Stefano meza level 6 portfolio

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Stefano Meza Anzules

A unexpected journey 1

Table of contents:

Letter Response Essay

Exploration Essay Interpretative Essay

Argumentative Essay Final Research Proyect 2

My final task Stefano Meza Anzules July 25, 2015 Dear Portfolio reader, When I use to be a child, I loved to learn English. My grandmother gave me some academic books about learning English, they were funny and had a lot of information. When I was 12 years, I was at eighth grade. I had the worst grade in English, 16. I remembered my mother was so angry that my uncle and she decided to sing up me in an English course. I spent 4 years in that course and I loved it. I Made a lot of friends, I met great teachers, and I learned a lot of English. When I

finished the high school, I decided to go to Yachay Tech. English became a routine in my life. Now, I am in six level and I had a lot of experiences. At the beginning of the course, I used to say “I have English at 8:00, I will not go, it is too far”, the worst mistake I made in this level. I did not take the opportunity to know how this level work, or why it is important. Unfortunately, I learnt the lesson too late. I have about 12 absences, and I am in danger of losing English since May. I did not go to classes at the beginning of the term. In May, I remembered what teacher told me “You only have 4 lives” I got so scared that I decided to go every day, and I almost reached my objective. With the passing of the days, I learnt how good is being in this class, and it can get very funny and interesting. To be

honest, I am here not because of the absences, I mean, I want to pass the level, but I am here because I learnt how important, funny and useful is this class. Every day, I woke up and say “It is time for English, I am so tired, but I will go. It is worth it” Another important thing, is how I learned to make good essays. When I entered to Yachay Tech in April 2015, my teacher was not serious about the tasks, and essays were just essays. I repeated the level because he left the university, and never checked my final essay. The last term, my teacher taught me how to do good essays. Finally, in this level I learned why an academic presentation, and a good organization are very important. 3

My final task Presentations were very funny, too. My midterm presentation was bad because I could not use the audio, the music and I was so prepared to use it. I got so frustrated, but then I laughed in my house. I liked to present a topic and I like to listen my partners, they have great ideas. One of the funniest moments I remembered in this level is when I had to turn on the projector. The teacher used to tell me “Can you turn on the projector? “I liked to do it, it was very funny for me, because I am the tallest of the class. It was never a problem, teacher :) Now, this trip is in its final stage, we just have two more weeks and we will be able to finish level 6. I learned why it is important to go to classes, to listen my partner, to make a good essay, to laugh in class, and the list just keeps running. I have to say it was a nice level, if I had the opportunity to change any decision I took, I would say to myself “Hey man, wake up and go to class. I’m sure you would like that level” The rest of my decisions would be the same. What would I change from this level? Nothing, it was perfect in its way. The teacher is a great person who help us to do better things. She is always here for us, and that is needed skill in this university. Maybe, I would participate more in class, but I had no to say. Anyway, this was a great experience that I will never forget. I know I have a lot of things which must be improved (speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary), but I feel ready to finish the English Program. I will keep fighting, so in the future, I hope to learn English as my professors did. Thank you for reading my letter. Sincerely,

Stefano Meza Anzules


Response Essay English, language of science: How English became so relevant in the scientific community? Meza, Stefano Yachay Tech Course Title 6-001 April, 27 2016


Response Essay English, language of science: How English became so relevant in the scientific community?

As it is known, world has changed in the last one hundred years, we have made some improvements in chemistry, medicine, physics, math and so on. All the improvements that humanity has done, were made with collaboration of different scientists, such as Aristoteles, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Einstein, and the list just keep running. Even though these discoveries were written in different languages, researches could use them, but it was more work for them. Hopefully this has changed. Nowadays, the language of science is English, becoming science more accessible to the entire world. English became an international language during 1900s and it change our way of living using technology. According to Oxford dictionary, language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. The most important characteristic in our lives, is language. This has allowed us to grow as a society and has improved our lives in different ways. In addition, communication is an important weapon for humans. To illustrate, in the last years, some of the most important discoveries were made with collaboration of different teams. In this case, most of them used to speak the same language which was English, but how this language become the language of science? English has become an important language because of the World Wars. As everybody knows, these victories were reached thanks to the United States Army. As a consequence, English became important in different parts of the world. Also, North America could become in one of the most important and powerful countries in the world.

Most of the improvements were made by this country. By the 1990s, United States of America

produced about 30,000 Ph.Ds. and all of them used to publish in English. This makes English most important than never. (Boer, 2015). As a result, most of the university students, which are studying science careers, are trying to learn English as fast as possible. This create a lot of competition in the scientific community.


Response Essay English, language of science: How English became so relevant in the scientific community?

Nowadays, English is the most common language in academic field. It is commonly used to write papers which are very important for hu-

mans development. Even though some researches were made in another country, scientists prefer to publish them in English. This will make their works more accessible to the scientist community. (Avala, 2011) Also, important scientific journals such as, Nature, Science, have allowed scientist around the world to know more information about their field. As a result, scientists have less work to do, because they did not need to make other experiments, they just need to look up the information in this popular magazines. All this facts, could make English language of science. As it was presented in the essay, English is one of the most important languages in the world. It has become the language of science, science

that makes our lives possible. Wars, university students, important scientific journals, had collaborated in this huge project. Each part makes an important advance in this task; it made English more famous around the world, creating a new scientific community and sharing all the scientific knowledge with each human in Earth. Thanks to this language, we are more connected than ever. Work cited Avala, B. (2011). Eight A dvantages of Studying English. Retrieved from

english/ Boer, D. (2015). English Is the Language of Science. Retrieved from english_is_th e_language_of_science_u_s_dominance_means_other_scientists.html (n.d.) Language. Retrieved April 24, 2016 from


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities? Meza, Stefano Yachay Tech

Course Title 6-001 April, 27 2016


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities?

The first university was founded in 1082, it had Masters in different fields such as, grammar, rhetoric and logic. They were hired by students, so they could learn more about our world. This new project was growing and it became famous and sustainable for the town or city. Its objective was to create new ways to see world, and that had not change. After 850 years, universities have become in the most important generator of knowledge in the world. Higher education has allowed humans to think, create and use, new mechanism like actual computers, drugs, energy, new materials, transport, and so on. One of the problems of the universities are their level of education, there are universities in different developed countries (USA, England) which are one of the best in the world. By contrast, universities located in Ecuador do not reach an acceptable level. As a consequence, higher education in Ecuador must be improved in order to have an acceptable level of researching and improvement in the scientific field. Actually, some universities in our country have acceptable infrastructure, laboratories, professors, and budget, but why our universities are not in the best of the world? As it is known, most of the best universities in the world are located in the United States. According to Times Higher Education (2014), Caltech is the best university in the world. California Institute of technology (Caltech) is a small university which is located in Pasadena. The main reason of its excellent performance is its population. There is a small number of students, 977 undergraduate students and 1,204 graduated students (Times Higher Education, 2014). In this case, most of reviewers believe there are two important points in this university. Their size, which is small, and the policies the use. As it is known, United States of America has capitalism as politic system, capitalism focuses in giving opportunity to the private field, therefore these companies can invest inside the country and bring more resources to the population.


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities?

Other important facts about Caltech are the infrastructure, professors and opportunities that students have. Infrastructure is one of the bases of researching. A laboratory is needed in order to teach, learn, and create new technology, so this university would become in a reference for the entire world. Companies around the world can support a university according to the government policies. If government reduced taxes to private companies which want to work with public infrastructure, companies would choose to work with them. Additionally, professors have an important role in Caltech. According to Times Higher Education, most of senior administrators are active researches, this means they are working in future projects instead of being in an office. Also, students are very important for this university, there are some advantages that students can get. To illustrate, scholarships are very important in Caltech. Some students in California, or around the world who want to study here, do not have enough money to pay for education. As a consequence, United states government gives a budget to the university, so they can finance the career of some students, which have lower economic resources. After reviewing the best university in the world, which is private, it is time to know about an important public college which is located in the second place. Oxford is a university located in Oxford, England, United Kingdom. It is famous for its goals. “In the 20th century, 9 of the 19 Prime ministers Britain had in the 20th century studied at Oxford� (Oxford Royale, 2016). Most of the famous people, who born in England, had studied in Oxford, ministers, nobles and even artist. In the las century, education was different. Only important students or students with higher economic resources could enter to the university. If a student from a lower social class wanted to join, he/she would have to work inside the college. Fortunately, times have changed and university polices too.


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities?

Nowadays, if someone wants to join, he/she must take an exam, this means Oxford became in a public college. Even though it has almost 20000 students in pre grade, and post grade, it does not affect their level of education it has almost the same policies of Caltech, but their size is different. This means size is not an important fact in top universities. Also, it has a good relationship with international companies. Most of the graduated students can get a job in 6 months. If size is not an important fact in the level of education of a university and some universities have the same policies, what do a university need to be part in the top of the world? In order to answer this question, it is important to know the differences between private and public colleges. According to Peterson’s staff, the main difference lies in how they are founded. Private colleges get the budget from the students, therefore students will have to pay money in order to keep studying. By contrast, public universities are financed by government. It is important to say that some private collage can get a part of its budget from the government, so they could give opportunities to students from different social fields. Additionally, because of money, infrastructure, professors, policies, might change. A private university would have better laboratories than a public university. There are exceptions, such as Oxford, which is public, and it has good laboratories and teachers as Caltech. As a result, there are different factors that affects to universities, but why Ecuador cannot be part of the top? In 2010, CEACEES (Consejo de Evaluación, Acreditación y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior) was created. Their main objective is to certificate each university according to their level of education, level of preparation of teachers and students, infrastructure, universities polices, among others.


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities?

This institute has published information about how universities in Ecuador are, and what they need to do in order to get a good grade. Most of the public universities do not have enough money to build new infrastructure, classrooms or hire better teachers. By contrast, private college have better places where to study, but it is more expensive. Right now, Yachay Tech wants to become in one of the best universities in Ecuador and in the world. As we know now, if we want to be part of the top, Yachay Tech needs to finish its infrastructure (classrooms, laboratories), needs to capacitate professors because there are some teachers which are not prepared to teach (they were researchers, not teachers), needs to improve their policies in the academic field by linking university with public and private company, needs to think about how many students will study here and finish and needs to make sustainable of itself. In conclusion, universities are important in the world because of the advantages they make for humanity. Even though there is a big difference between public and private colleges, money is not the only fact that affects education. There are some important facts such as policies, infrastructure, level of researching, professors, relationship with private/public companies and so on. There are some public universities which can be good or even better than private universities, but it is affected by different facts. Nowadays, Ecuador wants reference in higher education, and Yachay Tech is the main project. If we want to reach the top of the world, we need to improve some fields, and it would be a tough job.


Exploration Essay Education in private and public colleges: Why Ecuadorian universities are not the best in the world? What can we learn from other universities?

Work Cited U.S. News & World Report. (n.d.). Top Public Schools, National Universities. Retrieved


http:// universities/top-public Times Higher Education. (2014). 10 reasons why Caltech us the world’s number one university.





Peterson’s staff. (2015). Public Universities vs. Private College. Retrieved from Oxford Royale. (2016). Why Oxford Works: 10 Benefits to Studying at Oxford University.



https://www.oxford- works.htmlTimes


Interpretation Essay GUERNICA, by Pablo Picasso Irina Gonzรกlez. Katlheen Sarmiento. Stefano Meza Course Title 6-001

Yachay Tech University. Jun 17, 2016


Interpretation Essay Guernica, by Pablo Picasso

Painting is one of the seven forms of fine art. This field has started from the beginning of humanity. As the majority of people know, ar-

chaeologist had found signs of paintings in some caves; therefore painting has always been in our blood. The main feature of painting is interpretation. There are infinity forms to interpret a painting, using historical context; materials, ways of drawing and the list just keep running. Across the years, paintings have shown different feelings, stories, discoveries, and important moments in humans’ life. Unfortunately, this also shows terrible moments. This is the case of Guernica, one of the most famous paintings of Pablo Picasso. What is the historical context of this piece of art? What was the main idea of the painting? Why did he paint it? Guernica is one of the most impressive works of art from Pablo Picasso, famous painter for its perception of reality and delicate strokes in various art materials; this painting is inspired by the devastating reality in which Spain was during the year 1937. In the painting, terror and suffering caused by the Spanish civil war is reflected in a general way. During this conflict was raised the German blitz on the Basque city of Guernica. This fateful event was the reason for which Picasso entitled to so famous work with this name (museoreinasofia, n.d). In the painting it is possible to appreciate clearly that the used colors are dark, this is due to the fact that the artist tries to reflect the pain and distresses of the Spanish people. This painting consists in animals (bird, bull and horse) and human beings. Likewise all the personages who are included, transmit the panic lived during this time. For example, to the left of the painting it is possible to appreciate a woman with its son died in arms. In the face of the woman there is captured the devastating pain that left the civil war, but not all the objects that compose the painting represent suffering. An example of them is the lamp located in the left, this top part it can be interpreted as a hope for the Spanish people. It is for it that this painting more of to show the hard reality also transmits a message of support and overcoming for all the affected ones.


Interpretation Essay Guernica, by Pablo Picasso

Picture 1. Guernica by Pablo Picasso. Retrieved from

There are many technical aspects in the picture that can be described, like the thin lines shaping geometrical and elongated figures along the painting, and these lines contrast with dramatic darkness colors. All painting is filled of the different tones of black, gray and white, and it gives to the picture a rough texture. The movement in the painting is flowing, and this factor stand out the large size of it. Although there are vibrant mixt of darkness colors, the contrast is darker, but it give to the picture a combination that makes that you perceive it like a slow saturation. Picasso recorded the characters in asymmetrical way and sometimes distorted, it provoke that depth in the painting be ambiguous, but it can be appreciate some different levels of depth inside it. In a general view, the picture seems like a conglomeration of geometrical shapes that give life to many characters like animals and people in the painting (RadioReloj, n.d.).


Interpretation Essay Guernica, by Pablo Picasso

Although there are many ways to express emotions, the representation of reality using colors and figures is a good way to trigger many perspectives of the observers. Each person has their own perception of reality, and a painting can be coupled in the majority of minds. In specific, this painting is a collection of shapes and colors in the grayscale representing brutal moments and facts that are living the chaos of war. This impressive piece of art have made a difference at the moment to capture the human bean reality because it shows the tough side of violence between this specie, and the painter tried to fight against the savagery that bring the war. Work Cited Leal, P. (n.d.). Guernica. Retrieved from <> Leal, P. (n.d.). Guernica [Image]. Retrieved from <> RadioReloj. (2016). Pablo Picasso. Retrieved from <>


Argumentative Essay Should censorship be banned in schools?

Stefano Meza Course Title 6-001 Yachay Tech University. Jun 30, 2016


Argumentative Essay Should censorship be banned in schools?


Argumentative Essay Should censorship be banned in schools?


Argumentative Essay Should censorship be banned in schools?


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences? Meza, Stefano Yachay Tech

Course Title 6-001 July, 7 2016


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Abstract At the beginning of humanity, wars were a common way to solve our problems. Important events changed our destiny, French Revolution, World War I (WWI), World War II (WWII), Cold war, among others played important roles. The consequences of these conflicts led to a new world, giving negative changes, such as war casualties, destroyed countries, less power for a country; and positives consequences: new policies, better technology, and new treatments. WWII was one of the worst wars in XIX century. It brought devastation to different countries, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, United States, France, and the list just keep running. Big events such as The battle of Pearl Harbor, the attach in Normandy, The Atomic Bombs changed our world, and now we are living with its consequences. Consequences like the increasing of power of Russia and United States and the new policies in Japan, and the researching of atomic weapons changed our way to see the world. Because of these reasons it is important to learn from our past, to learn more bout our history and culture, and understand why this conflicts happened. The purpose of this paper, is to show how deadly can become a war, and how many lives can get lost because of political differences. Key words: War, WWII, Germany, Japan, devastations, countries, weapons.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Dilemma in practice It is necessary to learn from our past, therefore we would be better in our future. This is the main objective of this paper, to show how war can change the destiny of countries around the world. Summarizing the most devastating events in WWII, will show negative consequences of wars. In this paper, I will be giving relevant information about: Invasion of Normandy, Attack on Pearl Harbor, The blitz, The bombing in Berlin, Holocaust and Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This devastating events changed the destiny of the world; giving more power to URSS and United States, dividing Germany in two parts, new treatments against japan, and researching of atomic weapons. Showing all these important facts, we will be able to understand what are their consequences, and why it must never happen again. In order to recollect opinions about WWII, I will be using surveys, therefore I will know what Yachay Tech students know about this topic. As a consequence, we will see if they consider WWII as the worst war in XIX century, which is my thesis.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Literature Review World War II (WWII) was a conflict that involved different countries during the years 1939-1945. It can be said it was two big teams. Axis powers which its members were Germany, Italy, and Japan. They fought against the allies, France, Great Britain, United States and it had the collaboration of China and Soviet Union. According to Thomas Hughes (Encyclopedia Britannia), there were about 40 million of death people. Now, it will be presented the most devastating events in WWII in chronological order.

Attack on Pearl Harbor On the morning of December 7, 1941, the Japanese army launched a surprise air attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. According to Jennifer Rosenberg, two hours after the bombing, more than 2400 Americans were dead, 21 ships had either been sunk or destroyed and more than 188 U.S. aircraft destroyed. The main objective of the Japanese army was to destroy all the ships of the United States. They were planning to conquer land from the Pacific, Atlantic and even Indic ocean. Their main enemy was United States, so they decided to attack their ships. Battleships were the first objective, in that time, the control of a sea

battle was determining according to the number of battleships. Also, they wanted to destroy Aircraft carriers, unfortunately, there were too much because they were under repairing. Japanese officer though the attack will be stronger enough, therefore United States will be forced to make new deals, and Japanese army will be free to conquer more territories. About 300 airplanes charged with bombs, and torpedoes arrived at the morning, and destroyed airplanes, ships. By contrast, they did not attack fuel deposits, guns, missiles, torpedoes, because they thought war will over soon and U.S. Army will not need them. After this battles, United State joined officially to the war.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences? Invasion of Normandy Invasion of Normandy started on 6 June, 1944 and finished on 21 august, 1944. Troops, ships, tanks, from United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, attacked Normandy (located in the coast of France) in order to eradicate the German troops and liberate the western countries. The main problem was the big wall called” Hitler’s Atlantic Wall”. Mile after mile of concrete bunkers, machine guns, bombs, etc. They needed a harbor, therefore they could send their weapons to Berlin, the last battle. According to Richard Foot, total allied casualties on D-Day reached more than 10,000 including 359 Canadian killed in action. Hundreds of

Germans were also killed, unfortunately, French civilians died because of the bullet’s raining. In the battle, there were needed 6,900 ships. At the end of this battle, there were 150,000 German soldier’s captures, about 200,000 German soldiers die, and 209,000 Allies soldiers died. Almost 400,000 thousand of people died in just three months. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki At the end of The Battle of Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt declared the war against Japan. They decided to develop better weapons using atomic technolo-

gy (brought by Albert Einstein). Four years after, American govern8ment decided to drop two bombs in Japanese land: Little boy, (Hiroshima) and Farman (Nagasaki). On August 6, 1945, Enola Gay with 2 more airplanes, took the bomb to Hiroshima and dropped it. It killed about 170,000 thousand of people, including women, soldiers, children and animals. Three days after, U.S. Army dropped Fatman on Nagasaki. According to Curtis Lemay and Paul Tibbets, about 263,000 people died. The damage of this city was small if it is compared with Hiroshima’s destruction. As an additional fact, there were planning three more bombs, for September and October. 26

Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences? The Blitz London was one of the most affected cities in WWII. The Blitz were continuous bombing made by German air force in order to destroy bunkers, ships, tanks which were located in London. They took place in 1941 and 1942. All these bombings provoked destruction and inspired different movies such as Peter Pan and Narnia. Consequences of World War II Economic Consequences. This war had big consequences in the economy field. At the end of the wor ld, Soviet Union became even bigger and power ful. It controlled eastern nations of Europe. Communism grew up and got power in China. European states lost their power because of the destruction, therefore United states and Soviet Union could become into the most powerful countries at this time. Japanese Policies. After the Atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, J apanese sur render, but they had to respond for their acts. When they decided to attack Pearl Harbor, they did not declare the war against United States, so that attack was considered as a war crime. As punishment, U.S. Army sent soldiers to Nagasaki and Hiroshima (70,000 in total) and create military bases in Japanese land. Japanese could not create an own army, and they could nt buy atomic weapons, create atomic weapons or research about atomic weapons. Germany Devastation. After the war, Ger many was completely destroyed, its economy was declining and its biggest cities were devastating. As the capitalism was rising in the western countries, communism was taking power in the east of Germany. As a consequence, Germany was divided by the Big Berlin Wall, and this led to different conflicts between both parts. 27

Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Comparison and Contrast between WWI and WWII There has been always a debate to decided which World War was the worst. In this case it is better to make a comparison and contrast between technological innovation. Some historians argue World War I was the worst because of the using of chlorine gas, mustard gas and phosgene, which were “innovate” weapons. According to Michael Duffy, chlorine gas was used on 22 April 1915, at the beginning of the “Second Battle of Ypres”. German troops used this powerful weapon against French soldier who were running off. The effects were devastating because this was a new weapon and they were not prepared to deal with its

effects. As a consequence, British soldiers decided to prepare gas bombs and use them against German troops. Unfortunately, it killed more British soldiers than German soldiers (the gas were blown back into the British trenches) (Duffy, 2009) By contrast, in world War II, 4 years after “Attack on Pearl Harbor”, American government decided to develop a new technology, nuclear and atomic weapons. “Little boy” was created using uranium-235, a radioactive isotope of uranium, the cost of this researching was about 2 billion of dollars, and it was never tested. In august 6, 1945, the airplane arrived to Hiroshima, it had a clear weather. At 8:15, “Little Boy” was dropped in the city. (Rosenberg, 2016.) Be-

cause of this decision, which was taken by President Truman, there were killed about 140000thousand of people (during and after the explosion) it means 40% of the population was eradicate. Because of this reason, military improvements in WWII were more powerful and devastating that Technological innovation in WWI. As a conclusion, WWII can be considered as the worst war in XIX.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?



June: Friday 3, 2016

To prepare the outline of the surveys.

Application In this part of the research paper, I will give important information

June: Sunday 5, 2016

To analyze the information, I want to ask, and make the final document.

about how I prepared the surveys, how I deliver the surveys to random students from Yachay Tech., and how I analyses them. In order to recol-

June: Monday 6,2016

Send to different students in Yachay Tech at least 5-10 surveys.

June: Tuesday 7, 2016

Send 5-10 more surveys

June: Wednesday 8, 2016

Print all the information, and organize it according to their opinions.

June: Thursday 9, 2016

To analyses, compare, check all the information recollected.

June: Friday 10, 2016

Prepare the document which must be added in the research paper.

lect all the information, I will need for this research paper, I decided to make a survey. The calendar of application is the following:

The main purpose of this calendar, is to organize all the task I must do, and to have a document which shows all the steps I did. The survey was uploaded in Google Forms. In order to have all the information prepared for the interpretation, it was printed and organized according to the information I got. Survey’s Structure “Hello everybody, my name is Stefano Meza. As you can see, this is survey about World War II (why it was the one of the worst wars in XIX century).


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Please, if you have time, it would be awesome you can complete this. Therefore, I will be able to finish my Research Paper. If you have some doubts about this, you can send an e-mail to All the answers will be used in order to finish my final project.” 1A) War is one of the most important events in human's lives. It can bring negative and/or positive effects. What is your general opinion about this controversial topic? 1B) Do you think there are positive effects with the beginning of a war? Please, write down at least one reason. 2A) According to historians, World War I was the worst war because of the technological improvements, such as poison gas, tanks, grenades. By contrast, World War II "created" nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, missiles, etc. Which one do you consider as the worst? 2B) According to your general knowledge in history, which one was the worst event in Second World War? 2C) In your opinion, what is the main difference between WWI and WWII?

3A) World War II brought negative consequence to different countries around the world. Which one was the most affected? Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, or United States 3B) When someone is trying to choose a "winner", he/she chooses different categories. What categories do you use in order to see "how deadly was a war"? War casualties, military improvements, or/and destroyed countries.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences? 4A) As you almost finish this survey, I only have one more question. Please be honest. Did you feel capable to do this survey without searching in internet? Explain your answer. Importance of the survey. This sur vey was made to recollect infor mation, therefore my thesis statement will have a strong ar gument and evidence. As it could be seen, the questions have 4 parts; the first part is about general information, the second part is a comparison and a contrast between WWI and WWII, the third part is about consequences of WWII, and the final part is how were you capable to do this survey.

Data Collection. The main reason to collect all this infor mation is to show what is the gener al and specific opinion of students in Yachay tech about this controversial topic. Also, it has the objective to show why WWII was one of the worst wars in XIX century. I hope to collect information which support my thesis, by making a comparison and a contrast between all the opinions. The collection of data I made is a quantitative research, in other words, my objective is to apply this survey to a big group of students from different grades and understand what are their thoughts about this war. The design was descriptive, so the survey was made only once. Because of the using of different questions,

(multiple choice, and wh-questions), we just need about 10-15 applicants. The only limitation to collecting data is the using of students as population and that questions were made through internet. As it was said in the calendar, the application of data took place at the beginning of June and it was finished one week after. I supervised the collection of the information, and the name of the applicants were shown in each survey. It was sent to their respective e-mails.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Results The survey had 14 applicants which answered 4 multiple choice question and 5 general questions. Multiple Choice Questions The 2A question was about which World War was the worst. Most of the students decided that WWII (11 votes) was worse than WWI (3 votes). This supports my thesis and this was the deadly war in XIX century. The 3A question was about the most destroyed country in WWII. According to 8 students, Japan was the most affected, followed by Germany (5 votes) and finally United Kingdom with just 1 vote. Russia and United States were not too much affected, and this can be true. The attack on Pearl Harbor killed about 2000 Americans, by contrast, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost completely destroyed because of the atomic bombing in 1945. Even though Germany started the war, Berlin was completely destroyed, by the Allies Airforce. United Kingdom was also injured by the German bombers, which attacked London during one year. It means the atomic bombing in Japan is the most known event, and the worst according Yachay Tech students. Finally, the 3B question was about what categories do you choose in order to identify how deadly was a war. In this question, applicants could choose more than one answer.

21,4% chose “war casualties”, 71,4% chose “destroyed countries” and 35,7% chose “military improvements” Most of students choose how deadly is a war by knowing how many countries were destroyed, therefore WWII can be considering as the deadliest war in XIX century because of the devastation of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, London, Pearl Harbor, which were the most known. Additionally, about 5 students chose military improvements, and this part was analyzed in the literature review, therefore this makes my thesis stronger.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

General Information Questions There were 5 questions which students wrote their opinion, so I will summarize all the answers in the best way. Most of students have a negative opinion about war, they believe it is “bad” for people, and it can bring destruction to every place. By contrast, some of them say that a war can bring positive effects too. This is really interesting because it is true. After WWII, technology in different fields such as medicine, transport, energy, were highly developed. The main reason of this is that governments during wars, give a huge percentage of their budget in order to develop better weapons, and at the end of the war, all this technology become accessible to scientist. As a consequence, they can develop machines, mechanism, techniques which can help us in our daily live. Also, most of students consider The atomic bombing as the worst event. This is the most known fact about war, there are others devastating events though. Finally, one of the most important questions was if applicants were able to answer the survey without searching in books, magazines or internet; the results were interesting. Unfortunately, most of students do not have a strong definition of WWII and its consequences, which means they need to learn more about their past. They said “I searched in internet because I did not learn history in high school” They need to learn more about our culture, therefore we will take better decisions. As a conclusion, my thesis which is “WWII was the worst war in XIX century, by showing devastating events which took place between 1941-1945 and showing their consequences” was confirmed. Students believe this was the deadly war because of technological improvements, destroyed countries, and war casualties. They consider Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing, the taking power of Adolf Hitler, The Holocaust and the killing of innocent, people became this war as one of the deadly in our history.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Reflection By writing this research paper, I learned important things about our history. I understood why wars are negative for every kind of population and country, but it can bring technology and improvements in different fields. I could see how WWII took place, what were their most known consequences, how the most devastating events took place, and how many people suffer because of this war. This project will help me to keep improving my collection and writing abilities, therefore in the future I will be more prepared to do this kind of tasks. I would like to show this paper to different people, so they could learn more about our history as I did. I think this research can help my friends, because they will be able to make a debate about his topic, and make better arguments to show If World war II was the deadliest, or if there exist other aspects which I do not consider. I learned a lot about this document, and I feel ready to keep researching more information about different fields (not necessary war) in my professional career.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Graphic #1: Question 3A, statistic information about which was the most destroyed country in WWII according Yachay students.

Picture #1: Invasion in Normandy, as better known as one of the last battles in WWII. Taken from

Graphic #2: Question 2A, statistic information about which was the worst war in XIX century.

Picture #2:The atomic Bombing in Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right). Taken from

Graphic #3: Question 3C, statistic information about what kind of category students use in order to identify the how deadly was a war.

Picture #3: German bombing in London, on September 7, 1940. Taken from Wikipedia.


Final Research Project Wars, “important” events across human’s history: Second World War, one of the worst wars. The most known battles of this conflict. Which are their consequences?

Work Cited Rosenberg, J. (2016). The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Retrieved from

Duffy, M. (2009). Weapons of War- Poison Gas. Retrieved from World War II. (2016). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from

Rosenberg, J. (n.d.) Pearl Harbor. Retrieved from Foot, R. (2006). Battle of Normandy. Retrieved from

Curtis, L. and Tibbets, P. (n.d.) Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki-1945. Retrieved




The ending of a journey is always tough, but you get knowledge, experience, and Friends. 37

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