Willam trujillo portfolio

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My Journey in the English World Trujillo Willam Yachay Tech University English Language Program

Yachay, Ecuador

- My Journey in the English World

Credits My Journey in the English World Trujillo William English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-007 Teacher: Matthew Mackey January 9, 2016 Yachay, Ecuador


- My Journey in the English World




- My Journey in the English World


- My Journey in the English World Willam Trujillo Yachay Tech University Imbabura, Ecuador

January 9, 2017

Dear Portfolio Reader:

My name is Willam Trujillo. I present my English Language Portfolio, thank you for reading it. I´m going to write about my experiences that how student of English language I acquired in Yachay Tech. All of these experiences, these new knowledge, I will represent in this work with three of my best works with my final research, that I did it and develop in my English 6 course. Furthermore I share some stories that count my advance in this area of study. I hope you like my Portfolio as much as I do. I´m ready to continue learn more of this magnificent language. In my English 6 course across by a process of increase how student, when I began this course I had much problems in different areas. I sincerely thought that with my knowledge in English at that time I could with everything, but it was not like that, this prompted me not to take importance that English as a serious course deserved. For example I thought that my works could be done in a short time, which meant that I had to do the English duties very fast and many of the times did not do well or did not understand very well what I had to do. With the passage of time I understood that I had to change that bad habit, I did. I feel that I have improved my work and these have helped me to advance in this important course. One of my best progresses in this course was the way that I made my essays. In the beginning of this course I had problems mainly with develop my thesis statements in my work. I

was not clear how 5

- My Journey in the English World to do it. If I don’t have well my thesis statement, all of the structure of my essays don’t were clear, and with this, my grade decrease. With the pass of time and with different essays, I learned the correct way that uses my thesis statement and different new terms for example: how perform interpretations, argumentations and literary analysis of academic works. This were important for develop my three best works that I present in this Portfolio. My favorite work was my final research essay in which I put in knowledge all that I learned in this semester. Personally I am very grateful for these advances that I had in this course as an English student. My expectations and dreams as a student are great. I hope to develop science and share this in English language. In the continuation of my academic life I hope to work with this language. I know that if I don’t continue to practice English language I will forget important things. I will try to do all my work in this language to continue practicing, mainly with reading. Thank you so much again for reviewing my portfolio. In here I put my new knowledge and achievements that I accomplished during this course for you to consider. I´ve put a lot of encouragement in my portfolio. I hope you like it as much as I do. I am very happy and safe because I know that I received the best education in this course and I am ready to continue my career.


Willam Trujillo


- My Journey in the English World



- My Journey in the English World

The analysis of “Why Don’t You Dance” William Trujillo Yachay Tech October 13, 2016


- My Journey in the English World

The Analysis of “Why Don’t You Dance”

“Why Don’t You Dance” it’s a short story that in its final, open some questions about what happened with all its character. The story with all its questions opens some interpretations to the reader but how the setting helps us to understand this? “Why Don’t You Dance” was develop, we can say in a garage sale, between its characters so principals are: a pair (the boy and the girl) and a man who be to believe is the owner of the house where it’s the sales. For a better comprehension to the lector this essay explains three different aspects of the story that will open different interpretations of the final: who is the man, why he opens the garage sale? , what happened with the pair in the final? ,and finally why the man sale his things how if not care to earn money? The man in the story don’t have antecedents we don’t know who was he. In begin of the story says “the man came down the side walk with a sack from market. He had sandwiches, beer, and whiskey. He saw the car in the drive way and the girl on the bed. He saw the television set going and the boy on the porch” this part helps us to understand in a better way the story. This only proportionated this information of the man, but we don’t have clear if this man is who should sale the things. If this is true, why the man did this? What was his past? What he sale these things? Maybe the man losses his wife or maybe he was divorced. We don’t know his purpose. The story only say that he stay with the pair while he sale the things and he drinks whiskey with they. Another important aspect to the analysis is why the man sale the things if he don’t care to earn money? Why he did this? Maybe the man was walking for here and maybe he wants share a


- My Journey in the English World time with the pair. Maybe he was drunk and he doesn’t know that he did. The story not proportionated information about this, more information that open some interpretations. The most important question in the story for its final is what happened with the pair? The final of the story we can know that the story is told by the girl. The story say “Weeks later, she kept talking. She told everyone. She was more to it, and she was trying” what is mean of this, maybe she explain to someone what happened and the persons take declarations for investigate something that occur in this day. The last thing that we know of the boy is that he was drunk and the girl continued dancing with the man. She also was drunk and by the story we can understand that she also was excited. Maybe before that the man in his state sleeps with her and maybe they had sex. This provokes some problem that perform that the story need it explications before. In conclusion “Why Don’t You Dance” it’s a short story that opens some interpretations to the reader in its final. The events in the story open some questions that we can interpreter in different ways depends of the point of view of the reader.


- My Journey in the English World References Carver’s, Raymond. (n.d.) "Why Don't You Dance?"


- My Journey in the English World



- My Journey in the English World

Interpretation Essay: “The Gleaners” by Jean-François Millet Genesis Guagchinga, Steven Gaona, Joshua Sanmartín, William Trujillo Experimental Research University Yachay November 18, 2016


- My Journey in the English World


Some painters use art like a mirror that reflects the social reality in which they live! Over time, art has been used as a way through which people express particular ideas. Especially, artists like painters who use art for expressing through painting personal stories and historical events. For example, in 1857, the French painter Jean-François Millet painted the painting “The Gleaners”. The painting is a depiction of three-peasant woman gleaning stray wheat grains of land after the harvest. In fact, Millet painted peasant people because they were considered the lowest ranks of French rural society, and he wanted to express social exclusion of poor people by rich people. As a result, Millet show us the French social reality of 19th century in which he lived. Nowadays, the painting “The Gleaners” is located in “Orsay” Museum, Paris, and the picture dimensions are 83.8 cm × 111.8 cm (33 in × 44 in). In this way, the painting “The Gleaners” by Jean-François Millet show us that poor people suffer discrimination due to fact that some people of high status have social prejudices because they believe that their opinions or actions are more important than other people opinion. First, the colors and textures in this painting are soft and muted, which shows us their low social class. The painter uses earth tones in this painting to show how close the people are to the earth. In other words, the people are close to the earth, much like people in poverty. Furthermore, the 14

- My Journey in the English World

gazes and faces of the three women are obscure, which shows us that they do not have a good life, therefore, they are suffering due to the fact that their low social status. It is interesting the dissonance of the colors in the painting. On the one hand, in the bottom, there are tall stacks of grain, which means abundance, and it is painted with the softest colors. On the other hand, in the foreground, there are the three poor women with waste grain in theirs hands, which means poverty, and it is painted with a little lighter colors. Another important characteristic is the color of ground and grass in the foreground. The predominant brown color in the floor shows us that it does not matter the effort of the poor people, in many cases they do not progress. Second, according to Musée d'Orsay webpage, the painting was painted in 1857 after the French revolution of 1848. Millet was son of peasants and lived in France (Musée d'Orsay, 2006). Therefore, the artist was a poor man in a difficult situation, and he tried to show the world how difficult it is to live and work in the field. When Millet painted “The Gleaners”, people of middle and upper class were against him because they did not care about low class people life. The artist tries to show us the realism of fieldwork, this is not an easy job and women used to be in charge of this. The artist himself lived in poverty because that is the only way in which he could paint the reality of the poor people around him. In other words, Millet tries to describe the discrimination that peasant people suffered everyday for their social status. Third, the painting “The Gleaners” is a way to express the personal point of view of Millet. The author show us the true face of rural work in its hardest aspect. In fact, the picture presents three women in full task, crouching to pick up the ears, represent a realistic work with its vivid colors and accentuating volumes (Musée d’Orsay, 2006). In addition, we can see the three phases of these


- My Journey in the English World

repetitive movements imposed by this work: bending over, picking up the ears of corn and straightening up again. The wish of the author is criticize the hard condition of the gleaners. Finally, the painting “The Gleaners” by Jean-François Millet show us that there are some people who underestimate other people such as peasants because their social status. In this way, Millet expresses the social condition of French peasant people 19th century through representation of women picking grain of wheat from the ground. In other words, "The Gleaners" is a realistic vision of French society post Industrial Revolution. In addition, Millet made a social critique because the painting was a way for reporting hard and long hours of work in the countryside. However, the message about discrimination that show us Millet thought his painting is a significant fact. Because nowadays, we continue to live in a society with prejudice towards minorities. For example, in Ecuador, some people who live in cities discriminated to indigenous people who arrive to these cities for working in bad and dangerous jobs such as candy street sellers. Social discrimination is a reality that affected some people in the last centuries; however, we can avoid it, accepting people as they are!


- My Journey in the English World

References MusĂŠe d'Orsay . (2006). Jean-Francois Millet . France: Gran Palais .


- My Journey in the English World

Argumentative Essay


- My Journey in the English World

The importance of a Foreign Language William Trujillo Yachay Tech Nov 23, 2016


- My Journey in the English World

The Importance of a Foreign Language The differences for interpret something or to make something, depends of some factors (the education, childhood, abilities) of these we can derive of education, the learn of the foreign language. The understanding of a different language opens a new world in us. With the study of other language we can acquire new experiences and with this, grow so person. But in our childhood, what are the consequences for introducing a new language? So I said before, a different language changes the way that we can understand the world. Another language shouldn’t be made to learn in all children. With different studies made by Julie Sedivy, in her work titled “How morality changes in a foreign language” she presented different examples that permit understand in a better way this. We can change the way that we appreciated the world with to learn another language, but its important know the importance that have the foreign language with our morality. In the childhood it’s important to learn some aspects that permit us be better human beings if we obligated to child to learn another language he learn other way that he appreciated the world added to their costumes and forms to the appreciated the world thanks to their morality that he acquire in their childhood. Sedivy present in her work a study by Janet Geipet and her colleges in which volunteers read descriptions of acts that appeared to

harm no one. In her results its checked that in a foreign

language its possible changes the interpretations about the acts “those who read the stories in a foreign language judged these actions to be less wrong than those who read them in these native language” (Sedivy,2016) this mean that a way that we can appreciated the things is different of a foreign language than another language.


- My Journey in the English World

When we use a foreign language, our morality, our form to see the things is different. Sedivy in her work said that “using a foreign language we unconsciously sink into the more deliberate made simply because the effort of operating in our non-native language cues our cognitive system to prepare for strenuous activity� (Sedivy, 2016) with this we can see how foreign language change our activities. But, with the result of these studies, we can’t say that positive aspects when we learn a foreign language, in this case English. If we make a decision about English should be made to learn to all the children in a near future we have a society working together in our developing as people in a good society. So we know that the different languages have different important aspects that permit us interpret the world in different ways, if we learn another language our capacity to learn another things grow. But its important know that when we learn another language added to our knowledge other aspects of the another language other ways that see the things. In conclusion, when we introduce a foreign language, we interpret the world in a different way and acquired new experiences, if we permit that the English will be teaching at all the children we permit new thinks. This new thinks will be different added to theirs foreign language and permit to the children have new ways to appreciate the world.


- My Journey in the English World References Sedivy, Julie. “How Morality Changes in a Foreign Language.� Scientific American. N.p., 13 Sep. 2016. Web. 23 Nov. 2016


- My Journey in the English World



- My Journey in the English World

Environmental Ethics: The Relationship between humanity and Environment Willam Trujillo Yachay Tech December 4, 2016


- My Journey in the English World Abstract The environmental ethics is about the understanding of the relationship between environment and the humanity. Environment depends on the humanity and this depends on the environment. This work stand out how the human beings is the unique that its obligated changes the reality of problem that represent the use of the resources that obtain for your develop. The humanity has the moral obligation of protect the environment for your security in the future. Keywords: environment, humanity, ethics, resources, relationship


- My Journey in the English World

Environmental Ethics: The Relationship between humanity and Environment

Until very recently, the capacity of the human being to change the environment it was limited. But in the last hundred years the ability to change the environment increased notably, endangering the entire planet. Throughout history, humanity has been in constant development to improve its way of life making use of the resources that the environment offers us. The relation of man to nature has been so beneficial for us but for the environment that we are part of, not so much. But what important role do ethics play in this matter? According to a political theorist and ethicist Alisdair Cochrane, “The field of environmental ethics concerns human being´ ethical relationship with the natural environment” (Cochrane, 2016), environmental ethics to have been growing together with the history of this relationship already mentioned between humanity and the environment, environmental ethics was part of a philosophical discipline that expressed in his works a certain concern of the advances that have occurred in the world and how These have been affecting the environment, works that criticize the misuse of resources have been part of this field known as environmental ethics. From this arises an incognita, humanity is forced to make changes in their relationship with the environment? Why? Humanity needs to know their problems with the relationship with the environment, needs to know the consequences in the past that how humanity have been, making misuse of the resources of the environment, needs to analyze possible solutions so that these don’t occur, and need to know the duties that humanity have with the environment.

The principal problem that represents the relationship between humanity and environment is that the human beings believe that don’t have any obligations concerning the natural environment. The environmental ethics faces present this with the word ‘anthropocentric’ that means ‘human26

- My Journey in the English World centeredness’ we have that to have in mind that as far as we know, the humans we are the only beings that we can reason about ethical aspects, of this depends us moral obligations that we have with the environment and how beings that we can reason changes the obligations that we have concerning to the environment, whether it depends on anthropocentric thinking or not, we will be accountable for our obligations. (Cochrane, 2016) We depend on nature and nature depends on us.

The environment is up to us, this represent that the acts that we make how humanity, changes for better or worse, but the history tell us that more we have things against the environment. But what are these worse actions? What were the consequences that how humanity have been, making misuse of the resources of the environment? The development of the human beings presented very representative changes through their eagerness to be better every day and to work for the sake of ourselves. The different epochs represented different forms for consume the resources of environment, but the most important that represented changes representative is the epoch of the industrial revolution is the clearest example of harm to the environment we can give, according to Thomson von Agner an Economist Green say that “the progress of the Industrial Revolution made urban populations increased, provoking an exodus of the rural population that was in search of new way to survive�. (Agner, 2004) This tells us how the human "to survive" we have to make drastic changes to do so. From the industrial revolution we are faced with different factors that affect our environment, we have found points in favor of the human being such as development of technologies that have been for the benefit of us, but with points against the environment such as pollution, deforestation, etc. These changes in this time did not have many visible damages, but with the passage of the years we have verified that if we continue against the environment, this will take us invoice. These days it is about giving solutions that help us to maintain a better relationship with the environment, solutions that are urgently needed! 27

- My Journey in the English World

The environmental solutions in these days are given from the education. The new generations received throughout their academic life, a new type of education, making them aware mainly of environmental problems. From this education has given way to the creation of different organizations or agencies, people who take care of protection, security and who do their best to create laws that protect the environment for example is US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an agency of the United States federal government charged with protecting human health and protecting the environment. In your program present a section that references an environmental education that according at your page say that “is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions”. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2016) This shows us that from the education we come to make decisions in favor of the environment decisions that as human beings we have the duty of to do.

The humanity has different duties with the environment; the moral obligation that we have in this time is changing. Thanks to education about the environment the human beings started various forms of thinking done laws in favor to the environment. For example in some countries the laws are penalized, the environment has as many rights as a person, if you damage a certain environment, you will have to comply with some condemnation provided by the country. For example in Ecuador, South American country, exists the Environmental management law which indicates that “ this law establishes the principles and guidelines of environmental policy; Determines the obligations, responsibilities, levels of participation of the public and private sectors in the environmental management and indicates the permissible limits, controls and sanctions in this matter” (Environmental Management Law, 2004) this is an important example that we have that to have in 28

- My Journey in the English World consideration for to know the duties that we have how human beings. The moral obligations enter on this field when we see a wherever person making damage to the environment we have the moral obligation to stop this giving way to a better society and consequently a better environment.

An important date for that the humanity use the environment and continue to the use of the resources of the environment, leaving aside the moral obligations, leaving aside the ethics and continuing with the use of environment encourage human creativity to create new products and solve new problems, move the economy that is the base of the actual society that give most security of the nations. (Everett et al, 2010)

It is necessary to take into account the damages that cause to the human being the use of the resources of the environment according to Cochrane put an example that say “pollution diminishes our health, resource depletion threatens our standards of living, climate change puts our homes at risk, the reduction of biodiversity results in the loss of potential medicines, and the eradication of wilderness means we lose a source of awe and beauty�. (Cochrane, 2016) this respond to the anthropocentric ethic that means that the humanity have the duty to protect the environment.

In conclusion the environmental ethic it’s about the relationship between the human beings and the environment, exist different problems that can be resolved through education that charged for this, for example the agency EPA. History has been responsible for giving evidence of the risk that misuse of resources can make, for example the industrial revolution. The human being develops different laws in favor of environment that are the duties that the humanity have with the nature.


- My Journey in the English World References Cochrane, A. (2006). Environmental ethics. London : LSE Research . Agner, T. (2004). Postindustrial society and the environment a proposal for the application of energy. Brazil : Advances Energy Studies . Environmental Management Law . (02 October 2004). Ministerio del Ambiente. 05 December 2016, http://www.ambiente.gob.ec/ Everett et al, (2010). Economic Growth and the Environment : Defra Evidence and Analysis Series


- My Journey in the English World



- My Journey in the English World




- My Journey in the English World


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