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My memories in Level 6 Samantha Solange Salazar

Yachay Tech University English Language Program Level 6 Yachay, Ecuador

Credits My memories in Level 6 Samantha Solange Salazar English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-016 Teacher: Hamilton Quezada January 13, 2017 Yachay, Ecuador.

Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary Analysis 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentation essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials 8. Thank you letter


Samantha Solange Salazar Del Pozo San Miguel de Urcuqui, Hacienda San JosĂŠ s/n and Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador December 15, 2016

Dear Portfolio Reader, Knowing about me.

In the English Language Program, the level six is the last level that we must pass to enter for fifth semester at Yachay tech University because we will receive all subjects in English. My name is Samantha Solange Salazar. Welcome to my E-Portfolio. I am very grateful with you for reading my portfolio. It is a collection of my best assignments that I have worked since I started the English level six with my Professor Hamilton Quezada at Yachay Tech. My E-portfolio consist of four assignments which include Literary Analysis, Interpretation Essay, Argumentative Essay, and the most important, the Final Research Paper. I am very proud of my E-portfolio because this represent my growth in the English Level six, and now I am prepared to graduate.

I have grown substantially the last few months of this semester. At beginning, when I was in English level six, I was not a responsible student. I thought that this would be too simple, but things was not like that. For example, I did not attend classes or arrived late, I did my assignments without any especial importance, and I not paid enough attention to my Professor. And when I can see my grades, they were terrible. I was falling English level six, due to my bad behavior. Then, I decided to improve my grades, and changing my routine. As

consequence of that, I learned the proper steps to write a good essay and to do an interesting presentation. In fact, I have learned many valuable things that will serve for my future academic assignments.

During this semester, the most difficult work that I have to do was the research paper, because I had to write many drafts, until to get my final research paper. I was working for hours, days and weeks to I finish my work. Definitely, this English level was the most beautiful and difficult level of all, but I have improved my writing, speaking and listening skills through many essays and presentations. I am very grateful with my teacher for all the things that he has corrected me in my essays, and the comments to improve them. Now, I will continue to grow, but I will continue learning, because exists many things to explore in this world.

Thank you for reading my E-portfolio again. I have put a great effort into my E-portfolio, and I hope you enjoyed reading it like I enjoyed writing it. I am sure that I am prepared to graduate. This is one, and now I have almost finished it. This E-portfolio is dedicated to my professor, because without him, this would not be possible. Thank you very much professor, I have learned a lot from you.


Samantha Solange Salazar

Response Essay


Response Education and Its Advantages Essay Solange Salazar Del Pozo Yachay Tech University

Response Education and its advantages essay.


Vikash Chamaria who wrote the education and its advantages essay says “Education is an important medium of acquiring skills and knowledge. Our education begins at home. Thereafter, as we grow we go to schools, colleges and other educational institutes”. I think the same thing, since education is very important to build a society with future and build it, parents should be the first tutors in a child's life so that it can play a role in society without any problem. Even though however, exist some factors that don't allow the positive changes one example is the impartiality of governments that they don't care about a excellent education.The education should bring us positives changes for this, must be exist support of all society and governments in each country.

In the cycle of student, the kids start going to school to get the primary or elementary education. After completing education at schools, a student may consider joining a college, or a professional institute for higher studies. It is considered a human right for every person to get the opportunity for education; nowadays, adult men and women are going to education centers to learn the basics of education and the actual education bring positive changes in human life because an illiterate person finds it very difficult to cope up with various aspects of life that involves reading writing or arithmetical calculations. For this reason, education is an important medium of acquiring skills and knowledge. It enhances the knowledge, skill, and intelligence of a person and enables him to lead a successful life.

I agree with him, when he says that go to school is a human right for every child to get the opportunity for education because the school education puts the foundation stone for the child’s future. It’s true for example, that everybody needs knowledge to make a progress in their life. Because it’s necessary to have bases to get a job or go to college. If one does not

go to school will become in an illiterate person and would can have problems to read writings or to do arithmetical calculations. For other part, he highlights the women education that was an important discussion for several years and now it is possible in the majority of countries.

Finally, the education is important to eradicate the illiteracy and the unemployment problem. The new generations are more educated away from the ignorance of not knowing the "why" of what surrounds them, due to the fact that education helps to understand your environment. Education has made that it protrudes by a society and there are clear examples of countries such as the United States, Canada and England, who have been improving over the years progress thanks to scientific knowledge. And all this is thanks to the commitment of the society and the state.


India, I., Us, C., & Chamaria, V. (2015). Short Essay on Education and its Advantages Important India. Important India. Retrieved 5 October 2016, from

Literary Analysis

Name: Samantha Solange Salazar Class: L6 - 016 Professor: Hamilton Quezada

Literary Analysis Essay ​“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin in her essay “The Story of an Hour” published in 1894, discusses the women’s style of life in the nineteenth century. This story is a call for the current society because it explains that a woman is free to do all that she wants and can be happy without finds someone to do it. The author describes Mrs. Mallard like a goddess of Victory comparing her with this simile due to she know to affront the situation in the vest way and feels herself free. This means the Victory finding the best solution for any problem and going in the road. Women represent powerful, wonderful and beautiful people because they can be a support to their families, they are the makers of their life, and they are the most beautiful expression of art that our eyes can see.

In the part “Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body”; it means that Mrs. Mallard was beginning to recognize and feel many things like the creeping out of the sky, the sounds, the scents, and the color that filled the air. On one hand, her husband has died, but she started a new life with more energy, it is true that the love is important in each person, but life goes on and doesn’t wait for anybody. On the other hand, she is free, her body, and soul too all the days of each year, and she now experiments the famous and wanted “Freedom”.

The simile “Like a goddess of Victory” that the author uses to describe the freedom moment of Mrs. Mallard is a correct phrase that shows the effect of the after of lost a loved person, and wake up to continue a common life again. “She was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window” is another simile to expresses that now she has opened her eyes towards the freedom, and she is happy do it.

The context of the story is the death and freedom, and it means that one life must turns off for that another life can arise. In this case, the story is dedicated for women that can be powerful, wonderful and beautiful at the same time because they can continue their lives without any problem, and look beautiful and sexy too. The current society has changed and now women can take an important role in the current society. A woman can be a beautiful mother, and a stronger professional like a man can be a beautiful father and a stronger professional too.



Interpretation of Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd. Members: Flor Mario, Lรณpez Melany, Salazar Samantha Yachay Tech University

Interpretation of Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd.

“Another Brick in the Wall Part. 2”, expresses the feelings of children towards school and education system. The video shows a dark sarcasm of some professors in the classroom and how the school was in that age, the students follow only one direction that the school imposes to make them a group without freedom, as an effect of that, the children rebel against the school, breaking rules they were imposed and burning it. The present interpretation attempts to analyse each part before mentioned of musical video “Another brick in the Wall part. 2”

In the video, there is a kid in a school that looks like an interned school. It is a traditional school of that time. The children wear uniforms, the same as the teachers. In that time, the rules of schools were very hard and strict. Professors could do whatever they want. In the video, the professor see that a child is writing a poem and he laugh in front of everyone showing the dark sarcasm of the teacher that has no respect. Professors could even hit children and children could no protest or say anything. Roger Waters, the writer of the song, he was obviously grown in the 70´s and he probably went to a interned school. It look like he hated his teachers, they probably hitted him. The video is a protest for that education where teacher were more interested in cultivate the discipline than transmit their knowledge. The professor see the students as just “another brick in the wall”. Professor does not let the student, the kid (called Pink) that was writing the poem, express his ideas in a free way, leaving him in ridicule in a way that he would not want to write a poem again. The students can just follow the rules that were imposed. In order that they can not say anything, they are treated as just objects in a factory.

The school was a place where students can’t express their ideas; they just have to follow orders of their professors. The students follow only one direction that the school imposes to make them a group without freedom. The main problem of the system education of that decade was that the teachers were closed mind: all the things that teachers say have to be fulfilled just as in a factory. The video shows a kind of factory where all the students start marching in the same rhythm and direction. After that, students are wearing masks and are sitting on desks. Finally, in the processing of students, all the students have the same clothes, marching in the same way, and using the same masks. Now, no differences can be made between each other. All of them were processed according the system of education. After all the process, children are converted into sausages to illustrate how the government see children: as something that can be manipulated and used to increase the economy of the country. It’s similar to the process in a factory: the products starts as different materials, and after some process they look the same. Once the product is ready, it is sold to increase the economy of the owner of the company. Another fact that the video presents is a big clock that express the rules of meeting stipulated schedules. A part of the song said, “no thought control” because the school prepared them to be the same, taking away their free expression. Treating children as objects. While the scenes of the children marching through the factory-school is taking place, it starts to begin a change in children's behavior. A rebellion starts.

Teachers were more interested in keeping the order between students than teaching them. As consequence of that, children begin to break the order and they removed themselves the masks imposed by school. They go to the classrooms, break each desk, chair and book

that they found and they destroy the walls of bricks of the school. Finally, they burn the whole school, creating a bonfire, screaming “We don’t need no education” and running away of school. Obviously, it is only a creative idea of the Pink’s mind. This part of the video shows two big outcomes. The first is how the children are transported by a band to be crushed and transformed in sausages but the children rebelled and broke the order. Its meaning is that children are tired of following a specific and boring pattern created by a rustical educational system. And the second is the chorus part where children sing after burning the school and making a bonfire: “We don’t need no education”. This sentence is grammatically incorrect. It's a double negative and really means "We need education."(Songfacts, 2016). This causes a certain degree of irony because the video shows us the children breaking desks, chairs, books and a building where they receive their education. But, if it is analyzed profoundly, the children mean: don't receive “no education”. This means that children don't want to learn and live with violence. They want respect to their skills and freedom to grow without any problem. “The whole system of public education around the world is a protracted process of university entrance. And the consequence is that many highly-talented, brilliant, creative people think they're not, because the thing they were good at at school wasn't valued, or was actually stigmatized. And I think we can't afford to go on that way” (Robinson, K., 2006). The song is meant to be a rebellion against errant government, against people who have power in the educational system over defenseless people. Without doubt, this will be a hymn remembered by many people. In Conclusion, the video wants to transmit us three principal ideas. How wrong was the 70´s scholar system with teachers that had no limits. The similarities between a factory and a school that just see objects and products. And finally, how a suppressed group will rebel even soon or late if the system does not work.


Another Brick In The Wall (part II) by Pink Floyd Songfacts. (2016). Retrieved 13 November 2016, from

Robinson, K. (2006, February). ​Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? {Video file}. Retrieved from schools_kill_ creativity? language=en

Another Brick In The Wall, p. (2016). Another Brick In The Wall, part 2 | The Wall Analysis. Retrieved 13 November 2016, from

Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 11 November 2016, from

Final Research Project


Introducing Mobile Devices and Applications into the Classroom Samantha Solange Salazar Del Pozo Yachay Tech


Despite belonging to a digital age, many schools don't allow the use of cell phones or similar devices, since they could cause some academic issues. This is because some professors believe that mobile devices may produce distraction in the learning process on students, so these devices have been banned. Nevertheless, many benefits related to the use of digital devices have been found. Some of them are that mobile applications allow: an easier access to information, a better connection between students and teachers and they have an accessible cost for students. This paper provides an overview and explores the opportunities and issues in regards to the use of mobile devices in education.

Keywords:​ mobile devices, mobile applications, education, learning, students, teachers.

INTRODUCING MOBILE DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS INTO THE CLASSROOM 3 Introducing mobile devices and applications into the classroom

The advance of technology has caused that mobile devices become in a very important part in students’ daily life. Nevertheless, many schools do not allow the use of cell phones or similar devices. Since they might cause some educational problems (e.g., distraction). Technology has become an important element in people’s daily life. It has been integrated as a tool to improve learning. On one hand, professors believe that mobile devices can produce distraction in the learning process of students and they have been banned, but on the other hand, mobile devices can facilitate a more personalized learning process, to allow an immediate response and evaluation by the teacher and to improve student’s participation. In fact, Adjust company (2014), says that digital devices are be more frequently implemented in schools; using learning apps for children can boost reading skills, math skills, eye-hand coordination, and more skills. And these mobile devices and apps are becoming commonplace in schools today as they are regularly used for teaching. Mobile devices as cell phones, tablets, computers and similar devices, can facilitate learning activities by creating a more didactic learning environment. Also, they can allow the use of mobile applications that could change the vision about learning new things about current science. Additionally, mobile applications can allow an easier access to information, a better connection between students and teachers, and they could have an accessible cost for students.

One of the reasons for using mobile applications for learning purposes is that they provide a greater access to information in comparison to encyclopedias or to other physical sources. Also, mobile applications respond to the demand to get new information, news, statistical data, etc. Becker (2013) affirms that the abundance of resources and relationships

INTRODUCING MOBILE DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS INTO THE CLASSROOM 4 are more accessible via Internet. This has a great importance and usefulness, because if someone wants to get information in any place, he or she can use his or her mobile device, and get it through a mobile application without any waste of time and most important, without any complication. According to these reasons, mobile applications allow an easier access to information and help to have a more efficient self-education process in or out the class. Indeed, exists many benefits such as been able to: get information, attend seminars and conferences online, access to digital resources, access to learning tools, and reduce all costs. For example, “Google Classroom is a tool in Google Apps for Education that helps professors create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes” (Google Classroom, 2016). The use of this application is indispensable because it allows to see uploaded documents by professors and students, improve our communication and it is free. In addition, mobile applications allow to have an easy access to information and to improve the relationship between students and teachers.

In the traditional education there are few students that go out and participate in the whiteboard. In contrast, the use of mobile devices and mobile applications allows all students to participate at the same time. Moreover, they improve the communication between the teacher and students in a pragmatic way. How? A mobile application can send notifications or news to users and it can report about works, grades or latest uploaded documents. All these activities allow the student to become the authentic protagonists of the learning process. For example, Kahoot! is a mobile application for developmenting and managing tests, talks or surveys. It is a game based in classroom responses in real time. It works by showing multiple-choice questions on the teacher’s screen and the students can respond them through their cell phones, tablets or laptops. According to this, ludic games bring interplay in

INTRODUCING MOBILE DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS INTO THE CLASSROOM 5 conformity with the classroom needs, and the students have the opportunity of elaborating questions and to build discussion, allowing them to improve their skills. Finally, there are many useful mobile applications that can improve the connection between students and teachers, and these could have an accessible cost for students or in many cases the mobile applications destined for the education can be free as Google Classroom.

Many mobile applications are available with an accessible price or are open source. They are​ ​used in education to reinforce the knowledge acquired in class, to make tasks or to stay informed about some publication. It is only a matter​ ​of deciding what specific devices are wanted to incorporate and to be able to be provided with the right budget. In fact, there are many free applications destined to learning either, in the class or for self-education. For example, Google Drive and Google Docs are tools used to communicate and share information and they are free. “Google Drive provides a single place to store, access, create, edit, sync, and share documents, files, and folders of all types. One can easily access files anywhere - at your desk, from home, or on a mobile device”(Stony Brook University, n.p). And “Google Docs is an online word-processing, spreadsheet-developing, and presentation-generating tool that includes a free storage repository. Although a large number of our AP language students have computers at home, Google Docs appeals to them”(Adams, 2008). According to this, Google Docs and Google Drive are important tools for education that can change a traditional class in a modern class using the field online. That is, students and teachers can present and review documents and share information in the online way from anywhere of the world, and any mobile device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.). Despite these benefits, there are people who do not think alike and they hang on to teach in a primitive way without the use of devices and mobile applications.


The point of view of some teachers is to not allow the “amazing” technology minimize the fundamental and traditional purposes of education. Lowman in “Mastering the Techniques of Teaching ”(1995) states that it can also be accomplished by an exemplary teacher equipped with a single piece of chalk, a board, and a reasonably quiet place in which he or she can talk with the students. Additionally, professors believe that technology can be a distraction in the learning process for many students, and this would cause a possible disconnect of social interaction. It is true that students who have access to technology can promote cheating in class, but certainly schools need the technology to improve the knowledge of the current science .

This is an era where all students are digital natives, incorporating the technology into education will bring many benefits that help improve the efficiency and productivity in the classroom, and also to increase the interest of students in the academic activities. Moreover the professors can benefit much from the technological advances to do their work more efficiently. Many of their activities can be optimized by using applications and computer devices, allowing professors to be able to dedicate more time to their own formation that would benefit theirs students. For example, the use of Google classroom application benefits students and teachers to communicate, send homework and share information about any subject. In fact, the distractions in the school have always existed but the solution does not consist on prohibiting the technology completely, but making use of its power to catch the interest of the students during classes that can be beneficial to the learning process.

INTRODUCING MOBILE DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS INTO THE CLASSROOM 7 In summary, the implementation of mobile devices and applications can change the current educational system. Students need to interact with their actual environment because they belong to the technological era. Therefore, they need to know more about the current science and the best way to do it is by interacting with technology. The power to get interest from students that mobile applications brings, can be beneficial to the learning process. Clearly, technology has become an important element in people’s daily life as useful tool to communicate and share information to the whole world through internet. Since mobile devices facilitate a greater customized learning process, they allow an instantaneous reply and assessment by the teacher, and it improves student’s participation. Finally, mobile devices and applications can transform how students learn. In fact, there are many benefits from using them such as​: ​having an easier access to information, a better connection between students and teachers, easy to use into the classroom. Moreover, these softwares can have can have an accessible cost or be open source for students and teachers. On one hand, it is true that the use of technology can promote distractions and cheating inside the class, but the solution does not consist on prohibiting it, on the other hand we can use it as a learning tool to catch the interest of students in an innovative and entertaining way.



Adams, C. (2008). Gaga for Google in the 21​st​ century advanced placement language classroom. The Clearing House. 82(2) 96-100. Back to school Apps for primary school children and younger August 2014. (2014). Adjust. Retrieved 6 December 2016, from . Google Drive | Division of Information Technology. (2016). Retrieved 8 December 2016, from Khaddage, F., Lattemann, C., & Bray, E. (2011). Mobile Apps Integration for Teaching and Learning. Retrieved 18 October 2016, from Lowman, J. 1995) Mastering the techniques of teaching(2nd Edition). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass .(Chinese translation published by the Zhejiang University Press in 2006.) Mercado, C. & Agustin, P. (2016). The Tenth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge - Based Society , 12 - 13 December 2013 , Thailand 7.1 Mobile Application Integration Framework for Educational Institutions. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from

INTRODUCING MOBILE DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS INTO THE CLASSROOM 9 Moeller, B. & Reitzes, t. (2016). integrating technology with student-centered learning. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from ntegrating-Technology-with-Student-Centered-Learning.

Additional materials

Beautiful People! Level 6


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