationalagreements-climate-action/
History and Creation of the Universe Domenica Monteverde Yachay Tech University
Author Note ELP Level 6-018 Fall 2016
History and Creation of the Universe Over the years, many theories have been created about the origin of the universe, which has taken humans to try to find the secrets of how we were created and that was what originated the great explosion that resulted in thousands and thousands of celestial bodies, matter, gases, elements and, that is to say, a great variety of systems that surround us today. That is why man, seeing the need to give an answer, I believe several theories, based on observations and in some cases practices and equations that have sustained his claims about this creation. This is how the Big Bang theory originated, which was created from various formulas and scientific theories, with very strong sustenance which led to it being one of the most accepted theories since it has very sustainable fundamentals, Been based on physical and chemical laws of matter . Its base is based primarily on physical events such as the creation of the first elements were: hydrogen and helium, then these elements were multiplying, due to high temperatures and pressures, in addition to strong collisions which made them increase significantly to result in new elements, and the existence of cosmological thermal radiation. After these great events occurred the expansion, where the universe increased its size exponentially. This brief explanation can help us understand how complex was the creation of everything that surrounds us today, and how the universe was different millions and millions of years ago, as we see and know it today. "It is widely believed among scientists that the universe originated from an extremely dense concentration of material." The original expansion of this material is described as the Big Bang. "(Marmet, 1990, p.52-59). After this Big Bang event, the universe continued to expand and became many billions of billions of times (Marmet, 1990).
Although the Big Bang theory enjoys a great scientific sustenance, and has led to several experiments and research that support, there are also theories that contradict it and others that suppose totally opposite events. So many scientists argue for an alternative theory. This theory is based on the fact that space and time were not created together with the Big Bang, that is, to consider that the cosmos is an eternal entity. This theory is known as "Theory of the pulsating universe", and holds that in an imminent future, the gravitational force of the universe can slow its expansion, to the point of having a process contrary to the Big Bang, it means that universe will not expand further, and a contraction will begin to emerge. That is to say, all the celestial bodies began to approach each other, faster and faster, until arriving to unite in a single point and to return to be part of the known like "the cosmic egg". This egg, after a certain period of time, explodes again, giving rise to another expandable universe. That is to say that after the destruction of all this universe, in which we live, they give origin to a new universe that will undergoes processes similar to those proposed in this one. Another theory that explains the origin of the universe as: "The Inflationary Theory" by Alan Guth. This theory tries to explain the origin, is based on studies on very strong gravitational fields, and as these fields approached a black hole. His theory attempts to explain the first instants of the universe, that is, the existence of a small part that gave rise to everything else. In addition, this theory holds that the unique force is divided into four forces that we now know as: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. No matter what the correct theory, they all come to a common denominator which is the formation of other elements, such as: stars, supernovae, black holes, chemical elements and many more that become foundations in the evolution of this universe.
We live in a universe filled with bright objects. Our universe is composed of 4% of baryons, 20% of dark matter and 76% of dark energy. Despite being a very small part of everything visibly surrounds us, our proportion is an infinity of information. These objects, in most cases, are usually stars that we can see in the night. The stars are a very large amount of nuclear energy, which consumes matter, and then converts it into energy. These processes, although they are understood in a fast way, did not happen so soon, that is to say, the first stars appeared after 100 million years of the Big Bang, and after that they had to pass several million years More, So That they would accumulate and give rise to the galaxies. The life cycle of a star is a large mass of gas frequently. The contraction of the gas raises the temperature in the interior which is estimated to reach 1,000,000 ° C. At this point nuclear reactions occur, which result is the nuclei of hydrogen atoms are combined with those of deuterium to form nuclei Helium. When the release of Energy ends, the contraction begins again and the temperature of the star increases again. At a given moment a reaction between the hydrogen, the lithium and other metals that appear in the star begins, so that as a result lithium and other materials are consumed, and one more contraction and the star enters the passage end of development, thanks to the catalytic action of carbon and nitrogen. These processes are important to understand since in their beginnings they were mixed until the chemical elements that we know today, that have been responsible for the development of the life. The stars form great groups called "galaxies". Galaxies are huge accumulations of stars and other stars, gases and dust. All the bodies that are part of a galaxy are due to the attraction that exists between them thanks to the effect of gravity. Galaxies exist throughout the universe, but they do not collide with each other. Our life develops
within a galaxy, in our case we know it as the Milky Way, which is the galaxy where our planet is and everything that is close to our solar system. The Milky Way is a large, spiral galaxy and can have about 300,000 million stars, including the Sun. In total it is about 100,000 light years in diameter and has a mass more than two trillion times that of the Sun. Generally in galaxies, the stars of the nucleus are more grouped than those found at the edges of the galaxy. Finally, the universe was formed from the great pressures and temperatures that existed in a certain time, and after the shocks between the particles and everything that was part of the initial state of what was the universe in its beginnings. That is why the theories of its creation, despite being different and contradicting each other, have a common goal that is to explain how was the beginning of everything we know and how the elements were formed until can be what we have today. It is also important that it can be understood that the origin of everything, despite having very stable theoretical models, is still a mystery as was the beginning. That is why with this research has been tried to give a logical explanation in a short way that can help to understand what the long process of this universe and all the components of this are fundamental parts for its evolution and its development.
Astronomia: El Universo. (2016). Astromia.com. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.astromia.com/universo/index.htm Big Bang - Modelo Cosmolรณgico Universo Viviente. (2016). Universoviviente.com. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.universoviviente.com/bigbang/index.php El ORIGEN DEL UNIVERSO. (2016). Bauleros.org. Retrieved 20 October 2016, from http://www.bauleros.org/astronomia/universo/universo.html P. Marmet and G. Reber, 1989, "Cosmic Matter and the Nonexpanding Universe", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 17:264 Edmund Bertschinger. (1998). SIMULATIONS OF STRUCTURE FORMATION IN THE UNIVERSE. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics , 36, 599-654. .
I hope that you enjoyed to reading my portfolio, this is the work of my semester and thank you again for reading.
Domenica Monteverde