Oscar yanchatuna semester project

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Completing English Goals Oscar YanchatuĂąa

Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

Completing English Goals

Oscar YanchatuĂąa English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-017 Teacher: David Montenegro January 13, 2017 Imbabura Ecuador

Contents. 1. Portfolio letter

2. Response essay

3. Literary Analysis

4. Interpretation essay

5. Argumentation essay

6. Final research project essay

7. Additional materials

8. Thank you letter

Portfolio Letter

Oscar Yanchatuña. Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research December 4, 2016

Dear Portfolio Reader,

First of all I begin with the Robert Collier`s Phrase which says: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out”. I really feel identified with this phrase because, as in my case of learning English during the Yachay’s English Language Program, especially in my Level 6 English course, the improving of my English skill have been due to the everyday practices in classes, and thanks to all those “small efforts” made in each single class. In that way I have developed the four important English skill: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. During the Level 6 English course, there have been many speaking practices such as dialogues with classmates and teacher, expositions, and debates. Through all of those exercises I have acquired more facility to talk and transmit my ideas in English, also I am sure I can interact in English with other people. I remember my first grupal presentation called “Student Led Grammar Lesson” that was good in my perspective, but I notated in the “agree or strongly agree” conversation carried recently in class, that I`m more fluent to communicate what I think or what I want to express. Whit respect to my listening skill, when I started this semester, I was not able to understand many things that our teacher said, but now I can understand almost everything what he is talking about, and if not, I ask. Also there were various listening activities carried out classes that have helped me to make better my listening in English, between those are listening to video dialogs, music, and cartoons.

There have been many writing activities during the Level 6 English course, especially essays developed in class or in house. I read the first written work titled “One thing I would change about the world” and I noticed many mistakes that now I can`t make. So I`m sure that I`ve progressed my writing skill, but I feel I can and I need improve more this area with the order to be successful as student and can publish articles in English. In the case of reading, I think is the ability most developed during all this semester. I really love read, and in this course I have read a lot since the beginning of the semester thanks to the amount of articles provided to the class by the teacher. One of the most difficult reading that I had was “The Story of an Hour” because for understand it all I had to back to read at home, and with the dictionary help, but currently I can read it easily, and understand other similar readings. I´m proud of my growth as English language user, also I`m glad I have become more proficient in English. Though I have developed my English skills I`m aware that I can improve more, and for that I`m engaged to continue practicing my English as many times as I can, especially writing. So I feel I´m ready to move out of the English Language program at Yachay and continue increasing my knowledge to become a better student and then an excellent professional. Finally, I´m very grateful to my teacher and my classmates to have made every class funny and one more opportunity to learn. Also I'm grateful to you reader for your interest in my portfolio, I hope you enjoy reading it and notice my growth as English learner during the Level 6 course English through my essays presented in this portfolio. Sincerely, Oscar Yanchatuña

Response Essay

Does the language I speak influence the way I think? Oscar Patricio YanchatuĂąa Aguayo Yachay University for Experimental Technological Research. L6-017 September 29. 2016

Does the language I speak influence the way I think? Do you think the language you speak influences the way you think? Or do you believe the way you think is the result of many other factors instead of the language? There are papers that have treated this question but the answer is not always the same, in some cases authors are convinced that the language has strong influence in thoughts, however, the idea that language does not influence the mind is supported in many articles that I have read. “Does the language I speak influence the way I think?” by The Linguistic Society of America, is an article which takes some searches, examples, evidences, that are analyzed to support the central idea as well as it is possible. In this case I consent the central idea of the article, in other words, I´m sure that the way of thinking is not strongly influenced by the spoken language. So in this essay I will cover why I`m in favor with the most part of The Linguistic Society of America´s article, analyzing principal ideas and giving supports from other sources or by my own examples. In the first part of the article it states that the way of thinking is not necessary because of the language, it is the result of other more influential factors that interacts strongly in our life, that is to say, it is the result of the culture in which people live. Then the author gives examples examining different cultures, each one with its different language, and with the objective of structure the text reinforcing her perception. Following this idea, I´m convinced that the way of thinking, as well as our behavior, is the direct consequence of the culture in which we were born and lived. For example, I have an uncle that lives in Spain, before he went to Spain, he used to keep all unusable things into boxes, but recently, when he came for first time after 8 year, he said that the things must be fixed if it is possible, on the opposite case, they must be discarded, and

he discarded all that he has kept in boxes. Obviously, he has changed the way of thinking, but the most important is that the he never has changed the language, just the culture. In addition and to support this conception, there is a research analyzed in New York Times newspaper by Goode E., and which made distinction between people from western countries (United States) and from easterners (Japan, China and Korea), taking the consideration that exist a big culture difference. So the results of the study indicate that westerns seem to think “analytically”, that is to say they tend to avoid contradictions taking objects out from their context, instead of easterners, who are more tolerant for contradictions and give more importance to the context of the situations, they think more “holistically”. Thereafter, the author argued that most of the time people think in language, but not always, because there are cases in which it is difficult to think in words, likewise there are languages that have different words to describe something, but other languages don´t have, and yet is possible to think in the same way even without terms to define something. That notion I think is correct, for example the smell of coffee, the color of a sunset, the love, the beauty, and so on, I don´t have enough words that describe them, and as in the article stated, the Dani language has just two color terms; dark colors and light colors, but it does not imply that Dani speakers can´t the difference colors. Next, the Linguistic Society of America explained that “our language and our thoughts are probably both greatly influenced by our culture” because we have learnt things in groups and classify them according similarities, and this way, separate thing in groups vary in dependence of the language. However, at this point I´m not completely agree. It is true that language makes us think about groups sharing similar characteristics, so it shapes our thoughts and consequently the way we think. But, this

fact works in the same way no matter what language if not the culture that have influenced the language, for example, everybody that have seen the colors can imagine them whenever they want, likewise they can imagine animals, plants, or whatever group of things, and it is not important the language or languages that they speak because they can visualize it, also the shape of their thoughts depends of the culture in which have lived each one. After that, author mentioned the case of Eskimos who have dozen of words to refer to snow, and gave reasons to demonstrate why this example doesn`t influence the way of thinking of Eskimos. The reasons were because Eskimo is a combination many languages, also it is possible that in another language there would exist dozen of words to refer one thing, for instance, the author explained that in English there are many compound words that derivate from one “root”, or also adding ‘inflectional’ endings. Now, I think in the same way, because, to have different words to name one thing does not imply to have different thoughts, identical synonyms, there are many words to refer something, but just change the word instead the meaning that will be always the same. Immediately, the Linguistic Society of America concluded that learning other languages not necessary changes the way of thinking, but there would be little influences just if the language is more different than the original. That idea I think is right, and to sustain that, I can mention my own experience as example. I have been learning English since three years ago and now I´m still learning, so I have not felt that my way of thinking has changed because of learning other language, only I have acquired knowledge, because now I´m able to read articles, see videos, have conversations, and all of these in English. Even though, I´m convinced that if I interact or live for a considerable time in a English country, I will change my thoughts, and not

necessarily owing to the language, if not the change of life style, culture, habits, and experiences that will shock me. To conclude, the way of thinking is not necessarily influenced by the language, because there are several factors that really have influence in our thoughts, between these factors are habits, life style, social and natural environment, experiences, and for me the most important is the culture from the place where people grew up. In the same way, it does not matter the big differences between some languages because each of them have been influenced by the culture from they are used, and culture, as it´s known, is very different in dependence of each place where we go. Finally, learning another language in a certain way can makes affect the way of thinking only if we would go to live to the original country of the learned language, by the reason that we would change all influential factors of the way of thinking. All together means that the way of thinking is due to a large process in which intervene a set of elements that build our mind, and not because the language we speak.

References The Linguistic Society of America. (1999). Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I Think?. Goode, E. (2000). How Culture Molds Habits Of Thought. Retrieved September 25, 2016,




Literary Analysis

ARABY: THE DETERMINIG BAZZAR FOR THE BOY´S LOVE Oscar Patricio Yanchatuña Aguayo Yachay University for Experimental Technological Research. 17/10/2016 L6-017


The first love of anyone is something new, and strange, that all people have in one moment of their life. Commonly, the first love appear in that stage of the life when the child is growing up and becomes an adult. This is the central idea which the story titled “Araby” by James Joyce develop to show the situation that a boy happened, who felt in love of a girl, and finally, his love for her ends descripted by the Araby bazaar. Araby bazaar is the final place where the story toke place, and in the same way, this concludes showing the continuity of the love for her, and the reality of his life. The girl who the boy was in love, asked him if will go to the Araby bazaar, this were the first occasion when she talked him, and his answer was affirmative while she told him that could not go. In this occasion, Araby is like the place where the boy had to go as requirement for get the love of her, putting in other words, is the trip that he had to arrive for show how capable is he to love her, and deserve her love. Also, Araby is the connection through the boy would get the love of his beloved girl, to whom promised bring something of the bazaar The life of the boy was some complicated, besides of his studies, the spent time to play games, he lived with his uncles, who were responsible of the life of the boy. The child's thoughts were invaded by the image of his beloved girl, and the voyage would have to meet, and for that way, deserve the girl`s love. The moment when he had to go to the bazaar were interrupted because of his uncle, who had to give him the rate for the transport that he would have to arrive at the bazaar. This means that the boy´s life is not enough to be in love.

When he arrives at bazaar, he looked that as a dark place, so the final place that he had to arrive were something which he was not prepared, in the same way that he was not ready to get the love of the girl and love her. He could not bought anything for her, that means he could not do anything for the girl´s love. In conclusion, Araby bazaar is represented as the final stage of the trip that the boy had to toke for deserve the love of the girl, and determine whether he would be able to love the girl. Also, Araby represents the harsh reality in which the boy lived, a hard society in which the love between the boy and the girl is impossible of realize. In general, it is the situation by which determine if is probable be in love with someone, and it is for all people.

References Now, B. (n.d.). Araby. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from http://fiction.eserver.org/short/araby.html

Interpretation Essay


Steven Brito, Oscar Yanchatuña, María José Ayala YACHA Y University of Experimental Technological Research Level 6-017 November 16, 2016


Art does not have a whole meaning however, change the meaning according to the artist or the feelings and ideas that produces in the observer. Art is represented in many ways such as paintings, music, dance, pictures, and others that shows beauty. In the same way, the interpretation of art pieces is not always the same, and considering this point, here is an example of a piece of art interpretation. The image called "Balance" by Digitalessandra expresses the battle between good and evil that is directly related to life and death. To support this, we will interpret this piece of art in parts taking as principal objects the birds, the chessboard, the big clock and the peach.

First of all, Digitalessandra (Alessandra) is an artist DeviantArt website who specializes in editing photographs. For 4 years she started to create works of art based on the photographs she took. Her style is more based on surrealism, which is an abstract way of representing the reality. Balance is one of her most important pieces of art because on March 23, 2012 she caught the attention of the majority of people who today are part of her followers.

In the picture, there are some elements that we will consider; one of them are the two birds playing chess. One bird is a pigeon that represents the goodness, the peace of the people and the good side of life. On the other side there is a crow that represents evil, things that people have done wrong and how the bad side try to steal the peace of the world. Another important interpretation about birds, is that even though good fight well evil also tries to take advantage whenever they can.

The big clock is placed in the center of the image, it is the principal object that draws the attention. For our perspective, it has two principal interpretations. First, according to the point of view of the chess game, the clock represents t he time that each bird has to realize its movement but always it is in shifts. Secondly. It can be interpreted by the time that from the beginning of life to playing an important role. Accompanying this struggle of good and evil in every moment from the beginning of life to the end. Accompanying this struggle in every moment since it never stops from the beginning of life to the end.

Additionally, the chessboard and its parts represent the fight between good and evil. Chess is a strategic game in which players move pieces with the objective to attack the opponent or to defend himself. It is suspended on a fruit and it is straight, that means the battle is not in favor of nobody and the fight is equal for both sides. Also, there are five black chess pieces and five white chess pieces on the floor, this makes us think that a tough competition is underway. All of this points together shows that it is important the existence of good and evil because their confrontation provides the balance in life, it is to saying, good would not have since without evil, or the life would not be the same if the death does not exist, and so on.

Besides, it is important to describe the ground as the representation of a cracked world by the constant struggle. This world has remained empty, without nature or living beings only cracks in what was once the world, the peach represents the last remaining trace of nature and the world that is why it is the support where the game happens

In conclusion, the piece represents the battle between good and evil. Chess is a strategy game in the same way that life is, where people have to choose make bad or good decisions every day. This is what the artist tried to show with her image and that is the reason why she called it "Balance" because means the equilibrium between good and evil, the darkness and light that govern everything that happens in the world that is the support where the game develops, each piece of chess represents a human and depending on each decision that he takes will be a piece for the pigeon or the raven. And that is what we as observers managed to understand, what the author conveyed that makes us feel that just as in the world there is a battle inside us as well.


What Does Art Mean? - Boundless Open Textbook. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2016, from https://www.boundless.com/art-history/textbooks/boundless-art- historytextbook/think ing-and-talking-about-art-1/what- is-art-38/what-does-art- mean243-5704/

Digitalessandra on DeviantArt. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2016, from http://digitalessandra.deviantart.com/

Argumentation Essay

Name: Oscar YanchatuĂąa Level 6 017 Date: 29/11/2016

Should there be one global language.

Could you imagine a world in which people spoke just one language? There are many statements that mention it is important to have a global language because it would eliminate that barriers that exist for the reason that currently there are many languages in the world, being that the main problem by which is impossible the whole contact between all countries if the world. Anyway, I believe there should not be one global language because the language diversity does not represent a limitation for communication in the world. Rather, it provides opportunities to access for more knowledge










extensive cultural diversity.

First of all, authors argues that the existence of just one global language would influence in a big way the access of many opportunities for all the world`s people. For example, Cancio n.d claims that though having a unique language for communication on earth ensure the total communication between all over people in the world, in that way, there “would open up huge opportunities for work, study, and relationships that otherwise would be extremely difficult�

Subsequently, there are many perspective that state there is not a limitation the existence of many languages in the world, rather it represent a big opportunity to learn

more languages and in that way getting more communication around the world. Kyoo and Mattila mention that language diversity difficult the communication principally for international business, but they also remark there are others implication to consider, and language is not the worst because it is not the unique medium of communication and for that there exist translators and technology for example.

On the other hand, who agree that there should be one global language asseverates that though that way, people in the world would be in a same “level”. Morsalin n.d asserts having one global language might reduce the discrimination to other languages and cultures, because world´s people would have same rights, same opportunities, and be consider equally.

Considering the last point of view, the lot languages is one of the principal fact for the culture diversity in the world. As stablish Cancio n.d, set a unique language in the world minds lose other languages that currently exist, in consequence many cultures will also disappear together with the culture knowledge, and author mention that culture is not her reason for discrimination, the problem is people rather language or people.

In conclusion, setting a global language would means important losings in the whole world that would change completely the current life. Also, as Cancio manifests, setting one










“language is so closely tied to culture, family, and personal identity”. And finally, I think it is not necessary because we can learn other languages and in that way, we can communicate with other person in the world, and the most important, we can access to different knowledge and have others perspectives of the world in which we live.

Final Research Project Essay

Benefits of practicing sports in university students. Oscar Patricio YanchatuĂąa Aguayo Yachay University for Experimental Technological Research.

Abstract. It is a fact that sports affect positively different aspects of the human life, but the benefits can deeply influence to university students, because they are vulnerable to catch diseases due to the stressful challenges that they have to face every single day. There are many articles ensuring that being students involved in sport college clubs or practicing sports frequently, are more likely to reap important advantages to thrive in the student life. Between those benefits is stay healthy, and prevent and cure diseases, as an important factor for students to carry every single university activity on the best way. Also, sports influence in cognitive levels helping to maintain healthy the brain and to support neurogenesis, being that substantial to enhance learning abilities in college students. Another benefit is that practicing sports helps to become more organized and disciplined, acquiring good helpful habits to success both as student and next as a professional. Finally, sports create many personal connections, improving socially and academically and in that way acquire important opportunities. In conclusion, university students must practice sports frequently or being involved in sport college programs because of those helpful benefits that sports contribute.

Benefits of practicing sports in university students. Practicing sports have been characterized as a medium to be healthy, in shape, improve or form physical abilities, keep safe from diseases, and enjoy moments. That point of view have been viewed for a long time, but the importance of play sports goes much further. Studies have shown physical activities are considered as an important factor to change the human body in psychological and physiological levels (Lores, & Murcia, 2007). Also, people who participate into teams, clubs or sport centers, have more successful opportunities than other. That is the case of students involved in sport college programs. They are considered as a vital part of the institution, and in this way, they are more likely to receive scholar priorities and access to important academic areas (Runyan, 2014). Additionally, study in a university is one of the most important stages to complete for become professional, in this stage students learn a lot of scientific knowledges, but at the same time, they have to be responsible and

face many

challenges, that in cases are stressful and this fact could affect students in their health and life. At this point, many experts advise to students to do extracurricular activities, one of the most recommended is play sports because, as mentioned before, there are many benefits that would help to success to students in their life and studies (Georgetown University, n.d.). For that reason, University students must practice sports frequently or be involved in sport college programs whit the order to perceive those important benefits, principally to maintain healthy, improve cognitive abilities, form good habits to be organized and disciplined, and acquire personal connections and many opportunities to success as students.

In the first place, there are a lot of researches that have proved sports are important factor to care health, prevent and cure diseases. According to Georgetown University (n.d.) university students are vulnerable to acquire health issues, for example: stress, anxiety and depression, colds, flues, sore throats, headaches, mental fatigue, and many others; and play intramural sports or participate in sport clubs are the best options to counter these health implication. Valios, (2004) mention practicing sports is associated with the academic performance because it decrease anxiety and depression, psychological stress, and reduce the risk of get mental health problems. In the same way, sport activities influence positively conducts that are directly related with the health care. For instance, practice sports influence to the minor consume of toxic substances (Alcohol, Tabaco and marihuana), also acquire healthier eating habits that decrease eating disorders and the risk to get obesity (Castillo, Balaguer, & ArcĂ­a-Merita, 2007). In general, physical activity is an important fact to lower health issues and enhance natural defenses to combat illness. As was mentioned in the last paragraph, there are important benefits of practicing sports for students, especially for university students being they a vulnerable population to catch diseases or get health implications.

Then, if college students

participate in sport cubs or play sports frequently they will be healthier and ready to face those strong university challenges to complete them successfully. On the other hand, it is confirmed that cognitive abilities are improved practicing sports habitually. Play sports affect directly the synaptic structure, then increase synaptic plasticity and enhance synaptic strength, decrease “peripheral risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which converge to cause brain dysfunction and neurodegeneration�. All of this factors work together to

support neurogenesis that is an important benefit of exercise activities (Cotman, Berchtold, & Christie, 2007). Until recently neuroscientist believed that neurogenesis occurred just when embryo system is developing. However, in 1990 stem cell were discovered in parts of the adult brain, and now it is a fact that neurogenesis in adults exist as a normal process in the healthy brain (Queensland Brain Institute, 2016), and as was mentioned before, sports are responsible to maintain the brain healthy. Hence, university students involved in sport programs will be benefited in the way that their cognitive abilities would be improved, that is, become more able to memorize, understand easily what they study, analyze better; and in general, enhance their brain capacities that are important to be an excellent student. Another benefit of sports is that forms good habits to be organized and disciplined. It is very important for student for the reason that they have to complete a lot of scholar activities every day, then, be organized and adopt good habits is an excellent way to carry successfully the hard university work. As Salmon, (2001) argues, students who play sports acquire important habits to success in the life, for example the majority of sports students control the time proportionally according on what they have to do, also they can focus the attention for a long time while they are doing homework and school activities than a normal student can do. Then, considering the previous data, acquire good habits is not just important to become a better student, it also influence to be a successful person. As Henri Fredric Amiel have claimed: “To learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. Life is but a tissue of habits.� Consequently, if students practice sports, they will acquire good habits, and then, prosper as student and next as professional.

In another way, Practicing sports influence the social environment and induce to form new relationships with other people, being that an important build to make new personal connections. Sports are cooperative activities, it means, physical activities induce to work in groups or teams in which it is substantial cooperate to elaborate strategies for the best of the team (Chen, Snyder, & Magner, 2010). Then, physical activities teach and develop teamwork skills that are very important in the whole life, this fact is very important to university students, because in many cases, they have to develop activities with other people and collaborate into the groups with the goal to do the best work and success together. Additionally, Patrick, (2011) mention that being involved in a school team sports is a great way to meet new people. “…sharing a passion for the sport you play, and riding the emotional roller coaster that is wins and losses, you are likely to form deeper friendships with your teammates than with anyone else at college.” So, participate in sport clubs teach to the student how is to work with other people, and that prepare to success as a professional in the future. Also, with sports, students form new relationships that next will important because they will be helpful when it is necessary. Contrary to the sport benefits, Lores, & Murcia, (2007) mentioned that study at university requires great dedication and the exigency is very high, so students need more time for their scholar activities instead of waste time practicing sports. Besides, Gómez, Gallegos, & Extremera, (2010) shown that the principal reasons by which university students do not practice sports are because they leave work tired, they don´t have enough time, there are no facilities nearby / or appropriate, they don’t like physical activities, they see no utility and no benefits, and so on.

In a like manner, according to Chen, Snyder, & Magner, (2010), several studies conclude that “athletic participation had either negative association or no effect on male collegiate student-athletes’ academic motivation, development, and learning ability”. Also, studies have founded that students who practice sports did not have “greater outcomes in cognitive learning and motivation” when compared between athletes students and non-athlete. In fact, it is true that study at university demand a lot of effort and dedication, however it is also true that students are adults and very responsible to do whatever they want, so they can manage the time in control and employ part of it practicing sports. According to the American Time Use Surveys carried by United States Department of Labor, the average of time occupied for a student to practice sport and leisure is 4.1 hours, while for educational activities is 3.3 hours. That means the range of time that students employed for scholar activities is less than the time used to practice sports. In consequence, students have enough time to participate in sport college teams, or practice sports individually. Then, those “studies” which have stated that there not exist important benefits of practicing sports must be rejected because there exist more data from scientific articles that ensure and prove the many benefits of practicing sport in university students. In conclusion, practicing sports is beneficial and a rewarding experience for all the people, also there exist many important benefits for university student, being that an important factor to maintain good health, enhance brain capacities to memorize and learn, form good influencing habits to success personal and professionally, and increase personal connections to success socially. In consequence, if university students being involved in sport programs, they will acquire a lot of benefits that will complement to be better in the student life. Hence, every university students must practice sports

frequently or participate in sport college teams, and in this way, be more engaged in academic and campus activities to become a better and successful student and then an excellent professional.

References American Time Use Survey. (n.d.). Charts by Topic: Students. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from http://www.bls.gov/TUS/CHARTS/STUDENTS.HTM Castillo, I., Balaguer, I., & Arcía-Merita, M. (2007). EFECTO DE LA PRÁCTICA DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y DE LA PARTICIPACIÓN DEPORTIVA SOBRE EL ESTILO DE VIDA SALUDABLE EN LA ADOLESCENCIA EN FUNCIÓN DEL GÉNERO. Revista De Psicología Del Deporte, 16, 2nd ser., 201-210. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from http://www.rpdonline.com/article/view/13/13 Chen, S., Snyder, S., & Magner, M. (2010). The Effects of Sport Participation on Student-Athletes’ and Non-Athlete Students’ Social Life and Identity. College Sport Research Institute. Retrieved December 04, 2016 from http://csrijiia.org/documents/publications/research_articles Cotman, C. W., Berchtold, N. C., & Christie, L. A. (2007). Exercise builds brain health: key roles of growth factor cascades and inflammation. Trends in neurosciences, 30(9), 464-472. Georgetown University. (n.d.). Extracurricular Activities. Retrieved December 02, 2016, from https://studenthealth.georgetown.edu/healthissues/extracurriculars/activities Gómez-López, M., Gallegos, A. G., & Extremera, A. B. (2010). Perceived barriers by university students in the practice of physical activities. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9(3), 374-381.

Lores, A. P., & Murcia, J. A. M. (2007). CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA PRÁCTICA FÍSICO-DEPORTIVA EN ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOSCHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHYSICAL DESPORTIVE PRACTICE IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Conexões, 4(1). Patrick, A. (2011). The Benefits of Playing Sports in College. Retrieved November 30, 2016, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/uloop/the-benefits-of-playings_b_922842.html Queensland Brain Institute. (2016). What is neurogenesis? Retrieved December 04, 2016, from http://www.qbi.uq.edu.au/the-brain/physiology/what- is-neurogenesis Runyan, R. (2014). Benefits of School-Based Sports - Global Sports Development. Retrieved November 28, 2016, from http://globalsportsdevelopment.org/benefits-of-school-based-sports/ Salmon, P. (2001). Effects of physical exercise on anxiety, depression, and sensitivity to stress: a unifying theory. Clinical psychology review, 21(1), 33-61. Valois, R. Z. (2004). Physical Activity Behaviors and Perceived Life Satisfaction Among Public High School Adolescents. Journal of School Health, 59-65.

Additional materials.

I am grateful to all my teachers and classmates that have been very important for my improvement as an English language user. Also I hope you this is to your liking and enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed developing it.

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