Physical Education and Sport Sciences e-Zine. April 2015

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|April 2015

5th Edition





Head of Department Welcome On behalf of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS) I wish to welcome you to the fifth edition of the PESS e-Zine. My thanks go again to all those involved in the editing and contribution of submissions to the e-Zine. The Department hosted the second All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education on the 23rd January 2015 and we were delighted with the number of postgraduate students across numerous third-level institutions who contributed to the programme. We encourage other third-level institutions to consider hosting the conference in future years and ask those who wish to note an expression of interest to contact Waterford Institute of Technology will be hosting the 2016 conference. PESS staff are currently investing significant energies in organising an international conference (International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement) and national forum (PEPAYS Ireland), both to take place in June 2015 and each of which you can read more about in this edition.

and the recipient is expected to work on a full time basis on their PhD and enroll on the Education and Health Sciences or Education and Professional Studies structured PhD programme. Scholarship recipients are also expected to contribute hours to PESS-related tasks (e.g. teaching, demonstrating, organisation of events) for the duration of their scholarship. Further information on the Scholarships are available in this edition of the PESS e-Zine. I would like to welcome Michelle Hyland, our new administrator in the department. I would encourage students and staff to forward information on student and staff achievements (your own or others) to Michelle.Hyland so that such achievements can be celebrated and promoted. I trust you will find the fifth edition of PESS e-Zine as informative and engaging as previous additions. As always, if you have any interest in collaborating with PESS across areas of teaching and / or research please do not hesitate to contact me at

A Masters in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology is to begin in January 2016 and further information is included in this PESS e-Zine edition. In March 2015, PESS advertised an opportunity for individuals to spend up to eight weeks in PESS gaining experience in one of four research areas, (1) Food for Health, (2) Physical Activity and Health, (3) Sport and Human Performance and (4) Sport Pedagogy. The internship allows individuals an opportunity to work with PESS faculty, explore further their interest and disposition to postgraduate study and / or to consider working in a university setting. The opportunity to apply for PESS PhD Scholarships closes on April 24th 2015. Scholarships are held for up to four years

Dr. Ann MacPhail and colleagues at the SHAPE Conference in Seattle. (See page 11 for more information)

Note from the Editors


elcome to the fifth edition of the This issue looks at the breath of some of the research activities, and events that have happened or are ongoing in the Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS) Department since September 2014.

Many thanks to all our contributors to the Spring 2015 issue.This issue celebrates many student achievements. Dylan Mernagh and テ(ne Tighe take time out from their studies on the Masters in Sports Performance and describe what it is like to be both a student and athlete in the PESS department. Research continues to thrive in the department. Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre provides an account of the inaugural seminar on META constructs. The reconfiguration of research space in the exercise physiology area of the building is also described. This semester PESS faculty and staff have supported a number of post primary science projects for competitions and hope to continue to do so in the future. As the semester draws to a close, we would like to wish all PESS students the best of luck with their exams and wish staff and students a healthy and active Summer. We hope you enjoy this edition.

Rhoda Sohun and Ian Kenny The PESS E-Zine is published by the the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. We would be delighted to receive your comments and ideas for future editions. The opinions and views in the publication are those of the contributors and not necessarily of the PESS Department. While every care is taken to ensure accuracy in the completion of this E-Zine, the PESS department cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or effects arising thereof. However, such errors may be brought to the attention of the Editors. All material is copyright.

CONTENTS Physical Education & Sport Sciences|

|Apr 2015



14 Research 5

UL Researchers travel to Inaugural Seminar on META Constructs: Hannah McCormack


Research Laboratory Space and Staff increase in the PESS Department


Sport Pedagogy Research Team Present at SHAPE in Seattle: Dr. Deborah Tannehill


University Limerick Hospital Research Symposium 2014.

8 Outreach Activities 6 12

Staff from the PESS Department Assist Schools with Sport Science projects for Competitions



Head of Department Welcome Dr. Ann MacPhail


PE students experience adventure: Dr. Missy Parker, Dr. Michelle Dillon & Jeff Phelan


MSc. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology


PESS Student Achievements


PESS Winter Graduations 2014


PESS Staff Achievements



Celebrating i-Play: Brigitte Moody

Features 4


2nd All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education MSc. Sports Performance Students テ(ne Tighe and Dylan Mernagh



2nd All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education The 2nd All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education took place at the University of Limerick on Friday 23rd January 2015. The conference aimed to build on last year’s inaugural conference. This year, delegates undertaking research for professional / structured doctorate awards, traditional PhD, MPhil and MSc awards were welcomed. 13 institutions across the island were represented with 42 oral and poster presentations under the three thematic areas: ● Sports Performance ● Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy ● Health and Physical Activity The conference aimed to give postgraduate researchers the opportunity to present their work to peers and interested academics, in a supportive and collaborative environment as well as: ● Enhance and develop their research skills by presenting research in a conference environment; ● Present research proposals, preliminary data or research-in-progress; ● Contribute to the knowledge exchange' of the postgraduate community in Ireland; ● Network and engage in academic discourse in a supportive, interdisciplinary environment; ● Receive constructive feedback on their poster/oral presentation.

Conference Organisers Dr. Mark Lyons, Dr, Ann MacPhail and Dr. Brian Carson.

The informal tone provided researchers with freedom to engage in frank, productive and stimulating conversations.

KEY NOTE SPEAKERS This year’s keynote speakers were Martin Kennedy and Dr. Catherine Woods. Martin Kennedy is the Managing Director of the National Athlete Development Academy (NADA) and in his keynote address shared a business owner’s 10-year journey in the exercise, sports science and coaching industry in Ireland. He outlined the experiences that have influenced him as well as recent developments with NADA. Martin also shared with delegates some of the hard lessons and mistakes he has made along the way. Martin concluded his keynote by putting forward areas for future research and where he believes the gaps are in both our knowledge and more importantly application. Dr. Catherine Woods delivered the second keynote address in the afternoon. Catherine is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity Psychology and Public Health at Dublin City University. In this keynote address, Catherine gave an overview of research that focuses on interventions designed to increase physical activity in children and young people, including some of the review papers published to date. Catherine went on to highlight some of the challenges facing researchers in this area and key considerations in light of these challenges. A number of pertinent models were explored and Catherine summed up by providing an overview of current developments in Ireland that will inevitably influence physical activity in children and young people and researchers engaging in physical activity interventions. 4

The one day conference was well attended again with over 60 attendees. A published book of abstracts was also edited by Brian Carson and Mark Lyons this year. In the concluding address, Mark Lyons thanked delegates, speakers and conference organisers alike for making the 2nd conference a success. He also requested expressions of interest in hosting the conference next year stating that ‘It was always our intention when organising the inaugural conference to provide the opportunity for other institutions to host the conference in future years’. Following expressions of interest, Waterford Institute of Technology were chosen and will now host the 3rd All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education in 2016. We wish them all the very best!

Hannah McCormack Physical Education & Sport Sciences Department On the 19th of February, myself and seven other researchers from UL, joined colleagues from across the UK and Ireland, travelling to the University of Wolverhampton, for the inaugural seminar exploring META Constructs. META is an acronym that refers to meta-Motivation, meta-Emotion and Thinking and Action (metacognition). The goal of the research group is to combine perspectives from researchers in social, cognitive, organisational and sport psychology to enhance our understanding of expertise. This META research group ( was initiated by UL staff, Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre (PESS), Dr. Eric Igou (Psychology) and Dr. Deirdre O’Shea (KBS) with collaborators including Prof. Andy Lane (University of Wolverhampton), Prof. Marc Jones (Staffordshire University), Prof. Aidan Moran (UCD), Dr. Paul McCarthy (Glasgow Caledonian University), along with Prof. Carol McGuinness and Dr. Clifford Stevenson (both Queens University Belfast). Funding from the British Psychological Society (BPS) Research Seminars Competition supports three seminars across the host institutions. The seminar series also provides a platform for postgraduate students to contribute their understanding of the topics and to probe how the constructs relate to their research questions. It is believed that the contribution of new ideas and often real world experience of these students is not only invaluable to the project but also to the participants; the opportunity for knowledge sharing and cross-fertilisation of ideas are boundless. The group was awarded almost ₏4,000 to fund the seminar series, this funding goes toward the running and travel expenses incurred. However, it is planned that through our



collaborative efforts further funding will be sought in order to continue the cross-cutting investigations of contemporary issues relating to sport expertise. These include resilience, mindfulness, stigma and mental health, and automaticity of action. This potential funding could pave the way for continued dissemination and investigation in the form of both postgraduate and postdoctoral research. We were also fortunate to be accompanied by Clare Murphy who is currently completing her co-op under Dr. MacIntyre. Clare has proved herself an invaluable intern, contributing to the META research group by developing the resources for the seminar and participating in the discussion of topics with vigour. From a personal perspective, the opportunity to meet some of the brightest minds in META thinking is invaluable to my own doctoral studies. Putting a face on names that often appear at the top of journal articles I read is inspiring (one of the research team has a h-index of 36 -published 36 articles with more than 36 citations). Discussing and probing topics that pique such an interest for me, with people from a broad range of institutions, delivers an educational opportunity that is rarely available to postgraduate students. It is certainly an exciting time to be part of the team in the META project. META seminar round two will be hosted in PESS on the 30th of April and the 1st of May.

(L-R) Clare Murphy, Deirdre O'Shea, Dr. Paul McCarthy, Prof. Andy Lane, Prof. Marc Jones, Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre, Noel Brick, John Toner, Christopher Fullteron, Dr. Eric Igou, Jessie Barr, Clodagh Butler, Dr. Mustafa Sarkar, Rachel Clancy, Hannah McCormack, Dr. Tracey Devonport.



Staff from the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences assist schools with Sport Science Competition Projects


n 2013, the PESS department invited students who had received awards for Sport Science related projects at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition (BT YSE) to the department to present their projects. In addition to showcasing their projects, the students also participated in workshops and had opportunities to interact with staff. The event was repeated in 2014. A number of schools contacted the department for advice for project ideas for the 2015 BT YSE competition and some are described below.

BT YSE 2015 - Two projects PESS consulted on In early December PESS lecturers Dr. Jaimie McMullen and Dr. Michelle Dillon, along with adjunct Professor Stuart Fairclough met with Ben Cummins, Lee Donoghue and Mantas Trapulionis from CBS Roscommon who had qualified for the BT YSE with the project ‘Different Perceptions of PE in Mixed Sex and Single Sex Schools'. The students sought advise for their project. Through their project, they were seeking to investigate gender stereotypes in secondary school physical education. The meeting yielded some great new ideas and the young scientists were able to proceed with the final phases of their data collection with additional perspective on their topic.

department for advice and Dr. PJ Smyth discussed the project and methods with the students. The students designed a prototype standing desk (see right), which is easily portable. The students devised a number of cognitive tests to test students’ cognitive ability pre and post long and short periods of standing. Through video analysis, the students also assessed students' behaviour, concentration and responsiveness between when they were sitting and standing. After the BT YSE 2015 competition, the girls contacted Dr. Smyth to thank him for his input and advice and to inform him that they placed 2nd in the intermediate social and behavioural sciences category of 98 projects.

F1 in Schools Competition In November 2014 a group of Transition year students from Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn, Clonmel Co. Tipperary visited the PESS department to spend time in the Psychology lab with Dr. P.J. Smyth and Caoimhe Tiernan (PESS Teaching Assistant). The purpose of the visit was for students to gain some hands on experience with the reaction time equipment in the lab. Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn is competing in the ‘F1 in Schools Competition’. The F1 in schools competition is an international competition that involves designing, building and racing a miniature F1 car. Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn is one of 83 teams from 52 schools entered in the competition and have battled it out through the various qualifying stages of the competition to earn a place at the National Finals in Ireland. The competition is currently operational in over 40 different countries.

(TOP: L-R) Dr. Jaimie McMullen (PESS), Prof. Stuart Fairclough (Edge Hill University), Dr. Michelle Dillon (PESS). (BOTTOM: L - R ) Ben Cummins, Lee Donoghue and Mantas Trapulionis (CBS Roscommon)

In 2014 Elyssa Curran, Aishling Connolly and India Bartholomew (students of Schull Community College in West Cork) entered the BT Young Scientist Competition with the project 'Exercise Your Mind' which they later presented at the BT YSE school event organised by PESS in May 2014. 'Exercise Your Mind' showed that physical activity improves students’ cognitive ability. Following this research they explored options to introduce more activity into each school day, outside of mainstream physical activity. Their idea was to trial a standing desk in the school classroom and assess the benefits. They entered the new project, 'Stand Up, Stand Out’ into the BT Young Scientist Competition 2015. 6

(TOP: L-R) Colm P Ó Conghaola. Clár de Paor, Sophie Ní Riain, Sennan Caomhánach, Dr. P.J. Smyth (PESS), Caoimhe Tiernan (PESS). (BOTTOM: L-R) Jeff van Dam, Martha Ní Ghibne, Cáit de Noiréis (Gaelcholáiste Chéitinn).

Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre Rachel Clancy Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences


ithin the Physical Education and Sport Sciences physiology laboratory space is a dual-use resource that supports undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules, project work and research postgraduate and faculty research. The increase in undergraduate, MSc taught, postgraduate and faculty research project work placed additional demand on the existing physiology laboratory configuration and identified the requirement for greater capacity and a different specification of laboratory space to accommodate current and future research activity. In parallel, participant recruitment for research projects has moved from the University’s student base (many of whom from within PESS) to a predominantly adult population residing within the campus community and local environment. New laboratory areas were required that are accessible at all times, discreet and fit- for-purpose. Located on the ground floor near the existing physiology teaching laboratory (PG050) and physiology project laboratory (PG049), the reconfiguration of the 50 space lecture/tutorial room and 2 smaller laboratory areas has generated three new laboratories, designated as a Performance Metabolism Laboratory (PG047), a Metabolic Physiology Laboratory (PG052b) and a Cell Biology Laboratory (PG052a,) that are in the process of becoming fully operational. Dr. Maeve Kiely and Dr. Miryam AmigoBenavent were appointed as Post- Doctoral Researchers and support the biochemistry arm of the Food for Health Ireland research. Maeve’s role focuses on the evaluation of novel nutrient formulations at a molecular level to promote healthy aging and sports performance. Miryam, pictured right, conducts research on the oxidative damage to macromolecules using cell-based and non-cell based assays in vitro and ex vivo, and evaluates the efficacy of novel food products on their ability to moderate oxidative stress. Acknowledgement is made to PESS, the EHS Faculty Office and the Research Office for supporting the reconfiguration of these spaces.

(L-R) Dr. Maeve Kiely (Post Doctoral Researcher) and Beate Gillson (Phlebogomy Research Assistant)



Research Laboratory Space and Staff Increase in the PESS Department


Dr. Alison Rhodius of John F. Kennedy university in California visited PESS for a Sport and Human Performance themed workshop on February 12th. She delivered an insightful presentation entitled “Sport Psychology Supervision from All Angles” to students and staff from UL, IT Tralee and the University of Ulster. With extensive experience in both practical and academic settings, Dr. Rhodius highlighted two key issues in the training of the next generation of practitioners. Firstly, she outlined how education in sport psychology can be internationalised by using technology to provide online learning opportunities. She explained how the graduate programmes at JFK university are in their 25th year but continue to expand with students from across the globe registered for modules. The benefits of this model, which entailed both synchronous virtual classrooms and flipping the classroom, were impressive. Secondly, Alison highlighted the perils of pursuing graduate training in sport psychology and the risks in conducting applied work without supervision. She noted that reflective practice is not enough for graduates to craft their trade and remain grounded in the principles of best practice. Ethical challenges will arise and supervision was advocated as a solution. The next question was who supervises the supervisors? Metasupervision was explained and the necessity for training in these roles was noted. Alison suggested that even for experienced practitioners a peer support structure facilitates countless positive behaviours, such as: sharing ideas; maintaining ethical standards; providing advice for overcoming challenges; referring to experts. Building trust, sharing information and viewing competitors as collaborators will be critical first steps for establishing support networks like this and, thus, optimising supervision. Finally, Alison elaborated on her current public engagement research in which athletes voices on psychological preparation were elicited to enhance understanding of the field. The research programme was called “Wee Chats with Brilliant People” and while at UL she interviewed track stars and UL students Jessie Barr, Thomas Barr, former world junior player of the year JJ Hanrahan of Munster rugby and sport psychologist Dr. Alan Ringland. See

Dr. Alison Rhodius at the Sport and Human Performance themed workshop on February 12th in the the PESS Department


Physical Education Students Experience Adventure Dr. Melissa Parker, Dr. Michelle Dillon, Jeff Phelan Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences


ll First Year physical education students accompanied by UL staff members Missy Parker, Daniel Tindall, and Michelle Dillon, spent a day at the UL Activity Centre on Lough Derg, Co. Clare, in early October. Linking with the University First Seven Weeks initiative, the experience was designed to provide an opportunity for first years to get to know each other while developing their communication and problem solving skills. The group spent a sometimes sunny, but cold day engaged in problem solving initiatives along the wooded adventure trail on Crag Hill and pushing themselves to new heights on the climbing wall and high ropes course. Response to the day was positive with students indicating that, “Everyone encouraged each other and gave as much advice as positive feedback as possible. There were a few people who weren’t too keen on heights and everyone rallied around them during the activities and tried to help them overcome their fears and apprehensions.” In addition, it provided for many the chance to broaden their ideas about teaching physical education. As one indicated, “I had never been to an activity adventure centre like that so it was great to try all the activities I had never tried before. It also opened my eyes to the kind of team building exercises that could be done in such a venue with my future physical education classes.” Third year students extend their first year participation experience with outdoor and adventure activities into the teaching of outdoor and adventure in a school setting. In preparation for the school experience third year students spent an afternoon in Ballycuggaran Woods, Co. Clare. Jeff Phelan, a third year student teacher, provides a sense 8

of how the experience was for him and how such an experience might benefit his future students, “When we arrived at the entrance to the hill walk we looked around at our surroundings and enjoyed the fresh air and smell of pine needles, chatted away to each other for a while and the social experience was part and parcel of the experience. To get our bearings our lecturer facilitated a lesson on compass work and its value to find your map position. We headed up the hill and as we went up the hill the younger fitter students ascended the hill quicker as for myself it was more of a challenge. That said the feeling of stone and mud underfoot added to the sense of wild and connection with life in a less spoiled environment than our mostly urban setting.”

“As we meandered up the hill our lecturer gave us a moment to take in our location and surroundings and we walked back down the hill for a time and camped in probably the most unsuitable camping location as it was very un-level and there were more briars than grass. We fired up the gas burner courtesy of Lorraine to heat our beans on toast. Yes very classy. With very little resources we managed, and the fact that we cooked a meal on the edge of hill could give a sense of confidence and independence.”

“The chance to disconnect from the rush of everyday life and the school environment would be a big motivation for students, the chance to be reliant on the environment around you is something that is quite challenging and adds excitement.” Our thanks for the support from the PESS Department and the UL Activity Centre.



Áine Tighe is a taught masters (MSc) Sports Performance student in PESS.  Áine graduated from UL with a BSc. in Physical Education (2014). Áine plays intercounty football for Leitrim and is a member of the UL Senior Ladies Footballers, who recently retained the O’Connor Cup. In this feature, Áine talks about the O’Connor Cup Victory, training committments, her motivation to play GAA, juggling academic life and plans for the future. (See video of Áine presenting research on a qualitative analysis of punt kick in Gaelic Football - bottom right)

O’CONNOR CUP VICTORY Winning the O’Connor Cup for a second time was a fantastic feeling. Going into the finals weekend you never know what’s in store so it was fantastic to produce two excellent team displays when it mattered most. It’s very special to have two O’Connor Cup medals from my time in UL. We have had several battles with DCU over the years and the final was no different. We got the goals at the right times in the final, the first just after DCU had come back level and two more straight after half time. The work- rate the girls showed was phenomenal and I think that’s what was the biggest difference on the day.

Áine Tighe and Sarah Tierney (UL Captain 2014)

TRAINING COMMITMENTS Training depends on the time of year but usually comprises of five or six sessions a week between club, university and county commitments. Training sessions with the university are normally two morning sessions and one evening session between pitch and gym. With county commitments, it is similar with one to two pitch sessions a week, a game most weekends and a gym sessions squeezed in somewhere! It can get busy especially at the beginning of year with National Football League starting and college championship but once you are enjoying the sessions it makes it much easier. 9


Áine Tighe in action, playing with the University of Limerick.

MOTIVATION My main motivation is to try to perform at the highest level. Gaelic football is a hugely enjoyable part of my life, and the opportunities at UL in particular are fantastic in terms of training with some of the best in the game. Being able to train and play with some of the top athletes in the country is a huge motivation to test myself and to learn from them in order to continue to improve. Being an intercounty player is also hugely motivating. Getting the opportunity to play at the highest level with the best players and the chance to win silverware is fantastic. Opportunities like we have in UL to win All Ireland Titles at the top level are few and far between so the chance to play at the top level and win an All Ireland medal is huge motivation.

Trying to maintain a sensible balance between academic work and sport can be challenging at times especially at the busier times of the year with games and training. Organisation plays a huge part. Traveling to train- ing and games is one of the biggest difficulties in losing time. I could leave college at 4pm on a Friday and go straight to county training and not get home till 11 or 12 that night. It is the the same on a Sunday. I could have a game anywhere from Waterford to Armagh and then trek back down to College. Time to get college work completed can be eaten into. It comes down to planning and organisation really - either you get the work done before hand or you spend a couple of nights catching up!

PLAN FOR THE FUTURE With my background in PE teaching and my current study on the Masters in Sports Performance, I would love to work in the area of sport and sports performance in the future. I would like to combine both qualifications and work with youth athletes, educating and coaching them in areas of high performance, Video strength and conditioning, nutrition etc to allow them reach their potential and compete at the top level.

University of Limerick Senior Ladies Footballers - Winners of the O’Connor Cup 2015



DylanMernagh Mernaghisisaataught taughtmasters masters(MSc) (MSc)Sports Sports Dylan Performancestudent studentininPESS, PESS,currently currentlyininthe thefirst first Performance semesterofofhis hisstudy studyatatUL. UL.He Hehas hasplayed playedsemisemisemester professionalsoccer, soccer,competed competedatatInternational Internationallevel level professional forIreland, Ireland,and andgained gainedexperience experienceininhigh high for performanceoutfits outfitsincluding includingWest WestHam HamF.C F.Cand and performance Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning near Boston Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning near Boston USA.InInthis thisfeature, feature,Dylan Dylantakes takestime timeout outtotodescribe USA. describe what is alike be astudent full time student and what it is like to itbe fulltotime and athlete. athlete.

PERSONAL BACKGROUND I am a 23 year old BBs (Hons) Recreation and Sports Management graduate from Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) now entering in to the MSc Sports Performance program here in the University of Limerick. I'm extremely excited about the upcoming year and being involved in a program that seems to be going from strength to strength since its inception only four years ago. Up until this point in my young career I have been lucky enough to be involved in a wide range of sporting experiences, both personally and professionally. These opportunities have taken me along this path and the MSc in the University of Limerick is the next step in my exciting journey.

college captain and chosen to represent Ireland at international college level. This opportunity to date still remains my personal highlight as I was selected to represent Ireland at the World University Games held in Kazan, Russia during the summer of 2013. This event is the world’s second biggest sporting participation event only behind the Olympic Games, with many Olympians often on show. In our first game of the competition we played the hosts Russia, where we managed an unlikely 2-1 victory against players playing in some of Europe's top professional leagues. The following night we were introduced to over 50,000 people at the tournament opening ceremony where I was selected out of the Irish delegation to be our country's flag bearer. Over twelve days we played six games achieving Ireland's best ever finish of 5th, losing heartbreakingly on penalties to eventual winners France.


SPORTING BACKGROUND My own sporting experiences have always been centered around soccer, with my first break coming in 2012 when I signed with Waterford United. It certainly proved a massive step for me but definitely brought out the best in me. I went on to play over fifty games in two years in a very enjoyable spell with the club in which time we narrowly missed out on promotion to Dundalk in the playoff final. During these two years with Waterford I was also made WIT

Having finished college just before Summer 2013, whilst continuing to play with Waterford United, I spent the next six months working as much as I could, with the bigger picture always in mind. 2014 was a year I had ear marked as the year to get myself into the field and get some hands on experience, through internships, shadowing, work experience opportunities, basically any means necessary. It was an extremely difficult decision to choose this path and not play soccer for the year, but my career took priority. The year started great for me and I managed to get some time working in the West Ham United F.C Academy during late February. I was positioned as a sports science work experience student working with the u13-u16 section of the Academy.

From there I targeted Summer internships further afield in America but proved unsuccessful. Following this I began coaching more around home working with the FAI's Emerging Talent Program and the Wexford Youths Women's team. I reapplied for Fall internships. Following weeks of preparing a video application I got an acceptance e-mail from Mike Boyle (Strength and Conditioning) that my place was secured on their program, in arguably America’s number one gym. During this four month period I learned so much, more than I probably realise. The intern schedule was 12:00-8:30pm Monday to Thursday with a rotating schedule on Fridays and Saturdays. I put in more time though; my days were 7am until 8:30pm Monday to Friday and a full day Saturday. I can proudly say I never missed a day in work that the gym was open even if it meant walking thirty five minutes from home in inches of snow. By doing extra, I got to work with USA judo, USA women's ice hockey, MLB players, and of course Mike himself. It was a no brainer in my head.

PATHWAY TO MSc. As hard as it was saying ‘no’ to League of Ireland soccer in 2014, I never for a second regretted my decision. These last two years have really shaped my path and I wouldn't change anything. The success and failure I have endured on and off the pitch and in the professional setting has taken me to this point. I am entering a huge year in my development; attempting to move away from an apprentice to becoming an active member in this field I love. My mind is a reflection of a commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence and willingness to learn from mistakes and I know I'm in the right place to achieve all of this in the coming year. Bring it on!

Dr. Deborah Tannehill Department of Physical Education Members of the Sport Pedagogy Research Team travelled to Seattle, Washington USA in March 2015 to present their work at the annual international meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE). Two of the presentations were an outcome of the planning and collaborative research discussions that took place at our autumn retreat as reported in the last eZine, Sport Pedagogy Research Retreat.


Sport Pedagogy Research Team Present at SHAPE in Seattle

our own practice and the physical education teacher education programme offered in the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department.

Teaching Hurling through the Cultural Studies Curriculum Model The sport of hurling was introduced to the American physical education community by providing them with an opportunity to experience it through the cultural studies curriculum model by Ann Marie Ralph, Ursula McCarthy, and Daniel Tindall.

Members of the Sport Pedagogy Research Team that presented at the SHAPE conference. (L-R) AnnMarie Ralph, Ursula McCarthy, Dr. Ann MacPhail, Dr. Jaimie McMullen, Dr. Missy Parker, Brigitte Moody, Dr. Deborah Tannehill , Dr. Daniel Tindall.

Self-Study in Teacher Education Over the past six months, the research team has spent time examining self-study research methodology and how it might be used to frame study of our own individual and programmatic development. Self-study allows for acquisition and analysis of knowledge providing an understanding of the past leading to a plan for the future. Engaging in self-study ‘allows teacher educators to focus on their own practice and students’ learning while meeting the research expectations of life as an academic’ (Tannehill, 2013). Ann MacPhail provided attendees with an introduction to self-study and its role in teaching and teacher education. Missy Parker, Brigitte Moody and Daniel Tindall shared their experiences and insights on selfstudy by sharing three examples, a teacher educator’s, a community of teacher educators, and a teacher education programme. Deborah Tannehill served as a discussant drawing conclusions and implications of this work for 11

Members of the Sport Pedagogy Research Team that presented at the SHAPE conference. (L-R) AnnMarie Ralph, Ursula McCarthy, Dr. Daniel Tindall.

Participants learned the basic skills, rules, history of the GAA, Gaelic phrases and Irish geography. The main hurling skills focused around striking and the one handed catch. Discussions revolved around the cultural significance of the sport in Ireland and internationally and its transferability to other invasion games. It was a fun practical session that demonstrated how to design a class focused on both physical activity and Irish culture in a safe environment. References: Tannehill, D. (2014). My journey to become a teacher educator. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2014.898745 Published online: 09 Apr 2014.


CELEBRATING i-PLAY Inclusive Play and Leisure Activities for Youth (ImrĂ­m) Brigitte Moody Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department

To help us celebrate the beginning of the 4th year of i-Play in PESS, Robin Copeland and Pat Howard from Munster Rugby came along to present the participants with their end of term participation certificates. It added a great sense of occasion to the pre-Christmas festivities that everyone always looks forward to. Robin and Pat were very generous to the children with their time and attention, and it was a really great end to our term. The youngsters and their parents really appreciated them, as many are avid Munster fans.

are held on Thursday afternoons from 4:30-5:30pm in the PESS Building.

(R-L) Pat Howard (Munster Rugby) JodieO'Neill (I-Play member), Anna Murphy and Susan King (3rd Year BSC Physical Education Students

(R-L) Robin Copeland (Munster Rugby), Con Conlon (I-Play member), Will Leahy and Hanna Bailey (3rd year BSc Physical Education students).

Since its start, i-Play has been a huge hit. Designed and run by PESS lecturers Dr Daniel Tindall and Brigitte Moody. The aims of the programme have always been to give children and young people with special needs the opportunity to take part in play-based physical activity while at the same time interacting socially with their peers. Additionally, the aims of the programme are to give our 3rd and 4th year pre-service Physical Education teachers the opportunity to gain experience in planning and assisting youth with special needs as it relates to the physical activity setting, as well as to give families a space in which to connect and support each other and their children with special needs. Currently, there are 65 i-Play members enrolled on the programme with a further 10-12 on our waiting list. Each child and young person in the programme is paired with one of our pre-service students engaging in 1 hour of physical activity across 9 weeks of the semester. Sessions 12

(R-L) Robin Copeland (Munster Rugby), Brigitte Moody and Daniel Tindall (co Directors of I-Play) Pat Howard (Munster Rugby)

For more information on the programme, please visit our page on the PESS Dept. website: Dr. Daniel Tindall Lecturer and Course Director of Certificate & Diploma in Exercise & Health Fitness PESS Department. Tel: +353 61 234828 Brigitte Moody Lecturer and Course Director of BSc. Physical Education, PESS Department. Tel: +353 61 202807

MSc in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology


Applications Now Open for Our New Masters Course

Start Date: January 2016. Duration: 1 Calendar year Applications open now (closing date September 14th 2015): Assessment: Typically a range of individual and group presentations, combined with essays, case studies and reports, culminating with a dissertation. Approach to Learning: Includes online e-learning module and collaborative learning is key across all the modules. Msc. Module Structure & Expertise

Entry Requirements: An undergraduate degree, 2.2 honours degree (Level 8 National Qualifications Authority of Ireland or other internationally recognised equivalent) honours degree in a relevant or appropriate subject (e.g., psychology). RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) entry will be available for those without a related degree.

In Ireland and the UK, many of those trained in sport psychology have undertaken roles as performance directors, professional sport coaches and sport management.

For additional information, please contact course directors: Dr Tadhg MacIntyre Tel: 087-8393630

Thus employability is likely to be strong not just for those who wish to train as practitioners, but for those for whom a postgraduate qualification in this domain augments their other qualifications and professional experience.

Dr Mark Campbell Tel. 061-234944

Opportunities: There is a demand for training in this field for those whose ambition is to work in high performance sport settings.

Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (PEPAYS) – Ireland

The 4th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement will be held at the University of Limerick from June 10-12th, 2015.

2015 Annual Research Forum Website: Applying Research to Practice and Policy for Promotion of Lifelong Physical Activity The Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport – Ireland (PEPAYS-Ireland) Research Centre will hold its annual research forum Tuesday 9th June 2015 at the University of Limerick. Hosted by the University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College, this year’s forum is titled Applying Research to Practice and Policy for Promotion of Lifelong Physical Activity. Two keynote speakers will address this topic with a response to each provided by the centres research clusters, Active Schools Active Communities, Developing Talent, and Facilitating Learning through Teaching and Coaching. Closing date for abstracts is 31st April 2015. For further information contact


Conference Themes: Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, Sensing & Signal Processing Topics: - Physical behaviours and health outcomes - Measuring and optimising activity in clinical populations Engineering and device development - Data processing, statistics and computational methods - Validation and calibration Clinical Applications Session Formats Keynote/Invited lectures - Symposia - Oral Presentations - Poster Presentations Note: Friday, April 17, 2015 – Earlybird Registration Deadline

The 4th Annual President's Volunteer Award (PVA) ceremony took place on October 15th 2014 at the University of Limerick Concert Hall. The PVA has been established to harness, acknowledge and support the contribution that students at the University of Limerick make to their communities .The PVA draws on a strong tradition of student volunteering both on and off campus. Two of the 155 PVA recipients were 2nd year Physical Education student Orlaith McAuliffe and Professional Masters in Education (Physical Education) student Paula McCarthy. Orlaith received the Gold PVA for her work with Students Union Clubs and Societies - Enactus UL and UL Raising and Giving society. Paula received the Bronze PVA for her work with Castletroy College. Pictured far left: Orlaith McAuliffe (4th Year Physical Education) and left Paula McCarthy (Professional Masters Education - Physical Education).



There are many more PESS students involved in volunteering in sporting and non-sporting capacities, but students maybe unaware that they can apply for this award. The PVA is noted on student transcripts and based on student feedback to the PVA office, it is an activity that employers are keen to explore with potential employees. PESS would like to encourage all PESS students who are involved in volunteering to visit and apply for this recognition. Sarah Dunphy (3rd year Physical Education student) was selected to host the 2014 PVA ceremony and was noted as being exceptional, by Gabriella Hanrahan (Community Liasion Officer, Student Affairs, UL). Application to host the Annual PVA is an open competition organised by the Community Liaison Office. Pictured right: Sarah Dunphy (3rd Year Physical Education/Sport and Exercise Sciences), with Prof. Don Barry and fellow host Gearoid Mackey (Education Department).





4 21st


1. UL Senior Ladies Footballers (Winners of the O’Connor Cup March 2015). 2. UL Mens Senior Hurlers (Winners of the Fitzgibbon Cup March 2015). 3. UL Ladies Rugby Team (Winners of the All-Ireland Division 1 title on 25th March 2015) [PESS students in 1, 2 & 3 named on page 17]. 4. (L-R). Thomas Barr (MSc. Sports Performance) and Eanna Madden (Year 3 Bsc. SES) part of the UL 4X200m relay team that broke a IUAA record at the interarsity Athletics Championships on 6th February 2015 with a time of 87.10sec.


Organised by Grainne Hayes (Teaching Assistant and part time Structured PhD Student), the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS) hosted a general information session on career opportunities for Sport and Exercise Sciences and Physical Education students on 26th March. The session included speakers providing information about: ●Employment Statistics for Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Brigitte Moody) ●Working as a PE teacher in St. Clements Secondary School & involvement in Extracurricular activities (Mike Lynch) ●Life as an Academic (Dr. David Kelly) ●Working In the Sports Industry (Toni Rossiter, Irish Institute of Sport) ●Working in third level after teaching in schools (Ursula McCarthy) ●Working with Limerick Sports Partnership (Tracy Mahedy) ●Coaching in Sport (Lynne Algar, Triathlon Ireland Coach)



UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL LIMERICK (UHL) RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2014 PESS work presented at the Annual Research Symposium University Hospitals Limerick 24 October 2014. Oral ●Jakeman, P., Toomey, C., Leahy, S., McCreesh, K. and Coote, S. (2014) Sarcopenia:•DXA•based•criteria•of•age related change in lean tissue mass. In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland. Poster ●Higgins, J., Tully, P., Boland, G., Seoige, C., Bellissimo, G.B., Edwards, J.E. and Carson, B. (2014) An investigation into the effect of a single bout of aerobic exercise on metabolic flexibility. In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland. ●Norris, M., Anderson, R. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The challenges of utilising inertial sensors for public health measurement. A useful future commodity? In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland. ●Kenny, I.C., Clarke, S. and Harrison A.J. (2014), Knee Joint Mechanics after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland.

Dr. Ian Kenny (PESS)

Michelle Norris (Postgraduate Student PESS)

Jennifer Higgins (Postgraduate Student PESS)

Congratulations to PESS PhD graduate Dr Sarah Breen (Clarke) whose PhD research won the category ‘Best poster research presentation- Lifestyle and Health’.

POSTGRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES IN PESS - INFORMATION SESSION Organised by Dr. Jaimie McMullen and Rhoda Sohun, the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS) hosted a general information session on postgraduate opportunities in the department for PESS students on the 2nd December 2014. The session provided students with information on PESS scholarships, PESS internships, Msc. Sports Performance, Msc. Sports, Exercise and Performance Psychology, Professional Masters of Education (Physical Education), Graduate Diploma/MA Dance and advice on the application process for Irish Research Council (IRC) scholarships from PESS PG student Robin Healy (recipient of an IRC scholarship). Pictured right: Some of the PESS students and speakers who attended the information session.


ERASMUS & International Exchange Agreements

PESS & PESS Affiliated Programmes

PESS Postgraduate Scholarships: In 2015 there will be a maximum of two bursary awards in the PESS research area themes of 'Food and Health' and 'Sport Pedagogy'. Scholarships are to begin in September 2015. The purpose of the PESS Postgraduate Research Scholarship is to support full time PhD students. The scholarship is for a four-year PhD inclusive of fees (approx. €5,000 per annum) and maintenance valued at (€10,000 per annum). For more information on the PESS Scholarships e.g. terms of the award, the nature of the application, evaluation criteria and the evaluation process, see here.

The PESS Department is one of the most sought after departments for incoming ERASMUS Study Abroad and and International students.

B.Sc. Physical Education

Information on PESS Scholarship allocated to Food and Health Information on PESS Scholarship allocated to Sport Pedagogy

During the Spring 2015 semester, PESS has welcomed 4 incoming ERASMUS, 13 Study Abroad and 6 International Exchange students who account for a total of 59 module registrations across 10 different modules. Students studying in PESS this semester come from California State University – Long Beach, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sol, and the University of Minnesota to name a few. This semester also sees 9 Sport and Exercise Sciences students on exchange to University of Jyvaskyla, Chichester University, California State University and Illinois State University.


PESS Research Scholarships 2015

B.Sc. Sport & Exercise Sciences Professional Diploma in Education (Physical Education) Graduate Diploma and MA Dance M.Sc Sports Performance (Taught) M.Sc in Sports Exercise and Performance Psychology (Taught) Structured PhD Certificate in Exercise & Health Fitness (CEHF) Diploma in Exercise & Health Fitness (DEHF) Bachelor of Science in Exercise & Health Fitness (B.Sc.)

PESS GRADUATIONS WINTER 2014 Congratulation to the following PESS students who graduated at the University of Limerick Winter Graduations 2014: ● Kate Flynn (Master of Education): Supervisor Dr. Ann MacPhail. ● Ariel Edesess (Master of Science): Supervisor Dr. Drew Harrison. Doctor of Philosophy ● Karen McCreesh: Supervisor: Prof Alan Donnelly (pictured far left) ● Peter Francis: Supervisors: Prof. Phil Jakeman and Dr. Mark Lyons. (pictured left:Peter Francis (PhD) & Dr. Mark Lyons)) ● Richard Bowles: Supervisor: Prof. Mary O’Sullivan NCEF: Graduates from the Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness (NCEF) and Higher Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness (NCEF) - Diploma in Exercise and Health Fitness (NCEF)

PESS INTERNSHIPS 2015 The PESS Internship is an opportunity for individuals to spend up to eight weeks in PESS gaining experience in one of four research areas, (1) Food for Health, (2) Physical Activity and Health, (3) Sport and Human Performance and (4) Sport Pedagogy. The internship allows individuals an opportunity to work with PESS faculty, explore further their interest and disposition to postgraduate study and / or to consider working in a university setting. The internship will allow individuals to gain experience in working on a project that entails collecting and processing preliminary data. It may be that a PESS faculty member already has data that requires further analysis and, in such circumstances, the internship would contribute to an already established project. A maximum of three internships to be completed between June 2015 and May 2016 are to be offered. Internships will receive €200 a week over a maximum of eight weeks. PESS will not fund associated running costs of the project. The eight week internship can take place at any time throughout the June 2015 to May 2016 period. Applications should be submitted electronically to the PESS Head of Department Dr Ann MacPhail – and received no later than 5pm on Friday 17th April, 2015. 16

● Congratulations to PESS students and staff who were members of the UL Senior Ladies Footballers who retained the O’Connor cup in March 2015; Elaine Murphy, Julia White, Laura O’Sullivan, Lorraine Scanlon, Jennifer Grant, Niamh O’Dea (Captain), Roisin Leonard, Sarah Everard, Amy Hopkins (All Physical Education), Anna Galvin, Emma Buckley, Maria Curley, Kate Keaney (All Sport and Exercise Sciences), Aine Tighe (MSc. Sports Performance) and D.J Collins (Senior Technical Officer PESS and Bainisteoir). ● Congratulations to PESS students who were members of the UL Ladies rugby team who the All-Ireland Division 1 title on the 25th March with a scoreline of 16-5 vs Carlow IT. PESS students Mollie O'Donnell (captain. PE.) Aoife Courtney (PE) Shannen McLaughlin (PE) Chloe Pearse (SES) Megan Walsh (SES) Liz Buckley (SES) Sorcha Holohan (SES) Ruth Shovlin (SES) and Paula McCarthy (PME PE). ● Congratulations to PESS students who were members of the UL Hurlers who won the Fitzgibbon Cup title in March 2015. PESS Students David McInerney: UL Captain (MSc Sports Performance), Tommy Heffernan, Gearóid Ryan, Kevin Lynch (Physical Education) & Paul Coady PME Physical Education. ● Thomas Barr (MSc Sports Performance) won the Inspirational Performance of the year on Irish soil Award in November 2014 (national poll). Thomas also set a new IUAA Record in winning 400m at the Intervarsity Athletics Championships on the 6th February 2015. He was also a member of the UL mens 4x200m relay team that broke an IUAA record in the race of the day, with UL team mates Eanna Madden (yr 3 Bsc SES), Kieran Elliott, Chris Sibanda. PESSStudent StudentSelected Selectedon onIrish IrishMixed MixedOpen Openteam Teamfor for PESS Tag 2015 TagRugby RugbyWorld WorldCup, Cup,Australia Australia, December 2015 Paula McCarthy graduated from Sport and Exercise Sciences in 2010 and is a current student of the Professional Master of Education in Physical Education programme. In June 2015 Paula was a member of the Irish Mixed Open Tag Rugby Team who won the British and Irish Cup and who were winners of the Tri Nations Cup between Ireland, Great Britian and Australia. In December 2015 the Tag Rugby World Cup will be held in Brisbane, Australia. Congratulations to all the PESS students who were involved in the organisation of the PESS Ball in 2014. Approximately €1800 was raised for the charity Irish Organ Transplant Donation.



Congratulations to Dr. Jaimie McMullen, recipient of the North Dakota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NDAHPERD) Honour Award. It is the top statelevel award and is awarded to an individual who has given a great deal of time and energy to the organisation through time and talents. During Jaimie’s time in North Dakota, she served as the Vice-President, the President- Elect and the President as well as the editor for the quarterly journal.

Congratulations to Mary Cahill who has taken up a new post as Senior Administrator with the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre at the University of Limerick.

Maeve Gleeson (PESS Senior Administrator) and Mary Cahill

Champaign, Illinois—The National Academy of Kinesiology announced the recent induction of its newest Fellows at its 84th annual meeting, held September 11-13, 2014 in Austin, TX. Twelve U.S. and three international scholars were inducted. Melissa Parker, from the Physical Education and Sport Sciences department, UL was inducted into the National Academy of Kinesiology. The National Academy of Kinesiology is an honorary organisation composed of Fellows who have made significant and sustained contributions to the field of kinesiology through scholarship and professional service. The dual purposes of the National Academy of Kinesiology is to encourage and promote the study and educational applications of the art and science of human movement and physical activity and to honour by election to Fellow those individuals who have contributed significantly to this purpose. Fellows in the National Academy of Kinesiology reflect a “who’s who” of eminent scholars in the field.

Teaching Awards: MSc Sports Performance module SS6003 Professional Competencies I PBL was nominated by UL’s Dean of Teaching & Learning for entry to the 2014 QS Stars Innovation in Education international teaching awards. Led by Ian Kenny and Mark Lyons the module was chosen for its blended learning innovation of teaching technologies. 17




Beattie, K., Carson, B.P., Lyons M. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The Relationship between Neuromuscular Force-Velocity Characteristics and Performance Indicators in Competitive Distance Runners. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(11), 37. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000612 [IF 1.858] Bolger, R., Lyons, M., Harrison, AJ., & Kenny, IC. 2015. Sprinting Performance and Resistance Based Training Interventions: A systematic review. J Strength Cond Res 29(4): 1146-1156.

Chinese children. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2015.1016087 19.

MacIntyre TE, Igou ER, Campbell MJ, Moran AP and Matthews J (2014). Metacognition and action: A new pathway to understanding social and cognitive aspects of expertise in sport. Front. Psychol. 5:1155. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01155


McEvoy, E., MacPhail, A. & Enright, E. (2015). Physical activity experiences of young people in an area of disadvantage: ‘there's nothing there for big kids, like us’. Sport, Education and Society, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.994176

Brick, N., MacIntyre, T. & Campbell, M.(in press). Metacognitive processes in the self-regulation of performance in elite endurance runners. 21. Psychology of Sport in Exercise, doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.02.003


Carson, B.P, McCormack, W.G., Conway, C., Cooke, J., Saunders, J., O’Connor, W.T. & Jakeman, P.M. (2015) An in vivo microdialysis characterization of the transient changes in the interstitial dialysate concentration of metabolites and cytokines in human skeletal muscle in response to insertion of a microdialysis probe. Cytokine, 71 (2), 327-333.


Casey, A, Hastie, P. & Jump, S. 2015. “Examining student designed games through Suits' theory of games”. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.994174

McMullen, J. Van der Mars, H. & Jahn, J.A. 2014. Creating a Before School Physical Activity Program: Pre-Service Physical Educators’ Experiences and Implications for PETE.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33 (4), 449 – 466.


Moran, A., Bramham, J., Collet, C., Guillot, A. & MacIntyre, T.E. (2015). Motor Imagery in Clinical Disorders: Importance and Implications.Frontiers in Psychiatry,6,23. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00023


Ní Chróinín, D. & O’Sullivan, M. 2014. “From initial teacher education through induction and beyond: a longitudinal study of primary teacher beliefs”. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 33 (4), 454-466. DOI:10.1080/03323315.2014.984387


Parker, M., Patton, K. and Sinclair, C.2015.‘I took this picture because … ’: accessing teachers' depictions of change. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. DOI:0.1080/17408989.2015.1017452


Casey, A. & Goodyear, V.A. (2015) Can Cooperative Learning Achieve the Four Learning Outcomes of Physical Education? A Review of Literature, Quest, 67:1, 56-72, DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2014.984733



Clarke S.B, Kenny, I.C. and Harrison, A.J. (2015) Dynamic knee joint mechanics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 47(1): 120-127.• (ISSN: 0195-9131) doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000389

Patton, K., Parker, M. and Tannehill, D. 2015. Helping teachers help themselves: professional development that makes a difference. NASSP Bulletin. DOI: 10.1177/0192636515576040


Casey, A. & Quennerstedt, M. (2014). “I just remember rugby”: Re- membering Physical Education as More Than a Sport”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 00, 1-11. Link to this article:

Patton, K. & Parker, M. 2015. “I learned more at lunchtime”: Guideposts for reimagining professional development. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 86:1, 23-29, DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2014.978421


Power-Grant OB, Bruen CM, Brennan L, Giblin L, Jakeman PM, Fitzgerald D. In vitro bioactive properties of intact and enzymatically hydrolysed whey protein: targeting the enteroinsular axis. Food & Function 2015. doi: 10.1039/C4FO00983E.



Collins, P., Al-Nakeeb, Y., & Lyons., M. 2015. Tracking the Commute Home From School Utilizing GPS and Heart Rate Monitoring: Establishing the Contribution to FreeLiving Physical Activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12, 155-162. Doi: 28. 0048

10. Cullen, S.J., Dolan, E., McGoldrick, A., O’Brien, K., Carson, B.P., & Warrington, G.(2015) The impact of making-weight on cognitive performance in apprentice Jockeys. Journal of Sport Sciences.


Reilly, B., Akubat, I., Lyons, M., & Collins, K. 2015. Match-play demands of elite youth Gaelic football using global positioning system tracking. J Strength Cond Res 29(4): 989-996, 2015.


Tindall, D., MacDonald, W., Carroll, E., & Moody, B. (2014). Pre-service teachers' attitudes towards children with disabilities: An Irish perspective. European Physical Education Review published online 6 November 2014. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14556861


Toomey, C.M., Cremona, A., Hughes, K., Norton, C., and Jakeman, P.M. 2015.A Review of Body Composition Measurement in the Assessment of Health. Topics in clinical nutrition 03/2015; 30(1):16-32. DOI:10.1097/TIN.0000000000000017


Young, AM. & MacPhail, A. 2014. 'Standing on the periphery': Cooperating teachers' perceptions and responses to the role of supervision. European Physical Education Review, 1-16. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14557582

11. Dowd KP, Harrington DM, Hannigan A, Donnelly AE. 2014. Light- Intensity Physical Activity Is Associated with Adiposity in Adolescent Females. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(12):2295-300

12. Floria, P.,Gomez-Landero, L.A. and Harrison, AJ (2014) Variability in the Application of Force During the Vertical Jump in Children and Adults. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 30: 679-684.

13. Furlong L-A.M. and Harrison, A.J. (2015) Differences in plantarflexor muscle tendon function during a stretch shortening cycle task due to limb preference. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. 20(2): 128-140.• (ISSN: 1357- 650X) Impact factor 1.3 (published ahead of print last time)

14. Furlong, L-A. M. and Harrison, A. J. (2014) Reliability and consistency of plantarflexor stretch-shortening cycle function using an adapted force sledge apparatus. 34: 437, IOP Science Physiological Measurement, 35(10): 2177. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/35/10/2177 (ISSN 0967-3334) Impact Factor 1.667

15. Harrington DM, Belton S, Coppinger T, Cullen M, Donnelly AE, Dowd KP, Keating T, Layte R, Murphy M, Murphy N and Woods C. Results from Ireland's 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2014;11(Supp 1):563-68

16. Herring MP, O’Connor PJ, Dishman RK. Self-esteem mediates associations of physical activity with anxiety in college women. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014;46(10):1990-8; PMID: 24576867.

17. Leirhaug, P.E. & MacPhail, A. (2015): ‘It's the other assessment that is the key’: three Norwegian physical education teachers' engagement (or not) with assessment for learning, Sport, Education and Society, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.975113

18. Ling, F.C.M., Maxwell, J., Masters, R.S.W., McManus, A.M. and Polman, R.C.J. (2015). Psychometric properties of the movement-specific reinvestment scale for


Ralph, A.M. & MacPhail, A. (2014). Pre-service teachers’ entry onto a physical education teacher education programme, and associated interests and dispositions, European Physical Education Review. (DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14550940)

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS (FROM OCTOBER 2014) Conference Presentations 1.

Beattie, K., Lyons, M., Carson, B. and Kenny, I.C. (2015) The effect of strength training on body composition in distance runners. Proceedings of the 2015 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 23 January 2015, Limerick, Ireland.


Healy, R., Kenny, I.C. and Harrison, A.J. (2015) Resistance training and exercise selection for sprint athletes: a survey of coaches views. Proceedings of the 2015 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 23 January 2015, Limerick, Ireland.


Higgins, J., Tully, P., Boland, G., Seoige, C., Bellissimo, G.B., Edwards, J.E. and Carson, B. (2014) An investigation into the effect of a single bout of aerobic exercise on metabolic flexibility. In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland.


Jakeman, P., Toomey, C., Leahy, S., McCreesh, K. and Coote, S. (2014 Sarcopenia: DXA based criteria of age related change in lean tissue mass. In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospitals Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland.


Kenny, I.C., Breen, S. and Harrison A.J. (2014), Knee Joint Mechanics after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, In Stack, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospital Limerick Research Symposium, 24th October 2014, Limerick, Ireland.


Norris, M., Anderson, R. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The challenges of utilising inertial sensors for public health measurement. A useful future commodity? Proceedings of the 2014 University Hospital Limerick Research Symposium, 24 October 2014, Limerick, Ireland.


Dillon, M., O’Sullivan, M., & Tannehill, T. 2015. Conference presentation at The Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d'Éducation Physique (AIESEP) - International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education, Specialist Seminar on Outdoor Education. Presentation title:- Processing the Experience: Pre-service Physical Education Teachers’ Experiences & Decisions during School Placement.


Tighe, A. and Kenny, I.C. (2015) A qualitative biomechanical analysis of the punt kick in Gaelic football, comparing dominant and non dominant kicking legs. Proceedings of the 2015 GAA Games Development Conference, 9-10 January 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

Research Talks 1.

C-PAHR/M2S Joint Research Workshop. 13th April, 15.00-17.00. Room P1007, PESS Building. ‘Measurement of Physical Activity’.


Biomechanics Research Unit 2015 Spring Public Lecture Series #1- 9th February 1200-1400 room LG-011 Dr Tom Comyns (DCU, Irish Institute of Sport) ‘Applied Strength & Conditioning’.


Biomechanics Research Unit 2015 Spring Public Lecture Series #2- 23rd February 1200-1400 room LG-011. Mr Donnacha Ryan (Mid West Physiotherapy, Limerick F.C.) ‘Practical Biomechanics in Sports Physiotherapy’.


Biomechanics Research Unit 2015 Spring Public Lecture Series #3- 2nd March 1200-1400 room LG-011. Mr Ainle Ó Cairealláin (ACLAI Ltd) ‘Functional biomechanics for athlete conditioning’.


Biomechanics Research Unit 2015 Spring Public Lecture Series #4- 9th March 1200-1400 room LG-011. Mr Paul Clarke & Mr Kevin Conlan (RedBack Biotek) ‘Sports technology & GPS applications’.


Biomechanics Research Unit 2015 Spring Public Lecture Series #5- 13th April 1200-1400 room LG-011. Mr Robert Carroll (Toca Sports & Dartfish) ‘Video Performance Analysis’.


Sport Pedagogy Research Seminar. 11th February 2015. Room P1007, PESS Building. Dr. Deborah Tannehill, Dr. Ann MacPhail, Dr. Missy Parker, Dr. Daniel Tindall, Brigitte Moody. ‘Self Study in Teacher Education’.



Physical Activity and Health Research Seminar. 20th November 2014. Room P1007, PESS Building. Dr. Brona Furlong (Dublin City University). ‘Inactivity and Exercise in Peripheral Arterial Disease: Effect on Vascular Health and Functional Capacity’.


PEPAYS Ireland Research Seminar. 4th December 2014, 16.00-17.00. Room P1007, PESS Building. Prof. Stuart Fairclough (Edge Hill University). ‘Reflections on promoting physical activity through schoolbased research. From Physical Education to Exercise Science [and back again]’.

10. PEPAYS-Ireland Research Seminar. 18th November 2014, 1700-1900. Room P1007, PESS Building. Dr Ashley Casey (Loughborough University). ‘The adjunct's guide to twitter and other social media’. 11. PEPAYS Ireland Research Seminar. 30th September 2014, 1600-1700. Room P1007, PESS Building. Dr. Ihirangi Heke. 'Atua to Matua: Building A New Maori Health and Physical Activity Framework'

Lecture: MacIntyre, T. Risks to mental health in the high performance sports environment: An inconvenient truth. Department of Psychology, UL, weekly colloquia, October 10th, 2014. Symposium: MacIntyre, T., McCormack, H., Uphill, M., O’Shea, D., Campbell, M., McAlarnen, M, Van Raalte, J., Sappington, R., Brewer, B., & Lavalee, D. Symposium: The Interface of Performance Psychology and Industrial Organizational Psychology: New Directions to Solve Old Enigmas. Presentation at 29th Annual Conference of the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., October, 18th, 2014.

Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences Telephone: + 353 61 202896 FAX: + 353 61 202814 EMAIL:

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