My English Journey Jonnathan Salinas Yachay Tech University English Language Program L6-008 Mark Alan Poese January 10,2017 Urcuqui,Ecuador
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Porfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary analysis essay 4. Interpretation (Collaborative) essay 5. Argumentative essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials 8. Thank you letter
Jonnathan Salinas Departamento de InglĂŠs (ELP) Universidad Yachay Tech 100119 UrcuquĂ, Imbabura, Ecuador January 10,2017 Dear Portfolio Reader,
Level 6 English was a fundamental pillar for my development in communication, this semester of I proposed to improve my English level when I listened to other people, I am a fifth semester student and my English cases are very important. Being able to understand what the teachers communicate to me is fundamental as well as being able to communicate with them when I have doubts in classes. Three fundamental approaches are the ones that I could improve in this semester, writing, improvising and speaking. The writing was based on paragraphs and essays with standards of writing to prepare me in my future career. Research and reading of many paragraphs helped to understand the structures of research work. It also helps me to understand and learn new words. The rules quoted a paragraph and how to paraphrase an idea. Was an improbable opportunity to practice for my professional future. Improvisation is another important thing that could improve on this course. Each class has 5 minutes to talk about a random topic with which we have to search and talk about things with our classmates. We learn to communicate on issues that we are not prepared for and
we have to explain what we understand and learn from other students. The improvisation of ideas and words help to improve communication and the experiences we have. In level 6 classes students have to make several exhibitions. The expositions allow us to improve our way of communicating, improving pronunciation. When we listen to our classmates we have to adapt to the different types of pronouncements and for this reason we improve listening to words in English. When we expose we speak and ask as if it were a normal conversation, this helps our experience. In conclusion, this level helped a lot to improve my current level of English through the writing of slides and exhibitions. The level can be improved if more than one discussion is implemented, that helps a lot to think, listen and discuss an opinion in English. More games to help integrate between the classmates and the teacher. However this level is a very important step because it gives us the basis for a future in which we need to expose and write many works in English. Jonnathan Salinas
The Influence of Language on Our Thoughts Jonnathan Salinas Yachay Tech University
Jonnathan Salinas ELP L6 – 018 2017
The Influence of Language on Our Thoughts There are thousands of languages in the world and many are slowly disappearing. Each language is a different way of describing the world. Then is it possible that there are different ways of perceiving the world? Studies focused on finding different ways of seeing things around us, and how it changes depending on the type of language. Language is developed to describe an environment and communicate ideas, but those ideas change, since it is different as the needs that each culture has. In this way one thing can have different meanings or forms to use in every given culture. Thanks to this principle we can say that when a person learns another language, we learn to think in a different way or learn to see things differently from what we are accustomed. As talks on the work done by Betty Birner in "Does the language I speak the way I think influence?� She speaks of work done on the Hopi, a Native American language spoken in northeastern Arizona. Thanks to this work we can confirm that language changes, and the way you see things that are around us is different for speakers of Hopi. The needs that help shape culture are based on their needs and cultural language. The main differences between the languages are with colors and how to count. We describe how colors can change as much specializes language that in other languages. The way to group objects numerically also changes a lot. As the fundamental point for change in thinking this culture. The needs of people vary as they are distributed worldwide. Factors such as climate, land, food and other things, are forming a lifestyle. People learn to adapt, so we learn to change mindset and talk shows make it faster and more efficient. For this reason the way we see the world is very objective. Some see from the inside out while other people see it from the outside in.
Another thing that can be seen between languages, is how to account for objects. In English and Japanese, i you can see a difference between things that are countable and others that are not countable. This is a good example as it is also the case with the Spanish. There is also talk of how we see the time, or as we measure time. This is a rather strange idea, but I understood when we think about how other people see the time in other languages. Avery interesting example which you can see a very simply e is the difference between the way of thinking in each language. The author talks about colors and their derivatives. When we think of red and pink as different colors we are being influenced by our language, this is because the rose is just a brighter red. By changing the intensity, we change the color tone, but the colors are derived from three primary colors interact. In a language there is a very wide range of colors, and they are considered different from each other. In other languages red is a primary color and gradually degrades, but no longer red. In conclusion we must understand that each language has its own way of seeing the world and things around them. This is adapted to each culture and the needs they have. When we learn other languages, we learn how they see the world and we can see things with a different approach. With form you learn more languages, you have to change your thinking to communicate properly. Language is adapted to the needs of its speakers and thanks to that we can learn to think how other people think. References Bimer, B. (n.d). Does the language I speak influence the way I think? Linguistic Society of America.
Check APA format for italics in the References section.
The next industrial revolution
The industrial revolution is a part in time that separates or divides the past and the future of technology. The changes in the current technology are very clear and important. At this point it is possible that nanotechnology may be the new industrial revolution. At the present time studies in nanotechnology such as cancer medicine and others provide a promising future.
The story tells a young man who uses his imagination and his intelligence to get out of many problems. One day the young man finds himself walking in the middle of a house where he lived a very rich spree. He asked for something to eat but she did not want to give him anything, then he decides to cook a soup of metals and the lady is astonished. The young man deceives the lady so that he gives her many ingredients and so cook without her being aware of it.
The story of "Araby" is the story of a child having a friendly. Hi is friend has a sister and the boy was very interested in her. One day she talked to the boy. She needs a person to go to Araby, at this time she talks to her brother's friends and they have commitment in Arabic. Araby is a bazar that she wanted to cook from a lot. Thanks to the boy she can go to that place.
The theme in "Araby" is a child's experience and his love. In the history of "Stone Soup", it is more akin to "the lottery" than "Araby". In "Stone Soup", the man used his intelligent
and his imagination to have food. In "Araby" history can be our life a learning of a boy's development. Experiences in their living form a good person or not.
The 4 stories have a level of resort, however for me. The two most significant stories are "Araby" and "Stone Soup". I remember a very similar story in Ecuador. The story "Stone Soup" for me is another version of a story my grandfather used to tell me. The story of "Araby" is simpler to illustrate than the other story. Both are very good stories.
Interpretation of the Garden of Earthly Delights Geanella Flores Jonnathan Salinas Laura Zules Paul Matute Yachay Tech University
Author Note ELP L6-018 Winter 2017
Interpretation of the Garden of Earthly Delights
The triptych "Garden of Earthly Delights" by Master Bosch is an important part of the history and of the Catholic religion. Composed of three parts or three internal paintings and covered by two doors with a wood decoration and a representation of the world. The religion took a great part of the history by which to know and to interpret these events are of great relevance. The work goes back to between 1490 and 1510 and the most important work of the master is discussed. The work is composed of a central panel and two rectangles hung on the lateral side of the central panel. The outer wings or rectangles are folded and perfectly cover the central frame. When these are closed we can see the representation of the world, this has to represent the creation of the known universe described in the bible. According to the bible, the earth was created on the first day and that is what it is proposed to represent in this scene. A wooden body and two hinges are what give life to this painted exterior.
The inner part of the triptych is composed of three parts. The first represents everything good, the Garden of Eden at a better time. This is the sample or the idea of perfection, the first steps of man after creation. While the central part is a mixture between people and sin. It represents how people went to the path of evil and sin, it is the world in which we find ourselves today. The last part represents evil and sin, is a picture of hell. People and suffering are the main attraction and seeks to represent what will happen if people go the wrong way. In conclusion, the representation of the beginning and the end of the man represented in the whole picture or the union of pictures. Religious thought was very important at this time and shows the respect that was had. When we see this work, we can understand why religion could create so many changes in history. Also how people understood religion and how it was their respect for it.
References P.Silva. (26 de 01 de 2016). ABC Cultura-Arte. Recuperado el 10 de 11 de 2016, de Fraenger, W. & Kaiser, E. ( 1951). The Millennium of Hieronymus Bosch. New York: Hacker Art Books. Original publication: Fraenger, W. & Bosch, H. (1947). Das Tausendjährige Reich. Grundzßge einer Auslegung, Winkler-Verlag Coburg, 142 pages. Gibson, W. (1973). Hieronymus Bosch. New York: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-20134X. Glum, P. (1976, Mar.). "Divine Judgment in Bosch's 'Garden of Earthly Delights". The Art Bulletin, Volume 58, No. 1, 45-54. Glum, P. (2007) The key to Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights" found in allegorical Bible interpretation, Volume I. Tokyo: Chio-koron Bijutsu Shuppan. ISBN 978-4-80550545-8.
The censorship. Censorship in is a problem in for the correct communication between people. When a message, story or news is submitted to caesura, the credibility of the information cannot be trusted. There are many types of censorship with the present, for example in education, television, politics and others. Censorship is a means of control and in many cases abuse. Although in many cases censorship is of great help in others they are only part of a power of oppression. Censorship produces problems of communication, cultural problems, generates a group of power and distrust.
Problems produced in a correct communication, when a message or news is transmitted from one person to another or is transmitted by a means of communication, the information has usually been altered. In many cases you hear things other than the same event. These problems are very common in today's society and in many cases it is because censorship eliminates or changes important things when passing or transmitting a message. Of course in many cases is just not to cause problems. However, the message is no longer the same.
Cultural problems are caused largely by the censorship of videos or images. It is very common in Japanese cartoons, when an anime is created and is transmitted from Japan to the United States receives much caesura which is change many of the things that define the Japanese culture and changes it to adhere to the rules and The American culture. The fact of not being able to transmit from one culture to another is very useful and important. In this case censorship generates loss of culture and information.
The Next Industrial Revolution Jonnathan Salinas Yachay Tech University
Jonnathan Salinas ELP L6 – 018 2016
Next Industrial Revolution The industrial revolution led to the biggest advances of all time. Thanks to this change, in the last 40 years we have advanced more than in the last thousand years. With the industrial revolution the world experienced a total change. However, at this time we find something that is about to revolutionize the world dramatically for the second occasion. It is nanotechnology, the branch of physics that studies taking a very important step. Science fiction is becoming a reality. Nanotech will provide a big change one that could be compared with a new industrial revolution. Change the way we see the world the way as we see ourselves and how we feel. Nanotechnology generates a very significant opportunity in technological markets. Currently smartphones that go on sale are reaching technology levels so high, as to compete with conventional desktop computers. In addition, there are many more technological markets which are not related to the telephone companies that are investigating the field of nanotechnology. Trademarks known internationally, as is the case of Apple, no longer have the first place in world sales. New companies with high technology are emerging with technology based on nanotechnology. The field of medicine is very attentive to the advances in the detection and treatment of diseases that until now were not treatable or difficult to treat. The problems and challenges involved in the use of nanotechnology are largely economic and the manipulation of atoms at these scales. The economic part is very important since at the moment the investigations in nanotechnology only remain on paper because it is not counted on the sufficient economic aid. Few companies and entrepreneurs invest in this type of area because the results require a lot time to complete these ideas.
The other problem facing nanotechnology is physical manipulation. Many of the studies are done by computer with optimal results, but putting them into practice involves manipulating atoms and placing them each in a certain place to form molecular structures in the form of rings, tubes and others. However, companies such as Samsung, Xiaomi and other large companies are already very advanced in these fields, such as curved screens that were presented in their conferences. The battery and battery industry is another area in which many benefits with current advances in nanotechnology are already being made.. Computers, cell phones, cars, speakers and many other technological gadgets of the present day depend on batteries. Batteries have to be lightweight, small and with a high performance. These advances are allowing new technological artifacts to reach more compact sizes and with better characteristics. Much of the current research in the use of nanotechnology is to further the performance of the batteries. Achieving an 8% improvement in a battery from a previous version represents a great achievement, however nanotechnology proposes an improvement of 230% compared to the current batteries. Green and recyclable batteries with better performance and higher loading speed are the future that nanotechnology offers us, the uses that are intended to give this technology has no limits and also aims to lower costs. Education and research today are very interested in nanotechnology. New universities understand the level that represents and the economic impact that this brings, we have an example of the experimental technology here at University Yachay Tech, which is one of the pioneers in Latin America to have this career option in their academic curriculum. According to a study conducted by the Science Citation Index (SCI) (2008), "Between 2000 and 2007 there is a 150% increase in articles published by emerging powers
such as China, India and South Korea." Before, nanotechnology was only a specialization or for doctorates, but now it is included in the undergraduate program of universities. In addition new university students are very interested in this branch of physics. How we see the world and everything around us will change. Nanotechnology is rising with the things around us. For example, new windows are cleaned automatically, metals are more resistant than steel, flexible displays and smart drugs are being developed, and so on.. Many of these devices are already in the testing stage, and next mind will go on sale worldwide. We have to adapt to new inventions and change the current market. The educational level will be stricter and has to focus on nanotechnology. Without any doubt, this technology will leave behind manual work and pass on to a world of automation. The new universities are taking very seriously the issue of nanotechnology, information that is available on the internet is incredible. Use new learning systems and show the advantages that generate work in nanotechnology. We can study development as the industrial revolution and use it as a comparison for the future of nanotechnology. In conclusion, nanotechnology will be influenced by a change of era, similar to the change that occurred in the industrial revolution. The new fields of study are centered in the fields that study the development of nanotechnology. The most obvious changes at the moment are health, technology, education and other branches that will be the most important. The discoveries and advances made in nanotechnology in the field of health show a clear change in the current level, the technology presents similar and even more determined advances to science fiction. Developing countries need to focus their investments on nanotechnology and be prepared for what is coming in the industrial and economic future.
References Peterson, C. (January, 2000). Molecular Nanotechnology: the Next Industrial Revolution. New York: Foresight Institute. Scott, E. (Apr 10, 2010). Nanotechnology: America's Next Industrial Revolution. Valley View: Nanofilm. Stokes, M. (Sept 1, 2014). Nanotechnology and big data – the next industrial revolution? London, United Kingdom. Freitas, R. (1999). Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities, Landes Bioscience.
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