Disaster Preparedness Tips for Landlords

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Disaster Preparedness Tips for Landlords | Peter Bubel | Reading Real Estate



Disaster Preparedness Tips for Landlords by Peter Bubel | Mar 19, 2020 | Peter Bubel, Peter's Blog, Property Management, Real Estate

Most landlords and property managers are prepared for leaky roofs and holes in the wall. Unfortunately, there are bigger dangers out there that you need to worry about. While a natural disaster is uncommon, it can still happen. This is why landlords should always be prepared: Start Before, Not After Many will make the mistake of preparing for a disaster after it happens. However, they often regret not being more prepared before it happened. This is why it is so important to start early. As soon as you own the property, have a disaster preparedness plan put into place. This way, there will be no regrets when disaster strikes. peterbubelpropertymanagement.com/disaster-preparedness-tips-for-landlords/


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