Enrique Tapia Maldonado Yachay Tech Imbabura, Ecuador December 05, 2016
Dear Portfolio Reader,
Thank you for spend your time reading my English Language Portfolio, this letter contains a personal reflections about how Student English program influenced on my growth as a student at Yachay. Several projects helped me to see what kind of student and person I am. To be more specific, English program obligated me to be more responsible, because I do not have the same facilities as my classmates, so I had to effort more to achieve the projects and assignments, and do not stay behind. Owing to this, I realize that the need can to become you in a person with great skills and qualities, in my case, being more responsible with everything that I have to do. On top of that, I gained more qualities thanks to the program, and one of them is to be more objective and subjective when I analyze and interpret information about different nature. This is one of qualities that I never thought obtain because I believed it was difficult, and indeed, it was. I had some problems in the process to catch the objective and subjective viewpoints, but the argumentative and interpretative essays helped me to understand this postures, respectively. As for my writing, I think I have improved a lot, but I have realized that I need to enrich my lexicon, because sometimes I try to express myself with some words that I know in Spanish, but not English, and this also applies when I speak, how I do not know that word in English, I delay trying to think and find a synonym, and at that moment is where I lose the
fluidity of my speaking, so this is a weakness that I have to improve with practice. For example, in the presentations, I tried to find the correct words to have an impact in the mind of my classmates but for this weakness I could not, so with the professor’s advices and with the peers I think I will improve and be a better English user. Thank you again for reading my portfolio, I made an effort to finish my portfolio in the best way, maybe you agree on some aspects and others do not, but you have to be openminded. I am sure that I am ready to past the level 6 and deal with everything after this. I hope you have enjoyed reading my portfolio.
Sincerely, Enrique Tapia Maldonado
For centuries, the language is still the main communication tool for humans, as this allows us to express our thoughts, emotions and experiences between individuals. The language enables to the human beings to express what they interpret and understand about the world around them. But there is a wide variety of languages in the world, too many languages that allow one to ask yourself, do all languages express the same? or, does each language have its peculiarity when we are communicating? Does the language can influence the way we think and perceive the world? Do speakers of any language can think the same way when they communicate? Well, in the Boroditsky´s article, how our language shapes the way we think? she explains and answers all these questions, which for many years have been controversial. She details her studies and results very well throughout the article, which makes their claims are convincing and interesting, because this way we can know the differences between the languages and how they influence the people's thinking. Boroditsky begins her search for the questions that were written earlier in the introduction, questions that provoke controversy within psychology. This topic has become an object of study of several researchers specialized in different fields, since it has political, judicial and religious scope. Anyway, this issue has recently been investigated in a practical way, as it has not been developed with studies of this type. For many years, researchers believed that language could not shape the thought, making of this a wrong idea. With this in mind, Boroditsky collects information from various parts of the world such as Greece, China, Germany and other countries to reach the claim that people who speak different languages, as result, their thinking way will be different. In addition, she said that if people lose their language, they could not be part of society, for example, they would be unable to have friends, get a job or begin a family.
Boroditsky makes a contrast between languages (English and Indonesian) in an imaginary example. She mentions that in the English language, we must mark the verb for tense, and that in the Indonesian language we cannot modify the verb to mark tense. Another example is in the Russian language, which we should point out gender; and in the Turkish language, we would have to mention in the verb, as we got that information. Those are clear characteristics of different languages she offers us to grasp the idea of her claims, but her research led her to travel to Pormpuraaw, an aboriginal Australian community, to study the language of Kuuk Thaayorre people. This language lacks of words such as left and right to indicate spatial perceptions, they use cardinal directions as north, south, east and west. For this reason, Kuuk Thaayorre are very good to stay oriented. This spatial perception also affects the way they organize the time. In the Boroditsky´s experiment, she gave some cards that contained temporal representations to Kuuk Thaayorre speakers and she asked that they had to order the cards in temporal progression. The results were interesting because, how would they order the cards if they do not have the words “left” and “right”. They did not order the cards from left to right, but depending on their cardinal orientation, they arranged the cards from east to west, regardless of the coordinate to which they looked. Thus, they created their own temporal representation through their orientation. As we see, the language is related to spatial representations, and not only that, also with time, causality, numbers or relationships with others. Language is also involved in the use of metaphors related with space, for example for English speakers, the metaphors are usually horizontal, for example, "The best is front of us", on the other hand, for Mandarin speakers, their spatial metaphors are vertical. Another interesting question is, whether these differences in thinking are caused by the language we used, or the culture in which we belong? Boroditsky to respond this
question, did an experiment where she taught to English people different ways to talk about time based in Greek language. As result, she looked that their thoughts were similar to Greek speakers, so she concluded that: “[….] when you’re learning a new language, you’re no simply learning a new way of talking, you are also inadvertently learning a new way of thinking.”. In other countries, the language also affects the visual perceptions of people, for example in Russia, language distinguishes if the colors are tenuous or dark, and they must to mention it, for example light blue or dark red, while English speakers use a word that covers a single color in general, for example blue. As final appearance, Boroditsky makes a reference to the physical representations of words using the grammar sort thereof. She even mentions that the results can be seen in an art gallery, where we can appreciate the personifications of words like death, victory, sin, justice and others. Depending on the grammatical gender of these words or the author's native language, their personifications can be male or female, for example in Russia, death is personified as a woman, instead Germans tend to paint to the death as a man. With all these features and differences between the languages of different countries and cultures, Boroditsky asserts what she has been saying throughout his article, that language, definitely, shapes our thinking. The article was very well detailed and forceful, and I am agree with her, because Boroditsky went straight to his research requested, check her question about whether language shapes the way we think. She made very good contrasts between languages of several countries, inclusive she took into account the language of a native community, which is interesting, so that we can know the diversity of languages and their different ways of using them. In addition, she explained directly how the interaction between language and
thought is achieved using the perceptions that people use to interpret and construct their reality. Indeed, she did several experiments that corroborated her hypothesis, she used the lexicon of languages, grammatical gender of words, the spatial orientations of communities, visual perceptions and metaphorical references of countries, to observe how people were developing and applied in the world all these differences between languages. In addition, she included in her article the influence of language in art, since, thanks to the grammatical gender of words, painters and artists made their works, unconsciously, based on this characteristic. Finally, the article was very clear and compelling since it expands the curiosity to learn more about the subject. Concluding, Boroditsky showed us how language shapes our way we think with clear examples that are present daily. She made us realize that each community or country, interprets, classifies and assimilates the world according to their language, rooted in the way we construct reality and generate knowledge in order that all people can communicate, understand and live their lives.
Boroditsky, L. (09, June 6). HOW DOES OUR LANGUAGE SHAPE THE WAY WE THINK? Retrieved September 29, 2016, from conversation/lera_boroditsky-how-does-our-language-shape-the-way-we-think
Interpretation: The Last Judgment; A Representation of Decadence? Bryan Steven Chiguano Tapia Dayanara Lissette Yรกnez Arcos Enrique Tapia Maldonado Yachay Tech 2016
What will happened if the demon is not bad, and the personification of badness is a representation of the decay of the sinners? What will happen afterlife, if you only are judged without a defense and by only one person? These are some of the questions that arise with the interpretation of “The Last Judgment” by Marten de Vos, in which he represents the decadence of the human being in his last attempt to find forgiveness. At the beginning of the Catholicism, besides imposing regulation of what is good and what is bad, their desire to demonstrate by illustrations the pain and suffering of the sinner afterlife. For that, they create the inferno. The spiritual condemnation was born in the wake of propose a punishment for people who do not did the “right thing” in their lives. In other words, they create a place where the decay of the humanity is the principal reason for stay there. In the other hand, we have the heaven as the representation of the dream place to live, a place created for people who God consider are worthy to enter. By nature, the human being is a miser and greedy being, full of secrets and mysteries which makes it interesting. According to the Catholic ideology, it can only enter to the kingdom of heaven those people who respected and fulfilled the commandments of God; in the picture we can interpret how they all want to be saved, but not they all want to do the correct to get it. Maybe, being dragged and humiliated could be represented as the biggest punishment for man because it destroy his inner ego, that much appreciated by each individual. Another interesting point in this picture is the absence of the devil (in some occasions called like Lucifer: the Fallen Angel) which could represent the free will granted by God to the man. The Fallen Angel is the commander identity charged of custody the souls that have been condemned to the hell; attributed guilty of the disobedience to God. Nevertheless, that figure is not represented in this artwork that can be interpreted as the man is the only one
guilty for the sins. In other words, the free will give by God is what drive us to our own corruption. In the wake of these, the inferno result to be the place where the decay and declension of human. Despite of been a figure known in the Catholicism, Lucifer does not have an own representation in the picture of “The Last Judgment”, in spite of exist demons in it. The author shows that the only person who decide if someone is good or bad is God. We can observe the figure of Jesus Christ in the middle of the scenery, leading the judgment and controlling for angels and demons do their job: to save and punish people. But, in our interpretation we consider this as a mistake in the pillars of the Catholic religion because no one else besides Jesus is the judge; nobody else intervene in the judgment, nobody else appeals the sentence. In this way, where is the sense of a fair trial? We can interpret this as an unidirectional sense of “the right thing”. In other words, the focus of the picture is to demonstrate the punishment of the sinners with only one possibility of salvation; the heaven. For that, it is mandatory to pass the judge and be considered suitable to enter to the kingdom of heaven. Nevertheless, the only one sense of justice put to God as the “perfection” is failing, being that, God is love and forgiveness, understanding and forgetting. As it is known Jesus died on the cross for the salvation of all sins, and the debt for the final day was paid with his own blood. Having said this, would not all sins have to be forgiven and all people saved without exception? The last point to analyze in this artwork is the fact of all people who are being judged, are naked while angels and saints are wearing clothes. This could be assume as a presumption of superiority by those who have obtained the divine favor. If we go into the author's mind we can understand that people (by the time that this work was created) still maintained those feelings of inferiority towards a religious doctrine. But, why is important to mention this? It
is because nowadays people also have the same feelings but in other context. A context of competition that carry people to feel naked (in a metaphorical sense) to get the attention of others. We could assume the nudity as a way of weakness, a way that presents man as a defenseless being in his more pure expression. In contrast to painting we can say that we are always judged by our actions, however, it is bad actions that qualify us socially and morally. This can be compared to people who have known the taste of victory and then have had to endure defeat. In the last judgment people only will show their soul, their purity bathed in the sin, ready to receive their sentence. In conclusion, the piece of Marten de Vos “The Last Judgement� is an exemplification of the debasement of the human, in their last pursuit for reprieve. The humiliation of the invidious represented in the images of this piece is a symbol of punishment of the humans, in order to abolish their inner ego. In addition, other fact is the absence of the representation of Lucifer that can be interpreted by the free will give to humans, and in consequence, the only one responsible of the decay of humanity. In the other hand, the figure of Jesus can be interpreted as an authoritarian sense of justice, because it implies that, in the eyes of the Lord, human beings are his faithful submissives, who always turn to him when the final moment arrives. Finally, the hierarchy of saved people and condemned through their customs, that can be interpreted as the pure exposition in the judgment.
References Vos, M. D. (1570). The Last Judgment [Painting]. Bellas Artes de Sevilla, Spain. Attachments “The story began when humans invented the gods and it will end when humans become gods� (Yuval Noah Harari).
Should there be one global language? Enrique Tapia Yachay Tech November 19, 2016
For a long time, humans have used different forms of communication, for example, they were based on gestures, smoke signals, communication through drawings or rock paintings, writing, among others, but of all of them, the one that had the most impact. Been the phonetic language. This last form of communication has evolved to form words and makes sense in sentences, thus creating languages and dialects around the world. There are currently more than 6,500 different languages spoken in different parts of the world, and according to the Bible, all these languages are the result of God's wrath towards man, by the fact that they built a huge tower known as the "Tower of Babel". God witnessed man's ability when people communicate with one language and, as a result, he fragmented this unique language into many others to limit man's power on earth. Well, as we see the example taken from the bible, it is necessary that there is a universal language because it would facilitate communication between all people and would obtain great developments in different fields such as scientific, social, cultural, etc. If we focus on the cultural aspect, it is very difficult to consider the possibility of one global language because, as Collen Cancio mentioned in her article, the difficulty is in the language is closely linked to culture, family and personal identity. So, if we opted for a one global language, all these connections would be lost, specially the diversity, which is the beauty of this world. Although it is a good point of view, this is refutable because if we chose two countries with different languages and cultures, it makes no sense, the communication between both countries would be limited, and this brings up to the people spend their time and effort trying to study a new language. If there would be one global language everyone would be able to understand, and what it is most important, people would live all cultures around the world and would know the different ways of thinking of each culture, which it enriches morally to
people. So, the presence of one global language would not be a reason for the identity and past of people are lost, by contrast it would let to share all the principles and traditions to know the history of behavior of a whole culture. Now, for scientific aspect, the idea of one global language is not bad, if we travel many centuries ago, science had great results in fields such as biology, physic, mathematics and many others, and this is because the science was written in Latin, known as “the scientific language�. Researches could share information and knowledge of several topic in one language and it facilitated them the work of translate scientific papers to their native language. As well, if we consider the past for the future, it would be advantageous, because with all technology that we have, there would be much more progress in science. So, one global language would benefit to the world. In conclusion, the idea that the world has a global language is not very difficult, and the only way to get it is to leave discrimination and all these mental walls aside, we have to see ourselves as citizens of the planet Earth, we must to be united and to share our ties with each one to advance in our way to a world without frontiers, because if we obtain it, this would be the greater social work in which all would participate.
References Cancio C., (February 28, 2012). What if everyone on Earth spoke the same language? Retrieved November 29, 2016, from:
What are the most common types of cybercrimes carried out on the internet, and what workable solutions do the different entities offer to avoid being victims of them? Enrique Tapia Yachay Tech December 11, 2016
For a long time, technology has evolved in many specialized fields of science in an accelerated way, especially in the field of computer science. This last one has allowed to transform the physical world in which people live, in a purely virtual world. Nowadays, everything is computerized such as the information of the books, bank accounts, personal information, state documents, among many other things. However, as any good side of things, the negative side is always present, and is that crime is to the order of the day. Cybercrime is the current crime that is committed on the internet which has many ways to be executed. Actually, it is one of the most effective crimes of this century, as the offender does not need to be present at the crime scene because they commit their crime through a computer. In these days, people who are not updated with the technology or at least does not know how to manipulate devices that connect to Internet, will be the perfect victims of these criminals. These criminals called "hackers" can circumvent security systems and obtain information or money in few minutes without you noticing. Now that you know this, you have been asking yourself, how to avoid being a potential victim of hacking? In what ways, can hackers do their crimes and what solutions does the government offer against this? Well, there are some workable solutions to fight with this kind of crime, because cybercrime is a serious crime, its results are economic losses for the companies attacked, very large social-political problems whether the classified information comes to the public and besides that this violates the freedom of the people in Internet. As you know, technology has become an essential tool in the daily lives of people, which is very difficult to think in a life without it. However, there are people who use their intelligence to exploit it, violating laws to obtain personal or group benefits. “Hackers" do this, they take advantage of their computer knowledge to commit cybercrimes. Therefore, this paper will show the readers the information that they should consider if they want to avoid
becoming in victims of pharming, phishing and malware. In addition, this paper will demonstrate how these criminals operate and it will provide some tips of cybersecurity or any anti-hacking software that you can use to be more careful when personal information is uploaded to social networks, or when you deal (electronic money) online.
Over the years, cybercrimes has grown at a worrying rate, as it is being carried out in various parts of the world (see Figure 1), for this reason government informatics security institutions, the government itself, and companies dedicate to creating anti-virus software have been on hard work to reduce and prevent this type of illegal acts.
Figure 1. Top 20 cybercrime-affected countries according to Symantec.
These institutions offer several workable solutions to the different types of cybercrime that are committed in cyberspace, so it is important to define them, because this way people will have more knowledge of how these criminals operate by taking advantage of their anonymity on the internet.
First, there is the "pharming", which is the exploitation of a vulnerability in the software of the Domain Name System (DNS) servers or of the users' own computers, which allows an attacker to redirect a name Domain to another machine. In this way, a user who enters a certain domain name that has been redirected, will access in his Internet browser to the Web page that the attacker has specified for that domain nameâ€? (DĂaz & Saavedra, 2008). This method is practiced in conjunction with "phishing", coined as bait or electronic scam, this consists of impersonating the user interface of a reliable entity to request any information and carry out the scam (Mateos, 2013), and it is characterized by stealing confidential information, credit card numbers and even user passwords. These criminal methods can be carried out through spam, which may be viruses or unwanted mail, most of them advertising type, massively sent over the network with false information to commit pharming and phishing.
Figure 2. Number of detections performed by the mail antivirus on the computers of Kaspersky Lab clients. (First Quarter of 2016).
As the figure shows, there is an abrupt growth at the beginning of the year 2016 that shows the amount of detection of spam with unwanted files (malicious), around 22 million of detections, more than 4 times of monthly average of last year, according with Kaspersky Lab.
This information people have to take into account when they are online without having the slightest idea of what can happen to them. According to Panda Labs, in its recent study determined that in the last year were identified more than 1 million attacks, which means that, on average, every 30 seconds "phishing" is done, and if it is directed towards organizations, the total cost of these attacks goes beyond 9 billion dollars. By this alarming number of economic losses, there are some recommendations so that you don’t become victims of these crimes. The Interpol official website, which is a police organization that is fighting against cybercrime, offers some recommendations for these cases: Reduce spam (which can contain viruses or be used for phishing)
Keep your spam filter switched on;
Be suspicious of unsolicited advertising and offers;
Be on the alert if you do not know the sender;
A trusted website or online payment processor will never ask you to confirm sensitive information like passwords or account details;
Delete any suspected spam immediately and do NOT open any attachments. Be alert to phishing scams
A phishing email may appear to come from a trusted source. Some warning signs are if the email:
Is sent from a free webmail address, not from an organization’s official address;
Opens with a generic greeting, and is not personalized with your name;
Contains a threat, for example that your account is not secure or may be shut down;
Requests personal information such as username, password or bank details;
Includes a link to a website with a URL (web address) that is different from the organization’s official address.
These are some of the advice given by INTERPOL that should be considered when surfing the internet. It is necessary for every user to have a little deeper knowledge about information technologies and to keep up-to-date with new ways of cybercrime, all this to reduce the risk of being potential victims of these criminals who work in various ways to achieve their goals. But the methods mentioned above are not the only ones since another of its famous modus operandi is known, and it is with the creation of "malware".
Malware is the combination of "malicious" and "software" terms, which translates into malicious software. This is a program that is installed on computer systems to perform specific actions within them, causing damage to the system that malware was installed or other remote systems. This is the main method used by cybercriminals to expand their threats on the internet (Mateos, 2013). Different types of malware can be classified according to the purpose of cybercrime, among the most prominent are Trojans, viruses, ransomware, worms, spyware, adware and scareware (see figure 3).
Figure 3. New malware created in the second quarter of 2015 according to Panda Labs.
As you can see in figure 3, Trojans are the favorite type of cybercriminals with 71.16% followed by viruses with 10.83%. Its result has been 230 thousand new malicious software per day. This shows, compared with data obtained last year by the same company,
an increase of 43% were previously reported 160 thousand samples of malware per day. This means that there are more skillful hackers who develop powerful malware not only for the computer operating system like Windows, but also for Apple Mac systems and even for smartphones and tablets (Android and iOS). According to Panda Labs, Asian and Latin American countries are the main ones to be infected with malware, placing Ecuador in the sixth place with approximately 40% in a study carried out in 2012 (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Countries with the highest malware infection rate in 2012 according to Panda Labs.
As you can see and interpret the data in figure 4, Ecuador has a low level of cybersecurity in the infrastructure of the telecommunications platforms. To understand why Ecuador is in that place, it is necessary to know the following facts. Since 2010, a cyberespionage campaign was carried out in Latin America, and Ecuador was one of its targets, being affected by the disclosure of vulnerabilities in the privacy of citizens and interference in public and private companies for the extraction of confidential diplomatic files (Delgado, JA, 2014). As you have already imagined, this means that Ecuador was a victim of malware, which by its definition is known that malware can break down an entire system to obtain unrestricted access, so, to obtain information from the citizens were implemented phishing
and pharming, which shows that the three most common crimes mentioned above, are closely interrelated, as malware is the basis for carrying out the other two types of crime. This shows that not even the Ecuadorian government has the necessary tools to deal with cybercrime, but with the imminent danger, in recent years Ecuador has made a strong economic investment close to 8 million dollars to implement an Organization of Cybersecurity Operations to protect the infrastructure of the different platforms available. However, with the latent threat, the hacker will always find a breach in the system from which he will take advantage to commit his crime, so people surfing in internet do not have to ignore the advice and preventive measures offered by different entities which fight against cybercrime, such as INTERPOL, which offers the following advice in the technical aspects: To keep your computer safe from viruses and other technical problems you should at least use the following programs and ensure they are always updated:
Antivirus (for example, from Kaspersky Labs or Panda Labs, etc.),
Operating system updates (for security patches and bug fixes; on Windows, most of these updates are automatically installed on Windows Update).
You can also do the following:
Install antispyware programs and run them regularly.
If you install programs to share files, make sure you do it correctly (for example, Dropbox, Drive, WeTransfer, ect.)
If you have a wireless network, make sure it is protected (Wi-Fi password with numbers, capital letters and symbol to increase the difficulty)
Blocks browser pop-ups or attempts to use different browsers (you can install extensions in browsers to avoid false advertising pop-ups)
Ignore spam messages, simply delete them or mark them as "spam" or "junk" in your email. (Optional: Open another email account, there are many free messaging services)
Open attachments only when sent to people you know and trust. (You can examine the file with an antivirus)
Keep your keys secret, never tell anyone. (it counts as sensitive personal information)
Watch out for phishing or theft of bank details. On trusted sites or online payment, you will never be asked to confirm secret information such as passwords or bank details. (Approaching the bank personally to provide such data)
These are some of the preventive measures that are offered for the knowledge of the people. You need to be aware of the danger in which you are when a device is connected to the internet, but if you follow the steps outlined in this document, you will already be part of the team of people struggling to reduce cybercrime in your home and in your country.
With all the information and statistics that have been presented throughout the development of the document, there are still points of view that contradict the facts. For example, in an annual report known as the Norton Report issued by Symantec in 2013, announces that: "The number of people who fall victim to cyber-crime has decreased, but the average cost per victim has risen by 50%. Today's cyber criminals are using more sophisticated attacks, such as ransomware and spear-phishing, which yields them more money per attack than ever before, "concludes the study.
According to Symantec study, cybercrime has decreased, and that is not correct thanks to the all statistics shown here. Currently, with the advance of technology almost everything is
already digitized, an example is electronic money. This is one reason why cybercrime cannot be diminished, but rather increased. Just like personal information theft, today, many people use smart phones and they do not know how to protect their personal information. They upload this type of information to both free (Dropbox) and paid (iCloud) storage services, and in many cases, they do not have security software, so stealing this information is easier. An example is that in recent years it has been shown that several celebrities have been victims of this, publishing intimate photos of them as their personal information on various websites of collective activity forums such as 4chan and reedit. So, with a digitized world, cybercrime is just around the corner.
In conclusion, there are many ways to commit a crime on the internet, which have been studied in this document such as phishing, pharming and malware are the most common within cyberspace. People should not ignore that when they connect to the internet with any device, they are exposed to being victims of cybercrime. As mentioned earlier, hackers have an impressive ability to violate the security of any system, but now that you have spent your time reading this paper, you know how these criminals work, besides that during the document, some preventive measures were offered to you consider for your safety. Finally, cybercrime is one of the most serious crimes because it is violating the freedom of people who express themselves through the internet, and it is even more serious when this crime is carried out at the government level, being classified as terrorism, which is already a very serious matter, as it also causes out very large economic losses for the state and its citizens. In these instances, government entities must create laws that regulate the use of the Internet and rigorously punish those who abuse it for personal benefits, so that people cease to be statistics of cybercrime and have security in the virtual world.
References Díaz, I. D., & Saavedra, M. G. (2008). Ciberdelincuencia. Obtained from: Red Iberoamericana de Protección de Datos: Mateos, I. (26 September 2013). Ciberdelincuencia - Desarrollo y persecusión tecnológica. Obteined from: Archivo Digital de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Biblioteca Universitaria): Delgado, J. A. (2014, November). Ciberseguridad en Gobernanza de Internet en Ecuador: Infraestructura y acceso. Artículo presentado en el Encuentro Nacional de Gobernanza de Internet, Quito, Ecuador. Obtained from: Interpol, (2016). Cybercrimen. Retrieved from: Panda Security, (November 13, 2016). Un ataque de ‘phising’ cada 30 segundos: 6 consejos para protegerse. Obtained from: malware/infografia-consejos-phishing/ Panda Security, (September 15, 2015). PandaLabs detecta más de 21 millones de nuevas amenazas durante el segundo trimestre de 2015, un 43% más que en 2014. Obtained from: Catoira, F., (March 12, 2012). 5 consejos para controlar una infección por malware. Retrieved from: ESET, (November 24, 2015). Guía de respuesta a una infección por malware. Retrieved from: Guia_respuesta_infeccion_malware_ESET.pdf Gudkova, D., Vergelis, M., Demidova, N. & Shcherbakova, T. (May 12, 2016). Spam y phishing en el primer trimestre de 2016. Retrieved from: informes-trimestrales-sobre-spam/83115/spam-and-phishing-in-q1-2016/ Symantec. (2016). 2016 Norton Cyber Security Insights Report. Retrieved from: