Sawyer’s Drop Activities: Store Panel Ocean Climber (2) Wave Slides Bench Panel Tic Tac Toe Panel Slotted Climber Gear Panel Pod Climber Snake Climber Spiral Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 36 - 40 37’ 8” x 33’ 8” 5’ 6”
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Brenda Scale Activities: (2) Single Slides Double Slide Bench Panel Bones Bridge Star Spinner Pod Climber Gear Panel Store Panel Bean Climber Maze Panel Single Drum
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 30 - 34 44’ x 26’7” 6’
Brodie Boogie Activities: Pod Climber Tic Tac Toe Gear Panel Store Panel Rock Climber Spiral Slide Single Drum Wave Slide Double Slide Rain Wheel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 28 - 32 36’ 8” x 27’ 4” 5’ 6”
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Mountain Climber; fun times have just begun!
Price Mountain Activities: Single Drum Pod Climber Gear Panel Double Slide Shapes Panel (2) Single Slides Bones Bridge Carrot Climber Mountain Climber
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 30 - 34 34’ 11” x 30’ 5” 4’
Carrot Top Activities: Double Slide Gear Panel Single Drum (2) Single Slides Arch Climber Bench Panel Window Panel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 24 - 28 31’ 1” x 27’ 8” 4’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Patriot Peak Activities: Tic Tac Toe Single Drum Figure Climber Pod Climber Gear Panel Store Panel Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 14 - 18 25’ 7” x 23’ 4” 4’
Swinger Slide Activities: Gear Panel Bench Panel Double Slide Spiral Slide Wild Swinger Bongo Shapes Panel Store Panel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 20 - 24 35’ x 28’ 5” 7’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Bones Bridge Activities: Cave Rock Climber Crawl Tunnel Gear Panel Bench Panel (2) Double Slides Curly Climber Insects Panel (2) Single Slides Single Drum Spiral Slide Wing Climber Bones Bridge
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 40 - 44 49’ 4” x 31’ 6’ 2”
Dowdle Dome Activities: Tic Tac Toe Single Drum Figure Climber Pod Climber Gear Panel Store Panel Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 18 - 22 31’ 8” x 29’ 6” 4’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Kylie’s Kross Activities: Window Panel Pod Climber Snake Ladder Pad Step Single Drum Double Slide Bench Panel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 22 - 26 32’ x 26’ 5” 7’
Activities: Sea Creature Arch Climber Rock Wall Clock Panel Spin Panel Upright Climber Alphabet Panel Tic Tac Toe Dual Drum Right Turn Slide Pod Steps Single Slide
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Ramp Steps Promote Inclusive Play with Ramp Steps. This unit is completly ADA accessible and will allow all children to be invloved. For questions on how to create your all-inclusive play ground contact us today!
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 74 - 78 57’ 2” x 47’ 7’
Mountain House Activities: Tic Tac Toe Dual Drum Mountain Climber Pod Climber (2) Sectional Slides
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 24 - 28 32’ 7” x 29’ 6” 5’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
King’s Tower Activities: Tic Tac Toe Single Drum Spiral Slide Pod Climber Ship Wheel Panel Plane Panel (2) Single Slides Double Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 28 - 32 37’ 7” x 33’ 6” 5’6”
Pirate Cove Activities: Slide Ship Panel Bench Ship Bow Arch Climber Spiral Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 30 - 34 33’ 1” x 32’ 7” 6’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Bandit Liner Activities: Wave Slide Ship Panel Arch Climber Ship Bow Double Slide Pod Climber Spiral Slide
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 34 - 38 36’ 2” x 31’ 4” 6’2”
Ask about adding an Integrated Shade to any of our playgrounds!
Perry’s Prairie Activities: Double Slide (2) Single Slides Ocean Climber Gear Panel Bean Climber Bench Panel Store Panel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 22 - 26 29’ 10” x 29’ 1” 5’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Bob’s Pride Activities: Twist Climber Figure Climber Tic Tac Toe Frog Pod Challenge Maze Panel Gear Panel Bench Panel Single Drum Double Slide Single Slide Store Panel
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 28 - 32 35’ 11” x 31’ 6’
Rigsby Rock Activities: Stump Jump Climber Boulder Climber Crawl Tunnel (2) Single Slides Spinner Panel
Treetop Grotto Activities:
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 24 - 28 38’ 7” x 33’ 4’
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 44 - 48 51’ 6” x 44’ 6” 7’
(2) Single Slides Timber Stump Climber Wheel Challenge Stump Jumps Arch Bridge Boulder Climber Bongo Leaf Climber Gear Panel Bench Panel Spiral Slide Dual Drum Tic Tac Toe
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Forest Climber Activities: Bench Panel Stump Jumps Timber Climber Spinner Panel (2) Single Slides Store Panel ABC Panel Bongo
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2 - 12 20 - 24 36’ 8” x 31’ 7” 5’
Bob’s Tale Activities: Slide Tic Tac Toe Fish Climber
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 16 - 20 27’ x 21’ 10” 3’ 5”
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 8 - 10 15’ 2” x 12’ 8” 2’ 5”
Smith Station Activities: Car Panel Tic Tac Toe Fish Climber Slide Clock Panel Flower Panel
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
A Fish Tale Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
2-5 31 - 35 32’ 10” x 31’ 6” 4’ Activities: (3) Single Slides (2) Clock Panels Tic Tac Toe Car Panel Flower Panel Fish Climber
Joy Stick
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
6 - 23 months 18 - 22 25’ x 19’ 10” Ground Level
Activities: Bench Dual Drums Single Drum Bongo Maze Panel Rain Wheel (2) Ship’s Wheel Shapes Panel Gear Panel Tic Tac Toe Store Panel Crawl Tunnel
Pit Stop
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
6 - 23 months 8 - 12 20’ x 18’ 8” Ground Level
Activities: (3) Benches Spin Panel Store Panel Dual Drums
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Tad’s Place
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
6 - 23 months 10 - 14 23’ 6” x 16’ 1” Ground Level
Activities: (2) Benches Drum Panel Store Panel Tic Tac Toe Gear Panel
Trike Station Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
6 - 23 months 10 - 14 19’ 6” x 19’ 3” Ground Level Activities: Bench Store Panel Drum Panel Dual Drums Gear Panel
Don’t forget to check out our color options!
Monkey Spinner
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 36 - 40 56’ 7” x 45’ 7” 7’ 3”
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Activities: Floating Tunnels Ball Spinner Cylinder Spinner Cargo Climber (2) Slides Crab Pods (2) Boulder Climbers Circle Climber Air Spinner Ring Ladder Frog Pod
Herc’s Ninja
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 30 - 34 60’ 1” x 43’ 1” 7’ 3”
Activities: Crab Pods Curve Climber Arch Bridge (2) Floating Tunnels Tri Bar Ladder Slide Air Spinner Lily Pad Bridge Rock Climber
Tunnel Tower
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 10 - 14 34’ 2” x 29’ 8” 7’ 3”
Activities: Floating Tunnels Slide Rock Climber Frog Pod Climber Cylinder Spinner
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Perched Frog
Age Group: Capacity: Use Zone: Fall Height:
5 - 12 32 - 36 48’ 6” x 40’ 6” 7’ 3”
Activities: Slide (2) Floating Tunnels (2) Rock Climber Net Bridge Crab Pods Wheel Challenge Ladder Frog Pod Climber
3.5” Arch Swing Frame 8’ H Available in 1 Bay, 2 Bay, or 3 Bay 5” Arch Swing Frame 8’ H Available in 1 Bay, 2 Bay, or 3 Bay *belt seats, bucket seats, and chains sold seperately
5” Single Post Swing Frame 8’ H Available in 1 Bay, 2 Bay, or 3 Bay *belt seats, bucket seats, and chains sold seperately
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground or grass. It is the owners responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
PO 23207 Use Zone: 13’4” x 14’8”
PO 23109 Use Zone: 13’3” x 14’10”
PO 23101 Use Zone: 13’1” x 14’8”
Seesaw SR 1404
PESR 1402 Use Zone: 13’1” x 14’8”
Use Zone: 21’9” x 13’7”
PESR 1401 Use Zone: 13’3” x 14’8”
PO 23102 Use Zone: 13’3” x 14’7”
Farm Truck
PESR 1403 Use Zone: 12’10” x 14’10”
PESR 1404 Use Zone: 12’11” x 14’10”
Quad Seesaw SR 1405
Use Zone: 23’ x 13’5”
Fourway Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 24’ x 24’
Triple Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 20’ x 20’
Quad Cycle Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 18’ x 18’
Octopus Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 22’ 4” x 13’ 6”
Arch Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 21’ x 13’
Clownfish Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 21’ x 25’
Standing Seesaw Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 21’ x 13’ 2”
Leaf Balance Beam Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 20’ 9” x 15’ 2”
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
5’ Timber Crawl Tunnel Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 17” x 16’ 4”
Hurricane Spinner Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 16’ 1” x 16’ 1” Ball Spinner Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 14’ 9” x 14’ 2”
Sand and Water Table Age Group: 2 - 5 Use Zone: 3’ 10” x 1’ 10”
Sunflower Table Age Group: 2 - 5 Use Zone: 4’ x 4’
4’ Wave Slide Age Group: 2 - 12 Use Zone: 26’ 2” x 16’ 4” Fall Height: 4’
6’ Spiral Slide Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 25’ 10” x 19’ 7” Fall Height: 6’ 3’ Double Slide Age Group: 2 - 5 Use Zone: 23’ x 16’ 6” Fall Height: 3’
8’ Mountain Twist Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 23’ x 23’ Fall Height: 8’
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Boulder Net Climber Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 33’ x 19’ 6”
Boulder Rope Climber Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 29’ 8” x 19’
4’ Boulder Age Group: Use Zone:
5 - 12 19’ 4” x 16’ 9”
Boulder Pod Walk Age Group: 5 - 12 Use Zone: 30’ x 25’ 8”
Art supply holder cut-outs!
Weave Panel Art Panel
Make learning fun with allowing creativity to show through the minds of children with thier own artistic expressions!
5-Note Mini Chime
Triple Drum
100% recycled plastic aluminum chimes tuned to a Pentatonic scaled. Available in inground or surface mounts, or portable
100% recycled plastic with three tunable drum heads Available in inground or surface mounts, or portable
*Never install playground equipment over hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, compacted ground, or grass. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure an appropriate surface is installed under all playground equipment.
Playground Surfacing
We can help you find the right surfacing for your playground area.
Engineered Wood Fiber Easily installed Economical
Rubber Mulch Durable Multiple color options Easily installed
ADA Ramp
Connects to border timbers to allow for easy access to the playground
Pour In Place
Border Timbers Allows a smooth transition between different fall height requirement zones
Easily customized Utlizes recycled products
Wear Mats
Placed under swings or at the bottom of slides to prevent disruption of the surfacing material
Turf Natural look and feel Minimal maintenance
Sit Re e Pr qu ep ire er m ati en on ts M Re aint qu ena ire nc m e en ts Ex Lo pec ng ted ev ity Co st
What surfacing is best?
$ $$$
Initial Lifetime
$$$ $
Initial Lifetime
$$$ $
Initial Lifetime
Rubber Mulch
$$ $$
Initial Lifetime
Low Cost
Moderate Cost
High Cost
We are a total solution provider. We’ll provide a turnkey service for your next property enhancement including design, planning, scheduling and installation. We’ll also develop recommendations for surfaces, fencing and signage.
Double Lat Pull Down Unit Size: 80.5” x 34” 77”
Single Sky Runner Unit Size: 40” x 20.5” x 57”
Single Fit Rider Unit Size: 33.5” x 24” x 48”
Double Sit-Up Bench Unit Size: 64.5” x 64” x 27.5”
Single Rower Unit Size: 60” x 32.3” x 37”
Single Glider Unit Size: 39” x 21.6” x 57”
Double Glider Unit Size: 62” x 21.6” x 57”
Outdoor Fitness is a great way to add a little something extra to your property or community. Create a fitness trail or an outdoor gym; the possibilities are endless!
Push Up Station Unit Size: 137” x 67” x 57”
Single Sit-Up Bench Unit Size: 71” x 20” x 42”
Double Chest Press Unit Size: 68.5” x 29” x 88.5”
Double Leg Press Unit Size: 74” x 16” x 65”
Double Sky Runner Unit Size: 86” x 21” x 54”
Double Pendulum Swing Unit Size: 74” x 16” x 65”
Step Up Set Unit Size: 75” x 43.3” x 19.3”
Playground and Fitness Equipment Color Guide Color Guide
Splash Pads are becoming popular attractions for communities and municipalities as they can be operated without lifeguards or attendants. A wide range of options are available for any budget. We even offer portable splash pad options!
.......don’t forget the dogs!
Dog splash pads are starting to show up everywhere and we can help you get started. From a water bowl to a bone fountain, we can provide a portable or permanent splash pad for your favorite friend.
Just a few of our options
Critter Cannons
Alligator Fountain
Umbrella Fountain
Spin Wheel dump Mini Mushroom
Single Post Umbrella
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height With or Without Glide Elbow Traditional Fabric
Square available in 2’ increments from 10’-24’
available in 2’ increments from 10’-27’
Cantilever Umbrella
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height With or Without Glide Elbow Traditional Fabric
available in 2’ increments from 8’-20’
Hexagon available in 2’ increments from 8’-27’
Shade and Shelter products can add beauty and functionality to any space. We can provide an array of selections to choose from or help you design your own.
10’ x 10’ Pergola pressure treated pine *available in any size
Square available in 2’ increments from 10’-38’
Rectangle available in over 25 sizes
available in 2’ increments from 20’-40’
Multi-Dome Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height With or Without Glide Elbow Traditional Fabric
Super Dome Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height With or Without Glide Elbow Traditional Fabric
Square available in 2’ increments from 10’-38’
Hexagon available in 2’ increments from 20’-40’
available in 2’ increments from 10’-38’
available in over 25 sizes
Rectangle available in over 25 sizes
Standard Hip
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height With or Without Glide Elbow Traditional Fabric
hip shades
Triangle Sail
Surface or Inground Mount Traditional Fabric Sail size limited to 50’ per triangular edge
top view
Multiple Sail
Surface or Inground Mount Traditional Fabric Sail size limited to 50’ per triangular edge top view
top view
Hanging Cantilever
Quad Sail
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height Traditional Fabric
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height Traditional Fabric Square - 10’ - 30’
T- Cantilever
Surface or Inground Mount 8’, 10’, or 12’ Height Traditional Fabric Custom for your location
Rectangle 10’ x 20’ 12’ x 20’ 14’ x 24’
Traditional Shade Fabric Colors
shade color options
Dove Blue
Sun Blaze
True Blue
Powder Coat Colors
Electric Purple
Ocean Blue
Deep Periwinkle
Spring Green
Deep Green
Starry Night
Iron Gray
Rubbed Bronze
Feather Gray
Iced Coffee
Keep your property cooler with our line of shade products. We can help create something just for you!
Commercial Outdoor Living
We’re always searching for new ways to help you add value to your property. So, we Whether your residents are looking to lounge by the fire pit, enjoy an outdoor kitchen, or take in rays by the pool, you’ll have options to choose the best pieces for your property -- and always at the best price.
Great Value
doesn’t mean you have to compromise luxury & comfort. • • • •
Outdoor/indoor collections Large selection of styles and designs Commercial-grade fabrics and materials Designer-friendly sets!
Ask our representative about our full selection of textiles and finishes. Seating & Benches Chaise Lounges Dining, Bar, & Booth
Tables & Storage Daybeds & Ottomans Umbrellas & More!
Urban Sling Collection
bar chair dining chair sand chair
Unique Collection
available in dining chairs, sand chairs, and chaise lounge slings
Velocity Collection
available in dining chairs, sand chairs, and chaise lounge slings
Athens Collection
available in dining chairs and chaise lounge slings
Metro Collection
available in dining chairs and chaise lounge slings
Velocity Collection
available in dining chairs, sand chairs, and chaise lounge slings
Horizon Collection
available in dining chairs, sand chairs, and chaise lounge slings
Sundance Strap Collection available in bar chairs, sand chairs, and chaise lounge slings
Aqua Daybed
colors as shown available with or with out canopy
Hampton Daybed
Comes with two matching ottomans that can be used for end tables too. colors as shown available with or without canopy
Breeze Cabana Daybed
colors as shown available with or with out screen panels
Cuatro Square Dining Table Set
dining arm chair dining arm chair pad square dining table
u d
Bistro Dining Table Set
36� premimum table top with pub base and two dining chairs
Ciro Wicker sofa ottoman loveseat coffee table end table lounge chair double chaise lounge
SLAT 20” slat round / square 36” slat round / square 48” slat round
urban loft dining table frame
20” cubed 36” cubed 48” cubed
20” woven 36” woven 48” woven
TEARDROP 20” teardrop 36” teardrop 48” teardrop
bistro bar base
universal table frame with cast feet urban loft side table frame
Premium Tables and Frames Grani-Stone Table Tops Colors Available: galaxy black java chocolate brown
faux stone pattern
barcelona pattern fiberstone pattern
frame finishes
for outdoor funiture
Cardinal Red
Lime Green
Lipstick Pink
Mayan Trail
Mahogany Frost
Satin Amber
Starlight Black
Textured Antique
Orange Burst
Textured Bronze
Purple Burst
Textured Charcoal
Sky White
Textured Espresso
Textured Parchment
Modern Planters
sling fabrics
Premium Wood Timeless NATURAL wood collection. These pieces only available in natural color scheme.
chaise lounge
adirondack chair
round dining table
adirondack contemporary adirondack traditional
The contemporary and traditional adirondack chairs are comfortable, stylish, and colorful! Choose the colors that match your property.
Umbrellas & Bases
Round Plastic Umbrella Base
Square Steel Base
Square Steel Base with wheels
Market Umbrella Dimensions: 7.5’, 9’, or 11’
Square Umbrella Dimensions: 7.5’ or 9’
Double Vent Umbrella Dimensions: 7.5’ or 9’
Skyline bench
Expanded metal bench with back
Double pedestal bench with back
Expanded metal bench
MOD bench with back
MOD bench
Contoured bench with back
Austin bench
Available in 4’, 6’, 8’ 10’
Available in 4’, 6’
Available in 4’, 6’, 8’
Available in 4’, 6’
Available in 4’, 6’
Available in 4’, 6’, 8’, 10’
Available in 4’, 6’
Available in 4’, 6’
ALL benches and tables available in surface, inground, or portable mount.
Rectangle picnic table
Square picnic table
Round picnic table
Round Patio table with Stackable chairs
Available in 4’, 6’, 8’ 10’ *ADA accessible available
46” round top *ADA accessible available
Rectangular Single Pedestal Available in 6’ *ADA accessible available
46” square top *ADA accessible available
36” or 46” round top
Rectangular Double Pedestal Available in 6’, 8’ *ADA accessible available
Square Single Pedestal
46” square top *ADA accessible available
All tables, benches, and frames available in the below colors.
Rectangular Independent
Color Choices
Available in 6’, 8’ *ADA accessible available
Round Single Pedestal
46” round top *ADA accessible available
Skyline Trash Receptacle with side opening
32 gallon portable, surface, inground mount
Trash Receptacle
32 gallon portable, surface, inground mount
Slatted Steel
Expanded Metal
Punched Steel
Trash receptacles help keep your property neat and clean.
Slatted Steel
stainless steel ash tray
Keep the fun going with a Park Grill!
Downtown Tapered
Bike Repair Kit and Air Pump with Tools
Four Hump Wave Rack
Single Loop Rack
-cus t o m lo g -seve ral co os lor optio n -ingr s o und a surfa ce mo nd unts
Custom Loop Rack
5 Hump Bike Rack
Standard Bike Hitch
Most dogs just want to play... and hang out with you.
New Product
FIRST OF ITS KIND! The reason most owners take their pets to dog parks is to have outdoor fun and enjoy companionship - not to compete in professional shows. So we’ve created a product line that offers maximum enjoyment for everyone!
Canine Condo
Dogs are curious. And they love to expolore! Our new Canine Condo gives everything they love. A shady cove, easy climbing steps, a ramp adventure - topped off with a sheltered perch that dogs will absolutley love. Make sure to bring the treats!
Me and My Pal Bench
Even outdoors, dogs like to spend time with their human best friends. Introducing the world’s first bench designed for people and their canine buddies. Dogs of all sizes can hop right up the steps and be close to the one they love. This will be a favorite in your next park - better get two!
Canine Condo is like a mini dog park all wrapped up in one attractive fixture. Perfect for small spaces or if you’re just getting started.
Dog Park Innovation
The Bone Yard: 7 pieces
The Essentials: 4 pieces
45' x 45'
The Hound: 6 pieces
35' x 35'
Dingo: 5 pieces
35' x 35'
15' x 25'
Bow Wow: 6 pieces
40' x 40'
The Pup: 4 pieces
30' x 30'
The Starter: 3 pieces
25' x 25'
Try Auto-Ship.
Pet Waste Station
You'll never run out of poop bags again! We’ll deliver pet waste bags automatically at 30, 60 or 90 day intervals.
Basket Liner Bags
50 15-gallon Wastebasket Liners
Case of 10 Rolls 2000 1-mil bags
Dog washing made easy. 7
ns o i t u l o and s
Design to
For More Information: Toll Free: Email: Website: