Rony quinatoa portfolio

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MY ENGLISH MEMORY Rony Quinatoa English language program level 6 Yachay Tech University

My English Memory By Rony Quinatoa

English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6 – 007 Teacher: Matthew Mackey January 9, 2017 Imbabura – Ecuador

Table of contents Portfolio Letter Literary Analysis Interpretation and Collaboration essay Argumentative Essay Final Research Project essay Thanks Letter

Rony Quinatoa Hacienda San José, Yachay University, Urcuquí - Imbabura. January 9, 2017

Dear Portfolio Reader,

Hello, I am Rony and as a part of my final experience of my English program in Yachay Tech University, I am going to present you some surprising aspects that I lived in the current semester period. This is a collection about my best job in the English level 6, some of my good and bad experiences, and some reflections that I have had. My portfolio is formed by 3 essays and the final research paper which should had been the best paper of this semester. So, I’m sure that I can continue with my academic career. At the beginning of the semester, I was a bad student, I did not put interest and responsibility; however, I was growing through this semester with my teacher, my friends, and with my classmates. I could interact with many people who help me to grow personally and academically. I was able to identify many strengths that I did not know I had, in addition, also I could identify many of my struggles, many of which I could not solve, but I learned how live with that. At the beginning of this semester, I did not know much about English, especially in speaking and listening, although I had many problems with that, thanks to my excellent teacher I could improve this struggles. I had some problems (struggles), especially with the group essays, although this is a good way to improve my abilities, I could no work well with my classmates. I am very strange when I

am doing any job, I prefer to work alone, my teacher says that is fine, but someday I will need help and for that reason I have to try to work in group. Furthermore, to communicate with other people that are not my classmates, or my teachers, or my friends, I have to improve those struggles. This is a part of my life and I will try to do it better. On the other hand, the best improvement was developing ideas and citing the references in my essays, for example in my first essay I did not put well the references, so, my essay was considered a plagiarism for my teacher, but he talked with me asking if I did it consciously, it was not so, but I learned about that. And in my last essay, the final research paper, I did the citing better, well I think so. Another thing I could improve is the responsibility, and the learning in classes, because now, I understand much better that at the beginning of this semester. Even though I have growth considerably, I am going to continue using my English language and improve it each day, this is my goal. I will try to interact more with people that know about English and I will try to share my experience there. The most beautiful experience that I bring with me is that my teacher was a very good teacher. I have had some good teachers, many of which help me to grow and I am gratefully with them. I hope that in the feature I can be better in my jobs and in my life. Thanks to read this letter and I hope you had enjoyed reading this paper, and also seeing this portfolio which I made with much effort.


Rony Quinatoa

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis Rony Quinatoa Yachay Tech October 13, 2016

Literary Analysis The story of things is basically based in confusion. This short story gives to people an interesting point of analyze. A confusion caused in the story makes the reader have doubt. There are many question that the reader has when he begins to read an entertaining story as this. The story has a plot very confusing and certainly is very probable that people do not understand what the author really wants to say; however, a critical point is what people think, what they believe about author’s idea, and if the author presents details about how is developed the story. The setting is an important part of the story because it helps the people to understand the ending. The writer trough this short story and relating the setting with the plot, make people think about some aspects without coherence. For example, why the story is developed in the yard outside the home? It is the most important question. According to Carver (n.d.) in the lecture “Why don’t you dance” he says that “things worked no different from how it was when they were inside”, this sentence does not show much details to the reader and causes confusion because it makes the reader think how it is possible. Something curious is that things looks like when they were inside. The reader may think that it could be a garage-sale, but it is not true. In addition, people do not know who the owner of that home is, maybe that home could be property of someone, but he is not known. The most difficult or hard part to understand is if the purposed setting means something more than just a place. In the story, when the two teenagers are in the house, Carver (n.d.) say “the man come down the sidewalk with a sack from the market…, and say hello to the girl”, this is something crucial in the story because, no one knows if that man is the owner of that house. This man just come into the house, and begins to sell things that are in the yard to these teenagers. That man is an interesting point to analyze because nobody can come to any place and

start to sell the things that are in the place. Furthermore, those teenagers do not ask him if he is the owner of the house, and for that reason this action was a great mistake from them. The setting is important because it shows to the reader something mysterious, and that is important to catch the attention of the reader. There is something mysterious in the story because in the story is mentioned that there is an electrical connection outside of the home, and for this reason these things serve the same way if they were inside the home. The man use the things that are in the yard, and make the teenagers feel a comfortable sensation. They drink and dance until they stay drunk. And at the end of the story, the writer do not mention that man, it was like that man disappear of the story and that the teenagers stay in shock try to explain to other people what had happened. Besides, they were trying to convince people that there was a man with them. Finally, the plot of the story is something confusing because it causes a wrong expectative, but the setting helps people to understand better the story. At the end of the story, the reader maybe could do some assumptions about that man that appears mysteriously, following the story. The setting is the most important part to start analyzing this short story. It is better that the reader has critical and analytical thinking and from that way he or she can interpret the story and have good conclusions about the story.

Interpretation and Collaboration Essay

Interpretation of “Las Meninas” art of Diego Velasquez Rony Quinatoa Andrea Cevallos Anthonny Montero María Judith Caisachana Yachay Tech University November 18, 2016

Interpretation of “Las Meninas” art of Diego Velasquez Vincent Van Gogh once said, “Normally is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but not flowers grow on it”. According to the Don Quijote web site, Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez is one of the most important and controversial paintings in the word history. The art piece was created in Spain in 1656, during the Spanish monarchy. “Las Meninas” is an art piece that has so many details that makes people have different perspectives and it is very awesome to see. The interpretation depends on the observer's viewpoint, and can be multiple depending in what the details represents to them. For that reason, “Las Meninas” is a masterpiece that represent real power is given by others. The expressions of the subjects gives a confusing and striking idea to the viewers of the art piece. The eyes of the majority of people who appear in the painting are focusing in something or someone in front of them, and some of them have their attention on the little girl in the middle of the painting. This perspective of the subjects gives to observer the impression that the subjects are watching something so important to them, this is probably something that they need to pay homage. If observers put their attention to the background of the painting, they can realize that there is something similar to a mirror, but basing on the idea that this is a mirror viewers can suppose that people on the mirror are those who deserve respect. Do to this, it is easy to realize that paying attention to the details that expressions on the faces of the characters of a painting, people can have a perspective about the meaning that the artist want to transmit. The power of rich people in those ages is represented in its majority by the way in which they wear. The clothes of the people present in the painting attract the attention of viewers. In this painting women wear exaggerated dresses; these are pompous and have a lot of details in the design, for example the dress of women have flowers, folds, on the hips the dress goes very tight.

And men wear cloths decorated with remarkable embroidery. These cloths are elegant and refined. Furthermore, it is easy to differ that the little girl in the center of the painting wears a dress more striking and refined than the rest because the clothes represent a status of people. This shows that Velazquez lived in the baroque period. This period is characterized by wearing exaggerated and refined cloths. In addition, the power that royalty has is showed in the way which they wear because in that age not anyone wore so. For this reason, the girl belongs to royalty because wear a dress more extravagant than the rest and she is the principal character of the painting, besides around her is the representation of servants because they show an especial kind of attention on the little girl. The painting shows a sophisticated environment where the people can appreciate some details that allow to think that the people painted there have an excellent economic situation. Examples of these things are the artworks hanged in the back wall, the companion dog on the front, details on the infrastructure of the building like a door made of carved wood or the candelabra in the ceiling. The picture allows the viewers to interpret the period when the picture was painted through the characteristic hairstyles of the middle age, infrastructure´s features as curves, ellipses and spirals that are characteristics of the architecture in the baroque age. It has sense with the setting of the art because the painter requested a lot of money to work and he was the official painter of the king Felipe IV and after the camera painter of the court. This is a masterpiece that just rich people could have. The artist tries to show that the observer of the painting forms part of the painting. The painting inspires a feeling of curiosity and anxiety because it traps the observer in the room, that is to say that part of the room continues where the observer would be standing, and the only way out is the door that opens in the room in the background. In this painting, the artist inspires a

feeling of restlessness because if people look at the person who has the canvas and a brush, he seems to be painting a portrait of the observer because it causes the impression that the painter is watching the observer. The artist gets all of these effects across because he uses optical effects and combinations of colors to give the impression that the observer forms part of this painting. The painting reflect that could be a hierarchy because the painter focuses on the girl of the center, this could mean that the girl mean something important. The author locates other important characters at the top of the work, for example himself is standing on one side and appears as the tallest character, the queen and the king are in the center of the work reflected in a mirror that share a power sensation with the observer. Basically, in that age the position of people like kings, queens and princesses had whole attention of other people. Based on the perspective that the painter gives to people, it could say that when that painting was done, the whole illumination highlight the beauty of the girl of the center that can assume as the princess. Furthermore, all people that are around the girl of the center, seems like if they give the attention to the painter. The position of this painting looks like people are seeing a mirror in front of them because all people are in a specific position, located to give a confusing but perfect masterpiece. To sum up, this painting has many perspectives to show. This is an abstract art that give a confusing idea of how the painting was done. The painting show an interesting point of view, in which reflect the age, vestment, and the environment in which was developed. Making reference in an exceptional masterpiece that Velasquez show to people, it can assume that he works for the royalty, and his focus on the girl of the center shows a kind of hierarchy. Analyzing the perspective of how the observer see this art, it can assume that when they are seeing the painting looks like a mirror in front of them. In addition, people in the painting also give the impression that they are seeing something in front of them. Furthermore, seen in other perspective, in this

painting the painter shows the power that people have to handle others, and their way to represent that is very suspicious and some confusing with her masterpiece “Las meninas�.

References Ellsworth. B. (2010). The Mirrors of Las Meninas: Cochineal, Silver, and Clay. Retrieved November 15, 2016. Don Quijote Spanish School (n.d.).Las Meninas - Famous Velazquez Painting | don Quijote. Retrieved November 18, 2016, from Foucault, M. (1968). Las palabras y las cosas, una arqueología de las ciencias humanas. Retrieved November 14, 2016 from: Monge, C. (2003). Las sombras de la duda (Velázquez y el barroco literario español). Retrieved November 16, 2016 from: script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-04622003048800007 Underwood, R. (2008). Critical Analysis of Diego Velázquez’s Las Meninas. Retrieved November 15, 2016 form:

Argumentative essay

English in an early age Rony Quinatoa Yachay Tech November 23, 2016

English in an early age The way how people think determines their perspective. Language is an important part of the growth of children. Based in the different languages, people can think in different ways. When children grow and develop their skills in the use of language, they need to communicate with other people around them. Schools are responsible that children can learn one language or other depending what is more awesome for them. The learning of children depends on what is the environment in which they are developing. The schools, universities, and institutes are looking for ways to teach easier and give to children the tools that serve them to improve their learning in language, science, and some other subjects as arts. Due that children acquire knowledge for their curiosity, they can learn English in an early age depending the tools that they have, and as a result they could acquire another perspective to see the world. Children learn easily in their childhood. According to Sedivy (2016) “childhood languages vibrate with greater emotional intensity than do those learned in more academic settings�. Children can learn a language more easily in their childhood because is the age when the brain processes are more cognitive. The childhood is the expected age to children can do or experiment many things that help them to develop the mentality and capacity to understand and transmit knowledge. This is better than when they are teenagers. The question is why do children have to do many things in the childhood? It is easy to understand that children learn about the thing that they touch, see, or hear. In this case, children learn English language listening, seeing, or writing, these three thing help to child develop more their skills. The language as well as customs is the first thing that they learn because it is the way how they communicate what they want.

Speaking two languages at the same time difficult the English language learning. For those people who just speak one language result more easier learn English that those who have to speak more than one. Especially in schools, children have to speck more than one language, it is because this children have to interact with others trying to understand them. For all people in general result difficult learn one language that is not their native language; thus, children have to just interact with one language at time. If they have to interact with two languages at the same time, then they have more probabilities to understand less. In the first instance, the interdisciplinary education centers as schools, universities, people understand less because interact with many other people that speak more than one language. On the other instance, schools that just are handled in one language have more understanding. The process of recognition of things allows children to remember the things learned in their childhood. According to Sedivy (2016), “there is a stronger evidence that memory intertwines a language with experiences and interactions through which that language was learned”. The memory is the tool that serve to children to remind helpful things. In children, the memory intertwines in the process of learning and teaching, For example, it is more easy to children remember helpful things than bad things, that is because people are costumed to remember things that bring good memories. Due that language is necessary to learn for children because they need to communicate with others, this idea of the memory is a little confusion yet. If language is learned through good experiences, it will be easiest to remember for children. It is probable that children can’t learn English in an early age. It is possible that the way what children learn English can’t be the correct way. For example in schools, the traditional learning is in classroom, they have to see and hear their teacher. This kind of learning could result something tired for children. There are some aspects that affect the process of learning a

language, and one of those things is the interest. The interest determines how people learn; if people show interest in learn a new language, it will result easy for them, but if people do not have interest, this could result very bad or tired. In addition to this, the learning process depends on the way how it is taught because when children learn a language with patience, they will have time to understand and acquire almost all knowledge about that language. However, people can encourage their children to learn English at an early age. Childhood is where people can take advantage of learning. It is the first step of the learning process, and if children show interest in learn English language, parents could encourage them and from that way children could learn quickly. This age could be very critical for their development, and for their perspective of the life and of the things around them. To sum up, language is important in the development of children, and if people focus on their childhood, children would learn English in an early age. Furthermore, the wan of teaching and the environment where children learn English are the keys to learning English in an early age. And finally, encouraging children to develop some habits of learning allow them develop another perspective to analyze things and to learn English in an early age.

References Sedivy, J. (2016). How morality changes in a foreign language. Scientific American Magazine. Retrieved November 23, 2016 from: -language/

Final Research Paper

Education and its Influence on the Economy Rony Quinatoa Yachay Technological University for Experimental Research December 04, 2016

Abstract Ecuador need to solve many problems in its economy and in its education system. The education system is the best way to try to change the economy in time. Many of the negative aspects that the current education system has need to be improved. The perspective of this essay is to consider that some changes in the education system will not just help the economy, but also help the people’s life and their status. Ecuador needs to overcome the poverty and try to develop more helpful businesses in science and technology, and from that way encourage people to generate more jobs and a better way to learning.

Education and its Influence on the Economy Herbert Spencer once said “The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action”. Education is something important in the life of any people. For this reason that in the past the education system was designed for each country. Although education in the past was standardized and handled by some institutions like the church, today many of those aspects still continue in some parts of the world, especially in Ecuador there are still schools that are handled by the church. The problem of this kind of education is the unidirectional system because this system does not allow people to really understand what problems the country has. However, in these moments this kind of thoughts are changing. People are going beyond of unidirectional system trying to understand what problems the country want to solve. The education is intimately related with economy, it is proved that through education, the economy of any country could change. The countries in South America need some of this changes to can develop more their economic situation. And for that reason, changing the education system in Ecuador will be the best way to improve the economy, and as a result, bring many benefits for the country. Education helps to the development of the economy for the human welfare. Economy is one of the most important parts of a country because it help to the country’s development. Due to that education and economy are intimately related people often have some question about: how education can help to economy of the country? How education can change the economy? and, how people can take advantage of the education to develop some kind of business? Many of these question are easy to answer, and it is because education is the base of the economy of the 21th century. According to Ken Robinson (2010), “Every country on Earth at the moment is reforming public education because

people trying to work out how do we educate children to take their place in the economies of 21th century”. The economy of the 21st century is continuously developed based on people's level of education, their ability to do business, and to develop something useful for the community. The fact is when people are educated, the standards of economy can quickly increase. To improve the economy in Ecuador is necessary change first the education system, and then the mentality of people and their perspective. Education is the best way for try to achieve a significant change in the economy. Basically the education is the key of the success of any people. People use education as tool to find a job, but sometimes they use this tool in a wrong way. According to George Leef (2013), “College itself is not an investment, just one way to increase your value”. This point of view is true because today the current society does not bring much importance to a college degree. The current society has the idea that productivity not always is composed by people with college degree because often people without college degree can do a job much more efficiently. The earnings of people who have college degree is not the same as 30 or 40 years ago because some people buy the college degree, this means that people just have the wrong idea of the knowledge that is given in the schools. However, people who take advantage of education always they obtain good earnings and achieve great changes for their economic situation. People have the potential to make anything a great inventions. Applying some changes in the education system students, teacher, and the society in general can change the direction of Ecuadorian economy. The model of education in Ecuador and the Ecuadorian economy have some problems. For example, the unidirectional learning that is leaded by the state. While the state does not change the curriculum of education, the country cannot change its economy. Another example is the poverty. Many people have the idea of changing the poor country with education. Education gives to poor

people the possibility to change their life, it is just as in Africa. While people do not understand the importance of the education, the situation about poor in the country will continue. The fact is that education would change the current situation of the Ecuador giving the tools that the country needs, this tools would be: knowledge, possibilities to develop material of anything to help the community, possibilities to develop a business, great standards of education and economy in any place in the country. Moreover, with education is necessary to the relationships between countries. The benefits that education has would be implemented in many parts of the economy field. In addition, here are the extra benefits for the country: students would have the power to lead, and this means that students can lead businesses, companies, treaties, and relationships with other people. Producing more effective leaders is essential to building a better society and better world suggests that leadership development. Students would acquire academic experiences for try to teach to some other people. Easiness to resolve problems, self-knowledge, empathy, and authenticity; all people can acquire all of this aspects to implement them to achieve businesses that help the economy. (Alexander W. Astin & Helen S. Astin, 2000) Some people disagree and say that the Ecuadorian education system have had success and does not have to change. It is evident that people that are affected by the change in the education system could be disagree because the benefits that this current education system gives them could finish. The majority of these “rich” people are driving great enterprises, they need the current education system to handle others in their way, as they want. The current education system is used for these rich people as a tool to find “poor” people that can be used as machines, teenagers or adults that just follow the instructions of rich people in the power. These rich people take advantage of that teenagers

or adults that do not have much knowledge. Furthermore, these rich people think of the way as 30 or 40 years ago in which people in the power could drive all of businesses. However, these rich people are wrong because in the 21th century the economy goes together with education, creativity and divergent thinking, and therefore changing the education system is the best way to improve the economy. Divergent thinking and the creativity are not the same thing and these two things are much related with education. Education have driven by the divergent thinking, the process to have original ideas. Education have had to go beyond of traditional education which not allow people to think. In this time the education is based on how student and teacher work together to develop something. In addition, changes that affect the education, affect the economy too because education and economy are related. Some positive changes in education would allow people the capacity to transform the current economy of Ecuador just like in countries that change their education system as in Finland. To sum up, education has much influence in the economy of any country. Especially in countries of South America, and more specific in Ecuador. Ecuador needs many changes to increase their economy and education gives the possibility to accomplish this goal. There are many benefits of changing education system in Ecuador like, people can acquire knowledge, generate jobs, generate businesses and develop inventions in science and technology which help the economy of the country. In addition, people have to take advantage of the education to improve their lives, their status, and the economy of the community in general, and from that way help to eradicate the poverty of the country which is necessary. In conclusion, changing the current education system in Ecuador helps people to increase their level of life, their economy, and to acquire knowledge which has much value in the 21th century.

References Astin, W. & Astin, H. (2000). Engaging higher education in social change. Retrieved December 1, 2016, from:

Leef G. (2013). Don’t Buy The Hype, Collegue Education Is No An Investment System. Forbes. Retrieve from: notaninvestment The RSA Animate. & Robinson, K. (Director) (2010, October 14). Changing Education Paradigm. [Video file]. Retrieved September 30, 2016, from:

Thanks to read this letter and I hope you had enjoyed reading this paper, and also seeing this portfolio which I made with much effort.


Rony Quinatoa

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