Semester project digital portfolio paul maldonado

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MY ENGLISH TRAINING Paul Maldonado English Language Program Level 6 Yachay Tech University Yachay, Ecuador



Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary Analysis 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentation essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials 8. Thank you letter

Paul Maldonado #44 Yachay Way Yachay Tech University Urcuqui, Imbabura, Ecuador December 8, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader. My name is Paul Maldonado. This is a collection of the results of work and hours of effort to learn English. This demonstrate my skills acquired during the years I have been studying English. This portfolio consist of four essays that I writed during level six and I’m proud of my effort and my portfolio but I believe I can make it better. I think I am ready to do the next step: to receive all my subjects in English and improve my skills and prove to myself that learning English is really a good investment. My first exposure to the English language was when I attended Kindergarten and it has continued until now. When I came to Yachay, I took the English placement test, and I was assigned to level one. I think that I deserved to go to level two, but the results didn’t allow me too. Firstly I started with the basic things about English, and I was really good. I believe the level one reminded me of some things that I forgot, so then I went to level three during that semester I learned grammar, vocabulary and how is the structure of paragraphs, then I think my knowledge increased a lot of. In level fourth we started to remember grammar as well, but with the background that we have from third level we started to develop essays and improve our skills as speaking and listening. The moments when I think my skills in English raise a lot mainly was during level five and six. In level five we started remembering grammar quickly but at the same time our teacher develop a system where we have to talk and argue about specific issues, so we learned during that time improve our skills in speaking, writing and listening at the same time. Thus during that time, we interacted with more sources and academic documents that we must read, analyze and then with that information create and develop an essay that must have APA format. At the end of fifth level we made a research paper, I was proud of that work because I could show how much I had learned. Level six for me represents a challenge because it represents that I learned all about English to encourage my career classes, so I decided to do my best to learned everything that I can, and it was really difficult and thanks to the teacher now I know that we never end to learn and the skills that I must have only depends of how much I practice. During this semester I have been working a lot, time ever was an advantage so I can say that I am proud of my work but I think that I can make it better. Thus the works that I developed was a lot but three of them I consider are the most important. First the response essay “Being an Autodidact it is a Feasible Option Instead of Getting an Expensive Education”. I selected this topic because my perspective changed since I read the article “Don’t buy the Hype” and I want to know if it is true that learn by ourselves is possible and it is true, the things that I learned while I was developing the essay really changed my manner of study. The second essay that I am really proud is the interpretation essay. My group and I selected architecture because one way to make art is the construction of something beautiful, and the Eight Spruce Street is a piece of art designed by Frank Gehry, and that building changed the monotony of the other buildings because the shapes that it have are given it the appearance of melting ice. The third essay that I want to talk about is the research paper, hence I choose something that interest me a lot. The deception, I choose because sometimes I felt that people use to say lies for one or another reason. So I decided to find ways to avoid that kind of things, and I find some ways to avoid deception but there are not a way that it can be 100% accurate, but it can help me under specific circumstances.

In level six I thought it was designed to improve our speaking and during the semester we made some presentations. One by one corresponded for our essays and one of them for grammar. The first presentation I made was about grammar and it goes really bad, because we do not have enough time to prepare the presentation and I felt nervous, I think is normal but I failed, because we did not end the presentation on time and the slides had some mistakes. The second presentation was better, I choose the topic of “The Borders Separates the World” so the topic was really interesting because I understood the behavior of some people that felt sense of ownership for their countries, and sometimes it can evolve in racism. Talking about the presentation, It was better than I thought, my classmates pay attention during the presentation and they have a lot of really good questions, I feel that I success in that assignment. The third presentation was about the Eight Spruce Street, I believed that it could be hard, because work in a group to make a presentation is a challenge, but my peers were responsible and we made it really good. The day we have to explain, we were really prepared, the presentation was really informative and interpretative about what was the real meaning of the building. Level six means the end of English classes. At the beginning of semester my first goal was end the English classes, but now I believe my goals has changed. My goals become higher I want to learn more about English, as a language it evolves every day and if I left behind the study of it, I will not be able to get contact with some things that I like and all of that are in English. So my goals now are learn as much as I can, continue practicing English skills, try to use every day the things that I learned in English. This semester was a challenge, because I have to improve everything that I learned and now I can say that my listening is better than ever, now I can talk with someone without asking them to talk slowly. My speaking is not really good because there are some words that I never seen before and I don’t know how to pronounce it. Finally in writing, it is the more improved skill, this semester my capacity of writing was on probe, in my fist essay I don’t get the grade that I wanted to, but it means that I must do my best to encourage the challenge, at the end I believe that I progress so much. So now I think to improve my skills as English learner, everything depends of me. I will try to learn in the same way that I learn in Spanish, reading books in English and summarize the things that I read. It can sound foolish but in the school I cannot learn Spanish, Spanish class was the awful and boring subject that I have and my parents to resolve it they give me some books and they force me to summarize every chapter of each book with time I become better in Spanish and my vocabulary rises a lot, so I believe that if I do the thing in my English process of learning, I will be better. Finally thank you for reading my portfolio letter. I work a lot to do my portfolio, and I hope you enjoy it. I feel that my proficiency on English allows me to affront my career. Sincerely,

Paul Maldonado

Being an Autodidact it is a Feasible Option Instead of Getting an Expensive Education Paul N. Maldonado University of Experimental Technology Research Yachay

Being an Autodidact it is a Feasible Option Instead Getting High Expensive Education As author and autodidact Helen Beatrix Potter once noted: “Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of my originality.” Socially follow the system of education given by a government, the most respected form of learning is an old tradition. In fact many people prefers self-education, and it works because they are passionate for always learning and processing information that increase their human capital. George Leef is an specialist that born February 4, 1951 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Obtain bachelors arts from Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin in 1973. Juris Doctor from Duke University Law School in 1977. Taught economics, law, logic and philosophy at Northwood University 1980-1989 with rank of assistant professor. Labor Law Policy Advisor to Michigan Senate Programs & Policies Staff, 1989-1990. Legislative Aide to Michigan State Senator David Honigman, 1991-1996. Adjunct Scholar with Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 1988 to present. Furthermore Leef lectures and debates frequently on a variety of topics involving the economic and moral virtues of freedom. (Leef G, n.d.) In his publication in Forbes, “Don't Buy the Hype, College Education Is Not an Investment”, Leef tells us that get high education is not an investment at all, the points of view he shows are that some of graduated students have many struggles with the burden of their college loans; some statistics presented of earnings from professional are from 40 years ago; always the employment depends of your personal performance but not of your educational pedigree and get to college is just one way to increase your value or human capital. Experience is something that whoever get with time and to get a job is an important requirement, however some of recent graduated students don’t have experience working in their field and they don’t added anything to their human capital. In fact to get high education their must accede to a loan that must to be paid since their get graduated. Nowadays obtain a job is really hard because there are some competence and the requirements to get it are

impossible for people that have enough money only to study. So many graduated students opt for job that don’t call for any academic preparation and they must affront a huge debt with low earnings. Firstly why do a student want to get a degree? Our society makes us think that get a degree will help us to get a good job and get higher incomings and that is the problem, people always repeat information without knowing if it is real. Leef tells us that higher education still proclaiming that college is undoubtedly “worth it” and “remains a good investment”, but their affirmation and facts are based on a data base for college graduates of going decades back. So tell people that college will be a good investment is careless and irresponsible because is relative from each person if higher education will improve their skills. High instruction sometimes define an stereotype of how is your performance, it’s like if you obtain your degree from the best university of the world, your preparation, knowledge and wisdom will be higher than others. The truth is that in a work they don’t reward you for how many classes did you pass, they reward workers for their productivity and going to college might do that but it’s not necessary. Self-education traits that there is no age for someone who wants rather his personal performance and if he finds the way of demonstrate it that is the way of how you can increase your value. The world wide web open some opportunities from generations that are learning from it but what is an student without a teacher that can guide him for the right way?, In the Ted Talk, “Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education”, Till H. Gross show us one of thousands of ways to self-education. Gross summaries his method of learning in four steps, the fist is develop a skill that you need for your work by your own is the best thing you can do; second, learn from the best makes you better; third learning is most important than making money and fourth hustle come first and passion actually follows. Those four steps

will provide us a guide to pressure ourselves to be better every day and subsequently there will be incredible results. Being an autodidact is not easy because everyone as a learner have distinct way of thinking so is really important to develop our skills with our own system of education, sometimes the hardest part is pushing yourself to study or learn, but is part of the process. One of the most important issues is that study is better when you make a feedback with someone because learning something basically is the sharing of information. At the end get high education is not always a good investment, the equilibrium between wisdom and knowledge make de difference in the working world, in one hand because wisdom is known do the things and is obtained by experience; in other hand the knowledge is known how do the things and is obtained by instruction. So it relative from each person decide what is better from them, but is important mention that self-education is another way to increase your human capital in every field that interest you.

References Leef, G. Don’t Buy The Hype, College Is Not An Investment (June 12, 2013) Retrieved September 22, 2016, from: collegeeducationisnotaninvestment/#56b23f047ee6 Leef, G. Dr. George C. Leef (n.d.) Retrieved September 22, 2016, from: http://www. Gross, T. (October 20, 2014). Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education [Video file] Retrieved from

The short story “the story of an hour” from Kate Chopin, demonstrate an interesting story where a woman, Mrs. Mallard received the information that her husband have died and then she went to her room alone and after some reflections she died too, but her husband was still alive. Chopin presents in the short story linear structure supported by the use of stream of consciousness, flash backs and characterizations that are developed while the story evolved. The short story uses stream of consciousness trying to give us a background of what was happening in the mind of Mrs. Ballard, “she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air” (Chopin, 1894), thus every event that uses stream of consciousness give us a clue of what would happened next and the linear structure of the story is supported by the use of stream of consciousness. The short story has some flashbacks and that are used to clear some ideas, for example “as a child who was cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams” (Chopin, 1894) trying to explain us how really the woman feels because she was not suffering at all, she feels already free. Maybe free to die, “knowing that Mrs. Ballard was afflicted with a heart trouble” (Chopin, 1894) so the use of simile pretending to show us why it happened something in the short story. The Characterization of Mrs. Ballard, shows the conflict that she have with her husband “and yet she had loved him – sometimes, often she has had not” (Chopin, 1984) that demonstrate the motivation of why Mrs. Ballard say “Free, Body and soul free” she did not love her husband maybe she is with him just to care. That fact it is showed from the start until the end of the short story. Concluding the structure from the short story is showed by the use of stream of consciousness giving us the feeling of the main character, the use of flashbacks to clear the ideas of freedom from the woman and the characterization showed the conflict that give us the certain idea that she feels free to die. Those facts shows us the linear structure were the facts are developed in order until the dead of the woman.

Reference Chopin Kate (1894). The story of an Hour Retrieved from: 10, October 2016

8 Spruce Street “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” Frank Gehry

Architecture is an art because with the use of figures and shapes can express emotions. In addition, when we combine all these features with an eccentric architect, we obtain the most incredible buildings in the world. Frank Gehry is a Canadian-American architect known for creating these kind of structures. He was born in Toronto, Canada. He moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and later became a naturalized United States citizen (“Frank Gehry Biography -Academy of Achievement”, 2016). Gehry is among the most acclaimed architects of the 20th century, and is known for his use of bold, postmodern shapes and unusual fabrications (Stanberg, 2015). Gehry’s most famous designs include the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. Other famous design by Gehry is the 8 Spruce Street or the Beekman Tower. This construction is the tallest residential building in the Western hemisphere (Davies, 2008). A structure of such significant scale represents for the community social benefits, and the building means a new fresh perspective and aesthetic impact in the monotony of architecture. Forest City Ratner was the enterprise in charge to build the Beekman tower. The construction managers were Joe Rechichi and Maryanne Gilmartin, they contact Gehry to design the building. The tower was completed in 2010. The Beekman tower was built in a middle class neighborhood, and it carries some problems until now, the noise of cars and pollution, the sidewalks were reduced and some parking sides disappear but there are changes that benefit the community too. Forest City Ratner, agreed to incorporate a public elementary school into the project in the first to the fifth floor. There are places where people can enjoy

with nature called public plazas, there are in the sixth floor to the tenth floor and hospital and the other floors are luxury departments. Now there are available studios and one-bedrooms rent for skyward of $3,700 a month and three bedrooms for $11,975 and up and 60 percent of the building’s 903 units are occupied.

The 8 spruce street is located between William and Nassau Streets, in Lower Manhattan, that makes the difference in the city. Gehry said that he was living a few weeks in a hotel of the city to be able to submerge in the most famous skyline of the world, to study it, to understand it and to be able to propose a building that stood out among the chaos that generates so much monumentality together, while respecting its imposing neighbors. A few weeks after the construction was ended,in The New York Times, architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff said the building's design as a welcome addition to the skyline of New York, calling it: "the finest skyscraper to rise in New York since Eero Saarinen’s CBS Building went up 46 years ago".The New York Times(February 10, 2011).

The curves of its facade can evoke countless sensations, the north face express streams of water, the west face express aluminum savannahs, east face we can clearly see the ice breaking .It is effect will stand out when the light reflects on the surface, generating shadows and clearings . It is at the discretion of the viewer to decide what sensations Sinuous facade, as if it were a sculpture. And it is that one of the premises that gave Gehry in his study when designing and modeling the facade is that for the facade of the tower Beekman wanted the baroque curves of the marbles of Bernini, and not those of Michelangelo or Donatello, much More smooth and harmonious, but the sharp and forceful curves of the sculptures of Bernini.

In conclusion, the 8 Spruce Street is one of the best works carried out by Gehry. This work as many others made by this architect recreates a natural environment in an architectural structure. In fact the 8 Spruce Street fulfills the mission of ending the monotony of the city due to the subtle forms that make up its appearance. In addition, this design has not only influenced the modern architecture, but also it been part of the social, economic and environmental development of the city of Manhattan. The analysis of this building shows how important is art within a society and that there is no any specific rule to create wonderful art.

References Davies. P. (2008, May 23). Gehry's Beekman Tower Gets Presented, Goes Street. Retrieved November 13, 2016, from Frank Gehry Biography -- Academy of Achievement. (2016). Retrieved 15 November 2016, from Gehry's Beekman Tower Ready to Launch. (2006, September 18). Retrieved November 14, 2016, from fo/news/gehrys_beekman_tower_ready_25262.aspx Kaysen R. (2006, September 28). Seaport’s early reviews are bad for Gehry’s tower. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from com/de_176/seaportsearlyreviews.html Ourousoff. N. (2011, February 09). Downtown Skyscraper for the Digital Age. Retrieved November 14, 2016, from =arts Stamberg, S. (2015). Frank Gehry's Lifelong Challenge: To Create Buildings That Move. Retrieved 15 November 2016, from Taylor, K. (2011, November 28). Living in a 76-Story Work of Art, and a Symbol of Rebirth. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from

“A prohibition law strikes a blow in the very principles of our government was founded” Abraham Lincoln. Legalization drug is a controversial issue that behind have some issues. First in politics there are some laws to be changed and manage to legalize drugs. Second drugs in the society it is still looked as something wrong or dangerous for health because use drugs is self-destructive. Third drugs in economy can improve it because some it can benefit some sectors and even more benefit some people who can be in dangerous because they live in neighborhoods controlled by drug dealers. Furthermore drug prohibition law is not an option because it goes against freedom and when we talk about people and their own capacity to make responsible decisions is a fact that prohibition does not work and legalize drugs would improve the economy of countries and it can contribute to health security of people that consume drugs. The prohibition of drugs and all the issues around it has been used as political tools “Nixon’s invention of the war on drugs as a political tool was cynical, but every president since –Democrat and Republican alike- has found it equally useful for one reason or another” (Baum, D. 2016) for that reason drugs consumption is considered dangerous, but even that 20 percent of teenagers older than twelve years old has consumed yet drugs most of them cannabis and “only tiny percentages of people who have sampled one of the big four heroin, cocaine, crack and methamphetamines- have use drugs last month” (Baum, D. 2016) so prohibition is not working because it affects people even when it is illegal. Looking the great business of drugs and the big empires created around it, like cartels would be safest than those of we can find in the streets, it will reduce the price of drugs and the incomes of selling would be invest on the economy of the country. Even more United States spend 40 billion on enforcement to fight drug and that money could be invest in another way to benefit sectors that are affected by drug business. Some states from United States and countries like Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia and Portugal have legalized some drugs but there are laws to control de consumption and “we cannot began to enjoy the benefits of managing drugs as matter of health and safety, instead of as a matter of law enforcement until the drugs are legalized at every level of American jurisprudence” (Baum, D.

2016). Furthermore an agency of health shatters the myth of “instantly addictive” and Marl Kleiman said “there is no evidence indicating that the number of cocaine abusers would be less than the number of alcoholics” (Baum, D. 2016) that is why addicts need more sure drugs, because there are many addicts and if we legalize drugs, the regularization will be harsh and that will save some lives. In conclusion here there are some benefits of legalization but we cannot enjoy them if there are not legalize completely. The prohibition does not work but regularization could be the answer and the legalization would produce income to move the economy and drugs produced by high standards will help to not only of addicts.

Reference Baum, D. (4, 2016) “Legalize it All: How to Win the War on Drugs” Retrieved: HARPER’S MAGAZINE

Manners to try to avoid deception: Body language, Speech and Writing articles. Paul Maldonado Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research

Abstract The purpose of this research is try to give the reader the idea of being cheated could be avoided using three ways by body language to see the position of people to try to understand their behavior and how do they act under specific situations. The deception during speech could provide us an useful tool to know if someone is telling the truth and is detected by patterns in the voice and the deception by writing documents could be detected by the construction of one model of writing piece under certain circumstances and that writing document can be compared with others pieces to see the order of event or how people use the words. Keywords: body language, speech, verbal fluency, plausibility.

Manners to try to avoid deception: Body language, Speech and Writing articles. “Tell a lie once and all your truths become questionable.” Ivan Junius. Being an honest person is one of the values our parents have been teaching us since we understand language, but at the same time we learned to talk we learned to lie, thus tell a white lie is the beginning of more. So while we grow up we continue telling complex stories that are not entirely the truth hence for that reason some of researchers found patterns of behavior when someone is lying. Detect deception is not an accurate science but it give us one useful tool to try not be cheated. So while we communicate with people deception would be present in the communication but it can be detected through body language, how people use language to speak and in the manner they white an article.

The way we have a porture sometimes give some information of people and we can take that information to try to understand the meaning of how they feel, when people are bored they often repeat actions such as tapping toes, swinging feet or drumming fingers or when someone is confident they keep the lower body still, with both feet planted on the ground or loosely crossed for comfort.

The science of trying to understand body language is not an accurate one as Paul Ekman says in his research “Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage”. Ekman found that one group of people in particular some that excels at making eye contact and appears very sincere: pathological liars. Hence, it is not safe to rely on eye contact as a measure of sincerity or truthfulness. (Morgan, N. 2002)

Readers detecting deception is an inexact science, but there are some signals that show us if someone is lying. There is an association between lying and increased pupil size,

an indicator of tension and concentration or people that is listening to liars think they seem more nervous than truth-tellers and that is because the volume of their voices are pitched higher and liars are more likely than truth-tellers to press their lips together. According to DePaulo and Morris, they note, liars don't appear to be more fidgety, nor do they blink more or have less-relaxed posture only when liars are more highly motivated--when the stakes are higher--do they seem unusually still and make notably less eye contact with listener. (Adelson, R. 2004)

When someone is telling lies they don’t use some of words that are accustom to use. Hence his form of writing will change too and a liar can tend to use fewer first-person pronouns. Liars avoid statements of ownership, distance themselves from their stories and avoid taking responsibility for their behavior. More negative emotion words, such as hate, worthless and sad. Liars, are generally more anxious and sometimes feel guilty. Fewer exclusionary words, such as except, but or nor--words that indicate that writers distinguish what they did from what they did not do. Liars seem to have a problem with this complexity, and it shows in their writing. (Adelson, R. 2004)

Researchers have consistently shown that people's ability to detect lies is no more accurate than chance, or flipping a coin, and it is more difficult when it is about find a lie in a piece of an article. Particularly during an investigation of a crime the need of accurate deception detectors is important, because if someone is witness it is required to write a testimony of what happened and try to tell the truthfulness of that by facts that are not accurate at all, the freedom of a person will be in dangerous.

“The difficulty with labelling certain word groups as deception indicators is that it ignores the natural semantic instability of language. Deceivers do not all lie in the same way;

the language of deception may be vague, reticent, verbose, negative, subjective, or a combination of two or more”. (Picornell, I. 2013)

Isabell Picornell, in her work, “Analyzing Deception in Written Witness Statements” said that in speech, language can expressed reality as a dynamic object, while writing represents reality as a static object. A written document of one event will be summarized with longer clauses, a higher ratio of lexical to grammatical words, and construe the same processes and properties as nouns. Another fact is that a narration may be described as consisting of a sequence of linking thematic episodes, where meaning is derived from the order of events according to the narrator’s personal interpretation of facts and causation.

To commits deception requires a language gradient that is a mechanism whereby communication is analyzed as a succession of linguistic events. So to analyze narratives, first we have to detect that the event or episodes are fluid and allows for the sequencing of linguistic behavior or patterns that show us how deceivers manage their deception.

People can use language to communicate their feelings and what they think, but sometimes people use language as an instrument to cheat people. Sometimes people tend to camouflage real meanings of what they want to say or to mask real meanings with words or phrases that tell less than one could easily relate. So during a speech people can have some kind of patterns that can give us a certain idea of what is the truth.

Deception by speech is no more accurate than in writing tenses or playing the body language, according to the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Program report 67% accuracy in detecting deceptive speech using logistic regression, is not a reliable result to judge one person based on the way that talks. (Enos, F. 2009)

There are studies that suggest that deceptive speech has patterns of word usage different from those of truthful speech, supporting the ideal that analysis of lexical content can be useful. Others based on meta-analysis reported a total of 23 cues that were significant to take in account when someone is telling a story. (Enos, F. 2009)

There is the “Plausibility” to detect deception in speeches, developed as a subjective judgement of the credibility of the subject’s statement; and counts of syllables and words per second. In other studies researchers found that people introvert exhibited behavior different from that of extroverts in deception. During deception introverts change their “verbal fluency” that combined speaking rate, response latency, and pause duration. (Enos, F. 2009)

In conclusion our lives are influenced by deception and for that reason we must have a tool to give us one idea about if people are telling the truth, it is important and the most useful tools are body language, detect deception in speech and in writing tenses. For body language the position of the people and their behavior during a given situation is the way to know what they think and if they are telling the truth. For deception in speech there are the possibility that intelligence might modulate the display of verbal cues in deception since, presumably, greater intelligence would mitigate the increase in cognitive load associated with lying and to detect deception in speeches there are patterns and cues that are important to emphasize and for detect deception in writing the use of linguistic signposting permits the identification of events, which breaks the continuity and enable us to follow narrator's' changing focus. This provides a vehicle for analyzing deception as a progression in a context which relies on the progression of events to create meaning.

References Adelson, R. (2004, July/August). Detecting deception [Web log post]. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from Burgoon JK (2015) When is Deceptive Message Production More Effortful than TruthTelling? A Baker’s Dozen of Moderators. Front. Psychol. 6:1965. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01965 Enos, F. (2009). Detecting Deception in Speech. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, 7-17. Retrieved November 11, 2016 Picornell, I. (2013, April). Analysing Deception in Written Witness Statements. LESLI, 1, 42-49. Retrieved November 11, 2016 Sanders, S. W. (2014, October 27). The Language of Deception [Web log post]. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from Shalvi, S., & De Dreu, C. K. W. (2014). Oxytocin promotes group-serving dishonesty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(15), 5503–5507. Shalvi, S. (2012, September 12). Honesty requires time (and lack of justifications). Retrieved November 8, 2016, from Vrij, A. (2008). Detecting Lies and Deceit: Pitfalls and Opportunities (2 Ed.). The Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Retrieved November 11, 2016

Diamante Poem Template

Title: Chess Author: Paul Maldonado chess Noun






Action Verb

difficult, Adjective


Action Verb

educative, Adjective


Action Verb

funny, Adjective






wisdom Noun

interactive Adjective

tiring Participial




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