NCF Oslo June 12th 2009

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“In the old days, someone might have a bad customer experience and tell 10 people. But now, with the rise of blogs, MySpace and Facebook, that person might be able to tell 10,000 people. This totally changes the dynamic, and importance, of customer experience.” Bruce Temkin, vp/principal analyst at Forrester Research Source: Forrester “The Customer Experience Index 2007”,,7211,43877,00.html, Brandweek,

NCF | Oslo | June 12th 2009

To Rethink is a Must

New Behavior

”Get ready! Ask yourself. Are you still trying to get journalists to write about your products? Are you still making websites? Is your social networking strategy to “get a Facebook Page”? ...or... Are you making yourself a natural part of people's stream of information?” Thomas Baekdal,

Source: Brian Solis, PR 2.0,

Source: BBC News The Editors Blog,

Source: Edmunds CarSpace,

Facts & Fictions

Belong to a Social Network

Source: Universal Mccann International Social Media Research Wave 3,

200 000 000 users

133 000 000 indexed blogs

309 000 000 edits

Social Media is Fast False. Social media is by definition slow. Done correctly, social media is about developing meaningful relationships with customers and prospective customers in their natural habitat. That’s not a “wave the magic wand” scenario. You have to create content, be part of many communities, and proceed incrementally. Source: Convince & Convert,

Social Media Results Can’t be Measured False. Especially in comparison to many other communication programs like traditional PR, TV advertising, outdoor advertising and others, social media actually offers pretty solid metrics Source: Convince & Convert,

Social Media is Optional False. It doesn’t matter what the demographics of your customers are. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. Your customers and prospects are talking about you online. Your company needs to be part of that conversation. Today. Online is where many people do their talking, so that’s where you need to be. Source: Convince & Convert,

Case: South West Airlines

�Write headlines for two audiences: readers and searchers� Andy Beal, reputation management expert

Five-step process 1.  Conduct keyword research so you 2.  3.  4.  5.

Source: Southwest,, PRWeb,

know what people are looking for Edit press releases to include search terms Have special hyperlinks on hand, and use them wisely Distribute via wire service that is crawled by news search engines Test a variety of press releases During the period February 2004 to April 2005, Southwest Airlines was able to directly track more than $2.5 million in online ticket sales to optimized press releases

Case: Starbucks

“Social media tools help you find conversations that can give you insight into what individuals in your market are saying about your product. This can give you an opportunity to engage people on their terms, not as a salesperson, but as a resource, and then get the sale because of it.� Brian Solis, Principal of FutureWorks, blog PR2.0

Source: “My Starbucks Idea”,

Source: “My Starbucks Idea”,

Case: H&M

�If the news is that important it will find me� College student quoted in New York Times

The Crowdsourcing A company, an organization or a person

Source: H&M - Facebook,

Case: Oxfam

�Human interaction is still human interaction, and what it takes to be successful with it has not changed. What has changed is the places where it happens.� Brian Solis, Principal of FutureWorks, blog PR2.0

Case: Alaska Airlines

”An entire generation is growing up that will never dial a 1-800 number to reach customer care” Source: Edelman Digital ”Five digital trends to watch 2009”

Source: chrismessina – Twitter,

Source: chrismessina - Twitter,

Case: Dell

Case: Scania

”I think it’s Harley-Davidson, Nike, Scania and some other brands that is being tattooed” Scania vice president marketing

•  •

Source: Scania Group - Flickr,

1.1 million photos are tagged "trucks" and 26 000 are tagged "Scania”. "Scania Group has 238 photos that have been viewed 210 000 times.

Source: Flickr Scania Fire Appliances/Apparatus,

Case: Electrolux

�It's not rocket science but you have to put the right resources to back up your strategy. Then...execution is everything.� Anders Edholm, vice president media relations and issue management, Electrolux

Source: Electrolux Newsroom Italy,

Source: Electrolux Newsroom Italy,

Source: Electrolux Newsroom Italy,

Electrolux Lessons Learnd »  Integrated part in all communication »  Co-operation and internal training »  Be active within online conversations »  Create excellent content and make it visible and

shareable »  Execution is everything »  Have the best set up of tools

You Must Rethink Now

Participate & Connect




»  The analysis & identification »

Identify and listen to key bloggers, key micro bloggers, online forums, social networks etc.


»  The strategies and policies »  »  »

The online arena has to be part of the overall strategies and policies. However specific policies and strategies are needed, for example, for social media. Who are your spokespersons in social media?


»  The conversation »  »  »

Listen to the conversation. Participate in key online conversations. Initiate conversations at key online arenas.


»  The visibility »



Support to increase the online visibility of press releases, photos, videos, presentations etc. with focus on search engine visibility. Support to start use new visualizers like Twitter, Google Adwords, Social Networks, mobile devices etc. Support to manage key pages and create campaign “pages” within Wikipedia, YouTube, Slideshare, Facebook etc.


»  The measurement »  »

Find you key index Set concrete target that are measurable.


»  The training & tools »  »

Do continuously training internally and with external partners Set up a toolbox

to rethink is a must

Sermo Consulting Sermo Consulting is a small niche agency with long and extensive experience in strategic and tactical guidance in online corporate communication. Sermo is working for listed and non listed companies, such as Color Line, Dell, Electrolux, SAS and Scania. Sermo has 12 consultants based in Oslo and Stockholm. Thomas Tangen, founding partner, online corporate communication strategist Mobile: +47 (930) 535 555 | E-mail: Twitter Peter Einarsson, founding partner, online corporate communication strategist Mobile: +46 708 666 995 | E-mail: Twitter

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