1 minute read
What is Natural Selection?
What is natural selection?
Natural selection is when living things have traits better suited to the environment than others, and they reproduce and that gene line is passed on and passed on, eventually creating an animal that is more efficient in that specific environment. In shorter words, it is when living organisms adapt and change based on their environment.
Human induced evolution
Humans have influenced the change in living over time, like in corn. Farmers used to pick and replant the biggest corn crops, causing that gene to be passed down through each and every plant, until they got to what we have today.
Examples of natural selection

A fictional example of natural selection is, there are red, and green bugs in a habitat, and the birds that live in the same habitat like the taste of the red bugs better. Since the red bugs are eaten more than the green bugs, they eventually go extinct, leaving only green bugs
C, Rachna, et al. “Difference Between Natural and Artificial Selection (with Comparison Chart).” Bio Differences, 3 June 2019, biodifferences.com/difference-between-natural-selectionand-artificial-selection.html.
“Evolution: Natural Selection and Human Selection Article (Article).” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-biology/natural-selection/artificial-selection/a/ evolution-natural-selection-and-human-selection.