Wombourne Pages MAY 2015
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p2 ››› Golf Tips “Wedge Play”
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p3 ››› Summer Stage School Class p10
››› Gavin Williamson Update
p4 ››› Local Volunteer Bureau
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www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
A Word From Gavin Williamson............... You would have to have been living under a rock to not notice that there is an election on 7 th May. As a party, we have been preparing for this election for years and the thought of polling day being weeks away is a little frightening. Since the dissolution of Parliament I have spent every day campaigning in South Staffordshire. The activities for each day have been mapped out for months, making sure we cover every ward in the constituency. Each morning I meet with my campaign team and we discuss our priorities for the day. We usually begin leafleting an area of the constituency, distributing our literature and meeting constituents, answering any questions that they might have about the election. Lunch time gives us the opportunity to regroup and rehydrate. I have said before that I tend to bring the rain wherever I go but I have been extremely surprised by the beautiful weather we have had so far. Instead of wringing out my clothes each evening, I have been tending to a rather painful sunburn. I must also admit that I have been ignoring Department of Health advice and have been enjoying a pork pie every day whilst meeting shoppers and local business owners in our village centres. The afternoon is another round of leafleting, this time in a different area. One of my team told me that each day we walk the equivalent of a marathon, which makes me feel less guilty about all the pork pies. Early evening is spent canvassing different areas of the constituency, darting across the road to meet as many constituents as possible, encouraging them to go out and vote on polling day. Each week I hold two ‘Meet Your Candidate’ events in the evening, located in different areas of the constituency to give those who I have not been able to reach during the day an opportunity to question me in front of a local audience. It has been fantastic to see so many new and familiar faces at these events with many important questions being raised on such a wide range of issues ranging from access to high speed broadband to the NHS. At the time of writing this we are right in the middle of our campaign. It is easy for people to become lost in the election, with every news bulletin headed by another political story or opinion poll, causing us to lose sight of what is really important. By the end of the election I will have covered the constituency several times. I have already met hundreds of constituents and listened to their individual issues and if I am lucky enough to be re-elected as your Member of Parliament on May 7th I will continue to ensure that I do everything I can to fight for solutions to the concerns of my constituents and remain the strong voice for South Staffordshire in Westminster.
To contact Gavin Williamson call 01902 846616 or 0207 219 7150 4
www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
Can I avoid getting dementia?
If you want certainty, at the present time, then the answer is no. Dementia is regularly in the news, and new discoveries are made on a daily basis through the massive investment across the World in research. Dementia Awareness Week is 17-23 May and it would be fantastic if a breakthrough could be announced. But at the time of writing, there is no certain way to prevent every type of dementia. Age UK South Staffordshire has a whole range of services to support older people throughout their later life, all of which contribute towards helping people to stay in their own homes or making a difference to their quality of life.and general wellbeing. Over the last decade Age UK South Staffordshire has developed day care services for older people who have dementia, a physical disability or other complex needs and we are investing in further development, we currently have centres at Penkridge, Cannock and Tamworth (with Penkridge benefitting from four separate rooms for different needs). For further information telephone 01785 788 481/2 We provide a free information and advice service to all older people and their carers, families and friends, available on 01785 788 499 (Opening hours – 10-2pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – outside these hours the National Helpline will pick up your call 0800 169 65 65. To help raise awareness of the advice and information about concerns and managing dementia during Dementia Awareness Week and beyond Age UK South Staffordshire have a limited numbers of free dementia information packs available please telephone 01785 788 496. You can also download a range of Age UK booklets using : http://www.ageuk.org.uk/publications/age-uk-informationguides-and-factsheets/
www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
Tips From Your Local PGA Pro at Perton Park..... Hit Wedges Into Hula Hoops For Better Control
There is never a bad time to work on your short game. One of the best practice session you may ever have with wedges is to use hula hoops. Sounds like a good time right? Well, after practising with these you will really get a sense of your distance control and how you can drastically begin to make more birdies and save more pars. It’s really quite easy – bring 3 hula hoops to the practice area and lay them out at 20, 30 & 40 yards. Now hit 10 balls into each. You’ll quickly notice what adjustments you needed to make to get the ball into each hoop. You can start moving the hoops as far back as you would like, but after just a few short sessions with these practice aids you’ll see huge improvements. Now when you need to hit a wedge shot that lands 30 yards you can just visualize the hula hoops and remember how it felt to fly the ball 30 yards. If you’re having trouble controlling your distances give me a call, I’d be happy to come out and see what technical adjustments may need to be made to better improve the control. Good Luck
Jeremy Harrold, Tel: 01902 380073 or email: jeremy@pertongolfclub.co.uk
www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
Wombourne Volunteer Bureau The Bureau was set up in 1972 at the Hand-in Hand Centre, which is in the Wombourne Institute in Church Road. Our services include arranging transport for those who need to visit hospitals, doctors, dentists and clinics etc. We also operate a medical loans service. The service includes wheelchairs and commodes etc, these are short term loans with a small fee payable. Tuesdays and Thursdays are Day Care with a drink on arrival, lunch and good company. In addition to this they enjoy the occasional visits to pubs and garden centres. On Friday’s we run a Men’s Lunch Club. Monday afternoons we have an Arts and Crafts Group, Wednesday mornings we provide a Hard of Hearing Service where hearing aids can be checked. Batteries are available whenever the Bureau is open. Friday afternoons we have a small active group for Stroke victims. Areas covered for all the above activities are Bobbington, Gospel End, Himley, Lower Penn, Penn Common, Seisdon, Swindon, Trysull and Wombourne The last Saturday of every month the Bureau holds a Coffee Morning. Last June we received the Queens’ Award for voluntary service and in October we were awarded by the South Staffordshire District Outstanding Organisation for volunteers.
Visit us on wombournevb.org.uk
www.wombournepages.co.uk ♦ wombournepages@gmail.com ♦ 07734 461934
Useful Numbers Gravel Hill Surgery: 01902 893375 Dale Medical Practice: 01902 892209 Willows Dental Practice: 01902 324230 Wombourne Clinic : 01902 892495 Wombourne Civic Centre: 01902 896300 Wombourne Library: 01902 892032 St Benedict Biscop CE Church: 01902 897700 St Bernadette's RC Church: 01902 893434 United Reformed Church: 01902 324234 The King's Way Church: 01902 326464 Wombourne Methodist Church: 01902 358420 Neighbourhood Police: 0300 1234455 Staffordshire Police: 08453 303132 MP: Gavin Williamson: 01902 846616 Souths Staffs District Council: 01902 696000 Staffordshire County Council: 01785 223121 Parish Council Office: 01902 896300 12