Pet Care Pro Quarterly - Q3 2020

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applied for any and all funding they could find. Employees were advised to apply for unemployment due to owners not knowing when they would be able to bring the staff back on board. Seeing this as an opportunity to restructure their businesses, many used the time to evaluate their product and service offerings, overhead, staffing needs and overall business structure. OVERALL WELLBEING With more uncertainty looming, it became apparent owners and their teams had to focus on their emotional and physical wellbeing. After all, if they got sick, or stressed beyond anything they could imagine, they would not be able to give the level of pet care their clients, guests and customers had come to expect. The world has done a complete 180, requiring more diligence than ever to our health. More than simply surface-level activities such as hand washing more frequently or wearing a mask, a deeper level of self-care is required. This is not about hitting the gym for hours on end, running marathons or entering an ironman competition. Rather, it is about incorporating simple strategies that lay a wellness foundation moving forward. MORNING ROUTINES Ask some of the most successful people, in virtually any industry, what their number one strategy for success is and most will respond with, “A morning routine.” Simply put, a morning routine is a strategy or ritual that is non-negotiable. One

that sets the tone for the day in mind, body, and soul. There is no shortage of highly-successful mindset experts who subscribe to the benefits of a morning ritual including Hal Elrod, Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Lisa Nichols and Mel Robbins to name but a few. Each has made it their life’s work to educate and teach people about the benefits of a morning ritual. Health and fitness experts also stress the importance of avoiding the dreaded COVID-15 by implementing regular exercise to a morning routine. COVID-15 refers to the weight gain many people have experienced since the lockdown began, adding as much as 10 – 15 pounds of unwanted weight in a two to three month period of time. The weight gain is related to unhealthy eating habits including excess sugar consumption, an increase in alcohol and sodas, unhealthy carbs, and mindless eating. Experts such as Dr. Joel Furhman, Rich Roll, and Bob Harper agree, exercise to avoid stress eating and the dreaded “my jeans shrunk” syndrome. Religious and spiritual leaders agree on the importance of maintaining a strong connection to our maker by increasing or implementing morning prayer and meditation. Whether it be Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Toole, Michael Beckwith or any number of spiritual teachers, the message is simple; know that this too shall pass.


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