Perton & Pattingham Pages MONTHLY GUIDE: BUSINESSES ▪ EVENTS ▪ GROUPS ▪ CLASSES ▪ NEWS ››› Find & Search Local Businesses
p2 ››› Perton Parish Council Update
››› Teddy Bear Parties
p6 ››› Wild About Perton
››› Events at the Wrottesley Arms
p7 ››› Classes & Groups 4 p9 ››› The Latest from your MP
››› Latest 'Martyns' Offer
Perton & Pattingham Business Index Home& Garden Ala rms /CCTV/Home Security Ba throoms Blinds Builder Ca rpentry Ca rpet & Inte riors Clea ning Services Domes tic Applia nces & Repa ir Electricia ns Flooring Ga rden Centre Ga rdening & La ndsca ping Gutter Clea ning Lighting Locksmith Oven Clea ning Pa inter & Decora tor Pla s terer Plumbing & Hea ting Property Ma intena nce Roofing Tree Surgeon
Eating & Drinking
Windows, Doors & Conservatories
18 11,22 20,21 19 5 21 15,16,26,27 26 14,18,19,20 14 22 5,13,26 17 18 22 14,25 6,11,20,21,26 1,10,24,26 3,6,7,11,22,25 14,20 9,10,14,15,17,25 3,4,26 5,13,17,27
Motoring & Transport Bodywork Ma intena nce Ta xi Se rvice
9 11 5,26
Pubs,Restaurants & Takeaways
Classes, Groups & Events Da nce Cla s se s Events Fitnes s Slimming The a tre & Pe rforming Arts Tuition IT, Finance & Property Computers & Repa ir Fina ncia l Advis er Property Sa le s & Lettings Life style, Leisure & Retail Childca re & Schools Collecta bles & Toys Purcha s e Community Ca re Driving School Footca re Funera l Directors Gifts & Homewa re Golf Clubs Ha ir, Hea lth & Bea uty Home a nd Toiletries Supplies Teddy Bea r Works hop Venue Hire Animals & Pe ts Pet Grooming Pet Shop
7,10,19,20 4,5,13,15 6,27 1,8,9 20,25 4 7,10,27 12,15,16 7 2,5,24 1,19,23 15 12,14,21 15 6 8,16 25 24 1,3,21,24,26,27 9 6 28 13,17 13
Useful Numbers Lakeside Surgery: 01902 755329 Tamar Surgery: 01902 755053 Pattingham Surgery: 01902 700462 Perton Dental Practice (Anders Square): 01902 758120 Dental Surgery, Tamar Medical Centre: 01902 756114 Perton Funeral Directors: 01902 756830 Perton Clinic : 01902 758150 Perton Civic Centre: 01902 745971 Perton Library: 01902 755794 Church at Perton: 01902 750232 Lakeside Community Church: 01902 753595 St Chad's Church Pattingham: 01902 700257 Neighbourhood Police: 0300 1234455 Staffordshire Police: 08453 303132 MP: Gavin Williamson: 01902 846616 Souths Staffs District Council: 01902 696000 Staffordshire County Council: 01785 223121 Perton Parish Council Office: 01902 745971 Pattingham & Patshull Parish Council: 01902 746898
If there are any other telephone numbers you think would be useful, please email pertonpages@gmail.com
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Visiting Foot Care Service NOW available in this area Nails Trimmed Corns Removed Painful Toenails Verruca Treatment Fungal Conditions Cracked Heels Hard Skin/Callus Reduction
Call 01902 687814 for appointments
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Tips From Your Local PGA Pro at Perton Park..... Hi Golfers, Here's “February's Quick Tip.� On the range I notice some times that Golfers take the club back too quickly in a rush to hit the ball. But more often I see more golfers have a back swing that is too slow. When you take the club back too slowly, the tendency is to start the down swing too quickly from the top, which causes you to slow down at impact when you should be accelerating. Don't get me wrong: I'm not advocating a fast back swing. Rather, take the club back at a nice, comfortable pace. It should be gradually accelerating as you make the transition from back swing to down swing. I want you to concentrate on making the back swing with a smooth turn of your upper body away from the target (head still)--the club head is slightly outside your hands. Then hinge your wrists and work the club head toward the sky. The movement is steady and unhurried. If I started "low and slow," as you often hear, I'd be tempted to jerk the club down from the top, destroying my rhythm. Give it a try and good luck. Why not come down and practise on the driving range at Perton. It's undercover so you will stay dry! Get Kids into Golf at Perton Park. Kids Golf Academy starts in March on Wednesdays & Saturdays get your Kids/Grandkids to join in the Fun! From age 7. Contact jeremy@pertongolfclub.co.uk to register.
Jeremy Harrold, Tel: 01902 380073 or email: jeremy@pertongolfclub.co.uk
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Wild About Perton in February..... The slow queue out of Perton, towards the A41 in the emerging daylight of a late winter morning, is often watched over by a large, brown bird with yellow eyes, a short neck and a hook beak. This patient sentinel, perched in plain sight, above the cars on a bare branch, waits to secure its breakfast. The sight of a buzzard, although now common, still amazes an older generation who grew up in a countryside, deprived of these birds of prey, because of the chemical pesticides used on the land. The buzzard is probably more familiar soaring high in the sky holding its wings in a shallow 'V', with its tail fanned, rising higher and higher on warm air currents. Often when working in the garden, it is their plaintive mewing, often mistaken for a cat, which leads you to look up. In the spring, male and female birds may be observed securing their bond by flying together, with one turning upside-down and touching talons with the other. Another smaller bird of prey is less observed, tucked away, patiently waiting. But this bird pounces at lightning speed when a meal comes into view. The sparrow hawk ambushes its prey, darting swiftly between houses, over low roofs, hoping to catch an unwary wood pigeon, collared dove or feral pigeon in a garden by surprise. Often the tale tell signs of an ambush are a scatter of feathers. In the summer months smaller birds are just the right size for a growing family in the nest. But, not all ambushes are successful; I once observed a sparrow hawk pursue a great tit at high speed around our apple tree. Although the sparrow hawk displayed great agility, negotiating the close fitting branches, the great tit's smaller size had the edge with an exhausted sparrow hawk giving up, and great tit living another day. Discover more about Perton’s bird life at Perton Spring Festival on Saturday 23rd April at Perton Library or join us for a wildlife walk, on the first Saturday of the month leaving Perton Library at 2PM.
For further information contact Keith Elder on 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. www.facebook.com/wildaboutperton 14
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Words of Wisdom from Rev Julia Cody....
On 6th January, my sister, Em, who lives in Australia, posted a photo on Facebook of her local shop, commenting, “12th night, decorations are down, Christmas is over But not to worry… Coles have Easter Eggs already!” Well… Easter is very early this year?! It’s not even mid February and pancake day’s over, and we’re already in Lent. Lent began on Ash Wednesday, 10th Feb. 4 days’ later, Valentine’s Day. These two probably seem somewhat incompatible. Ash Wednesday is when folks come to church and receive a crossshaped mark, in ash, on their foreheads as an outward sign of this inward time of spiritual taking-stock and confession - the hallmarks of Lent. Valentine’s Day, of course, is the celebration of love. After the solemn, soul-searching of Ash Wednesday, doesn’t Valentine’s Day seem rather frivolous, perhaps even inappropriate in Lent? I don’t think so, because both are about love. Lent offers a season to prepare ourselves for Easter. The Bible says, “God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die”. Easter celebrates God revealing, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, that he loves us so very much. Lent enables us to prepare ourselves for this overwhelming demonstration of God’s genuine love for every one of us… Not the red-roses kind of love, but the unconditional, eternal, rock-solid love which, deep-down, we all need and seek.
01902 750232
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LOCAL CLASSES & GROUPS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM CHOIR SINGING: If you are interested in joining the popular choir, singing light and popular music with the occasional challenging piece, why not come along to one of their weekly rehearsals held in Pattingham Village Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, or for more information, contact Gena Richards on 01902 700188 or Alan Hickman on 01902 744653. SLIMMING: Slimming World on a Thursday at Perton Civic Centre 5pm and 7pm and run by Sheena who can be contacted on 07962075980 WILDLIFE WALKING GROUP: Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month. For further information contact Keith Elder on 01902 754245 or keith.elder@hotmail.co.uk. FITNESS CLASS: Mondays at 6pm at Perton First School fitness class suitable for all the family. Booking is advisable text Liz on 07913168343 FIT 2 Box: These classes are held at The Pavilion on Perton just off Gainsborough Drive. Simon holds his classes on a Tuesday. 6.30 - 7.30 is for beginners to moderate and 7.30 - 8.30 is for advanced and people who exercise regularly. Call Simon on 07470221041 ADVICE: South Staffs Work Club, Perton Library 2.15pm - 4pm every 1 st and 3rd Thursday of the Month. The Work Club offers advice and support to local people in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit. The services are completely free and offer advice on Benefits, Debt, Career Coaching, CV development, Volunteering and much more. CYCLING GROUP: The SSCS promotes cycling as a fun and safe way to stay active and healthy by providing guided inclusive community based cycle rides ( from Perton ) in order to increase physical participation and improve well being across a range of age groups and ability levels. For contact and ride details please see www.connectpages.co.uk KNITTING CLASS (KNIT & PURL): The classes are open to anyone who is interested in knitting. Experienced knitters are quite happy to teach anyone who does not know how to knit, adults or children, children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Meet in the New Room, Civic Centre, Perton on the second Thursday of the month from 7pm to 9pm. The classes are informal, lots of chat and refreshments. Everyone knits their own thing; some knit for charity, some for family and friends. Contact details are 07946 861057 or pedged@supanet.com ( £2 a class ) PRE SCHOOL DANCE CLASSES: Every ThursdayPerton Diddi Dance hold a Funky Pre School Dance Class for boys and girls. Classes are held at The Church at Perton from 2.00pm - 2.45pm. Call Svenja on 07846 337910 for more details. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet, Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Musical Comedy held at Holy Cross Church Hall, Bilbrook. Annual Shows at the Grand Theatre Wolverhampton and exams with MASD. Contact Carol on 01902 398710 or email carol@suttieschoolofdance.co.uk. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet,Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Contemporary held at the United Reformed Church hall, Tettenhall Wood and at the Bradmore CentreBirches Barn Rd. W-ton. Shows and Examinations. Contact the Fusco Academy of Dance established 1972. On 07713126218 or e mail annafusco22@aol.com or hazel.fusco@yahoo.co.uk Next show 6/3/16.
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NEW SHOWROOM AT 1 FINCHFIELD ROAD WEST 3 vertical blinds supplied for £75 up to 5' width.
Individual blinds supplied from £20 each ________________________________
Fitting service offered Free home visits with pattern books. ________________________________
All blinds are made to measure. We supply and fit roller blinds, aluminium venetian, wooden venetian, roman blinds etc.
CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION 01902 766755 OR EMAIL village.blinds@hotmail.co.uk
A Word From Gavin Williamson............... It is always with great pleasure that I dust off my tour guiding credentials and welcome students from schools from all across South Staffordshire and take them around Palace of Westminster. Part of the joy of coming to work each morning is walking through the incredible building, through Central Lobby to get to my office. It is times like these when I feel extremely humbled to be working in Parliament and I am incredibly aware of some of the huge boots that I have to fill. I usually give the traditional tour of the House of Commons, with a quick detour to The Chapel of St Mary Undercroft. I always find this obscure little area of Parliament totally awe inspiring, with its gold leaf, vaulted bays, clustered columns of polished Purbeck marble and ornate carvings of foliage, dragons and musical angels. This stunning chapel, set in the bowels of Westminster Hall, did not always exist in its current glorified state. Legend has it that by the time of the great fire of 1834, it had been used as both a wine cellar and also as a stable for Oliver Cromwell’s horses. One of the more well-known stories relating to the chapel was during the 1914 census, when suffragette Emily Wilding hid in a broom closet within the chapel. In doing this, she was able to record her address on the night of the census as the ‘House of Commons,’ advancing her claim that women should be accorded the same political rights as men. As I can easily attest, having peered into the space a time or two, it is a very small closet. St. Mary Undercroft is still used today for various prestigious occasions. The children of peers, who possess the title of ‘The Honourable’, are able to use the chapel as a wedding venue. Members of parliament and peers also have the right to use the chapel for christenings. The body of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was famously kept in St Mary Undercroft on the night before her funeral, in April 2013, as was the body of Tony Benn, the long serving Labour politician, ahead of his funeral in March 2014. When I was young, I visited Parliament and realised that I wanted to become an MP. Although I realise that my tour will not change pupil’s lives, I do hope that being able to relate to Parliament will encourage young people to become engaged in the democratic process and potentially become involved in politics themselves in the future.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 20
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Brian Breakwell Painter & Decorator Semi-Retired with over 40 Years Experience Cheap Rates All Work Guaranteed
Tel: 07490 496006 or 01902 753364 Email: sarah-2503@hotmail.co.uk
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