Perton & Pattingham Pages MONTHLY GUIDE: BUSINESSES ▪ EVENTS ▪ GROUPS ▪ CLASSES ▪ NEWS p2 ››› Dance show at the Grand
››› Get Your Christmas Trees ››› Are You Food Happy?
P3 & p28 ››› Perton Parish Council Update
››› The Crown inn Christmas Menu ››› Perton Christmas Fair
p3 ››› Local Events 4 p4 ››› Gavin Williamson Update
p5 p12 p14 p19
07734 461934
Perton & Pattingham Business Index Home& Garden Ala rms /CCTV/Home Se curity Ba throoms Blinds Builde r Ca rpe ntry Ca rpe t & Inte riors Clea ning Se rvices Dome s tic Applia nces & Re pa ir Ele ctricia ns Fe ncing & De cking Flooring Fue l Ga rden Ce ntre Ga rdening & La nds ca ping Gutte r Cle a ning Lighting Locks mith Ove n Cle a ning Pa inte r & De cora tor Pla s te re r Plumbing & He a ti ng Prope rty Ma intena nce Roofing Tiling Tree Surge on Windows, Doors & Conservatories
21 28,31 9,16 1 30 16,30 5,20,25,26 25 1,13,19,21,28 14 13 7 2,5 8,9,25 10,13,26 21 31 22,30 9,16,19,20,26,28 11,20,25,27 9,20,22,28,31 13,18,19,25 10,11,13,22,26 18 8,9,17 10,12,25,29,30
Window Clea ning M otoring & Transport Bodywork Ma inte na nce Ta xi Service
18 28 9,30
Eating & Drinking Pubs Re s ta ura nts & Ta ke a wa ys Classe s, Groups & Events Da nce Cl a s s e s Eve nts Fitne s s Slimming Thea tre & Pe rforming Arts Tuition IT, Financ e & Prope rty Compute rs & Repa ir Fina ncia l Advis er Prope rty Purcha s e Prope rty Sa le s & Le tti ngs Lifestyle, Leisure & Re tail Childca re & Schools Chris tma s Colle cta ble s & Toys Purcha s e Community Ca re Driving School Footca re Fune ra l Dire ctors Gifts & Home wa re Golf Clubs Ha ir, Hea lth & Be a uty Home a nd Toile tri e s Suppl ie s Toy Shop/Pla y De n Animals & Pe ts Pe t Grooming Pe t Shop
1 3,11,1 9,24 7,8,17 4,5,8,22,24,30 ,31 7 19,31 17 29 15,26,29 20 27,30 27 6,7,24 2,4 26 12,13,16,18,23 26 9 15,23 22 27 3,13,1 6,25,27 32 8 8,10 8 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
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Visiting Foot Care Service NOW available in this area Nails Trimmed Corns Removed Painful Toenails Verruca Treatment Fungal Conditions Cracked Heels Hard Skin/Callus Reduction
Call 01902 687814 for appointments
NEW SHOWROOM AT 1 FINCHFIELD ROAD WEST 3 vertical blinds supplied for £75 up to 5' width.
Individual blinds supplied from £20 each ________________________________
Fitting service offered Free home visits with pattern books. ________________________________
All blinds are made to measure. We supply and fit roller blinds, aluminium venetian, wooden venetian, roman blinds etc.
CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION 01902 766755 OR EMAIL ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
Wild About Perton in November..... Recently, a late night phone call took me to Dippon's Lane, Perton to a hedgehog in trouble. It was stuck in the water filled drain, beneath a household downpipe, having fallen into this potential death trap because the grill cover was missing. When I arrived it was still desperately struggling to climb out, all to no avail because the vertical sides afforded no purchase to climb out. A gloved hand soon extracted the soaking wet hedgehog who was keen to escape, but I hung onto her, concerned that a soaking wet body, loss of heat and the late hour meant that she had little chance of surviving the night. A secure box was found, filled with dry hay to help with drying out and prevent further heat loss. I subsequently found out that an old towel or blanket would have been a good substitute for the hay. I then called Joan Lockley of West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue ( for help. Joan featured recently on Julian Clary’s ITV Nature Nuts programme. A cursory inspection; the hedgehog was now curled up in a tight ball, showed no obvious signs of injury but her weight at 218gm was very low and insufficient to survive winter hibernation. A young hedgehog needs a body weight of at least 500-600gm going into winter, so there was little chance that this young hog could build sufficient weight in the wild before hibernating. So with bowls of meat based cat food and water she was put into a warm safe room overnight and then driven to West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue the next day, where she will over winter building sufficient body weight to return to Perton next spring to bolster our declining hedgehog population. Meet Joan, with hedgehog Freddie, at Perton’s next Spring Festival on Saturday 23 rd April 2016 at Perton Library. Join us on the first Saturday of every month for a wildlife walk leaving Perton library at 2PM.
For further information contact Keith Elder on 754245 or ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
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LOCAL EVENTS: PERTON & PATTINGHAM Sunday 8th November 2015- Remembrance Sunday. Service of Remembrance at The Church at Perton at 10am, moving out to the Memorial Stone about 10.50am. Click for more info Monday 9th November - Perton Parish Council Meeting at the Civic Centre starts at 7pm. Have your say on Perton. Sunday 15th November - South Staffs Cycling Scheme - Perton Bike Ride from 10am. Would you like to get on your bike more? Call April on 07794710927 or Neil on 07910023306 for more info. Meet at Perton Civic Centre. Sunday 15th & Sunday 22nd November – The Suttie School of Dance perform at the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton performances start at 6pm call Carol on 01902 398710 for details of how to get tickets. Wednesday 25th November 2015 - Open Morning at Perton Sandown First School. Between 9.30 and 11.00am. Contact the school on 01902 742686 Wednesday 25th – Saturday 28th November – Sleeping Beauty at Pattingham Village Hall Tickets £8/£5 call 01902 700748 for ticket or more information Sunday 6th December 2015 - South Staffs Cycling Scheme - Perton Bike Ride from 9.30am. Would you like to get on your bike more? Call April on 07794710927 or Neil on 07910023306 for more info. Meet at Perton Civic Centre. Thursday 10th December - Flicks in the Sticks Movie Magic. "Imitation Game" showing at 2pm. Perton, Kingswood and Trescott Senior Citizens are Free. Otherwise £3.50 and refreshments at 50p. Saturday 12th December 2015 - Christmas Charater Breakfast - £5.95 per child includes breakfast and a gift. 10.00am – 11.30am Monday 14th December 2015- Perton Parish Council Meeting at the Civic Centre starts at 7pm. Have your say on Perton.
Words of Wisdom from Rev Julia Cody.... Last month involved lots of harvest thanksgiving. Even with fields backing onto our village, we’re quite removed from the traditional sense of harvest - of crops being safely gathered in. But perhaps that’s why harvest is so important, so we don’t forget and give thanks for the riches we enjoy. It was fantastic to have both Perton and Sandown First School children in church for their harvest celebrations; and it was great to receive Perton Middle School’s donations of non-perishable foods to be added to those collected at the church’s harvest festival. These were passed on to Wolverhampton Foodbank and Blakeley Green House, who gratefully received them. It’s a season of thanksgiving - our harvest, the USA’s Thanksgiving Holiday on 26th November 2015, with its origins also in thanks for the harvest, and of course, Christmas. Just ponder that word ‘thanksgiving’… comprising two words, ‘thanks’ + ‘giving’. You can’t truly have thanksgiving without thanks + giving. At harvest we thank God for all the riches and abundance we enjoy… and we’re also encouraged to be mindful of those who have so much less than us - perhaps those whose harvest’s failed, who are hungry - and to give. Christmas is also a time of giving, mainly focused on giving presents to those we love, but may we all also consider how we can give to those less fortunate… perhaps put something in the Foodbank bin in Sainsburys, donate items to the charity shops, or give money to charity. May our Christmas preparations include thanksgiving: thanks + giving.
01902 750232 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
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A Word From Gavin Williamson............... One of the unspoken privileges of attending events as a Member of Parliament, though not always that good for my waistline, is that I’m always so well catered for, so it’s always nice to be able to have the opportunity to be able to give something back. Last month I had the chance to attend two of Macmillan’s Coffee Mornings in Perton. The first of the two was held at Perton Village Nursery School, who had twinned the event with their 10 year anniversary. The nursery school was first started by Perton Parish Council 15 years ago and was taken over by local volunteers and set up as a separate charity 5 years later. It was such a privilege to be invited to the relaunch of Perton Village Nursery School and see the wonderful work that has been done by those who have run it for the past decade. It was also brilliant to hear about the positive effect that the Government’s free childcare hours has had on nursery schools, with a noticeable rise in places due to the popularity of the scheme. The second of the two coffee mornings was hosted by 1 st Perton Guides at The Church at Perton. It was the second year that I had been invited by the Guides and I was delighted to see that they were once again so enthusiastic about doing something to raise money for such a good cause. The ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Mornings’ have become such an iconic charity event raising money for an excellent cause, supporting patients and families suffering the devastating effects of cancer. Macmillan is such a fantastic charity and the support they provide to people is invaluable. I can’t imagine the struggle that families have to go through when they are faced with fighting such a dreadful disease such as cancer. I am always so proud to see South Staffordshire, particularly younger residents in Perton, playing their part to help people that are much less fortunate than themselves and to support people going through life changing circumstances. All money raised will go a long way to supporting patients and their families living with the effects of this terrible disease. It was great to hear that so many Coffee Mornings were held across the constituency, and I was disappointed that I couldn’t visit more, although for my waistline’s sake, perhaps it was for the best.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
Brian Breakwell Painter & Decorator Semi-Retired with over 40 Years Experience Cheap Rates All Work Guaranteed
Tel: 07976 152817 or 01902 753364 Email:
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Tips From Your Local PGA Pro at Perton Park..... Take Your Medicine
What a great demonstration by one of our clients above. It's our job to come up with swing tips like this to help improve your game and make it more enjoyable and improve your scoring, so why not give us a call here at Perton Park.
Jeremy Harrold, Tel: 01902 380073 or email: ♌ ♌ 07734 461934
CHOIR SINGING: If you are interested in joining the popular choir, singing light and popular music with the occasional challenging piece, why not come along to one of their weekly rehearsals held in Pattingham Village Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, or for more information, contact Gena Richards on 01902 700188 or Alan Hickman on 01902 744653. SLIMMING: Slimming World on a Thursday at Perton Civic Centre 5pm and 7pm and run by Sheena who can be contacted on 07962075980 WILDLIFE WALKING GROUP: Monthly wildlife walks, leave Perton Library at 2pm every first Saturday of every month. For further information contact Keith Elder on 01902 754245 or FITNESS CLASS: Mondays at 6pm at Perton First School fitness class suitable for all the family. Booking is advisable text Liz on 07913168343 FIT 2 Box: These classes are held at The Pavilion on Perton just off Gainsborough Drive. Simon holds his classes on a Tuesday. 6.30 - 7.30 is for beginners to moderate and 7.30 - 8.30 is for advanced and people who exercise regularly. Call Simon on 07470221041 ADVICE: South Staffs Work Club, Perton Library 2.15pm - 4pm every 1 st and 3rd Thursday of the Month. The Work Club offers advice and support to local people in preparation for the introduction of Universal Credit. The services are completely free and offer advice on Benefits, Debt, Career Coaching, CV development, Volunteering and much more. CYCLING GROUP: The SSCS promotes cycling as a fun and safe way to stay active and healthy by providing guided inclusive community based cycle rides ( from Perton ) in order to increase physical participation and improve well being across a range of age groups and ability levels. For contact and ride details please see PRE SCHOOL DANCE CLASSES: Every ThursdayPerton Diddi Dance hold a Funky Pre School Dance Class for boys and girls. Classes are held at The Church at Perton from 2.00pm - 2.45pm. Call Svenja on 07846 337910 for more details. DANCING: Classes for all ages in Ballet, Tap, Acrobatics, Disco and Musical Comedy held at Holy Cross Church Hall, Bilbrook. Annual Shows at the Grand Theatre Wolverhampton and exams with MASD. Contact Carol on 01902 398710 or email
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PP/November 15 ♦ ♦ 07734 461934
Discover a new form of HAPPY… For the first week in January FoodHappy are waiving the cost of their introductory consultations. Food nutrition is of vital importance and the cornerstone of a healthy life. FoodHappy is the brainchild of Katie Dodd, whose innovative programmes are tailored to suit your personal needs. Katie recognises that, in today’s hectic and busy world, it is easy to ignore or put off health issues. To solve this, she has designed FoodHappy, which adapts diet plans to suit the needs of her clients. The consultancy offers a personalised service – either in the comfort of your home or when FoodHappy are at Lakeside Medical Centre in Perton. “People are becoming increasingly aware of the need to take care of their bodies, but it’s more than that! We want people to see that watching their diet doesn’t have to be an interference or even a chore…and that’s exactly what we do. We deal with everyone on an individual basis which, in turn, results in the best possible advice – universal diet plans are just not enough.”
For further information and to learn more about the services on offer, please contact Katie on 07882 247525 or email Alternatively, visit the website at
Useful Numbers Lakeside Surgery: 01902 755329 Tamar Surgery: 01902 755053 Pattingham Surgery: 01902 700462 Perton Dental Practice (Anders Square): 01902 758120 Dental Surgery, Tamar Medical Centre: 01902 756114 Perton Funeral Directors: 01902 756830 Perton Clinic : 01902 758150 Perton Civic Centre: 01902 745971 Perton Library: 01902 755794 Church at Perton: 01902 750232 Lakeside Community Church: 01902 753595 St Chad's Church Pattingham: 01902 700257 Neighbourhood Police: 0300 1234455 Staffordshire Police: 08453 303132 MP: Gavin Williamson: 01902 846616 Souths Staffs District Council: 01902 696000 Staffordshire County Council: 01785 223121 Perton Parish Council Office: 01902 745971 Pattingham & Patshull Parish Council: 01902 746898 If there are any other telephone numbers you think would be useful, please email ♌ ♌ 07734 461934
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