Collaborative consumption

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Big Idea U Share Space is a collaborative platform for students to upload, share and discuss ideas and knowledge together in one manageable area. Creating a place where you can communicate and see other students work no matter where you are. With online portfolios, work is accessible, easily viewed and stored meaning that large amounts of paper are not wasted. People can go and share their work and gain feedback and ideas from those in a similar field to their own. Alongside this I want U Share Space to be a place where lecturers can gain quick and easy access to their pupils work – the more this platform grows, the easier and more successful this will be. To create an effective link between lecturers and pupils will not only create a stress free and time saving university environment, but it will also bring down the excessive amount of unused and wasted paper that the majority of students contribute to when handing in work in a physical format. U Share Space has the possibility of working together with organizations such as the Rainforest Alliance and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) giving students the opportunity to achieve recognition and partnerships with said companies. This in turn helps promote conscious awareness in young people of the environmental implications that paper and print production create. U Share Space is also an effective place for employers to headhunt young people within their aspiring fields with the possibility of future careers.

Collaborative Consumption 2013 - 014

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U Share Space



Share, exchange, & network. P .4 There are already self publishing sites on the internet, but none specifically catering for students alone. BEHANCE


Behance is a network of sites and services specializing in self-promotion, including consulting and online portfolio sites.

Issuu is a free digital publishing site that attempts to simulate the experience of reading a print publication online. As a digital newsstand with over 14 million magazines and 70 million active readers, Issuu features leading and emerging titles in fashion, culture and arts.

U Share Space



The more work that is on the system the more knowledge that can be gained through sharing.

The more knowledge that can be gained through sharing, the more others will want to view and share .

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The more people that upload their work, the more work that will be on the system to share.

/ 40%

of the world's industrial logging goes into making paper, which is expected to reach 50% in the near future.


With the cost of paper and printing on a gradual yearly rise, it has become an expensive method of communicating a method or idea. It is now more attractive for lots of businesses and individuals to switch to online digital formats as a way of saving money and being able to update current information quicker and with ease, Though U Share Space is a platform for all students to share all knowledge, as a graphic design student I understand the cost of paper and printing all too well. It is a huge cost for art and design students, one that is not recognised by the student loans companies, with no subsidies made for such costs it swallows a large chunk of the loan. There is a combined movement on a global scale by companies and individuals alike to become greener in many aspects of our lives. With the ever increasing threat of global warming looming over us, there is a concious effort being made by many to try and combat the problem we face. I am going to look into the effects that the paper and printing industries have on the environment and the impact that they make. Also looking at what companies are conciously doing to lower the impact that this industry is having on global warming.

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As we move more and more into a society that interacts through a digital format on many different levels, it seems inevitable that this way of communicating on mass is a more viable and sustainable method to use, both for large businesses and the everyday person.



Much of our documentation is still conducted via a paper trail. Not only does this leave piles of paper to manage, there’s the economic cost of all of that ink and paper and, importantly, there’s also an environmental cost involved with printing that we all bear as a society. Overall global paper consumption is on the rise.

Though paper recovery rates in the UK have increased in recent years, paper still represents one of the biggest components of solid waste in landfills – 26 million tons (or 16% of landfill solid waste). When paper decomposes in a landfill, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

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global consumption of paper has increased by almost half since 1980

Thomas Counsell from the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing speculated that up to two percent of greenhouse gases are a result of paper consumption, largely driven by the production and disposal of new and used printed paper. These days we communicate most of the time by email and text, receive statements online and fax machines are already a thing of the past – yet global paper consumption since 1980 has gone up by almost half. The worst offenders are the Belgians, with the equivalent of 8 40-foot trees worth of paper being consumed by each member of the population per year, according to The Economist.

Source: Forest Ethics

Paper production is the third most energy-intensive of all manufacturing industries, using over 12% of all energy in the industrial sector. The paper and pulp industry is also the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the manufacturing sector.

million tons of paper goes into land fill every year in the UK

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3 26



North America 504.84 229

Western Europe

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Pounds / Kilos per person

393.98 178.7

Latin America 94.84 43.02

Asia 90.34 41

Africa 16.56 7.51



V 4.48

trees are used for paper every year in the UK per person

268,800,000 trees every year in the UK alone


U Share Space will help to tackle the problem of paper consumption by providing an online piblishing domain for students at the same time creating a quick secure platform to view and share work with their piers and tutors



“Anybody without a paper contract has seen paper costs go up 20% in the last year. I think paper is going to continue to rise, so I recommend having a paper contract to control the price increase. Paper is the largest cost of any print job, so being able to control the cost will help you stay within your budget.”

Salvatore Lacorte, consultant in commercial printing at Sony

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“If currency markets hold up, I think we are looking at a second quarter increase. To adjust to this increase, marketers are likely going to reduce their spending and go to an uncoated or matte fi nish and maybe move downwards in paper grade. I don't think there is any magic wand to wave, it is something they will have to respond to.” Dustin LeFebvre, EVP of marketing at Specialty Print Communications

Times are changing! "The sales of printed encyclopedias have been negligible for several years, we knew this was going to come." Jorge Cauz, president of the Encyclopaedia Britannica

In 1990 120,000 sets were sold, but moving into the 21st century the company saw sales drop dramatically and in 2010 just 8,500 volumes were sold, this was the companies final year of it’s printed publication. Online versions of the encyclopedia now serve more than 100 million people around the world, and are available on mobile devices. The encyclopedia has become increasingly social as well because users can send comments to editors and it is constantly updated with fresh and new information.

“A printed encyclopedia is obsolete the minute that you print it,” Mr Cauz said. “Whereas our online edition is updated continuously.”

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Encyclopedia Britanica was first published in Edinburgh in 1768. The publisher is ditching its weighty volumes to concentrate on an internet version, after recognising that knowledge was changing so quickly that the they were becoming obsolete as soon as they were issued.



Talking to People Online Survey’s

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Fast and effective way to display my work in a crisp, clean way.


You could interact with students from other Universities which in turn would create shared knowledge out side of your specific course.


Yes, could share ideas and get feedback for your work. Employees may be able to recruit from seeing work online.


Yes I would. Benefits would definitely be an easier/quicker way to share knowledge, but make things easier.


Yes - I would like the chance to be able to share my work with students only - there isn't that pressure of graduates judging you, then.

The feedback I received regarding the idea to create a web based platform specifically for students to upload and share work was really positiveand it is clear that this sort of sharingplatform would work succesfully.

Social media and the internet more important than ever before. It’s a quick and easy way to upload and share work and ideas with like-minded people. It’s free It is a unique place just for students. A great place to gain knowledge and to expand on things that you would never have thought of before – the more people use it the more information, work and knowledge will be on the system and so everyone will benefit. It’s environmentally friendly Saves X amount of paper, trees and therefore land every year. Saves money from 100% less use of paper and ink. Due to it being an internet based system, it can be accessed anywhere, at any time and so you are always ready to share work and to gain ideas from others.

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Next Steps P . 15


U Share Space

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Next steps for U Share Space, in conjunction with universites and organisations such as FSC and Rainforest Alliance we can really start to make a dent in the global problem that is paper wasteage. In an industry that uses so much of this resource, it is clearly a positive step in the right direction to help tackle this problem. With these influential companies involved and the attraction to students of a invaliable resource and networking opportunity U Share Space can grow into a global community of concious thinking young professionals..

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