Perspectives: My English Journey Steven Brito Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador
Table of contents Portfolio Letter Response Essay Argumentation essay Literary analysis Final research project essay Reelections Thank you letter
Portfolio Letter
03, December, 2016 Dear reader: My name is Steven Brito and my English portfolio consists of four essays, a reflection and a research project that were done throughout the semester. In the Response essay we improve our ability to understand an article or a reading since it was necessary to understand the context and all the content. It was also very important to understand the idea that the writer tried to show with his work. In the argumentative essay we had to defend a point of view in a specific subject. In this case the theme was: Should There Be a Global Language? For this essay we had only one hour. For doing this work, we needed to think fast and do the work in a clean and fluid way. In the interpretation essay the important thing was to use our abilities to be able to interpret the given subject. In this work we had to create slides to be able to teach our interpretation to other classmates. The work consisted of an exhibition of 10 minutes and 3 different multimedia to explain it better. The work was divided into 7 minutes of exposure and 3 minutes of questions. Something that helped me a lot this semester was the debate on a universal language, because it forced us to think in a quick way to be able to answer the other team's points of view and make good arguments so that the other team cannot refute it. All these works have helped me. My English ability is more fluid and organized, because in previous semesters I was nervous when talking in front of someone or my jobs were more a union of ideas. When I entered level 6 in English I thought that English was just one more subject that was needed for the future in my career, but what I learned throughout the semester is that the language allows us to make friends, get to know people and Have different points of view of things. Something important is that around the course I have discovered that my abilities in the language are better than the last semesters. You can observe a great growth progression between my past works and the works that have been developed during this semester. In the semester we did the argumentative essay and searched for information, I realized that my reading ability had improved, because I understood without any problem the readings. In advance I appreciate that you read my portfolio and understand how I improve my English around this semester, in the level 6. Sincerely Steven Brito
Response Essay
How does our language shape the way we think? Steven Ricardo Brito Pasquel YachayTech University L06-017 September 29, 2016
How does our language shape the way we think_ _ Edge There is no single way of thinking. The article “How does our language shape the way we think_ _ Edge” is really good and interesting, because it helps you understand that people not only have one way of thinking and also you can learn why people can have different points of view if they know other languages. Moreover many people have the idea that languages are only a method of communication or a custom, but according with this article, that is incorrect; languages have always had a big meaning and history within human cultures. In this essay I will write why I am agree with this article. Lera Boroditsky in this article tries to explain about how the language is related to our points of view. She also presents some points that are well-argued and some examples to help the lector to understand what she tries to say. In my opinion the author tries to show some good points for learning and knowing more languages and how it affects the way we appreciate things. Other thing that the author tries to show is the that people who learn several languages have an interesting way to view the things, because they can take the best of the language and think according with it. In my opinion she wrote this article, because there are some people who are self centered in their own points of view and don´t try to listen to others suggestions. They only think in their box, they don’t care to know about the reality of other people. Other reason can be that, every day, humanity loses some of its languages within the different cultures, possible due to, languages sometimes are not considered an important part for a country, and for this reason is better only actualize move on. In this article the author answered a few questions: Do the languages we speak shape the way see the world, how we think and how we live our lives? The people that speak different languages think differently simply because they speak different languages? It makes learning
new languages change their thinking? Do polyglots think differently when different languages are spoken? I will analyze each point by which I think these are answered and argued. First, the point that I think is more important, is that people who know more languages have a broader view. She has a good argument, because she tries to show that there are some words that have an especial meaning or in some countries the words have genders. In my opinion I think that this point is really important, because normally people thinks that there is a word to express the same idea in other languages, but this isn’t always true. For this reason if you know some languages you can appreciate why some words are really important for some countries. Other point that I think is really interesting is that each language has its own words. This point is focus on the actual meaning of the words. She says that there are some words that have genders in some languages and are used exclusively for woman or man. In my experience this is really important in some places, for example I have a brother who has lived in Middle East for a year and he says that talking with local people is really difficult, because for them some words are offensive for men. But the reason why some words are offensive for men is because there is a history behind it. For this reason if you can understand why they have these words you can comprehend why they act the way they do. The author writes about how people that talk other language think different. She explains how people have some customs with their expressions and how these expressions can be different for many countries. For example: In Australia people don’t say “right or left” instead they use coordinates like Northwest or Southwest. In my point of view this is really important to know, because people who know more languages can understand and appreciate different cultures and behaviors and may have a greater understanding on how other countries are.
Other point that Lera Boroditsky presents is that the language and its customs generate some skills dependent on the language and this fact is important because it helps to open ones minds and understand why they are good for some things. For example, the same case in Australia, this people use coordinates to talk. For this reason this people are good seafarers. This point is really interesting because the author show that all people have some interesting skills only by learning a new language; without knowing it. The author writes about how the different ways to read the time depends on the language that people speaks. In some countries the time can be separated for example in Spanish and in English people say in one particular hour or the last hour. For other hand, in other country where the language is Hopi, people never separate the time, because is considerate a cycle. This idea permits to view time as something eternal and not something that is separated in twenty four hours every day. Before finishing there are more cases about this topic, this article presents principally some points that people don’t usually take in to consideration. Lera Boroditsky explains this matter in a way that allows us to understand and not get lost with little phrases or complicated terms. In my opinion this article needs to include some points that explains why learning other language is good, there are several facts that may be difficult within the learning process for other languages. Also maybe somebody needs to spend many years or won’t have the possibility to visits a country that speaks the language. Retaking the previous point one important thing that is needed know according is that learning other language is not always easy. There are some languages or countries that have different alphabet. Also is very important to practice and know about the country. In my case I have been learn English for 9 years and I don’t know all of it. For conclusion this article are really good and explained many interesting points. When I read it I could understand why the world is so different and why people of others countries
thinks different. People in some cases don’t know that the importance of learning a language is not only so we can communicate but it also help shaping our mind set. In my opinion Lera Boroditsky have a good point of view. She shows why the language is so important and that learning languages help people to a different perspective of the world.
Reference 1.
Boroditsky, L. (2009). How does our language shape the way we think? Edge.
Argumentative Essay
Should there be one global language People try to communicate with others every time. There are more than 6000 languages in the world and the most spoken language is English, of course if you count the number of countries that speak this language. A language is the means by which people communicate by trying to convey an idea or thought. There are people who speak several languages and study different languages to communicate in other countries. About 85% of people worldwide speak more than two languages. On the other hand the existence of several languages prevented open communication with others, which even generated political problems. For that reason it would be better for politicians and culture to have a universal language. People think that it is better to have several languages instead of a universal because in the political case a language means a way of seeing life. For this reason if you have different languages people in the government of each country may be able to have their dealings and how to organize a country from different points of view. According to Universia EspaĂąa (14/06/12) “The countries could communicate and respect the cultures speaking both languagesâ€?. In addition if the countries speak different languages when respecting the cultures one could avoid future wars Along the history many wars between countries have been given by the language between them or by an error in the communication. A very important example is the United States attack on Hiroshima, this was because the United States sent a message and they failed to understand well that the United States took as if it were a revelation. In addition if all speak the same languages people would not miss the ideas or the context of a sentence. Therefore the people of one country and even the other countries could understand the laws without there being a mistake for the translation, this would generate that the agreements with the other countries are easier.
In culture language it has a very important and special role because it is a way of carrying on with the past of a town or a country. According with Colleen Cancio “language is so closely tied to culture, family, and personal identity�. Much knowledge will be lost if the cultures speak a single language because many knowledge is written in their native languages and only few people can understand it. Speaking a global language generates that the cultures are unified and that the knowledge not lost but also they can be shared in an easier way avoiding that they are lost with the time. Also it would be gained that people have a culture more united and equality because if we all speak the same language nobody could use that means to feel superior to another person. To conclude if the people speak the same language, the politics and the culture could improve because there would be no limitation for the interaction between countries or cultures and some wars would be eliminated. In addition would avoid many problems that have existed due to bad translations and people could not discriminate against anyone for their language.
Reference (Colleen Cancio ). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from
N. (Universia EspaĂąa). Las 50 razones por las que debes aprender un nuevo idioma. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from
Literary analysis
Araby Steven Ricardo Brito Pasquel Yachay Tech Level 017 October 17, 2016
What point of view is the story told from? How do you know? And why is this important? Analysis People mature with time. “Araby” is a story written by James Joyce; in this story he explains who the main character is chance his attitude as he goes through events in his life. Not always life is the same and depends of the point of view of the person. There are many points of view for things and not all are the same. Also have different point of view not mean that one of them are wrong. In the story we can notice who the storyteller shows the main character; an immature and carefree person, he said “I thought little of the future. I did not know whether I would ever speak to her or not or, if I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration.” This is an interesting point to notice; the author tries to show the main character like carefree, but in the same way he presents him as a person in love. When the narrator says that is to create a connection with the reader and the feelings of the main character. Another thing that is really important notice is that the story as it passes the main character is most serious and upset with others. With is good to note that the narrator show how the adolescents can change by a bad event or something that does not leave them as well. In the story the main character after failing to go with the girl that he liked, she begins to hate the school and all around him. But the author looking for the reader to understand the feelings of the main character. One scene that has a big impact in the story is when the main character is on a train and he is very angry because he was late and the girl that he likes didn’t came with him. The emotions that represent in this scene is important, because the reader can understand why he is angry and in the same way can understand the freedom that he can fell. This part is some difficult to understand, but the author tries to show who depend the attitude.
In conclusion James Joyce in this story shows that the points of view are really important to show something, but is good to consider that not always what is known is the whole ruth. Furthermore if understood the reason possibly be understood why people act in this way.
Final research project essay
How video games affect Academic performance in university students? Steven Brito Level 06-017 Teacher: David Montenegro Final Research Project
How video games affect Academic performance in university students? Video games are played around the world. In the past, video games were considered a hobby for nerd people or geeks who had no friends. Today, about 54% of people play video games and have at least one game console in their homes. In addition, gamers are not only teenagers as normally one would think. They are people of all ages, from 4 to over 60 years old. In order to continue a definition of video games, video games are a type of entertainment in an interactive application through controls that allows simulate experiences in a device (television, computer, cell phone etc.) There are several types of video games: Action, Simulators, Shooting, Sports, Race, Adventure, Fighting, Role playing, Strategy and Music: Despite the variety of video games people have linked them as the main cause for bad grades of students at universities. However, there is a positive side to things. Video games have advantages that help college students in education. First video games have been treated as if they generated lazy people. According to RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Video games generate useful skills for studies. Some skills are: Critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and communication, memory and literacy. Critical thinking is developed in the players, the person who plays must make a decision that will lead to victory or defeat. The interesting thing about this is that over the years, players increase this skill since there are more complicated and more precise games. The player must generate better strategies. Problem solving is a skill that goes hand in hand with critical thinking, it also helps the player with real problems linked to daily lives. Collaboration and communication helps the player interact with other people or in this case within the online game. It also helps improve the interaction with unknown people to reach
a goal together. In addition it improves teamwork and the distribution of tasks for the same purpose to be as effective as possible. The memory is generated thanks to the fact that different types of games, mainly adventure games, need to solve puzzles or complete missions in which you need to remember codes. Memory can also be improved when our brain makes connections between sagas. One of the most important skills that video games generate is literacy as players are not only involved in a video game with a single language but, there can be more than 3 languages especially in online games. It should also be taken into account, that video games help understand the sentences through the contexts and they can learn a great variety of words within games. Since the video games cover a great amount of subjects including the interaction with the player for example in the instructions or subtitles in the videos. The good thing about video games is that they not only improve mental abilities but also help maintaining good health. Student´s health can be improved by video games. This is because video games significantly reduce the number of people suffering from stress. Stress is a response of our body to a complicated situation that generates a threat or that produces a lot of work producing damage to health. According to (CNN Expansión) "Video games could have positive health benefits and help to cope with mental and physical illnesses" This is because the heart rate in people that play videogames, changes speed, which improves the blood flow through the body. Video games also help the brain generate movement in the frontal lobe, which is linked to good mood and tranquility. Not only is stress harmful for a student's health, but it also greatly affects their performance by lowering their ability to concentrate and reason. According to (Carlos Vergara) "the latter generates: failure in education, lack of values, and lack of concentration, bad character and depression". These kinds of problems in education are very serious because a person who tends to fail in education will not be able to do homework or study with full capacity.
Also if students tend to have few values possibly at some point they will have a fight or some problem with their classmates or with some teacher. As the lack of concentration will only generate bad results because if you do not attend class it will be very complicated to understand the subject of the course or solve the proposed exercises. -As discussed before, video games help students interact with others. According to (Balendi) "cooperative games help to unite friendships and confidence in the players". Student friendships are an interesting and important point in education as students can develop better in a setting where they feel comfortable with their peers. For that reason it would be very useful for the student to spend time with classmates playing video games. Cooperative video games are a type of game in which two or more players play as a team to accomplish a mission or to do strategies to win another team, this type of games is usually played online, or play in the same console. If students have strong friendships, it can help with education because studying with peers is a better way to study because if a topic is not fully understood by any of them, the other students could help you understand. Besides being a psychological and physical aid, video games are educational and help in various fields of study. Video games are a way to learn some things without having to study because the stories of the characters or the plot of some games are related to historic people or when you need to solve math or physics problems. According to (Pablo Espeso) "Video games related to history in saga are very educational" There are thousands of video games but a list of those who teach history are: Assassins creed, Call of duty, Civilization. This type of game teaches historic contexts such as the Second World War, the independence of France or the Renaissance. In this way your senses, the emotion and the plot of the game helps the brain to relate to more places and events since normally in video games the player is the main character. On the other hand games that involve numbers help the brain to improve its mathematical and deduction abilities, for example: Sudoku and 2048. These videogames focus on solving exercises
deducing that numbers must go in the blank boxes. You also have to make several sums at the same time to be able to achieve them. Therefore, video games helps them study as it provides information to players. People think that video games generate more disadvantages than advantages and it can be a very dangerous factor in education. According to (Natalia Lopez) "people who play video games can create dependency leaving aside their obligations" This factor is bad for students if they spend the time playing instead of studying their notes; their grades are going to lower considerably. Moreover online video games have more activity at night. People that play instead of sleep will have a mental fatigue in the morning. This factor would result in students not being able to concentrate on study. In addition to that their brain would not function at full capacity. Video games help people in the education system. But for this you also have to take some precautions with play time because if a person spends more time it can cause addiction. As says (Sandra Arteaga) "students who play video games online have the best grades compared to those who do not" This is important to note since although it can become an addiction if you control the skills education generated by video games will make students raise their grades by a large percentage. That will make universities have people better prepared for their professions. To conclude, video games are good for education as long as they are played in a conscious way since the abuse could result to be detrimental to health and studies. Therefore, if video games are implemented in education, better students can be obtained because the skills generated by video games could expand the abilities of students. At the same time students would have better health and could engage in their studies, giving their 100% because they would not have any stress and would be more relaxed. Also the university would be easier since they would feel more confidence and will think education is fun because the classmates would
be their friends and they would not feel alone or depressed. Video games are good as long as they are used with a good purpose.
References: 1. Online gaming can boost school scores. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from 2. H. (2016). Las consecuencias del estrés en la educación. Retrieved December 05, 2016, from 3. Videojuegos reducen el estrés. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from 4. ¿Cómo afectan los videojuegos al cerebro? Segunda parte. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2016, from 5. M. N. (n.d.). Juegos cooperativos para mejorar las relaciones interpersonales en los adolescentes. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from 6. Balerdi, F. E. (2001). Videojuegos y educación. Education in the society (EKS), (2), 3. 7. P. Espeso. (2016). 5 sagas de videojuegos que enseñan Historia sin que te des cuenta Educación 3.0. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from
We had a funny moments:
Thank you letter
Credits Perspectives: My English Journey Steven Brito English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-017 Teacher: David Montenegro January 03, 2016 Imbabura ECUADOR