Ul beo Annual Report 2016

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THE UL BEO INITIATIVE The UL Beo initiative was born out of a report called Breaking New Ground in Physical Activity and Sport which suggested the development of an institute to progress the University of Limerick to being a “world leading campus for the practise and research of sport and physical activity.

UL Beo was launched in October 2015 and this is its 2nd Annual report. The report contains a summary of all the activities undertaken by UL Beo from 3/16 to 3/17. This encompasses a wide variety of projects in high performance sport, physical activity, wellness and in promoting the University and creating , developing and supporting relationships and projects


appendices contain a list of all the projects undertaken

and the contributors to this. UL Beo exists because of the contribution of staff and students of the University and of the cooperation and partnerships of community groups. It is a unique collaboration that supports research, service, teaching, outreach and performance.

With the development of a UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy we can bring together all the strands of Sport and Physical activity in UL to create a “world leading campus” with innovation, research and partnership at the heart of our uniqueness. We are contributing significantly to the region and the nation and we have an exciting future ahead.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UL Beo is an initiative to create a “world leading campus for the practise and research of sport and physical activity” by “breaking new ground” in Physical Activity, Health, Lifestyle and Sport through an enhanced environment, new delivery models, policy and supporting physical activity and sport projects. Research is a supporting theme of all of the drivers of the UL Beo initiative. In conjunction with the scheme we have also developed a “Dual career” policy which is under consideration and joined the European Athlete as a Student network and will shortly submit an application for €400,000 to Erasmus + for a European wide project on Athletes Dual careers. This is one of two applications we will make for the coming call. We also support a number of University focus sports on campus, Athletics, GAA, Swimming and Triathlon and provide regular support to over 300 students involved in these sports. We are also working with Rowing to develop a number of projects at local and National Governing body level. We are extremely proud that in a variety of ways we have support athletes and coaches to great success in 2016. This included supporting Thomas Barr and Michelle Finn who competed so successfully at the Olympic Games and a number of other athletes who competed at European and World Championships in 2016. We also had three of our scholarship students, Jason For de, Barry Heffernan and John McGrath win an all-Ireland Hurling title with Tipperary, who were just one of a number of leading sports teams which we provided a range of Sports Science supports and advice to throughout the year, including the Munster and Ireland Rugby teams.

The Broadening Horizons strategy has given specific responsibility to UL Beo to develop a universal “Sport and Physical Activity “strategy for the University of Limerick. The consultation for this strategy is well under way and a first draft will be presented to the UL Beo Advisory Board on the 4th of April. The aim of this strategy is to create a World leading campus for Sport and Physical activity,

It is also one of the aims of UL Beo to connect with our communities and we ran 25 workshops, seminars and events that were attended by approximately 1400 people in 2016. In addition we held several CPE courses in Video and performance analysis and developed a CPE programme with colleagues across the University and Munster Rugby aimed at leading company executive in Ireland and the UK. We have just completed a successful pilot of this programme and it has enormous revenue and research potential. We will also look in 2017 to develop a CPE/ CPD programme for professionals (e.g. medical, nutrition, physio) currently or hoping to work in High Performance Sport.

It also assigns achieving Healthy campus status for the University based on, as yet to be defined HSE criteria. An audit has been completed and an action plan to implement its recommendations and a broader view of what actions we should take to be a world leading Healthy and physically active campus will be progressed in parallel with the Sports and Physical Activity Strategy An additional goal of Broadening Horizons UL Beo has contributed to increase Scholarship numbers. To that end UL Beo launched a new UL Sports Scholarship scheme in April 2016, and awarded 24 new Sports Scholarships in September 2016. We also brought all existing University sports scholarships under one application and selection process, created a new web based application process and actively promoted the scholarships through events at open days, the “Higher Options conference” and helping produce several promotional videos that have had over 120,000 views on Youtube in the past year. The scheme attracted 330 applications in 2016 much higher than any scheme of a similar size. Applications for the 2017 scheme closed on March 1st and have increased to 570 this year. UL Beo administers all aspects of the scheme as well as, providing supports on a regular basis to all recipients including sports science coaching and mentoring support.


Our work with industry also included some R & D research under the innovation voucher scheme and we are currently working with a variety of Government, institutional and industry partners to create Sports industry cluster in the region under the Mid-West action plan for jobs which may lead to further research opportunities and increased ties with industry. Through 2016 we supported in a variety of ways 25 undergraduate, postgraduate and faculty research projects and will be significantly expanding our role in supporting research throughout 2017 and 2018 through applications for Erasmus + Sport funding and the launch of a National Exercise Referral Centre (NERF) in September 2017. UL Beo has cultivated a relationship over the past 18 months between Beijing Sports University and PESS which has led to a formal partnership agreement which we hope will see future collaborations on research and summer schools as well as a number of BSU students coming to Limerick to study for PhDs. UL Beo facilitated an extensive response to the “National Sport Policy Framework Consultation” document at the beginning of 2017 and will be looking to influence the development of any future national sports policies or strategies. We have also spent a significant time cultivating relationships with National Governing Bodies of Sport and the Irish Sports Council with the view to long term partnerships. In the short term some of these relationships are leading to a number of potential research projects and we will shortly launch a “Talent ID” project with Rowing Ireland and a pilot project with Swim Ireland and Triathlon Ireland on training modalities. UL Beo has also striven to try and attract students to UL through our contribution at Open days, our seminars to prospective parents and students and our promotion of staff students and initiatives through social media. We also worked with a Television production company on a programme “Performance Matters” in the Summer of 2016 and currently have a proposal awaiting commissioning from RTE for a documentary or series with another TV production company. We also facilitated a three week training camp for British Swimming prior the Rio Olympic Games for a number for their swimmers, coaches and sports scientists in association with PCC, Swim Ireland and UL Sport. We will be looking in 2017 to create a number of schools based projects including supporting the development of a walking project for girls in local schools. While our initial focus was on High Performance sport we will look to expand in Physical activity and Physical Education type projects Above is not an exhaustive list of activities of UL Beo , and a more detailed overview of the current and future work of UL Beo will shortly be available through the PESS website, the UL Beo Facebook site and directly from the project manager Gary Ryan (gary.ryan@ul.ie)

UL Beo is

staffed by a project manager (Gary Ryan) and

supported by an Applied Sport Experimental Officer (Rosemary Daniel). The project was officially launched in October 2015 and has just completed its second full year of operations.

HIGH PERFORMANCE SPORT Goal 1: High Performance : “UL Beo will establish successful high performance programmes in four to six sports underpinned by sustainable development programmes that consistently deliver on the world stage”

Working with High Performance Sport One of the key goals of the “Breaking New Ground” report was the development of a sustainable high performance programme. We have made significant progress on this in 2016, with the inauguration of a new University of Limerick Sports Scholarship Scheme and the strengthening of the focus sports program. We have identified Athletics, Triathlon, Swimming and GAA sports as our key focus sports due to the current coaching and athlete infrastructure available and we would look to develop strengths in Rowing and Golf considering our current and future facility offering. The advent of the Sports Scholarship scheme alongside these focus sports has given us the beginning of a critical mass around performance sport where we have been able to support research, athletes and coaches in a meaningful way. It was a particularly successful year for Athletes supported by the UL Beo project with Thomas Barr finishing 4th at the Rio Olympics and Michelle Finn also competing in Rio and winning a European Cross Country team medal. John McGrath, Jason Forde and Barry Heffernan, all scholarship holders won an All Ireland Senior Hurling title with Tipperary, to add to the UL GAA’s success in Fitzgibbon and Ashbourne Cups and we had dozens of Internationals in a wide variety of sports who have received support from the project.

the house will have met its occupancy requirements during the academic terms. UL Beo provides an initial screening and regular testing support to the Scholarship holders. This has been provided by the UL Beo Applied Sports Experimental officer, and a number of undergraduate and postgraduate researchers as well as a number of co-op students. We have also been able to offer some bespoke support to a number of individual athletes. We have provided a number of workshops to the athletes ranging from monitoring their own performance to performance psychology and nutrition; this has been due to great support from members of the academic staff. Mentoring and advice has been on an ad hoc basis but we would hope that in 2017 we will formalize a policy on dual careers the University and with that we will create a dual career mentoring and advice programme. We are also looking to create a social support programme through a PHd Student in partnership with Professor David Lavelle.

The University of Limerick Sports Scholarship Programme The UL Sports Scholarship scheme gained approval in February 2016 and UL Beo drove its launch. This involved a substantial amount of work in the development of an information and application website, promotional and marketing material. With the significant support of UL Press and Marketing an intensive campaign to promote the new scheme was launched particularly across social media. This included the University’s Snapchat account being taken over by athletes on different days, a Twitter campaign and a number of promotional videos that were viewed over 120,000 times on Facebook alone in the run up to the closing date for applications on the 1st of July. We received 334 applications which would have been well ahead of expectations and significantly more than schemes of similar size would expect, particularly at such short notice. The standard of applicant was outstanding and is a real affirmation of UL’s attractiveness for the elite dual career athlete A thorough shortlisting and interview process was managed by UL Beo and 24 scholarships were awarded with a total value of €84000 with additional scholarships also awarded through the Bank of Ireland GAA High Performance programme, the Jacinta O’Brien and Michael Hillery Athletics Scholarships and the PCC Swim Ireland Scholarships making a total investment in UL in Scholarships at almost €100,000 with an additional €50,000 invested through the UL GAA High performance Scheme in 2016.

Supporting the Scholarship Student UL Beo also has the remit of supporting the Dual career athlete in practical terms once they have received a scholarship. While we are at just the beginning of this process and it is very resource dependent we have great potential to develop an integrated holistic total training and study environment for the student athlete. Accommodation is offered to Gold, Silver, JOB/MH scholarships and PCC Swim Ireland scholarship holders with either full or partial accommodation waivers. These athletes live in 3 houses in Kilmurry Village on campus adjacent to the sports facilities and with the support of PCC we have been also able to accommodate a number of athletes who otherwise would have been living elsewhere on campus in these houses to make this athlete friendly living accommodation. One of these houses is the National Altitude Training Centre which we hope will in future be the residence for endurance athletes where we will be able to have ongoing longitudinal research projects in partnership with our key NGBs and coaches and that we will also be able to support other research in the Summer months as

Our aim will be to develop our Sports Scholarship Programme into one of the best in Europe, supporting and encouraging the dual careers of student athletes. We have just begun that journey but we will increase the number and variety of services to athletes and integrate research into our exciting programme in the coming years

Supporting Focus Group Sports


The UL Beo advisory board and the UL High Performance Circle have identified four focus sports where UL currently has a critical mass of expertise, athletes, coaches and facilities where we can be leaders in these sports in a University setting in Ireland. We have seen enormous success for our GAA teams and track and field athletes over the last number of years and we have very talented groups of Swimmers and Triathletes who are making great strides in their sports. We will look to expand this programme of support to two sports where we may develop these critical masses in the future, namely Rowing and Golf.

With the support of Lars Humer (Coach) and Cormac Powell (Performance Scientist –also PESS Postgraduate Student) we have developed an excellent working relationship with Swim Ireland whose Performance Centre on campus is well established. We have worked with the Centre on the UL and PCC/ Swim Ireland Scholarships and provided a number of workshop opportunities to all of the athletes attached to the performance squad. We have also worked very closely with the group on a number of Dual Career issues providing mentoring and guidance to some of the UL students involved in the group. Swimming is one of our focus sports and we are supporting it in a wide variety of ways including a number of workshops with the Swim Ireland training group on campus and mentoring and support for the athletes on Dual career issues including a number of interventions with the athletes. We are also shortly to begin a number of pilot research projects related to training with the group in partnership with Swim Ireland and Sport Ireland Institute

Athletics: We have a support group that meets monthly that provides sports science coaching and lifestyle services to the Limerick International Athletics Squad based on campus. We have monthly testing sessions with the squad which have proven to be invaluable support and we have a monthly support team meeting between the lead coaches Dr Drew Harrison and Hayley Harrison, UL Beo, Dr Tom Comyns and Paudie Carey who provide S and C support. We will also be using these monthly meetings to collate information from physiotherapists. The athletes supported enjoyed an incredibly successful year, the highlight of which was the 4th place of Thomas Barr at the Rio Olympics. Michelle Finn also competed in the Rio Games in the 3000m SC and was a finalist in the European Championships in Amsterdam, where she was joined on the team by Thomas, Paul Byrne, Niamh Whelan and Jenna Brommell all athletes supported by the UL Beo project.

Triathlon: Triathlon is our second focus sport and we have already started a similar programme to Swimming in terms of pilot research and support. In each case we have a support group around the sports. While this group is relatively small in number with the support of Coach Dr. Lynne Algar (a PESS graduate) it contains a number of very talented athletes. We have assisted in placing all of the triathletes in accommodation on campus and we look forward to working with them on a number of performance testing and research projects in the coming years.

RESULTS MATTER UL is in the fortunate position of having wonderful facilities, some world class coaches, athletes and researchers all on one campus. Add to that a history and tradition and our potential is enormous. The challenge has been to get a coherent approach to how we support performance and with the development of sports scholarships and dual career policies and management groups around high performance we are making significant progress towards creating a truly world class environment. We still have a long way to go but we are moving in the right direction to supporting all in the Performance group producing consistent world class results.

We aim to create a campus which supports the dual careers of our athletes and has strong mutually beneficial relationships with National Governing Bodies of Sport

GAA: Gaelic Games, Hurling, Camogie, Ladies and Men’s Gaelic Football are the powerhouse sports of the region and this is reflected in our partnership with the UL Wolves GAA clubs who have been enormously successful over the past number of years. As well as supporting the UL Bank of Ireland High Performance Scholarship scheme we also provide a number of sports science supports through testing and workshops to scholarship and non scholarship players. This is partially serviced by a number of undergraduate final year projects. The PESS departments contribution is also enormously enhanced by the number of volunteer coaches that give of their time and expertise to the UL GAA clubs. The provision of coaching in clubs is also supported by the UL Sports Scholarship scheme.

Providing support to High Performance sport in Ireland We have also engaged with a number of other groups. With UL Rowing we provided a performance testing programme for their Men’s Crews and a mentoring programme for their coaches with Dr. Giles Warrington and we hope to extend this support thorough a number of projects with the aim of supporting Rowing in UL becoming a sustainable high performance sport on campus. We have worked with a wide range of Inter county GAA teams, the National Senior Men’s Rugby team, the Munster Men’s Rugby team and individual athletes in a variety of ways. Body composition analysis continues to be a strong source of interest and we have collected a large amount of data over in 2017. Previous studies were presented by Rosemary Daniel of UL Beo at the annual GAA Coaching Conference recently. We also welcomed some of the British Swimming team for a three week training camp prior to the Olympics, helping them to liaise with the Swim Ireland group on campus and providing them with a number of other supports to their athletes coaching and sports science team that visited UL. This provides us with an excellent model to support future training camps for elite athletes in conjunction with UL Sport and PCC.

Going for Gold THE OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES IN SUPPORTING PERFORMANCE SPORT The High Performance sport area has been the initial mover in the UL Beo project as we had a latent demand and the necessary combination of expertise and opportunity to support this demand. It is also an area where we have immense potential to contribute to the Sporting community in Ireland and to continue to develop world class translational research, the impact of which is highly visible. We need to further develop a small number of key relationships to grow the critical mass necessary to have a truly high performing environment for athletes coaches, service providers and researchers at UL but we are well on the way.

ENVIRONMENT Goal 2: Environment: “UL Beo will establish a world leading environment for the

practise of physical activity and sport at all stages of the participant pathway�


Refurbishment of UL Track UL Beo facilitated an agreement between UL Sport and a number of local Athletics clubs for the refurbishment of the UL Athletics Track. UL Beo engaged with the local clubs to help find an agreeable financial model in partnership with UL Sport that would allow for the necessary redevelopment of this key facility. UL Sport have progress this development very quickly and the project is expected to start in July 2017.

In place of a formal written operations agreement we will instead hold monthly operational and strategy meetings between UL Sport and PESS chaired by the Dean of EHS will solve any issues regarding operations and supporting the planning for a Universal strategy for sport. We have formed an operations agreement for the National Altitude Training Centre which will allow for research and training projects to be facilitated. A fuller operational agreement should form part of the discussions with regard to a University strategy for sport and physical activity.

Beijing Sports University

Supporting the development of the PGA Golf academy The PGA Golf Academy is a flagship project which would see an extensive practice facility built on campus which would contain a golf research facility in it. The project has not seen much progress in 2016 but we hope to see developments in the near future.

Supporting events UL Beo is supporting the Sports and Conference office (PCC) in its negotiations with an organisation hoping to host a major international event in Limerick in 2020.

The development of the new UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy will have a profound impact on the environment for Sport and Physical Activity at the University of Limerick aimed at creating a world leading environment for our students and staff

UL Beo has continued to support the growth of a partnership between the PESS department and Beijing Sports University (BSU), Chinas oldest and largest sports University. Professor Ann MacPhail, Dr. Mark Campbell and Gary Ryan visited the Beijing Campus as part of an Irish Higher Education Institutes week in China and had a very productive visit. Dr. Ross Anderson visited Beijing in November to deliver a guest lecture and we hosted a delegation from BSU in December. We hope to continue the growth in this partnership in the years to come.

DELIVERY MODELS Goal 3: Delivery Methods: “UL Beo will devise and implement an enhanced model for the delivery of physical educa-

tion, sport and physical activity in school and community contexts”

Bringing our teaching and research into our communities One of the key issues for communities is how can they access the information,knowledge and expertise that Universities have at their disposal. Through the development of CPD courses, workshops, lectures and events UL Beo is helping connect our knowledge to our communities. UL Beo Workshops UL Beo conducted a broad range of public workshops, seminars throughout 2016. We conducted 25 different events which attracted almost 1400 people during 2016 . This includes the annual Pat Duffy Lecture. We also facilitated a number of Go Green events throughout the year and the British Association of Exercise Sciences (BASES) Workshop in June which had an attendance of 50. The UL Beo Spring Series is the main Workshop series. The 2016 series consisted of 4 lectures all well attended These workshops are all free to the public and have proven to be a big hit with local coaches and athletes. We will be running a new Spring Series in April of 2017


The Pat Duffy Lecture in coaching and leadership honours the life’s work of Professor Pat Duffy, founder of the National Coaching and Training Centre and UL Graduate. This year the lecture was delivered in two parts. Drew and Hayley Harrison, spoke about their approach to a “Total Training Environment” and telling their coaching story from where they began with no athlete in Ireland to coaching multiple national champions record holders and Olympians. The second part was an interview of their most successful athlete to date, Tomas Barr, by UL Beo project manager Gary Ryan looking at Thomas’s career to date. With over 350

registrations for the event the Pat Duffy lecture is going from strength to strength and it was necessary to move it to a much bigger venue in the Kemmy Business School this year. It was also an opportunity for our friends in the Physical Education Association of Ireland to present their Michael Dermody award for his contribution to Physical Education in Ireland. Many thanks to our MC for the evening Professor Mary O’Sullivan and to PESS Head of Department Ann MacPhail and all of the staff and postgraduate students who assisted on the night

The Wheely Good Fitness Workshops UL Beo facilitated the development of MSc Student Oliver White’s MSc with Dr Tom Comyns and Dr Rosie Gowran and as part of the development of that programme organised a number of very successful workshops in Wheelchair fitness in association with Dr.s Gowran and Comyns, and Wheely Good fitness from the UK. These events were also sponsored by PESS, Clinical Therapies and Invacare

Contributing to the Health Hub The Health Hub is an Education and Health Sciences Project which seeks collaborations across the faculty to provide information and opportunities to our local community in health related areas through a facility in the city centre (Rutland Street). UL Beo is actively engaged with the Health Hub and will be delivering a number of events throughout 2017 including a health check day and workshops. We are also the development of the Health Fusion Teams Challenge a team event for students across the faculty to present solutions to a case scenario which involves a broad range of health and physical activity challenges. The HFTC will take place in early April.

Ar Aghaidh le Cheile PESS in partnership with the communities of Kileedy, Tournafulla and Feenagh-Kilmeedy have co-funded an MSc research project, based in the communities that will look at fundamental movement skills and physical fitness in children from the ages of 6 to 15yrs. The communities along with “West Limerick Resources” jointly funded an MSc student, former Irish International Hockey captain, Eimear Cregan who oversaw the delivery of a programme to the children and a supporting “train the trainers” initiative to sustain the project when the research has been completed.

The project proved an outstanding success with an enormous engagement from the communities and demand for places on the programmes far outstripped the capacity. The research was supervised by Dr Mark Campbell and Dr Tom Comyns and additional support in terms of coaches workshops was provided by Dr Missy Parker, Rosie Daniels and Gary Ryan. UL Beo will continue its engagement with the community groups over the next year to support the ongoing development of the project run by the local coaches.

Video and Performance Analysis We ran two Video and Performance Analysis courses in 2016 the second of which we partnered with the Irish Rugby Union Players Association in delivering the course to some of their members at their offices in Dublin.

Offer CPE courses Along with colleagues across the University we have been working with Munster Rugby to create a new Continuing Professional Education course aimed at Senior Executives, a pilot of which will run in April 2017. We will also be developing a number of other CPD/CPE courses aimed at professionals looking to work within the Sports Industry.

CONNECTING WITH OUR COMMUNITIES 2017 will be an exciting year for UL and our communities with the development of a new National Exercise Referral Framework Centre which will offer specialist exercise classes to non communicable disease patients at risk. UL Beo will support this and a number of other projects aimed at reaching out into the community through teaching and research. Our connection to our community doesn’t raise revenue but is invaluable and does present researchers with enormous access and good will. Our workshops are also a great way of contributing to the community at large.

One of our most successful workshops this year was the Wheely Good Fitness Workshop, a great example how cross departmental collaborations can develop from events such as this


These are just some of the partners we were delighted to work with in 2016, and we look forward to growing our relationship with them all in the future

RESEARCH Goal 4: Research: “UL Beo will support a sustained programme of research into physical activity, sport and lifestyle that will inform programme design, practice and interventions in targeted fields�

proud to be associated with the Limerick Fire Service. Great credit is due to Dr. Herring and our partners in the fire service for nurturing the link.

Working with industry We completed our first innovation with a local company Flexibod and are half way through the completion of a second. These R and D relationships are excellent ways of developing funding for research and relationships with industry. Flexibod have won a number of innovation awards for their product and it has been an enlightening experience on the opportunities that exist in working with industry. These opportunites should increase significantly with the development of a Sports Cluster in Limerick, which UL Beo is having a very active role in supporting.

UL Beo is not a research centre but is contributing to the advancement of the research agenda through almost all its activities apart from workshops and seminars. All of the testing and support services either currently collect data or the intention will be that at some stage in the future collect data for research outputs. We also provide and support a range of opportunities for undergraduates, postgraduates and staff.

Research from UL Beo projects Through a range of projects such as Ar Aghaidh le Cheile, the UL Sports Scholarship scheme, our work with Focus sports or with High performance sport s teams we are supporting the collection of data for a wide range of projects. We hope in 2017 to expand particularly this support into the areas of Physical Activity and Physical Education

Supporting Undergraduate and Postgraduate research We continue to also support several undergraduate and postgraduate students seeking to access populations for their studies and by helping them through developing contacts or relationships, or by promoting their work we have successfully assisted a number of students. We have also provided access for undergraduates and postgraduates to testing session opportunities with Sports Scholarship students. Limerick Fire Service UL Beo is assisting a research study, led by Dr. Matthew Herring with Katie Andrews through the support of our Applied Sports Experimental Officer. This project involves an 8-week exercise intervention focused on the improvement of overall health and occupational fitness among Limerick Fire Service personnel. This is an exciting, unique and interesting project, engaging with a very valuable community service and we are especially

We aim to significantly increase the range and depth of research projects we support in the future as we need to spend less time on strategy and infrastructure. This will be particularly evident through new research with our Scholarship programme , through some of our high performance sports partnerships, NERF and a number of other projects for which we have sought funding for recently. We also are engaged in seeking to develop an industry Sports Cluster for the region that will see significant investment in R&D in sport related industries in UL.

POLICY Goal 5: Policy: “UL Beo will play a leading role in the shaping and responding to policy in sport and physical activity”

Developing a Dual Career Athlete Policy We have, along with colleagues in coaching, careers and placement devised a proposed policy for the effective support of athletes Dual Careers in University. We hope to become leaders in this area and would look to create a network of similar institutions across Europe through the Erasmus programme as this is one of the identified key areas for support. To begin this process we have initiated a discussion document on the management and dissemination of current UL academic and placement policies in relation to identified dual career athletes. This policy will create a clearer line of sight for staff and students alike and be a distinctive edge that UL can promote to high performance athletes should it be implemented.

Leading the formation of a UL Sports Strategy Without question one of the challenges for UL Beo has been the need for a cohesive approach to the very broad remit it has and consequently the broad range of stakeholders that it works with. This same challenge faces sport and physical activity across the University in its many forms. UL Beo made representations to the University in its development of its new strategic plan for 2020 “Broadening Horizons”. I am delighted to report that within “Broadening Horizons” UL Beo has been charged with the development of a strategy for sport and physical activity for UL. We hope to be given the green light to start the process of forming this strategy and seeking submissions shortly and the aim is to have the strategy completed in 2017.

Supporting the Health Promoting Campus Development “Broadening Horizons” document also refers to a cross university approach to a healthy campus. This initiative was also strongly suggested by a submission from UL Beo and the strategy has directed UL Beo to initiate this policy under the sport and Physical Activity Strategy. The Healthy campus initiative will aim to gain “Healthy Campus Status” as will be outlined shortly by the HSE under the new National Physical Activity plan recently launched.

National Sport Policy Framework Consultation UL Beo facilitated an extensive response to the “National Sport Policy Framework Consultation” document at the beginning of 2017 and will be looking to influence the development of any future national sports policies or strategies.

RAISING OUR PROFILE Telling the story of how we are becoming a world leader in our field

One of the significant challenges for UL achieving its goal of being a world leading campus for sport and physical activity will be it’s ability to tell its story on a local, national and international scale. The initial challenge has been to build a coherent story which we can tell and we are making significant progress towards having a joined up approach that makes sense, but to begin with with the

We facilitated the filming of an episode of “Peak Performance” short sports series aired on Eir Sport this year, produced by Shinawil productions.

We have written a number of news articles for

Sport was the particular focus of the annual President’s dinner, with the aim of the dinner to raise awareness of the new UL Sports Scholarship scheme. UL Beo facilitated Questions and Answers event with Olympians and current students Michelle Finn, Jessie Barr and Paralympian and alum Sean O’Grady and similar events on a number of occasions for potential undergraduate and postgraduate students.

sport or academia through social media and

the UL web site and have raised the profile of the successes of our students and colleagues in

press coverage. With the development of a new PESS blog we will continue to seek new ways to promote the UL Beo initiative. And UL as a word leading campus for sport and physical activity. We do need to develop a clear marketing strategy of how we project our uniqueness and opportunities internationally.

OUR AIMS FOR 2017 Growing the number and diversity of our projects, seeking greater national and international collaboration and a growth in revenues are our objectives for the year ahead Some of the potential highlights We will continue to support many of our already successful projects and initiatives and seek to explore we opportunities as they arise. The continued expansion of the UL Sports Scholarship Scheme will create both opportunities and challenges to meet the additional demand on time and resources. However there are many positives from the Scholarship scheme in pursuing our objective of being a World leading Campus for the practice and research of sport and Physical Activity. By the end of 2017 we will also have completed the universal UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy which will give renewed impetus and focus to that goal as will a detailed plan for achieving Health Promoting Campus Status. We aim to have the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy in place by the beginning of the 2017-18 academic year.

Volunteering is an integral part of Student life and we would hope to extend to students additional opportunities to coach, be part of athlete support teams or contribute to the local community by setting up UL Beo as a part of the Presidents Volunteer Awards so we can advertise opportunities that will lead to students completing enough hours to gain the Gold, silver or bronze awards. The Mid-West Action Plan for jobs places identifies an action in the area of Sport R and D with the development of a Sports industry Cluster based in Limerick. We had actively engaged with the research office with Limerick County Council and Innovate Limerick in 2015 on this and Limerick County Council were due to develop the proposal. This project has recently been reinvigorated and we look to play a key role in its development .

The National Exercise Referral Network is an initiative led by Professor Catherine Woods. UL will be looking to develop a Limerick hub of this programme in 2017 and UL Beo will play a part in the development roll out and operational management of the project. This is an exciting community based service and research project that can have a significant impact in the Mid-West Region. We have applied for funding with Professor Woods as collaborators on a peer led walking intervention for adolescent girls where UL Beo will support the development of the project through the building and maintenance of relationship with schools and the operational management of the project Mid-west Model We will seek to establish a school(s) based partnership, ideally with a group of schools, which will have a broad remit of co-operation in service provision and research and CPD Opportunities. This sustainable partnership will strengthen future funding applications with the quality of the research potential and translational impact that studies might have. We will submitting an application as a collaborator on an Erasmus Plus Sport project on dual career athletes with a number of Higher education institutions and sporting organisations across Europe. The proposed programme is focused on the education of the parents of dual career athletes. Along with KBS and Patrick Ryan from Psychology, UL Beo and a number of PESS faculty are working with CPE and Munster rugby to develop a high value Executive wellness and leadership course to be based at UL and aimed at leading CEOs and executive in large multinationals initially in the UK and Ireland but eventually Internationally. A pilot is due to run in the next couple of months. After a successful pilot it is proposed a research assistant will be employed to support the programme and conduct research, quality control and ongoing client support related to the programme.

We will continue with our various series of workshops and we will again run the Video and Performance Analysis courses in the summer and Autumn Semester. We will also look to create a new CPD/CPE programme, aimed at Dieticians and Nutritionists, led by Dr. Catherine Norton called the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Academy (SENA). We have met with a TV production company about the development of a series or one hour documentary on Sport Performance in young athletes. This proposal is to shortly be submitted to RTE for commissioning.

These are just some of the potential projects which we are currently engaged in developing. The nature of the UL Beo initiative is that we will regularly have new

We will also aim will be to develop a single Equine sports science project in partnership with Equine studies and an external partner . We will look to develop a Classroom Movement project based on the work of our former colleague Dr. Jaimie McMullen and Dr. Elaine Murtagh.

opportunities arise which will be acted upon but may have long lead times to success.

Appendix 1: Contributors to UL Beo related projects The following list of projects wishes to recognise the contribution of PESS and UL Sport and PCC staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students or other members of the UL community in the development of each of these projects. We also acknowledge that many of these projects relied on external people whose contributions while not mentioned here are gratefully appreciated.

Project Strategy

Ar Aghaidh le Cheile



Description UL Beo has been progressing the University of Limerick Sports and Physical Activity Strategy with a series of consultation meetings and will continue with broader consultation before producing a draft document in the first quarter of 2017 A joint UL and Community sponsored project in the area of developing functional movement skills in children. 100 Children attended the programme.

UL Beo developed and launched a new High Performance Sports Scholarship scheme which attracted over 320 applications approximately doubles the target for year 1. UL Beo also managed the shortlisting and interview process and 24 scholarships were awarded with a total value of €80000 We also consolidated all existing scholarships (UL GAA , Athletics and Swimming) under one selection policy and application process. Swimming is one of our focus sports and we are supporting it in a wide variety of ways including a number of workshops with the Swim Ireland training group on campus and mentoring and support for the athletes on Dual career issues including a number of interventions with the athletes. We are also shortly to begin a number of pilot research projects related to training with the group.


Triathlon is our second focus sport and we have already started a similar programme to Swimming in terms of pilot research and support. In each case we have a support group around the sports.


We have a support group that meets monthly that provides sports science coaching and lifestyle services to the Limerick International Athletics Squad based on campus. We have monthly testing sessions

UL Camogie Team

FMS & General Fitness Team Testing

UL Ladies Football

FMS & General Fitness Team Testing

UL Mens Freshers Football & Hurling UL Womens Gaelic Football All GAA Teams

FMS & General Fitness Team Testing


UL Beo conducted a broad range of public workshops, seminars throughout 2016. We conducted 14 events which attracted 920 registrations/ attendances. This includes the annual Pat Duffy Lecture. We also facilitated a number of Go Green events throughout the year and the British Association of Exercise Sciences (BASES) Workshop in June which had an attendance of 50

Yoga Classes (1 approx.. 6wks, 1 eve p/w Video Analysis Support

People involved UL Beo Advisory Board Broad Consultation

Dr. Mark Campbell Dr. Tom Comyns Eimear Cregan UL Beo Killeedy TournafullaGAA and Feenagh-Kilmeedy West Limerick Resources Scholarship Selection Board Scholarship Interview Panels UL Press and Marketing UL Presidents office

Dr. Giles Warrington Antonia Rossiter Caroline McManus Cormac Lar Humer UL Beo Swim Ireland PCC Dr. Giles Warrington Antonia Rossiter Caroline McManus Lynne Algar UL Beo Swim Ireland PCC Professor Drew Harrison Hayley Harrison Dr. Tom Comyns Paudie Carey UL Beo Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Paudie Carey, 4th Yr FYP Students, Deirdre Murphy Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), DJ Collins, Mark Lyons, Alan Griffin, 4th Yr FYP’s Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Alan Griffin, 4th Yr FYP’s Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) UL Beo, Volunteer Students TOCA sports Dr. Brian Carson Dr. Giles Warrington Dr. Tom Comyns Dr. Missy Parker Dr. Tadgh McIntyre Dr. Alan Ringland Dr. P.J Smyth

UL Ladies Football

FMS & General Fitness Team Testing

UL Mens Freshers Football & Hurling UL Womens Gaelic Football All GAA Teams

FMS & General Fitness Team Testing


UL Beo conducted a broad range of public workshops, seminars throughout 2016. We conducted 14 events which attracted 920 registrations/ attendances. This includes the annual Pat Duffy Lecture. We also facilitated a number of Go Green events throughout the year and the British Association of Exercise Sciences (BASES) Workshop in June which had an attendance of 50


Video and Performance analysis, 2 courses one in the Spring Semester and one in partnership with the Irish Rugby players Union during the summer .In 2016 we had 20 enrollments on the course with an income of €9900

Refurb of Track

UL Beo facilitated an agreement between UL Sport and a number of local Athletics clubs for the refurbishment of the UL Athletics Track. UL Beo also facilitated the development of this project by assisting in the development of the tender.

Health Hub/HFTC

UL Beo is actively engaged with the Health Hub and the development of the Health Fusion Teams Challenge. We will be running a number of events in the Health Hub through 2017. We completed our first innovation with a local company Flexibod and are half way through the completion of a second. These R and D relationships are excellent ways of developing funding for research and relationships with industry. We facilitated the filming of an episode (1 of 3) of “Peak Performance” a short sports series aired on Eir Sport this year.

Innovation Vouchers Television

Yoga Classes (1 approx.. 6wks, 1 eve p/w

Rosie Daniel (ULBEO)

Video Analysis Support

UL Beo, Volunteer Students TOCA sports Dr. Brian Carson Dr. Giles Warrington Dr. Tom Comyns Dr. Missy Parker Dr. Tadgh McIntyre Dr. Alan Ringland Dr. P.J Smyth Rosemary Daniel Gary Ryan Jessie Barr Christopher Bryan

Dual Career Policy

We have, along with colleagues in coaching, careers and placement devised a proposed policy for the effective support of athletes Dual Careers in University. We hope to become leaders in this area and would look to create a network of similar institutions across Europe through the Erasmus programme as this is one of the identified key areas for support.

Croke Park Conference

Presenting data from longitudinal GAA studies on Body Composition

Work Experience

2 masters Students, 1 undergraduate and a number of short term TY students. 1 Coaching Placement Ul Beo formulated a response to the Framework Consultation Document issued by the Department of Tourism, Transport and Sport looking at future sports policy and strategy.

National Sports Policy

Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), DJ Collins, Mark Lyons, Alan Griffin, 4th Yr FYP’s Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Alan Griffin, 4th Yr FYP’s

Dr. Ian Kenny Robert Carroll IRUPA UL Beo Professor Drew Harrison Tim Crowe Tom Foley Ronnie Long UL Sport UL Beo All faculties across EHS UL Beo Flexibod Professor Drew Harrison Dr. Giles Warrington UL Beo Shinawil Productions EirSport UL Beo Neasa O’Donnell Deirdre Murphy Dr. Mark Lyons Dr. Colm Cunniffe Dr. Ann-Marie Young UL Sports Scholarship Committee Professor Phil Jakeman Rosie Daniels Rosie Daniels Gary Ryan UL Beo Professor Mary O’Sullivan Professor Drew Harrison Professor Catherine Woods Dr. Giles Warrington Gary Ryan


A range of performance tests and coaching advice for athletes and coaches


A wide range of coaching, sports science and mentoring support which has alos contributed to a number of undergraduate and postgraduate research projects

WIT/UL Research Project

We supported the collection of data for a WIT undergraduate student which was also contributing to a PHd study in UL UL Beo was approached by a PE graduate who has formed an organisation who wish to bid for the 2020 World Children’s Games which they wish to host at the University of Limerick. UL Beo has facilitated a number of meetings with PCC, UL Marketing and Failte Ireland to support this venture. Currently ongoing bid will be made to WCG organisers in 2017 for 2020. We were asked by the VPAR to work with the Irish Rugby Union Players Association to assist them with the relocation of students due to the transfer of Munster Rugby personnel to Limerick. This is an ongoing relationship.

World Children’s Games


LSP Launch

British Swimming

We facilitated and supported a training camp with a number of the British Swimming team for a 3 week period prior to the Olympic Games. The group included World Champion James Guy who won a silver medal for Britain in the 4x200m freestyle relay. The group accounted for more than 100 bed nights in Kilmurry village with all income going to PCC.

Presidents Ball

The event raised several thousand Euros towards sports scholarship funding, which had


We applied as members of a consortium to Erasmus Plus Sport funding in 2016. UL would have received €67k had the funding application been successful for a €400k 30 month project. UL became partners at a very late stage and contributed greatly to the refinement of the proposal. It received a mar of 80, where 85 was funded and highlighted the importance of dissemination and translation as the “fall down” in the proposal which had been identified prior to application by UL. We have worked with PCC to develop a scheme where athletes are housed together to facilitate lifestyle s and training. We currently have 3 “athlete” friendly houses. The majority of the residents are paying their own fees; some are scholarship athletes with full or half accommodation waivers. This has been a significant help to our key focus sports and athletes on campus and is a very marketable concept for PCC UL Beo facilitated the development of Oliver Whites MSc with Dr Tom Comyns and Dr Rosie Gowran and as part of the development of that programme organised a number of very successful workshops in Wheelchair fitness in association with Dr.s Gowran and Comyns, and Wheely Good fitness from the UK. These events were also sponsored by PESS, Clinical Therapies and Invacare

Athlete Accommodation

Wheelchair study

Beijing Sports University Visit (to BSU and reciprocal visit to UL

Helping to foster the development of an ongoing relationship with BSU

Kilmallock Hurlers

Team Testing

Michelle Finn Aoibhe Richardson Munster Rugby

Screening, FMS, Joint ROM VO2 Max & Analysis Isopull Testing

UL Rowing Club

VO2 max Testing – 6 athletes & Report

Dr. Giles Warrington UL Rowing Club UL Beo PESS Student Volunteers UL Beo student DJ Collins Dr. Brian Carson Dr Mark Lyons Alan Griffin Gary Ryan Rosemary Daniels Gary Ryan Richie Bolger PCC Ward UL Marketing UL IRUPA UL VPAR UL Beo Dr Tom Comyns UL Beo Limerick Sports Partnership UL Sport Swim Ireland PCC Sport Ireland Institute Dr. Giles Warrington Gary Ryan British Swimming Jessie Barr Michelle Finn Sean O’ Grady UL Beo UL Foundation Dr. Orla Power UL Beo Dr. Ciaran MacDonnachda Professor Catherine Woods PCC UL Beo

Invacare Clinical Therapies Dr. Tom Comyns Dr. Rosie Gowran Wheely Good Fitness UK Oliver Dr. Mark Campbell Professor Ann MacPhail Dr. Giles Warrington Dr. Ross Anderson Gary Ryan UL International Office UL Visitor Centre UL Sport Mark Lyons, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Alan Griffin, Caoimhe Tiernan, Lin Ong (MSc Student) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Chris Beatty, DJ Collins, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Giles Warrington

Beijing Sports University Visit (to BSU and reciprocal visit to UL

Helping to foster the development of an ongoing relationship with BSU. We would hope to see PHd Fee Waivers and the development of a Summer school with BSU based here in UL in the coming years.

Dr. Mark Campbell Professor Ann MacPhail Dr. Giles Warrington Dr. Ross Anderson Gary Ryan UL International Office UL Visitor Centre UL Sport

Kilmallock Hurlers

Team Testing

Michelle Finn Aoibhe Richardson Munster Rugby

Screening, FMS, Joint ROM VO2 Max & Analysis Isopull Testing

UL Rowing Club Kilmallock Hurlers

VO2 max Testing – 6 athletes & Report Team Testing

Sports Scholarship Screening Sports Scholarship Students

ROM, FMS, Postural Analysis, Balance, Movement Patterns & Analysis Report (1hr Testing, 2hr Report Generation per athlete) Speed / Power / Plyometric Tests

Mark Lyons, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Alan Griffin, Caoimhe Tiernan, Lin Ong (MSc Student) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Chris Beatty, DJ Collins, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Giles Warrington Mark Lyons, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Alan Griffin, Caoimhe Tiernan, Lin Ong (MSc Student) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO)

Sports Scholarship Students Sports Scholarships Introduction Session Sports Scholarships Service Outline With GAA Arthur Lynch PHD Project (support) Taekwondo

Speed / Power / Plyometric Tests

Sprinting Mechanics

Approx. 15-20 Athletes

Tipperary GAA placement and Undergraduate research projects

We facilitated a coaching placement for a student which extended into a volunteer work experience position for the student with the Tipperary Senior Hurlers. We also facilitated an undergraduate student throughout 2016 on their project. We also are currently facilitating two undergraduate students with their FYP project and we hope to facilitate a PHd student with their research over the next two years. Skinfolds, Body Composition measures

Fitness Levels & Body Composition in Munster Secondary School Students

Meet & Greet Outline of Sports Science Services & Workshops Outline of Sports Science Services & Workshops Body Composition Analysis Nutritional / Exercise Support to high performance Athlete Making Weight for fighting

Drew & Hayley Harrison Athletics Group, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) & Robin Healy (PHD) & 4th Yr FYP Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), 4th Yr FYP, Ling Ong (Sports Performance MSc Student) Gary Ryan, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Neasa O’Donnell Deirdre Murphy (GAA Officer), Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Arthur Lynch, Rosemary Daniel Professor Phil Jakeman, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Jennifer Higgins (PHD) Gavin Rackard (Munster Rugby), Adrian Byrne (Coaching Ireland) & Female Athlete Niamh Whelan (PHD), Drew Harrison, Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Gary Ryan Dr. Tom Comyns

Grainne Hayes (PHD), Alan Donnelly, 4th Yr FYP

Tipperary GAA placement and Undergraduate research projects

Fitness Levels & Body Composition in Munster Secondary School Students FYP Projects

We facilitated a coaching placement for a student which extended into a volunteer work experience position for the student with the Tipperary Senior Hurlers. We also facilitated an undergraduate student throughout 2016 on their project. We also are currently facilitating two undergraduate students with their FYP project and we hope to facilitate a PHd student with their research over the next two years. Skinfolds, Body Composition measures

Gary Ryan Dr. Tom Comyns

4 Students -‘Risk factors for hamstring injuries’ - ‘Relationship between core strength, stability & athletic performance’

Rosie Daniel –Supervisor (ULBEO) Leanne Ahern, Jimmy Dillane, Alan O’Brien, Cian Hallissey (4th Yr Sports Science) Gary Ryan Rosie Daniel Ian Sherwin Robyn Healy Niamh Whelan Clodagh Butler Jennifer Higgins Katie Andrews (PHD Student) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Matt Herring (Supervisor) Stephen Gallagher (Supervisor) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO) Rosie Daniel (ULBEO), Finbarr Ahern (PESS Student), Ciara Fielding (Newport) Gary Ryan, Rosie Daniel, Niamh Whelan, Neasa O Donnell Gary Ryan, Rosie Daniel, Jessie Barr, Drew Harrison, Neasa O’Donnell

Connecting Phd Students

Supporting PHd Students gain access to specific popluations for their research studies.

Limerick Fire Service Research Project

Vo2max & Isopull Stress & Fitness Testing at Fire station. Part 2 of the study will involve some form of HITT intervention after Christmas and potentially part 3 in March/April 2017 (simulated fire house).

Great Limerick Expo Newport GAA

EHS Stand (PESS Representative, Sports Science Advise for Marathon) Nutrition Talk for Kids

Higher Options (RDS)

Promotion of UL Sports Scholarships

Open Days

Promotion of UL Sports Scholarships & Workshop for future Dual Career Athletes

Grainne Hayes (PHD), Alan Donnelly, 4th Yr FYP

Appendix 2 Additional projects for 2017 Building on our current portfolio of projects, our aim in 2017 will be to expand particularly in the direction of physical activity and health and develop partnerships in physical education. We also hope to formalize a number of high performance partnerships Project NERF Schools Project 1 Schools Project 2 High Performance partnership Mid-West Sport and Physical Activity Network Erasmus Plus Sport project 1 The EMPATIA Project Erasmus Plus Sport project 2 Munster Rugby

Workshops CPE 1 CPE 2 Television Equine Project Classroom Movement PGA Golf Academy House of Sport

Rowing Ireland

Description The National Exercise Referral Network is an initiative led by Professor Catherine Woods. UL will be looking to develop a Limerick hub of this programme in 2017 and UL Beo will play a part in the development roll out and operational management of the project We have applied for funding with Professor Woods as collaborators on a peer led walking intervention for adolescent girls where UL Beo will support the development of the project through the building and maintenance of relationship with schools and the operational management of the project We have had an initial meeting with the Limerick and Clare ETB and will look to develop a partnership with the Physical Education Teachers in these schools with CPD opportunities and the development of a long term schools based project with this group We would hope to develop a partnership with Governmental agencies and/ or NGBs on a more formal footing, in mutually beneficial relationships covering research teaching and learning UL Beo will aim to create a Mid-West Sport and Physical Activity Network to create a model region for Sport and physical activity which create learning, research and sharing opportunities for clubs, coaches, practitioners, teachers and academics. It will allow the development of best practice networking and become the facilitator for the development of regional projects and support the attracting and running of major events to the region. We will seek to lead a collaborative partnership to make an application under Erasmus Plus on one of its focus areas the “Dual Career Athlete� The project will be in cooperation with some of the leading Universities and Institutes of Sport across Europe to develop a learning resource for parents of dual career athletes This project aims to develop a leadership programme within Universities to create peer support or students to take up regular exercise or return to exercise Along with KBS and Patrick Ryan from Psychology, UL Beo and a number of PESS faculty are working with CPE and Munster rugby to develop a high value Executive wellness and leadership course to be based at UL and aimed at leading CEOs and executive in large multinationals initially in the UK and Ireland but eventually Internationally. A pilot is due to run in March. We will continue with our various series of workshops We will again run the Video and Performance Analysis course in the Spring and Autumn Semester We will look to develop over the next number of years CPE courses aimed at professionals (e.g. physios, nutritionists, dieticians, medical) currently or hoping to work in the sports industry. We have met with a TV production company about the development of a series or one hour documentary on Sport Performance in young athletes. This proposal is to shortly be submitted to RTE for commissioning. Aim will be to develop a single Equine sports science project in partnership with Equine studies and external partner We will seek funding and or sponsorship for a classroom movement programme already designed by colleagues within UL and requires a roll out. We will continue to engage in the development of the PGA academy and look to support partnership development in research and development. The Mid West Action Plan for jobs places identifies an action in the area of Sport R and D with the development of a Sports industry Cluster based in Limerick. We had actively engaged with the research office with Limerick County Council and Innovate Limerick in 2015 on this and Limerick County Council were due to develop the proposal. Little happened in 2016 on the item but recently it has been re engaged and we expect to play an active role in the development of this concept through the year. A talent ID project led by Dr. Mark Lyons

Appendix 3 Measuring progress against “Breaking New Ground”

UL Beo was founded based on a report called “Breaking New Ground in Physical Activity and Sport”. This report called for the development of a Physical Activity, Health, Lifestyle and Sport Institute and set out a vision of what that institute might achieve in three years. That Institute has evolved into the UL Beo concept and while parts of the vision which would have been achievable were PAHSL / UL Beo given Institute status it is important to benchmark where UL Beo is in terms of achieving the vision set out in Breaking New Ground after its second year in operation. In that document it suggests areas of what success will look like in 3 years. Below is a short synopsis of progress; Green suggests that this objective has been largely achieved or greatly progressed. Blue suggests that we have moved significantly towards achieving that goal or are on track to achieve it within the three year timeframe, and red suggests limited progress or will be difficult to achieve within the three year timeframe.

Objective 1: Environment

To establish a world-leading environment for the practice of physical activity and sport at all stages of the participant pathway

What success looks like in three years: A fully integrated and accessible physical activity and sport campus

Appropriately designed walking/jogging/cycling routes and trails based on recommended design patterns from a variety of UL contributors (e.g. PESS/health, Arena/appropriate route ways relative to the structural sports features, UL Environment Committee). These could be colour coded like ‘metro routes’ (e.g. Green Route = 3km, Orange Route = 5km, etc).

To progress this aim is being progressed through the development of a UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy. One of the challenges in delivering a “fully integrated” approach is the number and diversity of groups that have some responsibility in different areas of delivery for Sport and Physical activity on campus. One of the aims of the strategy will be to find an effective operational model for this. Finding this operational model with an allied strategy will be the key driver of achieving this goal The development of these trails was included in the referendum package voted on by students in 2016 to increase the student levy to support major capital projects in Sport and Physical Activity including the development of marked trails and walkways. This project is currently in the design phase,

Appropriate and effective signage/maps/routes all over the campus relative to physical activity/sport-related facilities, walk ways and trails and appropriate buildings

See above. Also the development of the Smarter travel project on campus and a number of active travel initiatives have progressed these

The presence of selected outdoor RT equipment on such routes to provide for a different form of exercise on these routes

There are currently no plans for outdoor RT equipment on these routes. Some RT equipment is available on the extended route just off campus. It is not within the current remit of UL Beo to deliver this project but it will advocate for this through the UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy This is being addressed by the UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy, the Healthy Campus Status, the BE Well project and the Health Hub

A comprehensive range of staff and student-focused initiatives that encourage greater levels of physical activity and health and leisure activities on campus (e.g. Campus Run). This offer to be extended to the wider local community, particularly at weekends. Wider community involvement in sport and physical activity on the campus such as. weekend walks and trails, community events, research studies, links with community groups (e.g. Local Sports Partnerships)

This is largely the responsibility of UL Sport and Campus Life Services. This will be addressed in the UL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.

The completion of the next phase of the Arena extension

Shortly due for completion

Objective 2: Sustainable Delivery Model (The UL/MidWest region model for physical education, physical activity and sport)

Devise and implement an enhanced model for the integration and sustainable delivery of physical education, sport and physical activity in school and community contexts, supported by revised programmes of professional preparation.

What will success look like in three years: The UL/Mid-West region model will achieve substantial and verifiable changes in engagement in physical activity and sport, underpinned by an innovative and connected approach to physical education. The programme will form the basis of a longitudinal and multi-agency research project that will seek to attract funding at regional, national and international levels

UL Delivery Model – proposed approach It is anticipated the in achieving its stated objective re a sustainable delivery model the initial focus of PAHLS will be on staff and students within the education setting spanning across primary, secondary and tertiary. A delivery model will eventually be prepared for three settings 1) Education 2) Community and 3) Workplace. It must be noted that little evidence exists regarding the structure of physical activity and sport participation interventions which have long term and sustainable effects. There is a need not just to consider existing literature but also to be innovative and bold in the proposal of a new delivery model.

We will look to create a Mid-West Network to support the development of this concept in 2017

The Key to developing this concept is to develop a broad based partnership with regional schools based on service, “in service” research and other mutually beneficial opportunities. We have progressed this slightly in 2016 but is a key aim for 2017. The delivery model vision has evolved where UL Beo now delivers workshops and CPE courses to the public as a way of connecting with communities and providing relevant education in a variety of different modes. We have also engaged with projects like the Health Hub to support cross departmental education and community engagement. Pushing the knowledge held within Universities’ out to the community in a variety of modes that suit, coaches, teachers, parents and children I likely to have a more significant impact in terms of initial engagement and will allow us to grow a “Mid-West Model. However we must also be mindful that through National Curriculum and the National Physical Activity plan UL has a role to play within national structures rather than build an independent “Midwest” Infrastructure.

Objective 3: High performance

Establish successful High Performance objectives in 46 sports, underpinned by sustainable development programmes, that deliver success consistently on the world stage

What success looks like in three years: A formal agreement will be established with the respective National Governing Bodies (NGBs) identified (Rugby, GAA, Basketball, Triathlon, Athletics, Rowing) and a working plan will be in place

A High Performance Sports Science Support Unit will be in operation drawn from the expertise in the PESS Dept. and a variety if internships funded through PAHLS - not only to service the NGB’s listed above but any group, squad, NGB that wishes to avail of the services provided

A formal policy will be established to encourage more elite athletes to apply for UL UG Programmes

A link will be established with the Postgraduate Students Association (PSA) and with Course Directors with the intention of providing more attractive pathways for PG students to further their studies here at UL

We have developed an excellent working relationship with Athletics, Triathlon and Swimming on both a local and national basis and with GAA on a regional basis through specific projects. The development of more formalized partnerships will be dependent on the development of further links with Sport Ireland with which we are working closely on a number of projects. We have through the Applied experimental Officer, Co-Op and volunteer students, staff and undergraduate and postgraduate projects been able to provide an extensive High Performance Sports Science Support Unit. This may be formalized more in the future should there be a partnership with Sport Ireland or in support of a Sports and Human Performance Research Cluster. A formal policy to support all undergraduate and postgraduate students in their dual careers has been developed and awaits approval from APRC. The development of the Sports Scholarship programme has also made UL a more attractive option for PG students and approximately a quarter of the recipients of UL Sports Scholarships in 2016 were postgraduate students. It is current policy that all academic entry to UL should be on the same basis however the policies outlined above should make UL a more attractive option for some PG students.

Develop scholarship capacity with all potential benefactors feeding into this initiative (e.g. Plassey Campus Centre/accommodation, Arena/membership, PESS/HP Support Services, etc.)

In 2016 we launched year 1 of a 4 year roll out of a scholarship programme supported by the University, the UL Foundation, UL Sport, PCC and UL Beo.

An aggressive and progressive marketing group will be in place (in addition to, or in collaboration with, UL’s Marketing Department to promote high performance and also using our elite athletes as ‘Ambassadors’ for the work that we are embarking on

Significant investment and time was spent on marketing the UL Sports Scholarship scheme particularly through direct contact with NGBS, Open Days and fairs, brochures and a very strong social media campaign underpinned by videos which have been viewed more than 120,000 times on Facebook alone in less than a year. A number of undergraduate and postgraduate projects have been associated with the Sports scholarship scheme. We hope to develop two specific Erasmus/ PHd projects around sports scholarships in the coming two to three years.

The development of research projects and the consolidation of relationships with affiliated research centers and units, e.g., PEPAYS, CPAHR, 4i, BRU with a focus on high performance sport and related themes.

Objective 4: Policy

Play a leading role in shaping and responding to policy in sport and physical activity to:

Enhance provision at all stages of the lifecycle

Initially we will develop policy through our sport and physical activity strategy that in the first instance improves provision for our staff and students and in the second looks at how we can use our facilities an expertise to enhance provision in the community See above

Establish sustainable models that maximises synergy between professionals and volunteers Enhance the contribution of sport and physical activity to society Maximise job creation

Create and contribute to national and European advocacy platforms

Bring about a new constitutional and legal framework for physical activity, sport and physical education

UL Beo has and will continue to engage with the proposed Sports Cluster (House of Sport) outlined in the MidWest Action Plan for Jobs. Through an application for an Erasmus Plus Sport project we will work with partners across Europe in 2017 to develop a Dual Career Education project for parents of Elite Athletes. We will also join the European Athlete as a Student Network to advocate and share best practice across leading Spo rting Universities in Europe.

Objective 5: Research

PAHLS is an overarching body that has developed relationships with affiliated research centres and units, e.g., PEPAYS, CPAHR, 4i, BRU. A number of research studies are underway utilizing the full physical and human resources of the Institute. These studies have potential to inform on-going academic and service programmes (including objectives 1-4 of this plan). Institute is acting as a clearing house to build links between researchers and regional and national external partners, e.g., schools, community, governing bodies, sports partnerships. Institute has a growing reputation for translational research that influences frontline practice, e.g., coaching, teaching and clinical practice. The Institute would consolidate the work of core fields with a drive to increase interdisciplinary across and beyond the core fields. The Institute would have an active role in recruiting and supporting research students and internships to contribute to the work of the Institute.

Shared understanding of the breadth and depth of research of the institute.

To conduct a sustained programme of research into physical activity, sport and lifestyle that will inform programme design, practice and interventions in targeted fields. N/A

We are making best use of the resources we have available to support the work of researchers in a number of areas.

While there is no institute, UL Beo is actively working with researchers to create links across a broad spectrum of internal and external partners. We are supporting a number of research projects that we hope will enhance the growing reputation of UL for translational research N/A

This is not a core role under UL Beo’s current guise. The recruitment of researchers is for research centers and individual members of faculty, however we have and will continue to support the recruitment of postgraduate researchers to specific projects.

Appendix 4 UL Beo Advisory Board

Professor Mary O’Sullivan (Chair) Professor Ann MacPhail


Professor Alison Perry Adam Skerritt

Head of Department Physical Education and Sports Sciences Department University of Limerick (PESS) Director of Sport and Recreation, University of Limerick General Manager, Campus Life Services, Plassey Campus Centre Chair of High Performance, Irish Sports Council CEO Olympic Council of Ireland CEO Irish Federation of Sport, member of National Sports Campus Development Authority Dean of the Education and Health Sciences Faculty at the University of Limerick Fáilte Ireland

Professor Drew Harrison Gary Ryan Dr. Giles Warrington Dr. Tom Comyns Professor Catherine Woods Rosemary Daniel

PESS UL Beo Manager PESS PESS PESS UL Beo Applied Experimental Officer

Dave Mahedy John O’ Rourke Liam Sheedy Stephen Martin Sarah O’Connor

UL Beo Room P1013, Physical Education and Sports Sciences Building, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Tel: 061 234980,

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