Whoar et hePES? ThePar t yofEur opean Soci al i st s( PES)br i ngst oget hert heSoci al i st , Soci alDemocr at i candLabourPar t i esoft heEur opeanUni on( EU) . Ther e ar e32f ul l memberpar t i esf r om t he27EUmemberSt at esandNor way . I n addi t i on, t her ear eel ev enassoci at eandt enobser v erpar t i es.
PESMi ssi on •Thest r engt heni ngoft hesoci al i standsoci al democr at i cmov ementi n t heUni onandt hr oughoutEur ope; •Cont r i but i ngt of or mi ngaEur opeanawar enessandt oex pr essi ngt he pol i t i cal wi l l oft heci t i z ensoft heUni on;
•Def i ni ngcommonpol i ci esf ort heEur opeanUni onandt oi nf l uencet he deci si onsoft heEur opeani nst i t ut i ons; •Leadi ngt heEur opeanel ect i oncampai gnwi t hacommonst r at egyand vi si bi l i t y ,acommonMani f est oandacommoncandi dat et ot he Eur opeanCommi ssi onPr esi dency ,el ect edt hr oughanopen, t r anspar entanddemocr at i ccompet i t i v epr ocess.
PESLeader shi p ThePEScongr essi n2013el ect edanewl eader shi p. Pr esi dent Ser gei St ani shev( Par t yLeaderBSPBul gar i a, f or merPr i meMi ni st er ) 4Vi cePr esi dent s JeanCr i st opheCambadel i s( I nt er nat i onal Secr et ar y , PSFr ance) El enaVal enci ano( Deput yl eader , PSOESpai n) JanRoy al ( Leaderoft heOpposi t i oni nt heHouseofLor ds, LabourUK) Kat ar í naNev ed' al ov á( MEP , SMERSl ov aki a) Secr et ar yGener al Achi m Post( I nt er nat i onal Secr et ar y , SPDGer many ) 2Deput ySecr et ar yGener al s Y onnecPol et( PSBel gi um) Mar i j eLaf f eber( Pv dAt heNet her l ands)
www. pes. eu
PESWomenPr esi dent Zi t aGur mai ( MEP , MSZPHungar y )
PESPr i or i t i es
J oi nt hePESf i ghtagai nsty out hunempl oy ment! ThePESi ssi nceMay2012l eadi ngaj oi ntcampai gn cal l i ngf ora Eur opeanYout hGuar ant ee.Thankst ot he engagementofcampai gner sal loverEur ope,ayout h
Thesoci al i standsoci aldemocr at i cmov ementhasl ongf oughtt obui l da bet t erl i f ef oral l . Wear epr oudofwhatwehav eachi ev edf orpeopl e. The wel f ar est at e,uni v er saleducat i onandheal t hcar el i f t edmi l l i onsoutof pov er t yandcr eat edmor eequalandf ai rsoci et i es. Peopl e, money , goods, i nf or mat i onandi deast r av elar oundt hewor l di ncessant l y . Thi si samul t i pol ar , compl exandf r agment edwor l d. Ourmov ementst r i v esf orf r eedom, equal i t y ,sol i dar i t y and soci alj ust i ce.Ourf undament alv al ues ar e uni v er sal . T oget her , t heyf or m ourmor alcompass, wi t hwhi chwef i ghtt o bui l d pr ogr essi v esoci et i es.T odayt hesev al uesar ebei ngchal l enged. St r engt heni ngt hePESi sf undament alf ort hef ut ur eofEur opeansoci al democr ac y .The PES and i t s memberpar t i es and or gani z at i ons ar e st r ongl ycommi t t edt oi nv est i ngal l ourener gyandr esour cesi nt odev el opi ngourv i si on,moder ni si ngourst r uct ur es,br oadeni ngourbasesand achi ev i ngourcommonambi t i onofconquer i ngandex er ci si ngpoweri n Eur ope and i nt he MemberSt at es i n or dert o dev el op pr ogr essi v e soci et i esi nt he21stcent ur y .
guar ant eei sbecomi ngcl osert or eal i t y , butt her ei sst i l l mucht obedone.
Donat enowonpes. eu Yout oocanhel pusf i ght i ngyout hunempl oyment ,by suppor t i ngt hi scampai gn.Evenasmal lamountcan makeadi f f er ence.
PESLeader sagr eedont hei rt oppr i or i t i esoft heEur opeanUni on t of ocusont hemai nchal l engesEur ope ’ speopl ear ef aci ng: 1. T osecur east r ongr ecov er yandanewsust ai nabl eandsoci al l yj ust gr owt hmodel . 2.T oachi ev ef undament al r ef or m oft hef i nanci al mar ket st opr eser v e usf r om f ut ur e cr i si sandser v et her eal economy . 3.T of i ghtcl i mat echangeandsecur ecl eanener gyi nt ot hef ut ur e. 4.T opr omot est r ong, f ai randef f ect i v ewel f ar esy st emsi nagl obal i z ed wor l d: aNewSoci al Eur ope. 5.T opur suegenderequal i t y . 6.T oshapeagl obal i z at i onofhumanpr ogr essandsecur i t yi nanew gl obal or der .