6 minute read

How Animal Shelters are Evolving

By Alicia Bailey

The first animal shelter was more of a catch pen for stray horses and farm animals, run by a single person who wrangled up the animals and then charged people a fee to retrieve them. The creation of this transaction put a new value on animals, extending to companion animals like dogs and cats. During this period, these lost souls were kept in inhumane conditions, received little to no medical care, and if not retrieved by their owner or an interested buyer, faced imminent death.


In the late 1800s, concerned about the treatment of horses at these operations, the Women’s Branch of the Pennsylvania SPCA in Philadelphia became the first organization to focus on the humane treatment of shelter animals.1 This intervention paved the way for improvements in animal welfare, rules and regulations around boarding animals, laws and legislation to protect animals, and the formation of other animal welfare organizations.

The most seismic undertaking has been that of the actual brick-and-mortar animal shelter and their operational standards. While animal welfare has many moving parts, public animal shelters are at the center of the axis in communities nationwide. From how it looks from

1 passersby to the overarching philosophy driving operational protocols, to how it involves the people of the community, every detail matters when it comes to saving the lives of the animals inside.

The public shelter system is stretched thin, to say the least. Animals enter at what feels like lightning speed, but getting them safely out of the shelter often feels like a slow leak. When public shelters are at capacity and have no more kennel space to house homeless pets, they look for rescue resources, animal transfers, and adopters to come through with assistance. If enough assistance is not available, often euthanasia of selected animals occurs.

Ending the practice of killing animals for space is a driving force behind the tireless work people and organizations have been fighting for in public shelters. To tackle such an ingrained practice requires time, research, program and resource implementation, good and bad ideas, successes and failures, and a dedication from shelter staff, volunteers, advocates, community members, and animal lovers to not waver from what they believe is the right thing to do.

Changing the Way We Think

Science has played a tremendous role in innovative veterinary disease treatment and prevention. The expansion of veterinary school curriculum to include Shelter Medicine has made way for more compassionate care for shelter animals. Research has given us insight and understanding around the human-animal bond, and animal psychology. Technology has streamlined the daily paper shuffle into an accessible and accurate wealth of information, including shelter statistics that allow professionals to look at the system holistically, identify challenges, and develop solutions on a larger scale. And finally, compassionate people who care about animals have shown up, spoken out, and demanded transparency on behalf of the animals. These actions continue to bring lifesaving program development, changes in legislation, updates in animal protection laws, and a greater community awareness around animal welfare.

Creating a Collaborative Community

Community sheltering is a shelter model that focuses on saving the lives of homeless animals by providing a holistic model. Research has shown that often animals are surrendered due to lack of resources or assistance in an emergency. This means that shelters are meeting people and pets where they are, lifting adoption barriers, providing resources from pet food to veterinarian care to those in need, and much more.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, animal shelters were met with an overwhelming demand from the public who wanted to foster or adopt a pet. The time at home, for some, meant lifestyle changes that made adopting a new companion possible. This radical demand for companion animals made shelters and rescues stop to wonder if they had been missing something. Were all these people available before the pandemic? Was there this much interest in helping pets all along? How do we help everyone get involved?

The Power of First Impressions

Shelters are upgrading the way they appear to the public, leaving behind the dreary compound vibe and moving into a more modern and welcoming style. Welcoming building designs, bright and thoughtful spaces, and calming kennels encourage the public to visit and help shift the public perception of shelters being sad and scary places. Forward-thinking shelters know that creating a positive experience for the shelter visitors will keep them coming back and perhaps inspire them to sign up to volunteer or apply for a job.

For the animals, an updated facility can mean improved health and wellness protocols. For example, easier to clean kennels mean less stress on the animals. More space for programming means enrichment, like playgroups and training sessions outside the kennel. A welcoming facility means more caring volunteers will be on site to work closely with animals who need extra TLC. And, most important, a welcoming facility means more eager adopters will walk through the doors.

Prioritizing Animal Health & Enrichment

Years ago, if a dog was picked up by animal control and dropped off at the shelter, that dog would be assessed right then and there for temperament. This temperament test would determine if said dog would make it to a kennel or be euthanized. If the dog lashed out, nipped, or bit during those first moments of being at the shelter, they would more than likely be deemed a danger and euthanized.

Today we understand that, like humans, a dog (or any being) thrust into a new, strange place will most likely feel fear and uncertainty. Like humans, different animals react differently to these feelings. Some shut down, some bite. We know now that animals in a new place need time to adjust to their new surroundings before they feel safe enough to show us their personality.

To accommodate this, some shelters are hiring animal behaviorists or trainers who have a deeper understanding about animal behavior and, more importantly, humane solutions to support them.

We also understand that animals are sentient beings, capable of feelings, able to create strong bonds with other animals and humans, with a need for mental and physical stimulation, movement, and ways to reduce or burn off stress. Shelters are addressing these needs in multiple ways, including:

„ Playgroups indoors or outdoors give animals opportunity to socialize, play, and use their senses in a different way. It also allows them to burn off energy, reduces stress, and allows shelter staff and volunteers to see a dog’s personality bloom.

„ In-kennel enrichment, such as presenting meals in food puzzles, adding toys for self-engagement, and providing human interaction with volunteers, including brushing, petting, or massaging.

„ Daily individual walks give dogs a break from the kennel, offer a structured form of exercise, practice leash manners, explore sights and smells, and enjoy human companionship.

„ Field trips with volunteers or staff, such as café outings or shopping trips, give animals a break from the shelter, an opportunity to practice their behavior skills, explore new sights and smells, enjoy a car ride, get one-on-one time with a companion and be seen by potential adopters.

„ Pack walks or hikes offer socialization with people and other dogs, training, leash manners, and other training. opportunities, stress reduction, and more.

„ The Read to a Shelter Dog Program gives young readers a forgiving (and furry) ear to listen to them practice reading. This gives the animal companionship, the sound of a calming voice, and an opportunity to get a few scratches and treats along the way.

Refreshing Old Practices

Out with the old and in with the new—and improved! As public perception changes and the needs of animals within a community change, shelter protocols must change as well. Some of those include:

„ Offering accessible hours of operation to the public; for example, being open on the weekends, and having one night a week where the shelter is open after regular business hours. This gives people with traditional work schedules and other obligations times they can access and visit the animal shelter.

„ Lifting outdated adoption barriers such as income requirements or home checks.

„ Prioritizing pet reunification.

„ Expanding foster care programs to support adoption outside the shelter walls.

„ Feral cat programs, or Trap, Neuter, Return, Manage (TNRM), keep them out of shelters, but offer management and care of the colonies plus to control their population.

„ Humane education for the community around animal issues such as feral cats, spaying and neutering, microchipping, and other animal issues.

„ Implementing volunteers across all areas of shelter administration and operation and animals’ health and well-being.

„ Marketing and the use of social platforms are integral to showing the public that the shelter has nothing to hide, welcomes

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