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Tettenhall Business Index Home & Garden Ala rms /CCTV/Home Se curity Ba throom Blinds Builde r Ca rpe ntry Ca rpe t & Inte riors Cle a ning Se rvice s Drive wa ys Ele ctricia ns Flooring Ga rde n Ce ntre Ga rde ning & La nds ca ping Gutte r Cle a ning Lighting Locks mith Ove n Cle a ning Pa inte r & De cora tor Pla s te re r Plumbing & He a ting Prope rty Ma inte na nce Roofing Tiling Tre e Surge ry
M otoring & Transport 15 Bodywork 9 ,11 ,19 Ma inte na nce 3 ,12 Mi nibus Hire 6 Ta xi Se rvice 1 8,2 0 Classes, Groups & Eve nts 12 Da nce Cla s s e s 3 ,7 Eve nts 18 Slimming 4 ,15 The a tre & Pe rforming Arts 7 Tuition 8 IT, Finance & Property 3 ,4,5,7,9,16 ,20 Computers & Re pa ir 9 Prope rty Buying 15 Prope rty Sa le s & Le ttings 9 Lifestyle, Leisure & Retail 1 4,1 9 Childre n's Soft Pla y 1 2,1 3,1 4,19 Chiropodis t 6 ,14 ,18 ,19 Community Ca re 9 ,14 Driving School 4 ,11 ,13 Fune ra l Directors 1 1,1 6,1 9 Gifts & Home wa re 16 Ha ir, He a lth & Be a uty 5 Ma s onry Windows, Doors & Conservatories 1 ,2,12,13,16 Toy Shop Window Cle a ning 14 Animals & Pets Eating & Drinking Dog Wa lking Coffe e Shop 20 Re s ta ura nts 13
19 7 19 19 6 ,16 1 0, 3 ,11 1 0,2 0 5 .9 7 18 5 4 12 1 ,14 ,17 ,20 14 8 ,11 6 3 ,8,9,10,18 13 5 7
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Useful Numbers Tettenhall Wood Health Centre: 01902 444560 Tettenhall Medical Practice: 01902 444550 Claregate Dental Practice: 01902 754525 Mark Webb Dental Surgery: 01902 753197 Tettenhall Library: 01902 556308 St Michaels Church: 01902 751622 Christ Church Tettenhall Wood: 01902 751116 Christ the King, Aldersley: 01902 212405 St Thomas of Canterbury RC Church: 01902 751025 Tettenhall Wood United Reformed Church: 01902 564235 Neighbourhood Police: 101 ext 7601 6154 Wolverhampton Police: 0845 113 5000 MP: Rob Marris: 07824 155274 Wolverhampton City Council: 01902 551155 If there are any other telephone numbers you think would be useful to the people of Tettenhall then please contact us on tettenhallpages@gmail.com
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Tuesday 28th July – Canoeing Wednesday 29th July – Pond Dipping & Model Making Thursday 30th July – Naturally Art Friday 31st July – Narrowboat Trip Monday 3rd August Earth Walk Tuesday 4th August – Secret Superheroes Wednesday 5th August – Creature Comforts Thursday 6th August – Minibeast Safari Friday 7th August – Narrowboat Trip Monday 10th August – Narrowboat Trip Tuesday 11th August – Solar Boats Wednesday 12th August – Get Out of That? Problem Solving Thursday 13th August – Den Building Friday 14th August – Robots & Energy Monday 17th August – Treasure Hunt Tuesday 18th August – Creature Comforts Wednesday 19th August – Narrowboat Trip Thursday 20th August – Family Cycle Ride Booking is Essential, please telephone to check availability For more information about the activities please visit our website WILDSIDE ACTIVITY CENTRE HORDERN ROAD, WOLVERHAMPTON WV6 0HA TEL: 01902 572240 EMAIL: info@wildsideac.co.uk WEBSITE: www.wildesideac.co.uk
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Brian Breakwell Painter & Decorator Semi-Retired with over 40 Years Experience Cheap Rates All Work Guaranteed
Tel: 07976 152817 or 01902 753364 Email: sarah-2503@hotmail.co.uk
PGA Golf Tips from Jeremy Nicholls at South Staffs Golf Club Academy..... How to get the maximum distance out of your driver Here are a few points to consider when using your driver on the golf course. • The correct tee height is vital to achieve consistency off the tee when you are using your driver. • With a driver you are looking to strike the ball on an upward swing, ( this is when the club reaches the bottom of the swing arc) • As well as teeing the ball up, ensure the ball is forward in your stance ( inside of left heel). • At impact the ball should make contact with the driver just slightly above the middle of the club face, this will reduce spin especially into a headwind and help the ball to launch onto its correct ball flight. • If the ball is placed on a tee too low it will cause you to create too much of a descending angle (steep) of attack into the ball. • A further point to remember is to make sure your posture remains the same from the address position right through to impact. South Staffs Golf Club Academy, Wood Road,
Tel: 01902 847123 or 07711902149 Email: play@ledenegolf.co.uk
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Newly elected Rotary District Governor Richard Green, whose appointment covers 55 Rotary clubs in Shropshire, Staffordshire and the Black Country, has been outlining his theme for the Rotary year which has just started.His theme is ‘Young at Heart’ and he has explained why. “That’s what we are and we can see that in all the amazing, energetic projects that we organise,” said DG Richard who lives in Finchfield and is a member of the Wolverhampton Rotary Club. “Young at heart also means our younger people are at the heart of Rotary if we want our wonderful organisation to flourish into the future. “Our district is in the forefront of service to the community both locally and across the world and we want to carry on being innovative and unique with our projects, such as the cycle ride in support of prostate cancer awareness and the Staffordshire Ironman contest both of which will be taking place again next year.” He wanted to see youth competitions and activities, such as Rotary Youth Leadership Award and Kids Out expand, as well as revitalising youth exchange to give the gifts of encouragement and support to young people in the true spirit of Rotary. He said the district had shown the way in pioneering the Vocational Study Exchange project which had already been copied by at least one other district. “Kids Day Out has grown to take place in two locations and this is a wonderful example of how our clubs support and give a day of fun that youngsters will remember for a very long time,” said DG Richard. He said the Disability Sports Fun Day had become very popular and with continued club support Rotary wanted to continue giving this gift to disadvantaged people of all ages. “The Health Awareness Days, supported by so many of our clubs, provide a superb benefit to our communities and we want these days to grow in number as well as locations.” The district International Committee’s very active support of the ‘Lend with Care’ scheme had been participated in by a significant number of clubs. This scheme provides small loans to people in third world countries to enable them to start up small businesses. He added that worldwide in Rotary members had been increased by in the last year, and the district wanted to be part of that growth.
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