Rodríguez raúl semester digital portfolio final

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Raúl Heriberto Rodríguez Espinoza

Yachay Tech University English Language Program level 6 Yachay Tech, Ecuador.

PASSIONATE MEMORIES OF AN ENGLISH STUDENT By Raúl Heriberto Rodríguez Espinoza English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6 Teacher: Ercilia Delancer January 10, 2017 Urcuquí, Imbabura, Ecuador.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Portfolio letter Response essay Exploration/Investigation essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay Additional materials Thank you letter

Portfolio Letter Raúl Rodríguez Universidad Yachay Tech Urcuquí, Imbabura, Ecuador.

Raúl Heriberto Rodríguez Espinoza I 2-3 Yachay Tech University Urcuquí, Imbabura, Ecuador December 8, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader, My name is Raúl Rodríguez, Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a collection of my best work in English, and it demonstrates my ability as an English language learner at Yachay Tech. My portfolio consists of five essays, a reflection letter, and a research project that I designed and developed in my level six English course. I am very proud of my portfolio, and I'm ready to continue my academic career in English. When I was a child in the second grade of the school I beginning the thrilling world of learn the English language but was the basic things as learn the natural numbers, the vocals. Since I was in the first course of the high school I learned about a book named “our world through English” where I Knew new vocabulary, how structure sentences, new numbers with more digits; I learned too how write and the pronounce that should have each word in English. When I came to the first semester to Yachay Tech I began in the English teaching program of this college beginning in the second level where I learned advantage English as English tenses, reading comprehension and the correct use of words in sentences. In the third level I learned how to do a paragraphs about to reflection of a text or a history, and how to use the tense too. In the level for I learn to how I have to structure an essays, practice vocabulary and pronunciation. In the level five I Polish my abilities writing essays, I saw some videos to improve the skills to understand the form to talk of native speakers of the English language and talk expressing my feelings. And now I am ending up the level six where I develop my skills in English language reproducing and practicing practically all develop during before each semester; improve my essays, develop better my presentations and I learned to debate with my classmates, all of this enrich me in my capabilities in the English language. For my first essay I decided to write about how one can control his or her own education. I chose this topic because since I was a child was bombed with ideas as study school, college that will make you a profitable person for society or thoughts like that. For to do this essay, I watched

a video titled “Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education” where Till H. GroB posed four interesting ideas that are very clear and true as you have to do not let that what you learn in school or college let to interfere with your own education. Now I am know that all the comments and ideas that I listened when I was a child are not true that all about acquire knowledge because this has to depend of the capabilities that you want to develop for my-self and in this has to help study in the college, develop your own skills. For the beginning of the semester my expectations were very high because I knew that was the last semester before where all subjects are imparted in the English language for my chosen major. So, for that reason I take this semester with the great seriousness possible. I watched during the semester in my free time all quantity of English content as videos, articles, read magazines, journalist, books to improve my capabilities and abilities on the English language. But the grades do not was what I hope, was low. This did not prevent that I continue endeavoring me to get the best result and the grades continue being low but in the course of the semester the grade was increasing and the effort beginning to be better and this encouraged me to continue working with the same effort but yet more. In my first presentation I done it with a topic that I'm passionate that is renewable energy and I wanted to transmit to my classmates I feeling of help to the environment apply the three R.: recycling, reuse and reduce to contribute with a small help that if was do for everybody would be a great help to the earth and would see a significant change in the green effect on our world. I believe that the message was transmit not all and complete as I would have liked but I think that was understood the main message. What help me to become a better writer and speaker are various aspects as: the patient of my teacher to explain the topics and correct me when I am not spell correctly some words or I do not structure with appropriate words. Since the beginning of the semester until now almost going to end the semester I feel that I progress with an incredible velocity because for example in the beginning of the semester I had an ability average for to do essays. I become a better speaker because I have spent a lot of time in my house watching videos with subtitles understanding better the interactions between English speakers. I have spent time to writhing Class overtime to improve my abilities writing. My perseverance and my persistence this has helped me too, in not stop when I did have some problem.


Raúl Heriberto Rodríguez Espinoza


Take Control of Your Own Education Raúl Rodríguez Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research

Take Control of Your Own Education. According to George Leef “Don't buy the hype, college education is not an investment”. Leef is director of research for the John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy. He was a vice president of the John Locke Foundation until the Pope Center became independent in 2003. He is a regular columnist for, Leef was book review editor of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education, from 1996 to 2012. He has published numerous articles in The Freeman, Reason, The Free Market, Cato Journal, The Detroit News, Independent Review, and Regulation. He writes regularly for the National Review's. Leef wrote the article “Don't Buy the Hype, College Education is not an Investment”. Leef in this article aim shows the reasons of why you don’t have to study college; he shows three clear examples and conclude that the best to reach success is not study at college. He propose that the most important is acquire knowledge; you have to be your own teacher. We have to create our own education to have a better job; that not is necessary study the college to get success in your life. Moreover, you don’t have to study the college; you only could study courses majoring in what you want to learn, to get a job. Leef proposes that college not is necessary to acquire knowledge because for yourself can acquire the necessary knowledge for to do what you want to learn. According to Leef “college is waste of money, and an unnecessary indebtedness” for this reason you have to prepare for yourself. Nowadays, world has an inflation about people with college degree that are desperate for get a good work. Besides, the current college system is based in what the industry and company want of the people to get a better earnings. The current college system is preparing people for the only benefit of the society, but not for the benefit of both parts, person and society. You have develop your own knowledge, skills, and capabilities to progress in this world.

Leef wrote in the article about the benefit for yourself and the society that you could reach performance your own education. Success that you can reach in your life not depends if you study college or not. According to Leef “success always depended on personal performance rather than educational pedigree” (2013). People think that with a college degree can have a good job, but don’t could be more away of the reality. As point of departure success or find a good job depends of your personal performance, that you could have developing your own skills, and capabilities; you could get success in your life acquiring experiences when you go out of college; practically you can achieve the knowledge for yourself; you could do some courses in what you want learn, and work immediately in what you decide. College doesn’t will help you to find a good job. College doesn’t will fix your future; people think that studying at college will arrange their life, and that their future will be easier, this not is true. According to Leef “you’re not rewarded for credentials, but for capabilities” (2013). In labor life the most important to employers is that people can to do their job, and not only that have theoretical knowledge, how the people that study the college have. According to Leef “college is a form to increase your value, and your personal capabilities” (2013). Major quantity of people study at college because society says that you need a college degree for have a better future. Disinformation that have people generate that people only study at college for social pressure. College only can increase your skills and abilities if you know what you want to learn, otherwise only you will be causing college degree inflation. If you don’t know why study at college; you only will causes that people that whether know why study at college having less opportunities to get a job. In the article, Leef shows to three different people that take different decisions of study, and the person who does well was the person

how not study at college because for herself develops her abilities. The first student is the ideal case of what the educational system wants to reach. He was good in the high school; he continues to the college where he acquire skill and abilities. After college, he could get a really good job about his degree. The second student is that Leef calls “degree inflation”. According to Leef “This student got through high school with a minimum of effort, and he continues the college only for continues with him education”. He didn’t has a clear idea about he wants to reach. After graduating, the best job he could find is working in a game store. The third student is the example that the author wants to transmit to the people. According to Leef “She was very good student in the high school but he don’t acquire the college degree instead of that she earns several badges and certifications in things she’s interested in”, with which she achieves success. This three examples are the clear sample about the importance of to have a clear idea of what we want to learn, and acquire knowledge and experiences in what we are interest, to develop our own capabilities. The success could will reach only know what really we want to improve our skills; and not is necessary study the college for reach success. The author’s purpose is suggest to people, special to students that they should not go at college. But study what they want to learn for themselves. Whole these is necessary to reach success. The audience that can read the article is the people that is interested in study the college or want information, suggestions about why study the college. The credibility of the author is very high because he has a really good trajectory. He has been published in the most prestigious magazines of the world, for example Forbes. The publication is credible, but the article is based in author’s experiences and general information. The article is easy follow the ideas that he propose. The article is written in academic language.

In conclusion study at college is unnecessary to get a better job because the most matters is have skills, and capabilities to do the job. You can acquire for yourself knowledge and develop your own education for that you work, the job that you decide. The academic life of the three students that are mentioned in the article shows a clear sample that the most important not is study at college. You should have a clear idea in what you are interested, and acquire the necessary capabilities for to do the job that you want. You don’t have to think that having a college degree, you will have a good job or arranged your life. Success in your life not depends of college degree, depends of capabilities and skills that you have been acquiring through of your own education.

References Leef, G. (2013, June 12). Don't Buy The Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from The John William Pope Center for higher education policy. (2016). Author profile George Leef Retrieved September 21, 2016, from


Analysis of The story of an Hour Raúl Rodríguez Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research

The story of an Hour is a story about a woman. Louise, which was afflicted with heart trouble because she was lost his husband. She was is her house when she received a message; that message said that her husband Brently Mallard had died in an accident of train. She was sad for the new when Brently Mallaerd apened the door. Louise died by her heart disease. The story of an hour shows the suffering of a woman when her husband died and this is the same in the real life because the story shows a process of suffering, a process of meditation, and a process of acceptation. In a process of suffering when Luise received the message of the death of her husband, “she wept at once, wild sudden wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms” (Chopin, 1894). It is the same in real life because, received the news of the death of a family, always is difficult of accepting. Receive the news of loss of a family member is very hard. Receive the news of loss of a family member is difficult to accept news. The people usually begin to cry and be depressed. In meditation, according to “The story of an hour”. Louise remembered the experiences that she and her husband had had throughout their marriage, she was watching the sky and she was thinking about what was still to come. People usually when they lose a family member try to get away from everything that is happening. When people lose a loved one try to find inner peace to be able to assimilate the situation According to Chapin in the story said “there would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself” (1894). Life continues for this reason, people that lost family have to accept their situation and continue. The loss of a loved one is hard but is no reason for the lives of their families’ stops. Always people has to recover from these circumstances.

In conclusion the story of an hour is based in events of real life. This story is so interesting and full suspense for that reason catch the attention of the reader and because it has a different ending of the expected. This is a story unexpected and surprise because in all the story don’t appear how go to finish until you come to the end and discover it. It is a story where show few aspects and few wrong feelings when you are Married because the protagonist had a guilt feeling because she wanted that her husband die. Is a story that occurs in a short period of time and it is a history that belongs to the tragic, dramatic and suspense genre.

References Chopin, Kate (1894). The story of an hour, retired from: access (12/10/2016).


The Last Judgment as Masterpiece Andrea Paola Toro Chalén Luis Alberto Calderon Salas Raúl Heriberto Rodríguez Espinoza Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research

The Last Judgment as Masterpiece “A man paint with his brain and not with his hands” - Michelangelo. Renaissance is a period considered as the cultural middle bridge between the Middle Age and Modern History. This period had a new thinking which became manifest in art, architecture, politics, science and literature. For that reason, renaissance contributed to the development of the society such as artistic. Renaissance had a lot of icons like Leonardo da Vinci and Micheangelo. Michelangelo was born in Caprese, Italy on March 6, 1475. He was poet, sculptor, architect, and painter. One of his pieces is The Last Judgment, created on 1537 and located in Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. This mighty composition spans the entire wall behind the altar of Sistine Chapel, and it offers a concrete example of controversies that were in that period. The painting as a whole has the following dimensions 539.3 × 472.4 in inches. The color palette is a composition of opaque to bright colors with a lapis lazuli blue sky as background. The Last Judgment is considered Michelangelo’s masterpiece because it has a complex composition, it is important to Catholics, and critics consider it a masterpiece. The Last Judgment has a complex composition and for this reason Michelangelo took four years to complete it. The painting in fresco is a technique that does not allow errors must be made by proportions because the next day the color is not absorbed. Basically, the chosen wall is prepared first with the liming and then with the plastering, a mixture of pozzolan, lime and water. Done drawing and wall in fresco the paint is rapidly spread. Michelangelo had many errors in how to paint the Sistine chapel in mixtures of colors and humidity which were perfected to later paint

The last Judgment on a wall with a new brick wall inclined to avoid dust. The picture represents the second coming of Jesus Christ is based on two things the Bible and the imagination of Michelangelo. The knowledge of Michelangelo on anatomy is reflected in the painting through naked bodies and muscle mass in the center of the painting is located Jesus Christ the judge who is separating humanity into two parts hell and heaven, and Mary observes the scene with fear. Underneath the figure of Christ are two saints: the first St. Lawrence holding a ladder this symbolizes his martyrdom through a grate and hot coals and St Bartholomew holding his own skin and in his right hand a knife because he was flayed alive. In the right corner this Biaggio da Cesena who was an assistant of pope who criticized the work of Michelangelo for his nudes and was nominated as one of the judges of hell. In the left corner angels push the damned to hell and the demons drag them. The Last judgment is very important to Catholics because is the main representation of Bible. According to Neil Collins painters had not often chosen to depict the last judgment, the importance it wasiven in the Sistine Chapel frescos, is wholly consonant with Renaissance theology. Preachers in the Papal Chapel frequently praised the wonder of the Creation and the splendor of the physical world. The iconography here follows the tradition of showing God standing on the Earth alongside his creatures, but the artist nicely exploits the format of the small field by showing God's head bumping up against the frame. The Sistine Chapel was dedicated to Christians. N. Collins said “Michelangelo shows Christ moving towards us, his vast gesture reaching across nearly the whole he panel. He is enveloped in a swirling mantel and accompanied by angels.� The top of the painting is described for the angels and the bottom of the painting is represented the hell where will go the people who don’t practice what says the Bible.

Critics consider this painting as a masterpiece because it is a principal painting of the Sistine Chapel is the last judgment for Christians because summarize what hopes and are afraid about the writings of the Bible. Camara E. said “The moment all Christians await with both hope and dread. This is the end of time, the beginning of eternity when the mortal becomes immortal, when the elect join Christ in his heavenly kingdom and the damned are cast into the unending torments of hell.” This is the best interpretation of the Last Judgment of Michelangelo because describe perfectly what we can see in the paint. The Christians hopes the life after life, but this happens if people practice what is statement in the Bible. If people don’t practice what says in the Bible on the other hand they would go to hell. According to Camara E. “Michelangelo’s Last Judgment is among the most powerful renditions of this moment in the history of Christian art.” The Last Judgment is the most represent paint made for Michelangelo to pay homage to Christians. In this paint its can see in the center to Christ and around him people in the up of the paint its can see angels, clouds and heaven simulated the world that will live, people that practice the values and moral expressed in Bible. Camara E. said “Christ is the fulcrum of this complex composition. A powerful, muscular figure, he steps forward in a twisting gesture that sets in motion the final sorting of souls.” Crist is in the center of the paint and he is who decides who will go to the life after life or who will go to the hell. To conclude, it is important to take into account that The Last Judgment by Michelangelo is a masterpiece. First, its complexity is a reason which Michelangelo took four years to complete it. The technique that he used was a new technique in the renaissance. The Last judgment is very important to Catholics because is the main representation of Bible. At the end, Critics consider

this painting as a masterpiece because The Last Judgment is the most represent paint made for Michelangelo to pay homage to Christians.

References Barnes, B. (2014, May 9). Metaphorical Painting: Michelangelo, Dante, and the Last Judgment.The Art Bulletin. Retrieved





Cohen, J. (2012). 7 Things You May Not Know About the Sistine Chapel. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from

Esperanza, C. (n.d.). Last Judgment - Essay by Dr. Esperanca Camara.Khan Academy. Retrieved








Genesis Fresco, Sistine Chapel (1508-12). (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2016, from

H. (2016). 7 Surprising Facts About the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from

Khan Academy. (n.d.).






Landy, A. (2011, January 2). Michelangelo: Naked Truths?.ART NEWS. Retrieved







College Degree Hook: “If you fight a war for forty years and do not win, you have to sit down and think about other things to do that might be more effective.” Juan Manuel Santos. Since years ago countries had been criminalized psychoactive substances; for example United States since San Francisco’s anti-opium law of 1875. Had been criminalized drugs. This law had been bringing a set of counterproductive events that could be stopped. According to Baum D. “Richard Nixon was who declared the first war on drugs.” The laws against illegal drugs had been created a class of band guys, killers and gang bangers that had made waste time and money to the government and society. If countries legalize marijuana; they do not waste their time and money against Illegal drug sale. Government could get more taxes and increase its economy and people would work on industries, companies elaborating variety of products with drugs in benefit to the people as medicaments. The benefits decriminalizing psychoactive substances is the best option that each country has because they do not will waste their time and money paying policemen; as well as politicians to confront illegal drug sales. According to Baum D. “Criminalization of drugs had been created a class of genuine bad guys – pushers, gangbangers, smugglers, killers”. Problems that not would have legalizing drugs. Criminalization had been created a considerable waste of economic incomes of the people that could be invested in other necessary stuff. For example in building hospitals, schools, parks. According to Baum D. “Is require spending $40 billion a years on enforcement.” All this money is necessary to face only in United States sale of drugs. Government waste a lot of quantity of money in illegal sale of drugs. The quantity of money and time wasted is very high and more in countries that have a great area as United States with the sale of drugs. Government of each country could get a lot of quantity of taxes that could increase their economy and with this could pay attention to the other important things; as undernourishment of children, public health and build hospitals and

other necessary infrastructures in benefit to the people. According to Baum D. “Ultimately this is all about building the proper cultural context for using drugs because this would create a culture with more knowledge and awareness about the topic and people could get more information to the pros and cons to the use of drugs. Is well known the sale and consumption of drugs have pros and cons, a lot of information that people could know if sale of drugs if it were legal. People would work in industries making products variety performed in based of drugs as marijuana. The products that could be performed are: creams to body care, textile products, food and fibers with medicinal purposes. According to Baum D. “We will have to do a better job at legalizing drugs that we did at re-legalizing alcohol if we want to hold addiction to a minimum.” Is true that the people would get addiction but it depends on how well informed are people; besides people could get better jobs and benefit their families and country at the same time. Much vandalism and misfortunes has generated the criminalizing psychoactive substances for the countries that still do not legalize the marijuana. In conclusion the best option to finish with all this undesirables stuff is decriminalizing drugs because if drugs were legal government would not have to waste their time and money in illegal sale of drugs. According to Baum D. “$40 billion per year is wasted in enforcement of controls to drugs.” All this money would be spent on infrastructure for society as schools or hospitals. Other positive thing that would change if is legalized drugs is that countries could create industries to sale products made with drugs as: clothes, food and textile products; that which could increase economy of both of people and therefore economy of a country.


The English language is better than other languages. RaĂşl RodrĂ­guez Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research

Abstract This research paper shows to reader some reasons of vast number of reasons of why the English language is better language than any other language to the language of science. In the origins of human being their language was consolidated as a medium to transmit our thoughts. The history of the language of science is very extensive dated since 15th century where the hegemony in the science language was the Latin language. After further works by the end of the 18th century, works in physics, chemistry and physiology appeared increasingly in English, French and German, but also in Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and other languages. Scilicet at the time had many options to choose the language of science but in the 20th century were happening events that favored to the English language to become in the language of science as by the early 1980s, English was occupying well over 80 per cent of world publication in the natural sciences. Studies carried out about the influence of speak and understand the English language than other language they have shown that allows the development of their brain more than other languages. One more reason for the language of science to be the English language. The best language to science is the English language because has more pure vowels, diphthongs and words that enrich it to language, contributing satisfactorily to the development of science and the English language was the international organizations pioneers that govern science were constituted in the first place. The English language is the language of the science and no other languages because English language is better than other languages.

Viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all. Richard Lederer. Since the origins of human being their language was consolidated as a medium to transmit ideas, concepts, messages, and thoughts. Haselby Sam (2010) explains the evolution of the language of the science until to consider as a language of the science to the English language: In the 15th century hegemony in the science language was the Latin language; the system commenced to break down in the middle of the 17th century when Galileo Galilei published his major works discovery of the moons of Jupiter in the Italian language. Newton’s Principia (1687) his Opticks of 1704 was in the English language (Latin translation 1706). By the end of the 18th century, works in physics, chemistry and physiology appeared increasingly in English, French and German, but also in Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and other languages. Around 1850, the scientific languages began to compress to English, French and German. By the early 1980s, English was occupying well over 80 per cent of world publication in the natural sciences. Now it hovers in the vicinity of 99 per cent. The evolutionary development of human being languages has also allowed the development of their brain. Vajda argues that the evolutionary development of human being languages has enabled them to acquire a groundbreaking brain, wherewith vocalizations and gestures are possible and this was inherited from our primate ancestors then quickly gave way to a creative system of language. Even more as claimed the natural evolution hypothesis, as soon as human being development their capacity language development of some specific system of forms with meanings would have been an inevitable next step. The current language of science is English. The goal of this essay is to suggest that the best language to science is the English language inasmuch as overwhelming majority of communication in the natural sciences takes place in English because Haselby (2010) argues that if everyone uses the same language, there is less friction caused by translation; also the English language has more pure vowels, diphthongs and words that enrich it to language, contributing satisfactorily to the development of science because studies have shown that processing linguistic phrases about actions activates premotor regions in an effector-specific manner and the English language is the official language of the science

and no other languages as Germany, French, Italian and Spanish because the international organizations pioneers that govern science were constituted in the first place by the English language. The English language begins as pioneer in international organizations whereby it should be given the prestige that the English language deserves. The importance to know, to talk, to write and to speak in English Language is upper currently than other languages as French, German, Italian and Spanish because the language of science is the English language. Haselby (2015) argues that today publishing in a fast-paced field in anything other than English – and in anything other than a leading journal – leads to work being ignored. The best language to science is the English language inasmuch as overwhelming majority of communication in the natural sciences takes place in English because it is the language already established for science and that another language becomes the language of science will slow many advances made with the English language. The supremacy of articles, books, magazines Scientifics was wrote in Latin, French, Italian or German in 17th century but with the passage of time the English language was consolidating as the language of science. According to Haselby S. “Around 1850, the scientific languages began to compress to English, French and German. By the early 1980s, English was occupying well over 80 per cent of world publication in the natural sciences. Now it hovers in the vicinity of 99 per cent.” Wherewith it will make it very difficult to displace the English language and put another language as the language of science. Haselby (2010) argues that if everyone uses the same language, there is less friction caused by translation. Whereby would also delay the advance and the work built by the English language in science. The English language must remain as the language of science. The English language is the most complete language of the world because has the mayor quantity of words than other language and has more pure vowels, diphthongs and words that enrich it to language, contributing satisfactorily to the development of science because studies have shown that processing linguistic phrases activates premotor regions. Perera (2010) explains the importance to learn the English Language: The English language plays a dominant role, one could even call it a hegemony… As a consequence, minimal room or no room at all is allowed to communicators of other languages to participate in science in their own voice—they are compelled to translate their ideas into English.

More significantly, contemporary science, everyone uses English almost to the exclusion of other languages; the French or German language not is accepted to the language of the science only English language. When people read or speak they do with a different shape that they write that in the Spanish language for example, people read or speak to the same way that they write. This is one of reasons that I say that the English language make people think more because they put more effort in learn to write, and other form to talk, that in the Spanish language is the same. Is true that develop of abilities of your brain like think not depends only for the language; that depends too of other factors as society, environment, but people that talk the English language has think more because have more abilities and can develop better their brains for the great quantity of words and rich vocabulary of the English language because can describe more things than people would with any other language. The English language develop better brains of people than other languages because has more vocabulary whereby can describe more things that with any other language. The World War I, brought with it a series of events that gave rise to happenings that advantage to the language of the science to be the English language. Porzucki argues that After World War I, was when international organizations to govern science like the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry were stablished. And those newly established organizations begin to function in English. German, which was the dominant language of chemistry was written out. And is product of World War I that which has occurred a gap between the English language and other languages as Germany, French or Italian. Other reason of the supremacy of the English language in science on the other languages is that the German languages for example was criminalized in 23 states of U.S. Porzucki argues that in 1923 the Supreme Court overturned those anti-German laws; but for years that was the law of the land. And that this results in a generation of future scientists who come of age in the 1920s with limited exposure to foreign languages; referring to the restriction of the foreign languages to the maternal language of U.S. The English Language. Ayelet N. Landau, Lisa Aziz-Zadeh and Richard B. Ivry explains that: Neuroimaging studies have shown that processing linguistic phrases about actions also activates premotor regions in an effector-specific manner (as cited by Hauk and PulvermĂźller, 2004; Hauk et al., 2004; Tettamanti et al., 2005; Aziz-Zadeh et al., 2006, 2008).

Therefore the current language of science must remain as the language of science for the great advances it promotes. In conclusion the English language is the language of the science because Lederer R. argues that the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race, and range of time, and is both the free and compacted composition of all. This is totally true because it is well known that other languages contribute to the English language with more vocabulary and has a hegemony over other languages and the English language inasmuch as overwhelming majority of communication in the natural sciences takes place in English because it has earned that prestige. The enrich vocabulary and words makes that the English language enhance the science. Has more pure vowels, diphthongs and words that enrich it to language, contributing satisfactorily to the development of science because studies have shown that processing linguistic phrases about actions activates premotor regions in an effector-specific manner and the English language is the official language of the science and no other languages as Germany, French, Italian and Spanish because the international organizations Pioneers that govern science were constituted in the first place by the English language. These are some of reasons of why the people have to talk and understand the English language and because the importance that has is such that people who do not know it should learn it. Haselby (2015) argues that today publishing in a fast-paced field in anything other than English – and in anything other than a leading journal – leads to work being ignored.

References Vajda, E. (n.d.). Linguistics 201: The Origin of Language. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from Gordin, M. D. (n.d.). Absolute English. Retrieved November 08, 2016, from

How did English become the language of science? (n.d.). Retrieved November 08, 2016, from

News, B. (2014). Nobel Prize: How English beat German as language of science. Retrieved December 05, 2016, from The Influence of Language on Perception: Listening to Sentences about Faces Affects the Perception of Faces. (2010, November 10). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from




In the first place the history of college is recent; and born by the necessity of the industry, companies by to increase their production. College was a method including now how people can get a job. For these reasons in the college was implemented only the subjects that help to improve to the industry as math, chemistry, physics, etc. Some people do not like study subjects or do particular things and do not want to study at college because they want to learn other things that not is in the academic mesh of college. Have a degree in these days is convert something totally necessary to get a stable work. To have a stable work is necessary for people because without work they do not acquire nothing. In all world go to college is totally necessary because if you do not have college degree you cannot have a job. Currently with the subjects imparted at college; all people can create something new and innovate. With science for example, people could innovate. In conclusion, the best reason to go at college is have a better life and benefit to other people with your work. Go at college is absolutely necessary because develop a society awareness with problems of world, and make to them think as they can solve that difficulties. College in the future will be absolutely necessary more that now for all people because society is increasing and would be more difficult find a job.

Diamante Poem About my passion Title: Extreme sports Author: RaĂşl Heriberto RodrĂ­guez Espinoza Extreme sport Noun

bungee jumping,

river rafting


jumping, competing


Action Verb



Action Verb










Action Verb






eagerly Adverb


Adventure sport Noun

Slides: Presentation of Final Research Project

Link of an awesome video support my presentation: om/watch?v=n3nOsi_Mtg

Gratefully with my partners and teacher; this are our photos in the final presentation

I am sincerely grateful for the time that you taken to read my portfolio. It is a reason of pride to have finished this amazing course full of great experiences.

With affection,

RaĂşl RodrĂ­guez.

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