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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide September 2009

Calabrio and the Calabrio “There’s no end to better.” logo are trademarks of Calabrio, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and certain other countries. All other company or product names mentioned may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright © 2009 Calabrio, Inc. All rights reserved. Produced in the USA. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Calabrio, Inc. 605 Highway 169 North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 USA Notice While reasonable effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of release, Calabrio, Inc. cannot assume responsibility for any errors. Changes and/or corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated into future issues. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide 5 ■

What is Calabrio Recording Controls? 5

Installing Calabrio Recording Controls 6 Installing the Calabrio Recording Controls Servlet 6 Configuring Unified CM 9 Creating an IP Phone Service Definition


Assigning the IP Phone Service to QM Agents’ Phones 11 Configuring the Calabrio Recording Controls Servlet 15 Changing Debugging Levels


Controlling What Commands the Calabrio Recording Controls Users Can Use 17 Command Rules 17 Verifying the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service is Working 20 Verifying the QM User is Configured Correctly for the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application 23 Upgrading QM 23 ■

Removing Calabrio Recording Controls 25

Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications 26 Calabrio Recording Controls User Application Commands 26 Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service


Accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service


Calabrio Recording Controls Base Screen 30 Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application


Accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application 40 Sending Metadata Commands 42 ■

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands 43 Recording Commands 44 QM Workflows 48 Active and Last Call 49 Audio and Screen Recordings 50 Command Precedence



Index 53

Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

What is Calabrio Recording Controls? Quality Management (QM) allows you to record, store, score and review the agent’s calls in a contact center. The system administrator configures workflows to control the recording of calls. The workflows decide which recorded calls to store in the system for storage or review. Because there are always special cases that you cannot anticipate or handle by creating a simple QM workflow, Calabrio Recording Controls software provides commands that you can use to override the business logic found in QM workflows. The Calabrio Recording Controls software allows you to control what recorded calls are stored, the content of the recorded calls, and even the data associated with the calls. This is sometimes called “record on demand”, but the Calabrio Recording Controls software allows you to do more than force the recording and storage of a call. Calabrio Recording Controls software consists of two easy-to-use applications that use the recording control interface of the Quality Management product. These applications are the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service and the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application. These applications allow contact center agents to control the recording of calls. For more information on these applications, see "Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications" on page 26. Calabrio Recording Controls is not bundled with the QM product, but it does require the QM to be installed an running in order to work properly. Calabrio Recording Controls is an add-on product that you can install and deploy in any contact center that is running QM version 2.6.x or 2.7.x. The Calabrio Recording Controls applications include a Cisco IP phone service and a browser-based application that runs on a Windows OS desktop machine. Both applications offer the same basic functionality to the user. For Calabrio licensing information, see Calabrio End User License Agreement. For the latest version of this document, go to

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Installing Calabrio Recording Controls Both Calabrio Recording Controls user applications require the installation of a single Calabrio Recording Controls web servlet. You must install this servlet on the QM Base Services server where the QM LDAP Monitor service and QM Tomcat service are installed. This machine already has the Apache Tomcat webserver installed, as it is part of the QM product. The Calabrio Recording Controls servlet uses the existing Tomcat installation, as well as other QM components (like LDAP and the QM database). The Calabrio Recording Controls software only works if it is installed on this QM Base Services server.

Installing the Calabrio Recording Controls Servlet To install Calabrio Recording Controls servlet:

1. Download the zip file containing Calabrio Recording Controls to the QM Base Services server and extract the files. 2. Double-click the setup.exe to start the installation wizard and follow the prompts. If the installation fails, you see the Calabrio Recording Controls Installer Information dialog appears (Figure 1). Click OK to dismiss the dialog box. An error message appears on the InstallShield Wizard Completed window (Figure 2) indicating the installation was interrupted and the system was not modified. The installation failed because Calabrio Recording Controls can only be installed on the server that hosts the QM LDAP Monitor service and QM Tomcat service. Download the Calabrio Recording Controls zip file to the server that host the QM LDAP Monitor service and QM Tomcat service and try again. Figure 1.


Calabrio Recording Controls Installer Information dialog box

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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

Figure 2.

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InstallShield Wizard Completed window with error message


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

If the installation completes correct, you see the InstallShield Wizard Completed window (Figure 3). Figure 3.

InstallShield Wizard Completed window

The wizard copies a Web application ARchive (WAR) file to the Apache Tomcat webserver director and restarts the QM Tomcat service. The QM Tomcat service extracts files from the WAR file and runs the Calabrio Recording Controls servlet. In addition to the Calabrio Recording Controls servlet, the WAR file also extracts configuration files and documentation files to the system. You can access the Calabrio Recordings Control documentation from: http://<QM-base-services-server>:8088/recordingcontrols/recordingcontrols .pdf where <QM-base-services-server> is the IP address or hostname for the QM Base Services server. NOTE: To view this document, you must have Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later running on your machine. After you install the Calabrio Recordings Controls servlet, you can immediately start using the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application. The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service requires additional configuration on Cisco Unified Call Manager (CM), before you can use it. See "Configuring Unified CM" on page 9 for instructions on configuring Unified CM.


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

Configuring Unified CM Before you can use the Recording Controls IP Phone Service, you must configure an IP phone service and assign the service to QM user’s phones in Unified CM to support the Recording Controls IP Phone Service. The information provided in this section applies to Unified CM 5.1. Other Unified CM versions may differ. Please refer to the appropriate Unified CM administration documentation for your version of Unified CM for the most accurate information. Regardless of the Unified CM version, there are two basic steps required to create an IP phone service: 1. Create an IP phone service definition with a name and URL. 2. Assign the IP phone service to one or more IP phones.

Creating an IP Phone Service Definition To create an IP phone service definition:

1. Log into Cisco Unified CallManager Administration. 2. From Cisco Unified CallManager Administration, choose Device > Device Settings > Phone Services. The Find and List IP Phone Services window appears (Figure 4). Figure 4.

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Cisco Unified CM Administration: Find and List IP Phone Services window


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

3. Click Add New. The IP Phone Services Configuration window appears (Figure 5). Figure 5.

Cisco Unified CM Administration: IP Phone Services Configuration window

4. Enter the information in the Service Information pane for the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service and click Save. When you enter information in these fields, note the following. ■

You can assign any name you want to the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service in the Service Name field. You can also assign the same name to the ASCII Service Name and Service Description fields. The example in Figure 6 uses the name, QM Recording Control. This name appears on the user’s phone when the user presses the Services button on the phone.

You must enter the Service URL using the following format: http://<QM-base-services-server>:8088/recordingcontrols/ipp/main where <QM-base-services-server> is the IP address or hostname for the QM Base Services server.


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

The Service Parameter Information pane appears on the IP Phone Services Configuration window (Figure 6). No additional parameters or information is required. Figure 6. Cisco Unified CM Administration: IP Phone Services Configuration window with the Service Parameter Information pane

Assigning the IP Phone Service to QM Agents’ Phones This task shows you how to assign the IP phone service to QM agent phones that you want to use the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service. To assign the IP Phone Service to QM Agents’ Phones:

1. From Cisco Unified CallManager Administration, choose Device > Phone. 2. Use the search options to locate phone you want to assign the IP phone service to. 3. Select the phone you want from the Search Results list.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

The Phone Configuration window appears (Figure 7). Figure 7.

Cisco Unified CM Administration: Phone Configuration window

4. Choose Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services from the Related Links drop-down list box, and then click Go.


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

The Subscribed Cisco IP Phone Services popup dialog box appears (Figure 8). Figure 8. Cisco Unified CM Administration: Subscribed Cisco IP Phone Services popup dialog box

5. Select the service you created in "Creating an IP Phone Service Definition" on page 9 from the Select a Service drop-down list box, and then click Next.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

The Subscribed Cisco IP Phone Services window displays the information associated with the selected service (Figure 9). Figure 9. Cisco Unified CM Administration: Subscribed Cisco IP Phone Services popup dialog box with service subscription information

6. Click Subscribe to add the service to the list of services assigned to the agent’s phone.


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

The Subscribed Cisco IP Phone Services popup dialog box displays all subscribed services (Figure 10). Figure 10. Cisco Unified CM Administration: Subscribed Cisco IP phone Services popup dialog box displays all subscribed services

7. Click Save to save the configuration. The new IP phone service appears in the service list when the agent presses the Services button on their hard or soft phone. 8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each QM agent you want to assign this service to. NOTE: The Calabrio IP Phone Service can only be used by QM agents who are using QM Network Recording. See "Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service" on page 27 for more information.

Configuring the Calabrio Recording Controls Servlet Calabrio Recording Controls software requires very little configuration. The applications automatically gather information needed to run properly. There is a single configuration file that an administrator can edit in order to control global behavior of the Calabrio Recording Controls servlet and client applications. The file is called

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

This file resides on the QM Base Services server where you installed the Calabrio Recording Controls servlet . The default directory is one of the following: C:\Program Files\Calabrio\WFO_QM\config C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\config Figure 11 displays a typical example of the file. Figure 11. #log4j.rootLogger=INFO,LOG,DBG,CONSOLE #log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,LOG,DBG,CONSOLE #log4j.rootLogger=CALL#com.spanlink.util.log.SplkLevel,LOG,DBG,CONSOLE #log4j.rootLogger=TRACE,LOG,DBG,CONSOLE #log4j.rootLogger=DUMP#com.spanlink.util.log.SplkLevel,LOG,DBG,CONSOLE log4j.appender.LOG=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.LOG.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.LOG.Threshold=INFO log4j.appender.LOG.File=${sqm.home}/log/recordingcontrols.log log4j.appender.LOG.MaxFileSize=3MB log4j.appender.LOG.MaxBackupIndex=3 log4j.appender.LOG.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %X{EC}%m%n log4j.appender.DBG=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.DBG.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.DBG.Threshold=DEBUG log4j.appender.DBG.File=${sqm.home}/log/recordingcontrols.dbg log4j.appender.DBG.MaxFileSize=10MB log4j.appender.DBG.MaxBackupIndex=20 log4j.appender.DBG.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %X{EC} [%t|%X{CML}] %m%n splk4j.appender.DBG.accept=STACK#com.spanlink.util.log.SplkLevel # Controls what buttons are available to users recordingcontrols.agent=record,pause,resume,restart,delete,metadata recordingcontrols.know=record,pause,resume,restart,delete,metadata recordingcontrols.title=Calabrio Recording Controls

Administrators can edit this file to change debug levels for the Calabrio Recording Controls servlet or control the Calabrio Recording Controls commands that are available to QM users who are agents and knowledge workers.

Changing Debugging Levels The first 25 lines in the file start with “log4j” or “splk4j.” These lines control the type and amount of debugging information generated by the Calabrio Recording controls servlet when it is running. The Quality Management


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

Troubleshooting Guide explains how to change debugging levels in the properties file. Please refer to the Quality Management Troubleshooting Guide for additional information.

Controlling What Commands the Calabrio Recording Controls Users Can Use The last three lines of the file control what the user sees when using the Calabrio Recording Controls user applications. Since QM only records agents’ and knowledge workers’ calls, you only need to control the available commands for these types of QM users. The first two lines of the last three lines display the commands that each user type sees in the Calabrio Recording Controls application. The line starting with “recordingcontrols.agent=” controls the commands QM agents see, and the line starting with “recordingcontrols.know” controls the commands QM knowledge workers see. The last line in the file controls the name of the application. The line starting with “recordingcontrols.title=” controls the name of the application the QM users see. By default, the application name is “Calabrio Recording Controls”. You can change the name based on your site’s requirements. When you change the values in these three lines in the file, Calabrio Recording Controls immediate refreshes the user application screens. Browser application users see the changes when they reload the page. IP Phone Service users see the updates when they access the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service base service screen. NOTE: Changes to the settings do not require a restart of the QM Tomcat service.

Command Rules ■

The following list displays the only valid recording commands that you can enter in the file. The only recording commands a Calabrio Recording Controls user can see and use are the ones that appear in the file. ■







Calabrio Recording Controls ignores all other words.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Do not enter spaces between the words on these lines. Use commas as separators between the commands. â–

The order in which commands appear on these lines determines the order in which they appear in the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service. The command order does not apply to the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application.


If you remove commands from these lines, the commands no longer appear in either the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service or Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application. For example: when you remove a command in the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application, the button no longer appears and the remaining buttons align themselves to fill the remaining space.


The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service can display up to four soft buttons at a time (some phones, like the IP Communicator soft phone, may allow as many as five buttons). To see additional commands, the user must press a button to display more commands. For this reason, you should place the most frequently used commands at the beginning of the list. This makes command navigation easier. If you want a blank button to appear on the IP phone service screen, you can simply omit the command name in the string, using two consecutive commas as in the following example: recordingcontrols.agent=record,,pause,resume


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

When you enter a string with two consecutive commas, the result on the main page of IP phone service looks like Figure 12. Figure 12.

Main page of IP phone service with fewer buttons

If you include more than four commands on the line, the system automatically places a “More� soft button on the screen that the user can use to see additional commands. For more information about the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service, see "Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service" on page 27.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

The result on the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application looks like (Figure 13). Figure 13.

Calabrio Recording Controls Browser with fewer buttons

For more information about the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application, see "Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application" on page 38.

Verifying the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service is Working If you are using the Calabrio Recording Controls IP phone server, verify the service is configured correctly. NOTE: Only users who are properly configured to use QM Network Recording for QM can use the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service. If you configure a user to use QM Desktop Recording, they must use the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application to control their recordings. To verify the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service is working:

1. From your Cisco IP phone or Cisco IP Communicator soft phone, press the Services button.


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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

The Services menu appears (Figure 14). Figure 14.

Service menu

2. Select the IP phone service for the Calabrio Recording Controls.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

In this example, the name of Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service application is QM Recording Control. â–

If the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service is working, the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service base screen appears (Figure 15). Figure 15.



Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service base screen

If the QM user is not configured correctly for network server recording, the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service displays an error message

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Installing Calabrio Recording Controls

(Figure 16). Figure 16.

User not configured correctly error message

3. If this error message appears, check the user’s configuration settings in QM Administrator and try again.

Verifying the QM User is Configured Correctly for the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application If a QM user is configured correctly in QM, their calls are recorded and they can access the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application. See "Accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application" on page 40 for more information.

Upgrading QM If you upgrade your version of QM, perform the following task: 1. Optional: Backup the file if you want to save your changes to this file.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

NOTE: Any changes to this file are lost when you upgrade QM. 2. Install the QM upgrade. See the Quality Management Installation Guide for more information. 3. Reinstall Calabrio Recording Controls. 4. Optional: Restore the file, if you saved a backup of this file.


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Removing Calabrio Recording Controls

Removing Calabrio Recording Controls Use this procedure to remove the Calabrio Recording Controls application from the QM Base Services server. To remove Calabrio Recording Controls:

1. Open the Windows Control Panel. 2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add or Remove Programs window appears (Figure 17). Figure 17.

Add or Remove Programs window

3. From the list, select Calabrio Recording Controls and click Remove. Windows removes the application.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications There are two Calabrio Recording Controls user applications that offer the same functionality but run on different platforms. There are also some restrictions on which application a QM user can use based on whether you configure the QM user for the QM Desktop Recording or QM Network Recording. The two applications are: ■

Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service

Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application.

Calabrio Recording Controls User Application Commands The Calabrio Recording Controls user applications supports the following commands:


Record—Use the Record command to tell the QM system to record a call and upload the call to the QM server at the end of the day. If QM is not currently recording the call based on settings in the workflow, this command starts recording the call. If configured for screen recording, this also starts screen recording. This command marks the call for storage, and overrides the workflow settings. The Record command marks the uploaded call as “Tagged by agent” to make finding these calls easy. You can issue this command while on a call (the active call) to tag that call, or you can issue this command after a call has ended but before you receive the next call (the last call). Note that if you issue this command for the last call, and QM did not record the last call because of workflow settings, this command has no effect.

Pause/Resume—Use the Pause and Resume commands to control the audio that appears in the final recording. In cases where you cannot record sensitive information (like social security numbers) for security reasons or liability reasons, use the Pause and Resume commands to omit sensitive audio information. When you use the Pause command, silence appears in the final audio recording where an agent discussed sensitive information. Issue the Resume command when you want to start recording audio after a pause. The Pause and Resume commands only affect active calls that QM is currently recording based on the settings in the workflow or previous Record command for the call. If QM is not recording the call, these two commands have no effect.

Restart—Use the Restart command to discard all previously recorded audio and video for the call, and start a new recording from when you issue the command. If QM is not recording the call, this command starts audio and screen recording. This command works only for active calls. For example, an agent can use this command when the agent makes a call and is immediately placed on hold for a long time. Instead of recording 20 minutes of on-hold

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

music, the agent can issue the Restart command when they get out of the hold queue and begin speaking to a person. This command only works for active calls. ■

Delete—Use the Delete command to tell the QM system not to store the active call or last handled call. The Delete command overrides the logic in the workflow and any previous Tag commands.

Add Metadata—Use the Add Metadata command to associate information with a call and store this information when QM uploads a call recording. QM allows an administrator to define up to ten custom metadata fields that the administrator can associate with call recordings. You can use the Calabrio Recording Controls application to select one or more of these fields and associate values (values might be null or empty) with them. Calabrio Recording Controls attaches these new metadata values to the recorded call. This command works for the active call or last call.

For more information on how these commands interact with each other and the QM components, see "Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands" on page 43.

Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service is an IP phone service application available on a hard or soft IP phone. Any QM user (agent or knowledge worker), configured to use the QM Network Recording service on their supported hard or soft IP phone, can use the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service. The QM Network Recording enables recordings for agents who are configured for QM Server Based Recording. QM Network Recording requires a SPAN configuration on the contact center’s IP switch. In this instance the user either does not have a PC or their PC is not capable of desktop recording. The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service only sends recording commands to the configured QM recording server. It does not send commands to a user’s PC. The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service supports all Cisco IP phones that can support services, as well as the Cisco IP Communicator soft phone. After you configure the IP phone service for Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service in Unified CM (see "Configuring Unified CM" on page 9 ) and assign the IP phone service to the QM users’ IP phones, they can access it just like any other IP phone service by pressing the Services button on their phone.

Accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service To access the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service:

1. From your Cisco IP phone or Cisco IP Communicator soft phone, press the Services button.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

The Services menu appears (Figure 18). Figure 18.

Service menu

2. Select the IP phone service for the Calabrio Recording Controls.


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

In this example, the name of Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service application is QM Recording Control. The Calabrio Recording Controls base screen appears (Figure 19). Figure 19.

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Calabrio Recording Controls base screen


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

3. Select the command you want to use. To see additional commands, click the More button. The base services screen displays additional recording control commands (Figure 20). Figure 20. command

Calabrio Recording Controls base screen after selecting the More

Calabrio Recording Controls Base Screen The Calabrio Recording Controls base screen is the launching pad for recording control commands.


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

Figure 21 shows an example of the base screen for Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service application. Figure 21.

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Calabrio Recording Controls Base screen


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

The recording control commands appear at the bottom of the screen. To see additional commands, click the More button. The Calabrio Recording Controls base screen displays additional commands (Figure 22). Figure 22.

Calabrio Recording Controls base screen after clicking the More button

For an explanation of the available recording control commands, see "Calabrio Recording Controls User Application Commands" on page 26. Press the phone’s Services button if you want to exit the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service and return to the phone’s base screen. Alternatively, you can press the Exit button to exit the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service or click the More button to return to the Calabrio Recording Controls base screen. NOTE: The Exit button might appear as the Cancel button on some hard IP phones. The screen examples in this document use the Cisco IP Communicator soft phone.


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

The Calabrio Recording Controls user application commands are simple one-button commands. When you click a command button, it sends the command to the configured QM Network Recording service for processing. Because the QM Network Recording service does not reply to these commands with success or failure messages, the Calabrio Recording Controls applications cannot report this information to you. The Calabrio Recording Controls application can only report whether the command was sent successfully or not. This information appears on the Command Result screen (Figure 23). Figure 23.

Command results screen

Figure 23 indicates Calabrio Recording Controls successfully sent the pause command. If Calabrio Recording Controls could not send the command, an error message appears. If Calabrio Recording Controls could not send the command, try sending the command again. If the command fails again, there might be a networking or configuration issue that is preventing the Calabrio Recording Controls application from sending the command. You must correct the problem to resolve the issue before the Calabrio Recording Controls applications can work properly. See "Appendix A.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Understanding Recording commands" on page 43 for more information on resolving problems. The Metadata button initiates the Add Metadata command. This differs from the other recording control commands because it requires additional information. You must select the defined metadata field you want to attach to the call recording, and assign a value to the field. When you click the Metadata button, the Metadata menu screen appears (Figure 24). Figure 24.

Calabrio Recording IP Phone Service Metadata menu

The metadata fields that appear in the menu are defined in QM Administrator. Up to ten metadata fields can be defined in QM. To return to the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service’s base screen, click the Exit button. Scroll down the list to see all defined metadata fields. Use the Up and Down buttons to select a metadata item and highlight it, and then click the Select button, or more


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

simply press the number button on the IP phone’s keypad that matches the menu item’s number shown on the screen. The Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service Metadata value screen appears (Figure 25). This screen displays the name of the selected metadata item and provides an interface for the user to input a value for the selected item. Figure 25.

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Calabrio Recording IP Phone Service Metadata value screen


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Use the IP phone’s keypad to enter numbers and letters in the Metadata field (Figure 26), and then click Submit. Figure 26.

Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service Metadata value screen

Each metadata value is associated with a metadata type. The metadata type determines the type of characters you can enter in the metadata field. The QM administrator assigns the metadata type to the metadata in QM Administrator. The valid metadata types are text, date, and number. To enter text or numbers in a metadata field, use the dial pad. If the metadata field is assigned the text metadata type, you can enter alphanumeric characters from the dial pad. To choose a letter or number, press the key associated with the character repeatedly until the character appears on the screen. Repeat for each character you want to include in the metadata field. For example, key 2 allows you to choose from the following characters: a b c 2 A B C. To select A, press key 2 five times.


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

If the metadata field is assigned the date or number metadata type, you can enter numbers from the dial pad. For example, press key 1 to enter 1 in the metadata field. The * and # keys provide additional symbols, including the dash/minus symbol and the decimal point. The metadata field does not allow the following characters: & < > You can click the Exit button return to the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service’s Metadata menu screen. In this example, the user typed Gold in the value field for metafield1 and clicked submit to send the command. The Metadata Results screen appears with a message (Figure 27). Figure 27.

Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service Metadata Results screen

The Metadata Results screen indicates whether the sent metadata command succeeded or failed. The message includes the name of the metadata field and the value entered for the metadata command.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

While you accept and make phone calls using a hard or soft IP phone, the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service screen might be replaced with other screens from the system or other services. In these cases, you can simply press the Services button again and select the Calabrio Recording Controls IP Phone Service to continue sending recording commands.

Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application The Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application is a web-based application. You can access it from a Windows desktop. The browser application supports both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. The Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application supports all configured QM users who are: ■

Configured for either the QM Network Recording service or the QM Desktop Recording service

Has the QM Desktop Recording service installed on their PC NOTE: The QM Desktop Recording service must be installed and running on the users’ PCs in order for the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application to work properly. This also applies to users who are configured to use QM Network Recording service because if the QM Desktop Recording service is not running, the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application cannot find and connect to the Recording Controls servlet. Also, any recording commands sent to the the user’s QM Desktop Recording service will be ignored. IMPORTANT: Nothing prevents the user from accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application if the QM Desktop Recording service is not installed and running on the user’s PC. No error message appears indicating there is a problem. In fact, the user could use the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application to send recording control commands. The results look successful. In reality, this only indicates that you properly configured the user in QM Administrator and the user logged in using the correct Windows user name. The Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application sends the recording commands successfully, but the QM Desktop Recording service, that should be listening for these commands, is not running. So the QM Desktop Recording service does not process the commands. Do not use the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application to test whether the QM Desktop Recording service is running properly.


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Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

The Calabrio Recording Controls window is the launching pad for recording control commands (Figure 28). Figure 28.

Calabrio Recording Controls window

The Calabrio Recording Controls user application commands are simple one-button commands. When you click a command button, it sends the command to the configured QM Network Recording service or QM Desktop Recording service for processing. Because the QM Network Recording service and QM Desktop Recording service do not reply to these commands with success or failure messages, the Calabrio Recording Controls applications cannot report this information to you. The Calabrio Recording Controls application can only report whether the command was sent successfully or not. This information appears in the status message text box at the bottom of the screen. The command buttons that can appear in the Calabrio Recording Controls window are:

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

For an explanation of the available recording control commands, see "Calabrio Recording Controls User Application Commands" on page 26 . The Calabrio Recordings Control window also provides a Help button. Click this Help button to access the Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide.

Accessing the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser Application To access the Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application:

1. Enter the following URL in your web browser: http://<QM-base-services-server>:8088/recordingcontrols where <QM-base-services-server> is the IP address or hostname for the QM Base Services server. A security warning (Figure 29) and a Loading message (Figure 30) appear.


Figure 29.

Security warning

Figure 30.

Loading message

September 2009

Calabrio Recording Controls User Applications

2. Select Always trust content from this publisher and click Run. The Calabrio Recording Controls window appears. â–

If your QM user account is configured correctly, then Calabrio Recording Controls window appears (Figure 31). Figure 31.

September 2009

Calabrio Recording window


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide


If your QM user account is not configured correctly, an error message appears (Figure 32). Contact your system administrator for assistance. Figure 32.

User not configured correctly error message

3. If this error message appears, check the user’s configuration settings and try again.

Sending Metadata Commands To send metadata commands:

1. From the Calabrio Recording Controls window, select a metadata key from the Metadata drop-down list box. 2. Enter a value in the Metadata value field or leave it blank and then click the Metadata button. If the metadata type is text, enter one or more alphanumeric characters. If the metadata type is date or number, enter a integral number or calendar date. The valid characters are 0-9, the dash/minus symbols, and the decimal point used when entering integral numbers. NOTE: The metadata field does not allow the following characters: & <> Calabrio Recording Controls sends the metadata command.


September 2009

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands This section explains the following concepts:

September 2009

Function of each recording command

Active and last calls

Effect of sending multiple recording commands to a single call recording


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Recording Commands Table 1 describes the functions for each command. Table 1.

Recording commands




Marks a recording for retention, even if archiving is not enabled and the call does not meet workflow criteria. This command stores agent-tagged calls with the Agent Tagged reason code, and saves it for the retention time specified in QM Administrator. • The record command is valid for the active call and the last call. • If a call is already being recorded, the record command adds the Agent Tagged reason code to the data associated with the call. • If the active call is not already being recorded, QM starts recording when you issue the Record command and adds the Agent Tagged reason code. • If the last call was recorded, the Record command updates the reason code to the Agent Tagged reason. • If the last call was not recorded, nothing happens. There is no recording available whose reason code can be updated. • If there are two active calls (for example, an inbound ACD call and an outbound consultation call) being recorded, the Record command tags the call that triggered recording to begin. • If there are two active calls (for example, an inbound ACD call and an outbound consultation call) and neither is currently being recorded, the call that was delivered to the agent first, based on the call start time, will begin recording and be tagged when the Tag command is invoked.


September 2009

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands

Table 1.

Recording commands (cont’d)




Temporarily halts the recording of the audio potion of a call. • The Pause command does not affect the video portion of the contact. • The Pause command is valid for active calls only. • If a call is already paused, the Pause command has no affect. • When you play back a paused recording, the video portion of the recording continues to play during the paused audio portion.


Starts recording the audio portion of a contact after you issued a Pause command to stop the recording. • If the call is not currently paused, the Resume command has no affect. • The Resume command does not affect video recording. • The Resume command is valid for active calls only. • If you do not use the Resume command, after issuing the Pause command, the point at which you paused the recording is the end of the audio recording.


Restarts or starts the recording of a call. • If an active call is currently being recorded, the Restart command stops the audio and video recording, deletes that recording, and starts recording the call from the point when you issue the Restart command. • If an active call is not currently being recorded, the Restart command starts audio and video recording. • The Restart command is valid for active calls only. • Calls that are recorded using the Restart command are given the Agent Tagged reason code. The agent tagged calls are saved even if archiving is not enabled and the call does not meet workflow criteria.

September 2009


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Table 1.

Recording commands (cont’d)




Marks a recording for deletion, even if archive is enabled, the call meets workflow criteria, the extension is in the inclusion list, or it was tagged for retention. The Delete command deletes the recorded files and any metadata, and uploads the basic contact data to QM to maintain accurate call counts. • The Delete command is valid for the active call only. • The Delete command has precedence over all other commands. • Deleted calls are not available for archive or quality management purposes. • Deleted calls cannot be viewed in QM Desktop.


September 2009

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands

Table 1.

Recording commands (cont’d)




Allows metadata to be attached to a call. The Metadata command is valid for the active call and the last call. If the call is uploaded because archiving is enabled or it matches workflow criteria, then the metadata is uploaded as well. If the call is not uploaded, then the metadata is discarded. • A maximum of 10 metadata items can be associated with a call. This can be accomplished with 10 Metadata commands containing one key/value pair each. Refer to the Quality Management Administrators Guide for more information on defining metadata. • The Metadata command interacts with the active call, including the time up until the next call starts. If you issue the Metadata command during the call, the metadata is uploaded to the database at the same time as the rest of the call data. If you issue the Metadata command after the call but before the next call, the metadata is uploaded separately at the time you issued the Metadata command, and will be stored with the last known call. NOTE: The last known call is reset at logon, so metadata cannot be attached to the last known call before logout or shutdown after the next logon occurs. Metadata will be attached to calls that span the configured end of day/upload time. • Successive calls to the Metadata command using the same key name will update the existing metadata for that call. • Specifying an empty value for a key removes that metadata field association for the call.

September 2009


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Table 1.

Recording commands (cont’d)

Command Metadata (cont’d)

Function • Valid formats for metadata are as follows. Dates — Dates must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Valid Date: 2009-09-14 Numbers — Numbers can start with and contain a decimal point. They cannot end with a decimal point or contain a comma. Valid Numbers: .30 10.7 2500 Invalid Numbers: 30. 2,500 Text key values cannot contain the following reserved characters. Reserved characters: & = All other alphanumeric characters are valid. You can find the decimal point in the * key menu and the dash in the zero key menu.

QM Workflows QM records and retains calls made by QM users. QM can record both screen and audio for the call. The activity of the software is driven by the QM workflows, which contain business logic that tells the QM software what calls should be recorded and retained for each user. Because workflows can use decision points like “Longest call of the day”, “Random call”, or “Last call of the day”, the QM software does not know at the time of the call whether it is a call to be retained or not. This logic cannot be evaluated until the end of the user’s day. What this means is that, all the calls received by the user must be recorded and only deleted at the end of the day after the calls to be retained are selected and uploaded. Of course, there are a few caveats to this. QM Workflows can contain logic that can eliminate a call from ever being retained, so it is not even recorded at the time of the call. This logic would include the idea of exclusion lists and call direction settings. Exclusion lists can be phone numbers or parts of phone numbers with wildcard characters that can be used at the time of the call to determine whether the call should be recorded or not. If the called or calling number match a phone number pattern in the exclusion list, there is no need to record the call because it will not be uploaded at the end of the day. Call direction settings may indicate that only inbound calls should be included to determine what calls will be retained at the end of the day. In this case, outbound calls will not be recorded by the system.


September 2009

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands

This information affects the result any recording commands issued using the Calabrio Recording Controls applications. If an agent has a call that is not eliminated by the exclusion lists or call direction, then the system automatically records the call. Whether it is retained or not is determined at the end of the day when the QM workflow is evaluated for other rules. If you issue a Record command from the Calabrio Recording Controls applications while on the call, it has no effect on the call recording because the call is already being recorded. Calabrio Recording Controls marks the call for retention at the end of the day, regardless of what the workflow says. However, if the call was excluded, and it is not being recorded, then the Record command starts recording when you issue the command. This results in a call that is recorded and retained, but will be missing parts of the call prior to when you issued the Record command. Understanding this behavior of the QM system will help you understand the results of recordings manipulated using the Calabrio Recording Controls applications. Table 2 indicates the effect of issuing a recording command when the call is currently being recorded, and when the call is not being recorded. Table 2.

Effect of issuing recording controls commands on calls


Currently Recording

Not Currently Recording



Call recording will start


Recording paused



Recording resumes (if previously paused)



Recording restarts

Recording starts


Call deleted



Data added to call information


Active and Last Call You must understand the difference between the terms Active call and Last call. Some commands can apply to either one of these call types. Some commands can apply to a single call type. An Active Call occurs when the QM user is on a call with one or more parties. A call on hold is still an Active Call. The Active Call starts when the QM user receives the call (phone is ringing) or makes a new call. The Active Call ends when the agent hangs up the phone. The Last Call is the previously recorded call. Any valid recording commands sent after a call ends, up till another call is received or made by the user, apply to the Last Call.

September 2009


Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide

Table 3 indicates whether the recording command applies to the Active Call, the Last Call, or either type. Table 3.

Recording commands that support Active Calls or Last Calls


Active Call

Last Call



















Audio and Screen Recordings QM can record both the audio from a call and the screen activities on the QM user’s PC for a call. A call recording always contains the audio from the call. It may or may not include the screen recording as well. This depends on the settings in the QM workflow for that user. In some cases, the recording controls commands issued through the Calabrio Recording Controls applications affect screen recordings as well as the audio recordings. These are side effects of the commands. In no case can a recording controls command cause screen recording to start or be enabled if the QM workflow does not dictate that screens will be recorded. Table 4 indicates the effect a recording controls command has on a screen recording when screens are being recorded with the audio of a call. Table 4.


Effect of issuing record controls commands on different call types


Effect on Screen Recording


If the audio is not being recorded, both audio and screen recording start. Otherwise, there is no effect


none. While the audio is silent during the a pause, the screen recording continues normally.




Both audio and screen recording restarts (or starts if the call is not currently being recorded).


Deletes both audio recording and screen recording.

September 2009

Appendix A. Understanding Recording commands

Table 4.

Effect of issuing record controls commands on different call types (cont’d)


Effect on Screen Recording



Command Precedence While you are free to issue Calabrio Recording Control commands, it can cause unexpected behavior. What would happen if the following commands were issued during a call? Restart, Resume, Metadata, Delete, Record, Delete, Restart. Table 5 lists each command and what effect other recording commands issued for the same call have on it, and show what would happen if you issued the following commands during a call. Table 5.

Effect of issuing multiple record controls commands during a call


Effect on Screen Recording


If you previously issued the Delete command, the Record command does nothing. If you already issued a Record command to tag the call, subsequent Record commands do nothing.


If you already paused the call, subsequent Pause commands do nothing. If you previously issued a Delete command, the Pause command does nothing.


If you did not pause the call, the Resume command does nothing. If you previously issued a Delete command, the Resume command does nothing.


If you previously issued a Delete command, the Restart command does nothing. Each Restart command you send starts the audio recording (and screen recording, if screen recording is enabled.)


If you previously issued the Delete command, subsequent Delete commands do nothing.


If you previously issued a Delete command, the Metadata command does nothing.

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Calabrio Recording Controls User Guide


September 2009


A active call 49 Add Metadata command 27 audio recordings 50


assigning to QM agents’ phones 11 definition 9 verifying it works 20

L last call 49


Browser application 38 accessing 40

C Calabrio Recording Controls Browser application 38 described 5 installing 5 IP Phone Service 27 URL 10 Calabrio Recording Controls servlet configuring 15 installing 6 changing debugging levels 16 commands configuring commands used 17 described 26 precedence 51 rules 17


Metadata command sending from Calabrio Recording Controls browser 42 sending from IP Phone Service 34

P Pause command 26

Q QM workflows 48

R Record command 26 recording commands, explained 43 Restart command 26 Resume command 26


Delete command 27


screen recordings 50

IP Phone Service accessing 27

September 2009


U Unified CM configuring 9

September 2009


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