LCSO - Pops 2 Feb 10-11 2024

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Pops 2

February 10th, 7:30 PM & February 11th, 3:00 PM

The Las Cruces Daily Rag Entertainment

LCSO to Perform Hits from the Silver

Screen by ADDISON DEWITT THEATRE CRITIC LAS CRUCES, NM — Ah! Dear patrons of the melodic arts, brace yourselves for an auditory feast. To those of you who do not read, attend the theater, or listen to unsponsored radio, I present to you the newly invigorated Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra. Under the baton of the illustrious Maestro Ming Luke, the LCSO shall summon forth melodies of such profundity that they shall carve rivulets of emotion upon your memories. With each note we shall be transported to the iconic realm of cinematic wonders. From Bond to Potter, from Wicked to Star Trek, the strings shall whisper tales of passion; the brass, herald valor and triumph; and the woodwinds, they shall dance like wisps of stardust. Ladies and gentlemen, as we prepare to witness this sublime spectacle, let us not merely attend but be present. 24

Let us not only hear, but listen. For in the ephemeral embrace of these notes, we shall find ourselves transported to a realm where time and space are but trivial constructs in the face of pure, unadulterated artistry. So, esteemed readers, adorn yourselves in the elegance befitting such a soirée and secure your tickets posthaste. Let us collectively bask in the luminous glow of the Silver Screen for an evening that shall undoubtedly solidify the LCSO’s rightful ascendancy as the maestro of our city's cultural landscape.

Maestro Ming Luke accompanied by an ethereal enchantress to the Symphony's hallowed grounds, Atkinson Recital Hall, prior to the final Pops concert of the 2023-24 season.

The Las Cruces Daily Rag


The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra Ming Luke, Music Director & Conductor


007: Through the Years

Arr. Stephen Bulla Highlights from Wicked Stephen Schwartz, Arr. Ted Ricketts Music from Frozen Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Arr. Bob Krogstad Harry Potter Symphonic Suite John Williams, Arr. Jerry Brubaker

~ Intermission ~ Highlights from Jurassic Park John Williams, Arr. Calvin Custer Star Trek Through the Years Arr. Calvin Custer

Star Wars Suite John Williams



The Las Cruces Daily Rag


Revealed! Information About Tonight’s Performance

The first commercial “talkie” ev-

by Jim Shearer Staff Writer at The Daily Rag

certain points. From there you

er made featured Al Jolson as The Jazz Singer. It was actually mostly still a silent film with music that featured him actually

singing, synced with the film, at enter a world of “diegetic” and

La-La Land, USA — Music has

non-diegetic” film soundtracks,

been integral to the commercial

meaning you have music that

film industry since the earliest

actually happens in the film, i.e.,

days of silent movies. Most early

you see the singer and/or or-

movie houses had a pianist or

chestra playing as the music

organist, and films came with

happens, or you have what is

“cue sheets” that suggested par-

called an “underscore,” which is

ticular tunes to play that helped

music that suits the mood of the

set the mood required at any

moment but is literally intended

given moment in a film. As movie palaces




to blend into the background of


the film.

Wurlitzer organs with multiple

As film making progressed into

ranks of pipes and all kinds of



the 1930s, Hollywood enjoyed a

and other

European musical renaissance,

sound effects that could be used

as a wide array of gifted classi-

to enhance a silent film. A few of these

cally-trained composers fled the

magnificent instruments

oppressive rise of Hitler and the

have been preserved today and

Nazis. They found a safe haven

are still in use, including the

and a means of financial stability

Mighty Wurlitzer at the Plaza

by working in the American film

Theatre in El Paso. As movies

industry, and the conventions

progressed, they came with full

and standards they set continue

scores to be performed, and the

to be the basic tenets for how

biggest movie houses often fea-

most film soundtracks are creat-

tured live orchestras performing

ed today.

a full soundtrack cued to the

Continued on Page 4

events in a silent film. 22


The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS This concert will feature a

Information Revealed

number of suites drawn both from

Continued from Page 3

by one composer and some that

specific films and various film series, some with scores all written have utilized multiple composers

Composers including Erich

over the years. The 007: Through

Korngold (Captain Blood, The Adven-

the Years and Star Trek: Through

tures of Robin Hood), Max Steiner

the Years suites, for example, fea-

(King Kong, Gone With the Wind),

ture iconic themes that have been

Franz Waxman (The Bride of Franken-

created by various composers and

stein, Sunset Boulevard) and Bernard

then utilized and sometimes up-

Herrmann (numerous Alfred Hitch-

dated by subsequent composers

cock films, The Day The Earth Stood

who work with some of the same

Still) brought a wide array of Euro-

material and also create new ma-

pean classical traditions to the gen-

terial for later films as the series

re of film composition, altering and extending






styles to meet the needs of a given


Rachel Breck and Joshua Godman and Corps © 2022 Marc A. Moffett


the most famous film composer of

film for which they were composing.

all time and certainly the most

For example, Bernard Herrmann

active current film composer fea-

and others introduced jazz and oth-

tured on this concert, is repre-

er popular music elements in films

sented on this show with three

when needed, and in the score for

works, including the Harry Potter

The Day The Earth Stood Still, we see

Symphonic Suite, Highlights from

some of the first use of the there-

Jurassic Park,

min and other electronic instru-

and the Star Wars

Suite for Orchestra. In the multiple

ments and effects that predate

film scores for each of these leg-

modern synthesizers by almost two

endary film series, Williams fre-

decades. Most modern film com-

quently utilizes a classical tech-

posers all follow the basic models

nique most commonly associated

set up during this early film-making

with the operas of Ricard Wagner,


Leitmotiv. 4


The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS Though the technique existed

Also, I am personally delight-

before he used it, Wagner was a

ed to have ths new edition of

master of using specific themes

the score available to or-

to identify individual characters,

chestras and the public. It

moods, objects, and even magic


fire, especially in his 18-hour Ring

March" and "Yoda's Theme”,



both of which have not been

separate, but connected, operas).

available until this present

Beginning with the original Star

printing. [NOTE: This con-

Wars trilogy, and continuing with


a number of other famous film

“Imperial March,” but we will



omit “Yoda’s Theme.” Sorry

mastere d














technique, as each of the suites on this concert clearly displays.

I have always felt privileged



to have had the opportuni-

following note with the score

ty to compose music for

being used in this

these landmark films, and


the ongoing interest in the



films and their music has

continued to be one of my greatest joys.” “During 1997 we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the release of

George Lucas' classic film Star Wars. All of us connected with this phenomenal




greatly gratified to see an entire

new generation of very young film -goers enjoy the Star Wars trilogy and relate so strongly to its story, characters, and music. 20


The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A New Season at the Symphony Welcome to our 2023-24 season of the finest symphonic music, performed by our dedicated orchestra under the direction of Maestro Ming Luke. This will be a season of change as we try new things and collaborate with other arts organizations in exciting ways. Whether it be joining our music with the arts of ballet and drama, the joining of cultures in celebration of Día de los Muertos, the joining our instruments with choral voices for the holidays, or just humming along with our favorite tunes from the movies, we recognize that music has the ability to touch everyone. As the saying goes, “Where words fail, music speaks”. We also recognize our responsibility to educate and develop the next generation of musicians

through the development of our The Las Cruces Symphony Youth Orchestra and our newly formed Junior Orchestra! We are excited that the Youth Orchestra will again be joining us onstage, not once, but twice this season. Our mission is to present and promote music of the highest quality for the region’s enrichment and to serve our community. This would not be possible without the financial support of you who are here, our season sponsors, business advertisers, and donors. We are truly thankful for your generosity and look forward to your continued support.


Too Many Great Performances!

accommodate those of us who prefer our cultural experiences with a side of slippers? In short, I demand the LCSO tone it down. After all, isn't the true mark of a great symphony the ability to cater to the needs of those who would rather listen from the comfort of their recliners?

I write to register my deep dissatisfaction with the recent string of outstanding performances by the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra. While many applaud such talent, I find myself facing an unseemly predicament – I now have to leave the comfort of my own home to attend these shows! How I long for the days when an LCSO performance meant a leisurely evening home in pajamas, cognac and Kant in hand. Unfortunately, the LCSO has shattered this peaceful routine by consistently delivering performances that demand my presence. The GALL! I implore the LCSO to consider the plight of us homebodies. Must every performance be a dazzling spectacle? Can't we, just now and again, have a subpar rendition to

Profoundly disgruntled, M ARC A. M OFFETT Las Cruces, NM UFO Problems Need Addressing Something needs to be done about the increasing presence of UFOs in the Mesilla area. They are a scourge and I believe they are deliberately ruining my tomatoes!! M ABEL WHITACRE M ESILLA, NM



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS The mission of the Las Cruces Symphony Association is to present and promote music of the highest quality for the region’s enrichment, and to serve our community as a musical, cultural, and educational resource

2023-24 Board of Directors Michael Chang

Marc A. Moffett

Laura Self

Larry Hill

Barbara Ross

Linda Shubeck

Scott Lucas

Carmen Rustenbeck

Catherine Zaharko

Thomas Marconi Executive Board Michael Chang, President Marc A. Moffett, Vice-President Larry Hill, Secretary Carmen Rustenbeck, Treasurer Ex-Officio

Carmen Rustenbeck, Interim Executive Director Ming Luke, Music Director

The Las Cruces Symphony Association is the administrative and governing arm of the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra, governed by a Board of Directors composed of local community members. A successful symphony orchestra is a partnership between the music director, musicians, administrative staff, board of directors, donors, and patrons. Acting on behalf of all who have a vested interest in the LCSO, the Board of Directors is responsible for the good stewardship of the Symphony. For more information about the LCSA Board o f Directors and membership possibilities, please contact the LCSA at 575-646-3709.



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

The Las Cruces Daily Rag



LCSA Gala 2024 Announced Join the Las Cruces Symphony Association for an evening of glamour and excitement at their annual LCSA Gala: A Night at the Copacabana. Indulge in a night of elegance and sizzling energy!

Ming Luke

Purchase your Gala tickets here!



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

The Las Cruces Daily Rag



Conductor: Ming Luke

Atkinson AudioPlex 1

Sponsored by Jean Pritchard

Nominated for 8 Melodrama Awards!

Stage Manager Lessie Smithhisler

Horror in the Night! “It will haunt you like Susan Alexander’s voice.” — Jedediah Leland, The Inquirer

The most uplifting show of the year! It will have you singing in your seat.

Librarian Jesse Galindo

Viola Jorge Martinez-Rios*

Violin I Brigid McCarthy*— Concertmaster

~Jean Pritchard

~Jean Pritchard ~Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado

Monica Arredondo ~Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado

Cristina Leony ~Jean Pritchard

Barbara Creider

Vanessa Cedillos Daniel Rivera Alan Mar Santiago Rodriguez III Ana Maria Quintero Javier Garcia-Rivera^

~JM King

Elisabeth Greene Ray Arreola Laura Campbell Cello Jorge Espinoza*

Violin II Elizabeth Zamora*

Coming Soon! In Theatres beginning April 13th, 7PM; 14th, 3 PM

~James Gerwels & Tiffini Reimann

~Candis Stern

Erin Espinoza Cesar Camarena Elizabeth Purvis Emma Alvarez^

Shelly Wood Teresa Kristovich Paola Gabbi-Madrid Kevin Wilson^ Melissa Warr

Bass William Scholten* Robert Taylor Tyler Valadez

Starring Heather Pinkham “This odyssey transcends time and space.” — Sheridan Whiteside, The Daily Rag


Principal *

Personnel Manager Larry Hill

~Adopt a Chair Sponsors Acting Principal ** 9

Student ^

The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily Rag


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Flute Joy Zalkind* Jesus Candela Humberto Carrillo

Trombone Allan Kaplan* Frank Otero John Feeny

DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE Director’s Circle - $750.00 (Limited)

Oboe Kevin Lett** – English Horn Holly Dalager

Tuba Jim Shearer*

Clarinet Madelyn Moore**

Timpani Fred Bugbee* ~Michael Chang

~Jeffrey Brown

John De La Paz Raul Olivas – Bass Clarinet

Percussion Newell Ramsey* Gabriel Garcia-Rivera^

Bassoon Stefanie Przybylska** Kathleen Lestone

William Reeves^

Horn Nancy Joy* Kristen Silver – Asst.

Anthony Guerrero^ Ethan Moore^ Karen Padilla

Priority seating ticket

VIP Green Room pre-concert reception with drop-in from the

Intermission reception

Private entry to theatre

Invitation to all post-concert meet

~Judy Bethmann

Harp Vanessa Gong*

Kim Beasley ~Don & Pat Johnson

All of the single Director’s Circle

2 additional season tickets next to (or close to) your priority tickets

2 guests at all pre-concert and intermission receptions

muscicians Valet parking when available

CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS Meet your corporation’s philanthropic goals and highlight your community responsibility. Corporate Sponsorships are a great return on investment! Allegro Corporate Sponsorship - $10,000+

William Kuyper John Groves

2 priority seating tickets

and greets, with conductors and

benefits + the following


~Barbara Edwards ~Damian & Carol Blaschka

Director’s Circle- $2,500.00 (Couples Option)

Piano/Celesta Esequiel Meza*

Trumpet Paul McLaughlin** Steve Schiller Jacob Dalager

Customized benefits to fit your organization’s unique needs

Bellissimo Business Sponsorship - $6,500

Ideal for entertaining clients with high quality performances and gifting employees

Maestro Professional Sponsorship - $3,5000

Perfect for raising your business’s community profile and enjoying some of the finer things in life

All sponsorships include VIP tickets, special events, advertising benefits, private theatre entrance, and more.

Principal *

~Adopt a Chair Sponsors Acting Principal ** 10

Student ^

For more information, contact the Las Cruces Symphony office at 575-646 -3709 or visit our website:


The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily Rag




New Study

For more than 62 years, the LCSO has been a leader among the arts in Las Cruces, employing more than 70 musicians who live and work in our area. Ticket sales only support about 40 percent of the cost of producing concerts. That is why we depend generous donations from our patrons.

Reveals Live

Please consider making a contribution to support the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra at one of the suggested donation levels and help to ensure the future of a professional symphony in Las Cruces.

Enhances Sense of Community

• Grandioso: $5,000 and up • Appassionato: $2,000-$4,999

• Rondo: $250-$499 • Dolce: $50-$249 Contact the Las Cruces Symphony office at 575-646-3709 or visit our website:

ADOPT A CHAIR The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra is a community supported orchestra, requiring the ongoing support of people willing to invest in the future of live performance. An “Adopt a Chair” sponsor provides funding for a specific musician’s salary; thus, establishing long-term sustainable funding for our orchestra. The sponsorship is not designated for a specific musician, but rather for the “chair” or position in the orchestra. Levels (per year) Music Director Concertmaster Principal Section Player

$5,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500


• • • •

By Hildy Johnson Associated Press Science Reporter

• Maestoso: $1,000-$1,999 • Scherzo: $500-$999

• • • •


Name recognition on personnel page Name recognition on LCSO website Personal introduction between sponsor and musician with photo op Invitation to post-concert receptions and special events


Las Cruces, NM — In a world where digital streaming and virtual experiences dominate, the power of live orchestra music stands as a beacon of community cohesion, according to a groundbreaking study conducted by two esteemed local professors. Lead researcher Ivana Bigrant expressed her insights, stating, "There is something special about live music. Something indescribable about the moment your concertmaster initiates the final tuning of the orchestra; about the moment your conductor takes the podium; about the moment the baton drops and the first chords from your Symphony transport you into a fabulous musical journey."

The Las Cruces Symphony hard at work building community

The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra emerges as a vital source of joy and discovery, fostering a sense of belonging among its patrons. "It is an irreplaceable chance for music lovers of all ages and backgrounds to be a part of something unique; an experience that cannot be duplicated by streaming performances online or flying to distant places to watch some other city’s symphony. As great as those things can be, they are fundamentally different," stated Anita Wrightmore, the study’s second author. Attendees of the Symphony are not merely treated to beautiful works of music; they are immersed in a shared experience that unites them with hundreds of their neighbors. Through these performances, the community is woven together. The study's findings underscore the profound impact of live symphony music in fostering a greater sense of community spirit. As Las Cruces continues to flourish, the symphony remains a cornerstone of cultural enrichment and communal bonding. 11

The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily

CLASSIFIEDS Rondo: $250-$499 Frank Belyan & Paul Mach Ben Holberg Shirley Cruse Charles & Linda Tharp Jim Maxon Dolce: $50-$249 Lee Beatty Karen Casci Jeffrey Brown Larry & Connie Candelaria Thomas & Joan Dormody Lois Grant & Richard Pratt Sally Ann Harper Kennan Newtson Ann Sallemi Wayne Flowers Garn Harris David Card Ellie Chalekian Sue Lashley Youth Orchestra Founders Circle: Caryl Kotulak Jennifer Taylor Richard & Joy Pearce Ann Carlson Larry & Connie Candelaria

Grandioso: $5,000 and up

Appassionato: $2,000-$4,999 Glennis L. Adam Maestoso: $1,000-$1,999 David Brown & Mary Beagle Elmer & Nancy Houghten James Gerwels & Tiffany Reimann Richard & Joy Pearce Julie Marineau Philip &Louise Silano Doug & Tina Bailey Scherzo: $500-$999 Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado Caryl Kotulak Janet Hampton Irv & Barb Ross Richard & Susan Emery Darrel W. Dodson Linda A. Shubeck Helen Zagona Francie Casillas

Youth Orchestra Sponsors


Marlene Mayfield Gordon Butler & Martha Ludeman Jim Maxon Lydia Evans Thomas & Joan Dormody Edward Aylesworth James Gerwels & Tiffini Reimann Karen Billings Henry & Marti Taylor Ilse Pokorny Susan Williams Kennan Newtson Juliana Boxer Richard Hiss Shirley Cruse Glennis L. Adam Frank & Cally Williams Peter & Dael Goodman Leora Zeitlin

Mary Ann Willson Lois Grant Grant & Tenya Price Ellen Michnovicz Jeffrey Brown Lucia Greene Ann Goldsberry Philip & Louise Silano Lee Beatty Emroy Shannon Kathryn Treat Gay Lenzo Barbara C. Davis Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado Don & Pat Johnson Ellie Chalekian Doug & Tina Bailey Roger C. Young Shevek Barnhart


The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily

CLASSIFIEDS Rondo: $250-$499 Frank Belyan & Paul Mach Ben Holberg Shirley Cruse Charles & Linda Tharp Jim Maxon Dolce: $50-$249 Lee Beatty Karen Casci Jeffrey Brown Larry & Connie Candelaria Thomas & Joan Dormody Lois Grant & Richard Pratt Sally Ann Harper Kennan Newtson Ann Sallemi Wayne Flowers Garn Harris David Card Ellie Chalekian Sue Lashley Youth Orchestra Founders Circle: Caryl Kotulak Jennifer Taylor Richard & Joy Pearce Ann Carlson Larry & Connie Candelaria

Grandioso: $5,000 and up

Appassionato: $2,000-$4,999 Glennis L. Adam Maestoso: $1,000-$1,999 David Brown & Mary Beagle Elmer & Nancy Houghten James Gerwels & Tiffany Reimann Richard & Joy Pearce Julie Marineau Philip &Louise Silano Doug & Tina Bailey Scherzo: $500-$999 Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado Caryl Kotulak Janet Hampton Irv & Barb Ross Richard & Susan Emery Darrel W. Dodson Linda A. Shubeck Helen Zagona Francie Casillas

Youth Orchestra Sponsors


Marlene Mayfield Gordon Butler & Martha Ludeman Jim Maxon Lydia Evans Thomas & Joan Dormody Edward Aylesworth James Gerwels & Tiffini Reimann Karen Billings Henry & Marti Taylor Ilse Pokorny Susan Williams Kennan Newtson Juliana Boxer Richard Hiss Shirley Cruse Glennis L. Adam Frank & Cally Williams Peter & Dael Goodman Leora Zeitlin

Mary Ann Willson Lois Grant Grant & Tenya Price Ellen Michnovicz Jeffrey Brown Lucia Greene Ann Goldsberry Philip & Louise Silano Lee Beatty Emroy Shannon Kathryn Treat Gay Lenzo Barbara C. Davis Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado Don & Pat Johnson Ellie Chalekian Doug & Tina Bailey Roger C. Young Shevek Barnhart


The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily Rag




New Study

For more than 62 years, the LCSO has been a leader among the arts in Las Cruces, employing more than 70 musicians who live and work in our area. Ticket sales only support about 40 percent of the cost of producing concerts. That is why we depend generous donations from our patrons.

Reveals Live

Please consider making a contribution to support the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra at one of the suggested donation levels and help to ensure the future of a professional symphony in Las Cruces.

Enhances Sense of Community

• Grandioso: $5,000 and up • Appassionato: $2,000-$4,999

• Rondo: $250-$499 • Dolce: $50-$249 Contact the Las Cruces Symphony office at 575-646-3709 or visit our website:

ADOPT A CHAIR The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra is a community supported orchestra, requiring the ongoing support of people willing to invest in the future of live performance. An “Adopt a Chair” sponsor provides funding for a specific musician’s salary; thus, establishing long-term sustainable funding for our orchestra. The sponsorship is not designated for a specific musician, but rather for the “chair” or position in the orchestra. Levels (per year) Music Director Concertmaster Principal Section Player

$5,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500


• • • •

By Hildy Johnson Associated Press Science Reporter

• Maestoso: $1,000-$1,999 • Scherzo: $500-$999

• • • •


Name recognition on personnel page Name recognition on LCSO website Personal introduction between sponsor and musician with photo op Invitation to post-concert receptions and special events


Las Cruces, NM — In a world where digital streaming and virtual experiences dominate, the power of live orchestra music stands as a beacon of community cohesion, according to a groundbreaking study conducted by two esteemed local professors. Lead researcher Ivana Bigrant expressed her insights, stating, "There is something special about live music. Something indescribable about the moment your concertmaster initiates the final tuning of the orchestra; about the moment your conductor takes the podium; about the moment the baton drops and the first chords from your Symphony transport you into a fabulous musical journey."

The Las Cruces Symphony hard at work building community

The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra emerges as a vital source of joy and discovery, fostering a sense of belonging among its patrons. "It is an irreplaceable chance for music lovers of all ages and backgrounds to be a part of something unique; an experience that cannot be duplicated by streaming performances online or flying to distant places to watch some other city’s symphony. As great as those things can be, they are fundamentally different," stated Anita Wrightmore, the study’s second author. Attendees of the Symphony are not merely treated to beautiful works of music; they are immersed in a shared experience that unites them with hundreds of their neighbors. Through these performances, the community is woven together. The study's findings underscore the profound impact of live symphony music in fostering a greater sense of community spirit. As Las Cruces continues to flourish, the symphony remains a cornerstone of cultural enrichment and communal bonding. 11

The Las Cruces Daily

The Las Cruces Daily Rag


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Flute Joy Zalkind* Jesus Candela Humberto Carrillo

Trombone Allan Kaplan* Frank Otero John Feeny

DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE Director’s Circle - $750.00 (Limited)

Oboe Kevin Lett** – English Horn Holly Dalager

Tuba Jim Shearer*

Clarinet Madelyn Moore**

Timpani Fred Bugbee* ~Michael Chang

~Jeffrey Brown

John De La Paz Raul Olivas – Bass Clarinet

Percussion Newell Ramsey* Gabriel Garcia-Rivera^

Bassoon Stefanie Przybylska** Kathleen Lestone

William Reeves^

Horn Nancy Joy* Kristen Silver – Asst.

Anthony Guerrero^ Ethan Moore^ Karen Padilla

Priority seating ticket

VIP Green Room pre-concert reception with drop-in from the

Intermission reception

Private entry to theatre

Invitation to all post-concert meet

~Judy Bethmann

Harp Vanessa Gong*

Kim Beasley ~Don & Pat Johnson

All of the single Director’s Circle

2 additional season tickets next to (or close to) your priority tickets

2 guests at all pre-concert and intermission receptions

muscicians Valet parking when available

CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS Meet your corporation’s philanthropic goals and highlight your community responsibility. Corporate Sponsorships are a great return on investment! Allegro Corporate Sponsorship - $10,000+

William Kuyper John Groves

2 priority seating tickets

and greets, with conductors and

benefits + the following


~Barbara Edwards ~Damian & Carol Blaschka

Director’s Circle- $2,500.00 (Couples Option)

Piano/Celesta Esequiel Meza*

Trumpet Paul McLaughlin** Steve Schiller Jacob Dalager

Customized benefits to fit your organization’s unique needs

Bellissimo Business Sponsorship - $6,500

Ideal for entertaining clients with high quality performances and gifting employees

Maestro Professional Sponsorship - $3,5000

Perfect for raising your business’s community profile and enjoying some of the finer things in life

All sponsorships include VIP tickets, special events, advertising benefits, private theatre entrance, and more.

Principal *

~Adopt a Chair Sponsors Acting Principal ** 10

Student ^

For more information, contact the Las Cruces Symphony office at 575-646 -3709 or visit our website:


The Las Cruces Daily Rag

The Las Cruces Daily Rag



Conductor: Ming Luke

Atkinson AudioPlex 1

Sponsored by Jean Pritchard

Nominated for 8 Melodrama Awards!

Stage Manager Lessie Smithhisler

Horror in the Night! “It will haunt you like Susan Alexander’s voice.” — Jedediah Leland, The Inquirer

The most uplifting show of the year! It will have you singing in your seat.

Librarian Jesse Galindo

Viola Jorge Martinez-Rios*

Violin I Brigid McCarthy*— Concertmaster

~Jean Pritchard

~Jean Pritchard ~Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado

Monica Arredondo ~Arturo & Maria Elena Jurado

Cristina Leony ~Jean Pritchard

Barbara Creider

Vanessa Cedillos Daniel Rivera Alan Mar Santiago Rodriguez III Ana Maria Quintero Javier Garcia-Rivera^

~JM King

Elisabeth Greene Ray Arreola Laura Campbell Cello Jorge Espinoza*

Violin II Elizabeth Zamora*

Coming Soon! In Theatres beginning April 13th, 7PM; 14th, 3 PM

~James Gerwels & Tiffini Reimann

~Candis Stern

Erin Espinoza Cesar Camarena Elizabeth Purvis Emma Alvarez^

Shelly Wood Teresa Kristovich Paola Gabbi-Madrid Kevin Wilson^ Melissa Warr

Bass William Scholten* Robert Taylor Tyler Valadez

Starring Heather Pinkham “This odyssey transcends time and space.” — Sheridan Whiteside, The Daily Rag


Principal *

Personnel Manager Larry Hill

~Adopt a Chair Sponsors Acting Principal ** 9

Student ^

The Las Cruces Daily Rag

The Las Cruces Daily Rag



LCSA Gala 2024 Announced Join the Las Cruces Symphony Association for an evening of glamour and excitement at their annual LCSA Gala: A Night at the Copacabana. Indulge in a night of elegance and sizzling energy!

Ming Luke

Purchase your Gala tickets here!



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS The mission of the Las Cruces Symphony Association is to present and promote music of the highest quality for the region’s enrichment, and to serve our community as a musical, cultural, and educational resource

2023-24 Board of Directors Michael Chang

Marc A. Moffett

Laura Self

Larry Hill

Barbara Ross

Linda Shubeck

Scott Lucas

Carmen Rustenbeck

Catherine Zaharko

Thomas Marconi Executive Board Michael Chang, President Marc A. Moffett, Vice-President Larry Hill, Secretary Carmen Rustenbeck, Treasurer Ex-Officio

Carmen Rustenbeck, Interim Executive Director Ming Luke, Music Director

The Las Cruces Symphony Association is the administrative and governing arm of the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra, governed by a Board of Directors composed of local community members. A successful symphony orchestra is a partnership between the music director, musicians, administrative staff, board of directors, donors, and patrons. Acting on behalf of all who have a vested interest in the LCSO, the Board of Directors is responsible for the good stewardship of the Symphony. For more information about the LCSA Board o f Directors and membership possibilities, please contact the LCSA at 575-646-3709.



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A New Season at the Symphony Welcome to our 2023-24 season of the finest symphonic music, performed by our dedicated orchestra under the direction of Maestro Ming Luke. This will be a season of change as we try new things and collaborate with other arts organizations in exciting ways. Whether it be joining our music with the arts of ballet and drama, the joining of cultures in celebration of Día de los Muertos, the joining our instruments with choral voices for the holidays, or just humming along with our favorite tunes from the movies, we recognize that music has the ability to touch everyone. As the saying goes, “Where words fail, music speaks”. We also recognize our responsibility to educate and develop the next generation of musicians

through the development of our The Las Cruces Symphony Youth Orchestra and our newly formed Junior Orchestra! We are excited that the Youth Orchestra will again be joining us onstage, not once, but twice this season. Our mission is to present and promote music of the highest quality for the region’s enrichment and to serve our community. This would not be possible without the financial support of you who are here, our season sponsors, business advertisers, and donors. We are truly thankful for your generosity and look forward to your continued support.


Too Many Great Performances!

accommodate those of us who prefer our cultural experiences with a side of slippers? In short, I demand the LCSO tone it down. After all, isn't the true mark of a great symphony the ability to cater to the needs of those who would rather listen from the comfort of their recliners?

I write to register my deep dissatisfaction with the recent string of outstanding performances by the Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra. While many applaud such talent, I find myself facing an unseemly predicament – I now have to leave the comfort of my own home to attend these shows! How I long for the days when an LCSO performance meant a leisurely evening home in pajamas, cognac and Kant in hand. Unfortunately, the LCSO has shattered this peaceful routine by consistently delivering performances that demand my presence. The GALL! I implore the LCSO to consider the plight of us homebodies. Must every performance be a dazzling spectacle? Can't we, just now and again, have a subpar rendition to

Profoundly disgruntled, M ARC A. M OFFETT Las Cruces, NM UFO Problems Need Addressing Something needs to be done about the increasing presence of UFOs in the Mesilla area. They are a scourge and I believe they are deliberately ruining my tomatoes!! M ABEL WHITACRE M ESILLA, NM



The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS Though the technique existed

Also, I am personally delight-

before he used it, Wagner was a

ed to have ths new edition of

master of using specific themes

the score available to or-

to identify individual characters,

chestras and the public. It

moods, objects, and even magic


fire, especially in his 18-hour Ring

March" and "Yoda's Theme”,



both of which have not been

separate, but connected, operas).

available until this present

Beginning with the original Star

printing. [NOTE: This con-

Wars trilogy, and continuing with


a number of other famous film

“Imperial March,” but we will



omit “Yoda’s Theme.” Sorry

mastere d














technique, as each of the suites on this concert clearly displays.

I have always felt privileged



to have had the opportuni-

following note with the score

ty to compose music for

being used in this

these landmark films, and


the ongoing interest in the



films and their music has

continued to be one of my greatest joys.” “During 1997 we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the release of

George Lucas' classic film Star Wars. All of us connected with this phenomenal




greatly gratified to see an entire

new generation of very young film -goers enjoy the Star Wars trilogy and relate so strongly to its story, characters, and music. 20


The Las Cruces Daily Rag

LOCAL NEWS This concert will feature a

Information Revealed

number of suites drawn both from

Continued from Page 3

by one composer and some that

specific films and various film series, some with scores all written have utilized multiple composers

Composers including Erich

over the years. The 007: Through

Korngold (Captain Blood, The Adven-

the Years and Star Trek: Through

tures of Robin Hood), Max Steiner

the Years suites, for example, fea-

(King Kong, Gone With the Wind),

ture iconic themes that have been

Franz Waxman (The Bride of Franken-

created by various composers and

stein, Sunset Boulevard) and Bernard

then utilized and sometimes up-

Herrmann (numerous Alfred Hitch-

dated by subsequent composers

cock films, The Day The Earth Stood

who work with some of the same

Still) brought a wide array of Euro-

material and also create new ma-

pean classical traditions to the gen-

terial for later films as the series

re of film composition, altering and extending






styles to meet the needs of a given


Rachel Breck and Joshua Godman and Corps © 2022 Marc A. Moffett


the most famous film composer of

film for which they were composing.

all time and certainly the most

For example, Bernard Herrmann

active current film composer fea-

and others introduced jazz and oth-

tured on this concert, is repre-

er popular music elements in films

sented on this show with three

when needed, and in the score for

works, including the Harry Potter

The Day The Earth Stood Still, we see

Symphonic Suite, Highlights from

some of the first use of the there-

Jurassic Park,

min and other electronic instru-

and the Star Wars

Suite for Orchestra. In the multiple

ments and effects that predate

film scores for each of these leg-

modern synthesizers by almost two

endary film series, Williams fre-

decades. Most modern film com-

quently utilizes a classical tech-

posers all follow the basic models

nique most commonly associated

set up during this early film-making

with the operas of Ricard Wagner,


Leitmotiv. 4


The Las Cruces Daily Rag


Revealed! Information About Tonight’s Performance

The first commercial “talkie” ev-

by Jim Shearer Staff Writer at The Daily Rag

certain points. From there you

er made featured Al Jolson as The Jazz Singer. It was actually mostly still a silent film with music that featured him actually

singing, synced with the film, at enter a world of “diegetic” and

La-La Land, USA — Music has

non-diegetic” film soundtracks,

been integral to the commercial

meaning you have music that

film industry since the earliest

actually happens in the film, i.e.,

days of silent movies. Most early

you see the singer and/or or-

movie houses had a pianist or

chestra playing as the music

organist, and films came with

happens, or you have what is

“cue sheets” that suggested par-

called an “underscore,” which is

ticular tunes to play that helped

music that suits the mood of the

set the mood required at any

moment but is literally intended

given moment in a film. As movie palaces




to blend into the background of


the film.

Wurlitzer organs with multiple

As film making progressed into

ranks of pipes and all kinds of



the 1930s, Hollywood enjoyed a

and other

European musical renaissance,

sound effects that could be used

as a wide array of gifted classi-

to enhance a silent film. A few of these

cally-trained composers fled the

magnificent instruments

oppressive rise of Hitler and the

have been preserved today and

Nazis. They found a safe haven

are still in use, including the

and a means of financial stability

Mighty Wurlitzer at the Plaza

by working in the American film

Theatre in El Paso. As movies

industry, and the conventions

progressed, they came with full

and standards they set continue

scores to be performed, and the

to be the basic tenets for how

biggest movie houses often fea-

most film soundtracks are creat-

tured live orchestras performing

ed today.

a full soundtrack cued to the

Continued on Page 4

events in a silent film. 22


The Las Cruces Daily Rag


The Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra Ming Luke, Music Director & Conductor


007: Through the Years

Arr. Stephen Bulla Highlights from Wicked Stephen Schwartz, Arr. Ted Ricketts Music from Frozen Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Arr. Bob Krogstad Harry Potter Symphonic Suite John Williams, Arr. Jerry Brubaker

~ Intermission ~ Highlights from Jurassic Park John Williams, Arr. Calvin Custer Star Trek Through the Years Arr. Calvin Custer

Star Wars Suite John Williams



Pops 2

February 10th, 7:30 PM & February 11th, 3:00 PM

The Las Cruces Daily Rag Entertainment

LCSO to Perform Hits from the Silver

Screen by ADDISON DEWITT THEATRE CRITIC LAS CRUCES, NM — Ah! Dear patrons of the melodic arts, brace yourselves for an auditory feast. To those of you who do not read, attend the theater, or listen to unsponsored radio, I present to you the newly invigorated Las Cruces Symphony Orchestra. Under the baton of the illustrious Maestro Ming Luke, the LCSO shall summon forth melodies of such profundity that they shall carve rivulets of emotion upon your memories. With each note we shall be transported to the iconic realm of cinematic wonders. From Bond to Potter, from Wicked to Star Trek, the strings shall whisper tales of passion; the brass, herald valor and triumph; and the woodwinds, they shall dance like wisps of stardust. Ladies and gentlemen, as we prepare to witness this sublime spectacle, let us not merely attend but be present. 24

Let us not only hear, but listen. For in the ephemeral embrace of these notes, we shall find ourselves transported to a realm where time and space are but trivial constructs in the face of pure, unadulterated artistry. So, esteemed readers, adorn yourselves in the elegance befitting such a soirée and secure your tickets posthaste. Let us collectively bask in the luminous glow of the Silver Screen for an evening that shall undoubtedly solidify the LCSO’s rightful ascendancy as the maestro of our city's cultural landscape.

Maestro Ming Luke accompanied by an ethereal enchantress to the Symphony's hallowed grounds, Atkinson Recital Hall, prior to the final Pops concert of the 2023-24 season.

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