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HELPING BUILDERS GET LICENCED IN NEW SOUTH WALES HIA can help you take the necessary steps towards becoming a licensed builder in New South Wales.

STEP 1 Contact your local HIA office and speak with HIA Membership or Training Services Consultant.

STEP 2 Become a HIA member to begin receiving membership benefits such as help, information, advice and discounts. You can also take advantage of the substantial discounts on your training courses.

STEP 3 Undertake training, as required. Certificate IV in Building & Construction (Building) or selected Short Courses.



Speak with a HIA Workplace Services Advisor about how to complete the relevant license application form.


TRAINING FOR BUILDER LICENCE CPC40108 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) COURSE DESCRIPTION This training program has been designed to partially meet the requirements for the Builders License class in New South Wales. This training program consists of ten short courses:     

Building Contracts Legal Requirements Financial Management Occupational Health & Safety Building Codes & Structures

    

Resolve Business Disputes Read & Interpret Plans Site Surveying & Setting Out Estimating Planning & Supervising Building Work

COURSE OUTCOME Students who successfully complete the assessment requirements for all short courses will be issued with a CPC40108 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building). Students who successfully complete one or more short courses but do not complete the entire training program will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the units successfully completed. COURSE DURATION 25 days (two evening sessions equals one day). COURSE VENUES North Ryde Rooty Hill Wollongong Dates and times for available courses are advertised on or contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620. COURSE FEES HIA Member Non Member

$5,000 up front $6,300 up front

COURSE PREREQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English).  R ead documents such as the Building Code of Australia, Workcover NSW, and Office of Fair Trading publications.  U se a calculator to add, subtract and multiply.  U se a computer for receiving and sending emails, searching the Internet for information, word processing of simple documents and creating spreadsheets. All students must:  H ave an OHS Induction card (Workcover NSW White Card) before attending the Occupational Health & Safety short course.


Other payment options are available. Please ask for more information.


TRAINING FOR KITCHEN, BATHROOM & LAUNDRY RENOVATION LICENSE COURSE DESCRIPTION This training program has been designed to partially meet the requirements for the Kitchen, Bathroom & Laundry Renovation License class in New South Wales. This training program consists of six short courses:      

B uilding Contracts L egal Requirements O ccupational Health & Safety B uilding Codes & Structures E stimating P lanning & Supervising Building Work

COURSE OUTCOME Students who successfully complete the assessment requirements for all short courses will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the relevant units of competency. COURSE DURATION 20 days (two evening sessions equals one day). COURSE VENUES North Ryde Rooty Hill Wollongong Dates and times for available courses are advertised on or contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620. COURSE FEES HIA Member Non Member

$4,130 up front $5,140 up front

Other payment options are available. Please ask for more information. COURSE PREREQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English).  R ead documents such as the Building Code of Australia, Workcover NSW, and Office of Fair Trading publications.  U se a calculator to add, subtract and multiply.  U se a computer for receiving and sending emails, searching the Internet for information, word processing of simple documents and creating spreadsheets.


All students must:  H ave an OHS Induction card (Workcover NSW White Card) before attending the Occupational Health & Safety short course.



SHORT COURSES for Builder and Kitchen, Bathroom & Laundry Licences


Building Contracts

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  A pply the laws relating to builder registration  A pply OHS legislation and provisions on site  A pply the codes, Acts and regulations, and standards relevant to construction  C omply with insurance or regulatory requirements for housing construction  A pply legislation to financial transactions  M eet building contract obligations  A pply dispute resolution processes

COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for:  C PCCBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract  C PCCBC4016A Administer a construction contract

COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects.

COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 2 days

COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 1 day

COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620.

COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620.

COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $425  N on Member $512

COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $230  N on Member $276

PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  R ead documents such as contracts, legislation and Office of Fair Trading publications  U se a computer for searching the internet for information.

PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  r ead documents such as contracts, legislation and Office of Fair Trading publications  u se a computer for searching the internet for information.




COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  I dentify and analyse the essential elements, sections and clauses of a building contract  S elect an appropriate contract for the works to be undertaken  P repare and administer a contract  I dentify and apply the factors involved in the termination of a business contract  F inalise a contract

Legal Requirements


Financial Management

COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for BSBSBM406A Manage small business finances. COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 2 days COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $425  N on Member $512 COURSE PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  U se a computer for searching the internet for information, word processing of simple documents and creating spreadsheets  U se a calculator to add, subtract and multiply. CPD POINTS 32

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  D etermine areas of potential OHS risk in the building and construction workplace  I nspect and report on areas of specific OHS risk  A dvise on implementation of OHS control measures at the building and construction workplace  E stablish and review OHS communications and educational programs COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for:  C PCCBC4002A Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 2 days COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $425  N on Member $512 PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English).  R ead documents such as Workcover NSW publications  U se a computer for searching the internet for information and word processing of simple documents. All students must have a Workcover NSW OHS Induction card (White card). CPD POINTS 32


COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  M aintain financial records  I mplement a financial plan  M onitor financial performance

Occupational Health and Safety


Building Codes and Structures

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  A ccess and interpret relevant code and standard requirements  A nalyse and apply a range of solutions to a construction problem for compliance with the BCA  A pply fire protection requirements  A pply structural principles to the planning of the erection and/or demolition of a structure  A nalyse and plan for the structural integrity of buildings  P lan, coordinate and manage building works (footings, floor systems, wall systems, roof and roof cladding systems, external wall cladding) COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for:  C PCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low-rise building projects  C PCCBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low-rise constructions  C PCCBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low-rise constructions. COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 5 days COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $1,050  N on Member $1,280

Resolve Business Disputes

COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will learn how to:  D evelop and implement dispute resolution procedures  C onduct an initial investigation into business disputes and possible resolution strategies  I dentify opportunities for dispute resolution COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, you will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the unit CPCCBC4024A Resolve business disputes. COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 1 day. COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $230  N on Member $276 PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English)  R ead documents such as NSW Office of Fair Trading publications  U se a computer for searching the internet for information and word processing of simple documents. CPD POINTS 16



PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to:  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English)  R ead documents such as Building code of Australia publications  U se a computer for searching the internet for information and word processing of simple documents.


Read & Interpret Plans

COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications. COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 1 day. COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $230  N on Member $276 PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to comprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English). CPD POINTS 16

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to conduct a site survey and set out for a building or construction project. Students will learn how to conduct basic measuring and leveling techniques as part of the set out procedures performed on building projects. It includes the use of technical instruments, application of standard procedures and performance of calculations necessary in the set out of construction projects. COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for CPCCBC4018A Apply site surveys and set out procedures to building and construction projects. COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 1 days COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620. COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $230  N on Member $276 PRE-REQUISITES  C omprehend instructions written and spoken in English (training is delivered in English)  R ead documents such as the Building code of Australia  U se a computer for searching the internet for information and word processing of simple documents.  U se a calculator to add, subtract and multiply. CPD POINTS 16


COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to read and interpret plans and specifications applicable to low-rise residential and commercial building projects in order to perform an array of construction activities.

Site Surveying & Setting Out



COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for:  C PCCBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects  C PCCBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 7 days

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  A ppraise the contract documentation to identify the operational requirements  P repare project schedule and determine all the resources required  P repare and submit condition reports  E nsure suitable building materials are selected  S upervise the acceptance, safe handling and storage of materials on site  S upervise the administration of claims and payments  S upervise and maintain on-site communications  E nsure management of and compliance with quality control procedures  C omplete project administration processes COURSE OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for:  C PCCBC4007A Plan building or construction work  C PCCBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low-rise projects  C PCCBC4008A Conduct on-site supervision of the building and construction project

COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620.

COURSE DURATION Equivalent to 3 days

COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $1,400  N on Member $1,792

COURSE DATES AND LOCATIONS Dates for available courses and locations are advertised on or call 1300 650 620.

PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to use a calculator to add, subtract and multiply.

COURSE FEE (GST EXEMPT)  H IA Member $600  N on Member $768


PRE-REQUISITES It is recommended that students are able to use a computer for searching the internet for information and word processing of simple documents. CPD POINTS 48


COURSE DESCRIPTION Students will learn how to:  R ead and interpret plans and specifications  I dentify and calculate labour costs  I dentify and establish physical resource requirements  D evelop estimated project costs  I dentify and apply all contract conditions to the schedules  P roduce material and labour schedules, overlays and orders  M onitor and report on project costs  M aintain standard costs data files

Planning & Supervising Building Work


RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) HIA, as a Registered Training Organisation (#1091), offers recognition services to applicants for any nationally recognised course it offers, prior to enrolment in the course. The RPL process recognises applicants’ current competency against the assessment criteria for the course or qualification concerned. RPL means the recognition of your competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Competencies may be obtained or learning outcomes achieved in a number of ways. This includes any combination of formal or informal training and education such as: 


Non-accredited short courses

CPD training certificates

Pre-vocational courses

School qualifications

RPL also recognises the importance of your prior learning being current in the context of industry procedures and standards. For example, business management skills in the construction industry learnt 15 years ago would differ greatly from those of today in terms of technology, industry practice, regulations, etc. HIA RPL assessors will take this factor into consideration when carrying out RPL assessment services on behalf of HIA. Examples of evidence that may be provided, can take a variety of forms including:  R eferences from colleagues, employers, qualified builders, owner builders, clients, architects, certifiers or engineers.  R elated licences from any state or territory including WorkCover NSW Licences  A wards or prizes you have received relating to your work or relevant activities  R elevant documents related to Trade or Building Projects that you can prove you have supervised or managed, such as: correspondence with clients, architects, certifiers, and engineers, councils, suppliers, and sub-contractors.  J ob descriptions, work experience, letters of appointment, log-books  W ork journal or diary, photos or videos of your work  W ork samples such as: letters/memos, job specifications, quotes etc related to work you have undertaken.


If you have any questions, or if you would like a copy of this application, please contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620. Details can also be found at


COURSE SCHEDULE NORTH RYDE Please tick the courses you would like to register for, and return with the registration form. Short Course

Price HIA Member / Non Member



Dates & Times

FULL Course HIA Members (Member Discount of $245)


Non Members (Non-Member Discount of $180)


Building Contracts

$425 / $512

North Ryde

Monday, 21 June 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 23 June 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 26 June 2010 9am-6pm

Legal Requirements

$230 / $276

North Ryde

Tuesday, 29 June 2010 4pm - 8pm Wednesday, 30 June 2010 4pm - 8pm

Resolve Business Disputes

$230 / $276

North Ryde

Saturday, 10 July 2010 9am-6pm

Financial Management

$425 / $512

 

North Ryde

Saturday, 3 July 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 6 July 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 7 July 2010 4pm-8pm

Occupational Health & Safety

$425 / $512

North Ryde

Saturday, 17 July 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 24 July 2010 9am-6pm

Building Codes & Structures

$1050 / $1280

North Ryde

Saturday, 31 July 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 7 August 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 14 August 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 21 August 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 28 August 2010 9am-6pm

Read & Interpret Plans & Specifications

$230 / $276

North Ryde

Site Surveying & Setting Out

$230 / $276

North Ryde

Saturday, 25 September 2010 9am-6pm


$1400 / $1792

 

North Ryde

Tuesday, 28 September 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 29 September 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 5 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 6 October 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 9 October 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 12 October 2010 Esti4pm-8pm Wednesday, 13 October 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 16 October 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 19 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 20 October 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 26 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 27 October 2010 4pm-8pm

North Ryde

Saturday, 20 November 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 27 November 2010 9am-6pm Friday, 3 December 2010 9am-6pm

CPD Points: 2 points per hour applies to all short course training Recognition of prior learning is also available, please contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620 for more information. RTO Provider 1091


Planning & Supervising Building Works $600 / $768

Saturday, 11 September 2010 9am-6pm


COURSE SCHEDULE NORTHERN BEACHES Please tick the courses you would like to register for, and return with the registration form. Short Course

Price HIA Member / Non Member


Locations Dates & Times

HIA Members (Member Discount of $245)


Non Members (Non-Member Discount of $180)


Building Contracts

$425 / $512

Northern Beaches

Tuesday, 6 July 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 7 July 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 14 July 2010 4pm-8pm

Legal Requirements

$230 / $276

Northern Beaches

Tuesday, 20 July 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 21 July 2010 4pm-8pm

Resolve Business Disputes

$230 / $276

Northern Beaches

Tuesday, 27 July 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 28 July 2010 4pm-8pm

Financial Management

$425 / $512

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 7 August 2010 9am - 6pm Tuesday, 10 August 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 11 August 2010 4pm-8pm

Occupational Health & Safety

$425 / $512

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 21 August 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 24 August 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 25 August 2010 4pm-8pm

Building Codes & Structures

$1050 / $1280

Northern Beaches

Tuesday, 31 August 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 1 September 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 4 September 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 7 September 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 8 September 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 11 September 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 18 September 2010 9am-6pm

Read & Interpret Plans & Specifications

$230 / $276

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 16 October 2010 9am-6pm

Site Surveying & Setting Out

$230 / $276

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 30 October 2010 9am-6pm


$1400 / $1792

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 6 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 9 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 10 November 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 13 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 16 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 17 November 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 20 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 23 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 24 November 2010 4pm-8pm

Northern Beaches

Saturday, 4 December 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 7 December 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 8 December 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 11 December 2010 9am-6pm

Planning & Supervising Building Works $600 / $768

CPD Points: 2 points per hour applies to all short course training Recognition of prior learning is also available, please contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620 for more information. RTO Provider 1091


FULL Course


COURSE SCHEDULE WOLLONGONG Please tick the courses you would like to register for, and return with the registration form. Short Course

Price HIA Member / Non Member



Dates & Times

FULL Course HIA Members (Member Discount of $245)


Non Members (Non-Member Discount of $180)


Building Contracts

$425 / $512


Legal Requirements

$230 / $276


Resolve Business Disputes

$230 / $276


Saturday, 25 September 2010 9am-6pm

Financial Management

$425 / $512

 


Tuesday, 28 September 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 29 September 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 5 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 6 October 2010 4pm-8pm

Occupational Health & Safety

$425 / $512


Saturday, 9 October 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 12 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 13 October 2010 4pm-8pm

Building Codes & Structures

$1050 / $1280


Saturday, 23 October 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 26 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 27 October 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 30 October 2010 9am-6pm Wednesday, 3 November 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 6 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 9 November 2010 4pm-8pm

Read & Interpret Plans & Specifications

$230 / $276


Tuesday, 19 October 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 20 October 2010 4pm-8pm

Site Surveying & Setting Out

$230 / $276


Saturday, 16 October 2010 9am-6pm


$1400 / $1792

 


Wednesday, 10 November 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 13 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 16 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 17 November 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 23 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 24 November 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 27 November 2010 9am-6pm Tuesday, 30 November 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 1 December 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 4 December 2010 9am-6pm


Tuesday, 7 December 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 8 December 2010 4pm-8pm Saturday, 11 December 2010 4pm-8pm Tuesday, 14 December 2010 4pm-8pm Wednesday, 15 December 2010 4pm-8pm

Saturday, 18 September 2010 9am-6pm

CPD Points: 2 points per hour applies to all short course training Recognition of prior learning is also available, please contact HIA Training Services on 1300 650 620 for more information. RTO Provider 1091


Planning & Supervising Building Works $600 / $768

Saturday, 4 September 2010 9am-6pm Saturday, 11 September 2010 9am-6pm


TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION Payment to accompany course registration form 1. To ensure that your enrolment is confirmed, your payment must accompany the course registration form. Cancellation or transfer of course registration 2. HIA requires five (5) working days notice of cancellation or transfer of a course registration in writing - otherwise full course fees must be paid. Where five (5) working days notice of cancellation or transfer has been received – in writing A request for either (a) a full refund of course fees; or (b) a transfer to another course; can be made. Approved refunds will generally be processed within thirty (30) days. Note - course materials issued prior to a course commencement date must be returned in an unmarked condition for a refund to be initiated. Insufficient notice of cancellation or transfer Course registrations cancelled less than five (5) working days prior to the commencement of the course will not receive a refund but may be transferred to another course. A $20.00 administration fee will be charged should a request be made to transfer to another course. Failure to attend a course or cancellation during a course without prior notification 3. (a) Prior to course commencement Failure to attend a course without prior notification will result in no refund of course fees unless evidence of extenuating circumstances is able to be provided. (b) Cancellation of enrolment throughout the duration of a course Cancellation of enrolment throughout the duration of a course may result in a pro-rata refund of the total course cost should there be extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances may include:  h ealth reasons (where a person is not able to attend or continue to attend) – in this case a medical certificate is required to enable a refund of course fees  m atters pertaining to immediate family/loss of job – in this case a request must be formally submitted with appropriate evidence (written application) by the course participant or place of employment. Requests submitted will be reviewed by HIA management. Notification of the outcome of the request will be made within two (2) working weeks. Substitution of course participant 4. Substitution of a course participant can be made at any time prior to the start of the course should the nominated person be unable to attend. Notification of this change should be directed to HIA Training Services as soon as possible to ensure the replacement is registered. Course postponements/change of dates 5. HIA reserves the right to postpone a course to an alternative date. All registered participants affected by such a postponement will receive a full refund or be offered the opportunity to transfer to the next available course. Guarantee of course completion 6. HIA guarantees that upon commencement of a course that the student will be able to complete the course or assessment service that they registered for. In the event that this is not possible, the student will receive a refund for the proportion of services not delivered by HIA.

The Student Information Kit is available for viewing at your local HIA office or online at click on “Enrolment Information”.


Student Information Kit 7. The Student Information Kit provides detailed information on HIA’s Code of Practice and Code of Ethics, student rights and responsibilities, HIA’s complaints and appeals policy, procedure and associated forms. **Please read this document prior to registering in a course**


COURSE ENROLMENT FORM (PAGE 1 OF 2) For enquires phone 1300 650 620 Enrol online | Fax this form to 02 9888 7555 | Post to HIA Training Services PO Box 884 North Ryde BC NSW 1670 COURSE DETAILS (PLEASE PRINT) Course Title

Venue Start Date

Student Declaration I have read and agree to the HIA Training Services Terms and Conditions

______________________________________ (signature)




Mobile Email Fax

Are you under 18 years old (please circle)


Yes (if yes, your parent or guardian will need to complete the following)




Mobile Email Fax

Parent or Guardian Declaration I give my consent for the above named student to attend the training course ______________________________________ (signature) MEMBERSHIP DETAILS (PLEASE TICK / PRINT) HIA Member / bpn

Student Member

Member No.

Currently I am not a HIA member however I would like someone to contact me about membership to HIA

PAYMENT OPTIONS Cheque payable to HIA enclosed for $ ________ Please debit my credit card for $ ________ Visa


Amex Expiry Date

Diners Club /

Signature ALL COURSES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE ATTENDANCE Cancellations received within five working days cannot be refunded however arrangements can be made to transfer enrolment to another date if available. Students failing to notify HIA Training Services of their non-attendance to a course prior to the commencement date will not be eligible for a refund or transfer. HIA reserves the right to cancel or postpone courses due to unforeseen circumstances including insufficient numbers.


Credit card type (please circle) Credit Card Number Name on card



How do you rate your English and maths skills (please tick)? Skills

Self assessment very poor




very good

Speaking Listening Reading Writing Basic maths


Do you have any specific language, literacy or numeracy needs that HIA Training Services should know about before commencing training?


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