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p3 ››› Free Upgrade to Triple Glazing
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p4 ››› Update from Gavin Williamson
››› Codsall Arts Festival this March
p6 ››› Local PGA Golf Tips
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Useful Numbers Russell House Surgery: 01902 842488 Bilbrook Medical Centre: 01902 847313 Coven Dental Practice (Codsall): 01902 840722 Treetops Dental Surgery: 01902 842555 Codsall Library: 01902 842764 Codsall Village Hall: 01902 843412 Holy Cross Church Bilbrook: 01902 845222 St Nicholas Church: 01902 842168 St Christopher RC Church: 01902 842891 Trinity Methodist Church: 01902 847490 Neighbourhood Police: 0300 1234455 Staffordshire Police: 08453 303132 MP: Gavin Williamson: 01902 846616 Souths Staffs District Council: 01902 696000 Staffordshire County Council: 01785 223121 Codsall Parish Council: 01902 842426 Bilbrook Parish Council & Village Hall: 01902 840007 If there are any other telephone numbers you think would be useful to the people of Codsall & Bilbrook then please contact us on codsallpages@gmail.com 6
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A Word From Gavin Williamson............... It is always with great pleasure that I dust off my tour guiding credentials and welcome students from schools from all across South Staffordshire and take them around Palace of Westminster. Part of the joy of coming to work each morning is walking through the incredible building, through Central Lobby to get to my office. It is times like these when I feel extremely humbled to be working in Parliament and I am incredibly aware of some of the huge boots that I have to fill. I usually give the traditional tour of the House of Commons, with a quick detour to The Chapel of St Mary Undercroft. I always find this obscure little area of Parliament totally awe inspiring, with its gold leaf, vaulted bays, clustered columns of polished Purbeck marble and ornate carvings of foliage, dragons and musical angels. This stunning chapel, set in the bowels of Westminster Hall, did not always exist in its current glorified state. Legend has it that by the time of the great fire of 1834, it had been used as both a wine cellar and also as a stable for Oliver Cromwell’s horses. One of the more well-known stories relating to the chapel was during the 1914 census, when suffragette Emily Wilding hid in a broom closet within the chapel. In doing this, she was able to record her address on the night of the census as the ‘House of Commons,’ advancing her claim that women should be accorded the same political rights as men. As I can easily attest, having peered into the space a time or two, it is a very small closet. St. Mary Undercroft is still used today for various prestigious occasions. The children of peers, who possess the title of ‘The Honourable’, are able to use the chapel as a wedding venue. Members of parliament and peers also have the right to use the chapel for christenings. The body of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was famously kept in St Mary Undercroft on the night before her funeral, in April 2013, as was the body of Tony Benn, the long serving Labour politician, ahead of his funeral in March 2014. When I was young, I visited Parliament and realised that I wanted to become an MP. Although I realise that my tour will not change pupil’s lives, I do hope that being able to relate to Parliament will encourage young people to become engaged in the democratic process and potentially become involved in politics themselves in the future.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 /September 16 15 CP/FEBRUARY
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PGA Golf Tips from Jeremy Nicholls at South Staffs Golf Club Academy..... This month we will look at using the correct grip on your golf club. A common error amongst club golfers is holding the club with a weak left hand (holding the club too much in the palm of your hand). Gripping the club in this way reduces wrist action which will produce a shot that slices and lacks power. Placing the club in the fingers rather than the palm of your hand will help you to hinge your wrist correctly through out the swing which will result in your ball striking being more consistent and accurate. • Place the club across the fingers so that it rests on the base of the little finger along to the first joint of the index finger. • When placed across the base of the fingers on the left hand, the thumb should rest on the grip and be positioned just slightly down the right, as you look down you should see a “V” shape created between the thumb and forefinger. • Now bring your right hand to the club with your palm facing the target, you should gently close the fingers around the grip with the forefinger cocked slightly to form a trigger, with the little finger on the right hand resting between the index finger and middle finger of the left hand. The “V” formed by the thumb and forefinger should point somewhere between chin and right shoulder. • With the two hands on the grip working as one unit and without gripping the club to tight the hands and arms with the club will be able to work more freely in the swing helping you to deliver the club back to a better impact position when striking the ball.
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