Perton Pages June merged

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June 2013

Perton Pages

YOUR LOCAL GUIDE - BUSINESSES, OFFERS, INFO & NEWS DIRECTORY LISTING OF LOCAL & PERTON BASED BUSINESSES INSIDE JUNE 13 EDITION Accountants & Bookkeeping Arts & Crafts Bi ngo Bl inds Bui lding & Construction Cafe, Pubs ,Res taura nts,Ta kea way Care a t Home Carpet a nd Floori ng Cars & Maintenance Cheerl eading Childcare Cleani ng Clinic for balance and dizziness Computers and Repair Dance Cl asses Domestic Appliances & Repair

2 3 16 6 15,19 1,12,13,15 8,19 9,10 10 12 3,5,7,14 9 12 4,8 17 13

Drivi ng School s Electrica l Ins ta ll ations Electricians Fina ncial Advi ser Firs t Aid Foot Care Funeral Director Ga rdeners Golf Club Graphi c Desi gner Ha irdress ers /Barbers Health & Beauty Holida y Accommodation Legal Lighting

10 4,11 3,18 13 15 10 18 2,14 2 15 13 9,15,20 7,13 17 11

Locksmith Minibus Hire Mobi le Phones Office Sui tes Oven Cleaning Painter & Decorator Plas terer Plumbing and Heating Roofing Slimming Theatre Arts School Toyshop Tree Surgeons Windows Window Cleaner

6 15 16 3 2 9,12,13,18,19 12 2,6,12,18,19,20 9,12,14 10 19 13 8,20 12,17 10

contact us - or 07734 461934 1

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