Collection of homeworks, essays, reflections, and various materials that I have made during Level 6.
Bruno Sandoval Apartment A12 at Yachay city July 6, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader: My name is Bruno Sandoval. My portfolio reflects my works of what I did on level 6. It shows my skills, abilities, strengths and weak points that I have to keep improving. My portfolio contains four essays, a reflection and a research project we made on classes. I learned the necessary skills to keep improving my English language, and I am proud of this. Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio. As a university, Yachay Tech is trying to give to students the opportunities to be bilingual, and it is satisfactory because there is an English program specialized on 6 levels for be fluent in English language. I began this semester on level 6, thinking that it would be boring and tired, and it was; but as a student we have to know what are the important things for us, for our future and English is indispensable. At the beginning It was hard because we had to speak in English with Spanish speakers(classmates), and for me It was weird. I like to spend time speaking with a native English speaker, but on level 6, I had to understand and practice my English with nonnative English speakers.
I did not just learn English skills on level 6, I learned finishing my assignments on time, be more responsible since the beginning and make business with your teacher (time to give homework). I have to realize what are the important things to me, to get me on a failure or be a winner. As a Spanish speaker, I think one of my weak point is the vocabulary. I need to keep working on get more vocabulary, because as an engineering that I want to be, and I will be, I have to understand the universal scientific language as I call it to interact with other Scientifics that share my aims. My work represents a good investment of time and hard work, so I have to appreciate the reader to take your time, and see what I did. I put my ‘sweat’ into the content of my portfolio, and I hope you enjoy reading it. I am confident that you will understand what were my aims, and I my progress for being an English fluency speaker. Now I feel more confident talking or writing in English, because I have to say that I have read, written and spoken the entire semester in my English classes. I am grateful with my English teacher Gabriela Villavicencio, because she understands what is a university student, and she gave us the necessary tools for being English speaker. Now I am not considering that I know everything in English, but I am trusted of what I learned in English on this semester, in order to show and teach others. English classes are
important to do not lose English skills. We have to remember other future English speakers that practicing makes better on languages. Sincerely, Bruno Sandoval
Running head: Bilingualism: BILINGUALISM
Bilingualism: Bilingualism enhance our professional career. Bruno Sandoval Collins Yachay Tech L6009
2 BILINGUALISM Bilingualism:
Bilingualism enhance our professional career. The ability to communicate is the key of success. "In today's global economy you really have to understand the way business is done overseas to maximize your potential. A second language equips you for that," Alister Wellesley (2008, 3). Two or more languages are used in community to fulfill major linguistic and professional functions. Being bilingual increases our possibilities to success in our professional career, so it provides talent to get hired and help on business. Nowadays finding a job related with our profession it can become a headache. The possibilities to get our dream job is limited by our own actions. According to the Strategic Research Center (EAE) of Business School reveals that, monolingual professional with undergraduate studies are 147% more employable, so imagine if we add one more language to our curriculum. Bilingual professionals are more acceptable than monolingual because can lead with international business, creativity and problemsolving. Business School of Harvard esteem that between 65%85% of works are achieved by networking, so we can create networks with society knowing new languages. A brochure of Modern Language states that, “If you’ve ever thought of being a nurse, a doctor, or a webmaster, you will multiply your chances of success if you speak more than one language”. Language skills can also be key for companies. In business environment is important to interact with international consumer to expand commercialization. According to Smart Business magazine (2002) a survey of major firms by the Washingtonbased Employee Relocation Council found that, companies spend an average of $1 million to replace employees who can not handle overseas assignments, and 58% of these returnees to the U.S.
3 BILINGUALISM Bilingualism:
indicate that they had difficulty adjusting to the language and culture of the new nation. The ability to communicate effectively with coworkers, clients and business contact will provide an advantages in competences between companies. Bilingualism is not an absolute requirement, but it is desirable, according to Wendi Colby, director of human resources. Language skills will provide success on business. Companies are interested on bilingual employees that can contribute their business plan without limitation to the consumers. The complication starts when we try to find a job, so the answer is easier when an employee has the necessary skills to make networking. In fact, being bilingual give facilities for a companies to grow, and us to be success.
4 BILINGUALISM Bilingualism:
References Andruss P. (2008, March). How Being Bilingual Can Boost Your Career. Retrieved
April, 2016, from
Padilla, A. (2002, October). Rewarding Workplace Biligualism. Language Magazine. Porras, D. A., Ee, J., & Gándara, P. (2014). 10 Employer Preferences: Do Bilingual
Applicants and Employees Experience an Advantage?. The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy and the US Labor Market, 99, 234.
Education Running Head: Education
Education: Barrier to education around the world. Bruno Sandoval Collins Yachay Tech L6-009
Education Education
Barrier to education around the world. Education is a human right, but no all can apply their right. Millions of children are denied their right to education. Restricted access to education is one of the surest ways of transmitting poverty from generation to generation (Global Partnership for education). Universal education has been expanded through years, however, barriers still are coming. Those barriers existed because there are many problems around education for example: untrained teacher and lack of funding.
The lack of funding is one of the biggest problems in the public education right now in North America; the cut of the budgets for public schools is making these schools contract less experienced teachers who are unable to teach correctly to children due the lack of experienced, the money is not enough to contract more experienced people, but there is a chain too, schools are losing important parts of themselves, secretaries who manage the paperwork, counselors who help students, especially from other countries and students with problems in general, librarians are also being cut and of course schools cannot afford enough school supplies anymore for all the students, they are unable to afford books for all the students and teachers, unable to repair properly some of the implements at the classroom, buying things such as erasers, markets, paper, replacement for the printers, and all of this is causing a really big problem, most of the parents are feeling their children are not getting the education and the support they deserve because in some of the cases there are foreign parents who make a big sacrifice to move to other country because of its “well-based� education only to find they are not going to be supported completely for the public system.
Education Education
Reaching the students is one of the most or the most important aspect that is a characteristic in a good and well trained teacher, they are trained to develop certain competencies related to aspects of classroom management. “ A good teacher is kind, is generous, listens to students, encourages them, has faith in them, keeps confidences, likes teaching children, likes teaching their subjects, takes time to explain things, helps them when they are stuck, tells them how they are doing, allow them to have their say, doesn't give up on them, cares for their opinion, makes them feel clever, treats people equally, stands up for them, makes allowances, tells the truth and is forgiving” (MacBer, 2000). Untrained teachers cannot simply acquire all these skills from day to night, it’s impossible to assign a task so important to a teacher who has not experienced the work with students, they haven’t had time to develop and learn all the skills they need in order to get a good progress with the students, and this is what most of the public institutions principal in public schools and universities in Ecuador don’t understand. According to Andrew (2002), “effective teacher much internalizes knowledge and skills so that they can deploy them quickly and flexibly”. Moon, Mayes & Hutchinson (2004) indicated that “there are three main factors within teacher's control that significantly influence pupil achievement are professional characteristics, teaching skills and classroom climate.” Teachers always are going to have impact in the student’s life, they will affect their lives positively or negatively, a teacher who is prepared to train a pupil, especially when this student has not had any kind of experience with a particular signature will be able to fulfill most or all the expectations, they even can affect what the student would want to study in the future, but they can affect the way the student absorbs the knowledge too, a teacher who is not prepared to teach, even when they have a big amount of knowledge will have repercussions in the pupil’s life. Learning is a process for both student and teachers but we must remember that as a teacher we will affect the student’s life drastically so the
Education Education
decisions we make, the preparation the institutions take and the risks we take must be carefully analyzed in order to not affect the student’s future life.
Education is a human right, and a human right have to for every people in the world. Children, young, elderly, illiteracy people and every human people have to have a good education. Barriers will exist always, but they way handle it makes the difference. Government around the world supports education, however, is not enough. Powered people may understand the situation people are having, to understand what really are them necessitates.
Education References:
Farooq, M. S., & Shahzadi, N. (2006). Effect of teachers’ professional education on students’ achievement in mathematics. Bulletin of education & research, 28(1), 47-55. McBer, H. (2000). A model of teacher effectiveness. Department for Education and Employment. Recuperado el, 15, 01-06. Abuel-ealeh, S., Akpo, S., Alhousseini, I., Archer, D., Arshad, Z., Baker, T., ... & Chiwela, J. Global Partnership for Education. Martelletti, P., Haimanot, R. T., Láinez, M. J., Rapoport, A. M., Ravishankar, K., Sakai, F., ... & Steiner, T. J. (2005). The global campaign (GC) to reduce the burden of headache worldwide. The international team for specialist education (ITSE). The journal of headache and pain, 6(4), 261-263.
Running Head: Shoes on Danube Bank
Shoes on the Danube Bank Carlo Magno and Bruno Sandoval Yachay University of Technology and Experimental Research (Urcuquí, Imbabura) L006009 Jun 19, 2016
1 Shoes on the Danube Bank
Shoes On the Danube bank Arrow Cross militariaHungary Movement killed 20 thousands Jews on the Second World War. In Budapest, Hungary on 2005 Can Togay and Gyula Pauer designed a sculpture of 60 shoes on the edge of the Danube. These sixty pairs of solitary shoes of iron, ownerless, are an allegory to what's left of killed Jews and thrown into the river. It's authentic and artistic names is Shoes on the Danube Bank. These shoes represent an important piece of history, artistic characteristic and a meaning. The equity for Hungarian Jews were not real, they became discriminated of unfair laws and regulations starting in 1938. Unlike the situation Jews faced in many other European countries, the lives of Hungarian Jews were somewhat protected from the Nazi regime because Hungary was not invaded by the Nazis until relatively late in WWII (Rozett & Spector, 2000). Different situations had lived the Jews in Europe. In March 19 , 1944, Nazis invaded and 200,000 Jews lives were dramatically changed. Though the Nazis invaded, Hungary’s leader, Miklos Horthy, worked with the Germans and was able to remain in power. Across Hungary, thousands of Jews were deported to concentration camps, but these deportations were temporarily ended by Horthy on July 7, 1944 due in part to pressure from Western governments (Rozett & Spector, 2000). However, in October of 1944, the Germans overthrew Horthy’s government; gave power to the Arrow Cross party, a group of Hungarian fascists (Karsai, 1998); and life for Hungarian Jews rapidly deteriorated. Approximately 600 Jews from Budapest were lined up, shot, and their bodies fell into the Danube in October of 1944 (Bauer, 1980). On November 1, 1944, forced marches began to send Jews to Germany as military laborers with 25,000 Hungarian Jews leaving on this day with Arrow Cross troops as their ‘escorts.’ On November 1, 1944, 25,000 hungarian jews were sent to germany to
2 Shoes on the Danube Bank
make millitary laborers to be part of the Arrow Cross troops as their 'escorts'. Though Germany wanted 50,000 Jews, the Arrow Cross leader Ferenc Szálasi only sent 25,000 because he needed them for digging trenches in Hungary (Karsai, 1998) due to the threat of the Soviets. Later the shooting of Jews increased to include 20,000 shot into the Danube River by Hungarian Arrow Cross militiamen from December 1944 to January 1945 (Rozett & Spector, 2000). Also at this time, Jews in Budapest who had paperwork known as protective passes and passports were directed to live in a series of designated houses. However, these arrangements made it easier for the Arrow Cross to find them and kill them (Karsai, 1998). Though the Germans planned to empty the Budapest ghettos, the Soviets came first and conquered both sides of the Danube by the end of February, 1945. Of the 200,000 Jews in Budapest in March of 1944, only 120,000 survived (Rozett & Spector, 2000). This monument is made of iron and erected the 16 april of 2005 by the sculptors, Can Togay and Gyula Pauer. It is located in the east bank of the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary between the Roosevelt and Kossuth street in front of the Hungarian Parliament and near to the Hungarian Academy of Science. It is composed by sixty pairs of shoes, that have a real human size and they are along the bank. They are forming a row of 49 meters and they are attached to the stone. This sculpture is amazing in various forms from others memorials public artworks. It impress the viewer because shows the numbers of lives that we lost and we can see it by the 60 pairs of human shoes. This monument is has more power of what we see than the sizes or the artistic description of art. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, has similar effect of the quantity of shoes, That is each monument describes a person. The shoes symbolize the individuals lost
3 Shoes on the Danube Bank
by being shot into the river, the approximately 80,000 Jews of Budapest who were killed during the Nazi occupation and Arrow Cross rule (Rozett & Spector, 2000), and also refer to the Holocaust itself. Shoes on the Danube Bank is a public memorial, but instead of use a hieratic scale, like most of the public commemorative art, it use a cue from contemporary installation. Nahshon (2008) writes that “the aim of the artists was ‘to create an object that would raise questions in and present questions to the observer,’ be that a native or tourist who strolls down the popular Danube bank”. Shoes on the Danube Bank is characterized as a postmodern art. Shoes on the Danube Bank functions as a countermonument (Young, 1999), a collective memory for hungarians. Shoes on the Danube Bank gives a history to Hungarian's history considering fascism and the Holocaust. It helps to changed the symbolic fence that disconnect the notion of victimhood from culpability, and the conception of only one true history from numerous realities and personal stories. This monument is an important inspiration for hungarians and visitors, because represents an attractive and significant meaning for people. Since, history reveals the tragedy of jews hungarians, people took conscience and are creating representative monuments to reflect peace and to don't forget people who were treated as animals. Shoes on the Danube Bank has characteristic as a monument, not as a art sculpture, it means this monument is an iconic as a postmodern art.
4 Shoes on the Danube Bank
References Bauer, Y. (1980). American Jewry and the Holocaust: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 19391945. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press. Karsai, L. (1998). The last phase of the Hungarian Holocaust: The Szálasi regime and the Jews. In R. L. Braham & S. Miller (Eds.), The Nazis’ last victims: The Holocaust in Hungary (pp. 103116). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University. Rozett, R., & Spector, S. (2000). Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. New York, NY: Facts on File. Nahshon, E. (2008). Jews and shoes. In E. Nahshon (Ed.), Jews and shoes (pp. 136). New York, NY: Berg Publishers. Young, J. E. (1999). Memory and countermemory. Harvard Design Magazine, 9, 110.
Improve the time process treatment using Moringa Oleifera seeds Bruno Sandoval Yachay University of Technology and Experimental Research (UrcuquĂ, Imbabura) L006-009 Jul 08, 2016
Abstract Moringa seeds have different uses such as water treatment, nutritional complement and others. Unclean water is a huge problem since always, so an ecological, inexpensive and efficient procees is to use Moringa seeds. However, the common process of treat water with Moringa is a long time (2-3 hours) depending of the unclean water. Basic principle of stir and compression could be a solution to reduced the time process. The results gave and average of 20 minutes of time reduce of the experiments just using stir movement without compression.
Keyword: Moringa Oleifera seeds, flocculation, stir, compression.
Introduction The body is made up of between 60 and 70 per cent water. Blood is mostly water and muscles, lungs and brain all contain a lot of water. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to realize the body requires water in order to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all of the organs. For humans are necessarily to drink water an average of 10 cups of water per day, that means 2 liters per day. According to the United Nations, 750 million people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water; this is about one in nine people. 82% of them live in rural areas while the remaining 18% live in urban areas. It means people in this century are living in poor conditions, without water. For years Ecuador and other countries, have had the same problem of not being able to provide safe drinking water to all villages and rural communities. Currently, more than four million people are supplied with water through wells, rivers, springs, delivery trucks and rain water, which corresponds to 25% of the total population exposed to these types of water and thus to an unhealthy life because of the materials in the water are not suitable for human consumption. This has serious health consequences that can, sometimes, be fatal. (INEC, 2015). Literature Review A possible solution is using the seeds of Moringa Oleifera to purify water to provides communities access to water. Moringa Oleifera is a tree that grows in Africa, Central and South America, the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is a plant of easy treatment
that has shown its adaptability to the different climates in Ecuador, and around the world. This is why, access to this plant is useful for small producers of rural communities in Ecuador that have no access to water apt for human consumption.
The time process of purification with mooring is not the best. Mooring seeds works into an average of 2 hours to get fresh water. Nevertheless, is required that water gets fresh quickly to persons. Emphasize on time process of purification is my aim. One of the main water pollutants are suspended particles and microorganisms that cause the water often is extremely murky and full of bacteria. Turbidity is caused by sediment dilution achieving increase of certain parameters, such as quantity of bacteria, affecting adversely the water quality, causing health problems. Water production have to pass through a list of parameters to be drinkable. Moringa Oleifera have been successfully approved by the UNESCO that is intergovernmental science programme on social transformations, that makes sure the plant has nutrients ever discovered, capable to prevent more than 300 diseases, prevent malnutrition and as a purification of water. According to the United Nations, water use has grown at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century. By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the world's population living in waterstressed regions as a result of use, growth, and climate change. USGS (Water Science School) says that, bacteria are a natural component of lakes, rivers, and streams; and most of these bacteria are harmless to humans. However, certain bacteria, have the potential to cause sickness and disease in humans. There is a huge list of bacteria found on water rivers, streams and lakes.
Based on the research journal of Recent Sciences made on 2012, ‘Use of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) seed as Natural Absorbent and an Antimicrobial agent for Ground Water Treatment�, that checked water quality parameter for physicochemical and bacteriological as per standard method before and after the treatment. Their results were reduction of pH, turbidity, colour, acidity, alkalinity, chloride, hardness, SPC (standard plate count) total bacteria colonies count and MPN(Most Probable Number) total coliforms. Their results were that Moringa seeds works, much that they were expecting.
Another studies made from The Europe PMC, IWA publishing, Taylor Francis that realized investigation to prove Moringa seeds are effectiveness, their results were that they expected, Moringa works with perfectly, reducing parameters to transform into drinkable water. Investigation around the world with Moringa reflects that is an effective water treatment.
Application What makes unique Moringa seeds? Why this plant offers a solution on water purification? Moringa seeds acts as a natural coagulant, flocculant, absorbent for purify water. According UNESCO Moringa can be useful to people where lives on poor conditions and is not an organized distribution of water.
The common process to treat unclean water has these steps:
1- Dry the seeds 3 days in direct sunlight. If using fruit pods, remove seeds from fruit before drying. 2- Discard any soft or discolored seeds. 3- Remove the dark outer skin or hull, then grind the seeds to a powder. It takes 15-20 ground Moringa seeds (or four heaping teaspoons of powder, or the contents of four rounded soda bottle tops of powder) to clear 20 liters of water. The powder can be stored for up to one month for later use if stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid or cover, in a cool dark place. 4- In a clean bottle, mix the powder vigorously with a little clean water to make a runny paste, then add it to the water you want to clear in the treatment container. 5- Stir quickly for about thirty seconds. 6- Then stir the water slowly and regularly for five to ten minutes. 7- Cover the treatment container and let it settle for 2 to 3 hours. If moved or shaken before then, clarification will take much longer or fail to reach completion. 8- After the water has settled for at least 2 hour, the water is ready for secondary treatment, such as disinfection.
These process to purify water is the most common used by people. We can have checked that, we have to wait for 2 to 3 hours to let Moringa works, so how we can improve?
The best way to improve the time process of purification is to combine physical processes such as filtration or sedimentation. Nowadays people use filtration plus an active carbon to filtrate water, however the problem remarks on the active carbon. Differences between other common treatment of purification of water with Moringa treatment, is the ecological part. Moringa tree has different uses such as nutritive food (leafs), water treatment (leaf), healthcare treatment (leaf and seeds) and other uses such as process where needs flocculation (seeds). Chemical coagulant and flocculant will produce health problems in future (Toxic action center, 2015). The uses of Moringa to treat water could be cheap and healthy for people. Introduce the basic principles of stir and compress can reduce the time process. My proposed was introduce basic concepts like stir and a compression with a layer of ceramic to reduce the time process.
To prove these method, it is necessary to have to tools and the necessarily money. Unfortunately, I am unable to stablish an experiment, however I made an experiment with the stir principle comparing without stir principle.
Number of Experiments
Time Using Stir Principle
Time Without Stir Principle
1 Hour and 23 minutes
2 Hours and 13 minutes
1 Hour and 10 minutes
1 Hour and 40 minutes
1 Hour and 38 minutes
2 Hour and 03 minutes
Fig1: Shows the time when water is already treated with stir principle and without stir principle.
Introducing the stir principle, we can see that water treated is quickly. I stop the time based on the turbidity of the water. The differences of using stir is comparable, however there are some other external aspect that can be influenced like how strong was the stir. Making this experiments on a laboratory can show better results.
Conclusion Moringa seeds are efficient to treat unclean water, however the time process is too much. Introducing physical concepts on the common process could be a better way to treat faster. I was shocked when I see that it works with stir movement, because it incredible how we can improve some processes by mixing basic concepts.
M. S. (2012, March). Use of Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) seed as Natural Absorbent and an Antimicrobial agent for Ground water Treatment. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1((3)). Retrieved from Department of Environmental Science. ORGANIZING WITH RESIDENTS TO CLEAN UP AND PREVENT POLLUTION IN NEW ENGLAND SINCE 1987. (2015, August). Retrieved from UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (n.d.). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from J. C. (2014). USE OF WATER EXTRACT OF MORINGA OLEIFERA SEEDS (WEMOS) IN RAW WATER TREATMENT IN MAKURDI, NIGERIA. Global Journal Series, 13. Yanful, E. K. (2009). Appropriate technologies for environmental protection in the developing world: Selected papers from ERTEP 2007, July 17-19 2007, Ghana, Africa. Dordrecht: Springer.
Thank you for reading my portafolio. I hope you enjoyed as we did.
Sincerely, bruno sandoval
L6 -009