T-21 July 2021 Issue

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T-21 JULY 2021 | EDITION 03


Special Feature: Transport Malta’s Ports and Yachting Directorate and its role in Malta’s Maritime Industry Maritime Enforcement Unit Receives First Three RHIBS

Two New Fast Ferry Terminals On Both Sides Of The Channel For the Love of Vintage Vehicles


Grants for purchase of vehicles which are more environment-friendly.

contents PUBLISHER

Transport Malta


A Note from the Editor





Another Milestone Achieved In Our Enforcement Directorate

An App That Helps Maritime Enforcement Officers Streamline Their Work


Remembering Blood Donor Day


In the News



Celebrating the Successes of the Maltese Flag and the Straits Ahead for the Maritime Industry

Licence Arrears of Vehicles, Regularisation Scheme


Driver & Vehicle Licensing Unit and the New Driving Licence Cards


New Vehicles Registered On The Road Overtake Imported Second-Hand Vehicles In The Second Quarter Of 2021.


For the Love of Vintage Vehicles


Embrace Life 2021 – A project to protect lives


European Mobility Week 2021 Edition Launched


The bridge between Transport Malta and the public: The Marketing Unit


The scuttling of AFM Patrol Boat P-33 by the Professional Divers Schools Association


26th July 1941, The Day of the Italian U-Boat Attack


Malta Air B737-8200 Gamechanger makes its first landing at the Malta International Airport


Peter Paul Barbara DESIGN AND LAYOUT

Pure Concepts Design Studios


Transport Malta’s Ports and Yachting Directorate and its role in Malta’s Maritime Industry


International Developments on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships


iCreate In collaboration with the TM Marketing Department

Malta Transport Centre Triq Pantar, Ħal Lija, LJA 2021 Malta

info@transport.gov.mt www.transport.gov.mt

Copyright : All rights reserved Copyright of all the images used in this publication remains the right of the photographer.


The Small Ships Register within Ports Commercial


Transport Malta’s 2021 Il-Baħar Ingawduh Flimkien Campaign Launched


Maritime Enforcement Unit Receives First Three RHIBS


Joint-Rescue Exercise between the Armed Forces of Malta and Transport Malta


New Malta-Gozo Fast Ferry Service Introduced


Two New Fast Ferry Terminals On Both Sides Of The Channel

Images including cover – peterpaulbarbara

DISCLAIMER The contents of the articles in this publication is the responsibility of the respective author and it does not necessary mean that the views expressed therein are the same or reflect those of Transport Malta.


Valletta - Mġarr Connection - A New Multimodal Experience

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Having said that, we are also running a special feature on the Ports and Yachting Directorate, which is the Directorate in Transport Malta that manages most of the activities taking place in and around our ports. Since part of the scope of this journal is to provide information on the work and services that Transport Malta carries out on a daily basis, we also thought of taking an in-depth look at the role of enforcement as far as maritime safety is concerned, particularly the work carried out by the Maritime Enforcement Unit, which is currently seeing an increase in both assets and personnel, as well as a sharp increase in enforcement demands. In the last edition, we started a service through a number of articles, in order to provide general information on specific subjects and services intended for the general public, for which we receive daily Peter Paul Barbara is Director within the Office of the Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer.

requests for information and clarifications. The articles in question which were featured in the second edition of T-21 were received


very positively from our readers and for this reason we are continuing with such articles in this edition as well as in future editions. For this purpose, we are running an article on vintage cars, penned by Chief Officer – Land Transport Directorate, Mr Pierre Montebello,


elcome to the third edition of T-21: The Transport Malta Quarterly. Since this is a summer edition, we have thought of running a number of features related to our seas, which we think is fitting. This edition shall contain an extensive feature on safety at sea, especially since at this time of year, maritime activities around our coast are on the increase.


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

as we are aware that there is a large number of enthusiasts interested in and collecting vintage and older vehicles, which we hope you will find interesting. Another article addresses License Arrears of Vehicles and the Regularisation Scheme in place, penned by Deputy Chief Officer – Land Transport Directorate, Mr. Gilbert Agius. As already stated above, this month’s T-21 edition is mostly dedicated to Maritime Transport and hence we are running a very interesting article

on the Safety at Sea Campaign

Valletta and one in the Port of Mġarr.

which was launched this June. T-21

These works were carried out

also spent some time with MED

by Infrastructure Malta in half the

In this edition we are also running

enforcement officers for a day to

amount of time.

a short article by our GIS-Unit,

closely follow their work on a typical hot summer’s day.

entire maritime sector.

this time focusing on our maritime A very important topic which we are

infrastructure. I am positive that

featuring in this edition is the general

you will find these two articles very

We are also running an article on a

clean-up currently underway in our


recent exercise, a simulated rescue

Grand Harbour, in order to improve

operation, which took place in the

its functionality and accessibility.

As with the first edition, the

This is so that

publication will be available for

the country can

everyone to download as a soft

make better use

version from our official Transport

of its main and

Malta Website, which can even be

unique port by

shared. For those who would want



to own a printed version, this will also


June also saw the introduction of the much awaited, Malta– Gozo Fast Ferry Service...”


be available in limited numbers from

well as to improve

the Customer Care or Reception of

its environment

the Authority’s Head Office in Ħal

along with that of




beginning of July between our

towns and villages.

As usual, I would like to thank Senior

Maritime Enforcement Unit and

Another article featured in this

Management for their support, the

the Air Arm of the Armed Forces

edition looks at how intermodality is

Marketing Unit for their assistance

of Malta. Such exercises between

further being promoted with the new

as well as the Maritime Enforcement

emergency services take place from

fast ferry service and a host of new

Directorate for their patience and

time to time as one would expect to

services being offered, especially

support they provided over the last

maintain a level of preparedness in

by Malta Public Transport, in order

few weeks to make the images for

case of such need.

to improve accessibility to the new

this edition possible.

terminals, linking also the existing June also saw the introduction of

I hope you will enjoy it.

internal maritime infrastructure.

the much-awaited Malta-Gozo Fast Ferry Service, launched in time

This issue is also dealt with by our

for the summer period. T-21 took

Transport Minister, Hon. Dr. Ian

the opportunity to try the service

Borg, in his kind contribution to this

offered by the two fast ferry service

second edition for which we would

operators, namely Gozo Fast Ferry

like to thank him. This endeavour

Service as well as Virtu Ferries Gozo.

is also being addressed by the

We also had a glance at the fares,

Authority’s Chairman and Chief

schedules, and the general service

Executive Officer, Mr Joseph Bugeja

offered to the public by the two

in his usual Foreword.

The Editor.

operators. Besides this, we shall also take a look at the work done

Another interesting article relates

in record time to construct two

to climate change and the maritime

terminals specifically built for this

industry, and the new challenges

service, one on Lascaris Wharf in

climate change is bringing to the

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


FOREWORD MR. JOSEPH BUGEJA Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Transport Malta



f 2020 was an extraordinary year, 2021 is proving to be an equally challenging one on all fronts, which Transport Malta deals with

on a daily basis. Having said that, however, this is the role of the Authority and the transport sector which it oversees. Since the last edition of our Transport Malta Quarterly, my Office together with other Directorates, particularly the Ports and Yachting Directorate, have been engaged in an extraordinary effort to make sure that the new Gozo - Malta Fast Ferry Service and the respective two new terminals hosting the service were up and running by June 1st, which was the date identified when the new service would start to operate. It was a deadline that had to be met.


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


In addition to the launch of the new

especially since they have to share


Gozo – Malta fast ferry service, the

the same infrastructure, including

especially with a considerable

Authority was also engaging with

both terminals and quays, which

investment to upgrade our assets,

the Public Transport operator, Malta

Transport Malta itself is managing.

both with respect to our Maritime

Public Transport, to make sure that



Enforcement Unit as well as the

the service and the new terminals

From the first data released so


are easily accessible by public

far providing information on the

month, the Authority has been

transport, especially in view of the

number of passengers who have

handed over the first three RHIBs

fact that the catamarans of both

used the new fast ferry service until

which were purchased from a total

operators only carry passengers, as

the end of June, one can only say

of five, that were commissioned

opposed to the Gozo Channel Ferry

that the numbers are encouraging.

by the Authority to enable us to

which also carries vehicles across

42,000 users have made use of the

contribute further towards Safety

the Channel.

ferry in just over a month since the

at Sea. On the other hand, the

beginning of operations. One has

Authority has also received three








to consider also that the number of

additional motorcycles for our Land

Authority had to face in this respect

tourists coming to Malta and visiting

Enforcement Unit.

was that both operators operate

Gozo is still low when compared to

their service in a seamless manner,

the pre-COVID-19 years.

Referring to the challenges we all faced last year, now that Transport


Another important milestone that

Malta’s Annual Report has been

Transport Malta will be reaching

published, it is important to highlight

this year is the upgrading of

some important goals that we

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

managed to achieve last year

tonnage. These numbers should

particularly within the Grand Harbour.

despite the COVID-19 pandemic,

make every Maltese proud.

This is mainly attributed to a drop in

which at this time of writing is still raging on.

the Cruise and Ferry sector. This was Apart from this, the Merchant

expected, as was the decrease in


ship calls calling for services such as




The fleet registered under our

strengthened its presence in the

Flag continues to grow

superyacht sector. Positive results

repairs and bunkering.

were once again achieved in the

Cruise passengers visiting Malta

With regard to our Maritime Flag, as

registration of superyachts under

in 2020 went down to just 59,018

at the end of December 2020, we

the Malta flag, where we registered

when compared to the 908,549

still managed to register a 2.48%



growth when compared to the

registration over the previous year. In

the previous year. The decrease

previous year. This means that the

concrete terms this means that there

registered, however, was not just

number of ships registered under

are about 860 superyachts of over

within the cruise liner business, but

the Merchant Shipping Act was

24 metres registered under our flag.

also across all shipping movements,





that of 8,807, meaning, a total gross tonnage of 84.27.




which in 2020 amounted to 10,695; a Ports and Yachting Directorate

decrease of 1,697 movements when compared to the previous year.

This means that Malta maintained

As outlined in the last publication,

its position as the largest register of

the COVID-19 pandemic has left its

ships in Europe and the sixth largest

impact on our port business, resulting

register in the world in terms of gross

in a decrease in marine traffic,

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Another drop was reported in the

Register. The registration sector has

drone management system, tmcad.

total number of passengers travelling

encountered an exponential growth

idronect.com, was also launched,

to and from Malta by Catamaran

of more than 150% over the past five


or RO-RO in 2020. The number

(5) years, from the Maltese aircraft

Systems operators can register and

reported, 219,720, is a decrease of

register listing over 200 aircraft in

submit flight requests to obtain flight

104,250 over the previous year.

2015 to over 500 aircraft at the end




of 2020. In 2020, the Ports and Yachting

An online training course has been

Directorate was entrusted with the



launched, as required by EASA, to

administration of the Port Charges

Certificate (AOC) holders exceeded

enable remote pilots to obtain an A1/

Refund Scheme with an allocated

40 at the end of the year. Two new

A3 certification, which also provides



Foreign Examination Centres were

examinations for both A1/A3 as well

beneficiaries of this scheme included

certified in 2020, together with three

as A2 subcategories.







ship operators, import and export agents,

Land Transport

as well as freight


forwarding agents. The



computed on actual ship calls that took place


December and


The with of also

2019 2020.

Directorate, the the

support Ministry,



number of front-line maritime providers









pandemic raging on, total


revenue from vehicle registration licensing

and increased

by €2.9 million when compared to 2019. The service

e-Transfer was


promoted further, with significant increased usage for garaging, de-garaging,

Pilots, Mooring Men, and

Despite the COVID-19


exporting of vehicles. The


assistance for the procurement of

new Language Testing Bodies.

pandemic did pose a number of

PPEs and sanitation equipment. The

Last year, we took the initiative

challenges to the operations of

Directorate also assisted the Health

to launch Aircraft Leasing Malta

the Directorate, where a number

Authorities in developing a protocol

due to a number of factors that

of services had to be temporarily

to facilitate crew changes via Malta

we believe would entice growth in

suspended for some weeks when

without compromising public safety.

this sector, also including a highly

Malta was in a semi-lockdown

competitive personal and corporate

situation. This was coupled by

tax framework, an extensive double

the Cyber-attack carried out on

taxation treaty network, a robust legal

Transport Malta’s IT system.

Growth in our Aircraft Register Similar to the growth registered under

system and landscape, and lessor

our Maritime Flag, significant growth

benefits from a friendly legislation.

Throughout 2020, Transport Malta

was also registered in our Aircraft

In addition to this initiative, an online

extended the range of services


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

available from its offices in Ħal Lija and

Five financial schemes for more


deployed a new queue management



system. Almost all services related


to vehicle registration and driver

an investment of €5 million. The

Fifty new buses were introduced,

licensing and permitting are now

Directorate continued its effort to

bringing the fleet’s average age to

available from both offices. The

recover licence arrears, bringing

5.2 years. Whilst passenger trips

Directorate’s regulatory unit moved

closure to 612 cases, with a total

in January and February saw an

to new dedicated offices in Paola,

recovered revenue of €180,000.

increase of 21% over the same period

private were







in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic

so that not all the unit’s staff and processes are grouped within the

A total of 11,990 practical driving

caused an overall decrease of

same premises.

tests for various categories were

41% throughout the whole year,

processed and carried out, together

during which a total of 33.8 million



passenger trips were carried out. The

specialised tests. Moreover, 1,312




free transport scheme was extended

Customer Care exams, 363 CPC

to all persons of least 75 years of

Initial Tests, and 1,597 CPC Periodic

age, with more than 50,000 persons

certifications were conducted. The

benefitting from 5.7 million free trips.

number of new driving licences

A total of 420,000 persons were

issued amounted to 5,527, whilst

registered for the Tallinja Card with

29,808 were renewed. Another

87% of the total trips paid through

15,576 licences were subject to

this card.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


RE-LAUNCHING OUR MARITIME ENFORCEMENT UNIT FROM THE GROUND (SEA) UP KEVIN FARRUGIA Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Transport Malta


his summer, the Enforcement Directorate within Transport Malta has achieved another milestone as the Authority has received its first three

RHIBs from an order of five, in order to increase its presence in our ports and internal waters. The new assets commissioned, plus the recently-recruited personnel, are providing the Maritime Enforcement Unit with additional assets, resources, and flexibility as to extend its working hours as well as reachability at any given area around the coast at any given time, faster than ever before. The approximate investment in the new three RHIBs is close to €500,000. The handover of the first three RHIBs came soon after the launch of the annual Safety at Sea Campaign which, as its name suggests, aims is to promote safety at sea for all. As per data published by our Ports Commercial Unit, the number of small ships, including boats, have increased over the last couple of years (although there was a dip in 2020, which may be due to COVID-19) and this increase brought additional demand for enforcement actions as far as safety and security at sea are concerned.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The approximate investment in the new three RHIBs is close to €500,000.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Maritime Enforcement Unit operations have increased exponentially, almost double what was done the previous year. The following table shows the increase in 2020 over the same period in 2019:

hands-on training and exercise, including exercises involving other emergency




the Police, the Army and the Civil Protection Department. This is done to mimic real-life scenarios, with

Transactions related to MSED



Vessels Inspected at Sea



Vessels Found Contravening the Regulations



Charges Issued



Warnings issued



Vessels Found in Order



the aim of having our officers well prepared for them. Although TM launched the Safety at Sea Campaign on the 21st of June, safety at sea is always the

Hence, the increase in operations across the board justifies the investment being made by the Authority in this respect. The new assets will also provide our enforcement officers with improved vessels, which shall include, for the first time, basic amenities on board, thus improving their working conditions as well as enabling them to stay for longer hours at sea without the need to report back to their base more frequently. In addition, the maritime base of the Unit has been improved and equipped with a new pontoon, where the new assets can be berthed and made ready as soon as their service is required over and above the normal patrolling duties which are carried out daily. The facilities will keep on getting the necessary upgrades to provide the Unit with better operational and better working conditions. The investment being forked out by Transport Malta to modernise the Authority from the ground up is there for everyone to see. This includes increasing TM’s assets on the road and at sea, upgrading our GIS system, putting in place a new IT system, as well as investments with respect to other activities. This includes ensuring road safety and that road accidents are kept to a minimum, as well as a number of ITS installations with every new road project carried out by Infrastructure Malta as part of the same project, with systems linked to our traffic control centre. All these measures are being taken to increase and bolster safety as much as possible, whether on land or at sea. This one of the main holistic approaches of our Ministry. However, the Authority is not only focusing on improving its assets and hard infrastructure, but also investing in its human resources by providing its Enforcement Officers with specific courses, training, certification, as well as


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

number one priority for the Maritime Enforcement Unit. As part of the Safety at Sea Campaign, Transport Malta, during the summer months, intensifies its work with the maritime community to further promote a strong



culture, and



sharing, and improve the safe passage of vessels. In addition to the distribution of information kits to promote a safetyfirst mindset at sea, Transport Malta, through its Maritime Enforcement Unit, will continue to conduct industry-wide briefing sessions to share safety best practices. The Unit will continue to develop a safety framework to improve the good practices and spearhead the drive for safety at sea among the community, as to ensure the sustainability of the safety efforts. The




between June 2020 and June 2021 are being published for a comparative purpose.


COVID-19 Inspections

Vessels found contravening the regulations Warnings issued


Charges issued




In order


Total number of inspections


Breakdown of charges and warnings issued

Total number of inspections carried out related to COVID-19 measures


Total number of citations


In addition to the above, from January to the end of June, the total

Over speeding


No insurance


Expired vessel registration


Engine not registered


No markings



Inappropriate markings


is additional work to our routine

No nautical licence


day-to-day work, since we are still

Vessels not registered


assisting the Health Authorities with

Berthing in a prohibited area


enforcement assistance so as to



make the general public safer, which



ultimately is part of our mission.

number of inspections carried out relating to COVID-19 measures have gone up to 1155.



Charges issued




In order


Total number of inspections


Breakdown of charges and warnings issued Over speeding


No insurance


Expired vessel registration


Engine not registered


No markings


Inappropriate markings


No nautical licence


Vessels not registered


Berthing in a prohibited area







Enjoy a safe summer!

Vessels found contravening the regulations Warnings issued


The new assets will also provide our enforcement officers with improved vessels...”

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Sabrina Zahra

IN THE NEWS Transport Malta is offering a shuttle service during works carried out in Mġarr In order to reduce the inconvenience to the public as a result of the roadworks in Triq Sir Temi Zammit in Mġarr, Transport Malta is offering a shuttle service between Mosta, Żebbiegħ and Mġarr until these road works are completed. This service will be conducted by means of minivans which are identified by a sign. This service is being provided to the public free of charge by Transport Malta.

T H E S C H E D U L E I S AS FO L LOWS: From tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd

This service stops and picks up

June 2021, between Mosta and

passengers from every bus stop


along the route. Passengers who wish to use this service from Mosta

Route: Mosta Square – Triq il-

may catch the shuttle service from

Kostituzzjoni – Triq Ta’ Żejfa – Triq

Mosta Square on bus stop Rotunda

il-Mosta – Triq Sir Temi Zammit –


Triq Għajn Tuffieħa – Triq Sir Harry Luke – Triq Fisher – Triq iż-Żebbiegħ

Route 44 shall divert through the

and back to Mosta.

following route:

During weekdays, the first trip starts

Triq l-Indipendenza – Triq il-Kbira

at 5:22am from Triq Sir Temi Zammit

– Triq San Pawl tal-Qliegħa – Triq

in Żebbiegħ from the bus stop ‘Temi’.

Ta’ Żejfa – Vjal Millbrae in Mosta to Burmarrad, St. Paul’s Bay Bypass –

During the weekend, the first trip

Ballut – Manikata – Għajn Tuffieħa,

starts at 5:30am from the same bus

and back through the same route.

stop in Żebbiegħ.

Therefore, persons who would be proceeding to Mġarr need to make

Frequency of this service during

use of other routes that stop on bus

weekdays is every 30 minutes until

stop Rotunda 4, such as routes 41

8:30am, every hour between 8:31am

and 42 from Valletta.

and 2:00pm, every 30 minutes between 2:00pm and 5:30pm and

The connection between Manikata,

every hour until 9:00pm.

Għajn Tuffieħa and Mġarr shall be maintained by means of route 101.

During the weekend and public holidays, the frequency of this service is hourly.


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

beach is another topic of focus for this campaign, as it is necessary to keep the environment clean in order to care for our environment and marine species.

Transport Malta sponsors Island Car Club Driver of the Day award At the end of May and the beginning of June, Transport Malta sponsored the Island Car Club Driver of the Day award. The ICC England Insurance – Transport Malta 2021 National Championship was held at Miżieb on new tarmac and safety barriers. Don’t swim close to slipways and don’t obstruct access to the boats.

Transport Malta presented a trophy

Respect the limitations of the boats around you. Don’t jeopardise others.

competitive category introduced by

to the two winners of the new Island Car Club.

Power-driven vessels shall keep out of the way of sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing. Enjoy yourself and your food but take all your leftovers with you. Don’t litter.

Always follow the Local Notices to Mariners on www.transport.gov.mt

Launch of Summer 2021’s sea etiquette campaign Il-Baħar Ingawduh Flimkien Every summer, Transport Malta launches its annual educational campaign regarding behaviour at sea, with this year’s edition being titled Il-Baħar Ingawduh Flimkien. On the 21st June 2021, Il-Baħar Ingawduh Flimkien was launched in order to remind those at sea to follow basic etiquette in terms of interactions with others as well as with vessels.

The primary focus of this year’s campaign is the etiquette that one must follow when at sea, for example, the correct use of slipways and how one should not swim in these zones, since they are marked off specifically for the launching and recovery of boats. The respect that should be shown when encountering other vessels of a certain size is also given importance, along with the distance that should be kept between powerdriven vessels and sailing vessels. The handling of food waste at the

European Mobility 2021 Competitions


Transport Malta, in conjunction with the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, is once again launching the Annual Competitions




ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




The fast ferry service operating

Commission selects a theme to

between the Grand Harbour in

follow during the European Mobility

Valletta and the Mġarr Harbour in

Week. The theme for 2021 is Safe

Gozo has been inaugurated on the


1st of June 2021.







Mobility. Transport Malta is thus inviting all Local Councils from Malta

Part of the Ta’ Liesse Wharf in the

and Gozo to submit their proposals

Grand Harbour and a zone at Mġarr

to implement sustainable mobility

Port in Gozo are the locations where

measures or to organise European

the two operators of this service can

Mobility Week 2021 events and

moor and discharge passengers.

activities, following the Safe and

Works were also carried out on a

Healthy with Sustainable Mobility

pedestrian walkway to the lift as


well as to public transport facilities. All efforts were made to ensure

European Mobility Week 2021.

The European Mobility Week 2021

logistics and to assure the need of




campaign seeks to motivate all

two competitions; one for the



former and future participants to join



the 20th Year of European Mobility


Sustainable Mobility Measures and


Week under this year’s slogan Move


another for the organisation of small

Sustainably. Stay Healthy.

passengers disembark they are

events and activities during the European Mobility 2021, which shall be held between the 16th and the 22nd September 2021.

involves so





provided with different means to

Fast Ferry Service inaugurated on the 1st of June 2021

c. DOI - Omar Camilleri



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

their actual destinations. Those whose destination is Valletta will be able to use the Upper Barrakka lift. Passengers arriving at Ta’ Liesse

are in a state that they cannot be identified and/or are not roadworthy, as well as vehicles with expired licences which have not been paid within thirty days from due date. Transport



officials shall be placing stickers on the windscreen of these vehicles, allowing the owner a seven-day window to remove the vehicle from the road.

Wharf will have direct public transport


faciilties to the Junior College,


University, Mater Dei Hospital and


MCAST. Sea voyages to Cottonera are also available as well as free transport to other Grand Harbour localities on the other side of Valletta and from Marsamxett to connect with ferries to Sliema. Gozo services are styled in a similar manner. The fast ferry is an investment towards more efficient and cleaner mobility. This service shall improve connectivity





Candidates are being requested to place a booking for the Theory Test by phone on 21227190/21221520 or through the online application: www.maltatheorytest.com. In addition, Transport Malta would like to highlight the fact that any other websites are not officially recognised by the Authority. Thus, they should not be considered as a point of reference as they might contain incorrect or misleading

Official Theory Test Studying Material

information in relation to the actual Theory Test.

Transport Malta draws the attention



vehicles from the road






to the fact that the successful completion of the Theory Test is a

The Authority for Transport in

basic requirement to apply for any

Malta, in agreement with the Local

practical driving test. Therefore,

Councils’ Association, has published







If the vehicle is removed from the road by the Authority, the owner shall be obliged to pay all related expenses and if he fails to request the return of his vehicle (together with the payment of costs), the Authority shall have the right to auction the vehicle or to scrap it.


every candidate obtains a copy of

Legislation 65.13. The aim of these

the official studying material so as

amendments is to facilitate the

to know the content of the exams,

removal of abandoned vehicles from

downloadable here:

the road, such as vehicles which

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


20 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Celebrating the Successes of the Maltese Flag and the Straits Ahead for the Maritime Industry DR. IAN BORG MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND CAPITAL PROJECTS

Malta has established

registered was almost that of 85 million, a 22% increase over the last four years,

itself as one of the

consolidating Malta’s position as the largest flag state in Europe and the sixth

leading maritime hubs

largest in the world. What this means, in simpler terms, is that over 6% of the

and service centres in the Mediterranean region. It has

world merchant fleet is flying our prestigious 8-pointed cross around the world. Nothing operates in a vacuum and in recent years, Malta has managed to attract all major cruise liner operators to register their new buildings under the Malta flag. Important to note is the fact that these are the most environmentally

developed a very

friendly passenger ships currently in operation, which proves once again the

strong regulatory

all-round holistic vision of an environmentally friendly government, a futuristic

platform that has

vision towards a cleaner and more sustainable infrastructure.

enabled the Malta Flag to become a reputable and internationally recognised ship

During the last 4 years, Malta registered an increase of 65% in the registration of superyachts, marking over 950 superyachts registered under the Malta flag and potentially paving its way to a thousand. Not only that, but Malta has managed to secure the registration of 25% of the cruise order book until 2024,

register which is now

once again establishing Malta as a leading passenger Ship Register in the

one of the largest in

world. In parallel to this, it was last year when Malta developed a new Code for

the world.

Passenger Yachts that will allow megayachts to be registered under the Malta flag, thus making it possible for Malta to penetrate into another niche market within the yachting industry.

Proven to be an effective source and platform for generating high-valued jobs, the maritime industry has contributed for the shipping industry to generate over 14% of Malta’s GDP. Worth noting is the fact that by the

A maritime sector pivoted on the motto that “growth must not be at the expense of quality”, Malta ensured to register its best technical performance ever and has established its position as one of the safest Registers in the world. In fact, earlier this year, Malta was classified as one of the 20 best performing flag States on the Paris MOU White List.

end of 2020, the total gross tons

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



A country known for giving equal opportunities, it is indeed an honour for Malta to have certified the first five female master mariners, showing the commitment of the Maltese shipping sector towards the United National Sustainable Development Goals, and reaffirming the belief of the Maltese Government, to empower more women. Maritime training has always been at the heart of the maritime industry and its significance has, along the years, taken centre stage. Transport Malta,




Shipping Directorate, has always been on the forefront to not only promote maritime careers but also to guide accredited training centres in reaching the highest standards expected from them by the industry.


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Up until very recent years, maritime training in Malta was mainly focused on the State controlled Maritime Institute, now known as the Centre for Maritime Studies within the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology and in the last 4 years, we have seen the emergence of other training centres focused on maritime training courses or offshore ancillary training specialising in safety and security training. This strategy and drive by the Maltese authorities in the last 4 years has led to the approval of 9 new training institutes by Malta, both locally and abroad, and to the approval of over 90 training courses. Rooted on reputation, quality, and

The aforementioned results and

confidence, the maritime industry

achievements could never have

in Malta has a clear strategic vision

been achieved without a resilient

and is a firm believer of taking

and hardworking team armed with

action and getting things done.

clear plan and vision to bring the future into the present. As they say, life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors and no saying could have been mirrored better by the maritime industry in Malta. Obstacles, namely the latest COVID-19 pandemic, have rocked the boat yet in the end, despite all the trials and tribulations they brought, our maritime industry has continued to prevail.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



Transport Malta’s Ports and Yachting Directorate and its role in Malta’s Maritime Industry


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Since the beginning of recorded history, maritime transport and maritime ports have always played a vital role in securing the supply of food and commodities and later on, that of fuels. Hence, maritime transport directly contributed to the survival of world nations. Maritime Ports on their part are vital gateways, linking transport corridors as well as other links with the rest of the world, to and from those countries which are connected by the sea. To highlight the importance of maritime transport, for example, in the European Union, 74% of all goods entering or leaving EU countries do so via maritime links. Maltese ports on the other hand have always been a catalyst for economic growth, development, and prosperity throughout Maltese history. Malta has two main ports: the Port of Valletta; and the Port of Marsaxlokk; both forming part of the core ports along the TransEuropean Transport Network. Just as in the case of European countries which have access to the sea, over 90% of all goods entering or leaving our Islands pass through these two ports. The Port of Valletta is a natural deep-water harbour, Captain David Bugeja Harbour Master and Chief Operating Officer P o r t s & Ya c h t i n g D i r e c t o r a t e

strategically placed in the centre of the Mediterranean. For centuries, it played an important part for Maltese history, especially when Malta used to form part of the British Empire, both for naval/military and commercial purposes. Malta also served as a main maritime hub on the trade route to India.

26 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The Valletta Grand Harbour has

waters, by monitoring of maritime

at Sea campaign. We also regulate

always served as a multi-purpose

activities through its Valletta Ports

yachting centres in Malta and

port equipped to offer a large

Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and

Gozo through the related Yachting

spectrum of maritime services,

the Ports Inspectorate Unit.

Centres Regulations.


It has the overall control and

The P&YD has also the following

specialised grain and cement silos,

organisation of work within Maltese


petroleum installations, bunkering

ports by providing and assigning

facilities, ship repair and building

port workers to ensure that cargo



operations falling under the remit

maritime activities;

which include cargo berths which may






storage facilities.




of the port workers are executed without delay. We regulate all matters


It is for these reasons that it is so

relating to port reception facilities


important for the Ports and Yachting

for ship-generated wastes through

European regulations and directives;

Directorate within Transport Malta to

an industry driven framework. In line

Compiling maritime statistics; and

make sure that our ports, and internal

with its remit, with respect to safety

Providing Hydrography services.

and territorial waters are managed in

of navigation, the Authority has a

the best possible manner.

number of service level agreements


with of









to ensure that pilotage and tug

Directorate also acts as a technical

Functions and Duties of the Ports

services are available at all times. In

consultant for various projects

and Yachting Directorate

addition, popular bays are organised

relating to the maritime industry,

to include swimmers’ zones and

amongst other included various

The Ports and Yachting Directorate

assist on all matters related to the

infrastructural projects undertaken

within Transport Malta is one of the

implementation of the annual Safety

by Infrastructure Malta.

most important Directorates within the Authority. Before Transport Malta came into being in 2010, the P&YD, together with the Maritime Shipping Directorate (MSD), formed what was then known as the Malta Maritime Authority (MMA). The P&YD, as one would expect, has a number of responsibilities and core functions which are clearly laid out in our national legislation and are summarised in the respective Schedule of the Authority for Transport in Malta Act (Cap. 499). Among the core functions and responsibilities, the Directorate has the responsibility to ensure safety of navigation, preservation of good order, and the prevention of pollution within Malta’s internal and territorial

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


breakwater in way of the breakwater bridge




weather, as well as land reclamation and establishment of a new quay connecting Ras Ħanżir and Fuel Wharf as a multi modal purpose quay, whose prime purpose would be Ro-Ro an Ro-Pax vessels. With respect to Marsaxlokk, additional structural work is also being carried out to further safeguard the marina A number of these include the ship

located at Il-Magħluq.

shore supply project which will further assist in mitigating emissions

Various quays and breakwaters



within the Directorate’s remit are

upgrading of Pinto Wharves 4 and 5

also being currently refurbished

to cater for larger Cruise Liners, and

or are planned to be refurbished

the future refurbishment of Boiler

in order to further enhance the

Wharf which will house a dedicated


department to deal with oil spills,

adding flexibility to our ports and

since Transport Malta is now

internal waters.






deemed as the competent Authority on such matters. There shall also

The ultimate objective was to

be the establishment of a berm

ensure that port users and service

within the Grand Harbour and the

providers comply with legislation

possible construction of a smaller

and contractual obligations, while

28 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




shortest gateway to the East and

promotion and efficient use of ports

the Far East. Being in the centre

and maritime facilities.

of the Mediterranean, 93km to the south of Sicily and 290km to the




north of Africa, Malta offered a great

also manages and assists with

maritime centre in the middle of

the organisation of a number of

one of the most important shipping

government and private events

arteries of the world.

organised within Maltese ports and territorial waters through the

The importance of the Grand

provision of support and technical

Harbour even dates back to the

assistance. It also ensures the

Prehistoric period, as evident with

achievement of the right balance in

the Prehistoric remains of the Kordin

the use of our waters for leisure and

Temples which date back to 3700

commercial operations.

BC, perched high over the Grand Harbour on Corradino Hill.

The importance of our ports – A Brief Historical Background

It is contended that the Phoenicians, from





Since time immemorial, the Maltese

which at that time was a major

islands have always played a

trading power, had colonised the

strategic role for any nation intending

Maltese islands around 700BC.

to dominate the Mediterranean

This was followed with domination

Sea, especially due to the fact that

by the Carthaginians around 550

two main continents encapsulate

BC and the Roman Empire from

it, as well as because it holds the

approximately 218 BC during the

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Second Punic War, through which,

during the Pax Britannica period,

at a later stage, that is around 60AD,

both in terms of the British economy

Christianity reached Malta through

as well as from a military and naval

the Apostle St. Paul. During the

perspective. Malta became the naval

Roman Period, Gozo was officially

base for the British Mediterranean

made an independent municipality

Fleet until the First and Second

from Malta, named Gaulos. This led

World Wars, during which the Grand

to the foundation of the settlement

Harbour was one of the most heavily

in and around Mġarr Harbour due to

bombarded places. The Grand

the importance of trade between the

Harbour continued to be used as a

two islands.

strategic naval base by NATO until the late 1960s, such that NATO even

Fast forward to the High Middle

had a command centre laid out in the

Ages and the early 1500s, Malta was

Valletta Fortifications overlooking

put under the rule of the Order of St.

the Grand Harbour.

John (later known as the Knights of

Ports in Malta THE GRAND HARBOUR, VALLETTA The Port of Valletta, a natural deepwater harbour, extends for about 3.6 kilometres inland. Its two-arm breakwater renders it a safe, allweather port throughout the year. It is open on a 24-hour basis, although entrance may be restricted during strong North-easterly and Easterly winds. The Port of Valletta is a multipurpose port equipped to offer a large spectrum of maritime services

Malta), as it was given as a fiefdom


to the Order by the Emperor of Spain, Charles the Vth, making the maritime city of Vittoriosa their first

Cruise and ferry berths;

governing seat. The Order later fortified most of the area around the Grand Harbour, including the building of Malta’s fortified capital

Cargo handling berths;

city, Valletta.

Specialised grain and cement silos;

In 1798, during his voyage to North

Petroleum installations and bunkering facilities;

Africa for the campaign in Egypt, General



seized the islands from the knights after advising them to leave and relocate to Rome. The French occupation, however, was shortlived and just after two years, the

Ship facilities and boatyards; Superyacht refit centres; Ship chandler;

British forced out the French in order to make Malta a protectorate of the

Port reception facilities including tank cleaning;

British Empire. A few years later, it was declared a colony of the British Crown of the highest order. With the opening of the Suez Canal, Malta’s strategic importance for the British Empire increased, especially

Marinas; Warehousing and open storage facilities; and Maritime related support services.

30 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

terminal operators who undertake cement-handling operations under concession by the Authority.

Laboratory Wharf This wharf, with a total length of 380m, provides facilities for the berthing of container and Ro-Ro vessels.

Magazine Wharf With a silo capacity of 86,000 tonnes, this wharf is primarily a cereal facility terminal operated by the Kordin Grain Terminal Co. Ltd.. Magazine Wharf is an extension of Laboratory Wharf, with a length of 250m and a depth of 15m. It can handle Panamax sized bulkers of up to 70,000 dwt. The



Pinto Wharf


Warehousing and open storage

Northeast. Sheltered in the north by

facilities are available at the port

St. Elmo’s Point breakwater, Ricasoli

area. The main quays available at the

Pinto Wharf is a dedicated cruise and

Breakwater arm is found in the south.

port area are:

ferry berth, able to accommodate any size of cruise vessel. The

Its Northwest shore is formed by the Sciberras peninsula (over which

Deep Water Quay

lengths of Pinto Quay are as follows: Pinto 1 and 2 - 307m; Pinto 3 - 171m;

Valletta, and its suburb Floriana,

and Pinto 4 and 5 - 250m.

were built). This peninsula also

Being 488m long, this quay mainly

separates the Grand Harbour from

handles conventional cargo and

a second parallel natural harbour,

provides facilities for the berthing of

Marsamxett Harbour. The main

Ro-Ro vessels. Alongside this quay

waterway of the Grand Harbour

are three transit sheds with a global

Flagstone Wharf is a petroleum

continues inland to Marsa. The

area of 8,500m2, together with

berth, hosting petroleum storage

Southeastern shore of the Harbour

ample storage space.

facilities primarily used for the purpose of engaging in bunkering

is formed by a number of inlets and headlands, principally Rinella Creek,

Flagstone Wharf

Fuel Wharf

activities and fuel supply to the power station. Tankers of about

Kalkara Creek, Dockyard Creek, and French Creek, which are covered

Fuel Wharf is 150m in length

180m are normally handled at this

by Kalkara and the Three Cities:

with a depth of 10m, and it hosts


Cospicua, Vittoriosa, and Senglea.

cement silos operated by private

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Wine Verandah

Passenger Handling in Valletta

company that is responsible for petroleum operations, particularly the importation of fuel for the

Wine Verandah is used for small RoThe operator of passenger handling

domestic market. Enemalta is the

facilities in Valletta is the Valletta

public entity responsible for power

Cruise Port (ex-VISET), a private

generation and the Delimara Power

consortium made up mainly of

Station Berth. The LNG import

Senglea Quay, formerly known as



facilities, including a jetty to cater for

Boiler Wharf, once forming part of

also including participation from

the berthing of a Floating Storage

the Malta Shipyards, is now used

several international companies.

Unit (FSU) and a shore-based

for berthing cruise liners. The quay

The company has been granted an

Regasification unit, are now fully

length is 383m with a maximum

operational licence and conceded a

functional. The LPG Gas Installation

depth of 8m.

65-year BOT lease for the operation

is located within this port, with its

and development of passenger

LPG bottling and storage facility

handling facilities at Pinto Wharf.

located at Bengħajsa and operated

Ro vessels.

Senglea Quay

Other Berths



by Gasco Energy. Berthing facilities for LPG tankers are located at Oil

The Port of Valletta also hosts berths


Tanking Ltd..

5, and 6 and the Marsa Ship Building.

Since its establishment in 1988,


There are also private ship repair

Malta Freeport has experienced

yards, namely Bezzina Ship Repair

remarkable growth and is now

The Port of Marsamxett is primarily

Yard and Cassar Ship Repair Yard.

a major maritime transshipment

a leisure port and provides a base

logistic centre in the Mediterranean

from where a number of domestic



commercial vessels operate local

activities that have been established,

cruises. It hosts a number of marinas


namely, two container terminals,

and as well as a yacht yard.

equipment company Portek has

the distripark facilities and an oil

secured a 30-year concession to

products terminal.

Mġarr and Ċirkewwa

The Port of Marsaxlokk

The Port of Mġarr, Gozo is the

for ship repair purposes. These are located at the Dock Numbers 2, 3, 4,

Cargo Handling in Valletta The





operate a multi-purpose terminal in Malta. The concession was secured

largest port on the island. The

from the Authority by Valletta Gateway Terminals, in which Portek

Marsaxlokk hosts the container

island of Gozo is connected by

has a 55% stake. The Maltese



a scheduled passenger Ro-Ro

conglomerate Tumas Group, which

industrial storage facilities, which

service that operates on a route

has Europe-wide interests in the

are operated by the Malta Freeport

between the ports of Ċirkewwa,

hotel and property development

Terminals. It also has a number of

Malta and Mġarr, Gozo.

industry, holds the remaining 45%.

petroleum terminals. These include

The concession, which started on

the terminals operated by Oiltanking

The ferry service is operated by

the 1st of July 2006, has involved

Malta Limited and San Lucian Oil

Gozo Channel (Operations) Limited.

VGT handling containers, trailers,

Company Limited. Other petroleum

The Port of Mġarr is also a fishing


installations in the port are operated

port and hosts a marina and several

by Enemed, a Government-owned

berths for small craft. It also caters



cargoes at the Port of Valletta.


32 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


for small cargo vessels and the occasional small cruise liner. Large

Malta Maritime Pilots and Tug Malta Ltd.

cruise liners are also permitted to

our social responsibility is shown towards residents living around the Harbour by minimising noxious

anchor outside Mġarr Harbour, thus



emissions. Such will also be in line

providing the possibility to offer Gozo

Maritime Pilots and Tug Malta

with Malta’s commitments in terms

as a cruise destination. The transfer

Ltd. remains a priority for this

of the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure

of passengers ashore is carried out

Directorate, with the establishment


either by the ships’ tenders or local

of another Port Notice dealing with

commercial vessels. 17 cruise liners

Minimum Tug requirements within

An economic and feasibility study

made a dedicated port call to Mġarr.

our ports to further augment our

on Ship-to-Shore technology was

The vessels anchored in a location

focus on matters relating to safety

compiled by the Sustainable Mobility

outside the port as well as the

of navigation. Another area that

Unit of Transport Malta as part of the

passengers were transferred with

has been further strengthened

PORT-PVEV Project back in 2014.

the ships’ boats.

is the establishment of shore-

COVID-19 challenges for the Ports

based pilotage with the various

and Yachting Directorate



The Port of Ċirkewwa is primarily

High-Speed Crafts operating from





Malta, which, although in line with


comprising passenger and vehicle

legislation, are not obligated to take


handling facilities. It is served by


the Ports


a pilot, the establishment of shore-


both a North and South Quay, thus

based pilotage was another matter


providing all-year-round sheltered

that further strengthens the focus

which were mainly attributed to the

berths, so that disruptions of the

we have on safety of navigation.

COVID-19 pandemic, that led to

service due to inclement weather are kept to a minimum.


operational and





logistical challenges and an increase


in transport costs. Other problems encountered were attributed to

In line with the related Port Notice


dealing with a fast ferry service to


be introduced between Malta and


Gozo, once again with Infrastructure

assistance is with respect to the

Malta leading and this Directorate

upgrading of a number of quays and

In reaction to the outbreak of

providing technical assistance, two

wharves within the Grand Harbour

COVID-19, the Ports and Yachting

landing places, one at the Grand

to include electrical ship shore

Directorate within the Authority

Harbour, near the Lascaris area, and

supply to visiting vessels.

for Transport in Malta issued a



Malta providing



port restrictions, a decrease in


demand, and limitations in seafarers’


the other at Mġarr Harbour, have now


number of Port Notices addressed

been completed, with an additional

This will allow related vessels to

to stakeholders, with the first

extension currently in the pipeline.

turn off their generators and use

requesting all ships to provide

This has been done to facilitate this

shore electricity supply to provide

information about ports of call of the

service and thereby adding to the

the necessary power for shipboard

affected country/region as required

multi modal approach being taken by

services and at the same time,

by the Maritime Declaration of

the Authority as a whole. The landing

improving air quality within the

Health for vessels in order to enter

places in fact were inaugurated and

port area. This has a beneficial

port. Subsequently, another Notice

became operational on June 1st of this

effect on both industry service

was issued which was addressed

year (see related story on page ?).

providers but also ensures that

to ship owners and operators, ship

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


masters and crew, ship agents,

settled after it was agreed that

is used for internal purposes and is

and marine terminal and facilities,

ships were to be certified as clear

also provided to third parties upon

which imposed a temporary ban

from the virus by a doctor.

request, thus assisting stakeholders

on the entry of cruise liners and

in market research and forecasting

passenger ships into Maltese ports

In 2020, the Ports and Yachting

and territorial waters. This was

Directorate was entrusted with

followed up with a Legal Notice

the administration of the €2.08

The main statistics collated over

which extended the travel ban to


the year under review show the

persons coming to or leaving from

Port Operators as a partial refund

Malta, to and from all countries.

for handling fees incurred for all

However, the proviso exempted

those activities and operations



“cargo ships including container

which took place during the period



ships and Ro-Ro vessels carrying

of the COVID-19 pandemic. The

visiting the Maltese Islands went

goods, and essential commodities

beneficiaries of this scheme included

down to 59,018 from the 908,549

and tankers loaded with essential

ship operators, import and export

passengers reported the previous

fuels” from the travel ban. The

agents, as well as freight forwarding

year. Consequently, the number of

Legal Notice also empowered the

and shipping agents who operated

cruise liners also decreased to 32

Superintendent of Public Health

in Malta between December 2019

from the 376 in the previous year;

to issue an exemption from this

and May 2020. In this period, a total

order for the travel of essential

of 1,357 ship calls and movements

The number of recorded shipping














were registered, involving 24,719

movements in 2020 amounted to


containers and 14,755 trailers. With

10,695; a decrease of 1,697 from

subsequently provided through

this scheme, those operators whose

the previous year. Circa 34.5% of

another Port Notice, whereby crew

information was already available at

these were Bunkers within territorial

members were prohibited from

the Authority, had to be refunded.

waters (wtw); and

disembarking from vessels during


the vessel’s call in Maltese waters

operators’ applications and aided

and ports.

with the required documentation






and receipts of payments being Another problem that was to be

made during this period.

tackled was that encountered in February, when Maltese chandlers

Statistics and New Services

and port workers stopped their operations



The Ports and Yachting Directorate



is responsible for the collection

unload cargo from vessels coming

of maritime data with regard to

from Italy. Port workers refused

Directive 2009/42/EC on statistical

to handle cargo unless under

returns in respect of carriage of

supervision and after clearance

goods and passengers by sea. It

of medical doctors. Some of the

continuously liaises with ship agents

cargo affected included retail,

and operators to provide data in

food, and other supplies. Maltese

a timely and accurate manner, in

port workers were not convinced

view of assuming its obligations to

by documents showing that the

provide the information as required

vessels had been given the all-

by the National Statistics Office and

clear. This dispute was eventually

Eurostat. The information collated




34 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The total number of passengers travelling to and from Malta by Catamaran or Ro-Ro in 2020 was 219,720; a decrease of 104,250 over the previous year.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Shipping Movements from January to December 2020

truck service times. This new technology was described by Malta Freeport CEO Alex Montebello as

Number of Vessels arriving in Malta

“a strategic investment programme aimed at making Malta Freeport

Gross Tonnage of Vessels in Malta

one of the most technologicallyadvanced and efficient ports in the

Cruise Liners in Malta


Cruise Passengers in Malta





been selected as a port of call on

Trailers handled at the Port of Valletta

the weekly NEW NEMO Service connecting Malta to 7 new ports

Trailers handled at Malta Freeport

worldwide, stretching from the UK to Australia. Operated jointly by CMA

Cruise Passenger Nationalities

CGM and MSC, the new service offers

Ro-Ro and Catamaran Ferry Passengers in Malta




linking Europe to Australia on its southbound route, and Australia to Singapore, Port Kelang, India,

Malta Freeport

Colombo, and Europe northbound. Throughout the same operational

Since its establishment in 1988, Malta Freeport has registered remarkable

year, Malta Freeport Terminals was

growth and is now considered a leading Mediterranean hub which consistently

chosen as a port of call on the new

reaches outstanding performance levels, enjoying positive international

weekly Round the Africa (RTA) route,

recognition with global carriers as a reliable and credible port. Malta Freeport

a unique service directly linking Asia

Terminals amalgamates the activities of container handling and industrial

to Malta, Senegal, and Sierra Leone,


with the added bonus of the best transit time. Launched on the 25th of

Malta Freeport focuses on the ‘hub’ concept, whereby cargo is discharged

July 2020 in Shanghai, this service

from large mother vessels and is relayed to a network of regional ports by

connects Malta Freeport with West

regular and frequent feeder vessels. Around 96% of Malta Freeport’s container

Africa and covers a port rotation

traffic is transshipment business. The logistic concept offers various benefits

from Shanghai to Ningbo, Nansha,

for Malta Freeport’s clients, including fewer mainline port calls, reduced voyage

Singapore, Malta, Tanger Med,

times through minimal diversions and shorter transit times, thus enabling them

Dakar (Senegal), Freetown (Sierra

to concentrate on profitable voyage legs.

Leone), Tema (Ghana), Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire), Port Kelang, and

In 2020, Malta Freeport Terminals joined the global TradeLens blockchain

back to Shanghai.

supply chain platform, heralding a new digital era for the terminal. TradeLens is an open platform bringing together all parties in the supply chain and

During the year under review, Malta

providing seamless and secure sharing of real-time actionable information and


collaboration. Through this platform, Malta Freeport can safely integrate data


with partners including carriers, ports, terminal operators and other


stakeholders, boosting the terminal’s capability to deliver a state-of-the-art

be powered by liquefied natural

service, reducing the cost of connecting partners, and optimising vessel and

gas (LNG). To handle the 23,000

Terminals Elysees, TEU

welcomed the




TEU capacity ship with maximum

36 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

efficiency, Freeport deployed three

serious cases, one involving an

Industry. The purpose of these

megamax quay cranes. This vessel,

empty oil tanker which broke in two

audits was to ensure that service

which is owned by CMA CGM, is

in heavy seas, as well as a fire which

providers were complying with the



broke out at a Yachting Centre in

requirements and were equipped

energy solution for preserving air


Gozo. The latter presented several

for any exigency that might have

quality as it delivers a 99% reduction

challenges and the support of the

arisen in the case of hydrocarbon

in sulphur dioxide and fine particle

Civil Protection Department had


emissions, and an 85% reduction

to be requested, which was also

shown considerable improvement

in nitrogen oxide emissions, all of

involved in the clean-up of the

throughout the last three years. The

which represent a major healthcare

residues. Unfortunately, one person

number of inspections conducted


lost his life during the incident.

by the Unit in 2020 was hampered




considered the best intermediary




by the COVID-19 pandemic, since it

solution for the industry in its drive to

The Unit, with the support of the

also affected the Maritime sector.

achieve zero-emission transport.

Port Inspectors Unit, also carried

In 2020, the Unit approved eight

out thirteen (13) inspections at

(8) Waste Management Plans and

various port facilities and marinas.

several Emergency Response Plans.

The purpose of these inspections

Furthermore, the Unit issued four (4)

Marine Operations | Incident Response Unit

was to ensure that port facilities

Waste Exemption Certificates to

During the year under review,

were abiding by and complying

vessels engaged in scheduled traffic

the Marine Operations Incident



with frequent and regular port calls.

Response Unit, which is responsible

Port Reception Facilities (PRF)

The number of vessels applying for

for matters relating to maritime

Regulations and the Dangerous

such an exemption has decreased

pollution and incident response,

Cargo Ships, Marine Terminals

gradually throughout the years, the

answered to more than 45 calls



main reason being more stringent

related to different incidents. Mainly,

Regulations. As was the case during

criteria and conditions imposed by

they included Tier one oil spills,

the last 10 years, the majority of

the EU Directive 2000/59/EC.

minor collisions, vessel fires, and

Terminal and Facility Operators

local recreational vessels running

were found to be compliant. Other

The Directorate, along with the







Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure

conditions. Although no serious




and Capital Projects, spearheaded

pollution incidents had occurred,

contractors involved in offering

the transposition of the International

the Unit had to respond to two

on-call Service to the Bunkering

Convention on Oil Pollution








ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Preparedness, Response, and Co-

environmental legislation related

damages. During the year under

operation (OPRC). This Legal Notice,

to ports and shipping. Throughout

review, a number of weather stations

which was published in December

the year, the Marine Operations |

were installed in several prime

2020 and entered into force on the 1st

Incident Response Unit as well as

locations around Malta and Gozo.

of January 2021, is aimed at providing

the Legal, EU, and International







Other projects initiated in 2019 that

to implement the National Marine

involved in various discussions

were ongoing throughout 2020



and consultations in relation to the

included the West MOPoCo project

ensuring that Malta is further prepared

Port Reception Facilities for Ship-

and the IMAROS project. The

for an eventual pollution incident.

Generated Waste Directive. Both

West MOPoCo Project (Western












Units are preparing the necessary

Mediterranean Region Marine Oil


policy for the implementation of the

and HNS Pollution Cooperation)


new Directive.


stakeholders to discuss the report




Malta, Morocco, Spain, and Tunisia

issued by the International Tanker






Environment, the Unit kickstarted

in the field of preparedness for

a process to obtain Environment-

and in response to oil and Highly

Malta is obliged to follow. The



Noxious Substances (HNS) marine

Authority also took the opportunity

European Ship and Port Organisation

pollution, and in improving the

to update all stakeholders with the

(ESPO) and ECOPORTS. This will

quality and interoperability of their

progress that was achieved this

involve the update of the Marine

response capacities. The West

year. Malta has transposed the Oil



MOPoCo project aims specifically

Pollution, Preparedness, Response

System and the development of new

to enhance emergency decision-

and Co-operation Convention and

environmental policy.



Pollution and









Directorate’s towards





HNS Protocol into national law. Furthermore, the Authority obtained

in collaboration with Monaco, in strengthening





national contingency plans, and

EU Funded Projects

strengthen cooperation and national

the necessary support from the

emergency procedures.

Government to better implement

The Ports and Yachting Directorate



is participating in a number of

In 2020, the Ports and Yachting

Contingency Plan as mentioned in

EU funded projects. Some of the

Directorate within the Authority

the 2020 budget speech.

projects were initiated during the

for Transport was again invited to



year under review whilst others were

participate in another Interreg Italia

The Deputy Head of Unit provided

initiated prior to the year or came to

Malta project named iWaveNET.

support to the European Maritime

an end during the year.

In its capacity as Partner within

Safety Agency (EMSA) in relation

the project, the Authority will be One project that the Ports and

installing an intelligent buoy to

delivered to the Georgian Maritime



monitor the state of the sea within

Administration. The latter, along

actively participating in is the Calypso

the context of climate change.

with other trainers from EMSA,



The lead partner of the project is

delivered various lectures and

Interreg Italia Malta agreement. The

the University of Palermo whilst

practical experiences during the

project addresses the challenges

other partners are the University of

two-day visit in Georgia.

of safer marine transportation, the

Malta, the University of Catania, the

protection of human lives at sea,

National Institute of Geophysics

The Unit is also responsible for

and the safeguarding of marine and

in Catania (INGV-CT), the Institute


coastal resources from irreversible

for environmental protection and









38 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Directorate co-funded



research located in Rome, and the

and harmonising the exchange of

was reduced, bar the national

National Council for research, also

information in an effort to facilitate

activities which were retained with

located in Rome.

internal and cross border trade.

additional measures introduced to

This was one of the obligations

mitigate the risk of infection. The

imposed through EU Directives

Rolex Middle Sea Race went on as

and by other international and EU

scheduled, however, an unfortunate

Agencies such as the European

drop in participants was recorded.

Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

Furthermore, the 31st of March

The Ports and Yachting Directorate,



Regatta was postponed due to

through the Valletta Ports Vessel

Organisation (IMO). The new portal

COVID-19 restrictions. Some of the

Traffic Service (Valletta VTS) and

will also address the current non-

other activities that took place and



harmonised reporting environment

for which authorisation was sought

Traffic Management Unit (TMU) and Valletta Traffic Services (VTS)









for ships, whilst complying with the

included the now annual Pageant of

navigating within Maltese territorial

proposed new European Maritime

the Seas, sailing regattas (13), filming

and internal waters.

Single Window environment which

activities (9), two fireworks displays,

brings together, in a coordinated

five rafting and kayaking events, and

The Traffic Management section

and harmonised way, all reporting

swimming events (14). The role of

mainly deals with the terminal

associated with a port call. This, in

the Ports and Yachting Directorate

operators and ship agents, and

turn, will also improve interoperability

was to ensure that applicants had

handles the pre-arrival and pre-

and interconnection between the

sufficient knowledge on the activity

departure notifications as well as

relevant systems, thus enabling

to be held as well as the resulting

berth planning.

data to be shared and reused more

impacts, and to have the required

efficiently and appropriately.





The Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) department






Despite the COVID-19 outbreak

mitigate these resulting impacts.

movements by providing Information

which had a drastic effect on the

On its part, the Directorate provided

services (IS), Traffic Organisation

shipping industry, PIU continued with

the necessary logistics and support



their regular systematic inspections

where it was necessary.

deemed necessary, a Navigational

which in 2020 reached a total of

Assistance Service (NAS). These

2,320. 150 of these inspections were

services are provided on a 24/7

IMDG inspections, while another

basis. The personnel manning the

482 were related to pollution and

The Hydrographic Office provided

VTS station is trained in line with

waste. Other inspections were

support to the Ports and Yachting

International Association of Marine

carried out on different vessels to

Directorate through the execution of

Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse

make sure that operators abide

hydrographic surveys, the issuing of

Authorities (IALA) standards.

with requirements imposed through

Notice to Mariners, and Navigational




Subsidiary Legislation 499.12. For


An agreement was reached and

most of these inspections, the Unit

providing advice and development of






made use of the refurbished Harbour

hydrographic charts amongst other

Slovenian IT company with vast

Masters launch MV tmONE, which

issues. The Hydrographic Office is

experience in the development

now also carries the role of the

the National Coordinator for Maritime


Authority’s official survey vessel.

Safety Information promulgation for













the central Mediterranean, with this

will be

Maritime activities were affected

activity being made possible with the

developed in a number of stages.

by the pandemic and therefore,

full cooperation of the Armed Forces

The system is aimed at simplifying

the number of these activities

of Malta.



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The Hydrographic Office is a member




Hydrographic Organisation, which brings along several obligations for surveying and charting. The principal aim of the IHO is to ensure that all the world’s seas, oceans, and navigable waters are surveyed and charted, with its mission being to create a global environment in which States provide adequate and timely hydrographic data, products and services, and ensure their widest possible use. To comply with these obligations, one of the officers received training in Cat B Cartography so as to enhance the charting capabilities of this office in producing electronic and paper charts.

In this year, the Hydrographic Office issued a Tender for an Unmanned Survey Vessel. This is now being evaluated. This equipment will replace leadline sounding in very shallow waters with a digital echo sounder. Throughout the operational year under review, the Directorate issued

Local Notices to Mariners (LNTM) and Coastal Notices to Mariners (CNTM) issued between 2011 and 2020

































155 Local Notices to Mariners and 62 Coastal Notices. This is

In 2020, the Hydrographic Office

a decrease over the previous

that the contractor adhered to the

carried out 5 surveys at Marsaxlokk




Freeport Terminals, 5 Surveys at

maritime activities were cancelled

in the tender. Another survey was

Marsaxlokk Magħluq, and provided

due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The

undertaken in French Creek Grand

volumes to be dredged in preparation

issue of such Notices is an important

Harbour to confirm depths at Bormla

for the tender that was eventually

function of the Directorate, as these

Wharf and Boathouse Wharf. These

issued for dredging purposes. The

serve to improve safety of navigation

were used for Chart correction.


and thus make our waters safer.

out and the dredging depth was

In addition to such notices, the

The work on the production of an



Hydrographic office also issued 33

Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)

surveys were also carried out at

Local and 10 Tunisian Navigational

continued throughout 2020. Once

Mġarr Harbour, Gozo, to confirm

produced, the charts are submitted




40 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

were by

eventually the





to IC-ENC and released for sale.

committed to this function and

were designed in 2020. This was

Furthermore, this Office sends data



a year of assessments, planning,

to the UKHO for Navigation Chart

so that Transport Malta, as the

and systems design in order to

updates. We are awaiting an updated

Competent Authority and National

effectively provide multiple layers

revision for Marsaxlokk Chart BA 36

Regulator for Maritime Security,

of security provisions to produce

and Valletta Chart BA 177.

effectively implements the most

a protective, safe, and secure

realistic measures to assist in

environment in our ports and in

detecting security threats and

this way consolidate a generative


maritime economy for Malta.




programme, from


an 3

ongoing staff









against maritime security incidents

successfully completed Geographic

that may affect our ports, port


Information System (GIS) courses

facilities, and ships used in local

regulations, and our own Integrated

organised by the Planning Authority

and international trade. This past


through an EU SIntegraM Project.

year has been a highly intensive and

– Security Strategy and National




legislation, Systems

important year for generative port

Programme, including a bespoke

Legal, EU and International Affairs

security assessments, planning,


During the year under review, legal

and consolidation. While there

(QMS), the Office of the PSO is

issues pertaining to the Directorate

are challenges ahead, there lies

rolling out an upgraded security

were followed up with the necessary

an exciting future for this maritime

system across our four commercial

and timely legal advice and direction.

transport core function which is

ports and our Head Office/PSO

Furthermore, several Agreements

set to grow in multiple dimensions

Offices, and all Transport Malta

and legislation were reviewed and


Port Facilities.

drafted, including transposition of

business clusters.

impact various


EU and International legislation. Additionally, input was provided on

The Office of the PSO is continuously

EU and International dossiers in line

being modernised along strongly

with Malta’s position. Together with


the external legal counsel, Court

security in the international port

cases relating to the statutory remit

security arena. The Port CCTV

of the Directorate were argued and

system is geared to be integrated

sittings were attended to accordingly,

between all twenty-five port facilities,

providing the necessary evidence


when required. A number of pending

facilities and the head office, to give

cases were decided in favour of the

a bird’s eye view of the port security

Authority with some recognising,

environment. It comprises multiple

confirming, and upholding important

high-definition cameras across the

principles and statutory powers of

various sites. This includes a number

the Authority.

of long-range cameras to monitor all







port channel entrances, jetties, and Maritime Security Compliance and

outer anchorages. The Ports CCTV

Monitoring Designated Authority/

system is but one aspect of our

Department - National Port Security

broader integrated technological

Officer (PSO)

security system, encompassing the Port Security Officer’s integration

In line with the previous year, the

of digital technology, skills, systems,

Chairman and CEO has strongly

and procedures, which together



The challenge, therefore, is not just the matching of imposed international regulatory requirements, mitigating known security vulnerabilities and performing corrective actions, but to proactively reach best practice levels in this growing core maritime transport function through concretely visible and evidence-based actions and operational improvements coordinated with other port functions and marine enforcement activities.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


42 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




Malta has today established itself as one of the leading maritime hubs and service centres in the Mediterranean region and worldwide. It has developed a very strong regulatory platform that has enabled the Malta Flag to become a reputable and internationally recognised ship register which is now one of the largest in the world. The maritime sector is one of the driving forces of Malta’s economy, as we cannot depend on road transport with respect to imports and exports. Without good maritime links, our economy would stifle. We have invested heavily and actively with respect to maritime policy development, both on EU and international levels. Ivan Sammut Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen Merchant Shipping Directorate

Malta’s geographical location, albeit having a number of benefits as it is located closely to one of the major trading routes, also offers a number of challenges, such as the competitive exposure to non-EU Member States. The decarbonisation of shipping is one of the biggest challenges currently being faced by the shipping industry. On an international level, addressing this matter falls within the framework of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), being the specialised United Nations agency established to provide intergovernmental cooperation in the field of regulation of ships engaged in international trade. The IMO is the responsible body for the global

D r. D u l c i e Z a m m i t Registrar of Ships, Merchant Shipping Directorate

44 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

regulation of all aspects of international shipping and has a key role - as summed up in the IMO’s mission statement - to promote safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient, and sustainable shipping through cooperation.

operating under the Malta flag. The Association is a full member of the European Community Shipowners Association, and brings together the national shipowners’ associations of the European Union, Iceland, and




interaction, and the assistance and cooperation of these organisations and institutions is crucial in order for the Directorate to continue providing an efficient service and to meet its obligations as a flag State Administration. Malta has continued to further enhance its active involvement in the work of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the United Nations’ specialised agency for maritime safety, security, and Merchant

the functions of which are related to

the protection of the environment

Shipping Directorate, is an active

its duties and responsibilities; with

from ships’ pollution. This is clear

player in the work of the IMO. The

the international shipping press,


reality of a Ship Register that is

with organisations and individuals

conscience that the Administration

among the largest in the world

who provide services on behalf of

has. It worked hand in hand with the

increases the responsibility that



industry to identify ways on how the

Malta has to meet with regard to

such as Maltese Embassies and

stringent environmental standards











are met, with the aim of improving


Ship Registry Office in Greece,

the environmental impact of the

international shipping fora. The

recognised classification societies

shipping industry.

heavy involvement of Directorate


officials at the meetings of the IMO

and with various sectors of the


is imperative for Malta to achieve its

shipping industry, particularly ship

increasingly shifting towards the

key objectives relating to maritime

owners, managers and financiers,

reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)

safety, security, protection of the


emissions from ships. One of the

environment, and the safety and

representatives of seafarers.




commitments, participating












first substantial steps in this regard was the Organisation’s adoption,

welfare of seafarers. The Directorate continues with

in 2011, of mandatory measures to

The Merchant Shipping Directorate

its close cooperation with the

increase the energy efficiency of

maintained international





ships, through the Energy Efficiency



Association, formed on the initiative

Design Index (EEDI) for new ships,


of forward-looking owners of ships

and the Ship Energy Efficiency




ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Management Plan (SEEMP) for

Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction

existing ships, which are rigorously

of GHG Emissions from Ships, as

enforced by the Malta Ship Registry

had been envisaged in a pre-agreed

on its registered fleet. The IMO has

IMO Roadmap. Malta has supported

continued to contribute towards the

the adoption of the said strategy,

global fight against climate change,

stressing the importance for the

in support of the United Nations

strategy to be ambitious, yet realistic

Sustainable Development Goal 13,

and achievable by the international

to take urgent action to combat

shipping industry. In this regard, the

climate change and its impacts.

global introduction of alternative fuels




international shipping as soon as possible and reducing the total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050, as compared to 2008. The Strategy contains a vision

Given the mounting climate change



statement, which aims to capture

concerns, the IMO GHG emissions

considering the level of emission

the main goal aspired to, stating that:

discussion has gained significant

reductions that could be delivered

IMO remains committed to reducing





within a set timeframe. Malta had also

GHG emissions from international

decade, particularly in view of the

emphasised that the implementation

shipping and, as a matter of urgency,

adoption of the Paris Agreement on

of the Strategy should adopt a flag

aims to phase them out as soon as

Climate Change in 2015. Although

neutral approach and maintain a

possible in this century.

international shipping is not included

level playing field, thus ensuring that

in the Paris Agreement, all sectors,

any ship calling at Maltese ports,

The initial strategy sets out the

including shipping, are to contribute

irrespective of flag, complies to the

levels of ambition to reduce GHG

towards GHG emissions reductions,

rigorous environmental standards

emissions and guiding principles;

and in this context the IMO has taken

being adopted.

and includes candidate short-, mid-,



and long-term further measures with

on the challenge of addressing global emissions from the sector

The adoption of the Strategy is

possible timelines and their impacts

which it regulates. As part of its work

indeed unprecedented since it is the

on States. The strategy also identifies

towards this goal, in 2016 the IMO

first time that the global community,

barriers and supportive measures

adopted mandatory requirements

through IMO, has agreed to a

including capacity building, technical

for ships to record and report their

concrete commitment to reduce


fuel oil consumption. Ships are thus

GHG emissions from international

development (R&D). The Strategy

required to collect consumption

shipping, by setting the following

also includes a specific reference to a

data for each type of fuel oil they use,

main targets:

pathway of CO2 emissions reduction

GHG emissions.

IMO GHG Initial Strategy IMO work on GHG reductions takes place through the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), wherein Malta actively participates through the Merchant Shipping Directorate. In 2018, the IMO MEPC reached a ground-



consistent with the Paris Agreement

with the aim of using such data when designing new measures to reduce


breaking milestone by adopting the

46 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

reducing the carbon intensity of international shipping by at least 40% by 2030, pursuing efforts towards 70% by 2050, as compared to 2008; and peaking GHG emissions from

temperature goals.

Fourth IMO GHG Study 2020 International




most energy efficient means of mass transport of cargo and is indispensable to world trade, enabling the flow of goods across the globe. It is also crucial for island States, like Malta, that depend on shipping for the importation and exportation of our everyday goods. Nonetheless,

shipping is also reliant on fossil fuel

increase from about 90% of 2008

major industry organisations, has

as its main means of propulsion.

emissions in 2018 to 90-130% of 2008


According to the Fourth IMO GHG

emissions by 2050.

the 76th Session of the Marine

Study 2020, GHG emissions of




Environment Protection Committee

total shipping are estimated to have



(MEPC 76) proposing to establish

increased by 9.6% between 2012

whilst further improvement of the

an International Maritime Research

and 2018, mostly due to a continuous

carbon intensity of shipping can


increase in global maritime trade.

be achieved, it will be difficult to


The Fourth IMO GHG Study 2020

achieve IMO’s 2050 GHG reduction

based on the establishment of an

also includes estimates of carbon

ambition only through energy-saving


intensity, and outlines that overall

technologies and speed reduction of

and Development Board by the IMO

carbon intensity, as an average

ships. Therefore, under all projected

– which is already listed in the Initial

across international shipping, was

scenarios, in 2050, a large share of

IMO Strategy on the Reduction of

approximately 20 to 30% better in

the total amount of CO2 reduction

GHG Emissions from Ships as a

2018 than in 2008 (baseline year in

will have to come from the use of

short-term candidate measure – with

the Initial Strategy). Based on various

low-carbon alternative fuels.

responsibility for commissioning,



long-term economic and energy scenarios (not taking into account long-term effects of the COVID-19

Development a


International Research Board





R&D Maritime



programme Research





financed by a fund (IMO Maritime

pandemic), and without any additional

Research Fund) established by the

measures, the Study describes that

Malta, together with nine other

Organisation. This proposal – which

shipping emissions are projected to


initially originated from a wide group





ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


of industry associations - would be expected to raise approximately $5 billion over the 10-to-15-year life of the programme via a proposed mandatory



equivalent to $2 per tonne of fuel oil consumed, using the mechanism already established by the Fuel Oil Consumption Data Collection System in Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention. The objective of the proposed Board and Fund is to support the achievement of the levels of ambition agreed by the IMO in the Initial IMO GHG Strategy, and it is aimed at accelerating the introduction of low-carbon and zero-carbon technologies and fuels. This proposal recognises that the absolute GHG reduction target for 2050, adopted as part of the Initial IMO Strategy, is unlikely to be achieved unless commercially viable zero-emission ships, including ships capable of trans-oceanic



scheduled or non-scheduled, begin to appear on the market by 2030, which will require a collaborative effort involving all relevant parties, particularly the energy production and maritime industries. As one of the proponents of this document, Malta supported this proposal during the discussions that took place during MEPC 76 in June 2021. Whilst the proposal garnered support from a number of member states, it was also met with less enthusiasm from others, particularly those States who favour the introduction of a market-basedmeasure, such as a significant tax/ levy or a cap-and-trade system.

48 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Given the limited time available, a full

carried over distance travelled.

round of discussions could not take

Ships will get a rating of their energy

place and the proposal is expected

efficiency (A, B, C, D, E - where A is

to be discussed further at MEPC 77

the best). Ships rated as A or B could

in November 2021.

receive incentives for their rating, also sending out a strong signal

Adoption of new Energy Efficiency Measures

to the market and financial sector. However, a ship rated D or E for three consecutive years, is required

Progress at the IMO has continued

to submit a corrective action plan, to

with the development of mandatory

show how the required index (C or

measures that could eventually

above) would be achieved.

contribute towards meeting the objectives of the Strategy. Whilst



MARPOL Annex VI are expected










to enter into force on the 1st

Protection Committee meets at


the IMO’s headquarters in London,

requirements for EEXI and CII

but due to the COVID-19 pandemic,

certification coming into effect from

the 76th Session of the MEPC took

the 1st of January 2023. This means

place remotely via videoconference

that the first annual reporting will

(as was also the case for the previous

be completed in 2023, with the first

Session and GHG Intersessional

rating given in 2024. A review clause

Working Group). The remote setting

requires the IMO to review the

inevitably made discussions more

effectiveness of the implementation

difficult, namely due to the fact that

of the CII and EEXI requirements, by

meetings were reduced to three

the 1st of January 2026 at the latest,

hours per day given the different

and if necessary, develop and adopt

time zones of member states

further amendments.





participating from across the globe. Notwithstanding such difficulties,

MEPC 76 has also adopted seven

new mandatory measures to cut

sets of guidelines complementing

the carbon intensity of international

the said amendments to MARPOL

shipping have been adopted by

Annex VI. The adoption of the

MEPC 76, combining technical and


operational approaches to improve

by lengthy discussions during a

the energy efficiency of ships. The

Correspondence Group as well

new measures will require all ships

as during a GHG Intersessional

to calculate their Energy Efficiency

Working Group, particularly with

Existing Ship Index (EEXI) following

regard to the carbon intensity

technical means to improve their


energy efficiency, and to establish

correction factors, reference lines

their annual operational Carbon

and voyage exclusions in relation to

Intensity Indicator (CII) and CII rating.

the different ship types, as well as

Carbon intensity links the GHG

the classification of certain ships.

emissions to the amount of cargo

With respect to the Carbon Intensity







ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Indicators Reduction Guidelines,

The Workplan envisages three

an agreement was reached to set a


rate of 11% by 2026, relative to 2019. This would be further strengthened

Annex VI, with a view to improve the

after that date, taking into account

procedure for conducting future

the review of the measure and latest

impact assessments.

climate science.

Impact assessment

Next steps at IMO on the GHG agenda

In adopting the new measure,

MEPC 76 also discussed a number



of submissions on how to progress




considered a

Phase I – Collation and initial consideration of proposals for measures (Spring 2021 to spring 2022); Phase II – Assessment and selection of measures(s) to further develop (Spring 2022 to spring 2023); and


to the next stages of IMO’s work

impact assessment of the measure

to cut GHG emissions from ships,

which examined potential negative

leading to the revision of the initial

impacts on States and agreed to

GHG Strategy in 2023. The MEPC

keep the impacts on States of the

adopted a Workplan on the concrete

measure under review so that any

way forward to make progress

necessary adjustments can be

with candidate mid- and long-term

made. In adopting the amendments,

measures, including measures to

the MEPC agreed to undertake a

incentivise the move away from

lessons-learned exercise from the

fossil fuels to low- and zero-carbon

Furthermore, the implementation

comprehensive impact assessment

fuels to achieve decarbonisation of


of the amendments to MARPOL

international shipping. Proposals on

assessment of impacts on States

market-based measures, including a carbon levy, are expected to be considered in the context of the adopted workplan along with other proposals for mid-term measures.

50 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Phase III – Development of(a) measure(s) to be finalised within (an) agreed target date(s). the




a crucial stage and are expected to continue at an accelerated rate. Being an international organisation of the proposed measures in

consisting of almost 180 member

accordance with the procedure

States from around the globe,

agreed on by IMO Member States

experience has demonstrated that

for assessing impacts on States of

negotiations within the IMO can be

candidate measures. It provides for

quite challenging, particularly given

a number of procedural steps and

the divergent views of states. GHG



discussions are, more often than

from an initial impact assessment

not, highly charged with a variety

accompanying the proposal for

of national sensitivities, different

a measure, to a comprehensive

levels of climate ambition among

impact assessment that may be

states, the split between developed

requested by a committee.

and developing countries, political





The next steps will take place

regional approaches. Nonetheless,

during a further two meetings of

one has to look positively ahead,

the Intersessional Working Group

confident that consistent progress

on GHG to be organised in autumn


2021, with a special focus on

within the IMO in the true spirit of

alternative fuels, and on mid-term

international cooperation.




measures. Transport Malta, through the Merchant Shipping Directorate, will continue its active involvement with the international scene in the negotiations that have now reached

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Ko n r a d M u s c a t Senior Manager Ports Commercial

THE SMALL SHIPS REGISTER WITHIN PORTS COMMERCIAL The Ports Commercial Department within the Office of the Deputy CEO & Chief Operating Officer of Transport Malta is composed of 5 Units, mainly, the Port Concessions, Training & Certification, Commercial Vessels, Small Ships Register and the Moorings & Berthing Unit. The Department is made up of a team of 25 personnel headed by the Senior Manager, Ports Commercial. In this article we will mainly look at the functions of the Small Ships Register as well as make reference to the basic functions of the other Units within Ports Commercial.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Small Ships Register What Defines a Small Ship?

ensure that within thirty days of

in writing to the Authority, giving

the date on which the registration

the particulars and information of

A small ship is a craft under twenty-

of that small ship takes effect,

the person who agrees to buy the

four metres in length employed

there is clearly painted or affixed

small ship or any of its engines, and

solely in the navigation within the

to an external surface of the small

shall also forward his certificate of

territorial waters of Malta, whether

ship, or on such other part of the

registry back to the Authority.

mechanically driven or not, and

small ship which the Authority may

whether privately or commercially

approve, the number and mark of its

used, and includes, but is not limited

registration, and that such markings

to, all types of craft such as sailing

are maintained in good condition

boats, yachts, fishing vessels as



An individual requesting to register

well as other craft used for fishing

during the period of registration of

a small ship on the Small Ships

like caiques, luzzijiet and frejgatini,

the small ship.

Registry must be of at least eighteen



How to Register a Small Ship?

years of age and have a residential

cabin cruisers, speedboats, jet skis, dinghies, passage boats, and other



address in Malta. Client is to call

Maltese traditional boats, paddle-

otherwise, the letters and numbers

personally at the Ports Commercial

boats, canoes, personal watercraft,

assigned to each small ship shall

Department, Small Ships Registry

air cushioned craft etc.

be at least 15.24 centimetres high

office together with the required

and 7.6 centimetres wide with a


Canoes and open sailing dinghies

space of not less than 2 centimetres

on the case. Once all documents

without engines not exceeding

between each number or letter,

are vetted and accepted by an

5.2 metres in length which are

and small ships owned by private

Authorised Official, an application

for personal use only and not used in

individuals shall have their letters

form is filled in and signed by the

a commercial manner are exempted

and numbers painted in black on a

customer. Client may also wish to

from registration.

white background, whereas those

fill in and sign the application form

used for hire shall be painted in white

beforehand and send all documents

on a black background.

with another person.

No small ship shall be registered



unless the small ship is equipped with such safety equipment as may

Any person who agrees to sell, scrap,

be required by the Authority from

or otherwise dispose of his small

time to time. The person registered

ship or any of its engines shall, within

as owner of the small ship shall

seven days, give notice thereof

54 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly














REGISTERED ON ANOTHER REGISTER Application Forms may be downloaded from the Authority’s website.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


What About Renewals? Transport Malta is offering a secure and easy way for boat owners to renew their Small Ship Registration online without having to go to the Small Ships register Office in Ħal Lija. Boat owners opting to renew their registration online need to be in possession of an e-ID account. A copy of a valid insurance certificate may be required if applicable.

Links to the system as well as Application Forms may be found and downloaded from the Authority’s website.

Transfer of ownership of a Small Ship and Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Small Ship An application for the registration of a transfer of a small ship or any

In case of transfer of engine/s only,

engines of 10 HP or more), valid

of its engines by a new owner shall

a Certificate of Survey confirming

until the next renewal date of the

be submitted to the Authority within

that the vessel can be equipped

Certificate of Registry;

seven days of the purchase or

with such engine or engines

transfer thereof. The documents


below are to be submitted for the

seaworthy and for its purpose;

transfer of ownership of a small ship:

and if a small ship is registered on

Certificate of insurance in the name of purchaser (for small ship with engines of 10 HP or more), valid until the next renewal date of the Certificate of Registry;




Last Certificate of Registry issued by Transport Malta;

a company/organisation, a signed



(Section D);





directors and documents attesting the power of such director/s (e.g.,

Legal hypothec or court decree


in the case of one or more of the




Association, Statute, etc.).

heirs/legatees being younger than eighteen (18) years of age; and

Last Certificate of Registry issued by Transport Malta; A copy of ID Card of seller/s, purchaser/s, and witness (for verification purposes only); and

In case of a Notice of Transfer by Inheritance of a Small Ship:

The heirs/legatees are to present their ID card/s or Passport/s when submitting

Certificate of insurance in the name of applicant/s (for small ship with

56 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



verification purposes only).


Training & Certification Unit In April 2020, Transport Malta took ownership of the administrative procedure of the applications for the Nautical Licence and Certificate of Competency examinations, which were previously administered by MCAST. In addition to the issuing of the respective licences and certificates, the Training & Certification Unit conducts




Nautical Licence and Certificate of Competency exam applications and procedures, including the relevant fees and payments. The Training & Certification Unit is specifically responsible







eligibility of both commercial and pleasure licences and certifications. The Training & Certification Unit is also responsible for the accreditation of Application







processed, a Deletion Certificate


downloaded from the Authority’s

is issued and sent to the client.

approving the training syllabus for


Documents to be submitted:

each course,auditing of training




Voluntary Termination Registration


such small ship, one shall submit an application to that effect to the





Copy of ID Card (front and back) for


verification purposes only; and

organising examinations in order

Last original Certificate of Registry.

to certify individuals to operate

When the owner of a small ship desires to close the register of




Application Forms may be downloaded from the Authority’s website.




Maltese Territorial waters either for pleasure or commercial purposes, assessing qualifications submitted

Authority, giving all such particulars

from individuals other than those

and information as the Authority

Apart from registering small ships,

approved and issued by Transport

may require for the purpose.

Ports Commercial is responsible

Malta, and issuing the respective

for regulating training institutions

Examination certificates.

The client may either call personally

engaged in the training of persons

at SSR Office or send another

operating pleasure craft as well as

The Training & Certification Unit is

person, or mail all documents

those working on local commercial

responsible for regulating training

together with a cheque payment


institutions engaged in the training

payable to ‘Transport Malta’. Once





ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Another important Unit within Ports Commercial is the Port Concessions Unit, which optimises

Transport Malta’s potential

to maximise its income from commercial operations

58 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

craft and those working on local commercial vessels. To achieve this objective, Ports Commercial acts as a certifying Authority for local qualifications and as a facilitator of training and education programmes. With regard to training provisions, the Training & Certification Unit also works closely with various private Training Centres and Institutes, as well as the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), the public institution entrusted with education and training in various maritime run






Institutes training commercial

vessel operators and pleasure craft operators, offering courses related to the various certificate levels for the operation of commercial vessels, Certificates of Competency, and the Nautical Licence for pleasure crafts.



waters that amongst others include passenger



and bunker barges. The Unit also issues commercial vessel operator licences for applicants operating with such vessels.

Type of Certificate/Licence issued in 2019/2020 (The negative effect of the 2020 pandemic,




Certificates of Competency and Commercial Vessels registrations and licensing, is to be taken into consideration)

Registration of Small Ships

Commercial Vessels Unit Apart

operations in Maltese territorial


registration of small ships and waterbased recreational activities, Ports Commercial is also responsible for the safety of commercial vessels, and the safe manning requirements of such vessels. In this respect, the Commercial Vessels Unit issues commercial vessel certificates for crafts carrying out commercial

New Registrations of small ships: 5821 (2019) 608 (2020) Renewals of small ships: 6042 (2019) 5902 (2020)

Training & Certification Unit Nautical Licence: New 1306 (2019) 2915 (2020); Renewals 133 (2019) 320 (2020) Certificates of Competency: New 121 (2019) 44 (2020); Revalidation 96 (2019) 71 (2020); Equivalencies 64 (2019) 9 (2020)

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Commercial Vessels Unit

place, as well as the management


of all quays and other facilities falling

May 1st to September 30th:




under the responsibility and control




of the Authority.



from 07:30 to 14:00; Tuesday,

Renewals 973 (2019) 269 (2020) Commercial



The Port Concessions Unit also

Thursday, and Friday from


07:30 to 12:00.


scheduled in



Licence: New 55 (2019) 31 (2020);


Renewals 400 (2019) 113 (2020)

zones in our port areas in terms

Port Concessions Unit

Monday and Wednesday


of the obligations emanating from


the agreements and concessions

October 1st to April 30th:

in place, inspections on berthing

Monday from 07:30 to

Another important Unit within Ports

zones, as well as the coordination

Commercial is the Port Concessions

of operations in berthing zones and

14:00; Tuesday, Wednesday,

Unit, which optimises Transport

quays managed by or falling under

Thursday, and Friday from


the responsibility of Transport Malta.

07:30 to 12:00.






maximise commercial

operations and services related to

Moorings & Berthing Unit

Ports and Port Areas. It does this by developing new commercial

The Moorings & Berthing Unit is

business opportunities with existing

responsible for the management

clients as well as new ones.

of mooring and berthing areas and quays, as well as for the processing

The unit is also responsible for

of applications and issuance of

the management and monitoring

permits for moorings and berthing.

of all concessions, contracts, and

A number of initiatives were taken by

services, as well as other form of

the Unit during the last few months.

agreements in place with respect

These included the re-organisation

to port facilities and services. The

from scratch of a number of berthing

current contracts and agreements,

zones including those in Pietà Sa

more than 70, are verified and

Maison as well as in Marsascala.

scrutinised internally, periodically,

Apart from these two zones, work

to make sure that all the contractual

was and is being carried out to

obligations in place are being met

regularise and organise mooring

and observed.

areas in Gżira and Kalkara and other locations.






implemented a commercial plan,

Office Opening Hours:

which included operations, policies, and development as well as the


review on the authority of the

Commercial Vessels, Small Ships

ports and their facilities. It was also

Register and Moorings & Berthing

responsible for the re-organisation

Units are open to the Public at the

from scratch of all agreements on

Transport Malta Offices in Ħal Lija as

berths and current concessions in


60 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




All application forms referred to in this article can be downloaded from the Transport Malta website, Maritime Section www.transport.gov.mt.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Jeffrey Bonnici Manager Maritime Enforcement Department

Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a ’s 2 0 2 1


Il-Baħar Ingawduh Flimkien is the

This year’s campaign focuses on

Respect the distance between

title chosen for the new safety

four main principles:

boats – Avoid accidents and danger

was launched on June 6th by the

Don’t swim close to slipways and do

Boats and marine craft/vessels

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure

not hinder access to boats

of certain dimensions can create

at sea campaign for 2021, which

and Capital Projects, Hon. Dr. Ian

a large water ripple that can be

Borg. This is the 11th edition of the

Slipways are to be used strictly to

dangerous for smaller boats. It is

campaign since the establishment of

lower boats in the sea or to retrieve

being encouraged and emphasised

Transport Malta. The main scope of

them, and hence they should be

that more respect and consideration

the campaign, which is educational

accessible for this purpose at all

is shown by bigger boats towards

in nature, is to instil a more prudent

times. All vehicles should be removed

smaller boats when they are in their

behaviour in those who frequent

once a boat is lowered into the sea

proximity, as to avoid danger and/or

our beaches as well as those who

so that the slipway is kept clear.

unpleasant situations.

use seacraft and vessels during the

Swimmers are being encouraged

months of summer.

not to swim in the vicinity of slipways, both for their own safety as well as to keep the slipways accessible by boats at all times.

62 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Motor propelled maritime craft

is taken back home and separated

The Minister thanked Transport

should not be an obstacle to fishing

accordingly and as required. This

Malta and its various directorates

boats or sailing boats

appeal is made in a bid to contribute

for doing their best so that our seas


are kept safe, most particularly the

Everyone needs to be prudent and





environment, especially our seas.

keep the required proximity and velocity,


Enforcement officers that spend long hours out at sea, away from


During the launch of this year’s

their families to make sure that our

motorboats when there are sailing

campaign, the Minister for Transport

seas are safe for everyone who

boats and fishing vessels in the

said that as importance is given to

would like to enjoy them. He said

vicinity, and at all times in accordance

promote tolerance and respect on

that although the Government is

with International Regulations for

our roads, the same importance

committed to working on all levels so

the Prevention of Collisions at Sea.

must be given to user behaviour at

that the level of safety and security

sea. He reiterated that, “Education

would continue to be improved,

Don’t leave waste behind you,

by itself is not enough, and it is the

it is important that everyone acts

dispose of it correctly – Do Not Litter

duty and responsibility of everyone

responsibly and shows prudence


towards others, both on land as well




A strong appeal is being made to not

decisions and choices are made,

litter our beaches. Waste should be

so that during the summer months

disposed of properly, and nothing

the maritime environment will be a

is to be disposed of into the sea. An

safe one to the extent that it can be

appeal is being made so that waste

enjoyed by many”.

as at sea.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Introduction to the Campaign 64 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Safety at Sea Campaigns have been

Safety at Sea

The human element remains a critical factor in maritime

organised annually for quite some time and such campaigns can be



safety issues, and is a major

traced back to 2003, during the period

Unit works with the maritime

element in most of the incidents

when the Malta Maritime Authority




at sea which occur around the



was being set up. Hence, the Safety at Sea Campaign was taken on when Transport Malta was set up back in 2010. It goes without saying that the





islands. As in previous years,

safety culture whilst enhancing

this year Transport Malta will

communication and information

continue to focus on the basic

sharing, thus improving the

principles of safety at sea to

safe passage of vessels. In

raise safety standards, promote

addition to the dissemination

safe practices at sea, and instil

of information to the general

the ‘safety mindset’ that one

promotion and overseeing of safety of



should have within the maritime

navigation within the territorial waters

Transport Malta website as well

community. Everyone has a part

is one of the main responsibilities

as through a number of leaflets

to play to raise safety standards.

of Transport Malta, and partly

and other promotional material

contributing towards this end is the

to promote a safety-first mindset

This begins from the very

organisation of the annual Safety at

at sea, Maritime Enforcement

basic principle that every boat,

Sea campaign and promotion of safety

Unit officials also take part in

no matter how big or small it

practices with boat owners/skippers

frequent interviews on radio

is, must have a skipper. The

and television programmes to

skipper is legally responsible for

share information and promote

the safety of the boat and the


people on board. The skipper is

of vessels. It is precisely for this reason that during the last few years, Transport Malta has invested heavily in the reorganisation of its Maritime





also responsible for complying with the relevant rules and

The Unit, in the meantime,

regulations in force.

continues to step up its efforts

Enforcement Unit which is the main

year after year, in its effort to carry

Before a person commences

department responsible for regulating

out its enforcement duties, thus

any boating activity, apart from

maritime leisure activities in Maltese

ensuring compliance with rules

the required nautical licence to

ports and Maltese waters. The Unit,

and regulations, with a greater

operate vessels with a speed of

which falls under the responsibility of

emphasis on navigational and

30mph or more, the authority

the Transport Malta’s Enforcement

safety on board.

recommends to

Directorate, is also involved in the development and implementation of putting in place measures to better organise most of Malta’s popular bays and beaches. The Unit endeavours to ensure that boat users, whether private or commercial,

The Safety at Sea Campaign


everyone knowledge


undertaking a higher boating education




The aim of the campaign is to use

‘Day Skipper’ or ‘Boat Master’

various approaches in reaching

courses, so one can better

out to various stakeholders


including the general public, with

oneself with the ‘rules of the

a number of messages relating

road’ on the water, and have an



to safety at sea, as well as a step

appreciation of boat safety and

comply with the relevant legislation and

up in enforcement on a number

best practice expected and

industry-related procedures.

of popular beaches to ensure


that regulations are observed.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Tips on Boat and vessel safety

the boat, and ideally it should


be worn at all times.

plus an extra of each type



(that is, one for adults and •

What to do to be safe at sea:

Equipment on board: anchor,

one for children)

bailer, spare fuel, torch, warm •

clothing, or blankets.

Before leaving the shore,

appropriate size and type on

check the weather forecast, including



Fire extinguishers of the

conditions for the whole day.

Ideally have two means of

all boats equipped with an

communication that work


even when wet, such as VHF •

Ensure is



the and


radio, flares, and a cell phone


in a plastic bag.

Waterproof First Aid Kit and waterproof flashlight

equipped with the necessary

equipment before departing.

Guard against fire.

Life raft or dinghy

Make sure to have local

Knowledge of the collision

VHF Radio

knowledge about the hazards

prevention rules and local

one can encounter at sea.


Fixed or handheld GPS

The availability of necessary


Inform others about the


trip to be undertaken, with

and 1 red flare)

as well as the date and time of


return to shore.

important information to know:

Bucket, bailer, or bilge pump


Small ships should be equipped with

Ensure that all equipment is

when out at sea should be

safety equipment, and the following

avoided, and the skipper

is the recommended equipment and

is strictly forbidden from

safety gear. It is the responsibility

consuming alcohol.

of the Master (person in charge)






of the boat to ensure that there is •


(minimum 1 orange smoke

information on the destination


The boat or vessel should

appropriate lifesaving equipment

never be overloaded. Secure

easily accessible on board, and that

any heavy objects low and

everyone knows how to wear and

along the centreline.

use this equipment.

A life jacket for each person

on board must be available on

66 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Personal floating devices (PFD) for all persons on

within its expiry date.

Boat and vessel safety ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly





methods The five common distress signals are: •

Red parachute flare

Handheld red flare

Buoyant orange smoke

Raising and lowering of arms outstretched to each side

Mayday or distress message over VHF channel 16

Electronic Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) activation

Checking the Weather Before With the boating season well and truly underway, and hopefully the best boating conditions for the season still to come, it is important to remind you to check the weather before heading out for a day at sea. It can’t be emphasised enough how important it is to check the marine weather forecast as part of your trip preparation, no matter what time of year, how far from the shore you’ll venture, or how long you intend to stay out. The breeze can change quite dramatically,




summer, when a strong afternoon sea breeze can change conditions immediately.

68 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Here are some weather watch

updates and weather warnings on

speed limits restrictions within ports

pointers to look out for when you

the VHF radio.

that must also be observed.

If one is in doubt, best is to stay

Navigating the seas

go boating: Check a marine weather forecast for

onshore and not go out.

predicted wave heights, keeping in mind that waves may intermittently

Whoever wishes to navigate and Safety Recommendations

drive a boat must ensure that they

reach up to twice the predicted height. Waves are mostly caused

are in possession of a valid nautical Respect speed limits

licence should the boat be equipped

by wind – generally, the stronger the

with an engine of 30 hp or larger. A

wind and the greater the fetch (the

To ensure safety at sea, Transport

valid certificate of insurance and

length of water over which wind has

Malta has established different

boat’s certificate of registration

blown), the larger the waves.

should also be on board the same

Local and underwater topography


To ensure safety at sea, Transport Malta has established different speed limits within the Maltese Territorial Waters.

will affect the wind and waves. Waves can be short and steep in confined waterways such as bays and around the islands.



the shoreline bounce back, steepening and confusing seas. Read the clouds for signs



weather. Take note if clouds are increasing or decreasing and watch the sequence of cloud formation

– for example, high-level feathery

Float Plan Navigators should develop an emergency procedure and a float plan. A float plan



details of the scheduled trip with dates and times of boat launch. First, one should describe the intended itinerary in detail and provide multiple points of contact for those aboard including cell phone

numbers, VHF radio (if available),

clouds are often a precursor to a

and even home addresses.

weather change. speed limits within the Maltese

One should focus on key places and

The weather forecast for seafarers

Territorial Waters. Mariners are

times when to check in or when one

is transmitted by VTS on channel 11 at

obliged to know and observe these

plans to return. Planning is important

08.03hrs – 12.03 – 18.03 – 23.03hrs.

limits. It is mandatory not to exceed

and details such as when and where

However, one may check at any

10 Knots when 300 metres away

to meet, type of weather, and so

time the local weather forecast and

from sandy beaches or 200 metres

on, should be included on the plan.

receive severe weather alerts from

away from rocky beaches, coasts,

Other important details such as boat

Malta International Airport (MIA)

and ports Speed should be limited

description, what will be done by the

website. Also, one can make use of

to 3 knots in marinas, yachting

boat operator if the trip is changed or

other sources such as Wind Finder,

centres, and near mooring and

delayed, and emergency equipment

Ventusky, and Windy.com websites.

speedboat lanes. Moreover, it is

on board, should be included.

When out at sea, one is to keep

pertinent to point out that no skiing is

a proper lookout, be aware of

permitted within the ports and their

changing conditions, and listen for

approaches, and that there arelower

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Safety at Sea 70 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


accompanied by at least another person. One must equalize early and

Drinking alcohol may impair both

often while descending and never

one’s judgment as well as the ability

go deeper than one can comfortably

to control the craft. No craft can be


driven in a dangerous or reckless

every dive and make safety stops.

manner or under the influence of

Continuously monitor depth, time,

alcohol. One must keep in mind that

and pressure. Common accidents

alcohol remains in the bloodstream

happen when you run out of air at

for up to 14 hours.

depth, so better be safe.


Navigational safety procedures

One is to keep a good lookout


and proceed with a safe speed at

operated if the craft is operated

all times. Careful watch for other

between sunset and sunrise or in

boats, divers, and swimmers should

reduced visibility.







be kept at all times and the speed should be adapted for any particular

Emergency contacts and

circumstance. Reefs and shallow


waters are to be given a wide berth. Use common sense and discretion. Diving and snorkelling Diving has become one of the major attractions in summer and many tourists come to Malta specifically for that purpose. It is therefore important to remind enthusiasts and professional divers to follow the basic rules when diving into the sea. It is the responsibility of professional diving teachers to assess the hazards of a dive site and inform the divers of the hazards, brief divers on the layout and points of interest of a dive site, suggest routes for a dive at a specific site for autonomous divers, and check divers into and out of the water from a boat or shore entry point.

Who to call in case of an emergency? Is the right equipment available? Everything one needs to know in case of an emergency whilst out at sea or within the coast, is a must. No matter if one is walking along the coast, angling from rocks, out on a kayak, or sailing further out to sea, having the means to call for help in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death.

Scuba Diving comes with rules to keep you safe. As a general rule, one must never go diving without being

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Mariners are reminded that a mobile

Even if the phone shows no service,

kept on board to be used in cases of

phone does not replace the need of

112 should be called anyway as in


a VHF marine radio on board, as a

an emergency the phone will be

call for assistance via the radio in an

able to use another phone network.

Handheld VHF/DSC (Very High

emergency at sea is more reliable

Please note that with some devices,

Frequency/Digital Selective Calling)

and effective. A call on a mobile

repeatedly pressing the power

If possible, one should purchase a

phone is a one-to-one contact,

button can activate an emergency

DSC-equipped radio (some are not).

whereas a call from the Marine radio

call with your location.

A DSC distress alert is a recognised

will reach and alert more listeners on the dedicated frequencies.

emergency signal, and it also Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)

transmits your location.

PLBs use search and rescue If one ends up in an emergency or

satellites to send a message to the

A distress alert signal should be

spots someone else in trouble, 112 is

Armed Forces of Malta that clearly

sent, followed by a mayday voice call

to be contacted immediately to ask

indicates that one is in trouble. The

on Channel 16. This communicates

for assistance. With all water related

AFM then sends search and rescue

the distress message to all vessels

activities, TM strongly encourages

assets out to the GPS position given

and shore stations in range.


by the PLB.






communication that is most suitable

It requires an operator’s licence, a

for the respective activity in case of

Automatic Identification System

ship’s portable radio or ship’s radio,

any help required. TM advises that


and a Maritime Mobile Service

one should make sure that they are

Identity (MMSI) number, which

familiar with equipment in terms of

AIS devices use VHF frequencies to

use, and that it is always kept within

transmit their location which can be


picked by all AIS receiving stations

comes with the radio licence.

within range, including commercial


If one is on the coast or taking part in

ships and other leisure vessels. The


an inshore activity such as kayaking,

device does give a location but isn’t

then a mobile phone may suffice to

the recognised way of calling for

The Maritime Enforcement Unit

call for help. One should ensure that

help. AIS devices have a range of up

carries out its duties both from

the phone is fully charged before

to 5 nautical miles in open waters.

ashore and from onboard RHIBs

heading out, and might want to take a portable charger. Mobile phone



at sea. One of the primary roles of If one falls overboard, especially in

the department is to manage the

the dark, it gives the crew the power

day-to-day functions of the control

to find the person quickly. When that

room on a 24/7 basis, continuous

AIS device goes off, everybody in

monitoring, review, and response

Keep the mobile phone in a

the vicinity (around 5 miles in open

to security incidents seen via the





water) who has an AIS receiver

CCTV cameras and, ensuring that

should be carried on the person so

onboard will be able to locate you.

operations are run in accordance

it’s within easy reach – it’s no use if

Marine VHF Radio

with the Code of Practice and the

one can’t reach it.

Authority for Transport in Malta A VHF radio should always be




procedures Manual.


available and used responsibly.

location, but emergency calls should

Mobile phone network coverage

Some of the main tasks that these

be made by voice (call 112 and ask

is not always available whilst out

officers perform daily are sea borne

for the Police).

at sea and it is therefore highly

patrols at beaches, bays, ports,

recommended that a VHF radio is

and on the territorial waters. They



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

inspect commercial vessels and

the coast, not release toilet water in

pleasure yachts by looking for the

coastal waters and sensitive areas,

validity of the boat registration

not release poisonous or toxic items

and related documentation. The

(oil, paint, used batteries, cleaning



agents) into the sea and therefore

objective is to educate and instil


deliver these types of waste to the

discipline into people out at sea. It

containers in the marina.

is more important for the team to acquire trust and confidence from


the general public, who should be

and use recycling facilities (glass,

aware that our local enforcement is

paper), use the most environmentally

there to assist and make sure that

friendly products that are available

the Maltese coast and sea are safe

and work efficiently, and instantly

and good order prevails.

report pollution or other violations




of environmental regulations to the In cases of infringements and

authorities. The Authority would like

contravention of the law and local

to see more people who are aware

regulations, these officers can issue

of the surroundings, protect animals

citations and take legal action as

and plants in the sea, including no

required. Furthermore, they may

disturbance of breeding birds or other



marine mammals, protect vulnerable

activities by enforcing the applicable


and nature-protected areas, and

regulations, such as the prevention

avoid damaging the sea floor.

of illegal mooring, and obstruction of slipways and landing places, and

Our behaviour should inspire and

enforce Notices to Mariners.

encourage other boaters to take care

Conclusion As part of the Safety at Sea Campaign, Transport Malta works with the maritime community on instilling a strong safety culture, enhancing communication and information sharing, and improving the safe passage of vessels. In addition to the distribution of information kits to promote a safety-first mindset at sea, Transport Malta, through its Maritime Enforcement Unit, will continue to conduct industry-wide briefing sessions to share safety best practices.

of the environment and respect the Safety and Pollution Prevention

surrounding areas, avoid loud music, and be more prudent and courteous.

Transport all




encourages owners


make efforts towards a better environment, to become part of one unified network and respect a

Passenger ferry safety standards will continue to be reinforced, and this includes screening of safety videos onboard ferries and passenger terminals.

number of environmentally friendly rules, and be a proud lover of the sea and our coastline. Boat owners must protect the environment and the sea and thus be responsible for their actions. Rules to follow for private boat owners whilst out at sea must be imprinted in the mind those out at sea. Transport

The Maritime Enforcement Unit will continue to develop a safety framework to improve the good practices and spearhead the drive for safety at sea among the community, to ensure the sustainability of the safety efforts.

Malta encourages people to not throw garbage into the sea or along

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


JANUARY – END OF JUNE 2020 STATISTICS Vessels found contravening the regulations Warnings issued


Charges issued




In order


Total number of inspections


Breakdown of charges and warnings issued Over speeding


No insurance


Expired vessel registration


Engine not registered


No markings


Inappropriate markings


No nautical licence


Vessels not registered


Berthing in a prohibited area






JANUARY – 1ST WEEK OF JUNE 2021 STATISTICS Vessels found contravening the regulations Warnings issued


Charges issued



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



In order


Total number of inspections


Breakdown of charges and warnings issued Over speeding


No insurance


Expired vessel registration


Engine not registered


No markings


Inappropriate markings


No nautical licence


Vessels not registered


Berthing in a prohibited area






COVID-19 Inspections Total number of inspections carried out related to COVID-19 measures


Total number of citations


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Patrick Pollacco

Peter Paul Barbara

Director - Maritime


Enforcement Unit

Office of the Deputy CEO and

Enforcement Directorate

Chief Operating Officer

Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a

Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a

MARITIME ENFORCEMENT UNIT RECEIVES FIRST THREE RHIBS Tr a n s p o r t M i n i s t e r a t t e n d s o f f i c i a l l a u n c h


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

In its effort to deal with increasing maritime traffic, Transport Malta is in the process of increasing its maritime assets so that it will be in a better position to cope with ever-increasing enforcement, safety, and security demands in our ports and internal waters. In doing so, the Authority has contracted five new RHIBs to enable the Maritime Enforcement Unit to increase its outreach as well as accommodate the 12 new enforcement officers who have recently joined the Unit.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Three of the five RHIBs were

view of the increase of maritime-

just to make sure that regulations

officially launched on the 20th of

related activities, education and

are observed, but also to step

July by the Minister for Transport,

knowledge of regulations for those

up education among users and

Infrastructure and Capital Projects,

making use of the sea has become

promote safety.

Dr.. Ian Borg. The event was also

increasingly important.

The New RHIBs

The event was also addressed

The three RIHBs are equipped with the latest technology and carry an investment of almost €500,000.

by Mr. Joseph Bugeja, who said

The new RHIBs will provide Maritime

that Transport Malta is investing


heavily its own funds to upgrade

additional safety and comfort to


carry out their duties in an improved

attended by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Transport Malta, Mr. Joseph Bugeja, by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Kevin Farrugia, and also by the Director of




Department, Mr. Patrick Pollacco. During his address, Minister Borg said that although the investment being made by Transport Malta shows how much Malta’s maritime sector is a very strong one and is equipped with the latest technology, it also shows how much the Government has at heart the working conditions of employees by continuing to invest in the best equipment possible to improve such conditions, safety, and security at the place of work. He said that in


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly






Sea Trials

The three new rigid hull inflatable boats

assets will enhance the working

The first delivery from the five new

powered by twin outboard Yamaha

experience of its officers and also

RHIBs was the three smaller units

250 HP motors, and are built on a Glass

enable the Unit to carry out and

which are 35ft long. It took place

Reinforced Plastic (GRP) hull ringed

operate in more challenging sea

in the first week of July, where

with high grade Hypalon tubes.

conditions, even at night.

successful sea trials were carried

environment, giving them the ability to stay out at sea longer. The new

are equipped with Cuddy Cabins, are

out. The three RIHBs are equipped

The new vessels were immediately

Currently, the Unit has four assets at

with the latest technology and carry

put to test in a joint exercise with the Air

its disposal and with the new assets

an investment of almost €500,000.

Wing of the Armed Forces of Malta,

the fleet will be increased to 9 boats.

which was carried out successfully.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Why RHIBs?

Compared to standard hard-sided

up on plane. The overall package

boats of the same dimensions, a

design means lighter wright and

The option to go for Rigid Hull

RHIB is generally lighter in weight

less friction with the water, which

Inflatable Boats was mainly due

with a lower centre of gravity, and

results in overall increased speed

to considerations taken over their

such characteristics are ideal for

and less fuel consumption, which

unique handling and performance

a certain and specific usage. The

in turn results in a longer range and

characteristics. These types of

lighter weight and hull design make


boats are, most of the time, the

the boat’s manoeuvrability much

choice of professional mariners,

more agile and responsive to helm

Each inflatable tube sets on its part

especially for law enforcement

input. RHIBs in general have a

and offers lateral stability as well

agencies and maritime special

better “hole-shot” with less time

as a lot of reserve buoyancy, such

operations forces.

and speed/power to get the boat

that even when overloaded with

80 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

unevenly distributed weight, this

impact of the waves on the vessel,

The Maritime Enforcement Unit’s

forces down the tubes to touch

and which consequently also limit


the water which prevents the boat

any submergibility of the vessel.

enforcement vessels is all multi-

from capsizing. It is in difficult or



mission configurable, in order to

bad weather conditions when the

provides the vessel with stability and

include harbour and coastal security

RHIB’s dynamic design and general

agility during high-speed, high-angle

patrols, and is able to perform

performance is truly appreciated

turns, while its overall design makes




boarding operations and transfer

This is apart from the day-to-day

vessels, and this is generally due to

of crew and equipment, as well as

enforcement duties that are the

the flexing actions of the tubes when

rescue operations and recovery,

main task of the Unit.

they hit the wave action of the water,

much easier and without any risk of

which in turn absorb and mitigate the












ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


82 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Throughout the first two weeks of July, a number of sea trials were successfully carried out in the Grand Harbour as well as in the open sea, under supervision of the supplier. Transport Malta also put in place a new pontoon close to its slipway to be able to berth these larger assets and be ready for deployment as soon as any interventions are required.

84 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

sea trials ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Rudolph Muscat Manager – Maritime Enforcement Coordinator Maritime Enforcement Unit

JOINT-RESCUE EXERCISE BETWEEN THE ARMED FORCES OF MALTA AND TRANSPORT MALTA Real Life Scenario testing of communication and co-ordination, team building, and efficiency

86 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

As on similar occasions, this summer another real-life exercise between the Air Wing of the Armed Forces and the Maritime Enforcement Unit of Transport Malta was organised to test real-life scenarios and co-ordination.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The Scena 88 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ario ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


90 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The Scenario

Until the arrival of a helicopter from the AFM Air Wing, ER3 kept

On wednesday 22nd July at around

assisting the casualty in the water to

07:30Hrs, whilst a TM RHIB was

avoid damaging further any existing

out on one of its routine patrols, the

fractures. ER4 also arrived on the

Maritime Control Centre (MCC) of

location to assist further.

Transport Malta in Ħal Lija received a call reporting that a jet ski was

Smoke was used by TM personnel

reported adrift in the South area of

to ease the identification of the

Malta circa 1.5 Nautical miles from

location for the oncoming helicopter.

Delimara Point. Enforcement RHIB 03 was despatched to commence

We received information to be on

a search for the jet ski and assist its

standby as an AFM helicopter was

owner if required.

despatched. At 08:30Hrs the AFM helicopter

arrived on location,

At around 08:00Hrs, the Maritime

made a fly pass to evaluate the

Enforcement Unit’s ER3 arrived on

situation, and communicated with

location and spotted the reported

TM RHIB ER3 via radio. On the

jet ski. When approaching, the

second approach, the helicopter

officers spotted a casualty who was

flew low enough to deploy two

unconscious but facing up with the

rescuers who immediately swam

assistance of the buoyancy aid that

towards the casualty, took over

he was wearing.

from the Transport Malta officer, and continued to administer First Aid.

The co-ordinating officer entered

The casualty was then secured, and



the rescuers used orange smoke

necessary First Aid and confirmed

to signal to the pilot that everything

that the casualty was breathing but

was prepared to winch the casualty

needed urgent medical assistance.

onboard the chopper.




Hence, the AFM control room was contacted to dispatch immediate assistance.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


92 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The casualty was then secured, and the rescuers used orange smoke to signal to the pilot... ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


94 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The exercise was co-ordinated by: Director - Maritime Enforcement – Mr. Patrick Pollacco

Maritime Enforcement Co-ordinator – Mr. Rudolph Muscat

Manager – Maritime EnforcementMr. Jeffrey Bonnici

AFM – Lieutenant Colonel Grech James L

AFM Pilot – Captain Mark Anthony Cassar

Maritime Enforcement RHIB Master – SMEO. Kenneth Spiteri

Casualty – MEO Matthew Vella

Assets deployed for the exercise:

Enforcement RHIB ER3

Enforcement RHIB ER4

Jet ski

AFM- SAR vessel was on standby

AFM Helicopter AW139

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Peter Paul Barbara Director Office of the Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a


96 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

From the Gozo side, both ferries depart from the newly built facilities at the Port of Mġarr, which have also been operated by Transport Malta over the same period that the Lascaris Terminal was being constructed. It is estimated that the new Fast Ferry Service will cut approximately two (2) hours in travel time for Gozitan workers when compared to the Mġarr Ċirkewwa ferry service operated by Gozo Channel when taking into consideration boarding time, the journey itself across the channel, and driving from Ċirkewwa down to

“The launch of the new service and the respective infrastructure is another milestone in promoting current and future...”

Valletta. The route used by the fast ferry service catamarans is different than that taken by the Gozo Channel ferry services, being allotted a route going around the island of Comino, through the Gozo channel, rather than passing in front of it as the Gozo Channel ferries do.

As from the 1st of June of this year,

Projects, Dr. Ian Borg, and Hon.

From data released by Transport

Gozitans and Maltese alike can avail

Minister for Gozo, Clint Camilleri.

Minister, Dr. Ian Borg, it transpired

themselves from a new service to

that from June 1st, that is, since the

commute between Malta and Gozo.

The service is being provided on a

start of the operations, more than

The long-awaited fast ferry service

fixed schedule by two competing

42,000 passengers have made use

between the Valletta Grand Harbour

operators: Gozo Fast Ferry and Virtu

of the new service, with over a total

and the Port of Mġarr in Gozo was

Ferries Gozo. The two companies

of 1,086 trips carried out between the

officially inaugurated by the Hon.

are operating fast catamarans from

Port of Valletta and the Port of Mġarr.

Prime Minister Dr. Robert Abela in

the newly built terminal in Valletta

Valletta at the new fast ferry terminal

which was constructed over one

The launch of the new service

at Barriera Wharf, which was built



and the respective infrastructure

in record time specifically to host

for Transport Malta, which is the

is another milestone in promoting

this service. A similar terminal has

operator of the terminal. In addition,

current and future maritime services

also been built at the Port of Mġarr.

a number of public transport bus

and infrastructure in Malta, especially

The inauguration of the service was

services have been introduced to

since their demise a decade or so

also attended by Hon. Minister for

complement the service, making it

after the end of World War II.

Transport, Infrastructure and Capital

even more accessible to commuters.



ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The Launch of the service

equal manner to the private sector

The Launch was also addressed

so that the latter can compete in an






open market. This is with the aim that

Infrastructure and Capital Projects Dr.


the public is offered new services,

Ian Borg, marking this day as another

approximately €2.5 million in the fast

contributing to the generation of

important day for Malta since with

ferry project to make the introduction

employment as well as towards

the introduction of this new service

of the service possible, which paved

economic growth. The Prime Minister

we will be opening our country

the way for the private sector to also

reiterated that the Government and


invest in the service.

whoever creates employment are

season. He said that this project

partners in the quest to improve the


During the launch of the service, Hon.

quality of life of workers residing both

the Government’s commitment to

Prime Minister Dr. Robert Abela said

in Malta and Gozo. He said that Gozo

efficient and clean mobility.

that the way the Government looked

residents using this service will be

at this project symbolises what the

saving 500 hours over a year, hours

Apart from the fact that this service

Government believes in. He said that

that could be spent with families.

will be improving the connectivity




another another

successful investment

tourism showing

the Government believes that the

between the two islands, this project

State provides opportunities in an

is also marking another step forward

“...marking this day as another important day for Malta...”

98 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

in maritime infrastructure, wherein

from which future generations will

between the two islands for the

the Government sought to take

benefit, with different, efficient, and

benefit of Gozitans, in a bid to assist

opportunities so that it continues

cleaner modes of transport including

them with reducing the burdens that

to offer facilities of the highest level

maritime transport, and last but not

the daily commute brings. Through

through work carried out on the quays,

least, mass transport.

this service, Gozo residents will not

especially that of Barriera Wharf

On his part, Minister for Gozo Hon.

only have reduced travel time but

as well as the two fully accessible

Clint Camilleri said that through the

also more free time on their hands

terminals. Minister Borg concluded

introduction of this new service, the

to spend as they wish, including with

that the Government’s plan is to have

Government is fulfilling its electoral

families and friends.

holistic transport in the long run,





ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


He said that because of this service there are a number of Gozitans who are thinking of relocating back to Gozo, since they can now cross to Malta on a daily basis in less time, adding that this service will also be beneficial for the business and commercial community as the fast ferry will incentivise incoming tourists to visit and spend more time in Gozo.

Testing and comparing the two services For the purpose of this article, T-21 tried out the two services, making the first leg from the Mġarr Terminal to the Valletta Terminal using the Gozo Fast Ferry service on the first morning trip, and returning to the Mġarr Port Terminal on the Virtu Ferries Gozo service. Before giving a user experience of both services, it is to be noted that the respective catamarans do not take vehicles (cars, motorbikes, or scooters


are allowed, as are bicycles}) on board as the Gozo Channel ferry boats do. This means that if one is coming to one of the terminals with a personal vehicle, this has to be left in the vicinity of both terminals or at the Park+Ride facility (in case of Valletta), or else one has to use the new services provided by Malta Public Transport or any other form of transport service available.

100 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

For those coming from Malta,

Tallinja Card applies for both ferry

simple tap through the Tallinja card

another option is to park one’s car

services, that is, Gozo Fast Ferry and

ticket machine at either ferry terminal

at any of the private or public car

Virtu Ferries.

is enough to board, without much

parks in Floriana and take Bus X133

hassle. When purchasing tickets

from the Valletta Bus Terminus. This

One has to note that passengers

via a smartphone in both cases,

free shuttle service will stop at the

arriving at the fast ferry terminal in

passengers can just display their

bus stop ‘Lascaris’ just outside the

Valletta from the Cottonera area in

ticket on their smartphone and have

terminal. On the other hand, if one is

Malta via the current inter-harbour

it scanned on the ticket reader easily.

heading to the Valletta Terminal from

ferry service may be best suited, as

the University of Malta, Mater Dei

the landing ferry site of this service

The Virtu Ferries Gozo service

Hospital, or the Junior College, one

is just few meters away from the


can catch Bus number X300 which

Gozo ferry terminal. This further

purchases, including the purchase

will stop right in front of the terminal

cuts down on travel time, should one

of tickets (although not through a

in Valletta.

opt to use the harbour ferry service

dedicated app) from the Virtu ticket

Alternatively, if one is going straight

rather than the personal car or even

booth at either terminal. The cost

to the city centre (or even to the

public transport.

of the ticket in this case, whether




purchased online or at the terminal,

Valletta Bus Station) one can just

is the same.

“Ideally, one should use the Tallinja card when purchasing tickets as this has its benefits...”




other and

hand, buying

tickets for the Gozo Fast Ferry Service can be done online via a smart phone, or in person at either terminal,



more. It will cost even more if one buys tickets at the terminal at the last minute before the trip, which is a pitfall as far as

walk a few meters (direction Cruise

With respect to passengers coming

overall cost and the sustainability of

Passenger Terminal through the

to Valletta from Gozo, Bus 301 from

the trip from a financial perspective

Lascaris short tunnel) and will be

Victoria stops exactly in front of the

are concerned, especially if one has

able to take the Barrakka Lift.

Mġarr Terminal.

to avail of the service in a frequent

Access to the Barrakka Lift is free for

Booking and Buying Ferry Tickets

manner. those passengers purchasing Ferry tickets through the Tallinja Card and arriving to Valletta from Mġarr, Gozo.

Ideally, one should use the Tallinja

Such free access to the Lift with the

card when purchasing tickets as

purchase of ferry tickets through the

this has its benefits, meaning that a

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 101

Ticket Costs As already indicated above, using a Tallinja Card has its benefits, and this includes discounted prices by both operating companies. Having said that, the current schedule of prices indicate that the Gozo Fast Ferry service is slightly cheaper


than the Virtu Ferry Service. Both

discounted fares for passengers

services allow, for free, bicycles,

who have a Tallinja Card, Gozo Fast

pedelecs or electric-kickscooters

Ferry fares are currently cheaper

on board (Gozo Fast Ferry limits

if you’re an adult when not using

the number of bicycles to nine).

Tallinja Card, with the cost of a




return ticket being €9.99, or €7.99 if using the Tallinja Card.

102 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

It is to note that it is possible to purchase a one-way ticket in any direction when using the Virtu Fast Ferry, however, the Gozo Fast Ferry allows only the purchase of a oneWhen compared, the Virtu Ferry Gozo’s standard price for an adult without a Tallinja Card is higher than Gozo Fast Ferry’s, with the price for a return ticket being €12,00 whereas with a Tallinja Card the price drops down to €7.50, which is cheaper than the Gozo

way tickets. For an adult person residing in Gozo, the price for a return ticket goes down to €4.50 with both Gozo Fast Ferry and with Virtu Ferries, whether one presents a Tallinja Card or not.

Fast Ferry Service.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 103

Gozo Fast Ferry Service

104 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The following is the cost of return tickets as advertised on the Gozo Fast Ferry Service website:

Senior Citizens and Mobility Impaired – €3.99 The fare for Kartanzjan/Maltese

Fare for Kartanzjan/Maltese 60+ Identity Card holders and holders of a Disability Card – €3.99.

60+ Identity Card holders and for

Adult Standard - €9.99

holders of a Disability Card is that of €3.99. Customers can pay with

The fare for anybody 17 and older is

their credit card online, or in cash

that of €9.99 when paying without

or card at the Ticket Booth in the

the Tallinja Card.

terminals. Customers can also pay with their Tallinja Concession Card.

Tallinja Adult Card – €7.99

Visit www.publictransport.com.mt/ concession for more information

The fare for anybody 17 and older

about the Tallinja Concession Card

is that of €7.99 when paying with a

and to register.

Last-Minute Fare At The Ferry Adult Fare – €12. Child Fare (between 4 and 10 years old, both included) – €6. Gozo Resident Fare – €4.50.

Tallinja Adult Card (Green).

Gozo Residents – €4.50 Infants up to 4 years – Free The fare for Gozitan residents is Infants who haven’t yet turned 4

that of €4.50. Gozitan residents

may travel for free. Infants must be

can either pay with their Tallinja

seated on the ferry, and one must

Gozo Card (Purple) or present their

therefore book their seat too.

Identity Card when purchasing a ticket from a Ticket Seller,

Fare for Kartanzjan/Maltese 60+ Identity Card holders and holders of a Disability Card – €3.99.

Book online and from the app

Tallinja Child Card – €3.99. The fare

whether they are paying in cash

for children between 4 and 10 years

or by card. The Identity Card

If one doesn’t have a Tallinja Card, one

old (both included) is that of €3.99

must show residency in Gozo. It is

can still benefit from reduced fares

when paying with a Tallinja Child

recommended that Gozo residents

when booking from the Gozo Fast

Card (Yellow).

obtain their Tallinja Gozo Card for

Ferry Service website, or from the

faster boarding of our ferries.

free Gozo Fast Ferry smartphone app

Tallinja Student Card – €7.99

available on the Apple App Store or

Online And In-App Fares

Google Play Store.

The fare for anybody aged between 11 and 16 (both included) and anyone

The fare for an adult when booking

Adult Fare – €9.99.

online or from the app is that of €9.99,

else who is attending a full-time course with a recognised educational institution for at least three months is that of €7.99 when paying with a

and that for a child is €5.99 (between

Child Fare (between 4 and 10 years old, both included) – €5.99.

4 and 10 years of age).

Tallinja Student Card (Red).

Gozo Resident – €4.50.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 105

Virtu Ferries Gozo

106 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

The following is the cost of the return ticket structure as advertised on the Virtu Ferries Gozo Service website: Adult Standard - €12.00 The fare for anybody 17 and older is that of €12.00 when paying without the Tallinja Card.

Tallinja Adult Card – €7.50 The fare for anybody 17 and older

The fare for children aged between 4 and 10 (both included) using Tallinja Child Card costs €3.99. Children of 4 to 10 years of residing in Gozo – €3.50 The fare for children between 4 and 10 years old (both included) residing in Gozo is €3.50.

Tallinja Student Card

Gozo Residents – €4.50 The fare for Gozitan residents is that of €4.50. Gozitan residents can either pay with their Tallinja Gozo Card (Purple) or present their Identity Card when buying a ticket from a Ticket Seller and paying in cash or with bank card. The Identity Card must show residency in Gozo.

Club Class Service

is that of €7.50 when paying with a Tallinja Adult Card.

Infants up to 3 years – Free Infants who haven’t yet turned 4 may travel for free. Infants must be seated on the ferry, and one must therefore book their seat too.

Children of 4 to 10 years of age – €6.00

The fare for anybody aged between 11 and 16 (both included), and anyone else who is attending a full-time course with a recognised educational institution for at least three months is that of €7.99 when paying with a Tallinja Student Card (Red).

Virtu also offers a VIPClub Class section with an additional charge of €3.00 per person each way. Customers can pay with their credit card online, or in cash or by card at the Ticket Booth in the terminals. Customers can also pay with their Tallinja Concession Card.

Senior Citizens and Mobility Impaired

The fare for children between 4 and 10 years of age (both included) is that of €6.00 when paying without Tallinja Child Card.

Children of 4 to 10 years of age with Tallinja Card – €3.99

The fare for Kartanzjan/ Maltese 60+ Identity Card holders and for holders of a Disability Card is that of €4.00 without the Tallinja Card, whereas if using a Tallinja Card the price for a return ticket is €3.50.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 107

108 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 109

Schedules and Services on both Ferries

Additional Services on Board To allow for more intermodality, both companies allow for users to take their bicycles on board, but there are limitations on the number of bicycles that can be taken on board. Both operators do not charge any additional charges for bicycles although there is a maximum capacity of 9 units per vessel, so this is rather limiting to a group of cyclists of more than nine, if they want to make the trip together.


ferries also include a VIP section.

Gozo Fast Ferry:

They are capable of reaching a top

Both services offer free WiFi service to passengers.

speed of 32 knots. Gozo Fast Ferry has put in service two high-speed passenger crafts


Virtu Ferries Gozo:

on the route between Valletta and Mgarr, Gozo, named ‘Your Faith’ and

On the other hand, Virtu Ferries

Gozo Fast Ferry Service

‘Your Wisdom’. Built recently in 2018,

Gozo is using two older catamarans

Virtu Ferries Gozo Service

they can seat 300 passengers. The

which were previously used on the Malta – Catania – Pozzallo run, and before being deployed to Malta, they were operating in the North Adriatic between Croatia and Venice. The maximum service speed of these catamarans is that of 38 knots. These are the San Franġisk and the San Pawl, both of which can carry up to 330 passengers.

What about User Experience? One can say that both journeys took almost the same time from Mġarr to

110 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Valletta using the Gozo Fast Ferry,

Note from the Editor

as well as from Valletta to Mġarr with the Virtu Ferries Gozo. As far as the experience is concerned, the former was slightly better (both noise and seating), and this can be attributed to the fact that they are newer. However, all-in-all, both trips were

It is to be noted that all information regarding both services was taken from the respective websites of the two operators as well as from questions and answers as supplied until going to print. It is to be noted that prices, conditions, and schedules are subject to change, and one is to check for daily updates on both websites and social media offered by the respective operators before taking a trip.

comfortable. Also, both companies offer refreshments and snacks on board their vessels.

How long did the journey take? The trip from Mġarr to Valletta took place on June 25th, using the Gozo Fast Ferry Catamaran. Arriving late, I had to pay for the surcharge, of which at the time I wasn’t aware, as I had failed to check the operator’s website. Having said that, the trip left at 6.45am sharp and docked at the Valletta terminal at 7.25am. The trip back from Valletta to Mġarr was carried out on the Virtu Ferries Gozo on the 8.15am trip and arrived at Mġarr at 8.58am. In between the trips I walked to the Barrakka Lift, up to the Gardens, and down again a few minutes later. So, one can say that indeed both trips took under 45 minutes to complete, either way. This means that in 2.15hrs, I managed to complete the round trip and spend about 30 minutes in Valletta. We think the result can speak for itself. A very good job well done for both operators.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


112 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Perit Janice Borg

C o l . P e r i t R o b e r t C . Ve l l a

Head Maritime Unit

Project Leader and

Infrastructure Malta

E xe c u t i v e A r c h i t e c t


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 113

In the last years, the Ministry for

Whilst the historical importance of

a detailed review of Melitensia



the quay is not to be neglected, the


Capital Projects was looking at re-

constant changing in port activities

Reference was also made to various

introducing the service of a Fast

and the evolution of maritime

publications and archives. A search

Ferry between the two main islands


was carried out at the archives of

in the Maltese archipelago. After



the Office of Public Works, with

numerous hurdles, this service was

harbour infrastructures. Dredging,

more recent data retrieved from

made possible earlier this year,

realignments, and extensions have

the Planning Authority Archives.

exactly on the 1st of June 2021

been taking place from the very


through a €2.5 million investment.

beginning of harbour use, often

comprises the surviving papers

independently from the evolution

(files, bound volumes, maps, and

Two main locations were chosen in



strategic Port areas – one at Barriera


Wharf in Valletta and the other at





necessitated adjustment

administrative located















formation in 1831 and, in some


cases, the inherited papers of the

Mġarr Harbour. The embarkation

Infrastructure Malta, including quay

bodies whose functions it took over.

areas needed to be as close as

improvement, formation of access

These include functions previously

possible to main nodes of transport.

road, embellishment, and pedestrian

performed by the Directors General

In the case of Valletta, it also needed

management, provides a significant

of Inland Navigation, the Fisheries

to be close to the Barrakka Lift to

variety of support facilities to the


provide easy access to the upper

maritime sector, with potential future

General, and the Civil Buildings

areas of Valletta.




the in

Postmaster the


nineteenth century. Fast-Ferry Terminal – Xatt il-Barriera

The Fast-Ferry Terminal at Xatt il-

off Ta’ Liesse,

Barriera off Ta’ Liesse in Valletta

From data gathered through the

has been identified by Transport

plans/survey sheets, one may note a

Malta as most suitable to provide

substantial change in the topography

an adequate berth for the operation

of the area post-WWII. This because

Designing for the Capital City

of the Fast Ferry service for


is an honour that comes with

passengers between Mġarr, Gozo

reconstruction post-war, including

responsibilities. Responsible design

and Valletta, estimated to take

major infrastructural works carried

is further amplified when the site

just under 45 minutes. This site is

out by the Government of Malta in

is located at Xatt il-Barriera off Ta’

also located next to the Barrakka

the late 1970’s, in particular along the

Liesse, at the Grand Harbour in

Lift, providing an efficient and fast

ring-road around Barriera Wharf. It

Valletta, a UNESCO World Heritage

connection between the waterfront

is pertinent to point out that during



Grand Harbour side of Valletta,

the British period, Valletta also

Harbour Local Plan issued by the

and the heart of the city of Valletta


Malta Environmental and Planning



Authority, the site is designated for


Grand Harbour, Valletta.







Port-related uses and allocated for



several These


construction included


widening of roads and gates such as the Victoria Gate, amongst others.

a Rapid Transit Route in the Long-

Historical and Architectural

On the other hand, Valletta suffered



extensive damage during World




service was another milestone in this direction.

War II, with heavy losses, including To arrive to a meaningful analysis,

114 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

that of the building abutting the Old

Fish Market in Valletta, shown in the

Until the Second World War, the area


photo below.

under review, known as the Marina,

work in the area lost throughout the



was one of the main gateways into

years is Lascaris Garden, better

A photographic record depicting

the island. This was also the landing

known as Ġnien is-Sultan.

economic and social activity at the

place for travellers to Gozo (same

Marina - Valletta

function given recently with the

(Source: Richard Ellis Collection)







introduction of the Fast-

Ferry Terminal at Xatt il-Barriera

Ferry service between

commenced with archaeological

Malta and Gozo). The old


fish market (demolished

investigations, together with trial pits

in the 1970s) and its

consented by the Superintendence





of Cultural Heritage. Investigations

one of the main hubs

were undertaken in accordance






into Valletta via Strada




Superintendence’s and




Heritage Act. Following clearance

through the 16th century

of site, works progressed steadily,

Porta del Monte or Marina

with typical military precision, within

Gate, later replaced by





Galizia’s Victoria Gate (1884-85) to

timeframes, and in conformity with

improve transit to and from the city.





ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 115

imposed by the Environment &

to the underlying bedrock. Apart

Resources Authority. Works were

from maritime works, attention

complete on time, within eight (8)

was also given to providing a safe

calendar weeks, for the inauguration

passageway to the Barrakka lift.

ceremony on the 1st of June 2021

This work included the restoration

and subsequent operation of high-

of the Ta’ Liesse tunnel and road re-

speed passenger ferries linking Xatt

surfacing works.

il-Barriera off Ta’ Liesse, in the Grand Harbour in Valletta to Mġarr, Gozo.

Located deep within the tunnel, beneath Valletta’s bastions, we

Fast-Ferry Terminal – Mġarr

came across a rock-cut passage

Harbour, Mġarr

which is thought to be a World War II air raid shelter. Currently,





the possibility of opening said

Mġarr is of a smaller scale than

shelter for public viewing is being

the one in Valletta however it still


serves its purpose. Attention was

the road works, we uncovered a

given to cater for the needs of the

buried rock-cut tunnel. Under the

passengers in terms of the facilities

guidance of the Superintendence

provided. Finding a location proved

of Cultural Heritage, a new access

more difficult in this case, since the

to this tunnel was formed for future

Mġarr harbour is much smaller than

archaeological studies.




the Valletta one and that is full of activity.

In Mġarr, the ground conditions proved challenging in their own

The Construction Process

right. Bedrock is located at very deep levels and thus a system

Maritime projects differ in nature to

of piles embedded at a depth of

land based ones. At both sites, we

circa 22m into clay was opted for.

had an existing quay that needed

Apart from this, the quay face was

to be amended to cater for new

heavily deteriorated and extensive

vessels. Both solutions included the

underwater repair works had to be

use of piles to provide a foundation

carried out.

for the overlying structures and also to strengthen the existing

It is to note that at both sites







unearthed under the direction of In Valletta, the major challenge

the Superintendence of Cultural

was the retention of the overlying

Heritage, and these were eventually

road, and this was achieved by the

handed over to Heritage Malta. The

construction of a retaining wall

latest use of such cannons was that

resting on piles diverting loads

of bollards for ships’ mooring. lines.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Drone Images and Construction Site Images provided by Infrastructure Malta.

118 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 119

120 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Of the two cannons removed from Mġarr, one dates back to the period of the Knights, while the other is a very rare 9-pounder Rifle Muzzle Loader (pdrRML). Its rarity is because most similar examples, both locally and internationally, were scrapped throughout the years. Such a cannon was originally put into use by the Royal Artillery back in 1871. This project was immediately embraced by Maltese and Gozitans, and is expected to further enhance multiple economic niches, especially to cruise liner visitors at Valletta Cruise Port, who will now have the possibility to visit Gozo during their short stay in Malta. The service will also have a significant social impact, substantially reducing travel time for commuters, leading more people to make Gozo their home.

Results reveal that the aggregation procedure to obtain the overall economic, social, and environmental benefits from this project, have been achieved.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 121


122 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 123

The newly introduced Valletta – Mġarr Fast Ferry Service has presented to commuters from both islands a newly and a much-needed multimodal experience, including the promotion of the last-mile concept using various intermodal transport services in and around port areas. In part, this has been the culmination of a policy that TM was working on for quite some time, which continued to be developed by the SMITHs concept. Intermodality, and indeed the need for one to use less of his or her private car couldn’t be explained or demonstrated better with the introduction of the Malta – Gozo Fast ferry service, which brings commuters straight to the heart of the Capital City with so much ease and without using a personal private car.


esidents living in and around Valletta, around the Port of Marsamxett and the Cottonera who wish to go to Gozo (or vice versa) for work or pleasure are best suited with this connection. Commuters already using

the Cottonera – Valletta and the indeed the Sliema – Marsamxett inter-harbour ferry service can literally be in Gozo in around an hour, depending on which area one is coming from. Hence, this service is nothing short of a game changer as far as accessibility between the two islands is concerned; it is another milestone in the promotion of internal maritime transport services and infrastructure, and augers well for any future similar services and facilities.

Peter Paul Barbara Director

On the other hand, people travelling from Mġarr, Gozo to Valletta

Office of the Deputy CEO

can also go to Cottonera in nearly the same amount of time as one

and Chief Operating Officer

would go to Valletta through the Barrakka Lift, which is literally a

Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a

few meters away from the Lascaris Fast Ferry Terminal.

124 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

have introduced a number of new services to complement the new fast ferry service. The following are the new services:

Route 300 – between Lascaris and University/ Mater Dei, every 30 minutes. Lascaris to Mater Dei – First trip starts at 06:40 and last trip ends at 16:57 (weekdays); First trip starts at 07:10 and last trip ends at 18:57 (weekends). Mater Dei to Lascaris - First trip starts at 07:15 and last trip ends at 19:28 (weekdays); First trip starts at 07:15 and last trip ends at 19:28 (weekend). The reason for this route is to facilitate




patients, and hospital visitors from the Fast Ferries and back.

It takes 10 minutes from the terminal to

ferry terminal in Valletta. Another

Barrakka Gardens. On the other hand,

option is to park one’s car in other

if one needs to go to Sliema, they can

car parking facilities in Floriana and

either take a pedelec, a shuttle bus, or

take Bus X133 from the Valletta Bus

even walk to the other side of Valletta

Terminus. This free shuttle service

and take the inter-harbour ferry

will stop at the bus stop ‘Lascaris’

service to Sliema or go to the Valletta

just outside the terminal.

Lascaris to Valletta - First trip starts at 06:05 and last trip ends at 22:05 (for both weekdays and weekends). Valletta to Lascaris - First trip starts

Bus Terminus and go by bus, or even share a car or take a cab.

Route X133 – (shuttle route) between Lascaris and Valletta, every 30 minutes.

Improved Bus Connections

at 06:20 and last trip ends at

between the Hubs

21:50 (for both weekdays and weekends).

For commuters using their personal vehicles, a shuttle bus service has

To complement the fast ferry

also been incorporated to give

service, a number of public bus

The reason for this route is because

people the flexibility to park their car



it facilitates onward travel by bus to

in the Floriana Park+Ride facility and

introduced to make accessibility

any locality from the Valletta Bus

use the service to travel to the fast

easier. Transport Malta and MPT




ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 125

126 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Route TD30 – between Xlendi and Mġarr, every 30 minutes.

Route 301 – between Mġarr and Victoria, approximately every 30-45 minutes.

First trip starts from Xlendi at 09:45

Victoria to Mġarr - First trip starts

and last trip ends in Mġarr at 19:07

from Victoria at 05:30 and last trip

(weekdays); First trip starts from

ends in Mġarr at 23:11 (Monday

Xlendi at 09:45 and last trip ends in

to Saturday); First trip starts from

Mġarr at 19:07 (weekends).

Victoria at 05:30 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 23:11 (Sunday).

First trip starts from Mġarr at 10:08 and last trip ends in Xlendi at 19:34

Mġarr to Victoria - First trip starts

(weekdays), First trip starts from

from Mġarr at 05:55 and last trip

Mġarr at 10:08 and last trip ends in

ends in Victoria at 23:32 (Monday

Mġarr at 20:04 (weekends).

to Saturday); First trip starts from

Mġarr at 05:55 and last trip ends in

Route TD31 - between Marsalforn and Mġarr, every 30 minutes, First trip starts from Marsalforn at 09:47 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 21:07 (weekdays); First trip starts from Marsalforn at 09:75 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 20:37 (weekends). First trip starts from Mġarr at 10:08 and last trip ends in Marsalforn at 21:02 (weekdays); First trip starts from Mġarr at 10:08 and last trip ends in Marsalforn at 21:02 (weekends).

Victoria at 23:32 (Sunday).

Route 322 - between Mġarr and Marsalforn, approximately every 30 minutes. Marsalforn to Mġarr - First trip starts from Marsalforn at 05:10 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 22:07 (Monday to Saturday); First trip starts from Marsalforn at 05:10 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 22:06 (Sunday). Mġarr to Marsalforn - First trip starts from Mġarr at 05:55 and last trip ends in Marsalforn at 22:52 (Monday

Route to MCAST Paola

to Saturday); First trip starts from Mġarr at 05:55 and last trip ends in

In September of this year, a new

Marsalforn at 22:52 (Sunday).

route between Lascaris and MCAST Paola will be introduced. This route is designed to help Gozitan Students who need to travel to this Institution. These new routes complement the already existing routes departing from Mġarr Harbour in Gozo.

Route 323 - between Mġarr and Victoria, approximately every 60 minutes. Victoria to Mġarr - First trip starts from Victoria at 05:20 and last trip ends in Mġarr at 22:34 (Monday to

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 127

128 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Saturday); First trip starts from

Hill, the War Memorial, and down

Victoria at 05:20 and last trip ends

Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir.

in Mġarr at 22:34 (Sunday). According to surveys, the total Mġarr to Victoria - First trip starts


from Mġarr at 05:45 and last trip

travelled by ferry in 2019 amounted

ends in Victoria at 22:58 (Monday

to 1,484,173.




to Saturday); First trip starts from Mġarr at 05:45 and last trip ends in

To add to the intermodal services in

Victoria at 22:58 (Sunday).

and around the Ferry Landing Sites (which now have become fully

Connecting Valletta’s

fletched local transport hubs) one

Harbours by bus

will find the Barrakka Lift, electric pedelec services (various stations

A free bus service will be available

operated by different operators

for all users of the ferry service and

can be found nearly in walking

will also be free of charge.

distances of the ferry landing sites, including Sliema), car sharing

Regarding the route, the bus will be

services, electric scooter sharing,

passing through Triq San Mark, Old

as well as electric-kickscooter

Bakery Street, Triq San Bastjan,


St. Elmo Place, Triq il-Mediterran, Quarry Wharf, and Lascaris Wharf. The journey from Lascaris to Marsamxett will be from Crucifix

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 129

Maria Gove Senior Manager GIS Unit


130 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Technology is at the forefront of the optimisation of our workflows, as it increases efficiency, collaboration, and ease of use in innovative ways. This is centric to Transport Malta, as the GIS Unit is looking at digitising the current processes to centralise into approachable solutions.

deployed as to streamline their tasks

communication on the immediate

at work. Our primary objective was

action whilst events were still

to provide a user-friendly solution to

unfolding on the field.

facilitate the tasks at work. This time, the Maritime Enforcement Officers

Linking to the centralised database

were more than willing to embrace

of the GIS Platform, the Maritime

this challenge and this technology,

Control Room now can visualise

and found the app easy to use as it


made their work more efficient.

other spatial datasets related to




Maritime Enforcement. In addition to Equipped with a tablet, Officials

capturing the real-time information

may capture the current situation

and visualising this data, staff can

of Slipways and Quays whilst pre-

also perform their queries where

One of the Maritime Enforcement

empting any maintenance required

immediate critical action is required

Unit’s responsibilities is assessing

in real-time. Data capture has never

and prioritise them accordingly.

the Slipways and Quays around

been done so fast, accurately, and

Malta and Gozo. This entails visiting

easily in their line of work.

By streamlining the inspection

every Slipway and Quay, checking





Signs, checking Line Markings,

With just a few hours of training,

information captured in a timely,

and recording the Slipway or

the Maritime Enforcement Officers

accessible, and accurate manner,

Quay’s condition. Any maintenance

immediately embraced this solution.

staff may have the information

required is determined by this

Whilst real-time information on

captured on each site inspected at

assessment, with this operation

slipways and quays was captured

their fingertips.

being done on a continual basis.

directly from the field, officers at the Maritime Control Room were immediately accessing this data.

Maritime Enforcement Officers was

The end result provided an efficient


A recent implementation to help our

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 131

132 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Peter Paul Barbara Director Office of the Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a

REMEMBERING BLOOD DONOR DAY Give blood and keep the world beating

Like every other past 14th June, Malta, together with the rest of the world, celebrated the World Blood Donor Day. This day serves to raise awareness of the need that people donate blood, for safe blood and blood products, and to thank voluntary blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Indeed, blood does save lives. To commemorate this day, on Sunday 13th June, President of Malta Dr. George Vella, in a statement published in a press statement, urged people to donate blood.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 133

World D

134 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

d Blood Donor Day

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 135

In Malta, the commemoration of World Blood Donor Day 2021, took place by lighting up a number of structures, buildings, and monuments with red light. The three Presidential palaces​ were also lit up for the occasion. Similarly, a number of transportrelated infrastructures, the office of the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, as well as Transport Malta offices were also lit up in red.

The scope of lighting these buildings in red was:

to publicly thank and show appreciation to the thousands of blood donors who give blood on a voluntary and nonremunerated basis. Thanks to them, the National Health Services in Malta and Gozo continued without interruption, even during the pandemic. If this was not the case, patients would have suffered or come to a point of losing their life;

136 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

to encourage existing donors to continue giving blood on a regular basis; and to create more awareness about the constant need for blood donations and encourage healthy people, particularly the youths, to come forward and start giving blood. This year’s slogan, “Give blood and keep the world beating​“, highlights the contribution of blood donors to keeping the world pulsating by saving lives.

In his press statement, President Dr.

appreciate more than ever those

“On the day dedicated to blood

George Vella said that “even though

thousands of donors who, despite

donors, I must mention and thank

we have been and are still going

this scenario of turmoil and fear, have

the staff of the National Blood

through a pandemic that has affected

not failed to visit the blood donation

Transfusion Service, who work in

the whole world, the need for blood

centres in Malta and Gozo.”

this department, for the invaluable

and its products has not stopped.”

work they do every day.” He said that Malta has always had a for

good number of donors. “This shows

This past year has not been easy

recognising the good that comes

the big heart of our people who

for anyone, he said. Like the rest

from this gesture and the example

in cases of health and illness are

of their fellow front liners, these

of altruism that is giving to others, he

always ready to help where needed.”

workers offered their services so





acknowledged that the COVID-19

that part of the population could be

virus has brought with it a sense of

He said that blood donation is a

vaccinated against COVID-19 at the

fear as its spread has accelerated

testament to solidarity at the national

Gwardamanġa Centre.

due to the new variants that have

level, and that it sets us apart from

emerged also in our country and

other countries.

despite this, “this year we must

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 137

Gilbert Agius Deputy Chief Officer L a n d Tr a n s p o r t Directorate



he Land Transport Directorate within the Authority for Transport in Malta is the regulatory body responsible for the registration and licensing,

garaging, scrapping, and ultimately monitoring of all registered vehicles in Malta, and through this role it is committed to ensure that their owners comply to all the related regulations. These regulations pertain mostly to the timely renewal of road licence and insurance policies, the official garaging or de-registering (scrapping) of all plated and officially-in-use vehicles, and finally the collection of any licence arrears upon such transactions.

138 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 139

Sometimes, circumstances arise

contraventions - fees are due on the

wherein owners are either unable to

vehicle, all licence arrears to date

follow up the timely payment of their

will be waived, but if a vehicle has

licence, or simply fail to follow the

contraventions - fees, the owner

correct procedure when they have

must pay all licence arrears till such

processing fee for vehicles with

either garaged or scrapped their


8 years and more of licence

vehicles - this may be the result of a number of different factors, however, in any of these situations, Transport

Application Form VEH 44;

Registration Certificate

€20.00 regularisation

arrears (always subject to no contraventions being due); •

€125.00 regularisation processing fee;

The requirements for this option are:

Malta is duly bound to collect arrears in order to close off such processes

€10.00 Administration fee for the deregistration process;

in the interest of both its clients and provisions of law.





the vehicle has been unofficially

Registration Plates; and

than an authorised treatment

Sworn Statement/Affidavit


transaction is to have the registered owner fill in the relevant application

signed by a Notary confirming

form and submit it together with

that the vehicle was scrapped

the logbook, number plates, road

and not been used on the road

disc licence (if still valid), and any

since the last licence expiry

other documentation that might be

date/contravention date.

required. •

In cases where the vehicle

The Licence Arrears Regularisation

was sold to a third party, a

Scheme caters for all the above – it is

declaration may be provided by

specifically intended for owners that

filling in application from VEH

wish to rectify their position, giving


them the viable means to do so both financially and through a simplified

and guided process.

If the Registration Certificate or Registration Plates are lost/ misplaced/stolen, the vehicle

Let’s explore the various options which are available under this scheme:

owner will have to fill in and sign Declaration Form VEH 39.

Owners who have disposed of their

Owners intending to scrap a vehicle

vehicles by scrapping or intending to

must call at an authorised treatment

scrap them but have never informed

destruction facility, where such



vehicle will be officially scrapped in

certificate and registration plates to

a documented manner and issued

Transport Malta may regularise their

with a Certificate of Destruction.



position by having the administration fines applicable, that of €2 per day or €10 per month, waived. If no

€150.00 Administration fee if

(logbook); When it comes to both garaging and scrapping, the cardinal rule

Fees which will be due when scrapping in accordance with the scheme are:

140 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

disposed of in a place other facility; and

€8.00 administration fee for declaration (if applicable).

Below you may find the only approved Authorised Destruction Facilities: Tar-Robba Recycling Centre Ltd.

Fredu Auto Parts

Gasparell Baling Plant Ltd.

Limits of Ħal Kirkop

Plot 6&7, Triq in-Nassab, Ħal Qormi

Ħal Far Ind. Estate, B’Buġa

Tel. No.: 21683558, 21685332, 99457162

Tel. No.: 27492222, 99490220

Tel. No.: 21651475, 99495236

email: freduautoparts@melita.com

email: gasparell.b@gmail.com

ELA Ltd.

Auto Check Ltd.


31, Wied Għammieq Road, Kalkara

19/20, Triq l-Inġinerija ma’

Level -2, Garage 18

Tel. No.: 21896023, 99495035, 99477294

Triq l-Iskola Teknika, Mrieħel, Birkirkara

Bartmik Industrial Zone,

email: ela@onvol.net

Tel. No.: 21444441, 79444441

email: johnghigo53@gmail.com

Triq Sqaq il-Mitħna, Qrendi Tel. No.: 79333194

email: repairs@met.com.mt

email: mangizurrieq@gmail.com

Jac Steel Ltd.

Trihills Heavy Industries Ltd.

Roc-A-Go Services Ltd.,

Industrial Estate, Triq Giuseppe Garibaldi, Marsa, MRS 2591

Triq tal-Barrani, Ħal Għaxaq, GXQ 9020

Triq tal-Barrani, Żejtun, ZTN 9023

Tel. No.: 79664749

Tel. No.: 79493314

Email: sales@jacsteel.com

Email: info@trihills.com accounts@ trihills.com

Tel. No.: 21697766 e-mail: rocagoltd@gmail.com

Individuals who have or had garaged a vehicle and not yet approached Transport Malta to effect the official transaction but intend to keep it that way may regularise their position and benefit from a reduction of fifty per cent (50%) of all the arrears in circulation licence fees due, and all administration fines of €2 per day or €10 per month will be waived till date of garaging. If no contraventions - fees are present, the owner will only have to pay 50% of all licence arrears to date, but if a vehicle has contraventions - fees the owner must pay all licence arrears till such date.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The requirements for this option are: •

Application form VEH 44;

Registration Certificate (logbook) and Registration

circulation licence fees; •

Sworn Statement/Affidavit

Vehicles that avail themselves from this garaging scheme and under this arrangement

that the vehicle was garaged

will have to be garaged for a

and not been used on the road

Valid Insurance Policy;

Valid VRT (Vehicle Roadworthiness Test, if due or applicable); and

Application form VEH 44.

Fees which will be due for scrapping in accordance with

minimum of 3 months.

since the last licence expiry

€8.00 Administration fee for

The requirements for this option are to provide:

the Declaration (if applicable).

signed by a Notary confirming


€10.00 Administration fee for the garaging process; and

Plates; and •

50% of arrears in the annual

If the Registration Certificate of Registration Plates are lost/ misplaced/stolen, the vehicle owner will have to fill in and sign Declaration Form VEH 39.

Fees which will be due for scrapping in accordance with the scheme are:

Also, individuals who have licence in arrears and related

the scheme are: •

Processing Fee;

administrative penalties and intend to keep using their vehicle on the road may

in annual circulation licence, whilst benefitting from having all administration fines (in this

All arrears in the annual circulation licence fees; and

regularise their position by paying all of the present arrears

€125.00 Regularisation

All Contraventions and CVA fees which are to be collected before the licence is renewed.

case again €2 per day or €10 •

€125.00 Regularisation Processing Fee;

per month) waived till the date of licensing.

All the above schemes may be applied for by calling at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Unit offices

142 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

in either Paola or Ħal Lija between

in any other such institution might

Is it also important to note that

Monday and Friday from 07.30

appoint/authorise a third party to

owners who are in possession of



apply on their behalf. Then, the fee

vehicles that have been officially


of €125 will be waived subject to the


submission of a medical certificate.

cannot sell (not even for parts),





the the

Payments can be made by cheque (payable to Transport Malta) or in the




dismantle, or scrap their vehicle

case where it exceeds the amount

Owners that have an unlicensed


of €1,500, by either bank draft or

vehicle to their name will be

Authority. Administrative fines shall

card. All forms may be downloaded



be applicable for those who sell,















dismantle, or scrap their vehicle - in

their name, unless and until all

order for a vehicle to be scrapped

other pending fees of their other

it must be taken to an authorised

It is also important to note that cases



destruction facility before being

might be different and specific, and

disposed of, garaged, or relicensed

officially scrapped by Transport

that there will be instances where a


Malta. Owners who have garaged



transaction may not be effected due

their vehicle in the past years are

to some restrictions imposed on the

Vehicles which have been scrapped

receiving a letter to confirm that their


by a deceased owner whose heir/s

vehicle is still garaged and has not

denunciate to the will have the

been sold or scrapped.

If a vehicle has been unofficially

processing fee of €125.00 waived


subject to confirmation by a Notary.






November 2013, a fee of €150.00 is

For further information, one may contact Transport Malta by sending

applicable and must be paid to the

Penalty points apply and will be

an email to arrears.tm@transport.


imposed on an owner’s driving

gov.mt or by calling 8007 2393, or

licence if any of their vehicles are

alternatively by visiting the Driving

Owners who are unable to call in

caught on the road without either a

& Vehicle Licensing Unit offices in

person due to the fact that they might

renewed or affixed paid road licence

Paola, Ħal Lija or Gozo, between

be living or confined in an elderly


Monday and Friday from 07:30 until

home, hospital, health asylum, or


ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 143

Gilbert Agius Deputy Chief Officer L a n d Tr a n s p o r t Directorate

Driver & Vehicle Licensing Unit and the New Driving Licence Cards The Driver and Vehicle Licensing

Apart from the obvious visual

and will remain valid until the next

Unit within the Land Transport

changes, the new format introduced

renewal date, therefore having the

Directorate is the unit responsible

a set of new security features

new format gradually replace the

for issuing driving licences, driving

which further help the prevention of

existing one in due course.

licence renewals, exchanges, and

falsification of this document, and

all transactions which require the

make it make very highly unlikely

Below you may find in detail all

processing and generation of a photo

to be reproduced by unauthorised

visual and security features:

card licence. Thus, this unit also

third parties.

takes care of the physical ordering of these documents, their processing,

The idea of combining all these

delivery, and finally the national

features is to make the document

distribution of such to the public.

difficult to emulate, reproduce, or visually replicate as much as possible

Last year, the Maltese driving licence photo cards underwent a muchneeded and long overdue facelift which helped strengthen all of its basic security features.

- security features are mostly effective when present in a variety and as a whole on the document, as singular ones might not enhance the overall desired security level. Having one sole entity (or company in the case of an authorised body) capable of reproducing all of the mentioned features in a one-shop-stop way is extremely difficult, thus particularly

Other documents issued by the

safe and false-proof.

DVLU which required an important makeover





The DVLU ultimately finalised and

tachograph cards; a tachograph

launched these new card formats in

is a device that records the driving

August 2020; those driving licences


in the previous format have remained

distances covered. The drivers of

144 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly





such vehicles are provided with a card that captures the data of their professional journeys and overall




Government, under one of its subsidiary national companies, was again reappointed to provide these cards in a new and better format, and to keep ensuring the upholding of such standards as required by the local community. Here is how the new format of the tachograph driver cards looks like:

The Driving & Vehicle Licensing Unit is committed to continue pursuing such improvements, whether these are legally required or whether the need arises, or simply in order to keep on enhancing the quality of its security levels in all aspects of its operations, for the benefit of both the institutions and the general public.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 145

New Vehicles Regist The Road Overtake Second-Hand Vehic Second Quarter Of 28% increase in Electric vehicle registrations

The purchase of Electric Vehicles in the second quarter of this year have increased substantially when compared to the previous quarter. Increases of 28.2 per cent, 21.6 per cent, and 12.7 per cent were registered in the Electric, Hybrid (Electric/Diesel), and Hybrid (Electric/Petrol) motor vehicles respectively. These figures were published by the National Statistics Office in July of this year. The same figures also show that during the same period, there was also an increase in the purchase and registration of new vehicles, which surpassed the importation and registration of second-hand vehicles. The data released shows that during the same period, a total of 3,489 new vehicles (first registration) were added to our national vehicle fleet, whereas a total of 2,398 imported second-hand vehicles were registered over the same period.

146 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

tered On Imported cles In The 2021.

Peter Paul Barbara Director Office of the Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a

Taking into account the number of vehicles taken off the road over the same period (7,824 due to various reasons including restrictions, scrapping, put for re-sale, and garaging), the number of licensed vehicles on our roads increased by 3,902 over the previous quarter to reach the amount of 408,205. The classification of the current national fleet is as follows: 59,9% petrol, 38.3% diesel, and just 2% electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 147

148 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Pierre Montebello Chief Officer L a n d Tr a n s p o r t D i r e c t o r a t e



o date, there are about thirteen thousand (13,000) vehicles on the

Maltese Islands that are classified as vintage vehicles, of which around 9,500 (or 74%) are passenger vehicles, around 2,500 (or 20%) are motorcycles, and the rest range from goods carrying vehicles to caravans, private coaches, tractor units, and special purpose vehicles.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 149





by means of the Motor Vehicles

members, all of whom possess the

Registration and Licensing Act (Cap. 368), while the Registration

are interchangeable.

necessary technical competence. A The Committee’s functions are:




and Licensing of Motor Vehicles






technical characteristics of the to determine whether a vehicle

main components have changed

the administrative requirements for

should be classified as a vintage

in the previous 30 years unless the

the registration and licensing of such

vehicle or not;

changes fall into specific categories.

Regulations (S.L. 368.02) lay down

vehicles. • Definitions








vintage vehicle is fifty years or

other changes should be avoided.

older. This is because vintage

As an example, roof-racks and tow-

But what is a ‘vintage vehicle’ and

vehicles which are older than

hooks are not normally allowed,

how may a vehicle be classified as

fifty years are exempt from the

as these indicate that the car is

such? There is a set of criteria and

payment of registration tax

possibly being used for commercial

guidelines, which will be described

when they are registered for the

purposes. The exception here is

in further detail below.

first time in Malta; and

military vehicles.

to calculate the registration

The body should also reflect the

value of any such vehicle for

period in which the vehicle was

the purpose of calculating the

manufactured in. As an example, the

registration tax payable on

metallic blue colour is not allowed

such vehicle, if applicable.

on a 1920s Morris. The interior must

A “vintage vehicle” is defined as an authentic and genuine vehicle with an age of thirty years or more (to be reckoned from the date of manufacture), as certified by the vintage vehicle classification committee. Such vehicles must be kept in a state which is as close as possible to their original state as produced by the manufacturer, and which respects the spirit of classic and vintage vehicle preservation.

look as close to standard as possible Eligibility criteria for the

and no customisation, such as

classification of Vintage Vehicles

bucket seats, dark tinted windows, and holes in the dashboard for new

As defined, all genuine vintage

instrumentation, except for minor

vehicles of at least 30 years of age

reversible fittings, are allowable.

from their year of manufacture may become eligible for classic status

The following are considered

according to set of criteria. The

acceptable (not substantial)

vehicle must be kept as close as

changes if they fall into these

possible to the original state, kept

specific categories:

clean, in a good state of repair, and in a condition similar to the period of


changes that are made to preserve a vehicle, which in all cases must be when original

This cut-off date is established

type parts are no longer

by the Laws of Malta and may be

reasonably available;

subject to change. On the other hand, the “vintage

changes of a type, that can be

vehicle classification committee”

For the purpose of this concession,

demonstrated to have been

(VVCC) is a committee appointed



made when vehicles of the type

by the Authority comprising of

Vintage, Veteran, and Period are

were in production or in general

a chairperson and a number of

understood to mean the same and


150 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



in respect of axles and running gear,




improve efficiency, safety, or environmental


and •





vehicles, changes which can be demonstrated that were being made when they were used commercially. The engine must also be of the same

Escort Mexico

These can then be sent to:

series as fitted by the manufacturer. Upgrades and engine modifications


are accepted as long as they reflect

applicable to motorcycles as well.





the period. If the engine fitted to the

Transport Malta Land Transport Directorate A3 Towers

applicant vehicle was never fitted

How may one apply to have a

Triq l-Arkata

by the factory or factory-approved

vehicle classified as a Vintage

Paola PLA 1212

third party, this is an automatic


failure point.

The following requirements apply: The process is easy and relatively

Wheels too have to reflect the

straightforward; just print and fill in

For motor vehicles which are

period: modern alloys and low-

the relevant forms, which can be

already registered in Malta:

profile tyres are not allowed.

found on Transport Malta’s website on the following link:

Application form VEH 15;

by many: a Ford Escort Mark I


8 photographs, of a minimum

1100cc converted to look exactly


size of 5 x 7 inches (13 x 18 cm);

like an RS1600 or a Ford Escort



Mexico (with the related engines) is


allowable and perfectly acceptable


An example that may be understood

Payment of an administrative fee of €50.

Escort 1100 For motor vehicles which have been imported but have not yet been registered in Malta: (Second hand imported vehicles shall be inspected prior to certification as vintage vehicles)

Application form VEH 15 and application form VEH 15A;

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


Application form VEH 05 when

A document attesting the date


a vehicle is imported from a

of the vehicle’s first arrival in


non-EU Country;

Malta, together with the fiscal


receipt, bearing the same date,

inspection fee.


Transport fee






8 photographs of a minimum

issued in terms of the Value

size of 5 x 7 inches (13 x 18

Added Tax Act specifying the

Persons wishing to import a vintage

cm) - refer to section G of the

foreign registration number of

vehicle also need to complete forms

application form for further

the vehicle, both of which are

VEH 01, VEH 02, and VEH 03. It


to be issued by the shipping

is important to note that after the

organisation which transported

vehicle has been certified by the

the vehicle to Malta;

VVCC, it will need to be valued for the



certificate appropriate,


and an




purposes of first registration. Once •

Invoice issued by the seller to

again, the process is quite simple, and

Maltese translation of it, issued

a buyer listing the vehicle or

the officials nominated by Transport

by the competent authority of

vehicles supplied and stating

Malta to carry out valuations will

the country from where the

the sum of money due or paid,

contact the applicant to arrange a

vehicle has been imported or

and the chassis number of the

mutually convenient appointment for

brought into Malta;

said vehicle or vehicles; and

viewing of the vehicle in question.

152 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

In accordance with the regulations,

(a) the invoice value, or

owners of vintage vehicles, which (b) the average market value of

bear a black registration plate with

identical, equivalent, or similar

silver characters, are exempt from

motor vehicles on the international

paying the annual circulation fee,

market when the invoice value is

which starts at €117 for cars with

deemed by the committee to be

small engine capacities. Instead,

unreasonably low.

they pay just €8 Administrative fee.

Use of Vintage Vehicles


Vintage vehicles may be used solely

The Authorityhas also published

and exclusively for private use:

a set of policy guidelines for the classification of vintage vehicles

Registration Value The VVCC shall determine the

Provided that vintage vehicles may

and motorcycles, which guidelines

occasionally be used for purposes

initially came into effect as from

other than private use in one-off and

the 3rd of August 2015. It was the

exceptional activities and occasions

first time that Malta had formally

for which no vehicle other than a

established a set of guidelines to

vintage vehicle may be used; and

classify these vehicles.

Provided further that in order for

These guidelines will help car

vintage vehicles to be used for any

owners to classify a vintage vehicle,

purpose other than private use

and whilst the guidelines make

in such one-off and exceptional

complete sense to genuine classic



enthusiasts, they may indeed be

prior written authorisation of the

seen as overly strict by those are

Authority shall be obtained, which

merely after a cheap road licence.

authorisation shall be given or

Vehicle owners wishing to have their

withheld in the Authority’s absolute

vehicle classified as vintage are



encouraged to visit this link below


registration value of any

“The Annual circulation imported vehicle fee that has not VVCC shall as yet been determine the A vehicle registered in registration value which is Malta and c l a s s i f i e d of any imported is still to be as a vintage classified vehicle that has vehicle by as vintage not as yet been the Vintage vehicle. The registered in V e h i c l e registration Classification value of any Malta...” such vehicle for the purpose of calculating the registration tax shall be based on:-

and read the guidelines. https://www.transport.gov.mt/ Land-registering-and-licensing-amotor-vehicle-POL19.pdf-f951 How is the Vintage Vehicle Scheme enforced? Unfortunately, it is a fact that there are a number of owners who are completely uninterested in classic

Committee shall be

vehicles, with their main aim simply

exempt from the payment

being the heavily reduced road

of a circulation licence fee.

circulation fee.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 153

The Authority is often times alerted to the presence of a significant number of cars on the road with black plates that look anything but vintage in preservation. Rusty body parts and flaky paint abound, as well as poor interiors and unauthorised modifications like tow bars, alloy wheels, and iron bull bars. Yet, the official eligibility criteria are very strict and even presenting a dirty car would be enough to have the application for ‘vintage’ registration rejected.

154 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Photos (apart from Escorts) provided by the FMVA (Federazzjoni Maltija Vetturi Antiki)

Transport Malta’s policy guidelines clearly state that the scheme applies to genuine vehicles of at least 30 years of age kept

“in a state which is as close as possible to its original state as produced by the manufacturer and which respects the spirit of classic and vintage vehicle preservation”.

In an effort to further reduce abuse, a Budget 2021 measure came into place that stated that a vintage vehicle that has travelled a distance of three thousand kilometres (3,000 km) and over on the odometer in one year from its last licence renewal, or has, over a period of two years, travelled an average distance of three thousand kilometres (3,000 km) per year, shall, upon its licence renewal, be subject to the payment of the full road licence fee for that year or years in addition to the administrative fee of €8. Special thanks go to the FMVA (Federazzjoni Maltija Vetturi Antiki - http://www.fmvamalta.org/) for their continuous support and for supplying numerous photos for this writeup, and the VVCC (Vintage Vehicle Classification Committee).

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 155

P i e r r e Ve l l a E xe c u t i v e C h a i r m a n Malta Road Safety Council

EMBRACE LIFE 2021 – A PROJECT TO PROTECT LIVES Driving a car, motorbike, or

must constantly stay alert when we

even a bicycle is something

are driving, refrain from consuming

which most of us experience.

any alcohol, medicine, drugs, or even drive when fatigued, as these

It is an integral part of our life

elements all contribute to the

to utilise different means of

possibility of an accident.

transport, make a journey, to or from work, for leisure or

The Malta Road Safety Council, now in its sixth year since its inception,

even as part of daily work. It is

has since June embarked on an

something taken for granted,

ambitious project in conjunction

however we need means of





Club Malta and Malta Red Cross.

transportation to go from one

Project Embrace Life is offering first

place to another, some might

aid courses to drivers who have

even use public transport but there is always some form of transport on our roads. For most of us, this is part of our daily routine, but do we

just passed their driving test and obtained their driving licence. The project is also being supported by Transport Malta. Passing the driving examination gives everyone a sense of relief,

ever consider what could go

libertarian status, and pride in being

wrong during our journeys?

part of the automobile community

But what would be the situation if

However, parents of young driving

on our route we encounter a road

licence holders might start to get

accident or we are involved in a

worried now that their children are

road accident ourselves? The story

not being picked up anymore and will

would be completely different. We

be returning home on their own or

which is increasing dramatically.

156 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

“The Malta Road Safety Council, now in its sixth year since its inception, has since June embarked on an ambitious project...”

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 157

only safe infrastructure, but also of user behaviour. As the number of cars on Maltese Roads increases daily, we must continue to work for a collective understanding of safe and responsible behaviour on our roads. It is a known fact that the time between an accident and the arrival of emergency services is crucial. One can lose or win a life. We believe that the result and achievement of these courses will be a step closer to having an environment and a society where you and I can save a life”, said Minister Ian Borg. On his part, Mr. Joseph Bugeja, Chairman and CEO of Transport with friends. Next step will be getting

from offering opportunities to young

Malta said that “Project Embrace

a car or a bike and the story will

people to increase their skills in

Life 2021 brings together various

unfold, hopefully, one of satisfaction

first aid, is to continue tackling the

stakeholders working towards one

and joy.

subject of road safety, one of the

ambition – being safer on our roads.

Government’s top priorities, and

As the authority responsible for the

This story will unfold over the years

continue working to reduce the

issuing of driving licences, it is also

and will take quite a while to come to

number of accidents on our roads.

our responsibility to make sure that

its end, bringing along a rollercoaster

Dr. Borg applauded the work being

these drivers, once on the road,

experience; wishing everyone a safe

done to address the issue of road

keep in mind the concept of safety.


safety and the dedication shown by

First Aid is a vital element towards

entities who deal with road safety on

making people more conscious of

Project Embrace Life 2021 will

a daily basis, particularly Transport

being safe, especially on our roads”.

be giving that opportunity to look

Malta and the Malta Road Safety

The project has been a dedicated

forward to this new experience with

Council, which organise various

exercise by Malta Road Safety

a safer attitude, experience what

educational activities throughout

Council member Philippe Agius

first aid is all about, and how this

the year.

representing Touring Club Malta,

can be another asset towards being safer on our roads.

together with the council’s Executive “Road safety in our country remains

Chairman Pierre Vella. Touring Club

one of the highest priorities for

Malta has been affiliated with the


this Government. When we launch

Federation de l’ Automobile (FIA),

inaugurated by the Hon. Minister for

or announce a project which falls

for a considerable number of years,

Transport, Infrastructure and Capital

under the parameters of road

and recently the FIA has also been

Projects, Dr. Ian Borg on the 20th of

infrastructure, the first question

allocating financial grants to support

May of this year, planned to coincide

we address, and our starting point

club initiatives.

with the 6th United Nations Global

is always the level of safety to be

Week for Road Safety. While praising

offered to road users. We are also


the initiative, Dr. Borg explained how

aware of the fact that road safety is

accepted by the FIA and hence will

the aim of the Government, apart

a two-way stream, a product of not

be supporting the project financially,




158 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




including the courses being offered.

maltaredcross.com, or by sending

the ability to be innovative, and more

We have been honoured by FIA

a private message to the Malta Red

importantly, is being acknowledged

President and UN Special Envoy for

Cross Facebook page.

both locally and abroad.

time to send us a video message

The places will be allocated on a

We would like to encourage all new

congratulating us on this project

first come first serve basis. The

drivers to apply for these first aid

and stressing the importance of

project will continue for a total of

courses. We hope that once this

road safety. For sure, having such

four months ending in September,

project is concluded we will be proud

acknowledgement from such a

by which time, 200 free courses

to say that we have taken another

distinguished personality endorses

will be given. Each month, the same

initiative towards road safety, in

our efforts, not just ours, but also

system will be adopted with regard

hopes that we will continue to build

efforts by the Malta motoring

to selection. There is an obligation

on it with yet another future project.

community, to do even better and

for all those who opt to attend to

move forward towards Vision ZERO.

participate for the online course.

How will it work?

When we consider the amount of

Road Safety, Jean Todt, in finding

people who obtain their driving Every month, commencing from

licence, this is just a drop in the

June and until September of this

ocean, however, the most important

year, a total of 50 first aid courses

thing is that we have a project on

will be offered for free by Malta Red

our hands, and we must take the

Cross. If one had passed the driving

opportunity to benefit from it and

test during the month of June,

make it work. Once more, the Malta

that person could have applied

Road Safety Council has set up a

by sending an email to courses@

common synergy and has shown

Being Safe on our roads is our obligation, and we should all be careful and attentive when using the road, whether we are drivers, passengers, or pedestrians.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 159

160 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

L u d w i g Xu e r e b Manager – Projects Unit Strategy and Corporate Services Directorate

EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK 2021 EDITION LAUNCHED The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK (EMW) campaign seeks to promote clean and sustainable urban mobility. The campaign is headed by the European Commission and is celebrated across all EU Member States, on the week starting on the 16th of September and culminating on the 22nd of September, which is World Car-Free Day. Activities and measures to be implemented as part of the 2021 campaign are intended to encourage and promote sustainable mobility through healthy lifestyle actions. In addition, the 2021 campaign seeks to motivate all former and future participants to join the 20th Year of EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK under this year’s slogan ‘Move Sustainably. Stay Healthy.’ / Gawdi Saħħtek bi Vjaġġar Sostenibbli.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 161

While the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK is held between the 16th and 22nd of September of every year, other major EU initiatives also form an integral part of the European annual program cycle, including the EU Green Week, the EU Sustainable Energy Week,

16-22 SEPTEMBER 2021 Move Sustainably. Stay Healthy.

the European Research & Innovation Days, the European Year of Rail, the European Week of Sport, the related HealthyLifestyle4All campaign, as well as the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing. More







MOBILITYACTIONS may be found on the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK website and on the respective social media channels. Theme for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2021 Each




Commission selects a theme which helps to further emphasise the sustainable transport actions to be promoted in European towns and cities during that specific year. This year’s theme is:

‘Safe and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility’ / Saħħa u Sigurtà Permezz ta’ Mobilità Sostenibbli As indicated in this year’s EMW thematic guidelines, the choice of this year’s theme pays tribute

162 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


to the hardships felt by Europe

Infrastructure and Capital Projects,

and the world throughout the

launched two annual competitions as

COVID-19 pandemic. It also reflects

it had done in past editions, namely:

on the opportunities for change resulting from this unprecedented

Competition for Permanent


Sustainable Mobility Measures





and urban administrations have established creative and resilient

For this competition, all Local

responses to the pandemic. This

Councils are eligible to participate,



and they are encouraged to submit

celebrates the resilience of cities and

proposals to implement a permanent

their achievements, while seeking

measure or service.





Trends that began last year,

In total, four (4) grants will be awarded this year. The winning measure will be awarded with a grant of €50,000 while the 1st runnerup will be awarded with a grant of €30,000. The 2nd and 3rd runners-up will be awarded €25,000 each.

such as increased active mobility and the use of low or zeroemission mobility, require further promotion. EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK at our National and Local Level Without exception, this year, Transport Malta has launched its activities and initiatives to celebrate the EMW and its respective




campaign, something that it has been




doing since taking ownership of it

the past EMW editions include

back in 2014.

E-Bike sharing initiatives, Smart Parking Systems, Sustainable Urban

At the










Mobility Plans (SUMPs), transport


on-demand services, pedestrianised


areas, purchase of electric vehicles

experimenting with practical and


for the provision of community

innovative solutions. It also gives

services, as well as the launch of

localities the chance to explore the

mobile apps to promote sustainable

role of their respective streets and

urban mobility.

to look at, and possibly implement, sustainable



to tackle issues related to urban

Competition for Small Events and Activities

mobility challenges. For




In order to assist Local Councils with

Councils and Non-Governmental

being part of this EU-wide campaign,

Organisations (under the patronage

Transport Malta, in conjunction

of Local Councils) are invited to

with the Ministry for Transport,

submit proposals for the organisation

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 163



The budget that is usually allocated

activities between the 16th and 22nd



for the Annual National Bike ride

September 2021. The respective

shall instead be used to fund

grants vary between €1,500 and

additional grants for the Permanent

€2,500 depending on the categories.

Sustainable Measures Competition. This shall give an added chance to

The small activities and events

Local Councils to participate and

organised by the Local Councils

implement measures that will be

typically include Car-Free Days,

beneficial throughout the years.

information seminars, surveys, and competitions related to sustainable

During the summer period, Transport

urban mobility.

Malta officials also deliver a series of online awareness workshops to






SkolaSajf primary school children.

Transport Malta took over the


organisation of the EMW from

sustainable mobility, walking, cycling,

the Ministry of the Environment,

road safety, electromobility, micro-

approximately 20 different localities

mobility, as well as accessibility.

have benefitted from the various grants offered as part of the abovementioned competitions. This year, the Competitions were officially launched on the 17th of June 2021, and further information on these competitions can be found on the Transport Malta website as per the hereunder link: https://www.transport.gov.mt/ news/europeanmobilityweek-2021competitions-4742

Other EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK initiatives carried out by Transport Malta As part of the EMW calendar of events, Transport Malta usually organises its Annual National Bike Ride,




not held last year and shall not be organised again this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

164 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly




As part of this campaign, Transport Malta also collaborates with Nature Trust Malta through sponsorship grants as part of the EkoSkola programme.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 165

The bridge between Transport Malta and the public: The Marketing Unit The Marketing Team Despite being one

infographics, the aim of this road

The Marketing Unit is responsible for

of the smallest units

etiquette campaign is to educate

all other campaigns and promotional

users of Maltese roads on the

material that is launched by the

within the Office of

different methods of transportation.

Authority, always ensuring that every

the Chairman & CEO,

Be it walking, riding a horse, cycling, or

single message is of the highest

driving a car, everyone must share the

possible standard. These campaigns,

same roads and show consideration


towards other road users.

Measures campaign and Safety at

Transport Malta’s Marketing Unit strives





Sea campaign, aim to inform the

to bring forward

community in Malta about the new

innovative and original

changes and initiatives regarding

ideas to educate and

other transport-related matters.

transport, transport safety, and any

inform the general This unit has also coordinated

public as well as its


employees about any


appearances on





programmes. The magazine show

ongoing matters.

Illum ma’ Steph hosted the Chief #MaltaSuqBilGalbu has also been

Officer of the Land Transport

extended to the VMSs found in

Directorate, Mr. Pierre Montebello.



These biweekly guest appearances

was introduced in the first week of

Triq Garibaldi. With the help of

helped familiarise the audience with

January 2021, with two infographics

these VMSs scattered around the

elements related to land transport

being published on the Transport

island, drivers and pedestrians are

and enabled viewers to associate



constantly reminded of the etiquette

the name and face with a particular

every Tuesday and Thursday. With

that must be observed when one is

subject. The television show Prime

brief messages and eye-catching

on the road.

Time also hosted monthly a number









166 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly







coming from its diverse sectors, who gave an insight into their fulfilling careers. The




Aviation within Transport Malta

questions for interview were drafted by this unit. Topics that the public may have been unfamiliar with were noted and explored in detail, in the weekly

Maritime and Land Enforcement

twenty-minute episodes. It was of outmost importance for us that any

programme, It-Trasport: Art, Ajru u Baħar, filmed on our premises in Ħal

discussions were held in the most

Horses on the road

approachable and comprehensible

Lija, has given an insight into the work related to air, land, and sea transport. Aired over the course of thirteen weeks, different representatives from distinct sections and subsections of the Authority spoke about the behindthe-scenes work they do, which the

manner, to indirectly answer any

Licensing and transferring of vehicles

questions that members of the general public inevitably have.

The Ports and Yachting Directorate

public may not necessarily be familiar with. Guest appearances by females were imperative, in spite of the fact

The Nautical Licence

that the transport industry is known to be male dominated. Some of the

In preparation for the aforementioned

topics that were discussed during this

television show, subjects of general

television programme are the following:






ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 167

Besides its involvement with the


media, the Marketing Unit also

the addition of colour has given it a

coordinates the compilation and

higher-end look and feel.

publication of Transport Malta’s Annual Report. This year, the Annual Report, has seen an upgrade in its layout and look. More photographs were added into the report, to help visualise the work that is being done in the Authority and to make it more approachable and accessible to a wider audience. In previous years, this report was printed on a relatively

The Marketing Unit continuously strives to educate and familiarise the society in Malta with the segments of the transport sector...”

168 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



Apart from the interaction with the community in Malta, interaction within the Authority is necessary for the smooth-sailing cooperation between all the employees. Internal communication




importance for the Authority, and this is maintained via the weekly newsletter that is issued by the

Marketing Unit, which is titled Keeping You Posted. A summary of the events that take place in the previous week is collected and




electronically to all of the employees of Transport Malta. It is vital that the employees of the Authority are aware of and familiar with important news and the work that is underway.

The Marketing Unit continuously strives to educate and familiarise the society in Malta with the segments of the transport sector that may be a little bit obscure. The young team aims to come up with fresh new ideas to implement a more respectful attitude between pedestrians and road users on vehicles, whilst maintaining the high standard that should be observed by an Authority which plays such a crucial role on the Maltese Islands.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 169

Peter Paul Barbara Director Office of the Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer Tr a n s p o r t M a l t a


170 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly


The Professional Divers Schools Association, PDSA, together with the involvement of the Malta Tourism Authority and the related contractor, scuttled a disused Armed Forces of Malta patrol boat, the P-33, off Żonqor Point in Marsascala. The scuttling of the boat will now be used as a wreck for recreational scuba divers. The P-33 now lies between two other wrecks found in the same area.

As part of the process, various Regulating Authorities, namely the Planning Authority, the Environmental Resources Authority and Transport Malta





the required permits and related conditions issued accordingly. The Patrol boat P-33 was a Bremse class vessel built between 1971 and 1972 in East Germany. The boat measures 23 meters in length, with a beam of 5 meters and 7 meters in height including its mast The Government of Malta had purchased the P-33 in 1992 together with her sister boat P-32 and two Kondor class patrol boats P-30 and P-31. The vessels, which previously served in East Germany’s Navy were bought by Malta when many East German vessels were sold cheaply after German reunification.

172 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 173

The P-33 served as a patrol boat in the Maritime Squadron of the Armed Forces of Malta until it was decommissioned in 2005. The P-33 was scuttled on Saturday morning, the 31st July 2021 by the




Association of Malta, Gozo and


Comino in collaboration with the

the operation with the Harbour

Malta Tourism Authority.

Masters Launch and two Maritime




Enforcement Unit RHIBs to ensure compliance with the Notice to Mariners issued. The Civil Protection Department were present to provide the necessary assistance in line with their remit, together with the Armed Forces of Malta who were present to pay their respects in line with maritime tradition.

174 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 175


​Over the last few months, Transport Malta intervened on 26 vessels that have no use in Grand Harbour and that were taking up precious space which otherwise could be utilised better. This action is being carried out so that the potential of the Grand Harbour could be utilised in the best way possible. Up until now, with the help of Transport Malta’s intervention, 11 vessels have been removed completely, while action is being taken so that more vessels will be removed.

176 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Present for the press conference were also the Chief Executive Officer Addressing a press conference

& Chairman of Transport

held on the 29th of July, Minister for

Malta, Mr. Joseph Bugeja,

Transport and Infrastructure, Dr. Ian

Chief Officer & Harbour

Borg, said that this is a process which

Master within the Ports

the Government had promised to start fulfilling last January, and it is

and Yachting Directorate

now showing results. Dr. Borg said

Captain David Bugeja,

that “the works being carried out

and Deputy Chief Officer

by Transport Malta are also very

& Deputy Harbour Master

important because they are assisting Infrastructure Malta to continue with

within the Ports and

dredging work in the Grand Harbour,

Yachting Directorate

as part of the Shore to Ship project”.

Captain Fritz Farrugia, who

Minister Borg said that this is the beginning of a massive undertaking,

is coordinating this work.

by which, in the near future, the Maltese




able to launch its vision for the regeneration of the Grand Harbour, which has strong potential in terms of its geographic position and aesthetic beauty, making it one of the most beautiful ports in the world.

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 177

178 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly



t was the height of the Second World

The RN Diana (a despatch vessel)

were switched on. However, nothing

War, exactly on July 26th 1941, when

which left the Port of August at dusk

at sea was spotted as the boat

the Italian Navy tried to penetrate

and was leading the flotilla of about




15 crafts, was carrying amongst

The Grand Harbour breakwater



other assets, nine MTBs, a hoisted

A few seconds later, an explosion

was the main target of an attack by

MT, an MTL in tow, and two MAS.

blew up the breakwater viaduct,

Italian motor torpedo boats of the

one span of which collapsed. At the

Decima Flottiglia Mezzi d’Assalto

The plan was that the MTL was to

same time the searchlights were

(MAS), the 10th Assault Vehicle

proceed immediately to the edge

illuminated and the coastal defence

Flotilla, a commando frogmen unit of

of Dragut Point where it had to

batteries nearby opened fire. For

the Regia Marina (Italian Royal Navy).

disembark its two SLCs. The first

the next few minutes, the illuminated

SLC had to proceed to attack the St.

area just off the harbour entrance

Being the 80th Anniversary of this

Elmo viaduct, which was scheduled

was crisscrossed by tracer bullets

failed attack during the war, we

to take place at 4:30am on July


sought to give it a mention in this

26th. The second SLC was to attack

weapon that was available.

month’s edition of T-21. According

submarines in Marsamxett Harbour

to British records however, since

and possibly the submarine base at

Many of the Italian vessels were hit

the attack was made on the night

Manoel Island.

and blew up and after a few minutes

between the 25th and the 26th, the




the firing ceased as there appeared

latter dates the attack to be on the

It just so happened, however, that

to be nothing left to fire upon. The

25th of July as the official date.

RN Diana was detected by the low-

attack had been utterly broken.

level coverage radar in Ħad-Dingli

About 15 boats were destroyed, and

The objective of the attack was

and later, the full operation was

three captured. One MAS and an

to remove any blockage under

followed by the radar stations in

MT were captured and towed in, and

the viaduct on the St. Elmo side

Madliena and in Tas-Silġ, giving the

another SLC was found partly under


water and partly damaged.


Maltese coastal defence batteries,

part of the steel net which hung



manned mainly by Maltese soldiers,

across the viaduct to make way

the opportunity to wait for their

for motor torpedo boats (MTBs)


or motoscafi da turismo (MTs), to attack and destroy naval units in the

At 1:30am, a motorboat was heard

Grand Harbour and also damage

closing in on the Grand Harbour,

submarines in Marsamxett.

and the searchlight systems (DELs)

ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 179

c. DOI - Omar Camilleri

180 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

M A LTA A I R B 7 3 7- 8 2 0 0

Gamechanger makes its first landing at the Malta International Airport ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 181

c. DOI - Omar Camilleri

Malta Air’s first Boeing B737-8200 – Gamechanger, in the all-Maltese Flag livery, made its first touchdown at the Malta International Airport on the 27th of July at 14:00. With an investment of €100 million, this aircraft will be the sixth one in the Malta Air aircraft fleet. A ministerial press release stated that the number of aircrafts in the fleet is expected to increase in the future.

182 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

Minister Borg said that

“it is of great satisfaction to see the Ryanair group choosing the Malta Aviation Registry – 9H to continue with the expansion of its fleet; Another certificate showing how much the Maltese Aviation Registry is a serious one and is being respected by the big operators working within the Aviation Industry”.

Transport its



commitment and

dedication so that the company would be part of the Maltese Registry 9H. He said that he looks forward to Malta Air’s fleet expansion in the years to come, as well as the expansion on the 57 direct flights that Ryanair Group has with Malta.

Minister Borg said that the aircraft that arrived today carries 4% more

Director General of the Civil Aviation

passengers for this airline and since

Directorate within Transport Malta,

Addressing a press conference

this aircraft is equipped with the

Captain Charles Pace, on his part said

to commemorate this occasion,

latest technology and fuel efficiency,

that this day marks a very important

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure

it would be reducing emissions in the


and Capital Projects, Dr. Ian Borg,

air by 16% whilst also reducing noise

Registry continues to grow. Captain

recalled a previous press conference

pollution by 40%.

Pace said that over the coming

held two years ago together with




weeks and months, Transport Malta

Transport Malta and the Ryan Air



will be in a position to announce more

Group, when the new colours of

conference, Chief Executive Officer

international airlines which will be

Malta Air were presented for the first

of Malta Air, Mr. David O’Brien, said

forming part of the 9H Registry, so

time and now, two years later, “we

that Malta Air is honoured that it is

that it would retain its position as one

are going to see these colours

flying the Maltese Flag and thanked

of the registries showing growth in

flying across Europe”.

the Civil Aviation Directorate within




ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly 183

c. DOI - Omar Camilleri

Malta Air’s Boeing B7 184 ISSUE 03 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly

first 737-8200

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