8 minute read



INDUSTRIES, EVER! The future looked bright. Established businesses were just that, established. Newcomers to the industry believed there was minimal risk to the industry. They put together a solid business and marketing plan to secure needed financing. With this in place, they were ready to “go for it.” With global revenue projections expected to exceed $200 billion by 2025, there was no doubt the future was bright. (Grand View Research, Inc.) Then the light went out and darkness befell the world.



Not only did the financial well-being of many pet services businesses suffer, the emotional and physical wellbeing of the owners, management and staff was at major risk due to an invisible threat. A threat resulting in major stress. The type of stress that left unchecked, results in overeating, excessive drinking, unnecessary spending, illness, and emotional breakdowns.

While some of the struggling business owners went into a wait and see mode, hoping beyond hope this was a temporary situation, others realized just how volatile the situation was and would continue to be. Feeling victimized by a faceless predator, it became apparent this was not simply going to go away. For many, the answer was simple. Turn on the news to get daily updates which inadvertently sucked them into a roller coaster ride of emotions, amplifying their feeling of helplessness.


A ray of light glimmered through when some pet service businesses were deemed essential. A huge sigh of relief crossed the lips of the owners of day care centers and boarding facilities who could make their services available to frontline workers.

Although some businesses were struggling beyond anything they could imagine, others were emerging bigger and more solid than before. A surge in online shopping for pet products due to pet owners turning to the Internet for home delivery and parking lot pickup from brick and mortar stores, some pet service businesses are doing well. Yet, it wasn’t “business as usual.” There were restrictions owners had to adhere to that cut into their profit margins due to the increase of sanitation requirements. To minimize the financial impact to their businesses, many owners immediately

applied for any and all funding they could find. Employees were advised to apply for unemployment due to owners not knowing when they would be able to bring the staff back on board.

Seeing this as an opportunity to restructure their businesses, many used the time to evaluate their product and service offerings, overhead, staffing needs and overall business structure.


With more uncertainty looming, it became apparent owners and their teams had to focus on their emotional and physical wellbeing. After all, if they got sick, or stressed beyond anything they could imagine, they would not be able to give the level of pet care their clients, guests and customers had come to expect. The world has done a complete 180, requiring more diligence than ever to our health. More than simply surface-level activities such as hand washing more frequently or wearing a mask, a deeper level of self-care is required. This is not about hitting the gym for hours on end, running marathons or entering an ironman competition. Rather, it is about incorporating simple strategies that lay a wellness foundation moving forward.


Ask some of the most successful people, in virtually any industry, what their number one strategy for success is and most will respond with, “A morning routine.” Simply put, a morning routine is a strategy or ritual that is non-negotiable. One that sets the tone for the day in mind, body, and soul. There is no shortage of highly-successful mindset experts who subscribe to the benefits of a morning ritual including Hal Elrod, Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Lisa Nichols and Mel Robbins to name but a few. Each has made it their life’s work to educate and teach people about the benefits of a morning ritual. Health and fitness experts also stress the importance of avoiding the dreaded COVID-15 by implementing regular exercise to a morning routine. COVID-15 refers to the weight gain many people have experienced since the lockdown began, adding as much as 10 – 15 pounds of unwanted weight in a two to three month period of time. The weight gain is related to unhealthy eating habits including excess sugar consumption, an increase in alcohol and sodas, unhealthy carbs, and mindless eating. Experts such as Dr. Joel Furhman, Rich Roll, and Bob Harper agree, exercise to avoid stress eating and the dreaded “my jeans shrunk” syndrome. Religious and spiritual leaders agree on the importance of maintaining a strong connection to our maker by increasing or implementing morning prayer and meditation. Whether it be Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Toole, Michael Beckwith or any number of spiritual teachers, the message is simple; know that this too shall pass.

Each of these “larger than life” experts, teachers and leaders were able to put into practice what they have taught for years. Most went into high gear, filming home videos with personal messages on how to handle the added stress an unknown future holds.


If you have never experienced a consistent, non-negotiable morning routine, now’s a great time to start. It may seem this is just “one more thing” to add to your plate, yet, by starting your day with your own customized ritual, you’ll actual enjoy more peace of mind, better health, a great ability to focus and make decisions, and a higher appreciation of what the day has in store. Considerations for your morning routine are hydration, exercise, meditation, prayer, journaling, planning your day’s food consumption and inspirational teachings.


Immediately upon rising, drink at least 16 ounces of water. Before your first cup of coffee or tea, give your body the needed

fluids you released through the night. This one action will wake your brain up and you’ll be more likely to have a clear head for the next item: exercise.


Morning routine exercise can be something as simple and gentle as soft yoga. More than anything, a bit of gentle exercise is an opportunity to become fully present. Rather than waking up and jumping into action, invest 10 – 15 minutes of quality time into some form of gentle exercise. This is in addition to anything you choose to do later in the day. It is simply a “wake up” process.


Meditation is one of the most powerful tools you can use to clear your head and prepare for the day. It’s not about emptying your mind from your thoughts. It’s about raising your awareness and perspective. If you are new to meditation, a quick search on YouTube will give you plenty to choose from. Start with a short 5 – 10 minute meditation and increase as desired.


Whether it be watching a video, listening to a podcast or reading a few pages out of one of your favorite religious or spiritual books, a few minutes of inspiration from others will do wonders for your state of mind. As with meditation, commit to 5 – 10 minutes as part of your morning routine.


Journaling involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life. The power behind this practice is to take the garbage out. It is about emptying the trash thoughts and replacing them with productive thoughts. Which leads into the next step, gratitude.


It has been said, “When we express what we have to be grateful for, we have more to be grateful for.” This one practice is likely to be the most important step you can take in minimizing your stress. Expressing what your grateful for doesn’t necessarily make your problems go away, but it does make them much more manageable. It also opens your mind and heart in a way that you are more aware of solutions. Every morning list three things you have to be grateful for and write them down.

Over time, you notice more and more things to be grateful for.


The entire morning process will take about one hour. You might be inclined to believe you don’t have an extra hour. What you’ll find is this, by committing to this process for as little as 30 days, you’ll deal with situations very differently, handle frustration and obstacles with more grace and come up with solutions to problems that currently may be overwhelming you. With the future still very uncertain, a morning routine is the greatest gift you

can give yourself, your family, your friends, your customers and clients, your business and all your furry friends.


Kathleen Gage is a visibility and marketing strategist based out of a rural community in Central Oregon. With over 35 years’ experience teaching clients how to grow their businesses organically, Kathleen is also an insightful keynote speaker and author. Kathleen is the host of the Plant Based Eating for Health podcast show and owner of Power Up for Profits consulting. www.powerupforprofits.com www.plantbasedeatingforhealth.com

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