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Technology On Campus

STUDENT EMAIL ACCOUNT Email will be available when you attend orientation or 24 hours after you enroll. ALL communication will come to your Peru address.



PASSWORD www.peru.edu → Hover over Students → Student email Enter your legal first name (.) last name and the first five digits of your NUID Example: john.doe12345 (user ID’s are limited to 20 characters) Your NUID

ACCESS TO MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 WEBSITE https://login.microsoft.com/?whr=peru.edu USER ID Enter your legal first name (.) last name and the first five digits of your NUID (@bobcats.peru.edu) Example: john.doe12345@bobcats.peru.edu(user ID’s are limited to 20 characters) PASSWORD The initial password to Office 365 was placed in your MyPSC dashboard. Click the Messages link to access the initial password. You will be required to set a new password upon your first login to Office 365

ACCESS TO GO BLUE - STUDENT WI-FI ACCESS PORTAL Open your browser on your device, the wi-fi will automatically connect once you login. USER ID Enter your legal first name (.) last name and the first five digits of your NUID Example: John.Doe12345 PASSWORD Your NUID

If you have questions or problems with your email account, Microsoft 360 account or your Wi-Fi Access, contact Computer Services at 402-872-2270 or email computerservices@peru.edu

ACCESS TO BLACKBOARD AND myPSC WEBSITE www.peru.edu → Hover over Students → myPSC/Blackboard USER ID Your NUID PASSWORD You created this password at the time of application. Passwords must be eight characters in length, cannot be your name and must contain two of these three items: letters, numbers or special characters. New passwords may not be the same as your previous five passwords. If you forget your password, select the “Forgot Password” link on the login page.

If you have questions or problems with Blackboard, contact Distance Education and Online Services at 402-872-2386 or email distanceeducation@peru.edu

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