Iskra Zambrano Patrimonial December 08, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader, I have improved in level 6 at Yachay Tech. First, at the beginning of the semester I had many grammar mistakes in writing, but over time, thanks to the corrections of my teacher in my works, I improved my writing and now I make fewer mistakes than before. All the students gave an exposition that was like giving a class, since we explained, in a group, to the others some subject of grammar. This was fundamental in improving our writing because we learned new grammar rules that will improve the way we write. As a next point, most students in my course now speak more fluently than when we started the semester. The teacher has made us do an activity of speaking every day, with which we express our thoughts of different subjects with others. This daily activity has made us improve our language over time and we can communicate in English more easily. In addition, our mistakes were corrected at that time so we learned and recorded them so that we would not commit them again. Personally, now I express myself without fears. At first I was afraid to say what I think because I was afraid to make a mistake or was embarrassed to speak. Thanks to watching videos or reading articles in class on current topics and news in the world, the teacher was urging us to say what we thought about those topics and asked us questions. Over time I learned to say things without fear of anything. Now, I participate actively in the classes and always express my ideas with great fluency and confidence.
One of the most important things that I improved in this English class is to work in a better way. By doing different group activities, I learned that we can all collaborate in some way so that the work goes well. The contribution of all of us is important, apart from improving personal relationships between us. Finally, in this semester through the English course I have grown a lot in the language and in my personal habits. My writing and speaking are much better than at the beginning of the course, and I have started new friendships with which strong bonds have been formed due to group activities. Sincerely, Iskra Nicole Zambrano GarcĂa
Does The Language I Speak Influence The Way I Think? Iskra Zambrano Experimental Technology Yachay Tech University
DOES THE LANGUAGE I SPEAK INFLUENCE THE WAY I THINK? Abstract This essay is about how language influences our thinking and other factors that influence the way we think. Each language has different grammars, so this can make our vision on our environment and objects that surround us are different. However, it is not always necessary language in our thoughts. Other factors that shape our thinking, the most important is culture. Our culture describes the traditions and lifestyle of each, so that culture greatly influences how we think, how we see around us. We can learn other languages, this does not mean that our thoughts are changed, but we can learn other lifestyles. Keywords: language, thinking, vision, culture, influence, lifestyles.
DOES THE LANGUAGE I SPEAK INFLUENCE THE WAY I THINK? Does The Language I Speak Influence The Way I Think? Introduction Many people think that language greatly influences the way of thinking, this is true but not entirely. Other factors also influence how culture. According to Betty Bimer Culture shapes people's thinking, and also shapes the way of speaking (Bimer, 1996). With this, you can say that culture, language and thoughts go hand in hand. There are certain terms in each language with those who do think of different ways things, things like accounting and time. It is also true that we can think without using language, that is, that there are things we think but it's hard to say in words. Linguistic Society of America
This company was founded in 1924. It is responsible for conducting studies on language. One of his most trivial studies is how language affects the way people think. There are several things that do influence language quite in the way of thinking of who speaks it, but there are also other factors. Is it true that the language I speak shapes my thoughts? There have been several studies concerning this. A study was conducted by a linguist named Benjamin Lee Whorf when he studied Hopi. According to Whorf “speakers of Hopi and speakers of English see the world differently because of differences in their language�. The most important of this study is that it could see that not only the language has to do with thinking, but also their culture. I think the lifestyle, traditions, dress, etc., are a very important part in the thinking of each person. I agree with that culture also it shapes the way of speaking. However, another point concerning how the language changes our thoughts is that Objects are treated differently by the syntax of different languages as well (Bimer, 1996). For example, in the English language difference between accounting and non-accounting objects is 3
DOES THE LANGUAGE I SPEAK INFLUENCE THE WAY I THINK? done. The accounting objects are not measured by the cups, liters, etc. On the other hand, in the Japanese language there is no such difference. I think if it would be possible that this property makes English speakers think about the difference between individual objects and substances, while the Japanese do not. Another example is the time, Spanish-speaking English and divides it into pieces. This could make us think that time is "things" that can be saved, lost, or lost. For the Hopi there is this division, so for them time is a continuous cycle. I agree with that in reference to this, the language if you change our thinking. However, not always think in language. Many times people think things we cannot explain in words, thus thoughts do not always require language. For example colors, we can think of them but it is not something about our language. With this, it makes it clear that not always the language has to do with our thinking. “The influence of language isn’t so much on what we can think about, or even what we do think about, but rather on how we break up reality into categories and label them” (Bimer, 1996). Our thoughts are based on how we categorize the world and I very much agree that this has to do with our culture. We rely on our customs that are transmitted through us and this gives shape our thinking. In conclusion, the language influences the way of thinking, but is not the only factor. The language influences our thoughts about grammar of each language and the categorization of the medium. However the most important aspect is thinking culture, traditions and lifestyle are what give shape to our thoughts. Finally, I can say that learning a new language will not change our way of thinking, but we teach different cultures and ways of life.
REFERENCE Bimer, B. (1996). Linguistic Society of America. Obtenido de
The Cry of the Ecuadorian Painter Guayasamin Against the Misery of the Human Being is Reflected in "The Hands of the Protest" Quilumba V., Velasco B., Zambrano I. Yachay Tech University
Author’s Note ELP L6 – 018 Fall 2016
Through the painting, we can express our emotions and the reality in which we live. This was the main purpose of Oswaldo Guayasamin, an outstanding Ecuadorian painter, who through the artistic movement "The Cubism" succeeded in translating into each of his pictorials works the social, political and personal problems of the human being. We can highlight the talent of Guayasamin in one of his most valuable pictorial works, "The Hands of Protest," a work belonging to the project "The Age of Wrath." Additionally, lovers of cubist art from the works of Oswaldo Guayasamin will be able to discover in "The Hands of Protest," the result of the thought of a lifetime. Also, the message that Oswaldo shouts in his paintings throughout a career is dedicated to the sensitivity for the most unprotected beings, and for that reason “The Hands of the Protest” is a mixture between a prayer and a cry. "My painting is of two worlds. From the skin to the inside it is a cry against racism and poverty, and from the skin to the outside is the synthesis of the time that I had to live." (O. Guayasamin) Oswaldo Guayasamín, son of indigenous father and mestiza mother, was born in Quito on July 6, 1919. He started to draw when he was a child, and his talent excelled at a tender age. Oswaldo spent his time drawing caricatures of his classmates and teachers when he was eight years old, and that situation gave him fame among his friends and instructors. In addition, he sold his pictures to foreigners, and with that money he used to pay his studies in the “Escuela de Bellas Artes” in Quito. When he was 20 years old, he won a scholarship to study arts, and the opportunity to expose his pictorial works in Mexico. Years later, when he was 36 years old, he won the Great Prize of the Spanish-American Biennial in Barcelona and later the Great Prize of the Biennial of Sao Paulo.
Guayasamin did several humanist works where he reflected and expressed pain and misery that the society of his generation endured. He also denounced, through his pictorial work, the violence between human beings during the 20th century marked by world wars, civil wars, genocide, concentration camps, dictatorships, and torture. As a result of his work, Guayasamin marked the tendency of the social realism, and he became a reference of the Ecuadorian painting in the world. “My painting is to hurt, to scratch and strike in the hearts of people. To show what Man does against Man.” (O. Guayasamin). Through his pictures, Guayasamin searched for justice in society and a better life for all. For example, one of his most important collections of his pictorial stages is “The Age of Wrath” which contains the painting “The Hands of the Protest.” In the art sense, Oswaldo Guayasamin shows the despair of human beings against problems that affect them. Also, it reflects the misery that most of humanity suffers and denounces, the poverty, the corruption, the pain of a mother who loses her son due to the war, and the abuse of power of people who believed themselves superior to the others. “I know that examples of physical and mental torture, of everyday crimes, are more or less known. But there is another form of official torture, less visible, less known, but more devastating, that aims at the same goal: the destruction of our peoples, annihilating our culture, making them consumers of products and concepts elaborated thousands of kilometers from our Countries, in that total war that fascism has once again declared to culture.” (O. Guayasamin) As Guayasamin said, there exists another type of war that annihilates the culture of our peoples, and we saw that in “The Hands of the Protest.” On the one hand, we saw the signs of despair in a human face and the position of two hands which cry silently for help for our world that is crumbling because of the ambitious man who consumes his mother earth.
On the other hand, the battered hands of the man, the color of his skin and his facial features, bring to our minds the image of our indigenous peoples. People who are characterized by their hard work of every day to achieve a "dignified" life that in the past and nowadays is remunerated with unjust salaries. In addition, it reminds us of their future that is taken away by those who think themselves superior, the great landowners who nowadays disguise themselves as politicians; the picture reminds us of his struggle for equality and liberation. As we mentioned before, “The Hands of the Protest” is part of “The Age of the Wrath,” and for that reason, it reflects the catastrophe. It also reflects the loss of lives of human beings under the ambition of individuals with the thirst for power for governing our planet causing violence, wars, and injustices. The color at the bottom of the picture gives us a feeling of sadness. The blue color gives us the idea of a man who has suffered and who has repressed his feelings for fear of being judged. Also, the mixture between blue and black shows us and the sadness due to the slavery of our indigenous peoples and their culture. “In spite of everything, we have not lost faith in man, in his ability to rise and build; because art covers life. It is a way of loving.” (O. Guayasamin). Finally, Oswaldo Guayasamin tried to give us a message represented by a cry which protests for freedom and justice for all those who have been repressed; a cry against the discrimination of aborigine peoples. Additionally, Guayasamin achieves to connect his feelings with the viewer and makes that the viewer feel the author feelings with the purpose of transmitting a profound message of protest. To conclude, in the pictorial work done by Oswaldo Guayasamin, “The Hands of the Protest,” shows the sensitivity that Guayasamin had for the most unprotected beings. Also, this is evident because the painting shows a desperate man who cries for injustice of the
society. “The Hands of the Protest” is the proof of the great talent that Guayasamin had, and we believe that his pictorials works leave us a legacy of love for art.
6 References
Viaje de Radio. (2010, February). Retrieved from Biografías y Vidas. (2012). Retrieved from Biografías, E. d. (1999, December). Busca Biografías. Retrieved from
Why dance should be part of our lives? Dancing is an art with which people can express our feelings and thoughts through our body. However, although it is not considered a sport, it also helps us stay in shape, better health and be happier. The dance changes the monotonous life of people. Generally, when someone decides to does some physical activity, he or she thinks of the fun that it could give. To do this dance is the best option. It is necessary that people include dancing in their lives for all emotional, mental and physical positive benefits it offers. The main objective of this research is to understand thoroughly all the benefits that dancing brings to the lives of people. The different types of dance that are made to improve some biological functions of the body, such as breathing, heart rate, endurance, strength, flexibility, etc. Therefore it improves the health of people. Probably get a lot more physical and emotional benefits than we can imagine. Then, with all the data obtained in the investigation, information would be provided to people about the benefits they could get if they include dancing in your life. Trying to convince them to do this activity part of their daily lives and improve their quality of life, both emotionally and physically. The intention is to conduct the investigation with dance club Yachay Tech University. First investigate different books and websites about all the benefits that dancing gives our body. Then keep track with some of the members of this club to verify what benefits they have been obtained and compared with research. Make them different but simple checks to see how it will improve your physical and emotional states through the dance. The benefits of dance are usually short-term, so that research would be viable in a short time. Finally, opinions would be asked participants about how the dance has changed their lives in different ways. Resources and references required. Internet Books Dancers Help the medical center for small checks.
The Advantages of Making Dance a Part of Our Lives Iskra Zambrano Experimental Technology Yachay Tech University
Iskra Zambrano GarcĂa L6-018 December 01, 2016
2 Abstract
Dancing is an art by which people can express their feelings and emotions. Besides being an art is considered a fun and entertaining physical activity, therefore in doing so gives many physical, mental, psychological and social benefits. By dancing improves circulation, pressure and the respiratory system, on the other hand also increases flexibility, balance, bone strength and energy levels. In addition, dancing helps improve self-esteem and the practitioner is happier performing this entertaining activity. Finally, dancing helps to socialize with other people and make more friends. There are also risks of injuries when dancing, but if you do it with the necessary precautions you will only get the benefits. Key words: dance, art, benefits.
The Advantages of Making Dance a Part of Our Lives Since man exists, dancing has been a way to express feelings and has made people of all ages achieve stay fit. It is one of the ways that can really illuminate the humdrum lives of people. When someone decides to start a form of exercise usually takes into account the level of fun that includes and dancing is that, fun. Dancing is an art with which people can express their feelings and thoughts through their bodies; it besides being fun has many positive benefits for emotional, mental, physical and general health (Gonzalez, 2016). Dance mobilizes large muscle groups, which is very positive for different diseases especially osteoarticular pathologies, improving aspects such as flexibility, strength and endurance. The basis of dance is the confluence of movement, balance, rhythm and gestural representation. Dance is the activity that requires greater synchronization and the more synchronized collective exercise that exists. The physical benefits of dance are many, it helps to improve the heart health and the circulation of blood. Additionally, it does to loss body weight, increases levels of bad colesterol achieving improve physical performance and increases levels energy. Finally, dancing is considered an antidepressive because people is always happy when they are dancing due to it stimulates the production of endorphin. First, dance helps the heart, studies have shown that people with heart failure who practice dancing as exercise, improve their heart health, breathing, and quality of life significantly compared to those riding bike or walk on a treadmill for exercise. Like any muscle, the heart needs exercise to be in top condition. Dancing helps the heart stay strong and function more efficiently. It raises the heart rate during dance practice, and a long term strengthens the body's ability to perform physical exercises without fatigue. Additionally, dancing decreases blood pressure, improves circulation and reduces stress, so it prevents suffering from heart
disease. Then, according to Violeta Merlo (2014) dance improves the lung capacity, so people who practice this can to breathe better with the time. Weight loss is another benefit dance if you practice often, as this burns calories keeping the body at an appropriate weight. More calories with the more intense and faster dance; of course, is not the same to dance a slow waltz that a frenzied salsa. Several studies indicate that with an hour of moderate dancing you can burn up to 260 calories while dancing fast with 365 calories. Then, dancing increases levels of good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol, it also help control the blood glucose level in people with diabetes. Additionally, it promotes drainage of fluids and toxins and elimination of excess fats, so advances the image of who practice this fighting overweight obesity. Besides whoever dances continuously, becomes a more attractive person, because it is an exercise that gives aesthetic shape to the body. Another important point is that it improves physical performance and increases energy levels. According to a study published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, only one dance class per week can increase the energy level in a meaningful way. Then, according to JosĂŠ Miguel Cruz (2013) dance increases the capacity of resistance to carry out any physical activity. Additionally, dance is a social and creative activity that gives the opportunity to establish relationships and it is proven that social activities strengthen the immune system, so some of the great results of dancing are energy, strength and vitality. Later, dance improves flexibility, strength and endurance, which helps keep the body free from injuries. These dance benefits for the physical health often go unnoticed. Dancing builds and tones muscles in different parts of the body. Even the most elegant and gentle dance helps to tone the body and keep it fit. This can also help keep joints lubricated in order to prevent arthritis, so it helps in preventing and treating osteoporosis (Gonzalez, 2016). Additionally, it
Improves agility, balance and coordination of movements. It is a good exercise for the brain, it improves concentration and memory. Besides dancing can help reverse the loss of volume in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory, which would prevent senile dementia, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. According to Merlo (2014) when we learn dance routines, it improves memory and the ability to perform various tasks at the same time. As it regards the emotional, dancing is something that almost everyone enjoys doing, and this is because it stimulates the production of endorphins, the stress-relieving hormones of happiness, so it is considered an antidepressant. Dancing is a creative and social activity that brings great benefits to mental health and emotional well-being. For the biological reasons mentioned above, it is proven that dancing helps relieve the symptoms of depression and strengthen self-esteem. Besides, according to a study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience the dance contributes to the regulation of the levels of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters key not to fall into depression. Dancing, apart from being an antidepressant, also has psychological benefits. Dancing enhances self-confidence because when people learn different dance steps and feel that they are mastered, they enjoy it and feel very confident about themselves. Likewise, by dancing the mind concentrates on memorizing and properly performing the steps that people forget the problems and on the contrary, they relax and fill with energy. According to Corazรณn Tierra (2016) Dancing is a hobby that stimulates creative, so people who practice this every day they are more creativity and they can resolve their problems easier and quickly. Additionally, dance is an art that helps the development of discipline and self-control, so when practicing it develops new skills that serve in everyday life as at work or in studies.
Apart from the physical and psychological benefits that dancing provides, it also provides great social benefits. First, it is a challenging pastime for anyone, regardless of age or sex and it gives the opportunity to interact and share a hobby with other people, so you can socialize, meet people. Knowing other people doing this activity will experience new experiences, which brings joy and passion to the lives of those who practice it. In addition as it allows the socialization with other people, this also helps to overcome the shyness. In addition, thanks to dance, the musical culture is developed and it is an extra knowledge to share with other people. Finally, dance improves posture and balance of body. According to Vladimir Pustovit (2016), dancing can help correct the bad postures that we adopt in daily life and at work, such as the hump that is formed when sitting in an incorrect way. Dancing strengthens the muscular system and bones, giving more flexibility to the spine and all muscles. This is key so that the body can hold a proper posture. Dancing also helps release the body from unnecessary stresses that could cause posture problems. All types of dance require correct alignment of different parts of the body, so the constant discipline of maintaining good posture while dancing improves posture in daily living. Additionally, dance enhances coordination, improves agility, balance and coordination of movements. It is a good exercise for the brain, it improves concentration and memory. Dance has many advantages when it is included in our lives, both physically and emotionally, but it also has disadvantages that many people do not take into account. First, there are high risks of injury, especially in the legs. Dancers are subjected to heavy workouts to improve their technique and this, in excess, can rupture a ligament or muscle. In addition, dance can be very tiring if done for a long time, which would cause a lack of energy and deficiency in other daily activities of those who practice it.
Another problem is that many people are obsessed with being perfect in dance and practice for a long time. It can cause them to work too much, and they spend time at the ball instead of their other daily activities. People could spend more time in this activity and neglect their work or studies, which would not be good. Finally, they might do too much physical activity or spend too much time dancing, which could cause them problems in their health. Despite all the dangers mentioned above, if you dance in compliance with all safety protocols the chances of suffering an injury are practically nil. In addition, each dance has equipment to perform it and thus not suffer injuries, for example, in the ballet are used mesh, ankle and pointed shoes that have the proper structure so as not to hurt your feet. On the other hand you should also limit the time to dance; the benefits are given if you perform this activity in moderation and enjoying it. To conclude, dance is a form of expressing feelings through body. This activity is good for health because it has many positive benefits, both physical as well as emotional, as well as social. Dancing causes problems to disappear, and this reduces stress. There are different kinds of dance which are made to improve specific biological functions of the body, such as breathing, heart rate, endurance, strength, flexibility, etc. Besides, when doing this activity is socialized with other people and the person who practices it is happier However, there are also probabilities that people who practice this may suffer some injury, so it is considered a little dangerous. Finally, if this activity is done with caution it will not be dangerous and the person can get all the benefits of dance. Finally, dance has many more benefits than disadvantages, so it is an excellent idea to include it in the daily life of people.
8 Reference
Cruz, J. M. (2013, October 3). El baile mejora su postura y aumenta nivel de energĂa. Gonzalez, A. (2016). Retrieved from Merlo, V. (2014, March 24). Hola Doctor. Retrieved from Pustovit, V. (2016, November). Deporte y Salud. Retrieved from Tierra, C. (2016, January 18). About. Retrieved from http: